The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 37: Bronco!

Sitting in the conference room, going over what he just heard Alpha Malone tell him. Adonis sat there, his face carrying little expression, but the flames burning in his eyes had Beta Morgan moving back from the table. Odin was right, when he told him at ten that others would hear his name and fear him. No one dared to fuck with The Devil. He was piecing together what he had just heard with what Tyler had told them when they got home from dinner the other night, but there was still a huge piece missing. What happened at the orphanage? No one could answer that, nothing was documented. Adonis’s thoughts were interrupted when a soft knock sounded on the door a short time later. All in the room stood. Adonis didn’t want someone walking in behind him. Especially someone that may or may not need tranq guns if he got pissed off. They watched and waited as one of the conference room doors opened.

“Might wanna open the other one sweet cheeks, one ain’t gonna do shit. I built like a mac truck” A low deep drawl sounded from the other side of the door. When the other door swung open they saw a wall of muscle, and heard grumbling. Crouching down the wall of muscle moved under the door frame only to stand to his full height on the other side.

“Not a word Jackson” Adonis hissed, before he could say anything.

“Uh uh!” Was all he said, as they both looked up at the behemoth of a man who towered over them both. He said he was the size of a mac truck and that was a justified comparison. His unkempt shaggy dirty blonde hair with natural white streaks hung passed his ears and in his sapphire blue eyes. He gave them a quick once over before his attention was turned to Alpha Malone.

“Bronco, how are you?” Alpha Malone greeted him,

“Doin a lot better if you get fuckin doors I can walk through. This bendin down bullshit suck” He grumbled back.

“You sound grumpy,” Beta Morgan commented, moving one of the guns towards him.

“Not grumpy, tired, could use a nap.” Bronco addressed Alpha Malone.

“Couldn’t you at least try to look more presentable?” Beta Morgan said as he took in Bronco’s appearance.

“See now I would have, but I din’t wanna make you all hot an bothered.” Bronco fired back ….grrrRRRRRrrrr…. “Easy now toilet drinker, don’t think you wanna go another round wit me, you din’t win the last one.” Jackson and Adonis had to fight the humour they found at that. Adonis only thought Jackson was capable of pissing people off like that.

“Enough Morgan” Alpha Malone said,

“I only like one person cuttin my hair. Her know how to cut it the way I like it, an her gentle” Bronco said. “Who the fuck these two?” He motioned towards Adonis and Jackson as he spoke.

“Alpha Adonis Bradshaw and Beta Jackson Monroe” Alpha Malone introduced them.

“That him, where the fuck the rest of him? I thought he be bigger.” Bronco asked, looking back at Adonis.

“Bronco, don’t start anything” Alpha Malone warned.

“Bronco” He held his hand out, Adonis shook first, never taking his eyes off the large man.

“You a big fuckin yogi” Jackson said as he shook next.

“I get that a lot. You boys not used to bein towered over?” Bronco replied, he sniffed the air around him and a lazy grin spread across his face.

“No!” Adonis replied,

“I wonder this what Lil Kenzi Cakes feel like when her talk to us?” Jackson asked,

“Probably!” Adonis still had not taken his eyes off the man standing in front of him. He was large, Adonis just wasn’t sure if he was a threat to him.

“How you know Kenzi?” Bronco asked,

“How do you?” Adonis returned,

“I ask firs” Bronce fired back,

“I don’t care,” Adonis countered.


“That cute, that real cute.” Maybe he was a threat “They have borin eyes. Demons always had the better ones,” Bronco replied, after he growled at them, he got the reaction he wanted. Odin and Ko immediately rose to the surface preparing for what was to come.

“Bronco do not set them off” Alpha Malone warned him again,

“Why? You don’t got tranqs for them too? Sorry boys look like only one of us get a nap” Bronco fired back, looking in his direction a lazy grin spreading more across his face.


“Woah! Easy toilet drinker, I jus playin. Hey, who you think win between me an you?” Bronco asked, snapping his attention back to Adonis. He wasn’t about to admit it, but the power he felt surrounding the room had his bear Baloo shuddering.

“I’m not playing. I do not enjoy having my time wasted and you are wasting it!” Adonis growled. Both Alpha Malone and Beta Morgan each clutched one of the tranq guns, though at this point they were not sure who they would use it on. Bronco looked Adonis over one more time before he moved further into the room and dropped himself into a seat at the end of the table. The smell! Odin hissed in his head. He was at Kenzi’s the other night.

