The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 34: I’m Mad!

“Hello my gorgeous tiny dancer, how are you?” His liquid silk voice filled the line when Kenzi picked up, sending a small ripple through her.

“I think, I think I’m mad, no I am, I’m mad. I’m mad!” She didn’t like what she was feeling. She wasn’t happy and she didn’t like it, the more mad she got the more flustered and hot she felt.

“You’re mad? Why are you mad?” He was growing concerned at the sound of her voice, she sounded rather confused and uncertain by what she was feeling. Anger might not be an emotion she feels a lot! I don’t think so!

“Because I’m mad!” She huffed

“You’re mad because you’re mad or just mad?” His concern for her growing more and more into agitation at the state she was feeling.

“I’m mad cause I’m mad and I don’t like it. I don’t like being mad, and I’m mad and I don’t like it and the thou-ght won’t stop thinking” She was growing more and more agitated, and flustered by the minute.

“Ok sweetheart, what’s going on? Why are you….what made you mad in the first place?” This was the hole conversation all over again, if he didn’t ask the right questions it would take awhile to get to the root of why she was mad.

“I was kickded out of the bakery cause I was thinking and made to much stuff and Maggie said to get my baking behind out and I was thinking and then I talkded to Tyler and he helpded me with that thou-ght that I was thinking and now I’m not thinking boud that thou-ght no more and Maggie still wouldint let me back in the bakery, she said no, go home. So I went home and I’m gardening and I starded thinking boud a uther thou-ght and the more I thou-ght the thou-ght the more upset I getded and now I’m mad. I’m mad and the thou-ght won’t stop, it won’t go away and I’m mad now and I don’t like it, I don’t like it at all.” What? I have know idea what she just said, but she’s mad and she doesn’t like it!

“What thought made you mad?” He asked.

“She lied to me! She lied to me and now I’m mad. She lied, she lied and it’s not the first tine she lied. How many more tines did she lie to me? I’ve had the thou-ght in my head for days, and I won’t think it, but I can only fa-fan-tasize so much and now I’m thinking the thou-ght and I don’t like it, she lied to me. She lied when she said I didint has any friends. She lied when she said people only wanded some-thing from me. She lied when she said she would never lie to me. She lied and I don’t know why she lied, and I don’t know how many tines she lied, but she had to has lied before right? She lied before? Do you think she lied before? How many tines has she lied?” The more upset she became, the more upset he became.

“I’m on my way home” He wasn’t going to ask what she was fantasizing about, though he was highly intrigued.

“I’ll make dinner” And she disconnected the call. What the fuck just happened? I guess we’re getting dinner! We’re getting dinner at home, so when do we move in? Odin we’re not moving in! You said we were coming home and she said she’ll make dinner, sounds like moving in to me! I don’t think she knows what she just said! Get off your ass, we’re going home!

Adonis was getting faster at the drive, but then pressing the pedal the whole way will do that. He made it back to town in under an hour and a half and was standing on her porch. Kenzi had the door open before he even finished knocking.

“She lied!” From the tips of her pointy ears to her bare feet was red. She looked like a little volcano ready to blow.

“Sweetheart!” He went to reach out for her but she moved away too quickly and was already back inside her house. Stepping inside there was nothing, no heavenly aroma of anything. He saw all the ingredients on the counter but nothing was prepared.

“I didint make dinner, I couldint make dinner. I couldint focus and nothing came to me. There is no dinner cause the thou-ght won’t stop, it won’t stop and I’m mad and there’s no dinner and I don’t like it, I don’t like it” She was pacing back and forth across the floor between the kitchen and the living room.

“Ok sweetheart!” He crossed the room and pulled her into his arms. This thought of hers was eating her alive and if she wasn’t able to deal with it she was going to have a breakdown. Maybe this is why she doesn’t like to get mad? She clearly doesn’t handle anger well.

Sitting them down on the couch he pulled her into his lap and held her close to him. Running his hands gently up and down her back, he started taking deep calming breaths in hopes that she would copy his actions. Clutching tightly to his shirt, she did start to mimic the breaths he was taking. Straddling his waist she pressed more into him as she cuddled closer, finding solace in his embrace.

“Do you think she’s lied to me before?” She asked, her voice small, laced with pain.

“Yes I do!” Start small! “Was she the one that told you, you couldn’t cook, or bake?” He asked,

“Yes. And she said I can’t sing. To hear me would be an ass-ass….would be bad for anyone’s ears” She replied.

“That’s a lie sweetheart. You have four fans that live beside you that say otherwise.” He brushed the hair from her face, the colour turning more normal as she began to calm down. “What else do you think she’s lied about?”

“Ev-ry-ev-ry-thing. I think she’s lied boud ev-rything” She didn’t want to say it, she didn’t want it to be true. It meant everything was a lie. “She said we were in it together, then I’d get in troub-ble for some-thing and Teagan was nowhere to be finded. If we were in it together, then how come she was nev-er there? How come she wasn’t getding in troub-ble with me? How come she wasn’t getding pun….punis….?” Her voice dropped there for a minute as she fought with the word. Adonis bit back the growl Odin wanted to release when she said she was punished. “I don’t think we were in it together at all. That doesint sound like we were, does that sound like we were?” He shook his head, as she looked up at him.

