The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 40: Give him up!

Adonis walked back into her house and she was sitting there quietly. She was still trying to process everything they just said to her. Still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that werewolves existed, does that mean other things existed too.

“I’m sorry sweetheart. I didn’t tell you the truth about myself. I know it’s a lot to take in, in one night.” Kenzi looked over at him, he could see on her face the questions she still had in her head.

“You didint lie. It was a secret, a really, really big secret. If I would has assked if you were a were-wolfie and you said no, that would has been a lie. I didint know to assk the ques-tion. It’s ok, I won’t tell nobody, I’m really good at keeping secrets.” She replied

“Yeah, you are” Adonis muttered more to himself than her. Closing the door he moved back towards the couch.

“Do uni-corns ass-ist?” She looked at him as he sat down. His eyes widened, that question shouldn’t have shocked him, she just found out that werewolves existed and they were supposed to be a myth.

“No, neither do dragons, trolls, or fairies, and you’re the closest I’ve ever seen to a real live pixie.” He trailed his fingers to the tips of her pointy ears and the blush formed across her face.

“Werebears, and werecats do exist however.” He added.

“There’s bears and cats? There’s a house cat that sometines comes to visit, it’s not gonna go poof into a human is it?” Her eyes went wide.

“No, house cats are not werecats, they’re too small. A werecat would be more like a tiger or a lion type cat. They are more human sized, so they blend better than wolves or bears.” He tried to explain.

“Oh, so if I ev-er see a tiger running around, it might be a werecat?” He laughed at that.

“If one ever showed up in the BC mountains yeah it might be. There’s not many left of the werecat species. They’re hunted….by normal wolves. Often kept as pets or slaves. Their King outlawed this, but it still happens”

“There’s a King?”

“Yes!” He replied, “There is also a shifter council. Like a human government, to keep them inline. There are rules they need to follow. Don’t meddle in human affairs, humans can’t know about them. That sort of thing” She just nodded, that made sense.

He also told her that demon wolves weren’t seen as part of the werewolf community. It was why the shifter council’s rules don’t apply to them. They had formed their own council with their own rules that they follow. He informed her that his species was kicked out of the werewolf community, it was why they weren’t seen as part of it. He held her tightly as he explained the life of rejection a demon wolf went through, and it was rare that a family chose to stay with them, but they did have a few. He told her how they found their pack members hidden amongst the normals, but not where most of them were found. She didn’t need to know. Her sadness swirled around him and he helped her work through every bit of it.

“So what does mate-ed to a were-wolfie mean?” She repeated her question. He took a deep breath, he was happy the others left so he could explain this to her. This was the part he was looking forward to. He just wanted it to be him in the room when he told her she was the one created for him. He gently pulled her into his lap, and waited till she settled cuddled into his chest before he tried to explain mates to her.

“The shifter species was created by someone we call the Moon Goddess. We were created to be the guardians of the earth. To reward us, we are given a true mate, one that is created just for us. They complete us, make us whole, stronger. When we reach sixteen, we are able to find them. Most normals do, some it takes a little longer.” He explained, running his hands up and down her back.

“We are drawn to finding them. Sometimes we don’t, that could be for a number of reasons. The mates aren’t in the same area, the same country. One might have died in a battle. We are not guaranteed a second chance at finding a true mate, so some take what is called a chosen. Could be to form an alliance with another pack, could be to produce an heir, or so they don’t have to be alone.”

“What aboud dee-mons? They don’t get one?” Kenzi held him tighter, that didn’t seem right to her.

“We get one, it takes us longer to find ours, and we’re not guaranteed to be accepted. Normals don’t want to be mated to our kind, they’re afraid of us. If we are rejected by our mate, it ends….badly” Adonis didn’t really want to tell her they lose control of their wolf and they rip their mate to pieces, but that is what happens. Kenzi looked up at him, she didn’t like that either, she didn’t like the thought of them not being accepted.

“People should stop being so…..j….j….mean” and she buried her face back into his chest. He wrapped his arms more around her to help her ride out the sadness she felt. Tell her already, she won’t reject us! He explained to her that when a demon wolf does find their mate they go in pairs to explain to them what they are. She understood, on the account that normals can’t smell demons and humans would freak out.

“How do you know you finded them?”

“It starts with a scent. Something we are drawn to, when we find it we crave it like oxygen. It’s usually our favourite, like lavender and green apples.” Adonis replied,

“You jus walk around sniff-eling people, till you find a csi-sir-tin smell you like?” She pushed back from his chest and looked up at him.

“No, we have a very sensitive sense of smell and don’t have to sniff people. Our mate could be on the other side of the room from us and we’d be able to smell them.” Adonis replied, chuckling.

“Jackson and Tyler has mates? That’s their wives?” She asked, “And Elijah?”