“Why were you at Kenzi’s two nights ago?” Adonis asked, looking at the man. He had not yet retaken his seat, he wasn’t sure he wanted to.

“You went there?” Alpha Malone turned to Bronco. This was news to him.

“Sit down, I ain’t gonna bite you” Bronco said, trying not to laugh.

“Why were you there?” Adonis’s voice grew louder, more authoritative, he didn’t care that this man was a bear. He didn’t care that he by far was the largest bear he had seen. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

“You were told not to go there. You were told to stay away from the girl.” Beta Morgan clutched tighter to the gun as his Alpha addressed the bear.

“Ya, ya, ya. I know what I’s told. Din’t mean I’s gonna listen.” Bronco fired back. Adonis was beginning to lose his patience, with the insolent bear.

“You scare the hell outta her,” Jackson fired at him.

“That wasn’t my intention, I din’t mean to scare her. I jus want to make sure her takin care of herself. Kenzi put everone firs all the time. I din’t even know her in the house, till I knew. Then I got the fuck outta there.” Bronco said, he bowed his head. She was so terrified that night. Her fear engulfed him.

“The fuck you not jus show up durin the day? You sneakin roun at night for?” Jackson asked.

I can’t!” Bronco growled at him.

Fuck you mean you can’t?” Jackson growled back,

I mean I can’t. You don’t know much bout bears do you?” Bronco snarled back,

Enlighten us!” Adonis barked. Bronco was quiet for a bit, small snarls were escaping from him as he fought to reign in Baloo. Alpha Malone and Beta Morgan raised the tranq guns preparing to use them.

“Ease up! He ain’t gonna do nuttin. He a disgruntle bear, but he ain’t stupid.” Bronco spoke, as he shook his head. “You have any idea how hard it is findin clothes for a guy my size. Well, you two might.” Bronco said, referring to Adonis and Jackson. They looked down at their shirts then back up at him.

“Shirts are a little hard to come by; they don’t exactly offer 6xl in most stores.” Adonis agreed. What the fuck is this guys problem? He’s testing us! What the fuck for? To see if we are worthy of the information he has! And if we’re not? Then we will do what we do best and extract it in the most painful way possible! I like painful!

“Pants a little easier, still a pain though” Jackson added.

“Mine has to be custom made, I hear it from his kid all the damn time. Worse than a naggin mother. Bronco, stop wreckin yur clothes. I ain’t kill em yet though. Bounce his head off the desk a couple times an he stop naggin me.” Bronco tried not to grin at the look on Alpha Malone’s face

“Sounds simple, don’t piss off the bear, he won’t wreck his clothes,” Adonis said, a grin crossed Bornco’s face, he didn’t want to like Adonis or Jackson, but he couldn’t help it.

“It ain’t the same for bears like it is for you toilet drinkers, we ain’t promise nuttin. No special someone created jus for us. We find a smell we really really like an we make it ours, that it. Don’t matter, they posed to belong to someone else. No one stop us, half time they don’t even try. It don’t end well for the ones that do.” Bronco started to explain.

“What if they mated?” Jackson asked,

“We don’t touch the mark ones, they stop smellin good. Kinda smell like wet dog” Bronco replied, “They is one smell though that bring ALL the bears to the yard.”

“What smell?” Jackson asked, Bronco remained quiet.

“Purity!” Adonis answered for him. Took Jackson a minute to figure out what they were talking about, then he raised both his eyebrows when it clicked in.

“Long as her still is, I can’t go near her. Unless her mark. So fuckin hurry up an mark her. I like to see my friend again” Bronco looked at Adonis, who narrowed his gaze on him. “That such a fuckin cliche too, devil an a angel, the fuck, who thought that shit up?”

“I can’t just mark her, there is a reason we do it the way we do. It will hurt like absolute hell to do it any other way. Think she’s been through enough” Adonis replied. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t do that to her. For a normal to mark a mate without the act of mating would cause excruciating pain and suffering, for a demon to do it, it would be a death sentence. Bronco didn’t know as much as he thinks he knows about demons. Sure they might be wolves, they might be guaranteed mates, if they did find them, it wasn’t a guaranteed acceptance. Some of his pack have been rejected by their destined mate and it didn’t end well for them. Demons don’t like rejection and violence usually ensued when it happened.

“Wait, Kenzi bit by a yogi, few years ago” Jackson interjected,

“You’re thinking a werebear now?” Jackson nodded. What? Easy Odin! What the fuck was it planning on doing? Relax! You relax that bear was goin….! Lavender and green apples! Fuck! Musical giggles and wrinkled nose! Cheater! Pink blush! Stop! Our mate is a fighter, she took care of it! Mate!

