The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 36: Alpha Vincient Malone!

Waking the next morning to his little mate stirring to life under him, Adonis kicked himself for lying on top of her….again. Why was he always waking up in that position? When he tried to move off, her arms tightened around his neck, she wasn’t ready for him to not be covering her, but this had to be painful for her. I think we guessed right, she finds it safe! It’s been a rough week for her, she needs to feel safe. But this has to be hurting her! Again he tried to move but she refused to let him go.

“What tine is it?” She mumbled,

“Not quite two” He replied,

“Five more minutes” She nuzzled further into his neck, continuing to hold tight to him. He settled back into his position and just let her be, she found it safe, and wasn’t whimpering in pain. The second he heard a sound though he would be off.

Kenzi wasn’t going back to sleep, she knew that she was in the process of waking up, but she was safe and warm and was not ready for that to end just yet. He wasn’t hurting her with his body covering her, which she didn’t understand. He was a giant of a man and she was a tiny little thing, but he was gentle. Her gentle giant, he cared for her and protected her, and defended her. She didn’t want to get her hopes up, but she was starting to feel something deeper for him. The last time she felt anything like this, the boy left and she never saw him again. The memory of her only friend at the orphanage flooded her mind. She squeezed tighter to Adonis as a wave of sadness passed through her. She hadn’t thought about him in years, but so many emotions were being stirred up in her lately that he popped into her head. He was turning eighteen and would no longer be considered a child so his time at the orphanage was coming to an end, but he made her a promise. He told her he would come back for her. He would not leave her there, and if he didn’t it was because something happened to him. He promised he wouldn’t leave her behind, he gave her a bracelet that he wore around his wrist but it was too big for hers so she put it around her ankle. She promised she would never take it off and she never has.

“Is five minutes up now? Because I could use five more” Adonis asked. He felt her sadness and he held her tighter to him.

“Yeah! Five minutes is up now” She replied.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” Adonis asked as he kissed the side of her head. “You can tell me”

“I had a friend at the orphanage, he was my only friend, and he protecteded me like you do. When he turn-ed eighteen, they took him away from me. He wasn’t a child no more so he couldint live there no more. I nev-er seed him again. He promis-ed he would come back for me, if he didint it was cause something happended to him.” She didn’t want anything bad to happen to Adonis, she didn’t want him taken away from her. He rolled onto his side and gathered her into his chest.

“I will always be here to protect you. Nothing is going to happen to me and no one is going to take me away.” They stayed like that for a bit, before she had to get up and start getting ready for work. She was stiff and sore and her movements were slow, but she managed.

“Keep the bathroom door open” She looked at him wide eyed, not sure of what to say to that.

“You jus want to walk in on me in the shower.” The first thing that popped into her head, was probably not the best thing to come out of her mouth. He stared at her for a minute, his mouth slightly open, that wasn’t even close to what he was thinking.

“Not what I was thinking” Though it was now. “If you fell, it would be easier to get to you.” Kenzi skipped the pink blush and went straight to red.

“Ok!” She replied, not looking at him. He was right, nothing was going to happen to him and no one was going to take him away. Her big stupid mouth was going to chase him off instead. She moved slowly into the bathroom and closed the door slightly leaving it open a few inches.

Stupid mouth, stupid, stupid mouth. Stupid girl, stupid, stupid, silly lit-tle dumb girl! She scolded herself in the mirror. Jus keep your stupid mouth shut! Guess Teagan didn’t lie about that. Kenzi started to undress and when she saw her body in the mirror, a startled gasp escaped her lips. Riddled with huge bruises and scratches, she was horrified at what she saw looking back at her. Her hands shook as she skimmed over the surface of each bruise, wincing at the freshest ones, they were the most sensitive.

“Are you ok sweetheart?” He called into the bathroom.

“It….it’s ok!” Her voice shook and cracked at the end. No she was not ok, she was not ok at all, the world was imploding on her as last night with Adam crashed through her mind and she couldn’t turn it off. Turning from the mirror, she started the shower. The sound would drown out any noise she made and she wouldn’t burden him anymore.

Thoughts entered her head, thoughts that made her heart feel like it was about to shatter, but she knew them to be true. Jus push it down, stomp it down and keep it there. Don’t feel it, don’t show it, don’t be a burden, it’s not important! How easily those words still rolled through her mind. Standing under the shower, her hand flew to her mouth as she muffled and suffocated every sob. Fighting so they wouldn’t be heard over the water she strangled every cry like she did in the orphanage. It was selfish and cruel and nobody needed to be burdened by her, nobody needed to hear the pain that threatened to swallow her. Don’t feel it, don’t show it, don’t be a burden, it’s not important. Don’t feel it, don’t show it, don’t be a burden, it’s not important. Don’t feel it, don’t show it, don’t be a burden, it’s not important. Jus push it down, stomp it down and keep it there! She started humming the teddy bear picnic to herself, while she plugged her ears, hoping to drown it all out. Over and over she hummed the song. Over and over she used the tune to drown out the world until she could regain her composure and finish her shower.

