The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 41: Sea of Tall People!

Kenzi did manage to get some rest, but she was woken up by the music that was coming from next door. Her body protested getting out of the bed, but she pulled herself from the comfort anyway and stole a peek out the window. The wild rum-pus! She thought. She stared at them wide eyed, her mouth slightly gaped. So many tall people, a sea of tall people!

“So many!” She said to herself as she watched them laugh and converse with each other. She watched Tyler throw someone to the ground and Jackson break out laughing. Must be a were-wolfie thing! She saw Mr. Malone and Mr. Morgan talking to Adonis and two others, she’s never seen before, but one of them looked very familiar. Checking the time she had a little over thirty minutes to get ready before she had to be there. She would grab a hot shower and hope what sleep she did manage would be enough to ensure she didn’t make a fool out of him. Maybe if she didn’t talk to anyone and just do what she’s supposed to do when Teagan invites her to things like this, it would be ok. Just keep her mouth shut and sit in a corner out of everyone’s way. Then again if she were to do that, she might as well not even go. He wanted her there though, he said he wanted her to talk and mingle and have fun. If she said something then she said something and she was his wingwoman. I’m gonna party with the wild things! Shaking her head and looking once more into his backyard, she closed the curtain and headed into the bathroom for her shower.

Adonis could only imagine what she was thinking when he caught sight of her looking through her bedroom window. Still looks tired! Yes she does! He wouldn’t allow her to stay long, maybe an hour or two, she needed her rest. He was also a little apprehensive about this, he was literally dumping her into his world. He didn’t even give her a choice either, he told her she was coming.

“You said your neighbour will be in attendance?” Alpha Byron asked, pulling him from his thoughts. Unsure of his opinion of Alpha Byron at the moment, he kept his cards close and replies simple to any question he asked. Alpha Byron’s son Bradly was supposed to be attending the BBQ tonight as well to aid in the negotiations of an alliance, but was called away on pressing matters with another pack. Alpha Byron apologized for this telling him if it wasn’t important he would be here. Adonis of course understood, pack matters were of the utmost importance. One slight on either side of two packs could result in a war between them.

“Yes she will,” Adonis replied. She should be here soon! Odin stirred with excitement at the thought of seeing his mate.

“And she’s human?” He inquired,

“She is. She is living on the territory, and will come in contact with one of us from time to time. It is best if the pack knows her, so they don’t mistake her for a threat and eat her.” Adonis informed him.

“Hmmm! I suppose that might be a cause for concern if that were to happen.” Alpha Byron, chuckled. He wasn’t buying the reason Adonis stated, but knew full well that Ridgeview was present. So if this girl’s presence was being down played there was a good reason behind it. The Devil usually had one for the things he did. Though Alpha Byron couldn’t help but be baffled as to what the reason is why an Alpha as strong as Adonis would align himself with someone so pathetic. Alpha Byron hated Alpha Leon, he felt he was the most lazy and worthless Alpha he has ever come across. Instead of training his pack to fight and protect themselves they latched onto stronger packs. Using them to do their dirty work and leeching their resources. Alpha Malone also laughed at the mention of Adonis’s pack eating her. Byron watched the two carefully as they were holding something from him.

Kenzi was now standing in her backyard, she wasn’t really sure of her next move. Was she supposed to just walk into his backyard, or was she supposed to knock on his door, if she were to do that would they even be able to hear her over all the noise.

“How good is wolfie hearing?” She mumbled to herself,

“Pretty damn good!” Came the raspy deep drawl of Jackson as he rounded the corner into her backyard.

“Hi Jackson!” She beamed at him.

“Hey Lil Kenzi Cakes, figure you could use some encouragement in headin over. Might be a lil intimidatin” He replied smiling back at her.

“A little bit. It’s a sea of tall people.” She exclaimed.

“Come on! They’s excited to meet you” Jackson said as he held his arm out for her. He had to laugh at that, it wasn’t the sea of werewolves that intimidated her, it was all the tall people.

“Why?” She asked, who was she to them? She was just a baker.

“You the baker that make the whole damn town smell good an cause us all to drool. Food a big thin for our kine” Jackson answered,

“Right! Maybe I should make something then.” She went to move back into the house.

“No, you a guest at this one, nex one maybe” Jackson steered her back towards the back of her yard.

“Ness one?” She looked over her shoulder at him.

“Wolves like parties an celebrations.” Jackson replied,

“Is that cause there’s food?” She asked looking at him again, his only reply was a nod of his head and deep laugh. He waited till she gave him the ok that she was ready. She couldn’t help the ripple of excitement she felt about going over there, she didn’t know what to expect. Do were-wolfies party dif-diff-er-nt than humans?

