The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 57: Other Stuffed To Oblivion!

It was closing in on twelve pm when Kenzi exited the kitchen with another tray of fresh baked cookies. They never made the display case when a customer wanted them boxed up immediately.

“Maggie, have you heared from Mayor Winston aboud the cakes for The Sweetheart Feztisval?” Kenzi asked, she was starting to get worried. If she didn’t hear soon how many cakes she was going to need to make, then there wouldn’t be any cake and people would be disappointed.

“No, I haven’t,” Maggie replied with a deep sigh. Kenzi nodded and began to chew her bottom lip. Maybe she should just start making the cakes or get everything set up to make them. She headed back to the kitchen to continue what she was doing.

“Why ain’t the Mayor tell her yet?” Tyler asked as he came to the front.

“Because he wants her to fail” Maggie replied, “He’s still making her pay for pushing his son into the lake on his inauguration day eleven years ago.” She added, shaking her head. Before anymore could be said the bell above the bakery door chimed and in walked the man they were just talking about.

“The fuck the shmutz in the ugly suit?” Tyler asked,

“That would be Mayor Winston” Maggie replied trying to bite back her laughter

“He waddle like a fuckin penguin” Tyler commented stepping away from the counter that did have Maggie chuckling.

“Good afternoon Mayor Winston” Maggie greeted when he approached the counter. She forced a smile on her face that an ameture could tell was fake.

“Good afternoon Maggie” The Mayor replied, he was awfully cheery today. He held a wry smile on his face and a glint in his eye. If Tyler had hackles they would be up right now. This guy was fifty shades of wrong.

“How many cakes is she going to need this time?” Maggie asked cutting right to it.

“Oh, I think 5000 should cover it” The Mayor replied, his smile turning sick and sinister. Tyler’s eyes widened as he looked to the kitchen then back to the sadistic man standing in front of him. Bal howled with anger in his head. Fuck that noise! You tellin me! Sister need us!

“You fuckin kiddin me?” Tyler snapped at him. Mayor Winston turned to face the raspy drawl that spoke to him. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of Tyler standing there for the first time.

“That lil girl need 5000 cake an you jus tellin her now? You fuckin stupid?” Tyler barked at him.

“Mayor Winston, this is Tyler Monroe.” Maggie introduced them then stood back a bit with her own sly smile on her face. This was going to be entertaining for her to watch. She has seen Tyler chew several people out for their behaviour in the bakery. But since she found out who Tyler was and what he does in the pack, his behaviour became understandable. With Adonis’s words ringing in her ears Delta protects Luna she was interested to see what he was going to say to The Mayor.

The Mayor stood there for a minute dumbfounded by what Tyler had just said to him.

“Excuse me?” Mayor Winston replied when he finally found his voice. Who was this man to speak to him like that?

“You hear me. You fuckin stupid? The fuck that lil girl gonna make 5000 cake in less than twenty four hours? When you know her need that many?” The more Tyler thought about this the angrier it was making him.

“Well it took….”

“The fuck it did! When you know?” Tyler snapped again, cutting him off.

“I don’t answer to you” He replied instead,

“That what I thought. I don’t like you, so you ain’t gonna like me. That lil girl ain’t makin 5000 cake cause yur stupid ass couldn’t tell her at a better time. Her gonna make the amount of cake her gonna make an that gonna be fine.” The more Tyler spoke the bigger he seemed to get. He was fighting Bal in his head who wanted to tear The Mayor to pieces for putting his sister through this much shit.

“You ain’t gonna make her feel bad, cause you a dumbass. Yur gonna thank her for the hard work her put into makin the cake her able to an next time yur gonna tell her in advance or the stupid fuckin festival ain’t gettin cake” Tyler had raised his voice to fight the growl Bal tried to emit. The Mayor opened his mouth to say something, but when he saw Tyler curl his top lip back he thought better of it.

“That will be fine” Was all he said.

“You fuckin right that fine. Fuckin big stupid, the fuck you Mayor anyway? Thought you leas had to be fuckin smart?” Tyler huffed.

“Mayor Winston, how are you today?” Kenzi had just come out of the kitchen to restock some of the bread supply when she saw him standing at the counter talking to Maggie and Tyler.

“I’m fine Kenzi,” he replied, though he never took his eyes off Tyler who went from seething and frothing at the mouth, to sedate and calm with a polite smile.

