The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 54: The City Part One!

Kenzi and Adonis!

Choosing to investigate what the right city had to offer them they had spent an hour in a furniture store testing beds, before they found one they both liked. The sales clerk had tried to mercilessly flirt with him, but he didn’t even look at her. His attention was too focused on the little one bouncing on the beds trying to figure out if she liked them or not. He did get a little angry when someone tried to flirt with her. She was completely oblivious to it and when she got sidetracked by a chair, he had to bite back a laugh at the defeated look on the man’s pudgy face. They were now standing in a car lot looking at vehicles. Kenzi was standing next to a truck, and he had to laugh.

“Maybe something you can get into,” he suggested. “How did you get into Maggie’s truck? He asked,

“She has a step stool for me to use,” Kenzi replied. Adonis could only nod his head, as he opened the door and lifted her into the driver’s seat. Then he shook his head, this was not going to work for her she needed something smaller.

“Maybe something I can get into,” he said when they were looking at smaller cars. There was no way he was going to even try and squeeze himself into the little clown car. Kenzi was sitting in the driver’s seat and though the car was a good size for her, he could see that she clearly wasn’t comfortable in it.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” He asked when he saw her little scowl.

“It’s ok” she said as she continued to look around the front of the car.

“What’s the matter?” He asked again, opening the driver’s door he crouched down to look at her.

“I don’t like this one,” she looked at him.

“Then let’s find one you like,” Adonis replied.

“Good afternoon, my name’s Dave. Do you folks need help with something?” A short stocky sales associate had finally approached them. Dave! Sounds like a sleazy salesman’s name! He is a sleazy salesman! Adonis was keeping an eye on him from across the lot. He had not taken his eyes off Kenzi from the time she stepped foot on it. He’s too close, and if he doesn’t stop staring I’m going to poke his eyes out! Odin growled as the man continued to stare at her. Adonis stood to his full height, his muscles rippling across his chest at the close proximity this man stood to his mate. Dave was much safer on the other side of the lot. Now this pathetic little man is running the risk of having his eyes gouged out with rusty car keys.

“She needs a new vehicle” Adonis’s reply was tight, as he glared at the man eyeing his mate like a piece of candy. He was human, so he wouldn’t understand it if he growled at him.

“Is she even old enough to drive?” The man joked, though the smile fell from his face when Adonis’s scowl deepened. “This seems like a perfect fit for her small size,” he said instead.

“She doesn’t like it,” Adonis stated flatly,

“Ok, well we have several compact cars available,” the man was saying. Before anymore could be said, the car’s alarm and horn started going off. Adonis looked down at her, she sat in the driver’s seat wide eyed with her hands covering her ears telling it to be quiet. Taking the keys from her hand he turned it off.

“Why did it do that?” She asked, looking up at him.

“What button did you press?” Adonis asked her as he once again crouched in front of her.

“The red one, and then it started screaming and honking at me,” she replied.

“That is the panic alarm sweetheart. It’s what you push in case of an emergency,” he told her, unable to cover the grin on his face.

“My car doesint has one of those,” she said looking at him.

“Let’s go find you another car and maybe this time don’t push the red button on the keys.” He helped her from the vehicle, keeping her in front of him and out of Dave’s creepy peeping view.

“Yeah, it screams at you when you do that,” she agreed, nodding her head.

They wandered around the lot looking at all the small cars that Dave pointed out for her to try. Kenzi didn’t like any of them, but she was polite and listened to what he said. Adonis on the other hand was getting pissed off. It was getting harder and harder to bite back the growls Odin wanted to release at the idiot’s perverted eyes roaming over his mate’s body. The man would not stop ogling her, every chance he had he stared at either her ass or her breasts. When he spoke to her he spoke to her breasts, like that was the part that was going to reply. If they do it’s us they’ll be talking to, not the creepy peeping pervert! Ok Odin! If he doesn’t stop….! Ok Odin! He would also not stop referencing her small size. Repeatedly telling her she would be much better suited to one of the small clown cars he was trying to push on her.

“Ok sweetheart, did you see anything you’d like?” Adonis asked her. She looked again at all the small cars and shook her head.

“Ok, what kind of vehicle would you like?” He asked,

“Something bigger,” she replied.

“Then let’s go look for something bigger” Adonis entwined their fingers together as they headed in the opposite direction of Dave the creepy peeping sales idiot.

“That one looks grumpy!” Kenzi giggled as she pointed to a midsize SUV.

“It does look grumpy.” Adonis tilted his head to the side as he looked at the downturned grill and the slanted headlights on the front of the vehicle. A slightly smaller blue one had caught her eye.

“That one looks ok,” Kenzi pointed to another one and moved in the direction. Adonis followed her, she didn’t seem quite herself as they looked at all the different vehicles. Pulling her to stand in between two of them blocked from the view of others. He lifted her chin so she would look at him.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” He asked, she fidgeted with her fingers as she looked around the car lot.

“I….I….I’m….it’s ok, it’s nothing,” she said and cast her eyes to the ground.

“No, it’s not nothing. There is something. Are you not comfortable in this car lot?” He asked as he watched her look around it once more.

“No!” She shook her head. She didn’t know why, but this lot made her feel gross and she didn’t like it. She moved closer to him as the feeling inside began to grow.

“Ok, we’ll go find another one,” Adonis held her close to him as they walked back to his truck.

He placed a quick call to Alpha Byron, who directed him to a dealership that would be more than helpful to his mate’s needs.

“Good afternoon Mr. Bradshaw” A tall broad chested man approached them. He had chestnut brown hair and honey coloured eyes. He smiled bright and showed off his perfectly white teeth. Extending his hand towards Adonis he added “Mr. Byron informed us of your visit today”

“Did he now? What else did he inform you of?” Adonis shook the man’s hand. Kenzi peered around Adonis and watched the interaction between the two. Though the man never looked at her, he seemed to be fully aware of her presence, nor did he look directly at Adonis. He must be a werewolfie! She thought. She had seen the others do that, and she remembers being told that it is perceived as a threat to look an Alpha directly in the eye.