“Ok! Let’s go party with the wild things” She said, nodding her head, causing him to laugh more.

“Let’s go party wit the wild thins” He repeated, escorting her towards the back of the yard

Adonis was waiting for her to make an appearance, he kept his eye on the back property line when Jackson disappeared around the corner. It should have been him that went to get her, but that would draw too much attention to his little mate. She should have been by his side at the start of the night, but she would be showing up real soon, excitement was rippling through his pack. They all knew who she was and they all knew she knew about werewolves and they all knew she didn’t know she was their Luna. They were to address her as Kenzi and that was it, they were also informed to not make a big deal of her presence, first and foremost her safety was their priority. Ridgeview did not know who she was and he wasn’t prepared to inform questionable packs that Black Shadow had a Luna until they were more established. When he spied her standing at the back of the yard a small smile graced his face, he fought the urge to chuckle when he noticed she was barefoot. Kenzi took one last look at Jackson who gave her a reassuring nod and she stepped into his backyard.

“How is she?” Adonis spoke through the link,

“Nervous!” Jackson replied,

“To be expected!” Adonis mused, she was meeting over 500 werewolves tonight, who wouldn’t be nervous.

“The sea of tall people is intimidatin!” Jackson was trying not to crack, when he saw the brief look that crossed Adonis’s face.

“What?” He questioned,

“My thoughts too!” Jackson said,

“Tall people and not werewolves?” Adonis had to verify this, all the tall people made her nervous.

“Tall people! Her excited to party wit the wild thins!” Jackson nodded.

He watched her converse with a few people, and hit one when she was animatedly telling something. Her face went red as she apologized and the group she was talking to broke out laughing when she hit another one. Jackson stayed close to her for a bit until Elijah took over for him. She moved around the backyard with ease and spoke to as many people as she could. She knew a few names already, but was learning more and more. She was on the far side of the yard when Tyler took over for Elijah and followed her to the middle.

“Your neighbour is a tiny little thing.” Alpha Byron stated as he too watched her. He wasn’t sure what to expect when he heard a human would be present but it wasn’t that.

“Yes she is.” Adonis agreed, he kept half an eye on her.

“I don’t think you need to worry about someone from your pack eating her, I doubt she would make much of a snack.” Adonis laughed at this. No she wouldn’t! He tried not to pay her too much attention, but he couldn’t help it. He was excited to see her in his world, mingling with their pack. Odin was excited to see how well she accepted that werewolves existed. She’s with the wild things! Yes she is!

“We need to talk, Alpha Adonis,” Alpha Byron said to him.

“Yes we do, Alpha Byron” Adonis agreed.

“You two go ahead, we’ll keep a watch over her.” Alpha Malone spoke when both men turned to him.

Excusing themselves they moved away from prying eyes and listening ears.

“Your mate?” Alpha Byron asked, as soon as they were out of earshot. Looking at him one more time he couldn’t help but think how he was not going to crush her.

“Did I make it that obvious?” Adonis answered,

“Only to someone actually watching your behaviour. It completely changed the second she entered the backyard. Wasn’t aware The Devil and his demons knew how to relax” Alpha Byron said with a smile.

“Neither was I until I met her” Adonis replied, with his own.

“Now I understand the alliance with Ridgeview” Alpha Byron said,

“Unfortunately it was a necessity. In order to keep her safe I needed half the crater.” Adonis spoke,

“Alpha Leon is weak, and with no true alliances he won’t be able to do much. No one would dare to back him should he choose to go after….you” Alpha Byron said, he was going to call him The Devil, but thought better of it, best to stay on his good side if he had one.

“It is not Alpha Leon I am worried about, he will be dealt with when the time comes. His pack however does not respect him, nor do they listen to him. His whore of a daughter has more pull than he does and it is her I do not trust.” Adonis tried not to curl his upper lip at the mention of his daughter.

“So you have met the she-twit. My son was supposed to be mated to her, but he declined and I refused to force him.” Alpha Byron informed him.

“Was he her chosen mate?” Adonis asked, arching his eyebrow

“No, it was an….arrangement of sorts. More for Ridgeview’s benefit than ours, we had everything we needed and then some. The only thing Alpha Leon had to offer was his daughter. We held a party for the two to meet and Bradly said no he wouldn’t do it. He would rather remain unmated than mate with that thing and that was all there was to it.” Byron said with a grin. “Severed any current or future tie to Ridgeview. We are not enemies per say, but we are also not on the friendliest of terms”

“How come your brother knows Kenzi and you don’t?” Adonis asked. Alpha Byron laughed at that.

