The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 39: People Suits!

Back home and exhausted, Kenzi thanked Tyler and Elijah again for their help and made her way to her house where she stopped dead when she saw her front door. A gorgeous flower and butterfly stained glass window surrounded by a deep dark mahogany wood framed door. The colour of the wood matched her window frames and shutters. She has seen the door many, many times in the catalogues at Harvey’s. She’s always stopped on the page and admired it, but kept flipping through them, Teagan’s words would ring through her head. ‘Buying something like that for yourself would be selfish, you don’t need it.’

“Harvey order it a while ago, think he want it for yur birthday, but never came on time.” Jackson said as he walked up behind her. He saw her standing there staring at the door. The memory of her birthday flashed in her head and the decision she made that day echoed in her mind. It was just going to be another day from now on, she would no longer get excited for it, or celebrate it.

“That was really nice of him.” She said, when she finally found the words to speak. “I’ll has to call him tomorrow and thank him for the door. Thank you for putting it up” A touch of sadness rippled through her for a second, but she pushed it aside. Today was a good day and she wanted it to end a good day.

“My pleasure. Gotcha keys, it still auto lock, Harvey insist it do that” Jackson held them up, he felt the wave of grief hit, he felt Ko stir, but it disappeared and his beast settled again, when a wave of calm washed over him

“Thank you!” She replied with a giggle as she accepted the keys. A warmth swirled inside of him. He’s felt it a few times when she’s thanked him for something, and he could only stare at her for a minute before he spoke again. What is that? Ko was completely puzzled over the sensation he felt and wasn’t sure what to do. Gratitude! That feel nice! Yeah, it does! Luna the sweetest lil button! Yeah, her is!

“You have a good night Kenzi” Jackson said as he turned to walk away.

“You too!” She said moving slowly towards the door. Her fingers traced the design in the glass and her excitement bubbled over. A small squeal escaped her as she tried really hard not to do a little dance of joy. But it made her really happy.

Adonis was watching from the window, when they showed up. Her day was long and she looked exhausted. Hopefully tomorrow will be a lighter day for her. She needed it. Her reaction to the door had him chuckling as she squealed with excitement. He saw that she tried to contain her little dance, but it got the better of her. His little mate liked to dance, but with past events she hasn’t been able to. He also saw the wince of pain she felt at the dance she did, but the smile never left her face. She rode it out, and when she could she entered her house, happily closing her new front door.

“Still want us to introduce ourselves?” Jackson asked when he got back inside.

“Yes!” Adonis replied, turning from the window to look at his Beta. The effects of his Luna’s gratitude were still written on his face. He noticed it on Elijah and Tyler as well. Think we’ll ever get used to it? I don’t know!

“Then I gonna take Tyler so Ko an Bal can rip it through the woods for a bit, they don’t need to be meetin her excited. Eli should prolly go to” Jackson said,

“I think that would be a good idea,” Adonis nodded, looking towards Elijah.

“C’mon Tyler we gonna rip it” Tyler followed him out the back door.

“Her thank you?” Adonis heard Tyler ask his brother.

“Yeah, you?” Jackson replied,

“Yeah. It felt weird….but nice” Tyler said

“Yeah” Was the last thing Adonis heard Jackson say before they disappeared out the backdoor.

“I know you’re still nervous about this Elijah, it will be fine. Ko and Bal won’t let things get out of hand. Did you read the book?” Adonis asked, taking a seat in one of the chairs in the living room.

“A lot of things make a bit more sense now” Elijah replied, taking the other chair. It also explained why they were followed around an allies packhouse being studied by a pack member’s mate. He could never figure that one out, but at one point it had all of them hiding in a bathroom until Jackson voted Adonis out. And why after that they didn’t like to be studied. When the council tried Adonis let the pack have a bit of fun with it.

“You need to find common ground with him” Adonis said,

“The only thing we seem to agree upon, is protecting our Luna. Our ideas and methods on how to accomplish that are completely different however. He likes to rip things to pieces, and albeit it is effective, there is no finesse to it.” Both Adonis and Odin liked to rip things to pieces. They also like to draw out another’s pain, in the most torturous way possible.