Adonis stood outside the bathroom door, the emotion he felt coming through the crack in the door, was intense and suffocating. When he heard her startled gasp, he knew she saw her reflection in the mirror. He knew she saw the damage to her body. He wanted to go to her, tell her it would heal, that she was still beautiful to him. Her torso, her arms, her legs, she was covered in bruises and scrapes, but they would all heal, they would all go away. He would chase the nightmares from her dreams and the words from her mind. He had to find her music, she needed to make the world be quiet. When he heard the shower turn on, he went to pull himself away, till he heard the first muffled sob. She was fighting back what she was feeling, and it was breaking him when he heard her humming to the picnic song she was singing last night. She will never not look at herself as a burden. She’s not a burden! But that’s all she thinks she is! But she’s not! We just need to work harder to prove it to her! What happened? I don’t know, Odin! Was it what she told us in bed? Maybe, that was a pretty big step! Or the comment about walking in on her showering? Perhaps! She had no filter, if it was on her mind at some point it would come out of her mouth. He found it one of her more endearing qualities, he loved that about her. He could pinpoint almost word for word what others were going to say. It infuriated most when he did it, but with Kenzi he had no clue, she kept him on his toes. Anything could come out.

The one thing about showers is they always hid the evidence of tears, but they did nothing to mask the sadness one could see in the eyes. Though as fast as he saw it when she stepped out of the bathroom it was gone.

“Give me a few minutes to shower and we’ll head downstairs” Kenzi had placed a smile on her face and nodded her head, looking up at him as he moved past her and into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. While he was busy in the bathroom she took the opportunity to take in more of his room. It didn’t really say Adonis, aside from the big bed, it didn’t really say anything. Then again he probably hasn’t had a chance to decorate it either. She hasn’t helped with that though, she was the reason he hasn’t been able to settle into his home, and if he wasn’t taking care of her, he was working. Looking around the room, she realized how big of a strain she was on him. He hasn’t been able to do anything.

That was something else Teagan never lied about, she was a burden on other people. Maybe it was just those few things Teagan lied about then, she seems to have told the truth about everything else. He deserved someone so much better than her. Someone who wasn’t just a strain on others, a useless burden. Spotting his window she looked out towards her house. He had a clear view into her bedroom window from here. He couldn’t see her bed, or her closet, or when she walked in, but he could see her come out of the bathroom. Pick her clothes from the dresser, he could see when she stood in front of her mirror. Her face flushed at the thought that he could see her. It flushed even redder when she remembered what he said. He liked what he saw. Pulling back from the window she looked around the room some more. She would stop being a burden to him, so he could have his life back.

Spotting a black box on a desk he had thrown in the corner, Kenzi knew she shouldn’t, but curiosity about what might be in it was getting the better of her. The elegant black on black detailing was calling her name. Running her fingers over the textured wooden box she traced the details of it. Spirals, vine-like arcs leading to swirls, embossed over the whole box. It was smooth, but soft in places like the skin of a peach. It wasn’t hers and she shouldn’t touch it, but it was calling her to open and take a peek. The silver wolf’s head with peridot stone eyes that was the hasp kept the box sealed shut. She took in every feature, every detail of it. It was beautiful, it was a beautiful box, with a beautiful hasp. What-ev-er is insigh-d must be as bootiful! She thought. Jus a small peek, what would a small peek hurt? She went to open it but it wouldn’t budge, she tried again, but the box would not open. It must be really special and bootiful if it is lockded up tight! Now she really wanted to see it. Tracing her fingers over the hasp again, she saw a small barely noticeable hinge in the nose. She pushed down but that did nothing, so she lifted up. The clasp for the hasp the mouth held tight in its jaws fell and she heard a click. Her eyes lit up, and a smile spread across her face. The detailing was amazing, it even had teeth. She opened the box and a look of confusion crossed her face. It was not what she was expecting to be in the box. It’s ugly!