“Yes!” He replied,

“But you don’t has yours?” She looked at him. A wave of sadness coursed through her again. She had to give him up, he belonged to someone else and she couldn’t be selfish.

“Well….” He replied. Tell her already! Odin snapped in his head.

“I found her three years ago and she disappeared. I’ve been looking for her since then.” He felt the sadness, then he felt her excitement. Maybe she already knows! Here goes nothing! He thought.

“I’ll help you finded her.” She blurted, before he could say anymore, her eyes sparkling up at him. He deserved to find his mate. The one that was created for him, and she would help him.

“What?” He looked at her in confusion.

“Your mate, I’ll help you finded her. I could be your wing-man….woman, I’m not sure what they’re pose to do, but I could be her. And I’ll make sure she asseps you. Who wouldint? But I’ll make sure she does,” she replied.

“You’ll help me find her?” He asked. What the fuck is happening?

“Yeah, I can help. You can’t kiss me no more, and we can’t has no more sleepovers, and no more flirting. I can’t be selfish. You serve to has your mate, but we can still be friends, and that’s good too.” She scrambled off his lap, and pulled him to his feet moving towards the front door. No tell her she can be selfish. She is ours, tell her she is ours! When she opened the door, she shoved him out. What is going on?

“It’ll be ok, we’ll find her and you won’t be alone.” He could only stare at her stunned and wide eyed.

“Wait, Ken….” He started to say when she closed the door on him. He stood on her porch staring at her closed front door. The fuck just happened? I think we were….friendzoned!

He stood there for twenty minutes, trying to figure out where it went wrong. How he got shoved out the door, with his mate promising to help him find his mate. He found his mate, she just pushed him out the fucking door, saying they can be friends and she can’t be selfish. The fuck did you say? I don’t know! You fucking said something to her! He was going over the whole conversation in his head. She didn’t let him finish what he was saying. Don’t you blame her! I’m not, but she didn’t let me finish. It’s just a misunderstanding. Fix it! I will, I’ll tell her! With one last look at her house he walked towards his own, this did not go how he had hoped it would. He hoped it would end with him in her bed. What are you going to tell the others? FUCK! They were going to be wondering what he was doing at home. Maybe they wouldn’t be up. Maybe The Devil could get one last wish, and they wouldn’t be up and he could just throwing himself on his bed and try and figure out how the fuck he was going to tell her she was his mate. Not this time! The lights were on and he could hear Jackson and Tyler laughing. FUCK! Walking into the house, they all stared at him in confusion, the question was there, they all wanted to ask it but none dared to speak the words.

Adonis heaved a deep sigh, better to get this over with now.

“She doesn’t know. She knows about mates, but doesn’t know she is mine. I didn’t get the chance to tell her before she pushed me out the door saying she will help me find mine, and we can still be friends.” He waited. He kept his head down and he waited. One of them was going to crack, he would if any one of them were in this situation. Jackson! Tyler! They were fighting back their snickers, trying not to laugh. He didn’t blame them, he couldn’t, there was definite humour to be found.

“You were….friendzoned by your mate?” It was Elijah that asked the question. Adonis looked at him. He was fighting the smile that was threatening. Jackson and Tyler both broke and roared with laughter.

“The friendzone?” Tyler choked out,

“The fuck that happen?” Jackson asked, clutching his sides as he continued to laugh, tears streaming down his face.

“I don’t know. I don’t know how it happened. She asked if your wives were your mates and I said yes, then she asked if I found mine” Adonis ran his hands through his hair.

“The fuck you say?” Jackson asked, using the heel of his hands to dry his eyes.

“I told her I found her three years ago, she disappeared and that I had been looking for her since then. Before I could say anything else, she said she would help me find her. You know, be my wingwoman and then pushed me out of the fucking house and closed the door on my face before I could say I already found her.” How did this get so fucked up? You’re an idiot!

“That where you fuck up!” Tyler was nodding,

“What?” Adonis asked, looking at them.

“Shoulda jus say yes,” Tyler replied, this time Jackson nodded. Elijah had just been quiet this whole time. When he looked up they were all staring at him.

“I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that your mate put you in the friendzone.” He said, shaking his head. Jackson snorted and looked away, while Tyler just dropped his head, his shoulders shaking.