“You both also have a pension for torture. It was only a few nights ago you two dismembered a moose in the woods.” Adonis reminded him.

“He always gets over excited and kills things too soon” Elijah replied, Adonis could only laugh. It was no secret amongst his pack that Elijah liked to torture prisoners and he was good at it. He was their best. Two minutes in a room with Elijah and they would tell him anything he wanted to hear. On a few occasions prisoners have spilled their guts before he even had the door to the room closed. It was also no secret that Asmodeus would lose control at the smell of fear and go for the kill immediately, sometimes before the information was extracted.

“I will let him out for a run after Ko and Bal introduce themselves.” Elijah said, he could already feel Asmodeus’s excitement at meeting his Luna. “I would rather they already be there, before I let him go” Adonis nodded, and left the conversation there. He understood, when Asmodeus first met his mate he knocked her to the ground and laid on top of her.

Kenzi had just finished her shower and was now in the kitchen making her dinner, when she heard a noise in her backyard. She stood frozen at her counter, listening. Last time this happened she was attacked. Her heart rate picked up slightly and she started breathing harder.

“Don’t panic, jus breathe and move out the front door” she said, forcing herself to remain calm. Backing away slowly from the counter she kept her back to the front door while she watched the back door carefully. What she saw peek in shocked her, that she completely stopped moving. Floady lights? Swirly gold floady lights? Swirly gold floady lights over six feet in the air? They stared back at her from her patio door. Neither moved for a moment, they just stared at each other. She blinked, the lights blinked. She tilted her head to the left, the lights tilted to the left. She straightened her head, they straightened as well.

“Hi!” She gave the lights a small wave. She didn’t know what else to do. They hesitated at the door for a moment longer, unsure of what to do, before a large shadow grey wolf entered her house. Kenzi’s mouth dropped open when she saw it. They’re not floady lights!

“Were you making that noise in the backyard?” She asked. Shaking its head and looking over its shoulder. She followed the direction of the wolf’s gaze when she saw another set of floating swirling gold lights at the patio door.

“You bring-ed a friend,” she said as a second shadow wolf entered her house.

No one moved for what seemed like forever, they all just stared at each other. Her supper was sizzling on the stove and if she didn’t attend to it it was going to burn. Moving slowly with both sets of eyes on her she stirred her supper. Hearing a soft whimper, she turned to look at the second wolf. He was a little smaller than the first, but not by much, still over six feet tall. She saw the first wolf lick his chops as it slowly started to approach the kitchen.

“Are you hungry?” She asked, both wolves moved towards the kitchen and sat in the entrance waiting patiently. She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face, or the giggle that bubbled out. Most people would probably be cowering in the corner right now, but no not her, she was now cooking dinner for two hungry wolves that stood over six feet tall.

“Ok, we’re jus waiting on the chicken in the oven, it shouldint be much longer.” She replied and turned back to the stove and stirred whatever was in the pan. She sampled a bit and made a face. It needed something, moving to her spice cupboard she started her hunt to find the right something to add to the dish. The smaller of the two approached the stove and looked in the pan, but before he could sample anything she caught him.

Hey!” She cried, “Don’t do that. It’s gonna be hot and you’ll get burn-ed. Do you want a sample?” He looked at her expectantly and she saw his feet do a little dance at the question causing her to giggle.

“Ok then” she moved back towards the stove and pulled a piece of broccoli from the pan. She blew on it to cool it down before she offered it to him. Very gently the wolf accepted it, and then proceeded to mooch another piece. The bigger one had moved into the kitchen and nudged the back of her arm waiting for his piece.

“You want one too?” She asked giggling, when he nodded, she pulled out another piece and repeated the same action, before she gave it to him, giggling as the fur on his muzzle tickled her hand.

“You two remind me of my friends, Jackson and Tyler, they like samples too.” She said, they whimpered at her for more and she giggled louder, “Ok, jus wait, you can has some more in a minute” Sprinkling in the spice she found she let it sit for a bit and moved back to the counter where she was cutting up some peppers. They watched her intently as she added more ingredients to the pan and stirred. Mushrooms were next followed by a little shaved carrot. Stirring all that together, she sampled again.