Everything is a lot!” He said when he did finally speak, keeping the movements of his hands going, as long as she was calm she could process her thoughts better, when her heart rate would pick up he resumed the deep breathing and she’d copy him.

“Is there a way to know? Is there a way to know what she lied boud? I want to know, I want to know if all she did was lie, if anything she said was true. Is there a way?” She asked looking up at him,

“There is a way, but it would mean looking into your past, digging up everything. Are you sure that is something you want to do?” He asked. Quiet for a moment, she was lost in her ocean of thoughts, everything would come out, everything would be exposed, the truths, the secrets she’s kept, but the lies she was told as well. She would know, she would know if she lived her life in a lie. She would know for certain if everything was a lie, she based her whole life around it. If it was all a lie, then her life was a lie as well.

“I has to know. I livded my life on what Teagan said. If she lied, then my life is a lie too.” She replied, she tried to fight them back, but her eyes welled up and the tears slipped down.

“No sweetheart, no! Your life is not a lie, it could never be a lie. You made a life for yourself despite the lies you were told. You used those lies to build a strong future for yourself, to push yourself to be better in every way. You didn’t let them stop you or hold you back.” He held her tighter to him as the tears continued to fall and soak his shirt.

“There’s su-some-thing wrong with me” she whispered,

“No sweetheart, that’s another lie. There is nothing wrong with you. At dinner the other night, Jordan let it slip that Teagan may be the one responsible for that lie. You were giving so many disadvantages and look at what you’ve done, look at all you’ve accomplished. If there was something wrong with you, could you have done all that?” He asked,

“Why did she do it?” Kenzi asked,

“Maybe jealousy, maybe you shine too bright. Maybe she was afraid of being left behind. That’s something only Teagan can answer for sure. Tyler can look for the answers you want to know, but are you sure you want to do this? There will be no going back if you do. Once you know there will be no undoing it.” He asked again, they had what she was looking for. They had the answers she wanted, but he needed to make sure it was what she actually wanted.

“Yes!” Kissing her head he wrapped his arms more around her. He didn’t know which way this would go for her, once she knew. It would either piss her off or destroy her. They would start at the beginning, with the biggest lie Teagan told her, the one that started it all, the death of her parents.

“Ok sweetheart, I’ll talk to Tyler and get him to look into it. It’ll take some time, but you’ll get your answers.” She nodded her head, but never said a word. Neither made a move to get off the couch, he just wanted to hold her and she just wanted to be held.

Maybe if she slept more, she would have processed it better! Even with sleep I don’t think she would have processed it well! Why? Anger is a powerful emotion! You’re telling me! I don’t think anger is one she feels all that often, if at all! How can she not feel anger? I don’t know but I don’t think she does, which is why it overwhelmed her! Since the day he met her that is one emotion he has never seen nor felt from her, her whole history during their lesson it was not one word that was used to describe her. It never came up, at all, and she has every reason to be angry. Life dealt her a hand and she’s handled everything with a grain of salt and a smile on her face. What about sadness? She was taught not to feel that, she would be a burden if she did! She feels it now though! Because we are showing her it’s ok to not be ok!

Her calmness surrounded him, washed over him, Odin quieted down in his head. His day wiped from him, the anger he felt when Eric called, seemed like a distant memory. The anger he felt at himself for his loss of control this morning, gone. All that was left was a calm soothing comfort, his mate in his arms, her head on his chest and the steady sound of her breathing. He had to check to see if she was still awake, she hadn’t moved in a few minutes and Kenzi wasn’t one to be still for long periods of time. She blinked her sparkling silver eyes at him, and he smiled. Hooking his finger under her chin he lifted her face and his lips brushed across hers.

“I didn’t get a kiss.” Her smile spread across her face as she brushed her’s back. When she did it again he captured them. She was not going to tease him with that oh so tempting full bodied crimson pout of hers and not have him take what he fantasized about all day.

He kept it as just a kiss, he didn’t let his hands roam, that’s what got him into trouble this morning. He wanted to though, he wanted to let them roam her body, he wanted to elicit moans from her perfect little mouth, taste her flesh. Have her pressed against him, arching into him as he pushed into her. He wanted it, he wanted it so badly, but he behaved himself. He kept his hands in one spot, afraid if he moved them he would lose himself again. When they finally parted, he never pulled away from her. Their lips stayed close, brushing each other as they spoke.

“Hello sweetheart,” he spoke, his voice husky and low,

“Hi,” her’s soft as a whisper, “Do you still want dinner? I promisded I’d cook”

“I didn’t come home because you promised to cook. I came because you were upset, and I wanted to be here for you. You are important to me, how you’re feeling is important to me.” She pressed her lips to his, but it was when her hand cupped his cheek that he was taken by surprise. He leaned into her kiss, into her hand, into her. Electricity coursed through him, the inferno inside blazing wild, but he still managed to maintain his control, even with his hand now resting across her backside. She was getting bolder, braver, he still had much to teach her and he was looking forward to the lessons.

