The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 38: We get violent!

Tyler and Kenzi were sitting in one of the rooms waiting for the doctor to come and talk to her. She’s had this procedure once a year every year, but they like to go over all the rules with her. Kenzi had already removed the only piece of jewellery she wore and Tyler was holding onto it for her. They were quite shocked to see her appearance and did a quick check up to make sure she would be able to handle having the scan done before they did anything.

“You didint has to come with me Tyler. If you had something else to do, I could has come by myself.” Kenzi said, looking at him. Tyler was looking at the floor, he was trying his hardest not to laugh. “What’s wrong?” She asked, as she saw his shoulders start to shake.

“Kenzi you wearin a rainbow hospital gown,” He said, shaking his head.

“The adult ones don’t fit me” She said,

“I don’t think the child size fit you either. You was eaten by rainbows” He choked out as he erupted into a fit of laughter. She looked down at herself, and saw the gown. It might have been a bit big. She started giggling at it, and a wave of peace washed over the room. It was the calmest Tyler felt since he stepped foot in the building. Every wolf they passed eyed him up and down, and he was on edge the whole time.

A knock to the door silenced his laughter as he opened it. He looked the doctor up and down, flashing quick swirling gold in his eyes as he stepped back from the door. Bal had made his presence known a few times to some that were looking at him. The doctor had bowed slightly to him as he entered the room, then turned his attention to Kenzi.

“Hello Kenzi, how are you today?” The doctor asked,

“Well I was doing good then I was tell-ed by my friend Tyler that I was eated by rainbows,” Kenzi giggled again as she motioned towards Tyler. The doctor took a quick glance over his shoulder at Tyler, though he kept a pleasant smile on his face his eyes never left the doctor. Once again he offered a light bow then he turned his attention back to Kenzi.

“You remember the rules?” He asked,

“Yes, taked off all metal, lie in the bed, don’t move and if I want out I jus has to say so.” She replied, nodding with a smile on her face.

“Good, it’s time for the test.” The doctor smiled at her, Tyler was by her side in an instant to help her off the table. He said he would be on his best behaviour but this was his sister and he didn’t really want them touching her anymore than necessary.

They followed the doctor down the hall, most of the staff continued to look Tyler over, while others smiled happily at Kenzi.

“Kenzi, how nice to see you dear. How are you doing?” Alpha Malone approached her. He was on his way to see Adonis in one of the rooms when he spotted her in the hallway. He also heard the rumblings through the link on her current state and wanted to make sure she was ok. Alpha Malone has done everything he could in the last five years to help her.

“Hello Mr. Malone, I’m ok thank you for assking. This is my friend Tyler. Tyler, this is Mr. Malone. He was one of the judges for the baking comptetition I went to in Ottawa.” Kenzi introduced them. The two men stared at each other for a minute. Each one studying the other.

“Tyler Monroe,” Tyler held out his hand and the older man shook it.

“Vincent Malone.” He replied.

“Nice to meet you, nice place you got here” Tyler spoke, he kept his posture relaxed and civil, but it was made very clear that should someone try something he will put them down. He could still feel Jackson in the building, and Ko was talking to Bal filling him in on everything that was said.

“Thank you Tyler, I won’t keep you Kenzi. Enjoy the rest of your day, both of you, it was nice meeting you” Alpha Malone spoke.

“You too Mr. Malone, thank you.” Kenzi replied as she continued to follow the doctor down the hall.

“Take care of her” Alpha Malone spoke quietly to Tyler.

“Wit my life” Tyler replied, “Has a good day Mr. Malone.” He jogged to catch up to Kenzi and the doctor who stopped and waited for him, when she realized he wasn’t there. She was truthfully happy someone came with her. Usually she came alone and was scared they would always find something when they did this scan. They never did, but you never know, something might pop up. She only had four more to go till she was twenty five then she wouldn’t have to get it done anymore.

Alpha Malone found Adonis in the farthest room on the medical floor.

“Alpha Adonis, how are you doing?” He asked when he closed the door behind himself. Adonis was sitting on one of the beds as a doctor was cleaning the damage done to his side.

“I was side swiped by a horny bear, who was after my mate.” He replied,

“Bronco has more control than most bears. He held off as long as he could. That being said, when his control is gone, he’s a pure beast.”

