The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 53: Any Means Necessary!

One the next morning Adonis woke to his little mate stirring under him. She shifted a few more times, tightened her hold on him and wrapped one of her little legs around his and drifted back into a light slumber. He knew the next time she moved she would be up and he held onto her tighter. The night before flooded back to him as he looked down and watched her sleep. The boys had got their steaks and then he sent them on their way. Last night was just about him and his mate. And like he promised himself his hands never left her body, she stayed in his arms the whole night. His hands belonged to her, they massaged her neck, her back, her legs, her feet. She purred and moaned and made content sigh after content sigh. She cuddled and snuggled into his chest, and if he dared so much as move a finger she clutched at his shirt. Even if he wanted to leave, she made it very clear that he was not allowed. He claimed her mouth, tasted her lips, the skin of her neck and shoulders. Brought them to the dizzying heights of breathlessness over and over again. Two days he had to behave, two days he had to stay away or risk losing control. He had control, Odin was subdued, his aggression was controlled, his urges tabled. There was no risk in pushing her, or rushing her, they could just enjoy their time.

They conversed and laughed and joked. He flirted and turned her face twenty different shades of red. She asked a million questions wanting to know everything she could about werewolves and demon wolves. They sat on the deck swing watching the stars, the moon and the lake. They listened to the cicadas hum, the crickets sing and the owls call. This is what they will do every night after he marks her. This will be their life, it was a life he was most looking forward to.

“Why are you re-re-bill-ding your house?” She had asked at some point in the evening. He thought about how he was going to answer that. He knew she would be curious as to why.

“Mine got wrecked!” When she looked at him, he knew she wanted more information. “Odin and I had a fight. And we destroyed everything”

“Ev-rything?” She asked,

“Everything” He repeated, she grew quiet after that, her mind turning and he held her tighter. “That is not why I am here. I missed waking up with you in my arms. The reason Odin and I were fighting was because I was starting to lose control.”

“Lose control? Lose control of what?” She asked turning so she could look more at him.

“Everything. My aggression, myself, my urges. It is the reason I haven’t been myself and I had to stay away. The longer I go without claiming my mate, the more aggressive I can become. I promised I wouldn’t rush you, force you or push you into something you weren’t ready for, but I did that Monday morning. I don’t think you were ready for what I did, I’m sorry sweetheart.” Adonis bowed his head, he wasn’t sorry he did it, but he still felt bad about it happening. Kenzi bit her lip, then crawled into his lap straddling him, she cupped his face and lifted his head so he would look at her.

“The only one that gets to say what I am ready for is me,” she stated matter of factly, then she pressed her lips to his. He held her tighter to his body and cupped the back of her head so he could deepen the kiss.

“Ok sweetheart.” Was all he could say after the kiss ended and they regained control of their breathing. She snuggled into his chest afterwards and they sat like that for the remainder of the night.

“So are you all better now?” She asked,

“All better?” He questioned,

“You’re not gonna go all grrr and lose control?” He chuckled when she imitated a growl,

“I am not sure what that was, but do it again and I might.” She giggled and snuggled more into him. “I had sedated Odin, but when it wore off I needed to be far away from everyone. It was like unleashing a huge ball of uncontrollable aggression, he went off. We’re both better now. But I don’t know for how long. Tomorrow at some point I will have to talk to Dr. Martin, see what he says. Sedating our wolves has never been done before.”

“Dr. Martin’s a wolfie too? I’m jus gonna start thinking anyone taller than me is a wolfie, it’ll save time,” she said,

“Everyone’s taller than you” Adonis laughed when he heard her tiny huff against him. “I’m sorry sweetheart, but you really are tiny”

“Good things come in small packges” She said,

“Yes they do” Wrapping his arms more around her, he kissed the top of her head.

“Good thing you’re going into the city tomorrow,” she murmured, feeling the beginnings of sleep pulling at her. She shifted slightly and cuddled in more to him.

“Why is that?” He asked, lowering his voice as he ran his fingers through her silky hair.

“You need a new bed,” she replied.

“Good thing you’re coming with me then,” he said.

“Why is that?” She asked.

“You can test them out with me.” He heard her squeak as she buried her face into his chest, the tips of her ears turning red. He chuckled once more as he again kissed the top of her head. His precious little mate.

Two am on the dot Kenzi stirred again, squeezing him tight to her as she stretched. He couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face when he woke up to her pressing her body more into him.

“It’s too early!” He grumbled burying his face into her neck, he was not going to get off of her, he was comfy.