“Her say the wilderness guide say it was the biggest yogi he ever seen an it came straight for her.” Jackson replied,

“What?” Bronco looked at him,

“Yeah, her on some wilderness tour an a yogi bit her. Try pull her from the truck her hidin under.” Jackson told him,

“It try pull her out?” Bronco looked back and forth between Adonis and Jackson.

“It did till her kick it in the head, then it jus stole her pants,” Jackson replied.

“She has a bite mark on the back of her leg where it grabbed her,” Adonis added. He was trying really hard not to like the bear, but his concern over Kenzi was putting him in the good books.

“How big? What the width?” Bronco asked, Jackson looked at Adonis.

“That big you figure?” Jackson extended his pinky and his thumb and Adonis nodded, then he showed Bronco.

“Fuckin grizzly! They savage as fuck. They don’t care, an a lot of em don’t ask consent. It din’t want her pants, it wanted what was in her pants. That being said you keep it in yur pants or I break it off” Bronco warned,

“That don’t soun pleasant” Jackson shook his head, shifting uneasily beside him.

“He breaks off mine, I’ll break off yours” Adonis looked at him.

Hey! No one breakin off anyone’s junk. I walk in this room intac I walkin out the same fuckin way” Jackson moved further away from his Alpha. Bronco released a deep chuckle at first before it erupted into a roaring laugh.

“Satisfied Bronco?” Alpha Malone asked him, shaking his head.

“I like you boys, I really din’t want to, but you’s entertainin. Ask yur questions,” Bronco said, leaning back in his chair. A satisfied smile crossed his face.

“What happened at the orphanage?” Adonis asked. That wiped the smile right off his face. It wasn’t a time in his life he wanted to relive. But if they were asking him it meant they didn’t want Kenzi to relive it either. He didn’t blame them, that girl went through pure hell behind those walls.

“Jump straight to the big one. You sure you wanna know?” Bronco asked in return,

“What happened?” Adonis repeated.

“Four years of pure hell, what happen. They had rules, follow the rules don’t get trouble. Cept they seem to have a different set for Kenzi, an her din’t know what they was. Always seem to break em though. Her catch shit, but not know why or what her done wrong. It like they change em on her all the time.” Bronco answered, but he could see by the looks on their faces they wanted more details. A few deep breaths to keep Baloo calm and deep sigh, Bronco began to tell of their time at the orphanage.

“I grew up in the orphanage an they left me the fuck alone for the most part, I scare em. I’s fourteen big an tall an only gettin bigger an taller, when Kenzi show up. I jus want to finish my time an get the fuck out. One day in walk this, ten year old, silver eyed, purple haired lil thin. I mean her toothpick tiny. Biggest smile on her face though, jus happy to be there. I couldn’t help but think they gonna wipe that smile right off her face. We weren’t friends out the gate. Try though, for a week her try talk to me, but gave up. I would see her time to time doin this or that. Then sometimes I wouldn’t see her for days, when I did her didn’t look too good. Bout a month after her got there I saw her sittin in the corner of her room, her hands over her ears an her hummin a song. They was marks on her arms and legs. Struck me as odd, but kep my head down, walk on. I got to the end of the hall an went back, but her gone by then. The next time I see her her all smiles again. This happen a couple more times, but the song her hummin gettin louder.”

“What song was she humming?” Adonis asked,

“Teddy bear picnic.” Bronco replied.

“I know that song, they sang it at the daycare all the time wit the pups. Tyler hate it, he bit some lil boy so he wouldn’t has to go back there” Jackson said.

“Another two months go by, the marks on her arms an legs gettin worse. Look like a couple of ’em was chemical burns. Her disappear for a couple days, then show back up it din’t happen that often in the beginnin, but when her disappearances started becoming more frequent. I realize somein wasn’t right. I start lookin for her. Never saw her in the cafeteria, or the classrooms, never saw her participatin in any of the activities the other kids did, hell no one spoke to her, I don’t even think they knew her name. Saw her in one of the common areas once, by herself but before I could say anythin to her, one of the caregivers start talkin to her, then they backhanded her an her fell into a table. Her got back up, fix the table an continue what her was doin. Her cleanin, her clean that whole fuckin room by herself. You hear rumours bout it, but you think that’s all they was, hush whispers from the kids in the hall. It was quite somein to see first hand. Her jus this lil thin an to watch her get smack down like that, for fuck knows what reason. Her reaction was what threw me the mos, her jus accep it, like that was somein that happen all the time”