“Do you know how many cakes are needed for the feztisval yet?” She asked,

“I guess as many as you can get done will suffice this year. Though a lot of people won’t be able to participate” The Mayor replied,

“The fuck fault that?” Tyler fired at him, immediately shooting down any attempt he could make to burden her with guilt. “Her know ahead of time they would”

“There was a discrepancy with the numbers….”

“Bullshit! Fuckin weasel!” Tyler cut him off, again. He would not allow the weasel man to shift the blame or excuse his deplorable behaviour. Kenzi looked between the two men. She had no idea what was going on. The Mayor looked utterly uncomfortable and though Tyler was smiling at the sound of her voice she didn’t think he was very happy. Maybe he’s jus hungry! She thought.

“Next time we’ll get you the amount needed ahead of time” Mayor Winston assured her.

“That would make it so much easier. Tyler I has samples in the back for you to try” Kenzi replied, then headed back to the kitchen. Tyler nodded with a smile on his face but waited till he saw the kitchen door swing shut behind her, before he turned back to face The Mayor. The smile off his face, he now carried a look of unadulterated loathing. The mayor would be six feet under if looks could kill. He would be six feet under in pieces if Tyler and Bal got their way.

“Pull a stunt like that again wit her an you won’t like what happen to you. You don’t thank that lil girl at the festival tomorrow. I’ma hunt you down, break yur arms off an beat you wit em. Have a good day Mr. Mayor,” Tyler turned on his heel and followed Kenzi into the kitchen. He was hungry, grumpy, and there were samples calling his name.

“Interesting help, you have hired Maggie” Mayor Winston quipped at her when Tyler disappeared into the kitchen.

“We didn’t hire him, he’s a friend of Mr. Bradshaw’s. You remember him, Kenzi’s neighbour and friend. Well Tyler decided he didn’t like the bullshit Kenzi has been dealing with and has been helping take care of it” Maggie replied, her smile getting bigger. The look of disgust fell from his face at the mention of Adonis’s name.


“Has made some very powerful friends” Maggie finished for him, smiling brighter. “Have a good day Mayor Winston”

“I don’t think they saw us comin” Jackson commented as they headed back into Blackwoods just after five that evening.

“They seemed pretty sure it was going to work out in their favour” Elijah had to agree.

“Not sure who more shock, Alpha Malone or Alpha Walter” Jackson added,

“I’m going to go with Alpha Walter. I don’t think he anticipated losing his head today,” Elijah remarked. “I warned Alpha Malone that these negotiations might take a sideways turn when I spoke to him earlier”

“Yeah, negotiatin” Jackson laughed,

“Well, can’t say he wasn’t warned” Elijah commented.

“Yeah, back down or die. Some fuckin warnin” Jackson laughed harder from the front passenger seat. Adonis had sat in the back listening to his Beta and Gamma go over the events of the negotiations. Things might not have taken that sideways of a turn if he hadn’t heard from Tyler over what The Mayor wanted from his mate. 5000 cakes. That fucking moron needs to lose his head as well! Odin was still angry over the thought of his mate having to work that hard. He had messaged her later in the day, but she never replied to him. So he messaged Tyler, she was busy in the back either baking for the bakery or preparing for the cakes she had to make for the festival. Tyler was getting concerned she hadn’t taken a break yet. She was too busy to take a break, but had assured him on several occasions that she would. When he messaged again at quarter to three, she still hadn’t taken a break and was looking exhausted. He tried to get her to sit down but as soon as he stepped out of the kitchen to help Maggie in the front she was back working.

They were now headed to the bakery to pick up his little mate and take her home. Any means necessary! Odin huffed, he didn’t like this at all. She promised us kissy time! She’ll keep her promise! How do you know? It would be bad juju not too! Pulling into the parking lot of the bakery he stepped out of the back of the SUV and strolled through the front door.

“Her still workin” Tyler huffed,

“Not for long, hello Maggie,” he said as he continued towards the kitchen. They both stared after the swinging door, heard a bit of a commotion, something clattering to the ground then he came back out with a wiggling Kenzi over his shoulder.

“No, no, no, no. you can’t Kenzinap me, there’s cake….and cookies….and….and….and….” SMACK!

OW!” She yelped covering her bottom.

“Time to go home!” He proclaimed.

“But….but….but….there’s cake,” she protested, still wiggling to get off his shoulder. “Maggie….Maggie tell him there’s cake. Tell him he can’t Kenzinap me if there’s cake”

“Bye Kenzi!” Maggie called after her, laughing as she waved.

“Tyler!” SMACK!OW!

“Stop wiggling,” Adonis said,

“Bye Kenzi!” He too waved, and then headed back into the kitchen to start cleaning up.