Adonis closed the door to the bathroom behind himself. Releasing a deep sigh, he had to figure out a way to permanently cement it into her head that she was not nor will ever be a burden to him. It’ll be different when she knows who she is to him. When she knows, she is his mate, the one created just for him, she will understand better. It’s time to tell her Odin! About time, when? Tonight, after she meets the others. I don’t want to wait any longer! Are you sure about that? Why are you hesitant? Meeting the others and then finding out about us all in one night, might be much for her. She’s had a bad week already! Tomorrow then! Tomorrow is better! He turned the shower on and grabbed a quick one. Throwing his clothes in the hamper in the bathroom he saw the shirt she was wearing. Guess she’s not spending another night! Odin whimpered in his head. Head clouded and heart heavy he stepped out of the bathroom. She was standing on the other side of the room by his desk. He watched her closely, wondering what she was doing. When he saw her hands moving gently over the black box, he was curious to see if she would open it. What if she does? What if she does? She might ask questions! Let her ask, we won’t hide anything from her! Except what we are! Tomorrow!

Adonis stood there quietly as she admired the box, the ornate wolf head hasp. He saw her debating with herself over opening it, pulling her little hands back slightly, but not removing them completely from the box. Not once did she look around to see if he was there, her focus remained solely on the box. His curious little mate. When she did try to lift the lid, he smiled slightly. Wonder what she will say when she sees the other ones? He had many ceremonial daggers. His trophies from his conquests over other packs. His pack started with a stolen dagger, he thought it seemed fitting that he just keep taking them. The packs he destroyed no longer had use for them. As he watched her closely examine the hasp, she pushed down and when that did nothing she pushed up on the wolf’s nose. Her excitement filled the room when she heard the tiny click of the box unlatching. His grin got bigger, as he silently moved across the room towards her. He bit back his laugh when the excitement vanished and confusion followed by disappointment replaced it as she stared at the contents of the box.

“Were you expecting something….more beautiful?” He asked, when he stood beside her. Kenzi snatched her hands back from the box, and the guilty look she wore had him chuckling deep.

“Um….it’s….it’s….very….pointy” She replied, looking up at him, shifting slightly from one foot to the other. Kenzi tried to find something nice to say about the knife in the box, but it was the ugliest thing she has ever seen, to say that would be rude though.

“It is the ugliest fucking thing I’ve ever seen” he commented, and chuckled again when he saw her nodding in agreement. The stainless steel curved blade was wedged into an oak carved handle and tied into place. A giant silver orb sat on the opposite end housing a large polished peridot stone. Individually the pieces were elegant, from the perfect curve of the sharp blade, the intricate carving on the handle to the giant sphere on the opposite end, but placed all together the dagger was just ugly.

“I’m sorry, I didint mean to look. The box was pret-ty.” She said, “What is it? Where did you get it from?”

“It’s alright, I don’t mind. It’s a ceremonial dagger and…. I stole it.” He replied.

“You stealded it? Who did you stealded it from?” She looked up at him, her eyes wide. It was ugly, why would he stealded something so ugly? She thought as she scrunched her face more in confusion.

“It belonged to my father. I took it when I was ten.” Adonis answered as he looked upon the dagger. His father wasn’t able to touch it after he used it to become an Alpha. His blood had tainted it, a smile played on his lips at the memory of his father trying to pick it up and it burning his hand. He still carried the scar.

“You stealded his ugly knife, why?” She asked, still not understanding why he would do that.

“To piss him off! And it’s a dagger not a knife” He was fully smiling now, she was utterly confused as to why he would take it.

“He didint has a pret-ty one?” She asked, looking back at it.

“No, if he did I would have taken that one as well.” He replied.

“What’s it for?” She inquired,

“My curious tiny dancer. It’s used in ceremonies.” He moved to stand behind her, sliding his hands down her arms till they engulfed each of her hands. “Some cultures believe blood is binding, and these daggers are used in the creation of allies, or when they are appointing a new leader. Some cultures use them to create something. Or they are used in the joining of two beings, like a husband and wife.” His lips were by her ear, his minty breath blowing across her skin causing it to prickle. The butterflies soaring high as they twirled and danced inside of her. Electricity flowed up her arms, she leaned back into him and he held her tighter.

“Like….marriage?” She asked, trying to keep focus on the ugly knife and not what he was doing to her insides.

“Yes, the minister cuts the husband’s palm, then cuts the wife’s palm and they join hands so their blood flows together to form a strong bond.” Holding her palm up he gently slid his finger across it then did the same to his and pushed their palms together. The action was so intimate, the gasp slipped past her lips and she couldn’t fight the shiver that ran up her back. Feeling her body vibrate against him, caused the inferno inside him to ignite and roar to life. They needed to get out of the bedroom, or they would not be leaving the bed.

“We should get going.” Not trusting her voice to say anything she only nodded her head. Moving away from the desk with the dagger she couldn’t help but look back at it. Ugly knife….pret-ty box though!

He carried her down the stairs again, and they went to her house after she discovered they had no food to eat. She made extras for the others so they would at least get breakfast in the morning and they headed off to the bakery, making it there by 3:30. She would be slower this morning, but they would get it all done, and Maggie has been coming in at six to help with the baking.

