The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 33: How Do You Know?

Adonis woke Thursday morning to a small body stirring under him. He blinked a few times to clear the sleep from his eyes and the confusion from his mind as the night came back to him. A disaster of a dinner, a history lesson into his mate’s past then he chased a raccoon out of her house. He spent the night to make sure she felt safe and got some sleep before she woke up in the morning and headed off to work. Does she really have to be up this early? Odin yawned in his head. She is the only baker in town, someone has to make the bread! He looked beneath him at the curled little ball huddled to his chest. Though she was stirring, he didn’t think she was ready to be awake yet. Maybe if he wrapped his arms around her he could coax her back to sleep for a bit. She didn’t fall asleep easily and when she did sleep it wasn’t for long, every noise had her jolting back awake, and him searching the house. She refused to take a relaxant, knowing full well that would put her to sleep, but also in potential danger. He saw the pain rip across her body everytime she moved, and he fought with her to take one, but gave up before she kicked him out. If she did that, then she really wouldn’t sleep. If he had his bed he would have just brought her back to his house, but it wasn’t coming till today and he didn’t want her sleeping on the floor.

Trying to figure out how he was going to wrap his arms around the little ball curled in the bed, her eyes fluttered open and blinked at him.

“Where are you going? Is something in the house?” Kenzi looked from him to the door, her body tensing as she shifted further under him.

“No sweetheart, nothing is in the house.” He listened to the quiet as he spoke to her.

“What tine is it?” She asked,

“Just before two” he replied, settling in beside her wrapping his arms around her. She stretched a bit and conformed her body more to fit against him. He could hear the stills in her breath and her body would tense and freeze up as she performed this action. “Shhh sweetheart, breathe through it” he slipped his hand under her shirt and gently laid it upon her back. Hissing and whimpering at the initial contact of it she laid as still as she could and worked through the pain. He did this last night as well to help her settle. She never questioned why that helped her, she never asked. Much like everything else she accepted it as something normal that happens.

“I should get up” Though she made no move to leave the bed. She enjoyed having his arms around her. She liked waking up like this.

“You could sleep a little bit longer. You didn’t get much last night” He countered,

“I could, but I don’t think I’ll be moving that fast in the bakery today, so the sooner I get starded the betder.” She replied,

“You work too hard” He mumbled into her neck. He didn’t want her to leave the bed. He didn’t want to leave the bed, he was good if this is what they did today.

“Do you want to shower first?” She asked.

“Go ahead. I am not fully on your schedule yet.” He heaved a sigh but rolled onto his back to let her go. He needed to get her help in the bakery and he needed to do it soon.

“You keep sleeping here you will be” She slowly crawled from the bed, she was still stiff, but moving better.

“My bed is coming today, maybe we can have a sleepover at my house tonight.” He threw his arm over his eyes before she turned the lamp on. If they did that maybe he could get her to sleep past 2:30. She needs more sleep than what she gets, she’s going to burn out if she doesn’t.

She tried to fight it but the giggle erupted from her, as the pink blush spread across her face. It only deepened when she saw his bare chest in the mirror. She lingered a bit longer on his sculpted upper body, before her eyes dared to venture lower.

“Stop ogling Ms. Templeton.” He said grinning, though he never took his arm away. She had moved to the closet to pick out a dress, hopefully one she can’t get trapped in the car.

“At least I’m not peeking, Mr. Bradshaw” She countered, causing him to chuckle.

“Another reason to spend the night at my house. I won’t have to peek.” Her face much redder now, she caught his eyes looking at her from under his arm.

“Who’s ooo-gling now?” She arched an eyebrow at him. Grabbing some panties and the rest of what she needed she walked towards the bathroom.

“Not that I mind the little pink hearts, but black….or….blue?” He asked tracking her movements across the room.

“I’m….not….telling” and she closed the door. A shiver ripped through her, his eyes had never left her body as she moved around her room. Not even two am and the flirting has already beginded!