“You don’t need to defend him, Alpha Malone. I will not retaliate against him.” Adonis spoke.

“You can put your arm down Alpha Adonis all done” the doctor spoke as he finished with his side. “Your wounds are already starting to heal and should be closed in no time.” The doctor continued as Adonis lowered his arm.

“I think he need one of em scans, check to see if that yogi knock a few marbles loose.” Jackson grumbled. Adonis heard it all the way down to the medical floor, about going after the bear. Jackson gave him an earful. Putting the bear down should have been easy! Guess it’s a little different when they’re horny! Guess so!

“Your Beta is correct, not many would have gone after a bear like that. Even half tranqed.” Alpha Malone spoke.

“She is my mate and I will stop at nothing to protect her and it doesn’t matter who or what is standing in my way….they won’t be standing for long.” Adonis replied.

Mulling over what he just said, he nodded. Alpha Malone had made the decision before they even met. He knew exactly what he was going to do. This was The Devil, the council rules did not apply to him, a fact he has proven time and time and time again. He was going to do what he was going to do and kill whoever stood in his way. There was a story, where a council member did try to interfere with him, and Alpha Adonis snapped his neck without a second thought. Though they watch him carefully, none dare to stop him, for fear of retaliation. No one controls The Devil, and The Devil commands respect.

“I ran into Kenzi and your Delta on the way here. He is rather intimidating, for someone his size.” Jackson started laughing,

“His size has a tendency to put a lot of wolves at ease, he is not one you should really turn your back on though” Adonis replied,

“Fuckin lil ankle biter”Jackson added, causing Adonis to laugh.

“The city remains neutral, we protect your western border, and the town is yours.” Alpha Malone held out his hand.

“You have a deal,” Adonis shook. Another deal for The Devil! Odin spoke in his head, snickering at the stupid joke.

“Alright Kenzi just a few more questions and you’re done” The lab technician spoke. Kenzi laid as still as she could, they had to remind her several times to keep still, she wasn’t very good at it. When she told stories she was very expressive about it, and used her hands a lot.

“We need to ask more personal questions, we need information,” the technician looked at Tyler.

“The fuck you lookin my way for. I ain’t tellin any of you shit.” Tyler glared back at him.

“It will allow us to see how well she processes emotion.” The technician said,

“Fuck you, ain’t gonna happen” Tyler snapped back,

“It will help her” The psychiatrist was also in the room he too was trying to persuade Tyler into divulging something.

“How?” That made him stop and think, he’s seen her go through sadness, it eats at her until she has nothing left. Adonis said she can’t cope with anger, it overwhelms her.

“If we know how she processes emotion, it will be easier to help her when she goes through them. We have only ever seen Kenzi happy. We don’t know how she handles being sad, or angry, or scared.” Weighing his options, Tyler didn’t know what to do. He wanted to help but he also wanted to keep his sister’s privacy. What I do Bal? Tell em a lil! How lil? Enough to help our sister!

“Her don’t like botherin people, it upset her. Make her think her a burden” Tyler spoke. His want to help his sister, overruled his need to maintain her privacy.

“Kenzi, do you talk about the things that bother you?” The technician asked, for the briefest of moments they caught a flash of something in the scan but it was gone before they could register it.

“No, it’s selfish! People don’t want to be burdened with your problems,” She replied. The technician shook his head, that wasn’t good enough, they needed something more. He looked back at Tyler.

“Secrets an promises are one thin, but Kenzi don’t like liars. Her don’t understand it. Her was lie to bout somein an couldn’t handle how mad it made her.” He offered. “That the last fuckin thin I tellin you” he added. If they couldn’t make that work then too bad, they weren’t getting anymore out of him.

“Kenzi, have you ever lied?” The technician asked,

“No, it makes people feel bad to be lied to. And you get into more trou-ble. Small trou-ble if you tell the truth, big trou-ble if you’re catchded in a lie.” She replied,

“Has anyone ever lied to you?” He inquired. Kenzi was quiet for a minute, she didn’t want to answer that question. Her scans were coming in clear, sadness was being highlighted. But it wasn’t present for long, a second or two then it would disappear. They could see through the camera that she was fighting it back.