“Maggie is gonna be here soon, you don’t has to stay no more.” She had her head down as she rolled out more pastry dough and got them ready for the ovens. All six were in full swing this morning. He relentlessly flirted with her all morning, and she tried to ignore it, but he was persistent with it. That her cheeks felt like they were on fire.

“Why are you trying to get rid of me?” Adonis asked, tilting his head to the side.

“I’m not, but if you leave now you could be in the city by 8-8:30 the latest, and you’d be able to get your work done.” She replied.

“I think you are, I think you are trying to get rid of me, before you lose control of yourself and take me up on my offer of frosting you pink and green.” Her cheeks flaming, she hid her smile behind her hand. Her eyes danced under the lights of the bakery.

“Maybe I should frost you blue and purple” She fired back.

“If you did that, we could be a rainbow….now what did I say about the next time you get chocolate on you?” He asked when he saw her. Her eyes went wide.

“I don’t has chocolate on me,” she said, wiping her face.

“You do now!” He grinned as he watched her smear chocolate across her cheek. Crossing the bakery, he gently pulled her into his arms and his lips brushed hers. Moving slowly up her delicate high cheek bone he kissed the chocolate off her face. Her breath had caught in her throat, when he moved back down and landed on her mouth. Moving under him she could taste the semi sweet cocoa on his lips. Both panting when they split apart.

“Now if we were a rainbow, think how much fun that would be.” He continued to hold her close to him.

“Shameless” She muffled into his chest, but he could see the tips of her very red ears. Oh the thoughts she was thinking, had her body all but vibrating in his arms. As much as he would like to further explore what would make her body vibrate, here was not the place and now was not the time as a knock came to the back door.

“That would be Tyler, sadly sweetheart it is time for me to go. Behave yourself, don’t push yourself, and put Tyler to work or he will eat the bakery.” She giggled in his arms.

“Thank you for your help” she said, he felt a wave of sadness surrounding him.

“Don’t do that, don’t think for one second, you’re being a burden or a bother. You’re not.” He ran his fingers through her hair as he held her tighter to him.

“Are you sure? Teagan….” she started to say, but as soon as her sister’s name came out of her mouth, he silenced her with another kiss. Maybe we need to get her to write down everything that succubitch has said to her! I have a feeling that it would be a novel. Twenty one years Odin. We are trying to undo twenty one years of damage! That stupid succubitch! She may have got her first, but we have her now. It’s going to take patience! I have none! I know! Neither do you! I have more than you! Low blow human!

“Teagan is a liar. I am beginning to think she said things to you, just so you’d have no one to turn to and you’d always be alone. Asking for or accepting help is not being a burden Kenzi, it is not being selfish. It is understanding you are injured and you have limitations right now. I have seen how hard you work, when you’re at max health and strength. I see how hard you are continuing to work. It’s ok, to not be ok. It’s ok to crack, to be scared, to be sad. True people in your life will hold you until you’re ready, they won’t push you to be ready before you are. They won’t look upon you as a burden or as being selfish. It is neither to ask for and accept help when it is offered” He spoke after the kiss broke. Nodding her head, she didn’t know what to say.

Kenzi wanted to believe what he was saying was true, it sounded better than what Teagan always said to her. It was what she always felt, but Teagan always told her she was stupid for thinking people wanted to be bothered with her problems or emotions. ‘No one wants to be burdened with sadness Kenzi, its selfish and you’re stupid and selfish if you think anyone cares how you feel, you’re not important. It’s better you learn that now, then find out later. You’re either impotant or you’re not, and you’re not.’ She was told that so many times. ‘Don’t be selfish Kenzi’ ‘Why are you so selfish Kenzi?’ ‘What did I ever do to be burdened with such a selfish, stupid sister?’ So many things were said to her, so many times over and over that she just pushed everything she felt down and buried it, she just kept them to herself. The knock again broke her from her thoughts and what he said to her.

“Ok sweetheart, remember what I said.” She nodded again,

“It’s ok to ask for help,” she replied, looking up at him,

“That and put Tyler to work, he will eat the bakery.” She giggled again, and he bent down for one more kiss before he left for work. Hopefully this was the last time he would have to go into the city on a regular basis. William was already more popular than he was, even though he laid off six more people his first day there. But he was liked. Adonis did tell him that Johnathan, James and Mark were off the chopping block. They were highly beneficial employees and to see them fall into the hands of a competitor would be detrimental to the company. William agreed and said he had no intentions in firing any of them, but more dead weight needed to go, they had twenty six more pack members waiting to take their spots.

Adonis opened the back door to see Tyler standing there, looking tired.

“Baker’s hours suck!” He stated matter of factly.