“I think that’s much bet-ter, but what do you two think?” She had pulled out extra pieces for them to sample, making sure they were cool enough she gave them a piece each. Licking their chops they begged for more.

“I’ll take that as its good” The smile never left her face. “You has to get out of the kitchen so I can get the chicken out.” She waited for them to back up. Her kitchen might have been big but with two large wolves in it there didn’t leave enough room for a lot of movement.

“Rosemary chicken” She replied, when the larger of the two whined when he saw the chicken come out of the oven. He licked his chops as the other whimpered beside her.

“Oh my goodness. You two are ass-acly like my friends. They would burn their mouvs if I let them. I’m a baker, and Tyler was helping me today. He didint has to, it was really nice of him.” She grew quiet for a bit and the smaller one whimpered and nudged her arm. Kenzi smiled at him. When she lifted her hand to pet him he melted into her and she hugged him. Not wanting to be left out of the hug the bigger one placed his head on top of the smaller one and Kenzi giggled, but hugged him as well.

“I don’t know how many times Tyler tried to burn hisself in the kitchen, trying to sample items that jus came out of the oven.” She continued what she was saying after the hug and the wolves listened to every word she was saying. “Don’t eat nothing, let me get some plates and we can eat outsigh-d….out-side….outside, I think that’s right.” The bigger wolf looked at the smaller one but neither made a move to leave the food in the kitchen.

They watched her pull down three plates. They studied how she made beds of rice on each plate. Licked their chops for the upteenth time as she poured juice from the pan over the rice and served the vegetables on top. Then they drooled when she cut the chicken, offering them each a piece to sample. Placing the chicken pieces on top of the vegetables and she looked at the plates.

“Dinners ready” She exclaimed, both wolves scrambled to get out of the kitchen to the deck as fast as possible to wait for their food. Unable to stop the littler of the two, slid right off the deck and into one of her flower beds. THUD! Leaving giant scratch marks in the wood where he had dug his claws in. He was back before she could say anything about it though. He hung his head, and whimpered as she stared at the flower bed, but was shocked by what came out of her mouth next.

“Are you ok?” She asked. Putting the plates down she went over and checked him over to make sure he wasn’t hurt. The hit he took looked hard. He leaned into her as her hand slid over the soft fur on his flank checking to make sure he wasn’t cut or anything. “Ok, you’re ok, you’re ok.” When she looked up a set of orange floating lights stared back at her. Neither of the other two wolves made a move to attack it. Sensing their comfort with the appearance of the third wolf she relaxed.

“Are you hungry?” She asked.

Watching Ko and Bal make their way to Kenzi’s house after their run through the woods, Elijah took a deep breath. Ok, Asmodeus please cooperate with me! I always cooperate, you just don’t fucking listen! Ok! We’ll go right and run for a bit! Right! Before Elijah could remove his suit, Asmodeus started the shift. No, no, no wait! That’s my suit Asmodeus! Time to run! That’s a $600 suit! Now it’s crap! There was time for me to remove it! Too late now! Right! Asmodeus broke across the backyard, and turned left when he hit the path. Right, right, go right! Right left! No right! Left! No go right, go right, I said go right! Right, go left. It’s what you meant! No if I meant go left I would have said go left! See, go left! Elijah pushed for control and Asmodeus pushed him back. No human, I get to meet her, Alpha said so! What are you going to do, tell on me? If I have to and I’ll eat your suits! You already fucking wrecked two of them this week! No, I wrecked one, Alpha wrecked the first one! FUCK! Asmodeus hit her backyard and slowed down, he was excited to meet his Luna, and the delicious smell was pulling him towards her.

Elijah was still trying to get Asmodeus to listen to him, and push for control at the same time, but it was too late. Kenzi had spotted him in the yard. She had just finished checking over Bal and was petting his head when she looked up. Waiting to see what the other two would do before she did anything. With no reaction from Ko and Bal except soft whimpers at their food, she spoke.

“Are you hungry?” She was looking at him. Asmodeus slowly approached, watching her, watching Ko and Bal and then watching the food. He slowly made his way through the backyard and up onto the deck where he took a seat. He whimpered as he smelled the air and the delicious aroma of whatever she had cooked.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” She said and moved to grab the three plates she had prepared, placing one down in front of each wolf. They waited and looked at her expectantly.