“But….but….but….” She persisted, looking towards Samantha and Tiffany, but soon gave up when they just smiled and shook their heads at her. No one was going to help her. No one was going to make him put her down.

Adonis stepped out of the bakery with Kenzi still thrown over his shoulder and headed back to the SUV. He could see not only Jackson but Elijah fighting to control their laughter as his little mate hung from his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“Hey Kenzi, how’s it goin?” Jackson called from the front seat when Adonis placed her in the back .

“I’ve been Kenzinapp-ed….again” She claimed, “There’s cake!”

“I don’t see cake” Jackson arched his brow at her.

“I has to make cakes for the feztisval tomorrow, and it’s still in the ovens. I has lots of cakes to make, and….and….and I’ve been Kenzinapp-ed.” She repeated, scowling at Adonis.

“Did you take a break today?” Adonis asked her. The scowl washed from her face to be replaced with a guilty one.

“Tyler made me sit down” She replied,

“Did you take a break today?” He repeated his question

“I has lots of cakes to make. How are people pose to buy cake for the feztisval if there is no cake to buy?” She asked him.

“That is not answering my question. In fact, that is avoiding my question.” He said to her, Elijah pulled out of the parking lot continuing to hide his laughter at the conversation going on in the back seat.

“No!” She replied,

“Then no more cake making today” He told her and sat back in the seat. Her mouth dropped open as she looked at the three men in the SUV. One of them had to help her, but no one was saying anything.


“No!” He shook his head for emphasis,


“No!” Again he shook his head,

“You can’t do that!” She exclaimed,

“I just did!” He fired back,

“No, you can’t. I’m the baker” Kenzi pointed at herself as she stared at him wide eyed.

“And now you’re grounded.” Her mouth dropped wider when he said that.

“You can’t do that….He can’t do that….can he? Can he ground me?” She turned to Jackson in the front seat. Apples can do that?

“He jus did,” Jackson replied. “Sorry Lil Kenzi Cakes, you gonna burn yurself out. I agree wit Adon, you grounded.” She looked towards Elijah who just shook his head.

“I thou-ght we liked me,” she said to him.

“I do like you Kenzi. But you look exhausted. You’re pushing yourself too hard. You still have tomorrow to make more cakes” Elijah replied.

Seeing no other option, she slumped back into the seat. Her bottom lip jutted out a touch and it took everything in him not to nip it.

“Sweetheart, Elijah and Jackson are right, you look tired and you’re going to burn yourself out. You need to take it easy. If you don’t, you’re not going to enjoy yourself in Ontario if you’re too busy sleeping through it.” Adonis wrapped his arms around her and lifted her into his lap. She looked up at him with big innocent eyes. He was right, she knew he was right but she didn’t want to let everyone down either. He started running his hand up and down her back. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Releasing soft growls in her ear and she snuggled deep into his chest. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Melting into his embrace, she felt herself beginning to drift. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Sleep pulling her under. Only for a minute! She thought. Jus a minute!

Kenzi woke in her bed snuggled into a thick warm bodied wall. Her fingers were splayed across the taut fabric that covered his chest. She could feel the rippling of muscle underneath. Her body pressed against the hard, tight, slab of his abdomen. He was immensely large, dominating and incredibly male. His scent was strong and masculine, earthy and powerful. It drew her closer to him. Biting her bottom lip she stole a peek at him. His eyes were closed and his breath was even. A few stray strands of hair covered his forehead, but he appeared to be sleeping. Watching him closely she gently traced the outline of one pectoral with a light feathery touch. When he didn’t stir, a wave of delight coursed through her and she did it again a little more firm, to get a better feel. Her mind swirling with thought after thought. What do they really feel like? Are they smooth like they look? Hard as they look? She pressed her hand into them and a little giggle slipped past her lips. Yup, def-fin-it-ely hard! Is his skin soft? She’s seen his naked chest, she’s had it pressed against her and they have done stuff but she has never dared to actually touch, touch him before. Her curiosity at the feel of him was getting the better of her and she couldn’t help herself. So many thinking thoughts as she ran her hands across and up and down the muscles of his chest as the questions and thoughts ran through her mind. When she trailed too low she felt him shiver beneath her fingers. Her eyes snapped up and she was greeted with the blackest eyes she has ever seen. Uh oh! Her lips parted, but he stole her gasp when he captured her mouth with a hungry urgency.