“Assholes!” Adonis grumbled. “I’m fucking going to bed”

He dragged himself up the stairs, still questioning how it got so twisted. Jackson and Tyler were right he fucked up, he should have said yes. It should have been the first word out of his mouth. Yes! A stupid, simple three letter word! Did you find yours? Yes! Kenzi, I found her! Yes! Kenzi, you’re my mate! Yes! Kenzi, she’s sitting cuddled in my lap right now with my arms around her! Yes! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Fuck! I’m such an idiot! I fucked up! I fucked up so stupidly! An epic fuck up! Has any other wolf been friendzoned by their mate? Nope, think I’m the first! Yes! Of all the stupid fucking words to get hung up on and fuck up I pick yes! Adonis walked into his room and stood there, he looked at his bed. The bed he shared with her the other night. No more sleepovers, no more kisses. She can’t be selfish. She can’t be selfish. Selfish! Where the fuck was your presence when she said that about herself? Selfish! She’s giving up her happiness so he can find his mate and she’s selfish. Who the fuck would do that? Oh yeah, my mate! My mate would do that! My mate would give up everything to make another happy! Fuck I’m an idiot! CRASH!! He swiped his hand and cleared everything off his dresser in one hit.

“Well that didn’t make me feel better” He mumbled to himself, staring at the mess he just created on the floor. Now you have to clean that up! Fuck you! Don’t get mad at me, you’re the idiot! He bent down and started picking up the mess. He couldn’t argue with Odin, he was an idiot. When that was done he flopped down on his bed, hoping sleep would just take him, but nope he laid there replaying the whole conversation in his head over and over again.

Kenzi made sure all her lights were off and started to climb the stairs to her bedroom, she had to be up in a few hours for work. She got about half way up when she turned and headed back down to make sure all the doors were locked. Even going so far as to check them twice. She made it to her bedroom and the first thing she did was close the curtain, blocking the view from his window. Couldn’t tempt him, when he has a mate out there waiting for him to find her. It wouldn’t be fair to them. She moved into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Brushing her teeth she just looked at herself in the mirror. Her mind battling between happy and sad she didn’t know what to feel. He wasn’t hers, he had somebody but he can’t find them. This thought made her both sad and happy. He wasn’t hers, but at least he would never be alone. She’s heard the way Tyler and Jackson went on about their wives, they adored them, it would be the same for Adonis. He would adore her and she would adore him, he deserved it. He deserved to be happy and to have that kind of love in his life. They just needed to find her. He said he lost sight of what she looked like, so she could be anybody. As long as she smells the same, they could find her. Joe has ladies night on Thursdays they could start there.

“I think there’s even speed dating. He jus has to smell them, and he’ll find her.” She smiled to herself, it was a good place to start. There was also the sweetheart festival, they could try there as well. If they’re not in town, they could go to one of the cities as well, if not both. She would help him, he’s helped her and she will help him. Finishing in the bathroom, she closed her closet checking the door twice and crawled into bed, but sleep didn’t come to her. She lay awake, thinking of all the ways she could help Elijah and his wolf get along and all the places her and Adonis could go to find his mate.

At some point Adonis must have fallen asleep, when he opened his eyes the time on his bedside clock read 2:30. He blinked and looked around his room. His first thought was to look beside him in the bed, he couldn’t help the disappointment when he didn’t see her there. The events and conversation of last night playing over in his mind again. He would go with her to the bakery this morning and he would talk to her again, get her to understand that she was his mate. He got out of bed, and headed towards the bathroom, he’d grab a quick shower then head over to her house. When he passed by his window, he looked out and he froze in place. She had closed the curtain, cutting off his view of her room. Why would she do that? I don’t know! His heart hurt, it ached for her. Her scent, the tiny hitches her breath made when he said something that caused racy thoughts to run wild in her head. He wanted to see her head to toe blush, he wanted to be the cause of it. He would go get her and make this right. Tell her she was his mate and then he would kiss her into oblivion and then he’d take her back to bed and hold her close to him for the whole fucking day. He would never let her go.

Kenzi got to the bakery at 1:30. She wasn’t sleeping. At some point her thoughts of helping Adonis and Elijah turned into overthinking being in the house by herself and every noise had her jumping. It got to the point that she was sitting on the floor in the corner of the room, her back and hip protesting the whole thing but she sat there and just stared at her bedroom door waiting for the boogeyman to come running in and get her. Then she remembered the boogeyman came out of the closet and not through bedroom doors and it was just time to go to the bakery. She kept all the doors locked and her phone on her at all times as she started her work. Maybe she would leave early today, or she would sleep here tonight, or maybe she would ask Maggie if she could spend the weekend with her and Patrick. No, maybe not! She was a big girl and she had to get over it. She had to move on and not be a burden on people. And she had her dinners with Adonis all week. Her thoughts moving back to what she witnessed and the conversation she had last night. Werewolves are real and they don’t eat people. They have mates that are given to them by a Moon Goblin and they all have one, they just have to find them. So many thoughts swirled around her mind over and over as she continued with making doughs, for breads and buns and cookies. They wouldn’t let up as she prepped batters for brownies, blondies, cupcakes and muffins. He has a mate and I don’t get to keep him. He’s not mine! That thought popped into her head as she was making pastry dough. It had been there all night but she had pushed it back and fought to ignore it. But it was banging in her head demanding its voice. Demanding she pay attention to it. Demanding she acknowledge it. Her hands stilled and she felt her legs begin to shake.