“Five months in an I see her sittin in the corner in her room. This time I approach her an ask what the fuck her doin. Her tell me her tryin to make it quiet. Her tryin to make it all quiet. Her defective, her say her don’t know what that meant, but they kep callin her that. Bein a stupid fourteen year old kid. I ask her if her stupid, told her to pay more attention in class. It meant her broken. I never seen eyes more dull than hers when her look at me, they’s no smile lef in her. Her say her maybe broken, but one day her get fix, but I never stop bein a meanie. An her walk away. Her hurt my feelins when her say that. I din’t see her for a week after that. Next time I did see her, her wasn’t movin so good. Din’t know it then, but me talkin to her that day put her past her five minute break an her got punish big time for it.”

“Kenzi was the cook an cleaner for the whole orphanage, her got one five minute break a day, that it. That why her never in the classrooms. Her got scraps from meals her cook but only if her clean everthin firs an if they was anythin lef over. Her day start at two in the mornin an sometimes not finish till midnight. There were times her never got to bed.” Bronco had to stop there for a bit as the memories flooded him. The orphanage was the worst time in his life. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Baloo hated the memories. Beta Morgan knocked the safety off one of the guns but never pointed it in his direction. After the growls and snarls died down, Bronco continued.

“Six months an it was inspection day.” He begun,

“Inspection day?” Adonis asked,

“Every six months social services grace us wit their presence. Look over the facility an make sure the kids are happy an healthy, then they leave. We all line up an they do a walk by, ask a few questions an move on. Standin in line an Kenzi not there, so I ask where the fuck her is. They say her gone into town. Fuckin liars. I overheard some kid talkin bout the dungeon. I ask what that is, he say it in the basement. It a room that the really bad ones go in, the purple haired kid was always there. That where her go when her disappear. Say her prolly in the dungeon. He say look for a door, I know it when I see it. I get to the basement, look roun, see this door out a place in the room. It got a padlock on it. I knock on the door an nuttin, so I knock louder, I can hear movement on the other side, but her ain’t sayin nuttin so I call her. This broken voice comes back an her tell me go away, her not pose to come out, they come get her when her can be let out. I rip the door off the hinges an her lyin on the floor in a huddled ball in this….fuckin closet. Her back, arms, legs….her bleedin. I ask her what happen an her say her fall…. Her fuckin fall…. Her din’t fuckin fall, but that what her posed to say….her fall. I got angry, carry her to the nurse.” ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Bronco clenched his fists together, it was gettin harder to control Baloo. That’s what’s with the closets! Odin whimpered in his head. She keeps everything at the front and the door blocked open so no one can lock her in!

“Bronco….” Beta Morgan called him. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Positioning the gun, Beta Morgan waited. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Bronco shook his head, eyes shut tight as he fought to keep control, again the snarls settled and Bronco continued.

“That stupid dragon lady, Nurse Rachet….don’t member her fuckin name, but that what the kids call her all the time, her look at Kenzi an go her fine, her don’t need nuttin. I ask her, her stupid, her need help, but the nurse sent her away. Fuck that, I grab everthin I need. I clean Kenzi up myself an ask her what happen, her can’t tell me. I say someone did that to you, you gotta tell me. Her say it a secret an her not posed to, her get it worse if her do. Her already gonna be in trouble cause her not in the closet. They gonna come lookin for her an her not there. I went to the director bout it, thinkin he help her. That what he posed to do, that his fuckin job. Fuck that was a mistake, it jus made it worse. I don’t know how many times I fine her in that fuckin closet, fresh marks on her. After that I help Kenzi ever chance I got, but her jus always seem to be gettin trouble for somein.”

“The friggin dust line the dust pan make, her get smack, a kid smudge the glass her jus clean her get smack. Somein for breakfast got burn her get smack. Broke eight doors off the dungeon before they put the metal one up. Bears don’t come into they full strength till eighteen, I couldn’t break that one down an I fuckin try. So I sit outside the door, an I talk to her. An wait wit her until they let her out. Then I clean her up. Her got an infection once they beat her a good one an left her in there for longer than normal. Her could barely move an I pretty sure her was gonna die on me. They did end up havin to get a doctor to come look at her an he gave her antibiotics. Soon as her start feelin better they had her cleanin an cookin again. That bitch of a nurse was posed to check her over but her never did….Rogers….that the nurses name, Nurse Rogers….her tried givin me shit for takin supplies, never did that again. I introduce her to the fuckin wall. Her jus let me take whatever I want after that.” The room was silent for a bit.