“I think I’m getding betder at it though.” She looked at her reflection in the mirror. The scar above her lip out of all of them was the one that bothered her the most. She could cover and hide the rest of them, but that one was prominent. Tracing it with her finger, she doesn’t really remember how she got it, something about a glass. Teagan said she was playing with one and it broke and she got cut, now she was wondering if that really happened. She’s had the scar for as long as she could remember, so she got it when she was really young, if she doesn’t remember how she got it. The conversation she had with herself when she got back from dinner came to mind. She didn’t really want to think about it, but the only other thing she could think to think about was the naked man in her bed and his offer of a sleepover at his house tonight. Of the two thoughts the latter was more appealing, and tantalizing just like the naked man with the sculpted body. Another shiver went up her spine as a wave of excitement rippled through her at the idea.

“Don’t think boud it” Nope, now she was going to think about it. And that was all she was going to think about, and her thinking thoughts. Pulling herself away from the mirror she turned on her shower, this was going to be a day.

She is getting better at it! Yes she is. She is growing more confident! She is still innocent! Let’s hope she stays that way and we don’t corrupt her too badly! What is she not supposed to think about? Whatever just got her excited! A smile played upon his lips. Oh how he hoped it was him she was thinking about. Probably cookies! Thank you Odin! Welcome! The smile fell from his face, she does get excited about cookies, or any recipe for that matter. The s’more tarts she made and how excited she was for those came to mind. Using all her dishes! She got excited about that as well. Dinner date! Ok Odin, she gets excited easily! It could have been you though! Thank you Odin! Everyone needs their ego stroked! You’re an asshole! The laughter of his wolf in his head was not a comforting sound for him. He could only hope it was him she got excited about and not some damn recipe. Heaving another sigh he rolled over and buried his head under a pillow. This was going to be a day.

Kenzi stepped out of the bathroom to see him with his head buried under one of her pillows, his breathing even and he didn’t stir at the sound she made. Again she stood there admiring his form, though relaxed, the muscles in his back were well defined, more so up close than they were when she saw him from his room. Her eyes traced and trailed over every contour they could, from his shoulders, the right one carrying the black crescent moon mark to the curve of his spine to his hips, to his….Ok eyes up, done looking now! She also didn’t know what to do now, should she leave him, turn out the lamp and let him sleep. Wake him up and let him know she was leaving and to help himself to whatever he finds in the house. Wake him up and offer breakfast or at least see if he wants breakfast and tell him she bought new bigger shirts for him. Maybe she should put them on the bed and leave a note, a note is not waking him up, but still tells him goodbye and to help himself to whatever. She had him up a dozen times last night because of every little noise, he needs to sleep. Yeah, a note, she’ll leave him a note. She moved silently to her closet to pull out the shirts she bought and then she wrote her note. Placing the shirts on her dresser so he didn’t kick them off the bed she placed the note on the bedside table and quietly walked from the room after turning the lamp off. She made a quick breakfast and got the bandages on her back. The doctor gave her a different way to do it, since she didn’t really have help in the morning and she headed off to the bakery.

Adonis woke a few hours later to golden streaks in the sky as the sun began to crest the mountains. He blinked again and took in the room, the lamp was off and all was quiet.

“Kenzi?” He called out, his voice hoarse in the early morning. When he didn’t receive a reply a tinge of panic hit him. He looked at the clock to only see a note.

I didint want to wake you,

you were up a lot last nite.

I has sum biger shurts on the

dressir, hopfuly thay fit. I trid.

Help yorself to what evr you can

find to eet. Thank you for

staying las nite.

He looked at the dresser and saw the pile of shirts, then he looked back at the note. She bought us shirts? She did! No one buys us shit! No they don’t! Our mate bought us shirts! Yes she did! One of them better fit! Yeah! Get out of bed! He couldn’t help the excitement that erupted inside of him as he scrambled falling from the bed to see the shirts she bought for him. He felt like a little boy waking up on Christmas morning. He never got to celebrate Christmas with his old family, but he did with Alpha Cameron. The first year he was shocked that there were gifts under the tree for him, the second year he was excited, that was how he felt at that moment. The last person to buy anything for him was Alpha Cameron and he was sixteen and ready to be a man. He’s been taking care of himself since. He forgot what it was like to have someone take care of him.