“You nev-er answerded, do you still want dinner?” She said when the kiss broke apart.

“Dinner would be perfect. This doesn’t count towards the six you still owe me. I will collect that debt Ms. Templeton” He replied, causing her to giggle.

“Speaking of those dinners, what don’t you like?” She asked, cuddling back into his chest. Grassy twigs and mush of death!

“I am not a fan of asparagus or polenta,” he replied,

“I don’t like those ei-ther,” She said.

“As long as you’re cooking it, I’ll eat it” He said,

“Be careful Mr. Bradshaw that can get you into troub-ble, I could serve you chicken brain” She said giggling.

“And I’d happily eat it. If anyone can make chicken brain taste good, it would be you” he watched her nose wrinkle and the blush spread across her cheeks.

Adonis left after a few more minutes of cuddling on the couch with her, to get cleaned up. He was coming back over for dinner at six. She needed to get her flowers finished, cleaned up and dinner started. He left her with a big smile on her face singing along to whatever song was playing in her head. Her mind was at ease and she was her happy Kenzi self. Walking into his house he was greeted with Tyler, sitting on the couch deep in thought.

“Something on your mind Tyler?” He asked as he shut the door.

“Yeah!” Since his talk with Kenzi in the diner, he had another conversation going in his head. He and Bal were bouncing it around and it sounded pretty good at the time, but now face to face with his Alpha he wasn’t entirely certain how it was going to go for him.

“Why don’t you try it and find out” Tyler looked up at him then back down at the coffee table and nodded his head. Adonis sat in one of the chairs and waited for him. Tyler stood up from the couch and paced for a bit, before he turned back to Adonis.

“Don’t push her, her not ready!” He blurted. Adonis’s eyebrows rose as he looked at his Delta. “Kenzi an I had a conversation in the diner. Her wanna know how I know I was ready. I toll her. Her not ready, her brain still tellin her no. So don’t push her” Tyler said,

“Delta protects his Luna” Adonis replied, nodding, he found out she’s a virgin and he’s feeling protective of her.

“Big brother protect his lil sister” Tyler countered looking at him.

“Are you having the big brother talk with me?” Adonis asked curiously, he was fighting the smile that wanted to spread across his face. What’s going on? Our little mate asked Tyler to be her big brother!

“Yeah! Her don’t has a big brother, so her ask me an I say yes.” Tyler replied. She’s building a family! Cause her sister’s a succubitch!

“The talk is usually backed up by a threat.” Adonis encouraged him to continue his talk. It was important to him that he do this, his mate asked him to be her big brother, Tyler willingly said yes and he had to respect the bravery his Delta was showing in this moment to protect his sister.

“You an I both know I can’t break you, even wit the help of Jackass an Ko, but I can destroy you financially. We both know I can do that.” Tyler answered,

“You’d come at me financially?” Tyler nodded, “I consider myself warned.”

“Warn of what?” Jackson asked as he walked into the living room.

“Tyler just had the big brother talk with me on Kenzi’s behalf. If I push her into something she’s not ready for, he’s going to destroy me financially.” Adonis answered. Elijah too had entered the room. Jackson looked at him then back at Adonis.

“Now that Tyler broke the ice, you hurt her. I break you in two” Jackson said, Tyler looked at him. “Brother protects his sister. Her family”

“Elijah?” Seems his ranks might be on the same page they were just waiting for one to start the conversation.

“From a legal standpoint,” he replied.

He continued to sit there, and stare at his ranks, never uttering one word. Debating on which way he wanted to take this, he could be upset, he could take heads, he could yell, growl, show them why you don’t threaten The Devil, but if he had to be truthful with himself, he wasn’t feeling angry or insulted. His ranks without being told or asked took it upon themselves to look at her like family. The protective instincts they have over her are not because she is their Luna, but because she is their sister. It’s time she meets the others, Odin! Damn it!

“Sit down, all of you” He spoke. One by one they took their seats Jackson and Tyler on the couch and Elijah in the only other chair in the living room. They shared looks before they turned their attention to their Alpha.

“I consider myself warned on all accounts. I will not push her, rush her, or force her into something she is not ready for. I will not hurt her in any way. I applaud your bravery and commend you for taking it upon yourselves to look upon her as family, but the threats of destroying me physically, financially or legally are not needed. You all know as well as I do, that should I do anything to her the damage I will do to myself will be way worse than anything any of you could do.” They all looked at him, nodding their heads. They knew he was right, he would destroy himself if he was responsible for any pain caused to her.

“We know, still made us feel better to say it” Jackson replied, Tyler and Elijah nodding in agreement.

“Now that you all….feel better, there is something I want you all to do,” Adonis said, “I want you to introduce your other halves to her.” He thought for sure one of them was going to break their neck with how fast heads whipped in his direction.

“The fuck?” Jackson asked wide eyed.

