The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 32: A Fuckin Trash Panda!

After his shower Adonis was standing in his room looking out his window towards Kenzi’s house. How’s she still here? The question ran through his mind and he did not have an answer for it. She should have been dead a half dozen times. How that succubitch still breathing? We didn’t know how bad it was! Now that we do! I don’t think we’re done knowing! I don’t want to know anymore! I do! The succubitch needs to die, what more is there to know! How brutal we need to make her death! Rip her to pieces! No Odin, something much more grisly! I only know ripping things to pieces! I think drawn out torture, make her beg for death over and over only to deny her request everytime! That sounds fun! Waterboarding, electrocution, breaking bones, pulling finger and toe nails and teeth, playing with different frequencies till her ears bleed, sleep deprivation. Six tortures for the six times we could have lost her that we know about! Yeah, let’s do that! I’m sure we can think of more….just for the fun of it! We only know of five though! I rounded up, like to keep things even! Don’t fuck with The Devil! Don’t fuck with what’s ours! I want our mate! We’ll see if she’s still up after our history lesson! He wasn’t even going to fight Odin on this one. He wanted her too. He wanted to hold her in his arms all night and not let go. He needed to.

Heading back downstairs Adonis retook his seat in the living room. Jackson and Tyler dropped a couple pizzas on the coffee table and handed out drinks. He looked out the window towards her house and wondered if she ate anything. Her dinner at the restaurant was ruined when the drinks were spilled and she didn’t get to eat much of it, if she got any at all.

“Teagan adopt at ten on the insistence of her sister, got the life Kenzi shoulda got. The family kep her an her got the best of the best. Spoilt, pampered, ever whim indulged. College, cars, clothes, you name it that girl got it. Her kep tabs on her sister an the more crap Kenzi went through, the happier her was. Sick an fuckin twisted! Mrs. Barry the only one that ever say somein wron wit her. Everone else believe the lie an bullshit that came out her mouth. Talk to the family lawyer, now tell me this legal or not. The parents not loaded, but they had money an it set up in a trust. When they came of age they got it. The cash, the properties all of it. They had a cabin in the woods, condo in the right city, an a house right here in Blackwoods. When Teagan turn nineteen her became the….what that fancy term that control the will?” Tyler asked.

“Executor females are an executrix” Elijah replied.

“Her became the….executrix. The will state that all assets be divide equally between the two. Because Teagan was nineteen her was of legal age to has hers. Kenzi not, hers posed to go into a trust. Teagan sold everthin an kep it all.” Tyler said,

“That is not legal!” Elijah said.

“How much?” Adonis asked,

“$4.8 million” Tyler answered. Adonis looked at him then to Elijah, who held out his hand for the files. “$2.4 of that was posed to go to Kenzi. $0 went to Kenzi. $50 say her don’t even know bout it” Tyler went on as he handed the file to Elijah.

“The Lawyer took care of all the legal proceedings and everything that dealt with the death. It was just the money that needed to be taken care of. He kept it all in one trust and let it grow and kept the properties intact, they were placed in both their names and taxes were paid on them annually. He had someone come in to keep them cleaned and habitable should either of them want one to live in. This is all very legal and expected when two small children are left as beneficiaries.” Elijah said as he went through the files. When he came to three contracts at the back of the file he paused and took a closer look at them.

“She signed her right to the properties away, that is definitely not legal. Kenzi would have been fourteen at the time, she would have needed a guardian present with her to sign these documents. Their signatures should be on them as witnesses. The sales of the properties are illegal.” Elijah spoke.

“See told you Eli make that make sense. That why he wear the fancy suits.” Jackson said, motioning towards Elijah. “You owe me $50. We had to do somein to entertain ourselves that wasn’t kickin the crap out the basement….I fix it” Jackson added when he saw the look on Adonis’s face.

“Livin room won’t survive another go roun wit us” Tyler commented as he handed Jackson the red bill.

“So where’s the money?” Adonis asked,

“Gone!” Jackson said,

“What? How can $4.8 million dollars be gone?”

“Poof poof poofety poof.” Tyler grabbed a file and handed it to him.

“Teagan spen it. All of it in two years” Adonis looked over the file of her finances for those two years. Lavish vacations, expensive cars, clothes and jewellery. Whatever she wanted she bought. The money was gone. $2.4 million dollars could have helped his mate a lot. She doesn’t need it now, but it could have helped when she did. She wouldn’t have lived in that tiny room above the bakery! No, she would have had a home! Tyler handed him another file, after he took a deep breath.