“These aren’t baker’s hours, she’s up everyday at two, and here by three or three thirty.” Adonis replied, Tyler stared at him sleepy eyed.

“That blows!” He said, stifling a yawn.

“It’s an adjustment” He had to agree with Tyler when he first started getting up with her, he didn’t much like it. But the town was quiet and there were no interruptions. He had hours to spend with his mate before others came around.

“Don’t eat the bakery Tyler” Jackson started laughing from behind him.

“I won’t eat the whole bakery, maybe jus half.” Tyler cracked up laughing at the look on Adonis’s face, followed by Jackson. “Tell her to make food that suck, then I won’t wanna eat it. Until her do that, I eat” Tyler walked past him laughing harder when he heard Adonis call him an asshole.

The meeting with Alpha Malone was important, he was vague in what he wanted to discuss, but it involved his mate, and there was someone the older Alpha said he needed to meet. The morning dragged, having Jackson there didn’t help much. He hated being in the office, like Adonis, he really didn’t care too much for cities. He liked being outside working with his hands. He liked the woods. And Tyler getting to spend the day at the bakery, sampling whatever Kenzi was cooking up might have ruffled his fur a bit.

“The other option was I bring Elijah, and you negotiate with Alpha Leon” Adonis said from across his desk.

“That place give me nightmares,” Jackson shot back.

“Then stop your bitching and get your feet off my desk” Adonis pushed his feet down.

“What you think he gonna say?” Jackson asked,

“I’ve asked myself the same question and I have not come up with an answer. I am hoping for something more about her time at the orphanage.” Adonis replied, looking at his watch. An hour to go.

“What if he the one that visit when her was three? What the lady say her call him? Uno….somein….Uno M” Jackson asked,

“It would mean he knows her” Adonis replied,

“Why he not do somein?” Jackson inquired,

“It is not their place to meddle in the affairs of humans. You know that, even if he wanted to, he couldn’t.” Adonis replied, going over the file he was working on.

“Office work borin” Jackson huffed,

“That’s why I sit behind the desk and you sit in front” Adonis retorted,

“Ouch!” Jackson feigned hurt. “You use to be more fun”

“Ouch!” Adonis said, pushing his feet off the desk again. “Put your feet back on my desk and I’ll show you how much fun I really am” Jackson cracked up laughing. “It’s time!”

“Bout fuckin time” Jackson replied getting to his feet.

Sitting in the lobby of a tall tower, Jackson and Adonis waited for someone to come and get them. The furnishing was modest, it was not designed to have people waiting for long periods of time. Transactions in this building were quick. Alpha Malone owned the whole thing, Saber International. One other thing that was interesting was that only werewolves worked here, there was not a human amongst them. It also housed a state of the art medical wing. He was beginning to wonder how far out of the crater Alpha Malone actually moved, and if this might be his packhouse.

“Alpha Adonis, Beta Jackson….Alpha Malone will see you now.” A small wolf spoke, he kept his head down. A sign of respect or fear, maybe a bit of both. Nope, fear, definitely fear! Odin snickered as he stirred to life in his head. They could hear him muttering under his breath about how being on door duty today was dangerous. They stopped in front of the elevator, and watched with shaking hands as he pushed the button several times.

“Call me critical, but I don’t think pushin the button that many time gonna make the elevator come faster” Jackson drawled.

“No sir, it won’t” The young wolf replied, as he dropped his hand. The fear coming off of him had both their wolves growing more restless. Adonis could see Jackson fighting back small growls and snickers at the discomfort the small wolf was feeling.

“Don’t scare him Jackson” Adonis warned, fire flashing in his eyes. They heard the wolf suck in a deep breath as he caught it in the mirror doors of the elevator. Jackson cracked up laughing.

“Don’t scare him Jackson, the fuck you jus do?” He choked out between fits. The elevator opened and the young wolf stepped aside to let them enter first.

“Maybe we go up alone, don’t think you wanna be trap in a tin can wit us. Lot can happen in a short amount of time.” Glowing gold swirling in his eyes. The young wolf just nodded his head.

“What floor?” Adonis asked,

“Th-th-th-thirty” The young wolf stuttered out. As Adonis hit the button the small wolf stood there wide eyed as he watched the doors close, trapping the demons with the menacing smiles inside.

“That boy ripe wit fear,” Jackson commented, trying to relax Ko in his head.

“Yes he was” Adonis was fighting with Odin. Can we go back and scare him some more! No! Come on! No! It was fun! No! Say something else! Lavender and green apples! Fuck you, cheater! Pulling a memory of her musical giggling he felt Odin settle in his mind grumbling about cheating.

Stepping off the elevator, eyes turned in their direction. They had the floor’s attention. The Devil was the last person they thought would be stepping off the lift.