“Oh I’m sorry, go ahead” They still didn’t move to eat. Though the newest member for dinner was beginning to drool.

“Does it smell bad?” She asked, concerned that maybe her food was gross, the bigger of the two stood up and pushed her back into the house.

“Are all you big wolfies pushy?” She asked, when he stopped pushing her and looked towards the cupboard where she held her dishes.

“You already has a plate, you only get one” She commented, when the wolf nudged her, realization struck her, he wanted her to eat as well.

“Oh!” Grabbing her last plate from the cupboard, she placed what was left of the food on it and headed back out to the patio with the wolf right behind her. It was only after she settled herself and picked up her fork that they started eating. Huh! This happened when she cooked breakfast for everybody, nobody ate till she joined them.

Adonis had watched the interaction from his bedroom window, she was not scared at all. Odin howled with laughter in his head when he saw Bal slide off the deck and into one of the flower beds, but shut up when he saw her check him over to make sure he wasn’t hurt. He grumbled even more when she placed plates of food down in front of them. He wanted her hands running through his fur as well, he wanted her cooking, he wanted. Stop grumbling! But it’s not fair, I have to eat your cooking while they get to dine on whatever delicious bite of heaven she made! You never had a problem with my cooking before! That was before I tasted perfection, now your cooking sucks! Thank you Odin! Tell me you enjoyed dinner! It was….fine! Uh huh! Alright, it wasn’t the best, but it was better than burgers and pizza! Barely! You’re an asshole! Truth hurts! He continued to watch the scene on her deck, Ko made sure she got something to eat as well, though they all mooched from her when they finished their plates. They’re as bad as you! Hey! Truth hurts! Who’s an asshole now? Still you! When is it our turn? Soon, give them a bit more time! Odin was restless in his head, he had no patience to wait and wanted to see her now. He would give them another hour and then wander over there.

Dinner cleaned up she was sitting on her deck with three giant wolves surrounding her, all vying for her attention. The little one on one side snuggled into her, the bigger of the three on the other side cuddled up and the third one was lying in front of her. Her hands moved back and forth between the three, giving as many pets as she could. They were all quite demanding of her attention, including standing on each other to get it. They didn’t send the tingles up her like the black one did, but they did instil peace and calm. They weren’t going to hurt her, they had no interest in it. Upon hearing another noise she looked up, and saw the dancing flames of her wolf. He stared back at her, standing at the back of her yard. When a smile broke across her face, he made his way to her. Taking up residence behind her, he brought his head over her shoulder, presenting it for his kiss. She giggled but obliged him.

“Friends of yours?” She asked, when none of the other three made a move on him. Odin nuzzled into her neck bringing her scent into him.

“I didint think you were the only one” she stroked his fur, and scratched behind his ear when he insisted she do it. Stepping on the bigger of the three shadow wolves, it grumbled, but shifted positions so Odin could lie down and put his head in her lap so she could run her fingers through his black fur.

They all stayed like that for a bit enjoying the quiet of the night, before Odin decided it was time to leave. Giving her one last nuzzle and getting one more kiss, he moved off the deck and looked expectantly at the other three to follow him. The bigger one got up stretched out and shook his fur, followed by the third one. The little one was busy snoring by her side, until Odin released a small growl alerting him. Lifting his head, he stared at the black one. They seemed to be having a conversation with each other. It ended with the little one getting up and shaking his body and stretching. The three shadow wolves disappeared into the back of her yard and the black one took one last look at her.

“That’s your pack right?” She asked, when she saw him nod, she nodded as well. With a small wave she watched the black wolf disappear into the darkness.

Another trip through the forest, Adonis was more confident now that telling her tomorrow about himself and the others was the right thing to do. They were heading back when he caught her scent on the breeze. What is she still doing out? Maybe she can’t sleep! No, she needs to go to bed! If she can’t sleep Odin, going to bed is pointless! Why can’t she sleep? A lot has happened in the last little bit! She’s scared? I didn’t say that, just a lot has happened! Odin didn’t like that, was their mate having nightmares? Was she afraid to close her eyes because the boogeyman might get her?