Kenzi had fallen asleep against him in the SUV on the way home, she fought it as long as she could, but his little mate had given up. When he carried her into the house Ember looked at him questioningly but never said a word. Instead she gave Jackson crap about making her wait all day to shoot the potato gun. The fight between them ended with Jackson throwing his hands in the air calling her a pain in his ass and telling her to get her damn shoes on. He had to give the little spitfire credit, she was persistent. Adonis was now resting in bed with Kenzi cuddled into his chest. She barely even stirred when he placed her down on the soft mattress. She just snuggled in, her body immediately finding him when he climbed in beside her. He had drifted in and out with the edges of sleep teasing and toying with him. He truthfully didn’t want to sleep, if she woke up she might try and get back to the bakery to work some more and she needed her rest. He wasn’t sure how long they lay like that when he felt her starting to stir. He thought briefly about growling to put her back to sleep but she needed her rest tonight as well and he didn’t think she would if she slept more now. Instead he laid perfectly still and let her wake up.

He could feel her eyes on him, trying to see if he was asleep or not. What would she do if he just kissed her right now? How surprised would she be? He was tempted to find out, she did promise him kissy time. Sounded like a good idea to him but his mind went blank when he felt her feathery touch float across his chest. It began to race when he felt her excitement flood around him and she retraced her path with a firmer graze. She pressed her hand into him and he fought the laugh that wanted out when he heard the little giggle slip from her. She was setting him on fire the more she caressed and explored his chest. Her dainty fingers traced the definitions of all his muscles and he fought to lay as still as possible, but when she slipped too low his body betrayed him and he shivered against her. Her eyes snapped to his and before the gasp could escape her he fiercely devoured her mouth. Pure want driving his need to feel her lips pressed against his. Desire to feel her body held tightly to him. Carnal cravings and dirty indulgences filtered into his mind. He wanted her moaning, needing to hear her calling his name as she cried out in ecstasy.

The need for oxygen parted them but not for long, he recaptured her swollen, trembling crimson mouth. His tongue slipped between her parted lips to dance and curl around hers. A soft whimper escaped the back of her throat, encouraging him to continue his voracious assault. He rolled her onto her back, his body pressed heavy and solid against hers. She could feel him against her hard and ready. ….grRrrrRrr…. Slipped past him when she bit his lip. Following the curve of her jaw to her neck, he kissed, sucked and tasted his way down to the line of her delicate collar bone. He wanted more of what they did this morning on the table in the bakery kitchen. Still trying to maintain his promise of not pushing her, she was not saying yes, but she was not pushing him away either. His hands travelled down her body, lifting her leg to his waist so he could push into her. ….MMMMMMM…. Her body arched into him, urging him to do it again. Her face flush as he pushed into her again and again. He looked down into her eyes with each push, want, desire swirled in her white orbs as they bore into his black ones. He captured her once more feeding from the sweetness of her mouth, slowly, passionately drinking from her. Their bodies moved together in unison. He wanted to see her, slipping her shirt over her head he took in the sight of her. She was breathtaking, his eyes hungrily roamed over her. The only thing preventing him from seeing her fully was the dark gray cotton bra with a lace trim she wore. Her delicate, golden glowing skin flushing pink with her arousal. It was perfect, taut and sinfully smooth.

Kenzi could feel her body flushing under his gaze. He took in everything he could. She was exposed and vulnerable, but the look she saw in his eyes did not make her feel ashamed one bit that she sat topless on the bed before him. His fingers gliding over her soft silky skin, taking in every inch his greedy hands could. Before he could bring her to her back again she wanted to see him as well. Pulling at the hem of his shirt he helped her get it off. She took in everything, the bunching muscles of his shoulders, his rippling pectorals under his smooth, tight skin all the way down to the corrugated leanness of his eight pack abdomen. Though she has seen him many times, this was the first time she saw him. Committing every curve, every contour to memory. Every movement he made, how he rippled, flexed, bludged. She bit the bottom of her lip as she reached her hand out. Hesitating, uncertain of what to do next she gently placed her hand on him. Her eyes widened, his skin was not only as smooth and tight as it looked, it was soft, and silky. Her fingers trailed over his warm sun kissed flesh. Feeling every inch as his chest heaved with the deep ragged breaths he was taking. ….grRrrrRrr….