“The more she sees the more she’ll accept. She has accepted Odin, now she needs to see that there are others just like him, and they don’t mean any harm. Should she happen to cross one, on her ventures through the woods, she won’t be alarmed by their presence.” Adonis explained, he could see hesitation on Jackson and Tyler’s face, but it was down right fear on Elijah’s.

“Relax Elijah, I am not asking for Asmodeus to meet her on his own. She is his Luna, trust him he might surprise you. Ko and Bal will be there to keep him in line.” Elijah just nodded his head.

“That make sense, you wanna do this tonight?” Jackson asked,

“Tomorrow, we have dinner plans tonight, and you three are not invited.” Adonis got up from his chair, heading for upstairs, he had a bit of time to get ready before he went for dinner.

“That bullshit. You already get six dinners. The fuck you need another one?” Jackson huffed,

“Because she is my mate and not yours. Because after her conversation with Tyler and helping with whatever thought she was thinking, another thought popped into her head. One that has been there since the disaster of a dinner where she got pimped out by her bitch of a sister. And she got mad, it overwhelmed her and now she wants the truth.” Adonis said as he moved up the next few steps.

“Truth? Truth bout what?” Tyler asked,

“Why the sister lied and how many more times she lied to her” Elijah answered. “Kenzi’s not stupid. Far from it. She is quite intelligent. She was given nothing but disadvantages in life and look at everything she’s accomplished with no education to speak of, just what she’s picked up. Now imagine where she would be if she was given the same advantages as everyone else.” He added, when the others looked at him.

“She thinks Teagan has lied to her about everything, and she has, we have the answers she’s looking for.” Adonis said,

“You wanna tell her?” Jackson looked to Tyler and then back to Adonis.

“Slowly, I told her Tyler can find the information, but only if that’s what she really wants. She does, she wants to know. Now that she’s thinking about it, it’s eating at her. She’s lived her life in a lie, now she thinks the life she built is one as well.” Adonis replied.

“Which one you gonna start wit?” Jackson asked.

“The one that started it all, her parent’s death. She was told it was her fault.” Adonis replied, the room fell silent, no one had anything to say to that. He finished climbing the stairs and headed to his room. The weight of his decision was heavy on his mind. That lie alone, would unravel everything. She needs to know! I know! She needs to know that the succubitch tried to kill her that day! I’m not sure about that! The succubitch pushed her down an embankment and left her there. Would you want to know? Not if I didn’t know! The succubitch tried multiple times, that we know of! She doesn’t need to know! Until she finds out! What do you mean? Lil Button put the lies together in two days, how long will it take her to figure out she tried to kill her as well? FUCK!

Her mind free and clear from any and all thoughts, Kenzi was dancing around her kitchen after her shower. She had the perfect supper planned and she was in the process of preparing it. Slow roasted rosemary and garlic potatoes, with a lemon ginger honey glazed chicken breast and sauteed butter and herb carrots. The aromas that filled her kitchen, had her bubbling with excitement, it came to her in the shower. She wasn’t sure how it was all going to blend together, but it all sounded delicious. Then again she’s also had porkchop and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner and thought that was good and fries go with everything.

“No, it’ll be fine. Smells good. And if it fails we can has pizza” She was talking to herself, lost in the conversation when a hard rap came to her front door. Her head snapped in that direction. That was not Adonis’s knock. She stood frozen in place and when it came again harder and louder than before, panic ripped through her. Her hands started to shake, the only one that hit the door like that was….Adam! If she doesn’t answer the door, he’ll go away. He’ll go away, if he thinks I’m not home! Her car was in the driveway, music was coming from her house and if the boys next door could smell her cooking then Adam could as well. He knows I’m home!

“Nuts! He knows I’m here, but he’ll go away if I don’t answer. Please let him go away if I don’t answer” She had not taken her eyes off the front door and the pounding grew louder and more persistent.

I KNOW YOU’RE HOME” He started yelling, from the other side of the door. “OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, KENZI!” Her whole body started to shake and she could feel her legs beginning to buckle. His muffled curses came from outside and when he started jiggling the door handle her heart rate picked up. He’s trying to get in, what if he gets in? What’s she supposed to do? What’s she supposed to do if someone is at the door and they’re trying to get in? Her mind was drawing a blank, she had nothing, but a paralyzing fear that if he gets in and finds her, she’s dead. Swallowing hard, she looked around the room and landed on the back door, she could go out the back and get to Adonis. If she can get there she’ll be safe. Turning off all her burners and oven she listened for the front door. Nothing, no sound, no muttering, no curses, no jiggling door knob. Maybe he left, maybe he went home. No, don’t feel safe, get to Adonis then feel safe! She moved quickly towards the back door, but when she saw a shadow move across her backyard, she fell backwards as she slid to a stop. Breathing hard and fighting the pain that was ravaging her back, she watched the shadow move closer to the house. She did the only thing she could think to do, she grabbed her phone and hid under a bed in one of her spare rooms. She would wait till it was safe then she’d call for help.

Jammed at the farthest end under the bed. Kenzi had her mouth covered to control the sound of her heavy breathing and tiny whimpers. Pain was shooting up her back, but she had no time to deal with it. He was in the house, he was looking for her. His heavy foot falls on the floor outside the bedrooms echoed in her head and she was doing everything to not cry out everytime he yelled her name.