“We’ll shift here” Adonis spoke through the link.

“Kenzi’s still out” He added, before anyone could question him.

They were a few feet from the dock. If she was still sitting on her deck she might have questions if she saw them, dash into his backyard. When the moon decided to come out it was full and bright, making limited shadows available. Each grabbing a pair of basketball shorts they had stashed behind trees they began the process of shifting back to their human form.

“Dinner was great” was the first thing Tyler said when he was back.

“I think everthin bout today was great for you” Jackson huffed,

“Yeah, it was a great day for Tyler. I din’t eat the whole bakery” Tyler replied, when he caught the look from Adonis. A noise behind him caught his attention, before he could say anything and when he turned to look, there was a very wide eyed Kenzi staring back at all of them.

“Holy fuck!” Was all she said, before she lost her footing. SPLASH!

Kenzi!” Adonis called out as he watched her step back lose her footing and fall from the dock into the lake with a splash.

“That jus soun wron comin out her mouth?” Tyler asked,

“Well, her gonna say one, thata good one to say” Jackson nodded agreeing with him. Adonis now understood why Patrick told her no in the dinner. That just sounded really wrong coming out of her mouth. He’s heard it sound more normal coming out of a five year olds mouth.

When she bobbed up in the water, and her eyes adjusted they never left the four men now standing at the shore staring back at her. So many questions swirled in her mind, she couldn’t focus on one of them, instead what came out when she spit the water out and could finally speak.

“I jus drank lake water.”

“I can explain” Adonis said,

“Yup!” She nodded, explaining would be good. Explaining would be great, because right now she’s going with she fell asleep on the dock and this is a dream. Closer and closer she moved towards the shore and the men that she had just watched turn from four legs and furry, to two legs and naked. Though they were covering themselves with shorts.

“You all can ass-plain….once you put clothes on,” she said. When she hit the shore they backed up to give her space, not once did she take her eyes off of them.

“You owe me a pork chop….and a cupcake” she spoke when she walked by Adonis following the trail back to her house.

So I guess we tell her now? Even Odin was shocked by what happened. But it was her reaction to it that shocked them all. They have seen how humans first react to discovering werewolves exist. There is usually denial until they see for themselves and then comes the screaming. Then running and then more screaming. Then they beg their mates not to eat them and then there’s crying. Kenzi just stared at them, she watched them shift and the only thing that happened was she cursed and fell off the dock. She wasn’t even afraid, she was more shocked than anything. He’ll have to tell her later not to say that word.

“Her takin it better than expect,” Jackson offered as he put his shorts on.

“A lot better, member Magnus mate, her cry an scream at him for two weeks before her calm down.” Tyler reminded them.

“Maybe she’s in shock and the screaming will come later,” Elijah said.

“I’m going to agree with Elijah, she’s in shock. She just watched four wolves turn into humans. But I don’t think she’s going to scream.” Adonis spoke. He too, in his shorts, moved towards her house.

“Let’s go, we have some explaining to do,” he added without looking over his shoulder.

They watched her for a bit in her kitchen, she was pacing back and forth having quite the conversation with herself over what she just witnessed. He didn’t even need a guess to know the drink she clutched in her small hands was bourbon.

“Hello sweetheart!” His deep voice broke her from her thoughts as she snapped her attention to the four men now standing in her kitchen.

“Sit!” Was all she said as she pointed towards the table. Taking their seats they all saw glasses in front of them, three with whisky and one scotch for Elijah.

“What? Who? What? How? What?” She couldn’t even begin to form complete questions at this point. She needed something, anything, some form of explanation to make what she had just seen make sense in her brain.

“Werewolves!” Adonis replied. She shook her head and resumed her pacing.

“Nope! No! Nu uh! Not a chance! Were-wolfies don’t ass-ist. They don’t! They can’t! They don’t! Nope! Nope! No way!” Continuing to shake her head at what he just said they waited. But she saw, she saw wolves and then she saw men. She watched them change right before her eyes. She looked back at Adonis then looked away, to look at Jackson and Tyler and then to Elijah. They just nodded.

“Like the wolfman?” She asked, swallowing hard. She saw that movie, and it didn’t end well for people.