Holding up one of the shirts, his smile got bigger. This should fit! He thought. Holding it to his nose, it smelled like her. Lavender and green apples invaded his senses. We’re gonna smell her all day! Yes we are! Odin even excited in his head. This deserves flowers and not from her garden! Yes it does! Maybe for her garden! Maybe for both her table and garden! Ooo that’s a good idea! We didn’t get a morning kiss! Or a goodbye one! We are allowed to have one whenever we want! She said we could! Come on Odin, we have kisses to get before we head to the city! I’m right with you! A look at the clock, it was just before five, he had time to make it to the bakery before he went into the city. Moving quickly with one of his new shirts he grabbed a quick shower.

Adonis made it to the bakery just before six, there was no point trying the front door he knew she would be in the kitchen. Knocking on the back door he waited.

“Who is it?” A little voice came from the other side. Smart girl!

“It’s me sweetheart” He called back. He heard the lock on the door pop and the door opened. She stood staring up at him, flour swipes on her delicate face and a big smile. He gathered her in his arms and brought his lips down onto hers. Her hands flew to his shoulders but she was careful not to touch him. He was clean and freshly showered and her fingers were covered in bread dough. The action took her by surprise, it was sudden, but soon her mouth was moving with his. When the kiss broke apart, she looked up at him with wide questioning eyes.

“Thank you for the shirts.” Then he kissed her again.

“Good morning!” Before she could reply, his lips met hers again. He held her tighter to him, cradling her head in one hand while his other wrapped around her. Kenzi melded to his body, her lips parted when he nipped her and he pushed to deepen the kiss. Standing on her tippy toes trying to get closer to him, pressing into him. His limits were being tested, and he knew if he didn’t stop right now, he wouldn’t be able to. His hand from her waist slid down and rested on her bottom, when he gave it a gentle squeeze she released a small moan.

This was just supposed to be a ‘have a good day’ kiss and that was it, but rational thought was gone. That small sound she produced, that musical note, had him wanting her, needing her. Everything stopped, everything stood still and quiet. No noise surrounded them, it was just him and her and nothing else mattered. Consumed with need he pulled her dress high enough so she could wrap her legs around him, when he lifted her to his waist, he pressed her back into the wall as he pushed into her. Another moan had him doing it again. The need for oxygen pulled their lips apart, but he never removed them from her. They trailed her jawline down her neck. Her body, hot and flush and everywhere he kissed only grew hotter. Shivering with excitement, lavishing in the attention it was receiving, her body screaming for more. When he pushed into her again she inadvertently arched into it. He had her gasping when his teeth grazed the tender flesh at the bottom of her neck, the spot his mark would sit. He wanted to see that mark on her. His lips moved back up her neck, trailing back across her jaw.

Before he claimed her mouth again, before he kissed her swollen lips and took what he wanted, gave her what she needed, he kissed the scar above her lip. She looked up at him, her silver eyes bright almost white and sparkling as his were dark almost black the gold swirling. Then he took from her, gave to her. VIRGIN! Odin had been screaming in his head, and he couldn’t hear anything, he was deaf to his wolf until that one word finally broke through. He didn’t pause the kiss, but he slowed it down, drew it out, brought them both back to earth. When it broke he rested his forehead against hers.

“Have a good day!” He spoke, his breath coming in quick pants.

“You too!” Her smile lit up her face, as her chest continued to heave under him. She had no idea what he just about did, but he was fully aware that he almost took her against the wall in the bakery kitchen. Control Adonis! Odin hissed. I know, I almost lost it! Almost! She was going to be a flowerless Kenzi cookie in a few more minutes! I know! The succubitch! Using Odin’s words and her scent he calmed down. When she’s ready! Only when she’s ready! Don’t push! Don’t rush! Don’t force!