“I tell-ed you not to get your hopes up.” She said to herself. “I tell-ed you, you were jus friends and don’t think too much into any-any-nothing. But you didint listen, you ne-ver listen. You do what you do and then you end up trying to figer out what went wrong. Stupid, stupid, stupid girl. Now how are you going to give him up? He’s not yours, he was ne-ver yours, but you jus had to play pretend, and now you has to give him up. You has to! How are you going to do that? Huh? You stupid idiot. Stupid, why are you so stupid? Why do you wreck ev-ry-thing? Why can’t you jus get one thing right? Cause your stupid that’s why. And stupids always screw-ed up. That’s all you’re good at, jus screwing ev-ry-thing up.” She berated and belittled herself. Calling herself everything she has heard others call her. Telling herself all the things that were wrong with her. How selfish she was, how stupid, how dumb, how much she screwed up, how she screwed everything up. How she’ll always be nothing but a selfish screw up. The words came easy to her, she’s heard them over and over again. She’s tried not to believe the people that said that to her, but maybe they were right. Look what she did, she screwed everything up. She was in love with a man that wasn’t hers and now she has to give him up. He deserves his happiness and he wasn’t going to find that with her. She beat herself down and her heart broke, it felt like it was shattering. She sank to the floor one hand clutching her aching chest and the other silencing her cries as the tears poured from her eyes.

Adonis walked out of the house and for the second time froze. Something was wrong, something was off. Her house was dark, no light, no music, no singing. Her car was gone. She hadn’t gone to the bakery already had she? It wasn’t even three in the morning. Maybe she couldn’t sleep! Maybe she didn’t sleep! Why wouldn’t she sleep? She got hit with a ton of information last night! Oh yeah! Adonis went to his vehicle instead, he would head to the bakery. She had to be there. Maybe she’ll scream when she sees us! Why would she scream? If she was in shock last night, it would wear off now and she would start screaming! She won’t scream! How do you know? I don’t, but she won’t, she’s stronger than that! He sped the whole way making it to the bakery in under twenty minutes. He had to see her, make sure she was ok. Just tell her. Say mate you’re my mate! Adonis was trying to ignore Odin. He had more pressing matters going through his mind. If she was at the bakery before three, then it meant she was here early, and if she was here early then she didn’t sleep last night and he wanted to know why. He’ll deal with the mate thing later, her health was more important to him. When he pulled into the parking lot there were no lights on in the bakery. It didn’t mean anything she could be in the kitchen. Her car was here, so she had to be here. Heading around the back, he knocked on the door, no answer. He banged louder, and still no answer. Panic started to grip him, he banged on the door louder and still received no answer. She might have her music in!

Trying to remain calm and think rationally, he could just break the door down, but if she was just listening to her music then she would be alarmed at his actions. Yeah, she’d think you’re fucking crazy! Not helping Odin! Call her! Pulling out his phone he looked up her number and hit the call button.

“Hello sweetheart!” He spoke, when she finally picked up. Four rings, four rings and she finally picked up. Did she hesitate? Did she not want to accept the call?

“Hi!” Her voice was quiet on the other end.

“How are you doing?” He asked, concern laced his voice.

“Um….thinking!” She replied, she was thinking, she was thinking a lot.

“There was a lot of information last night and I know it’s a lot to process.” He said,

“I jus need a day to sort out all the thou-ghts.” She said, her voice catching, hoping she would have the day to put herself back together, to prepare for when they find his mate. It clearly wasn’t her, he would have smelled her.

He wanted to see her, but she was asking for a day to process everything. To sort it all out in her head so she could understand it better. They tried their best to explain things to her, but unless she grew up in their world she would have a hard time understanding it.

“Ok sweetheart! You take your day, but if you need anything, or have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.” He said, as he looked at the door to the back of the bakery. He would let her sort this out and then he would tell her who she was. Saying their goodbyes, he only pulled the phone away from his ear when he heard the dial tone. He wouldn’t be the first to hang up. Shoving his phone back in his pocket he headed towards his vehicle with his head hung down. He needed to figure out how he was going to tell her who she was. She wanted a day to process, so he would take the day to plan. They had a BBQ planned. He could tell her tonight, but it was already going to be busy, and the pack is going to be vying for her attention. Plus members of the Ridgeview Pack would be in attendance. He didn’t want his mate to be exposed tonight. He didn’t want her exposed to other packs until she was certain who she was. Kennedy’s mate was human, he’d ask him how he told her.