She was getting braver and braver with her movements. Adonis didn’t want to stop her, though he wanted to explore her as well, and it was taking everything in him to sit back and not touch her. His eyes closed when he felt her touch him, electricity exploded and tore through him, with each sweeping movement she made of her hands over his chest. His breath became ragged as his heart hammered against his rib cage. His body vibrated for hers, but he stayed rooted in spot and let her touch, let her explore. Let her little fingers elicit shivers from him as they tortured and tantalized him. Her hands moving lower down him, his body tingled more against her. He felt her running her fingers over his abdomen, feeling the muscle ripple. Oh how she was driving him wild, he was uncertain how much more control he had left. ….grRrrrRrr….

None, he had no control left, when she inadvertently brushed past the waistband of his jeans. His mouth claimed hers, hard and wanting. Fiercely demanding that she part her lips for him and when she did his tongue mindlessly plunged deep inside and claimed what belonged to him. Pulling her tight against him, he brought her to her back. His hands moved up her body from her hips over her abdomen to her rib cage and continued higher. Cupping one swollen, full mound in each hand, he massaged and kneaded countless moans from her. Arching in wild response to the attention, her body pressed hard into his, moved with him, against him in a frenzy of yearning and want. His thumbs circling her nipples had her whimpering against his lips.

He became more demanding of her, her scent getting stronger and stronger, he needed to taste her. Moving from her mouth, down her neck past her collarbone he sucked and tasted her naked flesh, feeling it warm under his kiss encouraged him to proceed lower. Her fingers gripping his shoulders as she writhed underneath him. Settling between the valley of her ripe ample breasts he ran his tongue up the center. ….MMMMMMM…. His tongue ran over the curve of one, tasting her sweet flesh as he continued to massage and squeeze the other. Nipping and sucking, turning her skin an exquisite shade of pink, he elicited moan after moan from her. She pushed harder into him, as she grew more demanding for his mouth on her body. Erect and hard her peaks strained against her bra. Capturing one in his mouth he gently teased and tugged through the fabric.

She was so wet between her legs, she was sure she was lying in a puddle. She had tried squeezing her legs together, but the throbbing only increased when he lavished attention across her chest. Her body hummed and purred with each caress of his hand, every stroke of his tongue. She felt on fire and ready to explode. She pushed harder into him, her body craving more and more. It was relentless in its quest to have him pressed hard against it. Her mind was a mush of goo when he took her nipple into his mouth. Sounds came out of her and she wasn’t sure they were human. Gasps, moans, whimpers, purrs, pants, she was pretty sure she squeaked a few times. Her fingers ran over the smooth, firm muscles of his broad back, feeling as much as they could before she was swept away in the flood of electricity that was coursing through her. His hand had moved to her hip and she felt a gentle pressure building there as he squeezed and pushed against her. She could feel him straining against the confines of his jeans.

Her bra strap came down, then the other, and his mouth chased the bare skin. Freeing her from the confines of her bra she lay with her top fully exposed. He sucked in a raspy breath as he eyed the bountiful treasure before him. Soft, lush, firm, virgin mounds before him. An agonized gasp escaped her, when he wet one lush rosy nipple, sucking the tortured peak, he brought it between his teeth. Her fingers tangled in his hair clutched, as he circled and teased the tip with his tongue. Arching higher and higher underneath him, she couldn’t take anymore of this sensual torment. She wanted him to put her out of her sweet sweet misery. She squeaked when he lavished the same attention upon her other breast. She writhed and wriggled and pushed into him. She gasped and moaned and squeaked as desire and heat spread through her.

Go slow, go slow. Not so fast, don’t push. She’s not ready! These words flooded his head, so he went slow, he didn’t push, he took his time. He explored and tasted and tormented her till she was gasping and squeaking uncontrollably. He was intoxicated by her smell, addicted to her taste. Her wriggling, writhing body beneath him pushed him to keep going. Her moans, and whimpers, acting as his guide to what she liked. But he wanted what she loved, he wanted what would make her scream his name. He wanted her crying out, so he kept going, she was almost there he could feel it. Flipping the button to both their pants in one quick move he had them both down and cast to the floor. Her scent thick and heavy he pushed against her hard and the first soft cry escaped her as she threw her head back, tipping her hips to meet his next powerful push. His hand on her hip tightened with each move she made, drawing him closer and closer to the finale as he pushed harder and harder into her. More cries left her mouth and as much as he wanted to taste her lips again he didn’t want to muffle the musical sound she made. He wanted the symphony echoing off the walls.

Bringing her knees up to accommodate his thrusting hips, she felt him more against her. Pushing, probing, pulsing. He ground into her gyrating in fast, frantic, insistent circles. Her body moved of its own accord, with reckless abandonment. Obeying an instinct she didn’t know she possessed she matched him movement for movement colliding in a rhythmic harmony.