“What tine is it?” Came her mumbled reply,

“Early!” He grumbled back. Fucking early! Odin was grumbling as well. “Two”

“It’s tine to get up now!” She said, stretching out once more.

“No!” He countered, he did not want to get off, he did not want to take his arms from around her.

“I has to get start-ed in the bakery,” she protested.

“Later!” He settled in more as she ran her fingers through his hair,

“No, it’s tine to get up,” she insisted, patting his shoulder.

“I’m comfy!” He kept his face buried into her neck as he made his ill attempt at arguing with her.

“You don’t has to get up, but I do,” she said.

“No you don’t. You can stay in bed with me,” he countered, holding onto her tighter

“Maggie and I has to remake the sk-sked-duel,” she said.

“Maggie is going to be there at three thirty?” He asked, slightly lifting his head.

“Well no, she’s coming in at eight” Kenzi bit back the yawn that tried to come out. If she yawned she didn’t think he would let her out of the bed.

“You’re still tired.” A small smirk played on his lips when he heard her fight it back. So much for him not knowing!

“I always start this early,” she tried protesting again.

“It’s too early, and you need your sleep. I need my sleep, I’ll get cranky and no one wants to deal with me cranky,” he replied.

“You can stay here, and you can go back to sleep and then you won’t be cranky and no one will has to deal with cranky you,” she countered. He chuckled into the side of her neck and she couldn’t fight the shiver that went up her back.

“Alright sweetheart, I’m up,” he said as he rolled onto his side and threw his arm over his face as she slid from the bed.

Kenzi flipped the lamp on, her breath catching when she took in the sight of him in the soft light. No matter how many times she’s seen him, it still takes her breath.

“Stop ogling, Ms. Templeton!” She giggled as she proceeded to gather her clothes and head to the bathroom. “Did you grab some?” His question caught her off guard when she looked down at her clothes and bit her lip. Nuts! She had to walk back to her dresser, her cheeks darkening with each step she took. She stole a glance at him and the grin he wore told her he knew she forgot to grab some.

“I’m shocked you said anything, Mr. Bradshaw.” The sultry purr she laced his last name with sent a ripple of excitement through him. She was definitely getting better at that.

“I wasn’t going to, the thought of you pantyless is very enticing to me. But then nothing would get done in the bakery if my hands were on you the whole time,” he replied.

“Shameless!” She turned and faced him when she reached the bathroom door.

“Still not sorry. Black….or….blue?” He asked, the seductive grin spreading more across his face.

“My secret!” And she stepped backwards into the bathroom and closed the door, with her own sexy little grin. ….grRRRrr…. She let out a giggle when she heard his low growl and the shiver raced up her spine.

“One of these days he’s going to see my panties,” she mumbled out loud to herself. Her face blushed when she realized what she just said. Where did that come from? Maybe she was still tired. She looked down at the clothes in her hands, and her eyes widened. She didn’t mean to but she grabbed a pair of royal blue lace boy short panties. Of all the panties she could have grabbed, these were the ones she did. Why she even owned them was beyond her, but she owned a couple pairs of lace panties. She has never worn them though, they sat in her drawer. Maybe she should go exchange them for another pair?

“No, he’ll has ques-tions.” She looked at the panties again, biting her lip some more. What was she gonna do? She couldn’t wear these. They were more for beautiful girls, for sexy girls, for every other girl. She couldn’t go pantyless for the second day in a row….could she? He would think she was wearing some, he didn’t have to know she wasn’t.

“Until he assked me the colour” and he would too, she knew he would. She looked at herself in the mirror and her eyes immediately spotted the scar on her upper lip, it was always the first thing she saw. The one she can’t hide. The thoughts rolled over in her mind until one voice stood out….his. He thought she was beautiful. He saw her scars and he still thought she was beautiful.

“I’m gonna wear them. I like them they’re soft and they’re sexy and I’m talking to myself in the bathroom.” She was going to wear sexy panties. She was going to wear sexy blue lace panties and the only one that would know would be her. Another shiver went up her back and her breath caught as the ripple of excitement tore through her.

“It’s de-def-fin-it-ely a secret, and I’m still talking to myself in the bathroom.” She turned away from the mirror to start the shower.