Retrieving his phone from his pocket he dialed the number. It would be early, but figured he could use a wake up call.

“What?” A tired voice came on the other end.

“What’s the matter dear brother? Did I call at a bad time?” Adonis said grinning.

“I was fucking sleeping” He spoke after a string of curses left his mouth.

“Aw, that’s too bad. Payback’s a real bitch. Now get the fuck out of bed.” Last time Kennedy called, Adonis was not only sleeping, but hungover and Kennedy had blared music into the phone at full blast the second he picked up. More grumbling on the other end, he heard Kennedy’s mate say something, and he replied that it was his pain in the ass little brother.

“Brenda says hi” Kennedy sniped into the phone.

“How is Brenda?” Adonis asked, he liked Brenda, she was quiet, then again he intimidated her. He intimidated everyone.

“Pregnant!” Kennedy exclaimed, a note of excitement in his voice.

“Congratulations, maybe you should learn to keep it in your pants brother, you already have three” Adonis laughed,

“Maybe take it out of yours and you’d have a few as well.” Kennedy fired back.

“I found her!” Adonis said,

“What?” Three words and he had his brothers full attention.

“I found her!” Adonis repeated,

“The girl from Algonquin Park? You found her? You found her in BC? Holy fuck brother, that is good news. Congratulations!” He said something to Brenda then came back on the line. “I’m heading to the office. Steve will want to hear this as well.”

Adonis waited for his other brother to join the conversation, before he continued to say anything else.

“How did you find her? When did you find her?” Kennedy asked,

“I’ll wait for Steve.” Adonis replied,

“I get it. While I have you on the line, we got word from The King.” Kennedy spoke.

“What?” This piqued his interest.

“There’s a girl heading your way, she’s to be watched over. The King says there’s something about her. A wolf tried to mark her without consent.” Kennedy informed him,

“What?” Adonis was shocked, it’s not how it was done. Rogue maybe! Odin hazard a guess. Even rogues aren’t that stupid!

“Yeah, helluva a bite on her right shoulder. She doesn’t like to be touched. It repulses her and she has a tendency to hit things. Really hard! Her name is Ember Sheppard, and she’s looking for something.” His brother continued.

“What is she looking for?” Adonis asked,

“Don’t know, she hasn’t found it yet, says she’ll know it when she does. The King thinks she’s looking for home. Apparently she was bounced around alot as a child and never had one.” Kennedy stated,

“So now she’s looking for one?” Adonis knew what that was like, he looked for one as well.

“That’s what The King thinks,” Kennedy confirmed.

“And she’s heading this way?” Adonis asked,

“Said she’s never been to the mountains and she might find what she’s looking for there.” Kennedy stated.

“I’ll keep a look out for her then. She might not even come here.” Adonis spoke.

“No she might. That bakery is there. The one from all the travel magazines, you know the one I’m talking about. She is very curious about it.” Kennedy said. That was his baker’s bakery.

He heard talking and rustling.

“Yeah, I told him about the girl.”

“The fuck do I know”

“Fuck off Steve!”

“He started it!”

“He’s on the fucking line now”

“Has something to tell us, he found the girl from the park.”

“He’ll only say it when both of us are listening”

“You still there?” Kennedy came back on the line,

“Trouble in paradise, brother?” Adonis asked,

“Don’t you start shit!”

Adonis could only laugh as the bickering between his two brothers continued. It was the problem with having two Alpha’s and one pack, eventually their egos would get in the way.

“Alright Adon, who is she? Where is she? How the fuck did you find her? And why the fuck are we just hearing about this?” Steve fired off the questions, laughter could be heard in his voice.

“The little town I now call home has a bakery, you know the one? It’s written about in all those travel magazines. The baker is mine.”

“No shit! You’re gonna be fat. I’m gonna laugh when I see how fat you get” Kennedy was already laughing.

“We have stepped up training!” That only made them laugh harder.

“Jackson and Tyler must be in heaven right now” Steve choked out.

“They are definitely enjoying some of the benefits that come with having a baker for a mate.” Adonis chuckled,

“So what’s the problem?” Kennedy asked,

“No real problem, she’s human,” Adonis spoke. Silence hit the other end

“Does she know?” Kennedy asked, memories of when he told Brenda came back to him.

“She knows what I am. Found out last night.” Adonis told them,

“Did she scream? Brenda screamed….a lot!” Kennedy said.

“No, she accepted it. Asked if we walked around wearing people suits and how they’re removed with no zipper.” Adonis replied. A roar of laughter erupted over the phone.

“Guess that would make sense to them” Steve choked out.

“So what’s the problem?” Kennedy repeated.

