The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 52: Final Meal….Maybe

“Clear the area!” Adonis said he had been watching Asmodeus closely. When he saw his skin pale he knew something had happened. Jackson ordered the others to leave, and they cleared out pretty quick. Kenzi grabbed Adonis’s hand, looking up at him.

“Something’s wrong.” He approached Asmodeus cautiously, looking over his shoulder to make sure Jackson and Tyler had her protected in case this took a turn. He stopped in front of his Gamma, who’s head hung down.

“Asmodeus” He wouldn’t look at his Alpha. He won’t help me! He won’t help me, not now, not ever! He said he will be fine with no wolf! Tyler and Jackson exchanged a look, but never said a word. How long had Elijah been thinking about rejecting his wolf for? He had to know that it would come at a painful cost.

“You know you caused this, right? You are to blame!” Asmodeus lifted his head, he wanted to protest, he wanted to deny it, but his Alpha was right. He was to blame. He dropped his head again. Yes!

“Take Kenzi inside,” Adonis ordered.

“But, but, but, I can help,” she protested.

“Go inside sweetheart!” Adonis told her,

“I can help,” she repeated, she didn’t want to go inside, she wanted to help.

“Not this time Lil K” Tyler replied as he started moving her towards the door.

“Why not this tine? Why can’t I help?” She asked,

“Apple business!” Tyler told her. What? Apple business? What’s Apple business? Odin was equally confused by what was said. I don’t know!

“Oh! I’m not an Apple.” Tyler shook his head. Jackson and Adonis shared a confused look. What does being an apple have to do with anything?

With Kenzi safely inside with Tyler, Adonis turned to Asmodeus again. I don’t want to go away!

“What did you say to Elijah?” Adonis asked. Nothing! Maybe something!

“Cut the bullshit Asmo, the fuck you say?” Jackson snapped. That he was a useless human and a disappointment. I was just angry, I wanted the food.!

“No fuckin wonder he want to sever the connection, I would to if Ko say that shit to me.” Jackson huffed. I would never say that. Never, ever, ever. I love you! Settle down Ko! I love you, I love you, I don’t wanna go away! I know, settle down Ko, no one say you goin away!

“Asmo, you jus had to ask an he help you,” Jackson replied. Then Luna started getting upset. Don’t let him send me away, he needs me!

“Sounds to me like he’s already resigned himself to being alright without you. Sounds to me like you need him more.” Adonis looked at him.

“What you wanna do?” Jackson asked Adonis. “I’m which you”

“Talk to Elijah, find out how long he’s been thinking about this and if it’s what he really wants.” Adonis answered,

“It can’t be undone. He can’t decide down the road, he want it back” Jackson said,

“I think he is aware of that. This is Elijah, he looks at every angle, before he makes a decision.” Adonis said. “Elijah!

Shaking his head to clear his mind and retracting his canines Elijah looked at his Alpha.

“How long have you been thinking about this?” Adonis asked,

“Since Manitoba,” Elijah replied. P-p-please E-E-Elijah don’t make m-m-me go a-aw-away!

“The fuck din’t you say somein” Jackson asked,

“Because no one can help. No matter what I tried, no matter what I did, nothing worked. If Alpha Adonis couldn’t get us to see eye to eye then what chance did anyone else have?” I’ll listen, I’ll be good. Don’t make me go away!

“You know there is no coming back?” Adonis asked,

“I am aware of what will happen. There will be no undoing it, I will be fully human.” Elijah replied. Please, please I’ll listen. I won’t….I’ll be a good boy. P-p-please, I want to be here. I don’t w-w-want to disappear, I need to be here. E-E-Elijah, don’t do this, I’ll stop being a goober!

“The fuck Kristi say bout all this?” Jackson asked,

“She’s human, she understands. If it is what needs to be done then it needs to be done.” Elijah replied. MATE! Don’t take me away from our mate!

“Tell me about taking someone’s head off with a plate.” Jackson looked at Adonis rather confused.

“That a fuckin odd thin to say right now.” He muttered,

“Asmodeus said he wanted to take things heads off with plates and Elijah said no. I am curious as to why.” Adonis replied.