“Yes!” Was the only thing she said. She didn’t want to think about the lies her sister told her. She didn’t want to think about how they scared her into thinking she had to do something she wasn’t ready for. She didn’t want to think about how many times she was told she didn’t have any friends because nobody could stand to be around her. She didn’t want to, but now that was all she was thinking about and her scan started highlighting more areas. Sadness, anger and fear washed over her and the emotion flooded not only the room but the booth the men were sitting in. ….grrrRrrrr…. It slipped out, Tyler didn’t mean to slip it out but Bal was losing it in his head. The more she felt the more Bal went off. ….grrrRrrrr…. The technician turned to look at him, swirling gold eyes and his bared teeth began to elongate. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Wide eyed both the technician and the psychiatrist left the room, leaving Tyler in there by himself. ….grrrRRRrrrr….

Adonis and Jackson were still in one of the rooms at the end of the hall.

“So now what?” Jackson was asking, when his face scrunched up ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Slipped past his lips and he held his head. Ko was raging about something, but he didn’t understand it. ….grrrRrrrr….

“Jackson!” Adonis looked at him, swirling gold eyes met his gaze.

“Bal!” was the only thing he could say. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Moving from the bed, Adonis pinned Jackson to the wall, before he could rip out of the room. ….grrRrRrRR….

NO!” His voice boomed around the room, cutting the next growl off. Ko snapped his eyes to him, but backed down, when he saw the flaming eyes of Odin staring back at him.

“Someins wron wit Tyler, Bal goin nuts,” Jackson said.

“Where are they?” Adonis asked Alpha Malone,

“Radiology!” Alpha Malone replied, watching the interaction closely. He’s heard the rumours, but it was something to see for himself.

“Get him out of there, do what you gotta do” Adonis ordered. “They’re gonna need a room, one that won’t matter if it gets damaged,” Adonis said, turning towards Alpha Malone.

“I know a room!” The men moved from the room quickly and down the hall, they saw the technician and the psychiatrist standing in the hall, both carrying worried expressions.

“I don’t know what happened. I asked if anyone has ever lied to her,” The technician said.

“Her scan lit up like a christmas tree, and set off the little one,” The psychiatrist added. Jackson waited outside the door for the booth for word from Adonis as he and Alpha Malone went to the room the older wolf spoke about. Adonis looked over the room.

“This will have to do” Adonis said, Alpha Malone just looked at him shocked. This was the room his wolves used when they needed to vent.

“Now, Jackson!” He sent through the link.

They heard snarls and growls coming down the hall fast, heading straight towards them. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Bal was fighting against Jackson, to get back to the booth and his sister. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Throwing him in the room with the open door, they closed it behind Jackson after he entered. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Ko growled at his brother demanding he quiet down, but Bal wasn’t having any of it.….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. Was his response. They heard thumping and crashing on the other side of the door as the two brothers went at it. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“We’re gonna need another medic. I’ll pay for the damage” Adonis said. THUMP! A hard hit to the door and they saw the dent one’s body made into it. THUD! Another hard hit and it looked like the door was about to fold like an accordion. They saw it opening, only for it to slam shut. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. CRASH! Alpha Malone could only watch on, taking slow steps away from the door that at any moment would be torn from its hinges. SMASH! ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. More crashing could be heard, it wasn’t winding down like Adonis had hoped it would. He moved quickly from the door back towards radiology, he was fighting against Odin who was feeling her anger, her sadness, her fear as well, was becoming more and more upset.

“Cancel the scan….NOW!” He barked at the technician. Adonis had to get her to calm down, he had to get the anger she was feeling to settle, it overwhelms her. The sadness and fear he’ll worry about after.

Throwing open the door to the radiology room as she was coming out of the machine he unstrapped her from the table and gathered her into his arms. Kenzi clutched tightly to his shirt while she rode out the rest of the anger she was feeling sitting in his lap on the floor. Her body tense and rigid, she was trying to control it, but it was eating at her.

“I got you sweetheart, I got you!” He whispered, rubbing soothing circles to the right side of the small of her back. Her anger giving way to sadness, she crumpled into him and sobbed into his chest. Murmuring over and over in her ear, that he had her and he wasn’t going to let go, not now, not ever.

“I’m sorry” She whimpered, as a wave of sadness washed over her.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He held her tighter in his arms. Alpha Malone had come down the hall to tell him that the noise had quieted down some, but when he saw them sitting on the floor, he didn’t want to interrupt what was going on. Adonis looked up to see him standing there, gave a slight nod, then brought his attention back to the huddled ball in his arms.