His eyes had adjusted to the light in the room, he still didn’t want to be up, he still wanted to be in bed with his arms wrapped around her. Why couldn’t it be Sunday morning? If it was Sunday morning then she wouldn’t have to go to the bakery! Four more days! What? Four more days and the town closes down! You’re right Odin, four more days and she can stay in bed with us for as long as possible! Ontario! FUCK! He had forgotten. He was going to have to make arrangements to fly down there, he still hadn’t done that yet, he had other things on his mind. He would do that today. He would also need another shot, he could feel his urges coming back and his aggression spiking. He would need something for when he was down there as well. How long could he use sedation before it stopped working? He would have to ask the doctor. That is his plan for a little later in the morning, he will see the doctor and then he and Kenzi will go to the city and “look for his mate.” Maybe today would be the day he takes her out for dinner. Today seems like a good day for a date. Sounds like a good fucking day to me! Me too! Know what would make this day better? What? Not being up at two in the fucking morning! Someone’s cranky! Fuck you human, so are you! FUCK! Sometimes sharing a mind sucked. Want to chase the butterflies? Don’t fuck with me right now! I’m not! Seriously? What Jackson and Tyler said got me thinking! Are you being serious with me right now? Yes! Fuck yeah I do! Ok relax, maybe this afternoon before we go to the city we can go chase a few for twenty minutes! Ok, yeah. We can bring our mate! That was my plan! Fuck yeah, I’m in!

Opening the bathroom door, Kenzi stood there and stared at him for a minute. She had a thought rolling through her head. It had been rolling through her head since she saw his broken house, but didn’t know how to ask or what to say.

“Sweetheart what’s the matter?” Adonis asked as he sat up in bed. She fidgeted with her fingers, shuffling her feet side to side. She looked at him then down at the floor, then back at him then away from him.

“Sweetheart?” He was growing more and more concerned, she opened her mouth and nothing came out. Closing her mouth again she looked back at the floor.

“Sweetheart?” He moved to get out of the bed, but she shook her head.

“Nevermind it’s nothing. I’ll go make us some breakfast.” She bit her lip and scolded herself for being stupid as she walked across her bedroom towards the door Of course he wouldint want to do that! Why would he? Just about to reach out she found herself being turned around and she now stood staring wide eyed at the wall of muscle that was his bare chest. He lifted her chin so she would look up at him.

“What is on your mind?” He asked gently, encouraging her to tell him. She went to open her mouth again, but again the question wouldn’t come out. She didn’t know how to word it, or maybe it was the fact that there was a tall tower of a man standing in front of her wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. He pulled her with him as he went to sit on the end of the bed. Pulling her into his lap, her scent of lavender and green apples mixing with her magnolia shampoo and body wash flooded around him. He held her close to him, and started massaging the back of her neck. She slumped into him enjoying the feeling of his hands as they worked their magic on her.

“Do you want to live with me?” The words were out of her mouth before she had a chance to think about what she just said. His hands stilled on her neck for the briefest of moments before they picked back up. What? YES….yes we do! Settle down Odin! She asked, the answer is yes, yes we do. Fucking say yes!

“Do I want to live with you?” He repeated her question. If we live with her I won’t have to be sedated! Hold on Odin! NO! I won’t have to be sedated, the problem was we had to leave her all the time, now we don’t have to. We get up with her, we go to work with her, we come home with her, we sleep with her. Never have to leave her. SAY YES!

“Until your house is bill-ded, you could stay here. I has the spare rooms and the space and it’s jus me, I’m little so I don’t take up much room.” Is she trying to sell herself? SOLD. SAY YES!

“Are you sure?” He asked, he didn’t want her to rush into something, he wasn’t certain she knew what she was asking.

“Uh huh!” Kenzi sat back, stopping the motion of his hands to look at him. “Unless you don….it’s ok you don’t has to, it was jus….I jus thou….It’s ok nevermind, forg….” His mouth claimed hers before she could finish what she was saying. When he saw the look on her face, she knew what she was asking. He knew she had been thinking about it, he knew she was certain and this was not a decision she rushed into.

“Yes. Yes I would love to live here with you….while my house is being built” He spoke when the kiss broke. He might have added the last part, but she was his mate and he had no intentions of ever leaving.

The smile broke big on her face as she threw her arms around him catching him off guard they fell backwards onto the bed. Her body vibrated at his answer. Excitement was not a strong enough word for the emotion he felt flood the room.

“Yay!” It was the only thing she could say, it was the only word that would come out, it was small and quiet and betrayed everything she was feeling. He wrapped his arms around her and a deep chuckle rumbled through his chest when he heard it.