“We were in Quebec and we watched someone crush someone’s head after they threw a plate at them. Asmodeus asked if you could take someone’s head off with a plate. I said I didn’t know, but it might be a possibility, if the plate was thrown fast and hard enough, and had the right edge to it. He wanted to do it.” Elijah explained,

“You want to figure it out firs?” Elijah nodded, when Jackson asked the question.

“You figured it out” Adonis stated more than asked.

“I haven’t got a chance to test it. Asmodeus and I were fighting more and more.” You figured it out? Yes! Why? Because you wanted to do it! You d-d-did th-th-that for m-m-me! I don’t always want to take your fun away Asmodeus. It was something both you and I would have enjoyed!

“The tree?” Adonis asked,

“Wolves can’t climb trees. If he wanted to climb it in human form I would have let him,” Elijah replied.

“The deck?” Another question.

“Since the tree, I have not been a fan of jumping from things” Asmodeus listened to every answer Elijah gave. He always thought Elijah hated him, but he didn’t. His counterpart might have been more reserved, but Elijah tried to let him have fun. He just went out of his way to fuck it up all the time.

“That fuckin understandable!” Jackson said,

“If this is what you truly want Elijah, I will sever the connection. Are you sure you want to do this?” Adonis asked, Jackson was about to say something, but he saw the slight head shake from Adonis. Elijah stood silent for a moment, weighing the option before him. It wasn’t really a choice. I promise, I’ll be good, I’ll be a good boy, I’ll listen, I’ll listen to everything you say. I will do everything you say. Please, please don’t do this. I want to be here, I need to be here. I won’t wreck your stuff, I won’t wreck your suits, I’ll just sit in your head and be a quiet good boy. I’m sorry I was a goober! Please, please Elijah please! Asmodeus was begging him, pleading with him to change his mind, give him one more chance.

“Do it!” Elijah said. NO! No I won’t let him, I won’t let you. I don’t want to go away. I want to be here, one more chance, just one more. I won’t fuck it up I promise. If I fuck it up you can make me go away! Please, please!

“Then at least give him a final meal.” Adonis spoke. Elijah looked at the porterhouse steak sitting on the machine and nodded his head. I don’t want it! Yes you do! No I don’t, I’m not hungry! I’m sorry I disappointed you Asmodeus, it was not my intention! You didn’t disappoint me Elijah, I disappointed you. I have been a bad boy, I have been a very very bad boy. I’m sorry! Asmodeus….! Just tell Alpha to sever it! One more meal Asmodeus! I don’t want it! Yes you do, I can hear you! Ok, maybe I want it! Luna made it for you, she will be upset if you don’t get it! It’s good! Smells good! Tastes better! Once more! I’ll listen….promise!

Keeping his distance from the sensors Elijah walked around the machine, looking over every inch of it. He looked for the sensors. How do we get it? Asmodeus asked. I’m not sur….clever girl! What, what she do? The only way to get it is to launch it! But we’ll lose it! Only if we’re on this side of it! Then what side do we go on? The opposite side! But the others will go after it too! Time to show them why we train the warriors! Really? Time for some fun Asmo! You called me Asmo! Didn’t realize you liked it! Asmodeus is a mouthful! Go around the long way!

Elijah had given Asmodeus back control, and he started to move around the device. Too close, two steps back! He scrambled farther back from the machine. They took turns being in control, Elijah would look at the device then into the air, then back at the device. What are you doing? Looking at the trajectory! What’s a trajecjury? The arc it’s going to make when it launches! We have to get there first! No! What? We’re going after it while it’s in the air! What? They will go straight for where it lands, we’re going towards the truck off the roof and taking it right out of the air! Parkour? I love parkour! Exactly, she designed a puzzle that uses both our strengths! Special little Luna! Very special indeed!

Adonis and Jackson had stood back watching Elijah and Asmodeus work through the puzzle.

“You sure bout this?” Jackson asked quietly,

“She designed this, I don’t know why or how she thought of it, but it requires both of them. They have to work together.” Adonis replied,

“What if they can’t?” Jackson inquired,

“Then I’ll do as Elijah wishes” Adonis replied, Jackson sighed beside him. It was a tough choice and Elijah was one of their best, but he knew Adonis had no choice. The feud between the two, would end up hurting the pack. It was what was best.

“Yur job suck!” Jackson said. Adonis nodded, moments like this, it did suck.

“It’s one of Elijah’s favourite torture methods.” Adonis spoke as they continued to watch the pair.