“I wreck-ed the scan” She said, after a while.

“No sweetheart, you didn’t. You didn’t wreck anything” he brushed the hair from her face, pressing his lips to her forehead.

They sat like that for thirty minutes, his arms around her, her cuddled to his chest holding tightly to his shirt.

“What are you doing here?” She finally asked after a bit.

“I had a meeting with Mr. Malone, and was shocked when I found out you were having your scan done in this building and not the hospital. I wanted to come see you.” He replied, which was the truth. “How do you know Mr. Malone?” He asked,

“He was one of the judges for the baking comptetition I went to in Ottawa. He comes by the bakery from tine to tine as well.” She replied, “He came when it first open-ed. He was the very first cusomer.” She added.

“How long have you been coming here?” Getting her to focus on something else was helping her to calm herself down.

“A long tine. It’s nicer than the hospital, and if I’m good I get ice cream.” She replied, “I don’t think I’m going to get ice cream this tine”

“You’ll get your ice cream. What’s your favourite?” He asked, his hand on her back never stopped the slow circles.

“Double chocolate, chocolate chunk, and salted caramel vanilla swirl.” She snuggled more into him.

“That sounds delicious” He said,

“It really is!” She nodded her head for added emphasis, causing him to release a deep chuckle.

“What happened sweetheart?” He asked,

“They assked me if some-one ev-er lied to me, and I thou-ght boud all the tines Teagan lied and I getded mad. So mad!” Her face scrunched up.

“Ok!” Her body starting to tense again he took deep breaths, when she started copying them he could feel her calming again. I don’t think she’s built for anger! Me either! It was definitely an emotion she did not handle well at all. We can get angry enough for both of us! Yes we can!

“What are you doing after this?” He asked,

“I’m pose to meet Jordan for coffee at the coffee shop around the corner and then Tyler and I has to get back to the bakery. Elijah said he would show up there to help Maggie when he was done with a meeting.” Kenzi replied,

“How much of the bakery did Tyler eat?” She giggled, and smiled up at him.

“He tried ev-ry-thing. Said I has to make my food taste bad, cause he won’t stop eating it if I don’t” She answered. Then her face scrunched and she looked at him confused. “That’s not the shirt you were wearing this morning” She said as she looked at it. It was tight on him, showing every curve of every muscle. Not as tight as the shirt she gave him, but it didn’t really hide anything either.

“My other one got ripped, when it caught on something sharp.” He replied,

“You didint get hurt did you?” She asked, concern washing over her face.

“No!” He said, thanking the Goddess for speed healing. His side wasn’t fully healed yet, but it would be soon. He could feel the wound still closing up.

“Let’s go get you your ice cream!” He said lifting her to his chest and carrying her bridal style from the room. Not supposed to be babying her! Who’s going to stop me! Touche!

Back in her clothes, and like he promised she did get her ice cream. They were sitting in the building cafeteria eating it, when Alpha Malone sat down to join them after Adonis offered him a chair.

“Is everything alright?” Adonis asked, when he saw a look of worry cross the old wolf’s face. He looked towards Kenzi, then looked back at Adonis.

“Is it my scan? Did I fail?” She asked, Adonis grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“No, you didn’t fail. The doctor would just like to ask you a few questions, that’s all.” Malone replied, offering a smile.

“Ok, I can’t be long though, I’m meeting a friend for coffee. Tyler was pose to go with me, but I don’t know where he went.” Kenzi looked around the cafeteria.

“I needed him to do something, he’ll be back.” Adonis replied.

“Ok” They got up from the table and walked back into the medical wing.

Adonis was told he needed to wait outside the office Kenzi was brought into. He wasn’t too happy about that, Odin was even less pleased, and made it known repeatedly that it was absolute bullshit. The fuck we listening to them for? It wouldn’t look very good to create an alliance and then destroy the pack! Who the fuck cares? Our mate is in there without us! Stay calm Odin! You stay calm! I am calm! How the fuck are you calm? Because if anything upsets her, I have already decided that I will destroy everyone….violently! I like violently! Me too! Jackson and Tyler met him in the hallway. Looking a little worse than the last time he saw them, they both were wearing new shirts. Jackson’s eye was in the process of turning a sickly green colour. Tyler’s lip was split in two places and healing, the swelling in his cheek was going down and he was pretty sure the marks on their bodies were worse than what he was seeing on their faces. They definitely did more damage to each other than anyone could do to them.