“What about the six month inspections? If social services came every six months they should have seen something?” Adonis asked,

“You think, they posed to be surprise visits, but they not, the director knew when they were gonna happen an they play hide the Kenzi. I stop goin to class, what they gonna do to me, they scared of me. An if I was wit Kenzi, they din’t bother her. So I stuck real close. They got her a couple times in the night. I wake up an her be gone, put a stop to that real quick when I start sleepin against the door outside her room. While I was there they wasn’t gonna touch her, I made damn sure of it. It got a lil better for her, but still hell. I got her one of those mp3 players to help make the world be quiet, got a lil tired of the teddy bear picnic. Her still sing?” Bronco asked,

“Yeah she does” Adonis replied, a slight smile spreading across his face.

“Good, Kenzi smile light up a room, but her voice put a smile on yur face. I get upset at how they treatin her, an her sing to make me feel better. Couldn’t stay mad when her singin.” Bronco nodded looking down at the table.

“Two years in an I member this one kid given her shit, tellin her her stupid an her got upset. I put the kid through a wall. I ask her what he givin her shit bout. Her said it was cause her din’t know what sex was, so her ask me. I was sixteen.” Jackson’s eyes went wide.

“Right! That all you think bout at that age. So here I am tryin to explain sex to a twelve year old” Jackson was trying to contain his laughter. “Laugh it up, he get the fun job an get to show her.” Bronco shook his head as he motioned towards Adonis. “Then her ask me bout other stuff that I got no clue bout. That I shouldn’t even know bout. I ask her, her goin through that an her say her think so. Fuck! I went to the pharmacy an here I am lookin big stupid an confuse starin at a wall of product. The pharmacist starts talkin to me, an tellin me all bout it. I’m lookin at her like her a twelve headed zebra. Her says jus get yur moms to explain it to her. We from the orphanage we ain’t got moms. Her zip it right there. I ask her what gonna be the easiest for me to explain to her and her gave me somein, thankfully they has directions on the box. Tell me to brin her in tomorrow an her explain it to her. Bless up for that!” Bronco paused there for a bit.

“I snuck her out the orphanage an the pharmacist, explain everthin to her an me. I stood there, ask the dumbest question a sixteen year old could ask. ‘Her gonna go through that ever month, her don’t get like time off or nuttin?’ Then I ask how long this gonna happen to her? It not an exactin science her say forty to fifty years. I stood there like a stunned idiot.” That did have Jackson laughing. “Brother, I fine out shit I din’t need to know. Whole knew respect for women, ever man should go through that talk. Her a nice lady though, sent us off wit a care package for her, an told us to come back ever month an her have another one ready.”

“I did whatever I could to make it easier for her there, but the year I turn eighteen my time was comin to an end. They don’t let you stay after eighteen.” Bronco said.

“She wears a bracelet around her ankle, it’s a little tarnished” Adonis told him.

“No shit, her still has it? I gave it to her the day before my eighteenth, it was too big for her” Bronco looked at him, Adonis nodded.

“You said you’d come back for her.” Adonis was trying to hide his anger, this was supposed to be her friend and he left her there for two years undefended, his and Odin’s anger was starting to get the better of him. ….grrrrrr…. Slipped out before he could stop it.

“Simmer down puppy, don’t go jumpin to conclusions. I know what I promise her. An I did go back. Bout a week later, after I foun a place to live. Got pinch for attempted kidnappin. Not our business to meddle in the affairs of humans. Fuckin council, threw me in a hole. I’s there for a year. When I got out, I went back, I wasn’t gonna leave her there. Downside bein this tall, can’t always see what’s on the ground beneath yur feet. Step in a bear trap, that when I met Alpha Malone, he save my life.”

“Life debt?” Adonis spoke, then looked at Malone who nodded.

“Life debt!” Bronco agreed. “We got to talkin an realize we goin after the same girl, he been lookin for her for five years an I was tryin to get her outta hell. What happen to her those last two years I don’t know, only that lil girl does. I jus know the firs four.” Bronco said, he lowered his head again. She was his friend and he let her down. He let her down when he couldn’t get her out of there.