“Alpha Malone” Adonis spoke, his voice holding authority. No one spoke but five hands pointed to a set of double doors at the other end of the room. Moving in that direction the two men made no attempt to move around people, they moved out of the way for them. They were in another wolf’s territory and they were on high alert watching for signs of any sudden movements. Though they were invited, it was always best to keep your guard up. It has happened in the past where they were invited to another’s territory, only for it to turn into an ambush, it didn’t end well for those packs.

Stopping in front of another desk, the female she-wolf looked up at them. She eyed Jackson first who shook his head then she turned her attention towards Adonis and a sultry smile played on her lips.

“Alpha Malone is expecting us” Adonis spoke, his voice low and gravelly, she audibly gulped, but nodded her head. Getting up from her desk, forcing a sway into her hips, she passed in front of them subtly brushing past Adonis. He shuddered at the contact. ….grrrRrrrr…. Warning her this was not acceptable and if she did it again she would be a crumpled heap on the floor. She bowed in submission, exposing her neck as she knocked on the door.

“Let them in and clear the floor” An older voice called back. She glanced at them again and opened both of the doors and stepped away far enough as to not come in any sort of contact with Adonis or Jackson.

Two men stood behind the conference table when they were shown into the room and the doors closed behind them.

“You make quite the entrance Alpha Adonis” the older of the two spoke, he had heard the comments through the link when they stepped off the elevator. His pack was showing concern as to why The Devil was in their presence. Alpha Malone was maybe in his early to mid 40’s, light brown hair, amber eyes. He stood maybe 6’8.

“Alpha Malone!” Adonis was the first to extend his hand across the table. He saw the man beside him stiffen, but the older man accepted, immediately. “This is my Beta Jackson Monroe.” Jackson held out his hand, Alpha Malone shook willingly, but the Beta still remained hesitant. He stood at 6’6, blonde hair, brown eyes, and maybe in his mid 40’s.

“Beta Morgan Grant” He finally replied, after he gave Jackson another once over. He squeezed his hand during the handshake, causing Jackson to arch one of his eyebrows, in question.

“Don’t think it, I break you in two” Jackson said, as he squeezed the other Beta’s hand back harder. He heard the slight grunt, from the Beta at the pressure and Jackson lips curled up. Drawing his hand back immediately he glanced at his Alpha. Malone had said something to him through the link and Morgan now carried a sheepish expression.

“Take a seat, please,” Alpha Malone said, offering the chairs behind them.

“You didn’t tell your people we were coming,” Adonis spoke after he sat down.

“I referred to you as a special visitor. If I would have said you specifically were coming, my people would not be working and you would have had a lot more she-wolves to contend with than just Jennifer. You are unmated, and from what I understand the white whale of the werewolf community.” Alpha Malone replied,

“The fuck a white whale?” Jackson asked,

“An ungettable get!” Beta Morgan spoke, trying to hide his slight grin at this.

“That the stupidest thin I ever heard.” Jackson commented, shaking his head.

“With all do respect Alpha Adonis. It would take someone rather special to be mated to you” Beta Morgan spoke. Good thing our mate is someone rather special then!

“Still the stupidest thin I ever heard” Jackson repeated sitting back in his chair.

“Our kind is not classified as part of the werewolf community, and we are not here to discuss my single status.” Adonis spoke.

“To most you might not be part of the community, but you have teeth and a tail and to some that makes you a wolf. But you’re right your eligibility status is not on the table for discussion. You are here because you want the town of Blackwoods. My question is why?” Alpha Malone asked,

“We settled into the south side of the crater. Alpha Leon annoys me. Now I want the whole crater and the town.” Adonis replied.

“What of the cities?” Malone asked,

“Don’t care for them. They can remain neutral. Alliances with the east and west ends will secure those borders for me and still allow all packs to work in them. Win win!” Adonis spoke, Elijah had tried to drill into his head the art of negotiating. Don’t start off threatening, was the only thing he really remembered. Apparently align or die was not how it was done. Though Elijah had to admit it was an effective tactic, crude but effective. It was one of the reasons Elijah did more of the negotiating, he had more finesse to it and usually got more out of the deal. But some Alpha’s will only speak to other Alphas. He showed great pride in making them regret that decision. If it was not for the someone Alpha Malone wanted him to meet, and any information he could give him about his mate he would use his crude but effective tactic during this meeting.

“Giving you an impenetrable fortress. Begs the question, who are you trying to keep out? Or are you trying to keep someone safe?” Alpha Malone asked. Adonis remained quiet and not once did he look away from the other Alpha at the table. He would not tip his hand first, he would not give him something to use against him….or at least try to use against him.