“KENZI!” She shut her eyes not knowing why the thought of not seeing him, meant he couldn’t see her popped into her head.

“Come out Kenzi! I just want to talk!” Liar!

“I won’t hurt you!” Liar, liar! He was angry and all he did when he was angry was hurt her.

KENZI!” She muffled the cry that escaped as best she could and prayed he didn’t hear it. When she heard him move towards what she thought was the stairs she pulled out her phone and dialed the first number that came up.

“Hey sweetheart, I’m just finishing getting ready I’ll be there in four minutes” His voice came on the line and she couldn’t help the tears that slipped from her eyes. This might be the last time she heard him speak, she could be dead in four minutes.

“He’s in the house” She whispered, “Adam is in the house and he’s angry, really angry, Please! Plea….AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH….”

Who the fuck are you calling?SMACK!

Adonis was standing in his closet, he was fresh out of the shower wearing a pair of well worn faded blue jeans. He was just about to grab a shirt when his phone went off on his dresser. Grabbing the first shirt he exited the closet and a smile played across his lips when he saw the caller ID. His little mate was impatient to see him and was calling to make him hurry up. Best not keep her waiting any longer!

“Hey sweetheart, I’m just finishing getting ready I’ll be there in four minutes” When all he heard was shaky breathing on the other end and what sounded like a muffled cry, panic flared up in him.

“He’s in the house” Tears laced her hushed voice, her fear swirling around him through the phone. “Adam is in the house and he’s angry, really angry, Please! Plea ….AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH….” The blood curdling scream ripped through the line, he was forced to pull the phone from his ear at the sound. When he placed it back, his breath caught at the voice he heard, but it was what came next that boiled his blood.

Who the fuck are you calling?SMACK!! ….AHHHHHHHH…. SMACK!! CRASH!! SMASH!!

You fucking bitch you’re dead” His phone hit the floor and he was out of the room. THUD! Skipping the stairs he hit the landing on the bottom hard, but was out the door before the others could say anything. They were right behind him, their Alpha was livid and someone was going to die tonight.

Not even pausing on the porch Adonis broke through the door to Kenzi’s house. Adam was standing in the living room a nasty gash down the left side of his face. Grabbing the man he threw him to his waiting ranks who were snarling at the door at the sight of him.

KILL IT!” He ordered. ….noooooooo…. The sound of Adam screaming filled the night, and Adonis started his search for his mate. He had to calm himself so he could focus better. Standing in the middle of her living room he listened. He just needed one sound, something he could use as a beacon to find her. She was terrified, her fear filled the room coming in from every direction, pooling around him, filling him, intensifying the anger and rage he felt. Odin howled for vengeance in his head, then he heard it. Thu-thump Thu-thump Thu-thump! Her heart beat, her rapid heart beat, sending him a signal, a direction to follow. Thu-thump Thu-thump Thu-thump! Following the sound he ended up in her backyard. Thu-thump Thu-thump Thu-thump! The sound echoed from everywhere. Looking over the whole yard he couldn’t find her. Seeing the planter she hid under the first night she met Odin, he prayed that’s where she was. Dropping his bare chest to the ground he peered under the planter and there he saw wide fearful silver eyes staring back at him. Her body trembled as she was pressed tight against the stone wall. Blood poured from her nose and her split lip, but even after seeing him she made no move to come out.

“He’s gone sweetheart, he’s gone. He’s not coming back….ever!” Adonis spoke to her, but she still didn’t move. Fear had her paralyzed to that spot. He wasn’t even sure she could hear him over her heartbeat. He wasn’t even sure she was seeing him, though she was looking right at him. Get her out of there! Odin screamed. Getting as close to the planter as he could, he reached under and touched her hand. ….ahhhhhhhh…. Her startled scream had him pulling back slightly, but he reached for her again.

“Sweetheart, look at me, look at me. I’m right here. Focus on me, focus on my voice” Her eyes darted to him, and this time she latched onto his hand, but still made no move to come out from under the planter.

“I know sweetheart, I know you’re scared. I’m right here, I’m right here. I got you, I’m here.” Still she stayed in place, she would not leave the safety of the small space.

“He’s gone! He won’t hurt you. Not anymore, not ever again.” Holding tight to her hand as gently and slowly as he could he slid her towards him. When he had her clear of the planter box, he gathered her into his arms and carried her out of there. He would assess the damage at his house, and call Doctor Martin to come take a look at her.

“The fuck the plan?” Tyler asked, he kept checking the rearview mirror, looking for any signs of trouble. Adam was out cold in the back seat, after Elijah pinched some part of his neck and he dropped like a sack to the ground.

“If he ends up dead by human hands you two are the first people they will look at. You both have had altercations with him, you recently threw him through a window” Elijah replied, directing the last part towards Tyler.

“Thank Goddess, the fuck nut drive a truck” Jackson wanted to kill him right there and wasn’t happy that Elijah had stopped him.