“The fuck we doin out here?” Jackson asked,

“I was told to wait” Adonis replied,

“Where Kenzi?” Tyler looked around for her,

“Behind the door” Adonis motioned towards the closed door behind him. “The doctor wanted to ask her a few more questions. Things went….well?” He asked, looking them both over.

“We destroy the room” Tyler replied,

“I don’t think they was prepared for demon wolves. They don’t exactly has clothes that fit us.” Jackson added, trying not to laugh as he pulled against the tightness of the shirt that was covering him. Tyler agreed, covering his own snickers, even his shirt was tight.

“What happened?” Adonis asked, looking towards Tyler for an answer.

“I don’t know, her got sad or mad, then Bal start gettin angry. The more upset her became, the angrier he became an I los control.” Tyler explained,

“Hmm!” Was all Adonis could say.

“What?” Jackson asked,

“She’s calm and happy, and so are we. She gets upset and so do we. She gets angry….” Adonis was saying.

“We get violent!” Tyler said. “Bal was homicidal. Everone in the room was gonna die. They lucky they got outta there when they did”

“But it was only Tyler. Ko went off cause of Bal” Jackson said,

“Maybe whoever is closest to her is affected.” Adonis suggested. His little mate really was special. His pack wanted to rip Teagan to pieces at the party. They all fought to control themselves at her house during breakfast, when the bitch crashed. They all felt her fear the night Adam died. How many times was it just us that wanted to hurt someone, when she got upset? Numerous! Special little mate! Very special!

The door opened and Kenzi walked out. She had a bright smile on her face then looked utterly confused when she saw both Jackson and Tyler.

“You weren’t wearing those shirts” She said,

“Got a lil mess up” Tyler said, and Jackson nodded agreeing.

“Oh!” Adonis pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

“Are you ok?” He asked,

“Yup, they jus want-ed to ask some more ques-tions. Like how often do I feel angry? I don’t, I don’t feel angry, ev-en after you spankded me like twelve tines, I didint get angry and I tried.” She replied, looking up at him. Jackson snorted and looked away when she said that. Tyler just stood there wide eyed staring at his Alpha. Yup, keeps you on your toes. You never know what’s going to come out of that mouth! Odin was howling with laughter in his head. Fuck! He was going to hear about that one.

“Did I say some-thing wrong?” She asked, her face scrunching in confusion.

“No sweetheart, I have to go back to work now. Enjoy your coffee with Jordan.” She beamed up at him.

“Are you ready to go for coffee?” She asked, looking at Tyler. Adonis gave her another quick kiss to her forehead and released her.

“Yup!” Tyler replied, moving to stand next to her after Adonis let her go. They walked off down the hallway, she was animatedly telling him something. Every once in a while he’d duck to avoid getting hit, but he hung on every word she was saying.

“Spank her?” Jackson asked, grinning wide.

“It was an accident” Adonis rolled his eyes. Fuck! The first one maybe, the other eleven not so much! You shut up! I voted for kissing her! Shut up! Odin was roaring with laughter in his head.

“Accidently twelve times?” Jackson countered,

“Impulse” Adonis said as they moved in the opposite direction,

“Impulsively twelve times?” Jackson would not let up, he was trying so hard not to crack up laughing.

“I had to do something to make her stop saying everything was ok and not important.” Adonis defended himself,

“An the first thin to pop into yur head is to spank her?” Jackson roared with laughter.

“Keep it up and I’m going to make you do paperwork” Adonis glared at him.

“No can do. I goin to fix the hotel room you had a tantrum in” Jackson replied, still laughing.

“Fuck!” Adonis huffed.

Kenzi and Tyler made it back to the bakery after two. Coffee with Jordan went a little longer than she thought it would. The conversation never stopped, they told a lot of stories and laughed. They made plans to meet for coffee in town soon. Jordan wanted to see the bakery and sample cake for his upcoming wedding. Which he insisted Kenzi was coming to. She was to be his best woman, though she had no idea what that was or what they were supposed to do. Then they were going to figure out a halfway point they could meet at. Right now she was in the back with Maggie while the boys were in the front helping customers. She was telling Maggie about her day.