“What?” Jackson asked.

“Severing the connection between man and beast. Apparently it’s quite painful.” He replied.

“The fuck he figure that out” Jackson could never figure out how Elijah knew half the things he did. Elijah was well versed in many things, but his best was torture and Jackson loved watching him torture people. Most of the pack did, they made good money off of him, he was their best, it was art, and Elijah was an artist.

“During a battle a wolf bit me and instead of putting me down like it hoped he started writhing on the ground. Elijah experimented with me for a week until he figured it out.” Adonis replied,

“I gonna miss him, an his fancy suits. Hey, the fuck he never get dem thins dirty?” Jackson asked,

“Cause he’s a demonic ninja” Adonis replied,

“You ever notice he don’t wear ties either?” Jackson asked,

“He actually doesn’t like them. They remind him of being hanged. He only wears them because Kristi likes them. As soon as she’s not around he takes it off.” Adonis replied, trying not to laugh.

“No shit?” Jackson tried to stifle his laughter, as Adonis stood beside him nodding his head.

“That thin launch, I goin for it,” Jackson said as Elijah continued to check the device.

“I can’t say I will be rooted in spot either,” Adonis agreed.

“Tyler sayin Bal goin to” Jackson and Adonis looked towards Kenzi’s front porch. Both he and Kenzi were standing on it.

“Bal’s going?” Adonis asked, only to be greeted with the swirling gold eyes of Ko. Hungry Odin? YES! It only seemed fitting that Odin got to join as well. The others were out, and he did have one waiting in the kitchen for him already.

What do you think Asmo? Bal on the porch is getting ready, Ko and Odin to the left, both gearing up. We have to be super fast! We can’t physically trip the sensor! What are we gonna do then? Grab a stick, we’ll throw it and run. Aim low! Yeah! Ready? Ready! Aim! Aiming! Let it go! The stick flew, the sensor tripped, the steak launched and everyone took off. Kenzi watched wide eyed as Jackson, Tyler and Adonis ran towards where everything had landed previously, and Elijah ran towards the truck, gaining speed as he went. Leaping into the air landing on the edge of the roof, he pushed off hard and into the air to grab the steak.

“Son bitch!” Jackson huffed. As he watched Asmodeus land steak in hand and a triumphant smirk upon his face.

“That’s why he trains the warriors,” Adonis said, shaking his head. Damn it! Odin huffed in his head, he wanted it.

When Asmodeus finished his meal, he gave control back to Elijah. I got to jump off a truck. Thank you, Elijah! You’re welcome Asmodeus! With that Asmodeus fell silent in his head.

“How did that feel?” Adonis asked,

“Different!” Elijah replied. There was no fighting, no bickering, no name calling, it was the first time they worked as one. It was the first time they actually listened to each other.

“Do you still want to go through with it?” Adonis asked. Again Elijah had to think. They worked together, but was it because of the threat of severing the tie that binds them?

“You’re hesitating Elijah, are you no longer certain?” Adonis asked him.

“It felt different to work with him, then against him. But I don’t know if that was because of the threat of severing the tie or not. If I agree to keep him, how do I know it won’t go back to the way it was?” Elijah said,

“One successful bout of teamwork does not negate the rest, I understand. What about another test?” Adonis asked,

“What test?” Elijah asked. Yes, another test, we agree to another test. Let me prove it. I can work with you. It was fun! I got to jump off a truck! Adonis looked at Jackson who pulled the cover off the wood chipper. Elijah’s eyes widened when he saw it and he snapped then to Adonis.

“Relax, it is not for what you’re thinking, though I’m sure you would find that entertaining….both of you” Adonis assured him. “It’s for your suits,” He added.

“My….my suits?” Elijah asked, even Asmodeus was confused. Neither one could figure out what the wood chipper had to do with his suits. Then he saw Jackson holding a cannon.

“What the fuck is that?” He asked, pointing at it.

“A potato gun” Jackson smiled triumphantly.

“You look confused, allow me to clear it up for you. Asmodeus doesn’t listen, but do you listen to him?” Adonis asked, when Elijah didn’t answer he proceeded. “You’re going to need Asmodeus, the gun fires potatoes at an accelerated speed. They will be fired into the wood chipper.”

“What does this have to do with my suits?” Elijah asked.