One more kiss goodbye, he left her at the bakery and headed into the city. He needed to find a way to better control himself. It was getting harder and harder to keep himself in check. He knew of a few ways to control a werewolf, whisky gave some semblance of control over their aggression, or there was wolfsbane and silver, though neither of which worked on him or any demon wolf. There had to be something that did. He was lost in thought as he drove towards the city. So many thoughts swirled around him. Did you see her eyes? I did! What was that about? I don’t know! She wasn’t scared when she saw ours! No she wasn’t! Special! Yeah special! More thoughts swirled around him. What was with her eyes? Why was she not startled by his? She has accepted everything openly, how? Why? What’s wrong? Maybe it’s her? What? Maybe it’s her? Maybe there is something about her? There is nothing wrong with her! Calm down Odin! I didn’t say there was something wrong with her, there is nothing wrong with her, how could you think I would think that? I said there was something about her! What do you mean? How could she calm a group of wolves better than their mates? I don’t know! She truly is someone special!

The day was long and progressed slowly. Adonis was too distracted to focus on the work on his desk. Thoughts of the conversation with Odin, flooded his mind and when he wasn’t thinking of that he was thinking of her, her lips moving under his, how her skin heated from his touch, his kiss, how she tasted. His skin heated just thinking about it. Maybe call her! Her voice would be a distraction from his distraction. She’ll make us feel better! She was his distraction, she was the reason he has barely touched any of the work on his desk. Call her, I wanna hear her voice! He wanted to hear her voice as well. He wanted to hear her giggle, he wanted to flirt and turn her face red. He wanted to touch and taste. He wanted to explore and make her moan. He wanted!


His phone drew him from his thoughts, without looking at it he answered.


“Hello brother!” FUCK/FUCK!

“What do you want?” Adonis all but growled into the receiver at the sound of Eric’s voice. Odin was already growling in his head.

“Catch you at a bad time!” The fuck he want?

“Yes, what do you want?” His voice was tight, this is not who he wanted to talk to. Now more than ever he wants to hear her voice.

“You sound unhappy!” Maybe he shouldn’t have called then.

“This is my happy voice, now, what do you want?” With his anger rising more and more, he had to force his voice to remain calm and even.

“Maybe if you came home, you wouldn’t be unhappy.” We’d be happy if we were talking to our mate and not this dipshit!

“….grrrRrrrr…. I already repeated myself three times, don’t make me do it again” A low growl laced his words. Good job stupid, piss The Devil off! The heavy sigh on the other end of the phone told him he was pissing Eric off just as much.

“Why do you find the need to be difficult?” He heard the low cursing under his breath.

“Why do you need constant reminding of why you should not fuck with me?” Not even trying to hide his anger now, he was upset, he wanted his mate in his arms, at the very least he wanted the sound of her voice.

“I am not fucking with you brother. I just wanted to talk!” Eric’s tight laughter on the other end, and he knew he was really starting to get to him. This made him feel slightly better. Let’s really piss him off! Sounds fun, then we call mate! Then we call our mate!

“So this is what….a chat to catch up, ask how the weather is doing?” His tone had calmed, as he waited to hear what would be said.

“You could say that!”

“Fine! The weather is fine, the mountains are fine, I am fine, everything is fucking fine. Now. Fuck. Off!” He barked,

“You sound fine!” Came Eric’s sarcastic reply,

“And you sound like a dead man!” Adonis’s voice turned dark, low and deep as Odin replied the last part.

He heard the sharp intake of breath on the other end, and he could just imagine the pale skin that accompanied it. It was no lie Eric was afraid of him and Odin. They made it their mission to terrify him, and they took pride in it.

“Now, now brother. Completely uncalled for, and an apology is due” Came a very shaky response.

“Why should I apologize for The Devil I became? No one fucking apologized for making me this way” Adonis countered,

“No one made you The Devil, Adonis” he scoffed at this. Except they did, and now they’re all too afraid to deal with you!