“The fuck the plan? We can’t drive roun wit him” Tyler repeated,

“Grizzly!” Jackson replied,

“Yogi?” Tyler looked at his brother,

“Yogi!” He nodded. “Head left, they caves there.”

“Yogi? Explain and what the fuck is a yogi?” Elijah asked,

“We can’t attack him as humans, they come for us. We can’t attack him as wolves an blame a yogi. This BC they know a yogi attack from a wolf attack. They know wolf did it an big ones, they come lookin for us. Yogi” Jackson replied,

“What’s the plan?” Elijah asked, this was not sounding good to him.

“We gonna poke a yogi” Tyler replied,

“Poke a yogi?” Elijah looked at Tyler. What’s a yogi? Asmodeus asked.

“We gonna piss it off” Tyler explained,

“That’s your plan? You’re going to piss off a yogi?” Elijah sat back in the back seat running his hands through his hair. This was not a good plan, this did not sound like a good plan, this was not a well thought out plan. This was flying blind by the seat of their pants and he was not ok with this. The fuck is a yogi? Asmodeus asked again. Jackson said grizzly, not grisly….it’s a fucking bear. They’re going to piss off a bear! Not fair, I want to piss off a bear! NO! Why not? I don’t want to die!

“Not jus piss it off, we gonna make it hella mad. Push fuck nut in front of it an it rip him to pieces. Want to make it look like a yogi attack, get a yogi to attack. You should already know this, Tyler an I have a pension for pissin thins off. We good at it.” Jackson commented from the front seat.

“This is not the first time you two have done this?” It wasn’t really a question, more a statement but the pair of sadistic grins and swirling gold eyes that stared back at him in the rearview mirror gave him his answer.

Coming upon a clearing, not too far from the road, they pulled Adam’s truck to a stop. Jackson and Tyler surveyed the area while Elijah stayed with Adam at the truck. He was pacing back and forth when the brothers came back. Elijah did not like this plan, what kind of plan was it to piss off a bear so it can rip something to pieces. He was trying to come up with a better one, but the brothers were insistent this was the plan they were going with and there was no talking them out of it.

“Who got the phone?” Jackson asked,

“Me I got it” Tyler reached into his pocket and pulled out Adam’s phone. They went to open it but it needed a biometric print to unlock the screen.

“Son bitch, can’t make shit easy” Jackson grumbled as he opened the back door to the truck. Grabbing Adam’s hand they tested his fingerprints till one unlocked the phone, then threw him back in the truck.

“Easy on the damage, it’s not going to look like an accident, if he has fresh bruises on him” Elijah warned.

“What we need to do?” Tyler asked, scrolling through his messages. “This a naughty boy, he got three other girls. Wonder he beat ’em too?” He added, shaking his head.

“Oh! Judgin by these messages they givin him what he want, so prolly not” Jackson answered as he read some of them. “Send em a message sayin he gettin outta town a few days, he hit em up later” He added. Tyler worked on the messages, as Jackson looked at some of the trees in the area, trying to find the best ones to use for cover. Shouldn’t climb trees with bears, but you give them something else as a target to focus on, it buys you time to get away. He was also trying to figure the best way back to the house from here. They would have to walk, the truck had to stay behind.

“Done, now what?” Tyler asked,

“Gotta send one to Lil Kenzi Cakes too….her’s has to be aggressive” Jackson replied,

“I can’t, I can’t do that to her. I can’t, I can’t say the shit he say to her.” Tyler said, shaking his head, thrusting the phone into Jackson’s hands and backing up.

“Well I can’t say it, I text the way I talk” Jackson tried to give the phone back but Tyler wouldn’t accept it.

“I’ll do it” Elijah was already kicking himself for what he knew he had to do. Jackson handed him the phone and Elijah quickly read some of his previous messages to her. He was already cringing and he hadn’t even started typing. Taking a deep breath his thumbs moved across the surface of the phone. When he was done he handed it back, he couldn’t hit the send button.

“That cold!” was the only thing Jackosn could say when he read the message.

“Maybe we don’t have to send it, maybe the bear got him before he had a chance to send it, just leave the message open and turn the phone off. When they discover him they’ll check the messages and they’ll see it. She doesn’t need to see it.” Elijah offered. Jackson looked at Tyler who nodded and looked back at him. None of them wanted to send the message, it was cold and cruel and her last memory of him was bad enough she didn’t need to be put through anymore. Turning the phone off sounded good to them.

“Aight, Tyler you get up the tree, Eli you see me runnin an that yogi you push the fuck nut in the clearin, then get yur ass up that tree. Tyler grab me pull me up.” Jackson said, Elijah was shaking his head while Tyler was nodding then he stopped.

“I can’t pull you up. Yur ass too fat. I go, you pull me up” Tyler counterd, pointing at himself.

“No arguin Tyler, get yur fuckin ass in that tree” Jackson shot back,

“I faster than you big stupid, damn yogi eat you, it won’t want the fuck nut. It be ok Jackass, it be ok. You pull me up” Tyler again countered him. ….grrrrrr…. Jackson didn’t like this but Tyler was right, he was faster, lighter and would be easier to pull into the tree than he would be. Grabbing a hold of the back of his brother’s neck he brought their heads together, Tyler clasped the back of his.