“It took work and effort, we managed to finally get a few people inside of social services, and a judge. He thought it was kind of funny that a child goes into the orphanage but is never heard from again and granted permission for a surprise inspection a month after the six month one.” Alpha Malone carried on. “Chief Lou was there with them, and when they couldn’t or wouldn’t produce Kenzi they tore the building apart. Our man caught a scent that led him to the basement and the door. They demanded that it be open and Kenzi fell out of it. Hell broke loose, the chief had to slap a pair of silver cuffs on him. The director and the staff were all charged with neglect and child endangerment. Kenzi was brought to the facility here. This is where all her medical treatments happen.” Alpha Malone added.

“She has an appointment today!” Adonis looked at him, raising a questioning brow.

“I know, she is going in for a scan. We have a psychiatrist that asks her questions, but….” Alpha Malone was saying until Adonis cut him off. Both he and Jackson tensed thinking the exact same thing.

“My Delta is going to be with her!” This was cause for concern. Tyler didn’t know what he was going to be walking into.

“He won’t be touched.” Alpha Malone assured him.

“He still needs to be warned, he won’t let your people near her.” Adonis shot Jackson a look and he was already out the door using the link with his brother.

“You’ve been keeping tabs on her?” Adonis questioned when he turned back to Alpha Malone.

“I have been. It was hard, she was supposed to be with her sister, but I don’t know what happened, she disappeared only to resurface a short time later, to disappear again. She was seventeen when she went to live with Maggie and Patrick Wendall.” He answered,

“Her sister kicked her out and wouldn’t let her back in. We think she was living at the old camp. She carved her name into the wall and there’s 316 ticks underneath it. My Beta discovered it while he was doing renovations. The baking competition?” Adonis asked,

“You don’t come in fourth an win $50,000 usually,” Bronco answered. “Her shoulda won firs, stupid judges”

“I was one of the judges. I asked her what she was going to do if she won. She said she didn’t care if she won first place, but she wanted to open a bakery if she did win. She was so excited when she came in fourth and I handed her the cheque. I don’t know how many times she thanked me.” Alpha Malone smiled.

“It was a lot, and she tackled you when she hugged you” Beta Morgan was trying not to laugh.

“When she got the bakery up and running, and believe me that took some effort, the damn Mayor kept interfering. I called a few tourist magazines and had them come to the town. Up till then I kept Blackwoods a secret from the world. Before you ask I didn’t call in personal favours and have them go to the bakery to rave about it. They discovered it all by themselves.” Alpha Malone said when he saw the questioning look from Adonis.

“It was easy, they just followed their noses. The town smells like the bakery. You walk into it and your mouth starts watering.” Beta Morgan added, shaking his head. “How she doesn’t eat everything I don’t understand?”

“Her sister told her she can’t bake, she doesn’t trust herself and relies on the opinions of others” Adonis answered,

“That bitch still alive? Fuck, I’s hopin somein eat it by now” Bronco interjected.

“You’ve met it!” Adonis stated more than asked Bronco,

“Her came by the orphanage a couple times, showin off some flashy new somein that her daddy or mama gave her. Swear her did it jus to make Kenzi feel like shit. Kenzi told me later that they adopt her too, but gave her back cause somein wrong wit her. I ask her what wrong wit her, her don’t know, somein. Last time that bitch was there her say somein to Kenzi. Don’t know what it was, but it upset her. I try to get her to tell me, but her say it’s selfish to burden others wit her problems. I might have snuck out that night, bitch had a new car….” A grin spread across Bronco’s face.

“Wasn’t so new anymore was it?” Adonis asked, a crooked grin on his face.

“I might have add some decorative touches to it,” Bronco replied, nodding his head.

“K Co?” Adonis was taking a shot in the dark, when he mentioned the name, but the looks he got from around the table told him he nailed it.

“We set up the company to protect Kenzi.” Alpha Malone replied,

“From her sister” Not really a question, but he did want an answer,

“After what happened with Howard and Miranda’s will, it was in her best interest. Teagan stole the life she should have had, when that wasn’t enough she stole the money that could have greatly benefited her in getting the life she deserved. It was clearly still not enough for her.” Alpha Malone said.

“What do you mean?” Adonis asked,

“It was a year after the bakery opened, Teagan gave Kenzi some paperwork, told her she needed to fill it out for tax purposes. She brought it to Joe to get him to help her with it. It was to transfer ownership of the bakery. He told Kenzi to leave it with him and he would take care of it. Joe informed us immediately, we set up K Co that day. We did not tell Kenzi that she is K Co, but we made it so Kenzi Templeton couldn’t sign away everything she has worked for. She deserves a life, she’s earned it.” Beta Morgan explained,

“So when she purchased the building to stop the Mayor from increasing the rent and her home, it was put under the same company. You told her it was to protect her.” Adonis said,

“Not a lie, it is why we did it” Alpha Malone said,

“The bitch tried again a few days ago to take all three from her. My third in command put a stop to it, and is now acting as her lawyer. Telling her anymore forms she is to contact him immediately.” ….grrrrrr…. Alpha Malone released a small growl at another attempt, but he nodded his head.