“She knows what I am, just not who she is to me. How did you tell Brenda she was your mate?” Adonis asked,

“Carefully, I told her what I was first and let her come to terms with that, before I said anything about mates. When I did finally tell her, it wasn’t actually me. She overheard Steve giving me advice on how to tell her. She lost it again but she cried that time.” Kennedy informed him.

Adonis silently cursed this really wasn’t helping him. Just fucking tell her! Mate you’re my mate, not hard! That seemed to be the only way to do it. Like ripping off a bandaid, make it quick.

“If she’s accepted werewolves that easily, you could probably just tell her” Steve was saying, which supported Odin’s method.

“What’s the problem?” Kennedy heard the second deep sigh.

This is where he would really hear about it.

“Oh she accepted all right, she’s going to be my wingwoman and help me find her” Silence. There was nothing, dropped pins could be heard on the other side of the phone with how quiet it was.

“She’s going to help you find her?” Steve finally spoke. He was fighting the urge to laugh, but broke at the end.

“Did she put you in the friendzone brother?” Kennedy howled into the phone. Adonis refused to admit that’s exactly what she did.

“Not answering is confirmation enough” Steve sputtered.

FUCK! He knew he was going to hear about it, he was not going to come out of this conversation without being harassed relentlessly.

“I don’t think that has ever been done” Kennedy stated,

“Nope, they usually scream, cry and try to hit us with things.” Steve confirmed.

Sure enough that is exactly what his brothers did. Climbing into his vehicle and putting his phone on speaker he made the drive back home. He went slow, he wasn’t in a real hurry to get there. His brothers laughing at his predicament didn’t really help him either. Maybe he’d go for a run when he got home, a long hard run. Clear his mind.

“We’re sorry Adonis, but….we’re sorry!” Steve tried to apologize, but failed.

“We have no idea how to help you with that, other than to just sit her down and tell her.” Kennedy added.

“Fuck! Maybe you can help me with something else then.” Adonis spoke,

“What?” Steve asked, when the laughter finally died down.

“The fuck is going on with Eric? He’s been calling nonstop saying he has no alliances. Where the hell are the rest of the idiots?”

“You don’t know?” Kennedy asked,

“Know what? I try not to answer his calls if I can help it, and he won’t talk to Elijah” Adonis spoke,

“The rest of the idiots lost their packs” Steve informed him.

“What?” Well isn’t that interesting!

“When The King brought down the ruling about werecats, four of them didn’t comply. Not only did they lose their packs, they lost their heads.” Steve was saying,

“What?” That caught his attention,

“Hell yeah brother! Emmit, Easton, Elias and Emerson are dead. The King said they didn’t deserve an honourable funeral for the crimes they committed against a shifter species. Then there was an argument between his two Beta’s on whether or not they should be burned or buried. They compromised. Burned the bodies and buried the heads.” Kennedy continued,

“When did this happen?” Adonis asked,

“Um….Maybe a week and a half ago!” Steve said.

“Someone rat them out?” Adonis asked, how would the King know?

“No, The King’s looking for someone and not having any luck in finding them. He’s been around to some of the packs in the States and now he’s in Canada. And he’s not fucking happy about it. Guess he’s hitting Eric’s pack next week.” It might be time for a visit Odin! I would love to see your brother beheaded! I would love to be the one that does it!

“How did the other idiots lose their packs?” Adonis asked,

“The King thinks they know where whoever it is is but they won’t tell him, so until they can figure out where their loyalties lie, they lose their status. They ain’t Alphas anymore.” Kennedy replied,

“Has The King visited you yet?” Adonis asked,

“Not yet, we got word that he’ll be coming the week after his visit with Eric” Steve said, he heard the edge to his voice.

“I’ll be visiting next week.” He heard the relieved sighs in his brother’s voices when he said that. “I’ll call in a few days with the details”

Saying their goodbyes he hung up. The King is looking for someone! Wonder who that could be? Must be someone important, if he thinks the idiots are hiding them! Do the idiots have the mental capacity to do that? Didn’t think so! I want to see Eric get dethroned! I do too! This picked his mood up greatly. Now he also understood Eric calling him. He had no interest in The King usually, pretty much ignored him for the most part. But if The King was going to kill Eric he might need to step in. That is a pleasure he wanted for himself.

The day progressed and the bakery was busy, with people coming and going and buying and restocking. Maggie had sent Kenzi on a break when a lull in the crowd had finally hit. She wandered town square with her headphones in, keeping her head down and trying to drown out what was going on in her head. She didn’t have much of an appetite at the moment, so going to the diner was pointless. Lost in her thoughts, she bumped into a wall….with arms. Stumbling back and away from the wall she looked up, then looked up some more.

“I’m sorry. I didint mean to bump into you.” She said, this guy was tall, not Adonis or Jackson tall, but tall enough that she had to crane her neck to look at him.