“Ok, you has a shower. I’m gonna make breakfast.” She scrambled off of him and ran out of the room only to run back and tackle him into another hug, then bounced out of the room slightly calmer this time. ….eeeee…. But her squeal of joy when she reached the bottom of the stairs had him laughing again. She does get excited! Yes is a good word! Yes is a great word!

Adonis and Kenzi had arrived at the bakery for three thirty, her bright smile had never left her face the whole time. Listening to her sing the lyrics to song after song, he operated the ovens as fast as he could while she passed him tray after tray. Never stopping, never slowing down for a second, even while she danced around the kitchen. Her mind was in a euphoric state of contentment.

“Sweetheart you need to slow down, the ovens can’t keep up with you” Adonis said, trying to contain his laughter as she handed him yet another tray. She looked up from her workstation to see trays lining the tables and all six ovens at capacity.

“Oops!” She said, the pink blush spreading across her cheeks.

“You get really excited” He told her, as he pulled her into his arms.

“I do. I do get really ass-cited,” she agreed. Her body still vibrated and he had to figure out a way to get her to calm down. Her day has barely started and if she was excited now, he wasn’t sure what she was going to be like when they left the bakery. She’ll either explode or completely crash and neither one sounded good.

“Ok sweetheart you need to calm down. You have made more than enough to keep the bakery stocked until lunch.” Adonis told her, but she shook her head.

“Are you kidding me? With all the wolfies in town they clean the bakery right out ev-ryday. And the town is shutting down so people are buying like crazy. I can barely keep up. I might has to get a whole new uther kitchen….or two kitchens….or a really really big kitchen. I might has to turn the whole second floor into one gian….” His mouth crashed onto hers, silencing her kitchen rambling before she got any ideas. Harvey and the boys were having a hard enough time keeping up with orders from him alone. They didn’t need to add a kitchen renovation into the mix. Though most of the cabins were now complete, and the training facility was half way there, they still had quite the ways to go on the packhouse and hadn’t even started construction on his house. They were still clearing the debris.

“Kitchen!” She breathed out, finishing her rambling when the kiss broke.

“You are something else Ms. Templeton.” Her cheeks flushed, her eyes danced and a smile spread across her crimson lips.

“So are you Mr. Bradshaw!” And he kissed her again.

The rest of the morning was busy, she wasn’t lying when she said they could barely keep the shelves stocked with supplies. They all switched off in the kitchen with each other helping where they could, until Adonis had to step out for a bit saying he would be back in an hour. Tyler was too busy running back and forth to bark at customers, and the new help was great, they really knew how to handle the unruly townspeople.

“The solution is simple, you don’t like the service, there’s the door” Tiffany said to one customer, when she was informed they couldn’t magically produce bread and she would either have to come back and try again or wait. The customer complained some more and tried to insinuate that Kenzi wasn’t working hard enough.

“Get out!” Samantha said to her with an air of finality about her. This was Luna’s shop and they wouldn’t have any disrespect going on in it. Maggie was overjoyed with the help, and even more so when neither of them took shit from people.

“It always this busy?” Tyler puffed as he had just made his twentieth trip back to the kitchen for more stock.

“The town is closing down in a few days. It’s the last minute rush. This is nothing. Saturday is going to be a nightmare. There will be screaming and hair pulling.” Maggie informed him, Tyler furrowed his brow as he looked at her, she couldn’t be serious, it couldn’t get that aggressive. But the look on Maggie’s face told him yes it could and it does.

“I might need popcorn for that” Tyler mumbled, which had Maggie breaking out with laughter.

“Hey Tyler come try this” Kenzi called from the other side of the kitchen. Kenzi had been working on new recipes, and he was loving all of them. He loved working at the bakery, it was the best job ever for him.

“Damn girl! What that?” Tyler asked after he ate the pastry she gave him.

“It’s a bourbon spiced mini chocolate croissant,” she said.

“Her gonna get the town drunk” Tyler said as he stole another one. Maggie laughed when he went to steal a third and got his hand smacked. “Better save one for Jackass, he say he be here in ten” Kenzi looked at him confused, she didn’t hear his phone ring how would he know when Jackson was going to be here. Then he pointed at his head and she nodded, glancing over her shoulder at Maggie.

“He can jus talk to you like that in your head?” She whispered. Tyler looked over at Maggie, then grinned. Kenzi didn’t know others knew about them. He turned his back to Maggie after she smiled at him and gave him a wink.