“How many times has she tried?” Adonis asked,

“One other time that we know of, nothing came of it, Kenzi filled the forms out wrong nullifying them immediately.” Beta Morgan replied.

Adonis sat in thought for a bit, he wasn’t sure what to make of this. Why does the sister want the bakery? Can the succubitch even bake? That’s a good question Odin!

“Have you asked the sister why she’s doing it?” Adonis asked,

“We try not to deal with Teagan too much. She is not very….pleasant.” Beta Morgan replied,

“Pleasant? That damn girl a fuckin vile bitch an should be drown in a vat of acid” Bronco interjected,

“Please Bronco, tell us how you really feel.” Beta Morgan shot at him, rolling his eyes.

“Aight, you really want me to” Bronco said,

“Rhetorical statement!” The Beta fired back.

“I was thinking never ending torture. Make her beg for death to only deny the request every time.” Adonis said, trying not to laugh.

“See I knew I like these boys, you’s a asshole” Bronco said back to Beta Morgan. “Hey, you ever play 1000 ways to die”

“Frequently. It’s a favourite amongst my pack.” Adonis replied.

“You an I gonna get along jus fine. Demons always down for a good time.” Bronco said smiling,

“Speaking of the vile bitch, why not her? Having met her I understand now, but you would have known her before you met Kenzi, yet you show no interest in her.” Adonis asked.

“This might answer your question about why Teagan wants the bakery as well. She wants everything Kenzi has. Teagan was and I guess still is spoiled. She was self-entitled, selfish and highly conceited borderline narcissistic. She was doted on, every whim, didn’t help that if she didn’t get what she wanted she would scream until she did. Miranda, rest her soul, did everything for Teagan. Gave her everything she wanted.” Alpha Malone explained.

“Howard, not so much.” Adonis said what the older wolf didn’t

“No, he did not. When I was first introduced to Teagan, the first thing she did was ask me if I brought her something. I told her no, she said she didn’t like me. Howard kept Teagan away from me after that. I became daddy’s stupid friend.” Alpha Malone went on to say,

“College friend” again another statement. Bronco watched Adonis carefully. How he knew what was going to be said he didn’t understand but he had to give The Devil his due, he had a knack for it.

“I met Howard in college, we were roommates. He knew what I was, Miranda did not. We thought it best to keep it from her. When Kenzi came along, Miranda and Howard had to keep them separate. Teagan despised Kenzi from the start, she didn’t like the competition. No matter how many times they told her she had to be nice and protect her baby sister, Teagan wouldn’t have it and she would scream. It would make Kenzi cry. That was the only thing that really made Kenzi cry. It was like the sound hurt her ears, so Teagan did it all the time. Kenzi was sleeping, she would scream. Kenzi was eating Teagan would scream. Howard ended up having to take Kenzi to work with him all the time. The office didn’t want Teagan there. She asked all his coworkers to give her things. When they wouldn’t she called them all stupid.” Alpha Malone went on.

“There was something about Teagan. If Kenzi got any sort of attention, she would lose it. On Kenzi’s first birthday, they couldn’t even have a party for her, because Teagan had a tantrum. If Kenzi was bought anything, Teagan demanded something for herself or she would destroy it.” Beta Morgan added,

“Morgan’s first official interaction with her was when Kenzi had a scan done at ten and Teagan came with her. Teagan went after Kenzi while she was in the machine, basically nullifying the test. Morgan was livid, he wanted to put her in a sack and beat her with a stick.” Bronco looked in his direction and started chuckling.

“Truth come out now, Morgan. Tell us how you really feel” Bronco quipped a big grin on his face. Morgan just glared at the bear, shaking his head.

“Teagan is hell bent on destroying everything good in Kenzi’s life. She has it in her head that Kenzi owes her. For what your guess is as good as ours.” Alpha Malone spoke ignoring the glaring contest between his Beta and the bear. “Whatever Kenzi has, she wants.” Adonis let that sink in as he sat back in his chair. That succubitch crazy? Sounds like it! What do we do? Give Kenzi the truth, she’ll see Teagan for what she really is! The boogeyman! Yes Odin, Teagan is the boogeyman!

Jackson walked back into the room and retook his seat.