“Your suits are going to be attached to the potatoes” Adonis answered him. When it dawned on Elijah what he was talking about, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. Nothing came out, no words, no sounds, nothing.

“I think he bout to has a melt down” Jackson stood there trying not to laugh at the expression on Elijah’s face.

“I don’t think I ever seen Eli at a loss for words” Tyler exclaimed,

“Yeah he always got somein to say,” Jackson agreed, fighting to bite back the humour.

“You’re going to shred my suits?” He finally asked,

“This was Kenzi’s idea” Elijah turned to look at her.

“I thought we liked me,” He said, frantically patting his chest.

“We do like you Elijah. But you jus seem so sad that you and Asmodeus weren’t getting along. He can save the suits. You can work to-gether and he can save the suits.” Kenzi replied. She was starting to second guess this plan, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea.

“I’m going to be naked” Elijah let out a sigh,

“Don’t make her feel guilty, she just wants to help” Adonis said as he moved to wrap his arms around her. If she gets upset it will set them all off.

“Have you ever explained to him why you like the suits Elijah? Has he ever asked? Have you two ever asked each other any questions?”

“No, I have never told him, and no he has never asked. They were just something he used against me. And the one time I tried to ask a question, he told me my name was stupid, and my mother must not have liked me if she named me such a stupid name.” That had them all fall silent.

“He doesn’t know, does he?” Adonis asked. Know what?

“He didn’t want to,” Elijah replied. What don’t I know?

“He should be able to jus….” Jackson started to say,

“He doesn’t know how and he never wanted to learn” Elijah cut him off before he could finish what he was saying.

“He doesint know what?” Kenzi asked, looking at them all.

“Elijah’s whole family was slaughtered, when he was a pup maybe two. When they found him he was covered in the blood of his mother. Her last act was to throw herself over top of him and save his life.” Kenzi’s eyes widened as her hands flew to her mouth. She shook her head.

“I’m so sorry Elijah,” She said.

She sacrificed herself for you? She did! Rogues? Retaliation! For what? My Alpha wanted more land and tried to take it from a pack that was stronger than us. My parents said that was not a good idea, but he demanded it. What choice did they have? None, some Alpha’s can be real assholes! He took the land, and they retaliated and slaughtered everyone they could! Your old pack is not your old pack….they found you? When they moved my mother’s body they discovered me underneath her! What was her name? Lilian! That’s a nice name! It will be the name of my daughter if I ever have one! Did things get better? No, I was of Gamma blood, but I was treated lower than an Omega. I thought getting my wolf would change things! Some wolves are assholes too. I’m sorry Elijah. How do I see? You have to focus on my memories! Elijah didn’t know how long it was going to take Asmodeus to go through his memories. He sat down on the ground, his suit was already wrecked, what was the grass going to do, that Asmodeus hadn’t already done.

“We found Elijah in the dungeon of a packhouse we were visiting. They didn’t know what he was and didn’t know how to handle him. He was set to be executed.” Adonis informed her. Kenzi looked from Adonis to Elijah, then back to Adonis.

“This eight years ago. We was gettin notice, din’t help we bulldoze our way through most of Ontario, lookin for his mate.” Jackson added.

“I might not have been the best at negotiating.” Adonis replied,

“Negotiatin? Yur exact words to Eli were pledge or die. When he did, you gave him back his rank then threaten the Alpha. Tellin him yur gonna rip his skull through his neck if he din’t let yur gamma out the fuckin cage” Jackson interjected, Kenzi looked up at him wide eyed.

“I’ve gotten better” Adonis replied,

“That cause Eli, does all the negotiatin” Jackson fired at him,

“He’s a lawyer, that’s what he’s supposed to do” Adonis stated back.

“Adon, put Eli through law school, and Eli taught us the art of gettin more. Adon din’t want Omegas. Everyone in the pack train. Don’t matter. We has warriors. Our army call Legion. We broken down into five factions. Sirens, they the first line of defence. They has a scream that can deafen an disorient you. They let one go if an enemy is on the territory. Ella, Tyler’s mate her one. Rule number one: Don’t make the sirens cry. Nex are the wisps, they mess wit yur head, whispers in the dark that come from ever direction and none at the same time. Rule number two: Don’t fuck wit ’em. They like to play head games. Third are shadows, that Eli, they’s like ninjas. Never see ’em coming till they in front of you. Rule number three: Don’t run from ’em, they catch you. Nex come the seekers, that Tyler, they senses are better than everones, they can fine anything. They know yur there before you know they are. Rule number four: Don’t hide from ’em, they fine you. Finally the berserkers, the bes faction” Jackson pounded his chest, a proud grin on his face. Kenzi giggled but she hung on every word Jackson said. Adonis couldn’t help but watch her as she listened. Everything she was being told would have terrified anybody else, but not his little mate, she was utterly fascinated.