“Except the years that I was called that, by the people that were supposed to be my family.” A muffled curse or two reached his ears and he could feel the corners of his mouth turning up.

“Ancient history! We’re your family”

“Maybe yours! I upgraded!” Adonis fired back.

The string of curses that followed had him smiling. Take that fuck nut! Where did you learn that? I don’t know! No more Ko and Bal for you! Hey, now that’s not fair! Look what they’re teaching you! It’s not all bad! Odin! Adonis! No more! Come on, they’re funny! No! But, but, but why? Don’t pout! I’m not pouting! You’re pouting! No I’m not! You’re not being a good boy! I am a good boy! Who’s a good boy? I’m a good boy! Who’s a good boy? Me, me, me….hey asshole that’s cheating! Who’s a good boy? I am, I’m a good….stop that, but I’m still a good boy! Well that was entertaining! Asshole!

“I am going to ask you one more time to come for a visit” Eric’s voice was tight and displeased.

“How can you ask me one more time when you haven’t asked me the first time?” Adonis mused as he leaned back in his chair, the more upset Eric became, the happier it made him.

“I did ask you!” He snapped,

“No, you suggested it, tried to throw authority around, and then accused me of black listing you.” Adonis replied,

“Then I am asking now” Eric snarled into the phone,

“Then ask” He let the amusement reign in his voice, he let Eric hear how making him angry was bringing him fun.

“Will you come for a visit? Father misses you” That word had him cringing.

Ethan was no father, now if Kennedy or Steve called and said Cameron wanted to see him, he would be on the next plane down there, they were family. He should really call them.

“Bullshit lies do not work on me Eric. The man who YOU deem fit to call father does not miss The Devil he dares to call son.” Adonis replied, “Don’t you have actual brothers to call and harass?” He added.

Another string of curses came through the line. Eric cursed him for being stubborn, cursed him for being an asshole and cursed him for being The Devil.

“But no one made me this way right, Eric?” He asked, the low growl that Eric admitted had him laughing. I think we succeeded in pissing him off! Then this will really set him off!

“You sound like a pissed off little puppy Eric, I thought by now you would at least have a big boy growl” Odin erupted into laughter in his head. Pissed off little puppy. I’ma call him that all the time now! Just wait till Jackson and Tyler hear that! Ooo even better, they’ll make him cry! The next growl though louder had Adonis cracking up into the phone, which really set him off.

YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU! I AM TRYING TO EXTEND AN OLIVE BRANCH AND YOU’RE FIGHTING ME AT EVERY FUCKING TURN! The madder Eric became, the more he yelled, the more he cursed the harder Adonis and Odin laughed.

You and that psychotic demonic wolf in your head, are going to die alone, and when you’re sent back to the hell you came from, I hope you rot there. If you do get lucky enough to get a mate, then she will be the most fucked up, useless excuse for a wolf that ever existed and should be executed immediately, if she doesn’t reject you first. No one in their right mind would want to be mated to The Devil. That had him stopping. How dare he insult his mate?


It ripped from his chest, before he had a chance to stop it. Odin was livid, with what was said.

“Careful Eric, or you will have an up close encounter with the psychotic demonic wolf in my head.” He growled into the phone. He heard the audible gulp on the other end.

“Are you going to come for a visit?” He asked, his voice slightly shaking, he knew he fucked up in saying what he said. Adonis could feel his fear coming through the phone, he could hear the regret in his voice.

“I’ll think about it. I am going to call my brothers.” Adonis was about to pull the phone from his ear. He would call his brothers and arrange a visit. As well as inform them that he was settled. He hasn’t done that yet. Mate first right? Yes Odin, she will always be first!

“I will give you their numbe….” Eric started to say only for Adonis to cut him off.

“I do not need you to give me the contact information for Steve and Kennedy. I already have it.” He disconnected the call, listening to his brother curse him out some more.