“ADONIS!” The cry left her mouth as her hips left the mattress one final time.

“KENZI!” He pushed and rocked into her, grasping her hips and lifted her. The explosion tore through them. She clenched, clutched and shuddered beneath him. He jerked violently as he pressed, pushed and shivered above her. His body stiffened and he collapsed. The air forced from her lungs, he took ragged raspy drags of oxygen, as the euphoric dizzying high took them away.

They lay wrapped in each other’s arms, hearts beating wild and out of control. Breaths in harsh, uneven puffs. She felt herself drifting again, sleep pulling her, beckoning her to let go and give in to sweet oblivion. Her golden skin was still a perfect pink from her head to toe flush.

“Sweetheart!” He broke the silence in the room.

“Sweetheart!” He repeated when she didn’t answer. I don’t think she’s gonna answer! Odin laughed in his head. You other stuffed her into a happy oblivion! He pulled back from her slightly, her eyes were closed, but she held a smile on her face as she snuggled in more to his embrace. Oops! Oops….oops….all you have to say for yourself is oops? Shut up! Someone’s cranky! I’m not cranky, I’m fucking hungry! You’re hungry? I’m fucking starving! She made you hungry? She made me hungry! Odin had no idea what to say to that, neither did Adonis. No one has ever made him hungry and again they didn’t really do anything. This was a first for him. Then I guess get something to eat! Odin suggested. Maybe clean up first! He pressed his lips to her head.

“Going?” Her sleepy little voice broke the silence.

“You made me hungry,” He whispered. Her smile widened as the giggle slipped past her. He kissed her again then pulled himself from the bed.

“I’m going to shower then I’ll make us something to eat.” Adonis heard her mumble ok as she curled into the warmth of his vacant spot. A smile played on his face as he looked over his shoulder at her lying there. She was his perfect little tantalizing mate and soon he would tell her who she was. First he was going to show this town who she was. he was going to enjoy making them see just how bad they fucked up with their treatment of her. He was going to make them regret it.

Adonis had finished making dinner, when Kenzi joined him downstairs freshly showered and wearing a simple dark blue t-shirt that hung to her knees.

“Is that my shirt?” He asked with a smile gracing his face as he saw it on her. Oh this made him happy indeed. The shirt was oversized and hung from one dainty shoulder. Her hair hung in loose wet waves drawing his eye to the naked glowing flesh the neck hole exposed.

“I’m sorry.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, apprehension coursed through her. “I didint look, I-I-I jus grab-bed one….I didint see the pile I pick-ed from”

“It’s ok sweetheart. I would never get mad at you for wearing my shirts.” He crossed the room and pulled her into her arms. They shared a bed, their bed, he was more than happy to share his shirts with her.

“Are you hungry?” He asked, she nodded her head and smiled up at him.

“But I thou-ght I still oh-ed you dinners?” She said, looking to the table then back at him.

“You do, and I will collect the rest of that debt.” He cupped her chin and brushed his lips across hers. Raising to the tips of her toes she pressed her lips to his. His arms tightening around her, supporting her reach he held her impossibly close, welcoming the feel of her lips against his. Threading his fingers through her silky wet tresses he tilted her head cradling it in one hand as he deepened the kiss. His stomach growled with anticipation at being fed and they broke apart. She giggled and a smile lit up her face as it did it again.

“Like I said, you made me hungry.” Kenzi giggled a bit louder as the pink blush spread across her cheeks and her nose wrinkled.

“The others will be joining us so I pulled all the leftovers.” He told her as they headed towards the table to take a seat. He settled her into his lap as her back door slid open and Jackson walked in with a very pissed off Tyler.

“What happended?” She asked, looking from one brother to the other.

“That asshole hit me wit a potato,” Tyler huffed, taking his seat. Jackson could only rumble with laughter at the look on his brother’s face.

“It a accident, din’t mean to” Jackson defended himself though he couldn’t stop the laughter.

“Din’t mean to? You call my name then shot me” Tyler fired at him, Jackson laughed harder.

“That sounds like you did it on purpose” Adonis said to him,

“Ok, I mighta done it on purpose,” Jackson confessed.

“Then maybe Tyler should get to shott-ed you?” Kenzi suggested. An evil grin lit up Tyler’s face and the look fell off of Jackson’s as he shook his head.