“No sweetheart, Hollywood got it wrong,” Adonis said. “We don’t eat people, we can shift when we want, not just on the full moon, and as you can see we are generally pretty tall. We have speed, strength, heightened senses.”

“And you jus walk around wearing people suits?” She looked at Elijah trying to figure out how that worked. Jackson and Tyler were trying not to laugh at the question she just asked. They could see how that would make sense to her, it didn’t make the question any less funny though. Even Adonis was trying to control himself.

“Not really how it works. We are born with a human form, until we reach a certain age, then we are joined with our wolf form.” Elijah explained.

“Then you can jus poof be human then poof be a wolfie?” She said, and they nodded. “Like a trans-for-rmer?”

“It’s two separate beings that share a body” She scrunched her face up at that. If this was explaining, either they weren’t doing a very good job or she just wasn’t getting it.

“This is not working.” Adonis said.

“Hey I know. Kenzi, you got a piece of paper?” Tyler asked, she pointed over to a cabinet and Tyler got up to retrieve it. They watched as he placed it down on the ground.

“Adon stan here” he said, Adonis got up and stood on the paper, then he told Kenzi to do the same thing. The only way for her to do it was for her to mold her body to his. Sparks and tingles raced all over her at the contact.

“Two beins sharin a piece of paper, that what it like for werewolves.” Tyler said as he backed up. She looked down, she was standing on his feet and every inch of her was pressed against him.

“There’s two of you in there?” She asked as she looked up at him.

“They have their own voices, their own thoughts, even though we can hear them, their own looks. Their own heart beats. We are individuals and mostly separate from each other, we share a body, mind and soul. Like you and I are sharing this piece of paper.” Adonis held her tight against him. She felt good in his arms, he didn’t want to let her go but she pulled away from him. A little more understanding of what was going on, she still had questions.

“So when the black wolfie came to visit….” She started to ask,

“It was him, I was just along for the ride. They can have control whether we are human or wolf, and vice versa. They push and we let them, we can also deny them and that works both ways as well” Adonis replied,

“They hear what we hear, an we hear what they hear. Same for smellin an seein. Eatin a lil different, they get the taste we jus feel full. Dinner was delicious by the way. Ko won’t stop rubbin it in,” Jackson said,

“Ko?” She looked at Jackson quizzically,

“That’s my wolf’s name” He replied, giving her a smile. She watched as his eyes flashed swirling gold then returned to normal. She nodded her head. That made sense that they would have names as well.

“Bal,” Tyler spoke. When she looked at him she watched as his eyes did the same thing. “He sorry bout the flowers, sometime he get a lil excite an can’t control his feet.”

“That’s ok. I’m jus happy he’s ok” She replied, then she looked at Elijah.

“Asmodeus” He said as his eyes flashed orange, again she scrunched her face.

“I know that name. It’s a diamond right?” She asked, looking at him.

“Demon” Elijah corrected, then offered a smile when he saw the slight blush. She looked at Adonis.

“Odin” He said,

“I always thou-ght animals has names, we jus didint know what they were cause we don’t speak the same lan-lang-age.” That had them all chuckling. “You hear what they hear….” Again she started to say something.

“Not that, they can block us like we can block them. Whatever you asked Odin to keep a secret he did. I don’t know what you spoke to him about.” She looked a little relieved by that. She wouldn’t know what to do if he knew what she said to the wolf.

They spoke more and explained to her a lot of things as best they could. She asked questions, or flat out told them she didn’t understand something. They told her about their pack Black Shadow. About claiming territory, they told her about the different ranks. About being a special type of werewolf known as demon wolves.

“So you’re all….dee-mon wolfies?” She asked,

“Most of our pack is. Demon wolves will only listen to a certain type of Alpha.” Adonis said, “One that is referred to as The Devil” She looked at him, he just nodded. He told her some of his history and how his family looked at him like he was damaged.

“Do all were-wolfies has eye colour like yours?”

“No, normal wolves have variations of blue, green, yellow, and amber. Demon wolves are always red, except the ranks.” She looked at the others. At this point she was sitting on her counter.

“How do you tell a dee-mon wolfie from a not dee-mon wolfie?”