“Cards on the table Alpha Adonis. I have a controlling interest in the west end. To keep the left city neutral would allow us continued access to it and that would be beneficial to me and my pack for survival. But I have a feeling you already knew that.” Alpha Malone spoke,

“I did!” Adonis replied.

“Tell me why you want it” Alpha Malone spoke,

“Tell me why you’ve held onto it, when you no longer live there.” Adonis replied. Malone had to tip his head to that. He was trying to trip Adonis up, but he was nobody’s fool and wouldn’t fall for anything the older wolf threw his way. He side stepped any attempt at garnering further information about his interest in the town.

“Alpha Cameron has taught you well” Malone finally said, Adonis smiled at the mention of his father’s name. “You give, I give. Tit for tat” he added, when he realized he was not going to be forthcoming with any information.

“You first!” Adonis spoke,

“Very well, I have not given up control of the town because someone close to me resides there” Adonis, looked at him, thoughtfully for a second before he spoke.

“I want the town for the same reason”

“Wouldn’t it be interesting if it were the same someone?” Alpha Malone arched his eyebrow as he looked back at Adonis.

“Wouldn’t it!” Adonis replied, not turning away. He had to admire the older man, not many would sit face to face with him, keeping their eyes locked for this long.

“My someone is truly special, and I made a promise a long time ago to keep care of her. It has not been easy, and I have failed in many aspects of that promise. Not being able to meddle in the affairs of humans” Alpha Malone spoke.

“Mine has had many hardships in her life, but made a life for herself despite them. And thankfully the rules your council has set forth don’t pertain to me or my kind,” Adonis replied.

“One hell of a baker as well!” Alpha Malone, threw the rest of his cards down. Adonis could only smile.

“Guess yur white whale got hook” Jackson interjected, looking at Beta Morgan.

“Cards on the table Alpha Malone, how do you know my baker?” Adonis asked,

“I have known her since birth. The man I made the promise to was her father, he was my accountant and a good friend. She was the sweetest baby girl with plum coloured hair and bright silver eyes. The first time I got brave enough to hold her she was this tiny little thing, six months old and fit in the palm of my hand. My Beta said something to anger me and I growled. I expected her to cry or make a fuss, but she giggled. The more I growled the more she giggled. This wave of peace washed over me, I was calm, my wolf was calm. The whole room felt calm. There is something special about that girl. The accident that took the lives of Howard and Miranda was tragic.” Alpha Malone’s anger flared up a little at that.

“You don’t believe it was an accident,” Adonis said. That was the first time Alpha Malone looked away from Adonis. He shared a look with his Beta before he shook his head.

“No, I don’t. Do deer step foot on the roads, yes, but we read the scene, something scared that deer onto the road that day. But we could never find proof, whatever happened in the woods to drive the deer onto the road was cleaned up.” Alpha Malone said.

Alpha Malone never thought the accident was an accident. He still didn’t, but with no proof of foul play he had nothing to go on. The investigation into it was inconclusive and to give the family peace of mind it was ruled an accident and the case was closed.

“She was rushed off the scene and everything happened so fast, that by the time word had gotten back to us, we had lost her to child services. We didn’t find her again till she was three. And that was by pure accident. One of my warriors was patrolling and he came across a little girl playing in a field with plum coloured hair and silver eyes. It could have been any little girl, but she was giggling, a sense of peace washed over him and he was drawn to her. I went to investigate the next day. Sure enough it was her” Alpha Malone continued.

“Paulo crustulum” Adonis spoke, the man smiled a twinkle in his eye.

“You wouldn’t be able to smell it, but he can, and every other wolf that comes in contact with her.” Alpha Malone said, Adonis furrowed his brows.

“Her smell like cookies” Jackson replied,

“Not just any cookies” Agreed Beta Morgan,

“Member my aunt’s monster cookies?” Jackson asked,

“Yeah, I remember,” Adonis replied, looking at his Beta.

“That what her smell like” Jackson said,

“Except to me she smells like my grandma’s oatmeal cinnamon cookies.” Beta Morgan countered.

“Two scents?” Adonis asked,

“Yes. One only you can smell as her mate and one everyone else can smell. A special girl. The woman that was caring for her at the time was weary at first and it took a bit to convince her, but she began to see I meant her no harm. I just wanted to make sure she was ok. For the most part she was happy with the Barry’s” Another wave of anger washed over the room as Alpha Malone fought to control himself. Odd! Odin was confused by the choice of words, but Adonis was not.

“What happened to her?” Adonis raised a questioning eyebrow.