“We the ones that break down the doors, you don’t want us knockin. Rule number five: Don’t keep us out. We want in, we comin in. We has normals in the pack too, Drea a normal they the las line of defence they protect the house where the pups are. We negotiate for warriors. We fine the scent of a demon an call it, those the ones we take. We don’t take em all at the same time, they no guarantee they gonna be twenty five demons in a pack at one shot, but it allow us to go back.” Jackson told her.

“What fac-fact….” Kenzi looked to Adonis for help with the word she was trying to say

Fac-tion” Adonis sounded the word out for her,

“What fac-tion are you in?” She asked him,

“He the mack daddy. He in all of em. That why he the top,” Jackson replied.

“What happens if they didint has any demons?” She asked,

“Then they would owe us something else” Adonis answered.

“Member that Alpha that offer his daughter.” Adonis rolled his eyes but nodded his head, that happened a time or two. “Yeah, Adon’s exact words were eww, gross.”

“It was gross” Adonis replied,

“Hey I ain’t sayin it wasn’t, siderin I think her bang Eli,” Kenzi’s jaw dropped as she looked from Jackson to Elijah sitting on the ground.

“Jackson!” Adonis’s hands covered her ears immediately.

“Fuck! Sorry!” Jackson threw his hands up. “I forgot her that innocent” He could hear his brother snickering behind him.

“Don’t fuckin laugh, how you not fuck up yet an forget?” Jackson asked Tyler,

“I got to give a big brother talk an toll her how her know when her ready,” Tyler explained proudly.

“You got to give a big brother talk?” Jackson asked,

“Yeah, Kenzi ask me to be her big brother. I say yes” Tyler grinned bigger.

“You do know you only a year older than her, right?” Jackson asked,

“Still older!” Tyler shot back, grinning triumphantly.

“Thanks for that by the way Tyler, you told her about other stuff.” Adonis growled. As Tyler’s grin faded, Jackson’s got bigger.

“You told her bout other stuff?” Jackson was trying not to double over laughing.

“I din’t tell her what it was, I jus say other stuff” Tyler replied,

“I’m the one that gets to explain other stuff to her. Thanks again” Adonis said,

“Yeah, hate to be in yur shoes,” Tyler remarked, nodding his head. Jackson doubled over laughing, when Adonis called him a little asshole.

Unable to hear anything that was being said with his hands over her ears, Kenzi could only see moving mouths. She saw Tyler’s grin, Jackson’s confusion and Tyler’s grin get bigger. She saw the disgruntled look on Adonis’s face, and Tyler’s grin fade only for Jackson’s to show up. Then she saw Jackson double over laughing. She patted his hands, she wanted to hear too. She was missing stuff.

“Sorry sweetheart, the conversation was….too adult for you” Was the only thing he could think to say.

“I’m an adult” She said,

“I know sweetheart, but you’re also innocent. We don’t want to corrupt you too badly, we’d like to keep you innocent.” Adonis told her.

“What are you gonna do to me that’s gonna cor-rup me?” She asked, scrunching her face. All eyes widened around her.

“Shut up Jackson not a word” Adonis spit out before he could say anything. “From you either” He pointed at Tyler. The grins on their faces spread wide, as the brothers cracked up laughing.

“Did I say something wrong?” Kenzi asked looking at him,

“No sweetheart, you didn’t say anything wrong” Adonis held her closer to him. His innocent little mate, how he prayed he never corrupted her, how he prayed she would always stay innocent.