“Demon wolves smell like fire, normals don’t,” Jackson replied. “Normal wolves can’t smell a demon wolves, only other demon wolves can.”

“A dee-mon wolfie can smell a dee-mon wolfie, but a normal wolfie can’t.” Kenzi repeated what Jackson said to make sure she had it correct and they all nodded. “Can a dee-mon wolfie smell a….normal wolfie?” She asked,

“Yeah, our senses are better, we stronger than normals too.” Tyler replied, she just nodded.

“Are all wolfies big?” They all nodded.

“Demons are usually all over 6’7, whereas normals reach a height of maybe 6’5” Elijah added, and she nodded.

“Cept me I still the shortest, Bal only 6’3” Tyler said nodding.

“You said a si-sir-tin age and you get your wolfie. What age? Does he jus pop in your head and go hi, I’m so and so your wolfie? How do you get them out of there? Buttons or a zipper or something?” Again the way she worked her question caused a round of snickers in the room. She was taking this much better than they all thought she would, then again she always knew of the existence of wolves, she just didn’t know she knew. They all looked at each other and for the most part they nodded, that was pretty much how it went, minus the buttons or zippers.

“It’s not a people suit sweetheart, no buttons, no zippers. Most normals meet their wolf at sixteen. They go through their transition or first shift. It is painful. Your bones break, your organs shift, hair sprouts all over your body as your flesh tears away, and your clothes end up destroyed.” Adonis replied, her eyes were wide and her mouth dropped open. “It becomes less painful the more you shift. Demons are first introduced to their wolves at fourteen. For some they are just a voice in our head and we explain a lot of things to them. For others they stay silent, but listen. Then we go through our first transition or shift two years later.” He added.

“We got a lot of funny as fuck first transition stories. They’s like giant puppies an don’t know nuttin. They gotta be taught.” Jackson added. Her eyes sparkled when she heard that, she wanted to hear some of those stories.

“Is that why you were all naked? You wreckded your clothes?”

“We removed them before we shifted. It’s hard buying clothes for our size. We’re much bigger than normals” Jackson and Tyler nodded, but Elijah let out a deep sigh.

“Asmodeus wreck his suit,” Jackson said, when she looked at Elijah questioningly.

“He wreckded your suit?”

“He always does. For the most part we’re supposed to get along with our counterpart. I do not get along with mine” Elijah replied,

“That for sure. He fuckin hate you” Tyler stated. She didn’t know what to make of that, it seemed the others got along with their wolves, but poor Elijah didn’t. He has helped her so much that it was her turn to help him. She would help him, she would help him get along with his wolfie. She just didn’t know how she was going to do it.

“You said mos meet their wolfie at sixteen”

“I first met Odin at ten and shifted at twelve, in my bedroom, he destroyed the whole thing. It’s not unheard of, but it does happen. The earlier the shift the more powerful the wolf.” Adonis replied,

“I got Ko at ten as well, but din’t know he stay quiet. I shift at twelve. They figure Adon’s shift cause mine on the count that we create our pack, it wasn’t hand down to us like mos. I did it at the breakfas table in front of my aunty, uncle an Tyler. I ate all the breakfas, broke the table an my aunty whack me wit the paper” Jackson exclaimed. Kenzi covered her mouth trying to hide her laugh, but the giggle bubbled out anyway.

“I got Bal at ten, he was a yappy guy. But I shif when I turn twelve. I tried to do it at the school, an Adon chuck me far into the woods, to stop humans from seein it.” Tyler added. “It hurt!”

“The shift?”

“No, the shift din’t hurt. Adon chuckin me into the woods hurt. He threw me a lil hard. I only a lil guy,” Tyler replied. She looked at him.

“I was fourteen and didn’t realize how strong I was at that point and I was only getting stronger. Cameron lost a lot of doors.” He defended himself.

“Then you chase yur tail an twirl yurself into a tree” Jackson cracked up laughing at the look on Tyler’s face.

“You toll him!” Tyler looked at Adonis mouth open,

“It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve heard of wolves doing it, but I had never seen it before.” Adonis held his hands up. “Then he shifted back and we didn’t have any clothes for him. Had to call his uncle to bring him some.” They all looked at Elijah. They never heard his first shift story, but considering how he and his wolf got along it had to be good.