“She would have marks and bruises and when I asked her where she got them from, she would tell me she fell. The marks on her were not caused by a fall. I asked her if she knew what lying was, and told her when she said she didn’t. Then I asked her where she got the marks again, she said she couldn’t tell me it was a secret and you’re not supposed to tell secrets. I asked if someone was doing that to her, she said she wasn’t supposed to tell and if anybody asked about them she was supposed to say she fell. I thought maybe the woman, I stationed a few men around the property to keep an eye on things. It wasn’t the woman, it was the sister. One of my men had witnessed something that was probably not supposed to be seen by others. Her sister had led her out to the field she always played in and hit her with a stick four times. I had given her a stuffed wolf, it was always with her, but she had dropped it and her sister had destroyed it. I didn’t want to believe her sister was responsible but after hearing what they had seen I had no doubts.” Alpha Malone continued.

“It was the day before she got seriously injured. The marks on her had gotten worse and worse and I was angry. The woman told me to stop visiting, she feared my visits were what was causing them. I was furious, but I agreed only after she told me of her plan. I told Kenzi I was going away for a bit, but I would be back as soon as I could. She wanted to come with me. I told her not this time. If I would have known the fate that would befall her, I would have taken her.” The room fell into silence, as Alpha Malone fought back the shame of his actions that day.

“We got worried when we hadn’t heard from the woman, then news spread of a little girl who was taken to the hospital after a trucker had found her wrapped and tangled in barbed wire. We couldn’t get in to see her, no matter how hard we tried, we weren’t family. She was put back into the system a month later and we fought like hell to get her adopted to anyone in our pack. We had no shortage of volunteers. We couldn’t find her. She would turn up only to disappear again and turn up somewhere else. We finally had a lock on her when she was four, but the family that was housing her lost her, when two of our members went to get her. Said she was nowhere and they couldn’t find her, called the police and they searched, then the chief called for the dogs” Beta Morgan had picked up when his Alpha faltered.

“So much for not meddling” Adonis said,

“We don’t view it as meddling, more like lending a hand from time to time, being neighbourly. We found her in a storage shed. They brought her to the hospital, and the chief had her transferred to the facility here. Fearing for her safety after what happened last time she was hospitalized. She was adopted with her sister, when she was five, but Kenzi was returned. She bounced around some more until she was ten, then we lost her for five years.” Alpha Malone carried on.

“The altercation wit the Mayor kid?” Jackson asked,

“I formed the council after that incident and the way the Mayor had acted. Noone questions the founder.” Malone replied,

“They’re your voices on the council.” Adonis tilted his head to the side.

“They speak for us. You have met a few?” Alpha Malone inquired,

“Some of them.” Adonis replied, “We’ve taken care of a few things”

“I’ve heard a few things!” Adonis should have known they were in communication with the founder letting him know what was going on in the town.

“What happened at the orphanage?” Adonis asked,

“Only two people know the answer to that,” Alpha Malone replied.

“Alpha Malone….he’s here!” The she-wolf that had let them into the conference room stepped in and broke the silence. She kept her head down, not as a sign of respect to her Alpha, but fear of the anger she felt from Adonis.

“Let him up, but don’t piss him off” Alpha Malone responded. Though he turned away from Adonis and Jackson, he kept an eye on both.

“Don’t piss em off?” Jackson questioned, when Alpha Malone and Beta Morgan laid tranq guns on the table his eyes shot open.

“Woah! The fuck?” Jackson shot back from the table jumping to his feet.

“Relax, Beta Jackson, these aren’t for you” Beta Morgan assured him, as he loaded the four guns on the table.

“The fuck they for? The fuck we meetin, that you can’t piss off an need to put down if you do?” Jackson questioned eyeing the weapons wearily.

“They’re just a precaution” Alpha Malone spoke,

“Some fuckin precaution!” Jackson shot back, but he didn’t retake his seat.

“You can go up now!” The young wolf on the door stood back as he craned his neck to look up high enough to look the other man in the eye. He hit the button multiple times to call the elevator, but it was taking entirely too long to reach the ground floor.

“I ain’t gettin in that tin can” The man drawled, his voice deep and edgy,

“O-of course, the stairs are over there” the young wolf pointed, swallowing hard. The man turned on his heel and stalked towards the door, smiling as he heard the wolf’s hard swallow and sigh of relief. He had assumed the young wolf lost a bet or was being hazed. That’s why he was the one that had to come and talk to him. Standing over 8 feet tall, with the width comparable to a mac truck he was intimidating and no one wanted to talk to him much. No one but one person in the entirety of his 25 years dared to actually approach him. This is why he was here, he would meet with whoever Alpha Malone had requested him to meet with and he would decide if he wanted to divulge any information to them. What were they going to do to him if he didn’t? Knowing Beta Morgan, probably tranq him, at least he would get a nice nap outta the deal and who doesn’t love a good nap?

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