He waited for a bit to calm down before he dialed her number. He didn’t want to call her mad.

“Hello my gorgeous tiny dancer, how are you?” He spoke when the line picked up.

“I think, I think I’m mad, no I am, I’m mad….”

Adonis left Kenzi in the bakery after he had kissed her. What a kiss it was. A series of kisses. They played over and over in her head, each one more exhilarating than the next. Her skin flushed, her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. The butterflies had just gone nuts. His lips were so soft, so gentle as he kissed down her neck and when his teeth grazed her delicate skin, she thought her head was going to explode. She melted, just melted into him, she wanted more. More of his kisses on her body, more of his teeth grazing her skin, she needed more. When he lifted her dress, she felt a tinge of panic surge through her, but he just did it so she could wrap her legs around him. He made no further moves after that. He said he wouldn’t push her, rush her or force her into something she wasn’t ready for. But how would she know when she was ready? How do you know when you’re ready? She didn’t know. No one ev-ver tells you that part! Were people ever really ready? She was lost in her thoughts as she made breads, buns and cookies of all varieties. Double fudge brownies and banana blondies and cakes, pies. Her ovens were in full force as treat after delicious treat came out of them.

Maggie had shown up after Adonis had left and she helped her in the kitchen till it was time to open. They spoke about all kinds of things, Kenzi told her she had dinner with some of the people Adonis worked with last night. She didn’t tell her what happened at the dinner, just that he ordered her favourite. Maggie didn’t need to be burdened with that, she had enough on her plate, Kenzi didn’t need to add more. It kept her distracted from her thinking thoughts, but now that she was alone, they were back. Maybe she should ask Maggie when she knew she was ready.

“Honey child, now where do you think we’re going to put all this?” Maggie drew her attention from what she was doing. Kenzi looked around her kitchen. Every available surface was covered, with something tantalizing to eat.

“Oops!” She looked at Maggie and offered a sheepish smile. She might have gotten a little carried away.

“What has you lost in your own world? Or should I ask who has you lost?” The blush spread across her cheeks and she looked away as she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.

“Mmhmm! That’s what I thought. He has you all twisted up inside, doesn’t he?” Kenzi looked back at her, she could only nod. She wanted to ask the question, she really did but she was a little scared as to what Maggie would say. It was no secret to Maggie or the others that she was a virgin. Frank was truthfully relieved by it and went as far as to tell her she better stay that way.

“He’s not pressuring you now is he?” Maggie asked, a look crossing her face.

“No, no, no he’s not. He says he’ll wait till I’m ready” Kenzi replied, shaking her head.

“Good, when you’re ready you’ll know. Jackson’s here to put the door in, Harvey also called, someone named Xander will be here in ten minutes with two more ovens and then I want you to get your little baking behind out of here.” With that Maggie left the kitchen. When you’re ready you’ll know….how? How will you know?

“That doesint help me!” She huffed.

“Hey, Lil Kenzi Cakes.” Jackson called as he walked into the kitchen, stopping dead at all the food.

“Hey, Jackson! I getded a lit-tle car-ried away” She replied as she saw the look on his face. Maybe Jackson knows!

“A lil?” He arched an eyebrow at her.

“Maggie already got me on it. After the new ovens come in, I has to get my lit-tle baking behind out” Kenzi said.

“Yup! Somein goin on Kenzi?” Jackson asked,

“Jus thinking!” She said as she started to clean up. He watched her for a minute. She was thinking all right. He could see her face scrunch up as she was trying to work out whatever was going on in her head. He started working on the door, but he kept an eye on her. He would see her grimace every once in a while, judging by the state of her kitchen she worked herself too hard. They would have to get her some help in this bakery and fast. When she disappeared into her freezer and came back with a bag of ice and sat down he breathed a relieved sigh. At least she was following the doctor’s orders, but he didn’t think that’s what was bothering her.

“Jackson?” Kenzi looked at him as she was sitting there watching him work.

“Yeah!” But before she could say anymore a knock came to the back door.