“Yes, we were informed your visit today is for your very special friend.” Adonis eyed the man carefully, he had made no sudden moves and was doing his very best to control the fear he was most certainly feeling. Odin would stir slightly as he caught subtle notes of it. Alpha Byron informed them of a lot more than his need for a car it appears.

“Yes, my very special friend is in need of a new vehicle” Adonis agreed. “We were at one dealership but it made her uncomfortable, hopefully this one is better.” He did nothing to hide his displeasure at how the other car lot made his mate feel.

“I hope so too sir!” Was all the man could say. Adonis stepped to the side so Kenzi came into view and the other man couldn’t help widen his eyes at her size before he quickly looked away from her.

“Kenzi Templeton!” She offered her hand immediately,

“Alexander Graham.” He hesitated slightly, giving a quick glance in Adonis’s direction before he accepted her tiny outstretched hand. “What kind of vehicle are you looking for today?”

“One I can’t lock my keys in,” she replied, he stared at her his mouth slightly gaped, then nodded his head.

“Ok then, let’s go car shopping.” He led the way to the lot and they looked at several different sized vehicles before deciding to test drive a Honda CR-V. Alexander sat in the back seat informing them of all the special features of the vehicle. Kenzi sat in the driver’s seat staring at the steering column utterly confused.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” Adonis was beside her in the passenger seat.

“How do you turn the car on? Where do you put the key?” She looked from him to the steering wheel again. Fighting with himself to not burst out laughing, which was made difficult with the hell beast in his head howling, Adonis reached over and pressed the start button.

“It’s a button?” She asked as she looked at it. “How do you turn it off?” Again he reached over and pressed the button. He could hear Alexander in the back trying to fight back his own laughter as she still held the keys in her hands trying to figure out what to do with them.

“Ok, let’s put the keys down” Adonis said,

“Where?” She asked looking at him, taking the keys from her hand he placed them in the center console.

“Turn the car on.” It was getting harder and harder to fight his laughter. She pushed the same button he did and the vehicle roared to life once more.

They drove around the city for a bit, so she could get a feel for the vehicle. Alexander had given her directions and for the most part she followed them only a slight detour here or there. She had pushed a bunch of buttons and neither Adonis or Alexander had paid attention to the ones she had pressed. Adonis was shifting in his seat pulling at the collar to his shirt and he could see Alexander in the back doing the same thing.

“It’s getting hot in here,” she claimed as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

“Yes it is,” Adonis agreed, shifting more. Feels really fucking hot in here! Odin grumbled in his head.

“Like really, really hot, like my bottom is on fire,” she exclaimed. “I-I-I has to get out of the car,”

“Ok, ok, just pull over,” Adonis agreed, the car was getting really, really hot. Kenzi pulled to the curb and was out of the car before she even shut it off. Adonis threw the vehicle into park and killed the engine, then he too was out of the vehicle with Alexander right behind him.

“What buttons did you press sweetheart?” Adonis asked her,

“I don’t know, some, a lot….all of them,” she replied, as she rubbed her hot bottom.

“I think she turned the seat warmers on and cranked them.” Alexander said.

“It has a lot of buttons, I didint know what they did. My car only has ten buttons and I know what all of them do and it doesint burn bottoms.” Kenzi replied,

“You can’t just press buttons if you don’t know what they do sweetheart.” Adonis told her.

“You can’t put a button in front of me and asspec me not to press it. It would be like putting a plate of fries down and saying don’t eat the fries Kenzi. I’m gonna eat the fries. It’s not like it end-ed the world, it jus burn-ded a few bottoms,” she countered.

“What if one of those buttons did end the world?” Adonis asked,

“Then I’m very sorry, but I’m gonna press the button,” she replied,

“Ok, no blinky buttons of doom for you” Adonis said, shaking his head at her. At least she’d be sorry! Odin howled in his head.

“We should head back to the dealership,” Alexander said, trying not to laugh.

“I’m not getting into the car that burns bottoms” Kenzi stated,

“It only burned bottoms because you pushed buttons.” Adonis replied, laughing. “I’ll drive. Are you going to behave yourself and not press any more buttons?” Adonis added, looking at her sheepish blushing expression. Kenzi bit her bottom lip as she looked at him.

“I’m not not gonna press the buttons” she answered,

“Maybe you should ride in the back seat” He offered as he went to open the door for her. Pulling the handle the door didn’t budge. Alexander tried the front passenger door, but it was locked as well.

“Um….” was all he could say. They watched him move to the driver’s side and try the door there as well. Adonis and Kenzi watched as he jiggled and jostled the handle but to know avail the door was not going to open. He could see the keys in the center console and could not for the life of him figure out how the car was locked. It should not be possible.

“H....ho….how? Th….ho….I….” He scratched the back of his head looking utterly confused at the car.

“Is there a problem?” Adonis asked, arching his brow.

“We’re locked out” was all he could say as he continued to look at the car.

“How that happen? Frank says you’re not pose to be able to lock yourself out of new cars” Kenzi said. Adonis looked from the car to his mate then back to the car.

“Kenzi, did you press buttons on the remote?” He asked her.

“Maybe! A couple, I didint set the panic thingy off this tine.” She replied as she fidgeted with her fingers. “Do you want me to call Frank?” It started small, but grew before he erupted into a fit of laughter. His special little mate. Trying to find a vehicle she can’t lock herself out of and she managed to do just that.

“Oh sweetheart!” He gently pulled her into his arms as he continued to laugh.

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