“Yeah. It call a mine link. We can talk to each other as long as it open and we both on the territory, it don’t matter where. If we not then we need to be in close proximity to each other. Jackass an I jus has a special one on account our wolves are twins, we can talk to each other from anywhere,” Tyler answered, whispering back. She nodded her head, she was definitely born into the wrong species. She never would have been alone had she been born a werewolf. She has watched the way they all treat each other, it was like one giant family. One giant 750 member family. She went back to work making her new recipes and Tyler watched her for a moment. He wished he could tell her. He wished Adonis would tell her. The more she found out, the more sadness he would feel from her sometimes. She should have been a wolf and this would have been her life too. She never would have grown up living a nightmare. He would talk to Jackson, see what he said. Maybe he could talk to Adonis about telling her.

It was closing in on eleven, when Adonis came back to the bakery. He’s had a busy last hour. He booked the flights to Ontario, informed his brothers of when they were to arrive as well as telling them he was bringing his mate with him. They are both quite excited to meet her. He spoke with Elijah over what Alpha Malone and Alpha Byron had said about the other packs in the area, a few were willing to meet his terms, a few wanted to speak to him personally, but he did not have time for that and he refused to cater to the whims of these Alpha’s. His talk with Dr. Martin didn’t go the way he hoped it would. He had sedated Xander’s wolf again and it didn’t go the way it did the first time. The sedative wore off three hours faster than it should have, and they had to tranquilize him before he hurt somebody. It took two full guns to put him down. Dr. Martin told him because he was an Alpha the sedative would work faster through his system and giving him a stronger dose was not a good idea, they don’t know what will happen. So much for that idea, though he hasn’t been feeling overly aggressive today, just normal aggressive, not since Kenzi asked him to live with her, then tackled him onto her bed….twice.

“Hello sweetheart! Why do I smell bourbon?” He asked when he walked into the kitchen.

Kenzi was alone in the kitchen working at one of the tables. She smiled brightly at him over her shoulder when she heard the sound of his voice, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“What’s wrong sweetheart?” He asked. Did something happen to turn her day south? Did someone say something to her? Did they do something to her? He crossed over the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her. Pressing his lips to her shoulder. He smelled bourbon alright but it wasn’t on her it was in whatever little bite of heaven she just fed him.

“I….I….I think I was born into the wrong sp….spe to the wrong type of people. All your wolfie magic powers would has come in handy,” she said. She had been thinking about it a lot lately and she was sure she was.

“Sweetheart, I know they would have.” He wanted to tell her he thought she was born into the wrong species as well, but he didn’t, instead he said “But your with us now, so you will never be alone again”

“I am?” She asked, looking up at him.

“Of course! The pack adores you, and they are all fiercely protective of the ones they adore. Besides you know about us, we just can’t let you go, and even if we could, we don’t want to.” Adonis said to her.

“I’m jus a baker,” she said to him. Why would 750 wolves adore her?

“You are more than just a baker, Kenzi Templeton. You are someone truly special” Adonis tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear before he pressed his lips to hers.

“It’s time to carry on with our day. Maggie is kicking you out, she sent me to get you. She said if you don’t go willingly, I am allowed to use whatever means necessary to get you out of the bakery.” Kenzi’s jaw dropped,

“She did not say that!” She exclaimed in disbelief.

“Oh but she did,” Adonis replied. Kenzi shook her head. “Are you resisting?” He was hoping she would, a smile spread across his face.

“If that means no, then yes I am,” she huffed and stomped her little foot.

“Ok, suit yourself.” Lifting her into the air he threw her over his shoulder. She squeaked at the movement and hung there stunned for a second not sure of what to do.

“Hey, put me down. That’s not fair, put me down.” She wiggled and squirmed against him. “This is not a-al….no, this is a no, you are not pose to do this.” SMACK! She squeaked when his hand made a not so gentle connection with her bottom.


“Any means necessary!” Adonis repeated as he started walking towards the kitchen door. She struggled and squirmed some more to get away. SMACK! Another not so gentle hit to her bottom had her hand flying to the now stinging cheek.

“OW!” She repeated,

“Stop wiggling!” He said.

He stepped out of the kitchen with her thrown over his shoulder still wiggling and protesting to be put down. Tyler saw first and cracked up laughing, followed by Maggie.

“Bye Lil Kenzi Cakes, see you later!” Tyler said, waving.

“Well that is one way to get her out of the kitchen” Maggie commented,

“You said any means” Adonis replied as he walked by her,

“Yes I did!” Maggie agreed,

“You said that?” Kenzi asked, disbelief in her voice, when she looked at her.