“Her askin for money” He said when he saw the questioning look on Adonis’s face. “Her askin Kenzi for money, Goddess bless that girl, her givin it to her.” Over the last three years he saw substantial amounts of money being given to her by Kenzi.

“They only a handful of large charges that Kenzi spen on somein. Kenzi work for ever dollar her got, from the age of sixteen. Her manage to save $35000 in two years. When her won $50,000 in the baking competition, her bought somein for $85000, we assume the bakery, a storefront sold bout the same time Kenzi withdrew the money. Two years ago her spen another $500,000, we think it when the buildin was sold, an her house sold las year for $389,900 which matches another withdrawal. An then $7000 for her car. That it, aside from her day to day expenses. Her don’t spen a dime on herself. It like her won’t let herself. If her spendin money it on Teagan. A lot of money” Tyler couldn’t understand why, neither could Jackson or Elijah. She deserved to reward herself, she worked hard, she deserved to enjoy the fruits of all her effort.

“Because it would be selfish,” Adonis said, as they looked at him.

“That girl don’t got a selfish bone in her body.” Tyler growled.

“No she doesn’t, but her sister has it in her head that to do anything for herself is selfish.” Adonis replied,

“Wonder what Kenzi think if her knew Teagan only thought of herself.” Jackson huffed. Is it time for our mate now? Odin was beginning to grow impatient in his head. He wanted his mate, he wanted to make sure she was ok.

They kept going over the rest of the files on Teagan, though Tyler could gather information, the financial records he had, he had no understanding of them. They were just a bunch of numbers on pieces of paper. Jackson wasn’t much help with that either, he’d rather build something or tear it down. Both growing bored and tired of this they started harassing each other.

“Fuck off Jackass” Tyler snapped when Jackson flicked the back of his ear.

“The demons are getting restless” Elijah commented,

“Why don’t you two go for a run?” Though phrased as a suggestion it was more of an order. It would get them out of his hair for a while.

“Yeah, aight I get it. He sayin fuck off Jackson an Tyler” Jackson said shaking his head, Tyler nodded in agreement. Both getting to their feet about to move to the back door only for Tyler to stop and look out the front window.

“That not somein you see everday. They a half naked baker on the front lawn” Tyler commented,

“What?” Adonis moved towards the window. Sure enough Kenzi was standing in her front lawn, wearin a t-shirt that barely covered the bottom of her heart covered panties and nothing else.

“The fuck her doin?” Jackson asked, as they watched her looking for something then look back towards her house.

“Stop staring, you idiots” Adonis moved towards the front door when he saw her duck behind her car, something was wrong.

When Kenzi closed the door after saying goodnight to Adonis, a wave of exhaustion washed over her. The night was a whirlwind of emotion, it was getting harder and harder for her to keep them contained. They didn’t want to be contained, they wanted out. The car ride home was the hardest though, the world crashed and screamed around her. She had left her headphones at home, and with no way to make it quiet, it assaulted her. She has tried the radio but unless it can block the surrounding noise the world gets in. One thought played over and over in her head on an endless loop. Teagan lied to her! Teagan never lies to her, but she lied to her tonight.

“Why would she lie?” She asked out loud as she made herself something small to eat. She wasn’t really hungry, but knew without something in her stomach she would be up all night.

“Maybe she mis-unerstand some-thing? Then why wouldint she ask?”

“Maybe James said some-thing? But why wouldint she say no?”

“Maybe she was scarded? She should has said some-thing”

“Why did she lie?” Her out loud mumblings, ate away at what little appetite she did have till she just looked at the plate in front of her. Moving what food she had made around in hopes that it would spark her to eat it, another thought entered her mind, one that made her stomach bottom out. She’s lied before! The day she made them breakfast Teagan said, she didn’t have friends and nobody liked her and if they did it was because they wanted something from her. That was a lie! Four people lived next door, they liked her, they were her friends and as far as she could tell they wanted nothing from her. If she lied about that, what else has Teagan lied to her about? The thought had her stomach turning, looking down at her food she no longer had the desire to even try and eat it. She would just shower and crawl into bed.