I’m sorry Elijah! Asmodeus had gone through most of the memories Elijah had. His life was a trial, full of hardships and disappointments. Seeing Elijah’s memories of him were the hardest. Asmodeus realized he was the biggest disappointment of all. It’s not your fault, it was what it was! I was supposed to make things better for you, but I made them worse. I really am a bad wolf and I get why you want to get rid of me. If I was my wolf I’d want me gone to! I never wanted you gone Asmodeus, I wanted us to work together like we’re supposed to! I’m sorry I let you down, I’ll be better. If you keep me I promise I’ll be better! You’ll help me save my suits? Yes, can I jump off the truck again? If it calls for it. If it calls for it you can jump off Jackson’s head! Really? Really! Yes! Why do we wear suits? The others don’t wear them! I like my suits! But why? They look good. When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you feel powerful! They make us powerful? It’s called a power suit for a reason, Asmodeus! Power suit? Power suit, suit of power…. They….give….us….power? Is that why we’re so fast? They make us feel good, so we feel powerful! They give us power! Yes they do! Elijah did not want to explain to Asmodeus that the suits did not actually give them power, if letting him believe they did gets them all back, then he would let him believe that.

Elijah stood up and looked at them all, he was not sure how this was going to go. I got your back! Asmodeus assured him.

“He said he’ll help me,” Elijah informed Adonis.

“Fuck yeah!” Jackson bumped his fist with Tylers. They wanted to fire the potato gun. Though Elijah had a feeling they would be firing it regardless.

“Can I at least see a demonstration first before we start shredding my suits?” Elijah asked,

“Yeah, Tyler turn the chipper on,” Jackson said as he loaded the gun. Kenzi covered her ears when the machine roared to life. It was louder than she thought it was going to be. Jackson and Tyler placed safety goggles and ear protection on as they were standing closer to it, then offered some to Elijah. They would be using the link to communicate.

“Maybe we should move back” Adonis said to her,

What?” She looked at him, not hearing what he said to her. He moved his arm around her waist and moved her away from the machine and the noise it was producing.

“I didint think the wood eater was that loud.” She said when she took her hands away from her ears.

“It is a very loud….wood eater” Adonis agreed.

Jackson added the ignition fluid to the back of the gun and Tyler ignited it. BANG! Startled by the motion Elijah stepped back, but when he saw the wood chipper mangle the potato his eyes widened. His suits were going to die….horribly.

“Fuckin great right, this gonna be fun” Jackson said through the link,

“Shoot it again, shoot it again” Tyler encouraged another shot.

“Gonna has to, even wit his speed Asmo won’t be able to stop that,” Jackson stepped back and loaded again, ignition and BANG!

“Fuck yeah!” Tyler roared as the chipper ground the potato into nothing,

“Still too close” Jackson stepped back again, repeated and BANG!

“Take a bigger step, Jackass” Tyler offered,

Two giant steps back and he fired one more time, three steps this time, then four. Both he and Tyler looked at each other and nodded, they found a distance that should work. They were ready for the next part. While Tyler tied a rope to potatoes and the other end to suits. Jackson put them on the table. Elijah saw his whole wardrobe being fed to the menacing motorized demon. It’s ok Eli, I got this! Asmodeus said to him. Asmodeus that is going to launch fast, I’m not so sure of this! Don’t you trust me?….ok stupid question. You can trust me, I’ll save the suits. You have to take the back seat completely! What? Trust me Eli, take the back seat. Let me prove it to you….please! Asmodeus was asking for complete and total control. Elijah didn’t know if he could do that, but considering what would happen if he didn’t give total control, he didn’t see a choice in the matter. Ok Asmo, you have control! Once more Asmodeus stood before them.

“Ready puppy?” Jackson asked him, when he saw Asmodeus nod, he loaded the gun. “Fire!” Tyler ignited….BANG!

Asmodeus took off he watched carefully as the potato hurled towards the loud machine pulling the suit behind it, he didn’t need to stop the potato he needed to stop the suit. Grabbing a hold of the suit, he thought his job was done. The potato hit the machine being pulled between the teeth and the rope with it. The suit was yanked from Asmodeus’s hands and sucked into the machine and the only piece Asmodeus could save was a sleeve. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Asmodeus growled at the wood chipper then snapped his attention to Jackson and Tyler when he heard them laughing.

“Yeah, growl at it, you show it who’s boss” Jackson said to him.