“Fair fair Jackass. Kenzi say I could” Tyler nodded,

“No I didint….I didint say that” Kenzi shook her head as she went back over what she did say. “I said maybe, maybe”

“Maybe in their eyes, is as good as a yes sweetheart,” Adonis explained to her, trying not to laugh at the look on her face.

“I….I….I” her mouth moved but she couldn’t get any more words out.

“Just told Tyler he could shoot Jackson” Adonis told her, holding her tighter to him as his chest rumbled.

“I’m sorry Jackson, I didint know….I didint know” Kenzi went wide eyed.

“It ok, Lil Kenzi Cakes. I kinda has it comin. You gotta admit though, it was a good shot. Got em from across the yard” Jackson replied, he started laughing again when he saw his brother nod.

“Where’s Ember?” Adonis asked,

“Arguin wit Eli” Tyler replied,

“What about?” He asked,

“Don’t know, but I don’t think he winnin,” Jackson replied. “That lil girl can talk circles roun people”

“You still killed him if you stabbed him” Elijah was saying as he stepped into the house.

“I did not, I stabbed him and everyone knows that if you get stabbed leave the knife in it acts as a plug. He pulled it out resulting in his death, so technically one can argue he killed himself by removing it. Had he not done that, he might still be alive ergo I did not kill him.” Ember argued back.

“You stabbed him!” Elijah shot back,

“But I technically didn’t kill him,” she repeated.

“You’re a pain in my ass” Elijah fired at her as he took his seat.

“I get that a lot, but you can’t argue with me anymore because you know I’m right” Ember beamed at him. He could only shake his head at the infuriating little pixie.

“I thought Tyler an I the only ones that can make Eli do that” Jackson laughed.

“Hello Ember, are you hungry?” Adonis addressed her trying not to laugh anymore than he already was.

“I’m starving….that’s a lot of food” She replied as she took in the table for the first time.

“Yeah, someone was hoggin the gorgeous cook all week. Had that not happen, there wouldn’t be any lefovers” Jackson told her as he shot a look at Adonis. Kenzi’s face went pink as her nose wrinkled and she looked away from them.

Placing one of the chairs that made it from his round with Odin at his house at the table for Ember they all proceeded to fill their plates. Laughter carried through the house as Ember and Jackson told of their time shooting the potato gun and how many times Ember got knocked on her backside. They asked her questions about herself and she happily told them anything they wanted to know. Like Kenzi she was a very truthful little girl, she hid nothing from them.

“What is a Sweetheart Festival?” Ember asked,

“It’s like a second chance at Valentine’s. You buy a cake and gives it to your sweetheart and then you go to the dance. The town council ch….chos-es ten sweethearts and the town votes and one gets crown-ed at the end of the night.” Kenzi explained,

“I was gonna leave town tomorrow, but that sounds like fun so I might stick around for that. You must get a lot of cake, you’re the biggest sweetheart I know.” Ember exclaimed before she took another bite of food. The table fell silent, and Ember looked at them all then realized what she said. She could only shake her head.

“I’ve only ever getted one cake, but this is only the fourth year for the feztisval.” Kenzi smiled at her.

“Shouldn’t matter how long the festival been runnin for. People need to pull their heads out their asses and stop wearin em as hats. You not gettin cake it’s cause they hella jealous and threatened by you. I stand by my comment, you’re the biggest sweetheart I’ve ever met and I’m going to the damn dance an I get you a cake myself.” Ember replied after she swallowed her bite of food.

Kenzi’s face went bright pink and her nose wrinkled as she turned away giggling with her smile big on her face.

“That’s frickin adorable, I ain’t never seen anyone react like that” Ember said as she watched Kenzi’s reaction.

“The more you do it the pinker her get” Tyler told her,

“No frickin way” Ember looked at him and he nodded. Kenzi clenched her eyes as she buried her very pink face into Adonis’s chest.

“You can’t hide sweetheart! Your ears are still very pink” He whispered in her ear

“Aw butters!” She muffled into him, causing the table to laugh.

“That is too frickin cute!” Ember gushed over her outburst.

“You’re not staying?” Elijah asked Ember.

“You gonna miss me Eli?” She asked inreturn,

“No!” He replied,

“Yes you are. It’s ok you can admit it, we’re all friends here, you like me,” she teased, turning his cheeks red. Jackson and Tyler broke out laughing.

“No I don’t!” He shot back,

“Alright, alright we’ll just keep it between you and me. It’ll be our lil secret I won’t tell no one.” She said to him. He hung his head as he listened to his wolf howl with laughter. Sorry Elijah, but she’s funny!