Standing in her bedroom wrapped in a towel, she had the hottest shower she could stand. Her muscles barely relaxed and it did nothing to calm her mind. Her music wasn’t working, the thought of Teagan lying to her kept screaming at her. She looked out her bedroom window towards Adonis’s room. She wished he was there with her. He makes her feel better, he makes her feel a lot of things. Her skin flushed at the thought of him. He was the only thing that silenced Teagan’s screaming lies. The sound of his voice flooded her mind, rich, deep, smooth like silk. The things he dares to say to her, the racy little thoughts that run wild in her head. No one speaks to her the way he does. The feel of his strong firm hands, how gentle they were when he touched her. No one touches her the way he does. She didn’t think anyone could touch her like that and make her body feel the same way and he’s only touched certain parts. How gentle would he be if he touched other parts of her? More intimate parts of her? She breathed hard at the shiver that tore through her body at the thought of him touching her more intimate parts. Flushing even more, her skin heating up. Then her mind turned to his lips. They were made to kiss her, they were made to kiss her everywhere. What would his lips feel like on her body? Everything pushed from her mind till all that was left was him and her thinking thoughts. She gripped her dresser, the throbbing between her legs escalating reaching a height that refused to be ignored, with all the thoughts swirling around her mind. She fought to keep control, to calm down, to cool off. Taking deep breath after deep breath she forced herself to calm.

“I don’t think I’m sleeping tonight” She reached into her top drawer to find some panties and walked to the closet to get a shirt.

Nope, Kenzi laid there for over an hour, her thinking thoughts, torturing her with images. Replaying all the flirtatious conversations they have had. All the kisses, all the times his hands have been on her body. She has seen him twice with no clothes on and that danced around in her mind as well. That towel could have fallen and she’d have seen everything. Though it was dark she could tell her body was flushed. It was vibrating with excitement. She didn’t feel ashamed with the thoughts in her head. She should be though, she should be ashamed. Teagan said she should be ashamed. But what if Teagan lied? If you weren’t pose to has those th-ough-ts then why do you? She’s never had those thoughts about anyone until she met Adonis. Why does he bring those thoughts out? Why only him? Jackson is handsome, and Tyler and Elijah, but they don’t make her want to take her clothes off. They’re also married, so that might be why. And they feel more like family, not….why do they feel like family? She’s only known them a few weeks and they feel like family….CRASH!!

She stilled in her bed, all thoughts of everything vanishing and she listened. What was that? THUMP!! Oh no! Some-one’s in the house. How did they get in the house? She had to get out of the bed, she had to get out of the house. She forgot to take her relaxant and she kicked herself for it, her back was hurting but now she was thankful. She would have slept through someone being in the house. Taking a few deep breaths, she rolled onto her side covering her mouth to muffle the whimpers. No one can know she’s here. She has to get out, if she can make it outside she can make it to her car. SMASH!! Who-ev-ver it is, is breaking my house! She thought. Focus Kenzi, get out of the house! She slipped to the floor, her back aching the whole way and moved as silently as she could. Getting down the stairs was going to be the tricky part. THUNK!! Creeping closer and closer to the top of the stairs she was fighting the urge to call out. People in movies do that and end up dead.

Scanning the main floor for any sign of movement, if she can make it down the stairs she can make a run for the front door. Come on Kenzi one foot then the uther don’t stop….she started down the stairs slowly at first, her eyes constantly darting back and forth looking for something, anything that could harm her. Keep going, almos there, don’t stop, don’t stop. Hit the boddom and go, don’t stop, jus go! The second her foot hit the floor she took off across it and threw open the front door running out into the night. Making it to her car and frantically started looking for her keys. Nuts and crackers! She didn’t grab them on the way out. They were still in the house. Looking in that direction, going to get them would be a bad idea. She was stuck outside, shifting from one foot to the other, weighing her options. She could go next door, she could get help. When she saw something big move in front of her window she scrambled behind her car and ducked down to hide.

Kenzi would peek her head up, look at her house then look next door, she didn’t know who or what was in her house but it was big, really, really big. The run from her car to Adonis’s house was far, her back was spasming and she didn’t know if she could make it before it brought her to the ground in pain. If it did that she would be an open target and whatever was in the house would get her. The fence, maybe she could make it to the little fence in between the front yards and she could hide behind that. It wasn’t that far. Ok! She thought on the count of three she was gonna go for it. CRASH!! No she wasn’t and she ducked behind the car again. Her breath came in short quick gasps, as her heart hammered in her chest. It was all she could hear around her. Ok, freaking out doesint help, it doesint even make you feel bedder. Ok brave girl, it’s jus to the fence you can do this, you can make it, jus to the fence! She was working her way up to it. One more quick look towards her house to see if anything was moving and she was gonna run for it.