“Clever, not many people pick up on that. Our family founded the town, and held onto it for a long time. When it came our turn to take over I was more of a silent partner. I relinquished my share of the town to him, twenty two years ago after my mate died and moved to the east side of the crater. Vincent moved to the west after his mate passed, he was going to pass the town on to his youngest, but Enzo didn’t want it. I have only heard stories of the special little human that smells like cookies. I have never laid eyes on her until today” Byron said.

“So you are not upset with your brother for giving the town to me? You didn’t want your son to have it?” Adonis asked after a pause.

“No, Bradly is interested in the right city, not the town.” Byron spoke.

“He wants control of the city?” Adonis asked,

“Yes!” Byron answered, Adonis thought about that. Not sure it’s worth a whole city! Odin huffed. Negotiating Odin! Negotiating sucks, say no and take his head now! You’re just grumpy! I am grumpy, I want our mate! I want her as well! Just fucking tell her! Stop yelling at me! Then fucking listen to me!

“I would not be opposed to keeping the right city neutral, allowing both packs to utilize it, but I am not prepared to relinquish the whole thing.” Adonis spoke. Alpha Malone was easier, he just wanted his people to work in the city. This time it was Alpha Byron’s turn to think this over. He was no fool, he knew that if Adonis were to see fit he could destroy his pack and he would do it without a second thought. He and his son wanted this alliance, but he didn’t want them to be seen as pushovers either.

“Half the city and we’ll protect your eastern border” Alpha Byron countered. Half is not bad, would still allow us to claim a few things. Entrance? Good point!

“Would we still have access to the whole city should the need arise?” Adonis asked,

“Of course!” Alpha Byron replied, he would not deny access to The Devil or his demons. Just a handful of them is strong enough to wipe a large pack out.

“Then we have a deal. Half the city and our eastern border is protected.” Adonis held his hand out, Alpha Byron shook immediately.

“Deal!” He agreed. Don’t say it! Another deal for The Devil! Asshole! Yes you are, now let’s go see our mate!

Kenzi felt swallowed up in the sea of tall people, if it wasn’t for the boys sticking close to her, she might actually be cowering in the corner right now. Each one she met she barely stood chest high on them and her neck was starting to hurt with all the craning she had to do. The alternative was having conversations with their belly buttons. They were all nice though. All really, really nice and Jackson was right they were all really excited to meet her. Even the ones she mistakenly hit when she was talking. They laughed and stood back, to make sure she didn’t connect again. Sage had come and stole her for a bit so she could introduce her to a few others. Both Cage and Gage stuck close by her, when a few Ridgeview pack members wanted to talk to her. For that she was grateful, something about them was a bit unnerving, but she couldn’t figure out why. She was now sitting at a table with a wolf named Garret and his mate Sheila. She was human as well, and they had three kids.

“How are you adjusting to everything?” Shelia asked,

“Um….good, I think. Did the tall thing throw you off too? Do they has to be so tall? Are there small ones? My neck is starting to hurt.” Kenzi asked, causing Garret to laugh.

“No, the werewolf thing did” Sheila replied with a laugh.

“Oh! How did you re-rea-act?” Kenzi asked,

“Garret remembers better than I do. But apparently I went catatonic when I saw him shift the first time. I just froze like a statue, and didn’t say anything for hours and then I started screaming.” Sheila replied. Kenzi went wide eyed. Sheila was the fifth human mate to tell her they screamed when they first saw it. One even threw stuff and tried to hit her mate with a broom. Maybe she should have screamed, or thrown things. Nope, she gave them a drink then fed them.

“Delta Tyler is actually the smallest male werewolf that we know of. Males usually come in between 6’4 and 6’9. Alpha Adonis and Beta Jackson are taller than that. The tallest is the normals Alpha King at 6’11, though I’m not sure you would notice much difference in height between him and Alpha Adonis. Females are between 5’6 and 5’10. Though the smallest is their Luna Queen I believe she’s 4’11. She was human like you.” Garret explained. Kenzi’s eyes lit up at the height of the queen.

“She’s only a little taller than I am. I wonder how she dealt with the tall.” Sheila giggled.

“I believe her exact words were why are you all so fucking tall?” Garret replied.

“So the werewolf thing doesn’t bother you at all?” Sheila asked.

“No, not really. Should it?” Kenzi asked,

“No, we’ve just never heard of a human accepting it so well. Did you really feed them?” Garret asked,

“Am I not pose to?” Kenzi asked instead, wondering if it was a rule? Are you not pose to feed were-wolfies? Are they like grem-lins if you feed them after a si-sir-tain tine? She watched that movie peeking through her fingers and thankful to whoever that the volume on her tv was broken. From what she saw it didn’t go well.