“That’s quite alright” His voice was deep and low, full of humour as he smiled down at her. Apologizing again she moved around him only to bump into someone else.

“Sorry!” She said, he too smiled and told her it was ok. She bumped into a few more people, on her way back to the bakery. Apologizing to all of them, and they all smiled politely and told her it was fine. So many tall people. Are they all were-wolfies? She thought. She was told werewolves were tall and they were tall.

Getting back into the bakery she looked out the door. Holy crackers! Where did they all come from?

“Hey Maggie, did you see all the tall people in town?” She asked,

“Nope, I think I missed them all” Maggie called trying not to laugh.

“How did you miss them all, they’re ev-ry-where? She asked, turning from the window to see the bakery full of them trying to conceal their grins at her question. Maggie just stood behind the till trying to muffle her laughter at the wide eyed sheepish look on Kenzi’s face.

“We’re out of bread,” Was the only thing Maggie could say,

“I’ll jus go make some.” She replied and started sidestepping around people. They weren’t just tall, they were big. They has to be were-wolfies! She thought as she made it back to the kitchen without bumping into anybody this time.

With more than two thirds of his pack in town now, things were moving faster. He went on a run around nine this morning and stopped by the camp to see the progress. The original structure had been torn down and cleared away, now they were in the process of rebuilding it, bigger, much bigger. They had half the cabins already complete and wolves had moved in. More homes were purchased and those with families had taken them. Perimeters were being established, and Elijah had gotten in touch with Blue Mountain Pack to the east. They were more than happy to form an alliance with Black Shadow and protect the eastern border of the crater. Alpha Byron was coming to negotiate the alliance treaty today, and welcome them to their new home. Alpha Malone would also be in attendance at the BBQ tonight. Elijah took possession of his house, so Tyler and Jackson were staying with him till the visiting Alpha’s left on Monday. He would suggest the hotel, but it too was booked with his pack members. It was now closing in on five and members of his pack were showing up to get things set up. One thing about werewolves, they liked a good party. He was overseeing the set up, when he heard a car pull up.

“Alpha Malone an his Beta here” Jackson informed him. Adonis nodded and he went to greet him.

“Things are progressing nicely, Alpha Adonis!” Alpha Malone said as the men shook hands.

“Yes they are. Thank you for coming, Alpha Malone, welcome to Black Shadow territory” Adonis replied. He shook hands with Beta Morgan and they entered the house.

“I will admit, I was not anticipating the icy chill I felt when we entered the area, but it should have been expected.” Alpha Malone stated. Adonis looked at both men, he could see that Beta Morgan was still fighting the effects of it.

“My apologies, I was not aware it would be that bad.” Adonis spoke as he led them to the backyard. He was still overseeing the set-up for the BBQ.

“It’s a hell of a warning to others that cross over. Should have taken Bronco’s warning a little more seriously.” Beta Morgan said, as both he and Alpha Malone accepted the seats that were offered to them.

“Where is Bronco?” Adonis asked,

“He headed back to my son’s pack, his business here was finished, but he wanted me to remind you that he wants to see his friend….soon.” Alpha Malone started chuckling when he saw the smile spread across Adonis’s face.

“At least he’s persistent.” Adonis remarked.

“When he gets something in his head, he’s relentless.” Beta Morgan added, shaking his head.

“You don’t like him?” Jackson asked,

“What’s not to like about an insolent, disgruntled bear?” Morgan asked,

“They don’t get long” Alpha Malone explained,

“Huh! Couldn’t tell, he doin a great job hidin it!” Jackson stated, causing everyone to laugh.

“Alpha Adonis” Came a small voice behind him.

“Yes Cynthia” Adonis turned briefly to see a member of his pack standing there.

“The rooms are ready, would you like me to show Alpha Malone and Beta Morgan to them?” She asked, giving them a respectful bow.

“Thank you, Cynthia” Adonis said, she bowed to him and waited for the others to join her. When their packhouse was complete the main floor would house all guests that were invited to visit his territory.

“What you gonna do wit Alpha Byron an his Beta?” Jackson asked,

“I don’t know!” Adonis grumbled, this was frustrating him. Then he heard Kenzi pull up and an idea popped into his head. He hated to ask her, but what other choice did he have.

“Keep an eye on this!” Adonis said to Jackson as he moved back through the house.

“Don’t spank her!” Jackson called back, trying not to laugh when he heard Adonis call him an asshole.

“Hello sweetheart, how are you?” He asked, she looked tired. No, she looks exhausted! Odin corrected him.

“Tired, sore, and I’m starving. The bakery was busy today. We sell-ed out of ev-ry-thing. Ev-ry-thing! And there’s so many tall people I walk-ed into like six of them in town. How do you walk into tall people? How do you miss all the tall people? Don’t know but I did it. Walk-ed right into them. The first one I walk-ed into I thou-ght it was a wall, then it start-ed laughing.” She said, though it sounded like a hard day, she still had a smile on her face. He chuckled.