….ahhHHHHHhhh…. The scream ripped from her when she ran into a warm wall and its arms wrapped around her, capturing her to it. She struggled in its grasp to get away, her back was spasming but she was fighting for her life and had no time to think about it. Her heart was threatening to beat out of her chest and her one thought was escape.

“Shhhh sweetheart shhhh” his soothing voice cut through the fear as he held her protectively against him. “Shhhh I got you shhhh”

“I’m not a brave girl” She clung to him, gripping tight to his shirt and the safety that washed over her.

“What are you doing out here?” Adonis asked, holding her closer, his ears slightly ringing still from the scream she let out.

“Some-th-th-thing’s in the h-hou-house!” She replied, still holding onto him.

“Something’s in the house?” He held her away from him,

“I-I-It’s b-b-big! Some-th-thing b-big is in the h-hou-house” She nodded her head, looking from the house back to him.

“Big?” He looked from her to the house.

“It’s huge!” What the fuck is in the house? Something big! A monster! Odin! A bear! It is BC! How did it get in the house? Maybe another wolf! Who knows she’s ours? I haven’t told anyone!

Jackson had made it outside at this point, with a blanket to wrap around her.

“The fuck going on?” He asked,

“some-th-thing big’s in the house” She answered. Jackson looked from her to Adonis then to her house.

“How big?” He asked, looking back at her.

“It’s huge, I seed it in the window” Adonis had moved her to stand behind him, but she still clutched tightly to him.

“Stay here with Jackson!” He said,

“Where are you going?” She asked, holding tighter.

“I’m going to make sure it’s ok” He replied,

“No, no, no, don’t do that. It happens in the movies all the tines and then they end up dead.” Kenzi was pulling him back to stay with her.

“This is not the movies, sweetheart, I’ll be ok.” He assured her, Jackson wrapped the blanket around her and pulled her into his embrace and away from Adonis so he could check the house. Elijah and Tyler were standing in their front yard watching as well.

“Do, do you want my shovel?” She called as he walked towards the house,

“Where is it?” He asked, the closer he got to the house the more this idea seemed like a bad idea.

“In the house” She replied, three sets of eyes turned to look at her and Adonis paused his movements.

“Ok” Adonis breathed, “In the house, in the fucking house. Of course that’s where it would be. In the fucking house with something big.” he muttered under his breath. This might not be a good idea! This was a fine idea until she told me her only weapon is in the fucking house! Yeah, that’s unfortunate! Who keeps a shovel in the fucking house? My mate keeps a shovel in the fucking house, where else would she keep it….a fucking garden shed? No, that would be crazy! Do you want me…! Offer me a fucking weapon, yeah that’s great Kenzi where is it? It’s in the fucking house. In the fucking house with the fucking something big, where else would it fucking be? And you’ve lost it!

He silently crept up the porch steps trying to see as far as he could into the house without actually going into the house. It seemed quiet, calm, but something got her out of her home. Something scared her enough to run out of her house in her panties in the middle of the night.

Don’t let it eat you!” She yelled, causing him to pause just before he stepped over the threshold to her house. Great, something big is in the fucking house and it’s going to eat me and my only weapon is in the fucking house with it! Jackson stared at her wide eyed then looked towards his Alpha.

Yeah! Don’t let it eat you” He called as well.

“Whatever happened to Beta protect Alpha, Jackson”

“Not if you gonna be fuckin eaten by somein big, you on yur own. Beta stayin here wit Luna”

“Your loyalty is astonishing!”

Peering into the darkness of the main level, he took several deep breaths before he entered. He found the shovel leaning against the wall by the front door, taking a quick hold of it, he moved silently through the house. He saw her back door was open, which seemed odd. Kenzi usually shuts the door! She might forget to lock it but he knows she shuts it. It was also a rough night for her and she might have been sidetracked and forgot, it could happen! Though he was doubting it, she’s had a few rough nights like the night of her birthday and she still remembered to shut the door. CLANG!! He spun around bringing the shovel up to face whatever it was behind him.


“You’re fucking kidding me, you’re the one in here, get out”



Adonis growled back, moving to the side watching closely as the little invading bandit scurried past him, chittering its displeasure at having its meal interrupted and out the open back door. He closed the door behind it and flipped the lock. He had his doubts she left the door open, but again it was such a night she might have. Maybe we should spend the night! Why do I think your motives aren’t pure! They are pure! Uh huh! Hearts on her panties didn’t put a few thoughts into your head? They may have put a few! She didn’t leave the door open and you know it, something bigger than the bandit was in here! Taking a deep breath, he knew Odin was right, something bigger was in the house, its scent hung in the air but he couldn’t place it. Putting her shovel back against the wall, Adonis stepped out of the house. Kenzi was relieved to see him as she clutched the blanket tighter around herself.