“Yeah! Her not posed to?” Tyler added when he came up to stand beside her.

“With all due respect Delta Tyler, we’re trying to wrap our heads around this. No human has ever accepted werewolves with the grace Lu….Kenzi has. Boden’s mate hit him with a broom when she found out” Garret bowed to Tyler, slightly exposing his neck.

“Why’d he do that?” Kenzi asked, watching curiously.

“I a rank an the bow a sign of respect, the expose neck is submission.” Tyler answered,

“Oh! Do I has to do that? I won’t member” Kenzi asked,

“No,” Tyler said, grinning, “Alpha sent me to get you, someone he want you to meet.” He added offering his arm.

“Ok! It was nice meeting you both” Kenzi excused herself from the table and took hold of Tyler’s arm.

“Did I meet were-wolfies wrong? Should I has scream-ed? All the other people said they scream-ed when they finded out. Did I do it wrong?” Kenzi asked, when Tyler moved them further away.

“No. You different Kenzi. We love our mates, we really do even when they human. We don’t like the screamin, feel like rejection. Demon wolves get reject from everthin, we jus wanna be accept too. You say it yurself humans fear what they don’t understand, an demon wolves can be prone to aggression. Especially when we don’t get our way.” Tyler said, trying to reassure her.

“I don’t mean to be dif-fer-nent.” Kenzi said as she walked beside Tyler.

“You bein different a good thin Lil K. It mean you special. They no one else like you. One of my favourite thins bout you is that when you introduce me to people. It as yur friend an not Jackass’s lil brother. Like when you introduce me to yur friend Jordan. You say this my friend Tyler. Mos introduce me as Jackass’s lil brother. Same for Jackass, he’s introduce as Tyler’s big brother. Adon an Eli the only ones that introduce us differently.” Tyler stopped walking and turned to look at her.

“I int-ro-duce you as my friend cause you are my friend.” Kenzi replied. At least she hoped he was her friend.

“You my friend too,” Tyler said. Before they could continue Kenzi was abruptly and forcefully knocked into. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Ripped from Tyler’s chest as his eyes swirled liquid gold at the one responsible for the gasp of pain that slipped past her lips as she stumbled forward into Tyler’s arms. He stood there glaring daggers at none other than Kiara, while he braced Kenzi who was dealing with the pain in her back.

Watch it!” He barked,

“Apologies Delta Tyler, I forgot a meagre human was going to be here tonight.” Came her snide reply. His top lip curled exposing his extended canines. Kiara stepped back a bit and swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat.

“Tyler, Alpha like a word” Jackson said as he came up beside him and took over for his brother with Kenzi. He supported her to his side as he moved past Kiara, muttering how a church bell should crush the fucking whore. A low chuckle escaped Tyler as he pushed past her, knocking her down to her knees.

“Apologies Kiara, I forgot a meagre whore was gonna be here tonight, but that be a place you know too well.” Tyler quipped over his shoulder as he kept walking heading towards his Alpha on the deck.

“Problem?” Adonis asked, when Tyler reached him.

“No!” Tyler replied, maybe a little too quickly.

“What happened?” Adonis asked as he watched Jackson sit Kenzi in a chair and tried to help her breathe through her pain.

“Stupid whore slam into her” Tyler said, he was already kicking himself for it happening.

“Relax Tyler! The time will come, now is not the time. Too many dangers are present.” Adonis spoke as he watched his pack. Word of what happened moved quickly amongst them, Kiara was now being watched closely. She could go nowhere without a watchful eye of one of his pack members on her. Another wrong move on her part, would cause retaliation against Ridgeview Pack. Is it wrong that I hope the succuwhore tries something else? Odin asked. Is it wrong that I do? It would be the perfect reason to get rid of that little problem. She touches our mate again….! Odin started to say. I will rip her limb from fucking limb and mail her back to her pathetic father one piece at a time! Adonis finished.

“Watch her carefully, she goes after Luna again,

war will be declared” Adonis commanded through the link. A sea of red eyes looked in his direction. The maniacal laughter he heard through the link, would be enough to make a normal Alpha shudder in fear. Good thing we’re not normal! Good thing!

“Hello sweetheart!” Kenzi tried to smile at the sound of his voice, but the pain she was feeling hadn’t subsided and her smile faltered.

“It’s ok, it’s not important” She said as she looked up at him briefly then looked away. She hadn’t said that in a while, but the words still easily fell from her mouth.