“You sit I got it” He moved to the back door to either let in or scare off whoever was there.

“Ovens are here” Jackson said as he came back down the hall.

“Judging by the look of this kitchen, I’m not sure you need anymore. You seem to be doing just fine with the four you have.” Xander said as he too took in the kitchen.

“I getded a lit-tle car-ried away,” She replied, with a smile. Baking helped her think, and she had some thoughts she needed to think about.

“A little?” He looked at her, questioning.

“Baking helps me think,” She said.

“I get that. I like to build when I need to think” Xander replied, as he started setting up the fifth oven. Jackson stayed silent and let the two talk, the more wolves she got to know the better it was going to be for her to accept their world and her new life.

“What kinda things do you like to billded?” She asked,

“I built a house. It was after my dad died, I had some thinkin to do.” He replied as he continued with the oven.

“I’m sorry boud your dad, but a house is preddy imp….imp….wow. And you billded it all by yourself? How long did it take you?” She said,

“Yeah, it took about six months. It was all I did. I’d wake up and build till it was too dark to see anything.” After the fifth oven was in place he started on the sixth.

“I couldint billded a house, I’d stick myself to the floor with something.” As she spoke those words, Jackson moved the drill out of her reach.

“My dad taught me a lot, the house was easy, dealing with his death was the hard part, building the house just allowed me to do it. It allowed me to work through all of it.” Xander looked over at her, a smile crossed his face. She was listening to every word he was saying.

“I get that.” She motioned around the kitchen. “You get lost in the thou-ghts. And stuff happens, and you over-flowded a bakery and the kitchen, or billded a house. It’s easier to think thou-ghts when you’re doing something. It makes it easier to get through them when you has something else to focus on then jus the thou-ghts. They make more sense and you see the thou-ght for what it is. That being said, Harvey likes brownies and you betder take some with you or he’ll get sad.” Xander started laughing when she said that.

“Yes ma’am!” He replied as he finished with the sixth oven. Kenzi excused herself from the kitchen to get dessert boxes from the front so she could pack up some items for both Harvey and the boys at the hardware store and Jackson who hasn’t stopped drooling since he came in.

“We’re gonna be a fat pack” Xander commented when she left,

“Yup!” Jackson replied, grinning, “We gonna need to step up trainin.”

“Yup!” Xander replied,

“How Otis?” Jackson asked,

“Drooling on himself, why?” Xander asked,

“Jus askin!” Jackson replied. There was something about that girl that made them completely calm. Was it only when she was calm? What happens if she gets angry? Her get angry? Came Ko in his head. Don’t know!

The door in, the ovens in and both boys gone with dessert boxes full of treats Maggie, kicked her out of the bakery after she cleaned up the kitchen. Kenzi went to the flower shop with a box of desserts for Gerty and met some more new people, like Gage and Cage’s older sister Sage, but she didn’t say that it was cute that their names rhymed this time. She bought more flowers to replace the ones her wolf had picked for her. The thought was sweet, very sweet, but he didn’t leave much of the root and she doubted they would come back the next year. She picked up a little bit of groceries, with her music in she wandered around for a bit till she literally ran into Tyler around lunch.

“You ok Lil Kenzi?” He asked after he stopped laughing.

“Sorry Tyler, I didint mean to run right into you” She said, her teeth clenched. He helped her stay steady while she worked through the pain that shot up her back.

“No worries! What you doin?” He asked, taking her mind off the pain.

“Maggie kickded me out of the bakery….again.” She replied, she was taking deep breaths to help ease what she was going through.

“Out for a bit or out, out?” Tyler asked, as she righted herself.

“Out, out. I over-flowded the bakery….and the kitchen” Kenzi replied,

“Thinkin?” He walked beside her as she carried on down the sidewalk.

“Yeah, What are you doing?” She asked, looking at him.

“Goin for lunch, you wanna join me?” Tyler offered,

“You wouldint mind?” She asked,

“No, I like hangin out wit you,” Tyler replied. Her nose wrinkled as the pink blush spread across her face.