About to advance on him, Jackson, preparing for the hit, Elijah stopped him. Stop Asmodeus stop! He did that on purpose! You can’t beat Jackson! We’re faster! He’s stronger! We’re a Gamma! He’s a Beta! I’m sorry Elijah, it pulled from my hands! I know I saw, relax Asmodeus it was an accident! What should I do? It’ll happen again! Elijah could hear the panic in Asmodeus’s voice, he really wanted to prove to Elijah, he wasn’t a fuck up. You need to sever the line! Sever the line, got it….What does….! Cut the line! Like when we cut things heads off! Exactly! Next prisoner we get can we start at the toes? Focus Asmodeus! Right sorry….but can we? I like playing this little piggy! We’ll see! Elijah didn’t want to give Asmodeus false hope. Taking his position one more time, he waited for the bang and took off running. Cutting the line with a swipe of his hand he saved one of the suits. Fuck yeah, I did it! Good job Asmo! What was that? What? That feeling! What feeling? When you said good job, it felt nice! Pride!

For the next forty minutes Asmodeus dashed back and forth doing his best to save as many suits and shoes as he could. Elijah was pretty certain Jackson was doing his best to destroy them, with Tyler encouraging him the whole time. He had started taking steps closer to the wood chipper, in turn making it seem like the potato was flying faster, saying he had to make it more challenging. The demon brothers would laugh maniacally when Asmodeus couldn’t get there fast enough, or only managed to save part of the suit or only one shoe. He would apologize profusely for not being able to save it, but not even Elijah could deny the effort Asmodeus was putting into saving them. Breathing heavily Asmodeus stood there as the next suit waited for its pending demise. A charcoal pinstripe suit hung from the line as the potato was loaded into the gun. BANG! Asmodeus went to run but stopped short. They watched as the wood chipper gobbled the potato, the line and the suit with no remorse. Why didn’t you stop it? Elijah asked. I don’t like that suit! Kristi bought it for us! It’s itchy! Why do you think I only wear it when she asks me too? I’m not sorry for that one! I’ve been secretly hoping you would destroy that one! I don’t like touching it! She is going to be upset! We’ll just tell her Luna did it. It’s not a lie! Elijah thought about that, it technically wasn’t a lie. Their Luna did design this test knowing a few of his suits would get wrecked.

“You will not tell her that!” Adonis came through the link. Asmodeus looked at his Alpha and bowed his head.

Ok we won’t tell her that! No we won’t! We can say Jackson did it, he shot too soon and I wasn’t ready! Asmodeus looked at Jackson, he just shook his head at him.

“That you can tell her!” Adonis remarked,

The smile Asmodeus carried on his face turned into wickedness as he watched Jackson huff. Last suit Asmo, are you ok? I got it! Are you sure? We can stop! No, I can get it! Asmodeus has more than proved to him that he was willing to try. It didn’t matter which way this was going to go, he had his decision made. Crouching low to the ground Asmodeus waited. As soon as he saw Tyler ignite the gun he took off running towards the truck. Planting both feet onto the hood he pushed back hard taking the suit and the potato from the air. Turning his body and swinging his leg he made his connection landing the roundhouse kick across the left side of Jackson’s head.

Jackson stumbled back from the blow, dropping the gun to hold the side of his head, when he took his hand away he saw the blood trailing down his fingers.

“You son bitch!” He growled at Asmodeus and went to make a move on him.

ENOUGH!” Adonis yelled, though it was laced with humour, they both obeyed.

“Kill the machine Tyler!” Adonis ordered.

With the sound dying they all removed their ear and eye protection.

“The fuck Asmo?” Jackson barked again.

“Are you ok Jackson?” Kenzi asked, when she and Adonis reached them.

“Can you really blame him?” Adonis asked,

“Yeah, I deserve it, maybe a lil bit.” Jackson agreed, he was being a dick. He let Kenzi take a look at the side of his head. She never said anything about the colour of his blood as she searched for an injury.

“Have to admit, that fuckin impressive though. Bam! right out the air. Fuckin ninja” Tyler exclaimed,

“Should fuckin kick Tyler too, he encourge me” Jackson huffed,

“Don’t fuckin kick Tyler” Tyler said defending himself.

“Wow! There’s not even a mark. We should go get you clean-ed up,” she said, still looking for one. “That really would has come in handy” She added under her breath as she walked back towards the house, more certain than ever that she was born into the wrong species. They all exchanged a look, but no one said a word.