“How can it be ok, when your little fists are clenched so tight that your knuckles are white?” Adonis asked as he crouched down in front of her.

“I-it-it’ll p-pass!” Kenzi bit back a small whimper, when she shifted wrong and the pain shot through her back. She didn’t understand, her back was feeling fine a few days ago and now it hurts. It hurts worse than when it was originally injured, she thought it was getting better. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t leave her in this much pain. Do something! Odin growled in his head. Checking over his shoulder, his pack had crowded around them blocking the view from any untrusted eyes. He moved her closer to him and slipped his hand under her shirt placing it on the small of her back. The initial movement caused her to gasp and whimper as a jolt of pain rocked through her but was quickly replaced by waves of flowing electricity. She didn’t realize how cold she was until the warmth spread like a wildfire. He held her to him, taking in her scent, her feel. The hitches in her breathing as she fought against her urges to bury her face in his chest, but lost the battle as she pressed into him, into his smell, the warmth and security of his embrace. Her small hands immediately gripped at the fabric of his shirt. He held her tighter as she clung to him. His fingers tangling in her hair, he fought the need burning in him to tilt her head back and press his lips to hers. He wanted to, the need to have her lips move under his was as paramount as his need for oxygen. When he heard the sigh of relief escape her and felt her relax against him, he knew the pain had diminished and she would be able to enjoy herself once again. However he didn’t want to let her go, he never wanted to let her go. His need to have her in his arms was driving him to hold onto her a little bit longer.

“How did you do that? Are were-wolfies magic? They can jus poof pain away?” She asked as she stayed buried in his arms. He wanted to tell her, but he didn’t want to tell her here. Not in front of those that would do something to hurt her if they knew who she was. We can’t tell her yet! Odin was displeased by this. He has wanted to tell her since they found her that day in the bakery, and now they can’t. He witnessed first hand why they can’t. It would put her in too much danger if others were to know who she was to him.

“Something like that. Are you all right?” He replied,

“Yes! I’m starving though. And Tyler said you want-ed me to meet someone” She finally looked up at him.

“I do want to introduce you to someone. Let’s head up to the deck and you can get something to eat as well.” He helped her stand up and they moved through the crowd.

Instead of introducing her to who he wanted her to meet, he fed her first. Kenzi recognized the empty dessert boxes from her bakery immediately and looked up at him with questioning eyes.

“It’s not my fault you can smell the bakery all over town” he said, “Delicious smells will bring hungry werewolves every time.” The smile broke out on her face as the pink blush spread across her cheeks and her nose wrinkled.

“Hello Kenzi!” Alpha Malone approached them but only after Adonis nodded saying it was alright.

“Hello Mr. Malone, how are you?” She asked as her smile became bigger.

“I am doing very well, how are you?” He replied,

“Much bet-ter now that I’ve eated something, I was starving. Hi Mr. Morgan” She responded.

“Hello Kenzi!” Beta Morgan spoke, he too carried a big smile. They couldn’t help it, she smiled and they smiled.

“How are you handling everything?” Alpha Malone asked,

“I don’t know. I don’t think I re-rea-act-ed right. All the other people I talk-ed to said they scream-ed when they finded out. I didint scream, I drank lake water and said a bad word,” Kenzi replied. Both Alpha Malone and Beta Morgan laughed at her expression. Even Adonis couldn’t bite back the laugh that escaped, he was more relaxed now then he was when the BBQ started.

“You said a bad word?” Beta Morgan asked, still chuckling

“I said holy fuck, then fell in the lake” They all just stared at her wide eyed as soon as the word came out of her mouth. What? No, just no. She can’t say that word, tell her she can’t say that word! Even Odin was shocked at the word that just came out.

“You don’t say that word,” Adonis said as he looked down at her.

“Why?” She asked as she looked up at him.

“Because you can’t” It was Beta Morgan that answered, his shocked expression still on his face. His son said that word once and it sounded more normal coming from him and he was four when he said it. Adonis could only nod. That sounded really wrong coming from her.

“You all say that word all the tine,” Kenzi said, looking at them, then back at Adonis.

“Well if she was going to say one that is a good one to say. But I have to agree, you can’t say that word” Alpha Malone spoke, sounding more like a disapproving father.

“Ok!” She replied. It wasn’t the first time she was told she can’t say bad words. Her friend from the orphanage said she couldn’t do it either when he heard her say one. There was just something about her that made it sound really wrong.