“Sounds like a good day” Maggie said,

“It was a good day. Sorry it took me so long to get back. It won’t happen again” Kenzi did feel bad that she wasn’t here to help Maggie with the bakery.

“It’s ok honey child. I was in the kitchen while Elijah worked the front.” Maggie replied,

“I’m sorry Maggie. I know you don’t want to work the front. It’s my fault” Kenzi said, she looked down at the table she was working at.

“Oh honey child, it’s not your fault. It’s this town’s fault. They’re the ones that believe some rumour. It’s not true there is nothing wrong with you, so don’t go believing there is. You are precious.” Maggie gave her a hug.

“He can’t work the front anymore,” Elijah said as he pushed Tyler into the back.

“What I do?” Tyler huffed,

“You can’t bark at the customers” Elijah replied, both Kenzi and Maggie looked at Tyler.

“I din’t bark at her. Her jus stupid an can’t see what right in front of her.” Tyler again huffed.

“He’s jus hungry, he didint really get a lot to eat for lunch. Come on Tyler, I’ll fix you some-thing.” Kenzi moved towards the fridge and started pulling some things out to make him a quick lunch.

“Elijah’s been a little cranky as well” Maggie said,

“I have not!” Elijah looked at her, his mouth slightly open.

“So you didn’t threaten to throw someone out of the bakery?” Maggie asked him. Elijah shut his mouth right there.

“Come on Elijah, has a seat, I’ll make you some lunch as well.” Kenzi was trying not to giggle at the look on his face as he sat down at one of the tables next to Tyler.

“You threaten to throw someone out the bakery?” Tyler asked, trying not to laugh.

“She was stupid and couldn’t see what was right in front of her face.” Elijah replied. That did get Tyler laughing.

“Maybe her distracted by yur monkey socks,” Tyler choked out. Elijah just shook his head. Tyler stopped laughing when she placed a plate of food down in front of him. His eyes widened and his stomach growled.

“Fuckin magic hands.” He whispered.

“Thank you Kenzi” Elijah said when she placed one down in front of him. Maggie headed towards the front, but Kenzi said she’d take the front, and moved through the door before anyone could stop her.

Adonis and Jackson were back by four. Jackson wanted to get Kenzi’s front door fixed before she got home from work. Adonis didn’t realize how hard he hit the door until he saw the damage this morning. It might have been a little harder than he initially thought. They stopped by the hardware store to pick up a door, drywall for the repair, and some frame work for it. Harvey had ordered a door for Kenzi a while ago and he was hoping it would have come in for her birthday, but it didn’t come in till that day. He was going to send one of the boys to install it tomorrow, while Kenzi was at work.

“Didn’t think I did that much damage” Adonis said as he and Jackson started their work.

“You hit it like a freight train” Jackson retorted, “Don’t think you even pause when you hit the porch. I shock you din’t take the whole damn wall down. Yes I look it over, it fine,” He added.

“That’s because I didn’t pause. I just went through the door” Adonis replied,

“Don’t need to explain nuttin to me, I do the same,” Jackson said, pulling down the framework. “One of us should go grocery shoppin though, before Tyler has another tantruming meltdown. I got this”

“Yeah, starving Tyler is not in anyone’s interest.” Adonis agreed,

“Hey, he do it again, you can try spankin him,” Jackson cracked up laughing. Adonis dropped his head, he will never hear the end of this.

“Asshole!” He muttered under his breath and moved towards the truck, Jackson was howling now. He goes grocery shopping, he can stop by the bakery, they need bread and it’s the only place that sells it. Get in the fucking truck! What are we waiting for? Odin was on board. Any chance to see their mate and Odin was on board, he was a lovesick hellbeast. Damn proud too, and you’re a fine one to talk. Love drunk human! Yes he was.

“Hello sweetheart!” A smile spread across her face when she heard his deep, silky voice behind her. She was stocking shelves and straightening up the bakery, people have been coming in and out all day. A lot of new faces and they were all really friendly. She had so many conversations, her excitement was felt around the bakery.

“Hi!” She squeaked, then blushed. He chuckled at her expression.

“What has you so excited?” He asked,

“It’s been a good day. I talk-ed to so many people. Mos of the tine nobody wants to talk to me, but not today, today I talk-ed to ev-ry-body” She said, her eyes big, bright and sparkling. “And we can’t keep nothing on the shelves, Maggie has been busy in the back.” She added, her body was almost vibrating with how excited she was.