“Go with her,” Adonis said to Jackson and Tyler after a minute.

“The fuck you let Bal go? Din’t you want the steak?” Jackson asked Tyler as they headed towards her house.

“Yeah, but I got one waitin in the kitchen.” Tyler replied,

“What?” Jackson looked at him, “The fuck you get one for?”

“Don’t pout, you got one too. So Eli,” Tyler said laughing. Their Luna takes care of her boys, even if she doesn’t know she is.

“Did you really need to kick him?” Adonis asked Asmodeus when Jackson was out of ear shot, the smirk he saw cross his face gave him his answer.

“You did well Asmodeus, under the circumstances” Adonis praised him, he didn’t save all the suits, but he got five of them and he tried. “But I need to talk to Elijah now” Asmodeus bowed and receded into the back of Elijah’s mind.

“Did you try to stop him from kicking Jackson?” Adonis asked, when Elijah stared back at him.

“No!” Elijah answered,

“Did you know?” Adonis asked another question,

“I had an idea” Elijah responded,

“And?” He didn’t need to fully ask the question Elijah knew what he was asking. Adonis nodded his head, a small smile playing at his lips.

“Kenzi has a steak for you inside after you get cleaned up” Adonis didn’t wait for a reply, he didn’t need to. He turned and walked towards the house leaving Elijah standing there.

What’s going on? Asmodeus watched his Alpha walk away. We’re going to get cleaned up and put on a new suit! I get to stay! I get to stay? Do I get to stay? Yes! I GET TO STAY! Settle down Asmodeus! Yeah, I get to stay! We have to work together! Yeah, work together, I jumped off a truck and kicked Jackson in the head! Yes you did! Thank you Elijah! You’re welcome, thank you for saving my suits! I didn’t get all of them, still not sorry about that one though! You got enough, I’ll have to pick up some more! Can….can I….can I pick a suit? You want to pick a suit? Yeah! I don’t see why not! Yeah? Sure! Yes! Can we have a pink shirt? I like pink, purple and green. We don’t have anything green, I bet we’d look really good in green! We can see what they have! Can we have a white suit? Maybe not! Why? White is really hard to keep clean! I think we can keep it clean, it’s a power suit. It’ll give us power! I’ll think about it! How many shades of grey are there? How many do you think there are? Light, dark and middle! Ok, there’s more than that! There’s more? A lot more! How many shades of black are there? None, it’s just black! Then what’s charcoal? A really dark grey! Can we have that colour? It would look good with a pink shirt and a green one and a purple one! We’ll have to see what they have! Can we not let Kristi buy us suits anymore? You don’t like the suits Kristi buys? They’re always itchy and hot, you don’t buy itchy hot ones, they feel nice! Kristy buys wool suits, I prefer cotton! Cotton, let’s buy more cotton ones and ban Kristi from buying us suits! You tell her! Can you? Where do we get suits? We’ll have to go into the city! Ooo the city, I like the city! Last time we were in the city you complained that it was too loud and smelled gross! I like visiting the city!

Elijah collected his suits, as he listened to Asmodeus. Can I kick Jackson in the head again? Maybe not right away! Yeah, maybe tomorrow! Maybe next week! Yeah, that might be better. Can we take things heads off with plates now? No! Why not? I don’t have the plates, we’ll pick some up in the city and we can practise when we get back! Yes! Today is a good day! It sure turned out that way! I like you Elijah, we’re gonna be best friends! Elijah didn’t know what to say to that, it stunned him into silence. You’re smart, I’m not that smart. I’m kinda stupid actually! You’re not stupid Asmodeus! No, I am, I know I have no impulse control and just do stuff. I don’t think things through! How can you be stupid? If you were stupid you wouldn’t know you were stupid! Did you just say I’m smart? I said you weren’t stupid! You said I was smart! If by saying you are not stupid is saying you are smart then I guess I did! Smart is the opposite of stupid, so if I’m not stupid then I’m smart! There is some logic to that! I might be smarter than you! Let’s not get carried away! Yeah ok, I’m as smart as you! In your own way! Yeah, my own way. Hey we should try the wood chipper the next time we have to torture someone. That would get them to spill their guts, before we spilled their guts. Ha! That’s funny! Not even Elijah could hide the humour he found in what his deranged wolf just said. He really was just a simple creature.

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