“Kenzi this is Alpha Byron and his Beta John” Adonis introduced them when Alpha Byron approached them all standing there. He had waited, wanting her to be comfortable before he did, but she didn’t seem uncomfortable at all in the sea of werewolves. From what he was hearing it was more the height of everyone that was throwing her off. That was understandable, she was the tiniest human he has ever come across. Again he couldn’t help but wonder, how Alpha Adonis wasn’t going to crush her? He was referred to as a monster, but seeing the two together really put emphasis on how big of a monster he really was.

“Hi, Kenzi Templeton” a big smile upon her face she offered her hand immediately to the two men.

“Hello Kenzi, it is a pleasure to meet you” Alpha Byron shook her delicate hand followed by his Beta. She stared up at them both, the Beta was maybe mid to late 50’s and standing at 6’6 brown hair and piercing green eyes. He had a slight scar above his right eyebrow, his hard set chiselled jaw now held a genuine smile. Something told Kenzi he didn’t smile very often. Alpha Byron was younger, mid 50’s, maybe standing a bit taller than 6’8. Light brown hair and blue eyes. He looked like someone she knew and his presence felt very familiar to her.

Adonis was watching her, as she was looking at Alpha Byron. Something clicked in her head and her eyes widened. She looked back and forth between Alpha Malone and Alpha Byron, seeing more and more and now understanding why she has seen him before.

“Holy crackers! Are you brothers?” She asked, looking back and forth between the two men. Both Alpha Byron and Alpha Malone looked at each other and they couldn’t help their grins getting bigger at her outburst. Their Betas both turned in other directions to cover their laughter.

“Did I say something I wasn’t pose to?” She asked looking up at Adonis.

“No sweetheart, holy crackers just sounds much better coming from you than holy fuck” Adonis replied, fighting back his laughter.

Once they recovered from her outburst, Alpha Byron and Alpha Malone did tell her they were indeed brothers and they carried on their conversation with her. She did hit Adonis a few times when she was animatedly telling them a few stories, which cracked the group up again. Granted he might not have been hit if he wasn’t standing so close to her. But he wanted to be near her, he wanted to touch her but they were being watched closely. He had caught the glares Kiara was sending Kenzi’s way as she was standing on the deck talking to the other Alphas. Beta Morgan and Beta John had caught them as well and positioned themselves where she was out of sight from others. That is rather odd? Odin questioned. She was not their Luna, but they seemed protective over her. He understood Beta Morgan, as he has known her the longest, but he didn’t understand Beta John who had just met her tonight. It is Odin, but then again she is special and they all feel it. As long as she is smiling and happy, so is everyone else. Should this take a sideways turn and she were to get upset, there will be a lot of pissed off werewolves to deal with! Special little mate! Odin gushed in his head, and he couldn’t help moving slightly closer to her, which resulted in him getting hit….again.

“Buttered biscuits! I’m sorry” She said looking over at him.

“She is quite the animated little talker, it is probably a good thing she doesn’t have anything in her hands.” Alpha Byron laughed,

“Trust me I’m relieved by this as well” Adonis couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face

“Yeah, I already hit-ted him with a shovel” Kenzi blurted,

“She hit you with a shovel?” Alpha Malone asked wide eyed. Kenzi’s cheeks slightly pinked at this and her face now held a sheepish grin.

“She did, but in her defence I did come up behind her as she was planting a tree. I didn’t learn the first time.” Adonis said.

“She hit you before?” Alpha Byron looked from Adonis to Kenzi.

“She missed the first time….barely” Adonis replied, as her sheepish grin got a little bigger.

They conversed a bit more before Adonis used the link to call Jackson to come and get her. He didn’t want her to leave his side, but with how closely they were being observed he couldn’t keep her with him all night like he wanted to. He was also fighting with himself to keep from touching her, which he really wanted to do. Aside from her hitting him a handful of times he had no contact with her.

“She is truly a remarkable girl” Alpha Byron said as they watched her move around the BBQ talking to more and more people.

“Yes she is” Adonis agreed, a smile spreading across his face as she smacked another pack member with her hands. He didn’t even have to ask if Alpha Byron and his Beta could stay with her until Monday. She offered immediately when she found out they needed a place to stay. She was rather excited by the idea of having people stay with her.

“She is going to make an exceptional Luna” Alpha Malone added to the conversation.

“That she will” Again Adonis just agreed,

“Just might want to learn not to stand so close when she is talking” Beta Morgan chuckled, causing laughter to go through the group.

“Excuse me Alpha Adonis, apologies on my lateness” That was a voice he has never heard before. When he turned to look, a youngish wolf stood to his left. 6’6 the same brown hair and green eyes as Alpha Byron stared back at him, he was maybe in his late twenties. He stood tall, but not as firm as he was trying to be. Adonis looked him up and down and arched one of his eyebrows at him.