“I saw Elijah at the till. Was wondering what was going on” The smile on Kenzi’s face faltered a bit, but she held it.

“Maggie likes working in the kitchen, it’s where she wants to be. And Tyler can’t work the front cause he barks at people, so he’s helping Maggie in the back.” Adonis gathered her into his arms and held her to him.

“It’s not your fault sweetheart. It’s a lie, it’s all a lie. Nobody has bothered to take the time to get to know you. If they did, they would know it’s a lie.” He kissed her forehead, then looked around the bakery to make sure no one was watching them, before he brought his lips to hers. Her mouth connected perfectly with his, like that’s where it was supposed to be. He was demanding, yet gentle. Full of want, yet giving everything she needed. He’s wanted to do this all day, but it was never the right time. He wasn’t ashamed to kiss her in front of others, but a quick kiss is not the kind he wanted.

“This mouth was not created for quick kisses, but long drawn out passionate ones. The kind you shouldn’t do in public, but steal when no one’s watching” He whispered when they finally parted. Her face was flush, as her sparkling eyes looked up at him.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, her smile back bigger than ever.

“Grocery shopping, before Tyler has another meltdown and calls everyone stupid again. This is the only bakery in town, we needed bread, and I thought I’d sample the little baker as well” Her face darkened, as racy thoughts entered her mind. “She tastes sweet and is oh so very tempting.” Her nose wrinkled and he couldn’t help but kiss her again. Kissing her a second time might have been a mistake, now he doesn’t want to stop. Standing on her tippy toes to get closer to him, she moved her mouth with his, when she felt him nibbling her bottom lip she parted for him to deepen the kiss. One hand holding her as close as possible his other slid down her body. He needed to stop, he needed to let her go, but he didn’t want to. Getting closer to the danger zone. Flirting with the point of no return. Keep it to her lips, don’t touch her bottom, don’t make her moan! If he ventured anywhere other than her mouth, if his hands roamed too far, if she produced one musical note, there would be no going back for him. He was fighting want and desire and she wasn’t helping, melting into his chest, pulling herself as close as she possibly could, trying to get taller than she was. The world around them was just gone, no other noise but his heartbeat and hers in perfect harmony. No sights and the only feeling was each other. Oxygen….oxygen, their bodies screaming for it broke the kiss. He kept her held tight to him, while he struggled to control himself. His eyes had turned black and he needed to calm down before he could look at her again. Her breathing was heavy, her face flushed deep red and buried in his chest. She was trying to stop the images dancing in her head, as shiver after shiver threatened to rake through her body.

Only after he felt his eyes turned back did he look at her. This is going to be so much easier when she knows about him. He won’t have to hide anymore. I wonder if growling will still make her laugh! Odin mused in his head. Not in wolf form, maybe in human, guess we’ll find out tomorrow! Maybe today! What about overwhelming her? She’ll be fine! Odin! Adonis, I want her to know she’s ours!

“Can I take you home?” Adonis wanted to spend time with her, just the two of them. He didn’t get to do that yesterday.

“I’m not bread.” She looked at him confused, he smiled down at her.

“Maybe not, but there is one part of you I can squeeze like bread” He replied, she scrunched her face trying to figure it out, when he squeezed her bottom. She let out a loud squeak, her hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide and face redder. He held her close to him as he let out a deep laugh. That she was not expecting at all.

“Do you think anyone heared me?” She whispered, looking around the bakery.

“No, you were very quiet” He replied grinning,

“I wasn’t ass-pecting that,” she said.

“I’m not sorry I did it.” He had bent down, his lips brushing her ear as he murmured into it. Her breathing hitched, and she clutched tighter to his shirt. “Can I take you home?” She wanted to say yes, he could see she wanted to say yes.

“It’s ok sweetheart. I’ll take you home tomorrow instead” He didn’t want to push her. If she had more help then she might not be so hesitant to accept his offer. That is his next order of business, get her people for the front of the bakery. Its reputation is based on her baking and no one else’s, he doubted she would give up her kitchen for anyone, aside from Maggie. “You and I are going to spend all day together tomorrow”

“All day?” She looked up at him, her eyes wide, a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth.