“You fuckin run fast lil brother” Elijah watched on, this is a side of them he’s never seen.

“Yeah, I will. You stay strong brother, you don’t fall. You tell her, you don’t let her get los.” Tyler said.

“I won’t. I promise I take care of her” Jackson nodded in agreement.

“Keep her safe. Keep our sister safe” The sentiment in their voices had Elijah realizing there wasn’t anything the brothers wouldn’t do for one of their own.

“I will! Nuttin happen to her” Again Jackson agreed.

“Been a good twenty two years Jackson. Goddess bless we see twenty three”

“Goddess speed an we will, Tyler.” When they parted Tyler turned to Elijah.

“Been a blast Elijah. You a good guy. Sorry bout all the shit.”

“Yeah” With that said they watched Tyler run off into the woods. ....grrrrrrrr.... rang out through the night ....grrrrrrrr…. came the reply. Before Elijah could speak, Jackson did first.

“You see him runnin you push that son bitch into the clearin an get yur fancy suit wearin ass up that tree Elijah. You understand, I might lose one tonight but I ain’t losin two” Jackson looked at him, his eyes swirling gold.

“I understand! My fancy suit wearing ass will be up that tree” Elijah nodded in agreement. Lose one what? Asmodeus asked. What’s he losing?

Jackson up the tree waiting on Tyler, Elijah was standing on the ground. Adam had woken up and he was pleading with them to let him go.

“Just let me go. I won’t tell anyone I swear. I’ll leave town, never come back.” He was saying.

“You should have already left town….twice. You didn’t take the fair warnings given to you. But you’re right, you won’t tell anyone, anything, ever.” Elijah replied, he was watching for any signs of Tyler, but so far nothing, it was quiet.

“You can’t do this, this is murder” Adam cried.

“It’s only murder if they discover a body and find proof of foul play, until then you’re just a missing person. When they do discover your body, they won’t find foul play, just the victim of a bear attack. Your death will be ruled an accident. I hear it’s quite a grisly way to go. But don’t worry, nothing will happen to the bear, you’re stupid and provoked it, it simply defended itself.” Adam stared at Elijah wide eyed mouth open, he could hear Jackson laughing from the tree.

A rustling was heard from some bushes at the far end of the clearing, both Jackson’s and Elijah’s head snapped in that direction. Grabbing a hold of Adam by the back of his shirt he waited to see Tyler come running.

Get ready!” Jackson barked, he could feel his brother, he was moving fast. Come one Bal, you got this! Run faster brother! Releasing what energy he could, to help Bal move faster, Jackson held tight to the tree concentrating on Tyler.

“He comin!” Elijah readied himself. He had kicked off his shoes, Italian leather dress shoes were not good for climbing trees. Don’t fight me on this Asmodeus, we need to get into that tree! I ain’t getting eaten by no fucking yogi, we be up that tree! From the tree line they could see Tyler running towards them. He was moving fast and it was a good thing. The bear chasing him almost had him, when it took a swipe. A few more feet and Tyler stumbled. Jackson, about ready to jump out of the tree and come to his brother’s aid, stopped himself. Remembering his promise, he stayed where he was and offered whatever he could that would get his brother to safety.

Watching closely, Asmodeus screaming in his head to just push the son of a bitch already. Tyler needed to get clear, Adam was to be used as a distraction so Tyler could get up the tree to safety. The closer they came, the more worried he became, what if he pushed too soon. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr…. What if he pushed too late. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr…. Asmodeus shut up, let me focus or we’re all dead! ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr…. Closer and closer the bear came. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr…. Snarls and growls filled the clearing, getting louder and louder the closer it grew. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr…. Elijah’s eyes widened when he took in the full size and colour of the bear. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr…. Tyler went past him and Elijah pushed Adam hard into the path of the rampaging bear. What the hell did Tyler do to piss it off that much? He ran to the tree climbing as fast as he could as high as he could. Tyler jumped the last few feet to the tree with Jackson catching a hold of his wrist and pulling him up. The bear was shocked a little and stopped charging when Adam now stood in front of him.

“You ok?” Jackson asked, as both he and Tyler checked him over.

“Yeah! That damn thin jus bout had me twice” Tyler huffed and puffed as he replied.

“Is that a polar bear?” Elijah asked,

“The fuck you fine a polar yogi?” Jackson asked, looking at him.

“The woods,” Tyler replied, breathing hard. “They don’t….come…. from the mountains?”

“I thought they preferred colder climates” Elijah replied as they all looked at the polar bear now standing in the clearing, eyeing Adam.

“They get that big?” Jackson asked looking at Elijah,

“I don’t know!” He replied, shaking his head. “Why does it look utterly pissed off?” ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr….

“I hit it….wit a stick!” Tyler answered. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr….

“You hit it with a stick?” Elijah looked at Tyler. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr….