“It’s gone!” He said when he stepped onto the porch. Kenzi peered around him and looked into the darkness of her house.

“Are you sure? It was big, it was huge. Are you sure it’s not hiding in there somewheres?” She asked,

“I’m sure it’s gone.” He replied, her and Jackson moved closer to her front steps with Elijah and Tyler right behind them.

“Did it brin friends?” Jackson asked, Adonis shot him a look.

“Friends? It bringded friends?” She squeaked eyes wide as she stared at him then at her house.

“Thank you Jackson. I didn’t check for friends” He replied glaring at Jackson. He watched all four of them take a step back from the porch stairs and stare at him expectantly. This is our pack Odin, scared of a stupid trash bandit! Go check for friends! Not you too!

“I’ll go check for friends” Adonis turned with a sigh and headed back into the house, only to exit ten minutes later. “No friends!”

“It was big, it prolly eated them,” She commented. They all stared into the darkness of the house, none making a move to go anywhere near it.

“There’s nothing in the house, sweetheart” He repeated trying to reassure her, slowly she moved towards it, clutching the blanket tighter around herself as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “Sweetheart, there’s nothing in the house, it’s gone.” She nodded her head. She believed him, she believed it was gone, but still there was something in her house. Hesitantly she climbed her porch steps till she got to the top. He walked her towards her front door while the others stayed on the lawn watching on. Turning the light on so she could see for herself that nothing was going to jump out at her, he waited patiently for her to look at the whole room. When she nodded again, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

“Are you going to be ok?” He asked,

“Yes!” She continued to look around to make sure she checked everywhere again. This time noticing one of her chairs was knocked over, her coffee table and end table lamp were both broken and her orange tree was knocked down.

“Don’t leave your back door open anymore.” Scrunching her face in confusion.

“I didint open the….I don’t think I opended the….I don’t member opening the….I might has opended the back door” She said, but she still shook her head. He didn’t think she did either, he was hoping he was wrong, but that just cleared it up for him. Something big was in her house.

“Ok, go inside, go to bed” nodding again, she looked back around the main floor.

“Thank you!” Though she carried a small smile, he still saw her fighting doubt about going into her house.

“Welcome!” He smiled down at her, gave her one more kiss and nudged her towards the inside before he turned and headed down the steps.

“The fuck in the house?” Jackson asked, when Adonis reached him.

“A raccoon!” He replied. Jackson fought to contain himself.

“A fuckin trash panda, theya trash panda in her house. In her defence, it prolly bigger than her” Jackson cracked.

“I think it came in after something big.” Adonis said,

“What?” The laughter in Jackson’s voice died with that statement.

“Something big was in her house. Something really big” Adonis said, looking at him.

“Think a other wolf” Tyler asked him, he to stop snickering when he heard that.

“No, it didn’t smell canine” Adonis replied,

“You think maybe a bear? We are in BC they do like the mountains” Elijah asked

“A fuckin yogi in her house?” Tyler asked as he looked back at the house and stopped walking.

“They come on the territory like that?” Jackson asked, “That a ballsy yogi”

“They don’t know what kind we are. Unless they are standing next to us, they can’t smell us.” Adonis replied, noticing Tyler just standing there, then he looked towards the house. Kenzi had made no move to enter, she still stood in the entrance and just stared in.

“See you tomorrow!” Jackson said, as he walked towards their house with Tyler in tow.

“Could be a wild bear. If she left her door open with the aromas that come out of her house it wouldn’t surprise me if she attracted all kinds of wildlife to her yard.” Elijah spoke as he was about to move past him.

“She didn’t leave her door open, she might forget to lock it, but she never leaves it open. And whatever was in her house didn’t smell like a normal wild bear.” Adonis replied

“I’ll look into which clans are in the area.” Adonis nodded and continued towards Kenzi’s Guess we’re staying here! Don’t be so broken up about it! I’ll try, so when do we move in? Odin! Jus asking, for a friend, he’s kinda stupid! You’re an asshole!

“Come on sweetheart, let’s get you to bed” Adonis spoke as he came up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her and walking her into the house, he closed the door behind them.

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