“To answer your question, no I’m not staying. Though I think I’m getting closer to what I’m looking for. Right geographical features, wrong location.” Ember replied, confusion furrowed Kenzi’s brow as she looked up at Adonis.

“She likes the mountains” Adonis explained,

“Oh!” Kenzi breathed out as she nodded her head. Ember furrowed her brows, that was the second time she has watched her little pixie friend do that.

“You’re getting closer to finding home?” Adonis asked her, drawing her attention from Kenzi.

“Yeah, I think so! Don’t get me wrong, Blackwoods feels like home, but more like Uncle Theo home and not welcome home, home.” Ember replied. “What does someone wear to a Sweetheart Festival?”

“Um...f….fo….fancy stuff” Kenzi replied,

“Formal wear,” Adonis said.

“So like prom dress type dress, gotcha….I don’t have anything like that.” Ember replied,

“You can wear mine” Kenzi offered,

“That’s very sweet, but that’s not gonna work out.” Ember said,

“Why not?” Kenzi asked, looking at her furrowing her eyebrows. They looked to be the same size, her clothes should fit her new friend.

“Because you’re more endowed than I am,” Ember answered, very matter of factly. Jackson and Tyler dropped their heads immediately and fought back their laughter.

“I’m sorry!” Kenzi apologized immediately. She didn’t know what that meant, but it sounded bad and like something she needed to apologize for. She looked to Tyler who shook his head, then from Elijah to Jackson who did the same thing. Then she looked up at Adonis, who was struggling to come up with a suitable answer in front of others for what that meant.

“It means your boobs are bigger,” Ember offered, helping the others at the table. Tyler broke first, his chest rumbling as his laughter fell from him. Jackson’s shoulders were shaking and Elijah buried his face in his hands.

“Oh” Kenzi looked back at her then down at her chest then back up.

“Thank you Ember” Adonis said to her,

“You’re welcome,” she fired back. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not small chested, by any stretch of the imagination. I’m like a decent grapefruit size, but you’re more like cantaloupe size, maybe honeydew….they’re about the same size right?” She turned to Elijah who just shook his head furiously, there was no way in hell he was answering that question.

“Honeydews are bigger,” Kenzi answered.

“Maybe not those then, I don’t know it’s hard to tell, that shirt is really big an you’re really tiny, definitely not small chested, maybe coconuts. Honeydews would be more your bottom” Ember said, nodding her head like that sounded right to her.

“My bottom?” Kenzi asked her then looked behind her at her backside. Adonis was fighting with himself, he was torn between laughing like his men or growling at the turn in the conversation. He was fully aware of his mates many fine attributes, no one else needed to be that aware of them though. Never gonna look at those melons again and not see her! Odin quipped in his head. No, no he was not. Or coconuts!

“Yeah! They’re round an so is your backside, you sweetheart have a honeydew booty. What? That is a very round backside, I ain’t gonna lie I’m tempted to see if it’s as firm as it looks.” She replied.

The others at the table fought to control themselves, but lost it in the end with Kenzi’s reply to that.

“You’d has to ask him, he keeps squeezing it.” Ember went wide eyed as she looked at Adonis. A knowing grin spread across her face. Fuck was she gonna make him hear about this. He couldn’t help it, he started laughing. Keeps you on your toes! His little mate and her filterless mouth sure did, though she’s not wrong. He did have a hard time keeping his hands off her perfectly firm, pert, round ass. Dropping his head he rested it on her shoulder, and waited.

“Did I say something wrong?” Kenzi asked as she looked at the others around the table then to Adonis. He could only shake his head, as his body shook and rumbled with laughter. She could never say anything wrong!

“So inquiring minds want to know….how firm is it?” Ember asked, Adonis again just shook his head.

“What do you mean no? Either you tell me or I find out myself” Ember said to him, he shook his head again.

“Fine, I’ll find out for myself. Kenzi, stand up” Ember got up from her chair. Jackson and Tyler’s heads snapped up. He was shocked that one of them didn’t break their neck.

“Is her gonna….” Jackson started,

“Grab her ass?” Tyler finished, Adonis held Kenzi firm to him, not letting her get up from his lap. He eyed Ember waiting to see what she would do.

“Oh sure…. Challenge accepted Adonis. Mark my words I will find out just how firm that lil girl’s ass really is.” She said and sat back in her chair. Kenzi’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Laughter broke out around the table, no one knew how this was going to end. Either Adonis will keep her backside protected and safe from Ember or the little spitfire will get her way and find out exactly how firm it is.

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