“He’s not happy!” Adonis said when he looked at Jackson. He glared back at his Alpha

“No, once he stop yellin at me an let me explain he understand. Say he be on his best behaviour.” Jackson replied, smiling.

“Oh joy!” Adonis grumbled.

“You Delta yell at you Beta?” Bronco asked,

“No, a brother yelled at his brother” Adonis replied, Bronco nodded letting that sink in.

“Demon brothers! Yur territory gonna stink by the way. That gonna keep the bears away, they don’t like the way you smell.” Bronco stated matter of factly.

“Aww I’m offended. I thought we could be friends.” Bronco snorted, but grinned.

“How many in you pack?” Bronco asked,

“750 and growing” Adonis answered,

“They all demons?” Bronco asked another question,

“Most, why?” He asked,

“A demon wolf be the only species that can take out a bear. They ain’t gonna come anywhere near if they 750 of you.” Bronco answered, “Her safe!”

“Yet you still came onto the territory” Adonis looked at him,

“Smell don’t bother me, an that my friend, I like to see her again” Bronco countered. “Give him the damn town, Vinny,” Bronco added, looking at Alpha Malone.

“What have I told you about that?” Alpha Malone looked at Bronco,

“I forget! Remind me again” Bronco was trying not to laugh at the expression on the older wolf’s face.

“You need to leave. Kenzi is going to be here soon for her appointment and you can’t be in the building or anywhere near it.” He said instead.

“Fuckin bullshit!” Bronco grumbled as he got up. He moved towards the conference doors when he paused, raising his nose to the air, he sniffed.

“Her early, do it.” Bronco started breathing heavier and harder, his heart rate had picked up, he was fighting with himself and the urge he was feeling to find her. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. “You gotta do it now.” ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. “NOW!” ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Both Alpha Malone and Beta Morgan grabbed a gun and with no warning opened fire. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Emptying one set of guns into his back, they grabbed the last two. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Bronco threw his head back and forth, the snarls getting weaker but still present. He took off out the door with the other two wolves behind him. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR….

“The fuck?” Jackson said,

“Kenzi!” Adonis exited the room with Jackson right behind him in time to see Beta Morgan get thrown across the office and into the wall. “Grab the gun and open fire Jackson” Adonis yelled over his shoulder as he went after Bronco. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Ripped through the office as Alpha Malone hit him a few more times. He was still moving fast towards the door to the stairs, if he gets to the stairwell they’ll lose him.


Ripped from Adonis’s chest as he grabbed Bronco and threw him the other way.

“Guess we gonna find out who gonna win” Bronco snarled,

“Guess so!” Adonis growled back. Bronco lunged and crashed into some of the desks as Adonis side stepped him and pushed from behind. Bronco moved towards him again, Adonis planted both feet into the center of his chest and pushed him back. Crashing into more desks. A swipe of his hand had Adonis backing up. This guy won’t quit! He wants Kenzi! She’s ours! He’s a horny bear, he doesn’t care! Another swipe, then another.



Alpha Malone fired the remaining darts into Bronco, but he still wasn’t going down. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Lunging again at Adonis, Bronco dug deep when he swiped up and caught him across his side and chest. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Flames burning in his eyes Adonis lunged back with a hit square across the jaw. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Bronco stumbled back, but lunged forward again tackling Adonis to the ground. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Snarls and growls filled the room. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Shoot him Jackson” Adonis choked out when Bronco had him by the throat in the air. He connected with the side of Bronco’s head over and over to get him to release him. When he dropped to the ground, gasping for air Jackson opened fire emptying the gun into his chest. ….RrrrRRrRrRRrrrR…. Bronco fell to his knees.

“I win,” Adonis said, as he threw one more hit and put Bronco down. So the tranqs could take full effect. Adonis fell to the ground as well, still breathing hard.

You stupid son bitch. The fuck you thinkin?” Jackson yelled at him. “I don’t want yur fuckin job. It suck!” He added as he helped him to his feet.

“I think I need a new shirt.” Adonis moaned out as he clutched his side, blood pouring from his injuries.

“We gotta get you to the medical center” Jackson braced Adonis so he could walk.

“She can’t see me like this.” Adonis moaned as Jackson moved him.

“She won’t, she’s in radiation right now, getting the tracer put in. You have time to make it there and into a room before she spots you” Alpha Malone spoke, hitting the button for the elevator.

“You got a man down over there.” Jackson pointed in the direction of Beta Morgan.

“I called for a medical team. Go!” Malone said, when the elevator doors opened.

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