“Alpha Bradly” He extended his hand wearily, unsure of what was going to happen as he stole a quick glance at Alpha Byron.

“It’s nice to meet you Alpha Bradly. Your father Alpha Byron has spoken highly of you. He apologised already for your absence, and I was not aware you would still be coming” Adonis replied, shaking the boy’s hand.

“My business concluded, and I thought it would be rude to not introduce myself to the man I have hopefully just entered into an alliance with.” A smile played upon Adonis’s lips when he spoke this. I think he’s more concerned than anything! Odin snickered in his head.

“I suppose it would be. I understand how entering into an alliance with someone and never having met them would be a cause for concern. I however am not concerned. Like I said your father spoke very highly of you, and it speaks to a man’s character when they put their pack over themselves” Adonis replied, watching the look of worry wash off the boy’s face. “I know the stories that surround me, Alpha Bradly, they are all true. I do have my redeeming qualities and regardless of what some might think I do have a good side.” Adonis told him, though his eyes drifted to Alpha Byron for a second. Alpha Bradly nodded his head, he didn’t really know what to think or say to that. The story he heard about snapping the council member’s neck when they tried to interfere in his business came to mind.

“Redeemin qualities….you the monster in they nightmares, the only thin redeemin bout you is that all packs terrify of you an no one want on yur bad side, an that you definitely has” Jackson interjected when he came to join them on the deck.

“Thank you Jackson!” Adonis hissed at him.

“Happy to help!” Jackson fired back,

“Alpha Bradly, my Beta Jackson Monroe,” Jackson held out his hand for Alpha Bradly to accept it.

“Nice to meet you Alpha Bradly, I the more personable of the two. He a real scary mother fucker.” Jackson drawled as he shook hands.

“Thank you Jackson!” Adonis said,

“Yup!” Was all he could say before he broke out laughing at the look he was getting.

“Where is she?” Adonis asked, low enough for only Jackson to hear.

“Tyler! Her gettin tired though” Jackson replied.

Kenzi had wandered around the BBQ for a few hours, and though she was excited to be there and talk to everyone she was working on little sleep and it was starting to take its toll on her. Someone was always by her side the whole night and she was thankful for that, but she somehow managed to get herself separated from Tyler and she didn’t know how that happened. Most of the wolves she was meeting were really nice to her and seemed genuinely excited to meet her, but she had bumped into a few that were not so friendly and they gave her a bad feeling. Those were the ones she was trying to stay away from.

“Well if it isn’t the pathetic little human?” A snotty voice sounded from behind her. When Kenzi turned around she recognized the girl from the bakery. The one Adonis had met with the first time she met him. She wasn’t very nice to her and she seemed to anger Adonis that day, this couldn’t be his mate or he would have been with her. That thought made her happy, Adonis deserved happiness and this girl didn’t make him happy.

“Hi, Kenzi Templeton!” She hesitantly extended her hand to the girl, who just curled her lip at her and shook her head. Dropping her hand back down, Kenzi backed up a little bit only to bump into someone else. The hair on the back of her neck immediately bristled as she turned slightly to look at who it was. It was another girl, chestnut brown hair that hung loosely to her waist. Her large amber eyes stared disgustedly at her.

“Poor pathetic little human. Tell me what it feels like to be a pet?” Kiara asked her.

“What?” Kenzi looked back at Kiara confusion crossing her face.

“What are you stupid? You’re a pet. There is no way you’re the mate of an Alpha. Especially someone as powerful as Alpha Adonis. Look at you, I don’t even think you would be the mate of a lowly human.” The girl behind Kenzi cackled with the remarks Kiara was making.

“Oh, I’m, I’m not a mate. I’m jus a friend,” Kenzi said to her.

“Friend? You really are just a stupid little human. You’re not a friend, who would want to be friends with you. Alpha Adonis doesn’t have human friends. He hates humans, why would he be friends with something he hates? They are useless and pathetic and just something to conquer. That’s all you are, just another conquest. One of many.” Kenzi shook her head and Kiara just smirked “I understand you are new to this world, so let me be the one to fill you in on a few things. Alpha Adonis has a reputation, he takes what he wants and then gets rid of it. And everyone knows The Devil loves to defile….virgins.” Kenzi fought to control her reactions. She had no idea what this girl was saying, but none of it sounded good.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say and you don’t know him very well. Adonis is looking for his mate” Kenzi replied, she too didn’t know much about Adonis or his past other than what he told her, but he has never lied to her and she wasn’t about to trust anything that came out of this girl’s mouth. She would ask Adonis. He told her too, he told her if anyone said anything about him to her again that was what she was supposed to do. Trying to move past her, Kiara stood in her way.