“Yes! You have been here long enough. Bye Kenzi” Maggie waved her goodbye, still chuckling as she headed back to the kitchen.

“But, but, but Maggie” Kenzi protested some more. Her protests fell on deaf ears, no one was going to make him put her down. She huffed one more time and begrudgingly allowed him to carry her out of the bakery.

“If I put you down, are you going to behave?” He asked when he stopped in front of his truck.

“I always behaze, you’re the iffy one,” she countered.

“Iffy? I’m iffy?” He asked, trying to hide his laughter,

“Yes….you jus ki….kid….Kenzinapp-ed me,” she stated matter of factly.

“Kenzinapped? I like that.” Adonis slid her down the front of him but instead of placing her on the ground he wrapped her legs around his waist and held her to him. Her silver eyes staring directly into his emerald green ones, he forced himself to keep his hands around her waist, when that was not what he wanted to do.

“I’m not sorry I Kenzinapped you. We have a day planned, a promise to keep and Odin wants to spend some time with you before we do any of that.” Her eyes danced and sparkled in the sun as he spoke to her.

“What does Odin want to do?” She asked,

“He wants to keep it a surprise,” he replied,

“A s-sir-prise?….Ok,” she nodded her head. Opening the truck door he placed her in the passenger seat, then moved around to the driver’s side.

Kenzi looked around the meadow and watched all the butterflies dance and swirl in the wind as she waited for Odin to make his appearance. She didn’t know why she was there, but she was excited to see Odin, it’s been a while. He was her first introduction into the world of werewolves, and she couldn’t wait to call him by his name for the first time. She was watching a butterfly dancing on the breeze, when she felt a pair of eyes watching her, and a familiar feeling passed through her. A big smile pulling at her lips she turned around to see the burning eyes of Odin behind her. Her smile was big and bright.

Odin!” She called out to him, and he raced across the meadow to get to her. Throwing her arms around him, she buried her face in his fur as he hooked a paw around her and pulled her close. Mate, I missed you! Odin dropped his head presenting it for his kiss, he hasn’t gotten one in a while. She giggled, but obliged him.

“I missd-ed you” She ran her hands through his soft fur and scratched behind his ears.

“Why are we in the meadow?” She asked. To chase the butterflies! She watched as he took off across the meadow and the butterflies took to flight. She giggled when she saw him chasing after them. He stopped and looked back at her when he nodded his head. Her smile got bigger and she took off across the meadow as well. For the next hour they chased the butterflies around and somehow that turned into chasing her then playing hide and go seek.

“How do you always find me?” She asked, when he came upon her hiding spot for the fourth time. I will always find you! Odin laid down next to her nuzzling in close, she kissed his head again and cuddled in. Adonis gave him twenty more minutes before he told him it was time to go. Did you have fun Odin? I liked chasing our mate, I want to chase her again! She seemed to enjoy it as well! While he redressed he listened to her musical giggles in the meadow. When he emerged from the woods a smile spread across his face, she was standing in the middle with a butterfly perched on her nose.

“It tickles,” she laughed when she saw him.

“Ready to head to the city” He asked when the butterfly finally decided it hitched a ride long enough.

“I guess so, we can’t be long though. I has to get one of the spare rooms ready and I still has to make dinner and….what?” She stopped abruptly as he was looking at her.

“I’ve been thinking about the sleeping arrangements as well. I don’t want them to change, I like how they are right now. And I think tonight is a good night for our dinner date.” He replied. Kenzi bit her bottom lip trying to contain herself, but it was no use. Excitement poured from her, then it all vanished just as quickly.

“What….what aboud….um….” She didn’t want to ask the question.

“If that does happen, we’ll change the arrangements, until then I want them the way they are. You do need a bigger bed though, so we are still shopping for one.” Adonis pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers, silencing anything she could possibly say.

“I don’t see why you’ll still wake up on top of me” she said when the kiss broke. Nope she can still say stuff!

“I like being on top,” he replied.

“What if I want to be on top?” She blurted before she had a chance to think about it. And there she goes again!

“We could try that, could be fun,” he smiled down at her, holding her tighter to him. Her face went red when realization struck what he was referring to.

“Shameless!” She breathed as she buried her face into his chest.

“I may be shameless, sweetheart, but that one was all you.” Adonis replied with a deep chuckle.

“How?” She squeaked back, trying to figure out how that was her fault.

“When you said you wanted to be on top,” he answered and her only reply was another small exasperated squeak.

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