“All day, from the time you open your gorgeous eyes, till you close them again. We just need to figure out who’s bed we’re going to be sharing.” Her megawatt smile lit up her whole face. Silver eyes sparkling and dancing in the lights of the bakery. Her body vibrated as excitement flooded her. Even the winces in pain he saw cross her face weren’t enough to contain her. She threw her arms around him and held tight as every bounce she did caused her to flinch in pain.

“Yay!” Was all she could say. It was the only word that would come out. It was small and quiet, it betrayed her actions and her emotions, and caused him to laugh, it was not what he was expecting at all. But then nothing about her was what he expected, she far exceeded all his expectations.

“Ok, ok, sweetheart. You’re going to hurt yourself” He said trying not to laugh at her little excited bouncing body.

“Too late I already did” She replied as her hip protested anymore of her movements and she collapsed into his arms. “Ow! But still yay!” She breathed out. Her excitement at spending all day with him could still be felt, her body still vibrated from it, even though it now radiated pain.

“Ok, sshhh sweetheart I got you, I got you” he gathered her into his arms and held her close while she rode out the pain she was feeling. Small circles on her back close to her right hip were helping to alleviate it and when he heard her relieved sigh, he didn’t stop his movements. He increased them, they became firmer, he ventured more over her body. He felt her shiver against him. Keep control, don’t push her. Don’t make her moan, she’s not ready. Take your hands off the mate!

“I should get my bread before I really do take someone home with me.” He whispered, his lips close to her ear. Brushing ever so slightly against it. This was not helping with the images permanently carved into her brain. She clutched tighter to his shirt, her breath hitching as he did it again. He was fighting to control his hands that wanted to roam over her whole body. He was fighting to keep control period. He wanted to take her home, he wanted to make her his and only his forever. Tell her she would never be alone. Show her who he truly is. This will be easier when she knows, even though Odin wants to tell her tonight, he will stick with the original plan and tell her tomorrow when it is just the two of them, he just needs to fight to keep control for one more day. One more day, one more day and he’ll tell her everything, one more day, he can make it one more day. Until then take your hands off the mate. Step away from the mate! Instead he wrapped his arms tighter around her. Tighter around his mate, he wasn’t ready to let go, he wasn’t ready to walk away. One more day and he won’t have to.

“Do you has to leave now?” She asked, melting more into his embrace, his scent, him. His arms cocooning her in safety, protection, warmth it all wrapped around her. She was trying not to read too much into this, she was trying not to have expectations, hope. She couldn’t help it, the more time she spent with him, the more the feelings grew. She was drawn to him, pulled towards him. She wanted him. She knew what she was feeling, she didn’t know what he was feeling, maybe it wasn’t one sided, maybe he was feeling it as well. She hoped so, she didn’t know how she was going to give him up if that’s what had to happen.

The rest of the day was a flurry of activity, the bakery never stopped being busy with people coming in and out. It’s supposed to close at six. It was almost seven when they were able to put the closed sign up. They sold out of almost everything, as fast as the shelves were being stocked they were being emptied.

“Thank you for your help today, Elijah.” He and Kenzi were cleaning up the front while Maggie and Tyler were cleaning up the kitchen.

“It was my pleasure Kenzi” He replied, he kept his head down as he cashed out the till. Thank you was not something he or any other demon were used to hearing, but every time Luna said those two words to him he felt a swell of warmth ripple through him.

“Kitchen clean” Tyler said as he walked into the front, he had a very satisfied look on his face.

“Thank you Tyler” Kenzi called, she was straightening one of the shelves. A look crossed Tyler’s face and Elijah knew he felt the same warmth he did. Their little Luna was a remarkable person and truly appreciative of anything anyone did for her.

With both her back and hip hurting, she was trying not to let it show, but she was struggling with keeping it contained. Both Elijah and Tyler were watching her carefully and they could hear the muffled whimpers she was trying to keep concealed.

“Why don’t you let me take care of that, an you go sit down for a bit.” Tyler offered,

“It’s ok, I’m almost done. If I sit down now, I’m not sure I’ll get back up.” Kenzi smiled at him.

“Then I help you,” Tyler started straightening out the other shelves.

“Thank you” She replied, again the look again crossed Tyler’s face and a slight grin appeared as he continued to help. He would never not help his sister with anything.

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