“I like hanging out with you too. Can I has my fries this tine?” She asked,

“I give you some,” Tyler replied, laughing at her little huff as they entered the diner.

They were sitting at the table talking and laughing as their food arrived. When the waitress started glaring at her, Tyler sent her away. He wasn’t having any of that, his Luna was having fun and no bitch was going to wreck that. As they ate and spoke, her question popped into her head. She’s tried to ask but keeps getting interrupted.

“How did you know?” She blurted, as she looked at Tyler from across the table.

“How I know what?” Confusion crossed his face, as he stared back at her.

“How did you know when you were ready?” She asked,

“Ready for….oh….OH….um….oh” His eyes widened, the question caught him by surprise. When he realized what she was talking about and then it sunk in that she was that innocent, he wasn’t sure what to say.

“Ev-vry-one says you know when you know, but no one says how you’re pose to know” Tyler put his burger down, when he realized what was going on. His Luna was a virgin and he was going to get to have a big brother talk. We don’t get to has the big brother talk! No Bal, we get the big brother talk! Relax, Tyler. It be fine! We can do this! We can be a big brother! The fuck I posed to say? What Jackass say?

“It different for everone Kenzi. Um….I only slep wit one girl an that my wife. I wasn’t ready, until I was. Don’t get me wron, I did other stuff wit other girls, but not that.” Tyler looked at her, she was chewing her bottom lip. That not the answer her want! I don’t know what I doin! How you know? My brain stop sayin no! Tell her that! Thanks Bal!

“Ok, um….I not use to givin big brother talks, I get them, cause I the youngest, but I do my bes. Um….it’s complicated, you can’t jus be ready physically. Yur brain has to be on the same page. Yur body lie to you, it tell you it ready, but yur brain still sayin no, then you not ready. You only listen to yur body an yur brain sayin no, you gonna regret it, an end up hatin yurself an the other person. When yur brain stop sayin no, you ready, listen to yur brain.” She thought about what he said, it made sense. If she’s still saying no, then she’s not ready to have sex. When she stops saying no, then she’s ready.

“Hope that help,” Tyler went back to eating his burger.

“It did, thanks. You might not be used to giving big brother talks, but you’re really good at it.” She said,

“Thanks Kenzi. Jackass, a good big brother, he took care of me, long as I can member. He gave me the talks all the time” Tyler said.

“I know this is not how you get a big brother, but you could be mine” She said.

“Yeah, I like that. Yeah, I be yur big brother” Tyler said, looking from his plate to her. He’s always wanted to be a big brother but after thirteen kids his parents never wanted anymore.

“Can I has my fries now?” She asked,

“No, eat yur burger” Tyler replied, laughing again at her huff.

Her mind was more at ease after talking to Tyler. She tried going back to the bakery but Maggie told her no and sent her home. Now kneeling in front of her garden she was digging small holes to plant her new flowers. With one less thing to think about, her mind kept bringing her back to the one topic she was doing everything to avoid. Baking didn’t help, her music didn’t help. Adonis was a good distraction, but she could only fantasize so much. Kenzi knew she had to think about it. Teagan lied to her. Teagan has lied to her twice.

“How many more tines has she lied to me?” Why do people lie? What good was it to lie? Does it really make you feel betder? Cause it makes the person feel bad when they find out they’ve been lied to! The more she thought the more upset she became. Kenzi started pulling at all her memories trying to figure out how many times Teagan has lied to her. Was it a lie, when she said they were in it together? Teagan always said that. Then Kenzi would get in trouble and Teagan was nowhere around. It was a lie when Teagan said she’d never lie to her. Teagan made her keep things a secret, saying she would get in worse trouble if she ever told. Kenzi didn’t want more trouble so she kept her mouth shut. Looking at the cuffs on her wrists she now wondered if that was a lie as well. The more she thought, the more and more upset she became. She felt hot and flushed, and not in a good way, she didn’t like it.


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