“I threw rocks firs an it ignore me. So I fine a stick an hit it, that got his attention, then I hit it again an that piss it off.” Tyler said, looking between his brother and Elijah. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr….

“You hit it with a stick twice?” Elijah looked back at the bear. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr…. It paced back and forth, growling and snarling. Adam was cowering on the ground, and they were pretty sure he pissed himself. ….rrRRrRRRrRRrr….

“What I posed to do….ask it? Say hey mister polar yogi sir you come wit me for a sec I need you to eat somein that like to beat on girls. How that go for me?” Tyler huffed. They all stayed quiet waiting to see what the polar bear was going to do. It circled Adam, but wasn’t too interested in eating him. It looked towards the trees they were hiding in, then back at Adam. Almost like it was weighing its options, go for the easy kill on the ground, or one of them in the trees.

“Can it climb trees?” Tyler asked looking at Elijah

“I don’t know” Elijah hadn’t taken his eyes off the bear.

“The fuck you mean you don’t know?” Jackson looked back at the bear, it was just standing there.

“Yeah! You smart, the fuck don’t you know?” Tyler asked, turning his attention back to the bear..

“Because I don’t. The extent of my knowledge on polar bears is they like the cold and they’re an apex predator, that’s it. Ask me about the law, I can tell you the charter of rights and freedoms. Why the hell don’t you two know?” Elijah snapped back.

“If Lil Kenzi Cakes here her know.” Tyler spoke. The name seemed to perk the bear’s attention.

“If Kenzi was here she would also know that we tried feeding her ex to it” Elijah spoke.

“You tell me that son bitch don’t deserve to be eaten by a yogi after what he did to her.” Jackson barked back.

“We might wanna move further up the tree, it twelve feet tall” Tyler chimed in,

“Yeah. Eli get yur ass higher up” Jackson ordered,

“Yeah! Stay closer to the trunk, the branches get thinner the higher up you go.” Elijah replied.

“Sure, know bout trees, but not polar yogis” Tyler huffed, shaking his head. Elijah just ignored him. He could have fired something back at him about hitting the damn thing with a stick but kept his comment to himself.

“I don’t think it gonna eat him,” Jackson stated as the bear continued to pace back and forth.

“Damn it! I ain’t gonna fine another yogi, we jus fine another way to kill Adam.” Tyler said. Again the name seemed to perk the bear’s ears, it was like he was listening to them debating what he was planning on doing. Adam had begun to calm down. The bear had not made any move to harm him. He started to back away. His movements were slow, and deliberate. He was going to get out of there. He was going to survive the night in one piece and not be a meal for the polar bear, and then he was getting the fuck out Blackwoods. The boys in the trees felt a little defeated; they were certain this was going to work. It worked in the past. Find the yogi, piss the yogi off and then the yogi kills whatever they push in its path. Effective. Not tonight it seemed.

“How many times have you two done this?” Elijah asked, making himself a little more comfortable in the tree. They weren’t going anywhere for a while, it appeared.

“Four or five,” Tyler answered.

“It effective. You need a problem solve, feed it to a yogi. This the firs time we done it wit a polar yogi” Jackson added,

“Now we know why. Polar yogi’s don’t like fuck nuts” Tyler interjected huffing, causing Jackson to laugh.

“You’ve done this four or five times? Does Alpha Adonis know?” Elijah asked,

“Not the particulars, but he know, he jus don’t ask” Jackson said.

“You think we can feed the bitch sister to a yogi. I ain’t gonna go poke one again, but we tie a pork chop roun her neck an shove her into a cave. Might work, lotta caves to try” Jackson cracked up laughing harder.

“Might want to try something a little bloodier than a pork chop, like fresh kill venison. Something it’s used to eating” Elijah replied,

“Oh! I think chick fillet wanna play the game” Tyler piped up, as he too got more comfortable in the tree.

“How long you think he gonna wait for?” Jackson asked,

“Don’t know, but that fuck nut gonna get away while we stuck up the fuckin tree” Tyler replied,

“Well we can always try the venison around the neck with fuck nut, if it works on him it’ll work on the bitch.” Elijah said,

“Hey Eli, I ask you somein?”

“Sure, Tyler”

“Those monkey’s on yur socks?” Tyler asked, trying not to laugh.

“Don’t make fun of my socks, Tyler” Jackson started laughing,

“You got monkey’s on yur boxers too?” That really got Jackson laughing. Maybe they bananas! Bal was howling in his head.

“That bear should have eaten you!” Elijah huffed, trying to hide his laughter.

“You know I’m gonna give you shit bout this, right?” Tyler had cracked up laughing.


The roar echoed through the clearing and all eyes snapped towards it. The bear charged towards Adam, who had moved far enough away that he was almost at his truck.

….ahhHHHhhHHH….gurgle….gurgle…. THUD!

“Holy fuck!” Tyler exclaimed, as they all stared in shock as the bear brought down one sharp clawed paw across Adam’s face. The next one took his head clean from his body. They sat there in the tree watching as the carnage unfolded on the clearing floor. The bear didn’t eat him, but they weren’t certain that when his body was discovered they would find all of him.

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