“Did you have your music in?” He asked, still chuckling at her. He saw the pink blush hit her face and he just nodded.

“What’s going on?” She asked as she watched tall people walk in and out of his house.

“A welcome BBQ for our pack.” He replied,

“That’s the wall I walk-ed into. Well one of them anyway” She said when she pointed at a tall blonde wolf that just walked into the house carrying a table like it was feather. “And her! Are they part of your pack?” She asked as she watched them.

“Yes, they are. Most of our pack is in town now.” Adonis replied. She still hasn’t registered that you’re calling it our pack! Not yet, hopefully soon! Just fucking tell her! She went to move to her house and he followed her.

“Are you hungry?” She asked, she was starving, she hadn’t really eaten anything all day, she was too busy thinking.

“I can wait till the BBQ starts and so can you,” He said, stopping her in her tracks before she could open the door. For the most part her thoughts were sorted out. He wasn’t hers and that made her sad, but he wasn’t going to be alone as soon as they found his mate and that thought made her more happy. He deserved happiness, she would help him find his happy and when it was her time then it would be her time. She wasn’t in a rush, it will happen when it happens.

“What? Why am I waiting for the BBQ?” She turned and looked at him, confusion crossing her face.

“Because you’re coming to it” He answered, that just confused her more.

“I am?” She asked,

“Yes you are!” He replied,

“Why?” Kenzi didn’t know what to think about that. She wasn’t part of his pack.

“I need my wingwoman” Adonis looked down at her, he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her. He didn’t know why he hadn’t yet, what was stopping him, she was his mate. Something was stopping him though, something was preventing him from doing what he so desperately desired to do, what he’s wanted to do all day.

“Oh! Ok then. I’ll be there. What do I need to do?” She asked, her smile faltered ever so slightly, but she held it in place.

“Talk, mingle and get to know people. You will be seeing them a lot.” He said. Adonis watched her face, though she was smiling he could see something flash through her eyes, he couldn’t place what he saw. Maybe that’s what was preventing him from doing what he wanted to do. She had pulled back. She took her day, accepted his world, but ultimately pulled away from him. He was back at square one with her.

“You want me to talk to people? What if I screw up? What if I say something I shouldint say?” She asked,

“You won’t screw up and if you say something, then you said it. I want you to enjoy yourself and not worry about anything. Most in attendance will be from our pack. But there will be a few from other packs. Two Alphas and their Betas from the east and west will be here tonight, and so will a few members from the pack on the north side of the crater.” Her eyes went wide. He wants her to talk to these people, she’s gonna put her foot in her mouth and say something really dumb.

“Relax sweetheart, you will be fine. You know one of the Alphas.” He tried to be reassuring.

“I do? Who?” She squeaked out.

“Mr. Malone!” Adonis replied, he watched her take that information in.

“Has he always been a were-wolfie?” She asked, unsure what to make of that.

“Yes!” Adonis was trying not to laugh. But her expression was making it hard.

“That was a dumb ques-tion wasn’t it?” She asked, looking at him. Yes it was! She was tired.

“No it wasn’t. You can actually become a werewolf. The bite of an Alpha born from Alpha blood can turn someone into one, but only if the Alpha is strong enough and if the other body is strong enough to accept it. If not then the bite acts as a poison, and they die.” Adonis told her, her eyes widened as she looked at him.

“That doesint sound very good,” she said.

“No, it’s not. It’s why we don’t just run around biting people.” He replied.

“Like vampires. They jus bite ev-ry-body.” She said, nodding her head. Again he fought to control his laughter.

“Vampires don’t exist sweetheart. Once you’re dead you don’t come back. The only existing blood suckers are leeches and mosquitoes.” He replied, doing his best to contain his grin. He failed miserably at it, but at least he tried. Kenzi breathed a sigh of relief, the last thing she wanted was someone coming to her door and trying to drain her body dry.

“What time is the BBQ?” She asked, she was tired and maybe she could lay down for a bit before it started. Adonis studied her for a minute, she was exhausted, it was to start at six thirty, but if she came for seven she would be able to have a nap first.

“If you came for seven, you would be able to have a nap first” He replied.

“Are you sure?” She asked,

“Well most will be here by six thirty, but the BBQ won’t be in full swing until seven. We are still in the process of setting up.” He answered,

“Were-wolfies like to party?” Her smile was more genuine when she asked that question.

“Yes we do!” She giggled at his response. “Go have your nap and we’ll see you at seven” She nodded her head and unlocked her front door.

“See you at seven!” She agreed and closed the door.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.