“Asmodeus never introduced himself to me until I shifted at fourteen. He said as long as I listen to him we’ll get along just fine. Then he decided to climb a tree. He got sap on his fur, freaked out, shifted back and I fell out of the tree and broke my leg. It healed incorrectly and they had to re-break it to set it properly in the medical ward. It took a week to heal.” Elijah said, then downed the rest of his scotch. No one knew what to say to that. A wolf intentionally doing something that resulted in the injury of their counterpart wasn’t heard of, demon or not.

“They talk to you?” Kenzi changed the course of the conversation when she saw the sadness cross Elijah’s face, it crossed hers as well. “Like all the tine?”

“They do.” Adonis answered. She looked down at her hands folded in her lap.

“Mus has been nice to always has someone to talk to” They all looked at each other, not knowing what to say, none of them had ever thought of it like that. She carefully slid herself off the counter, Adonis was about to stand up to help her, but she reached the floor first. She pulled her four clean plates from the sink and moved towards her fridge and started pulling food from it and placing it on the plates. Reheating them she placed one down in front of each of them with a fork.

“Poofing into a wolfie, pr-pro-prolly makes you hungry” She said when they looked at her questioningly.

“Hell yeah it does. You always starvin” Jackson said, before anyone else. Tyler just nodded, he was already shovelling food into his mouth.

“Was I posed to wait?” He asked around a mouthful.

“No, go ahead Tyler. I’m not hungry. There’s a lot going in my head right now” Kenzi moved over to the couch and sat down to let them eat before she asked any more questions. And she had a lot of questions.

No one spoke for the next thirty minutes, aside from the occasional hit of a fork on the plate, Kenzi’s house was quiet. They had cleaned up and joined her in the living room.

“Is your fur the same as eye colour?”

“Normal wolves come in varying colours, but demons are all shadow grey. It helps us blend into our surroundings better.” Adonis spoke,

“It sure does, when Ko show-ed up I jus thou-ght it was two swirly gold floady lights at the door until he step-ped in. Why are you all so big? Why are your wolfies so big? Why do your eyes glow? Do they ever not glow? How do you get your fur so soft? You said you has a pack, how many are in your pack? Where is your pack? Are they hiding in the woods? They don’t has to hide.” She just started firing off questions. The more she asked, the more she thought of. Again they did their best to explain things to her.

“Bout 700 demons and 50 mates in our pack, but we growin.” Jackson answered,

“750? Where are you gonna put 750 were-wolfies?”

“I bought the old camp that’s five minutes from here. Jackson is working on restoring it. It will be the packhouse .” Adonis answered that one and then added “It’s what we call a home” before she could ask.

“So you’re gonna live there?” She looked at him,

“No. If I’m not living there it will allow for more members to live in the house. It is common for Alphas to live in the packhouse, but they usually take a whole floor to themselves.” She nodded. So he wasn’t moving away, he was going to stay next door, a flood of relief coursed through her at that.

“Do people know? Of course they know, I’m jus stupid” ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Her eyes snapped to Adonis, and flaming orbs stared back at her.

“He doesn’t like it when you call yourself that. You are not meant to say those words and you are not to say them about yourself” Adonis said. “We don’t advertise what we are, sweetheart. Humans don’t generally know, unless they are mated to a werewolf”

“I guess, people would freak out” Kenzi said nodding “What’s mate-ed to a were-wolfie mean?” The room fell silent as they all just looked at each other.

“This where we gonna leave an let Adon explain thins” Jackson replied as he got up from his chair. “Thanks for the second supper, Kenzi”

“It was fuckin delicious. It been a good day for Tyler, can’t wait for tomorrow” Tyler laughed out at his brother’s face.

“Don’t rub it in” Jackson grumbled as he and his brother headed towards the door.

“Thank you Kenzi, you have taken this far better than any human, who’s found out about us.” Elijah spoke as he too went to leave her house.

“Bye!” She gave them a smile and a small wave. Adonis saw them out.

“Good luck!” Jackson said as they descended the stairs and headed for home.

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