“You stupid little girl. I think I know him better than you. He’s only being nice to you because he wants to pluck you. When he gets what he wants he’ll throw you away like the others.” Kiara snapped, when Kenzi didn’t say anything she continued.

“Then again, you’re pathetic and weak and I don’t know why he would even bother wasting his time on a meagre human like you. Just looking at you and how frail you are. He would crush you. He could have so much better. He could have anyone he wants, and he has….frequently. The man has needs, aside from the need to eat. Ones that can’t be satisfied by the inexperienced.” Kiara smiled smugly when she saw that her words were getting to her. Kenzi tried to block them out, but the girl was right. She wouldn’t know the first thing about pleasing anyone, she had no experience when it came to sex.

“But maybe….maybe that’s why he keeps you.” Kiara said, feigning deep contemplation. “I mean you’re so desperate for attention, you’re a willing servant, you’d do anything he says. Who doesn’t want blind obedience? Isn’t that what you humans have dogs for, their blind obedience?” The girl standing behind Kenzi was cackling harder with everything Kiara was saying to her.

“But it looks like you’re right about him looking for his mate. Looks like he might have just found her” Kiara pointed to the deck and when Kenzi looked in that direction, the air sucked out of her lungs at what she witnessed. Shaking her head back and forth, one hand flying to her stomach the other to her mouth to stop the cry that wanted to come out. He wasn’t hers and she knew that, he was looking for his mate and she knew that as well, she thought she was prepared for when that day would come. She just didn’t think it would come so soon. She was not prepared to see his hands on anyone else, to witness him kiss someone else. His words ringing in her ears that kissing on the lips was an intimate act and he would only be intimate with someone he truly cared about….someone like his mate. She turned away from the deck, hearing Kiara’s high pitched laughter behind her as she made her way through the crowd of people. She had to get away, she didn’t want to see anymore, she didn’t want to hear anymore. She needed to make it all quiet.

Adonis was still on the deck talking to the others and they were laughing telling stories. Alpha Bradly had settled down some and seemed to be enjoying himself more. Jackson had excused himself, it seemed Tyler was trying to talk to him.

“Problem” Jackson spoke through the link,

“What problem?” Adonis asked,

“Tyler los her!” Jackson was already cringing,

He did what?Though he remained calm on the outside he was anything but through the link. Where the fuck is she? Odin howled with anger in his head, thinking his mate was now lost.

“He los her in the sea of tall people” Jackson responded,

“How the fuck did he lose her?” Adonis looked towards all the werewolves in his backyard. She was swallowed up, there was no sign of her.

“He thought her was wit him an when he turn her gone” Jackson replied,

“Find her!” Adonis sent it out to his whole pack. He watched as heads turned trying to locate their Luna. Members pushed past each other trying to locate her.

Trying to maintain his calm while his mate was missing as to not alert the other Alpha’s was the tricky part. His eyes would periodically scan the backyard in hopes that he would see her plum coloured hair, but no he couldn’t see her anywhere. Maybe she could blend. He heard rumblings from one of his pack members that she was near the back of the yard, but she was not alone Kiara had her barricaded off. Adonis excused himself from the group he was going to get his mate and bring her back to safety when he felt a pair of hands wrap around him, before he could stop what was about to happen he felt a pair of lips on his. Odin raged in his head and his anger flooded him, boiling over. Over 500 sets of red eyes snapped towards the deck when they felt his anger rush through the link. Grabbing the stupid she-wolf by her neck Odin pushed her off of him. His eyes engulfed in flame as Odin took over.

I hope you enjoyed that you stupid little bitch because that is the last thing you will ever do.” His hand squeezed tightly, his fingers curling digging into the flesh of her neck. He watched her eyes bulge from their sockets, the blood pour from the injuries. Something was going to give, either Odin would rip the throat out or the neck would snap, but she was going to die and he was intent on making this bitch suffer. SNAP! He released his hand and her lifeless body fell to the deck. He looked up in time to see his little mate disappear behind the fence with Tyler trying to follow her. When a Ridgeview Pack member dared to get in his way, the body dropped after Tyler snapped the head all the way around.


Get them off my territory” Odin roared as he leapt from the deck shifting mid air, he headed off around the fence as well, leaving the other Alphas standing there. He had to go see his mate, make sure she was ok.

“Holy fuck!” Was all Alpha Bradly could say. As he watched how quickly and efficiently Black Shadow dealt with the wolves from Ridgeview.

“Better to stand at his side, then be in his way.” Alpha Malone spoke, Alpha Byron just nodded.

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