The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 31: History Lesson!

Kenzi and Adonis walked to her house in silence, neither knowing what to say to the other one. Say something! Say what? I’m sorry your sister’s a stupid succubitch and I want to beat her to death with her own arms! Maybe don’t say that, explain! I don’t even know where to start! Start at your sister’s a fucking liar! He knew Odin was right, he had to say something. He needed her to understand that what her sister said to her was wrong and though he wanted her, that was not the way he wanted to get her. Standing at the bottom of her stairs he watched her walk up the first few. Say something before she goes inside! Shut up I will!

“D-d-do you want something to d-d-drink?” She spoke first, keeping her head down, clasping and unclasping her hands in front of her. She was scared and nervous and panicked and it clued into him then why. His heart shattered, that’s what she was doing in the truck. She was preparing herself to make him happy. She wasn’t at the table when the truth came out that what Teagan said was a lie, she was still hiding in the bathroom.

“No!” He spoke. Her head snapped up and her eyes were wide. Her panic rose as she looked at him. No, no, no! She had to do this or James was going to get fired, Teagan said. She was about to protest and have a panic attack all at the same time. This needed to happen.

“Shhh, sweetheart, shhh. Jordan told us what Teagan said. I am not going to fire James” He really wanted to take her in his arms, but she’d probably have a heart attack if he did. Frozen to the stairs she looked at him, the emotion that surrounded him, engulfed him, angered him. He needed to make her see that he would never do that to her. He knew she wasn’t ready, and he would never coerce her into something she wasn’t ready for, he would never coerce her period.

“B-b-but Tea….” She started,

“Does not speak for me. Though it is the second time she has, she really shouldn’t. She doesn’t know me and does not know the kind of man I am. I am not going to fire James because you won’t sleep with me. I would never do something like that” His reply had her chewing her bottom lip again. She is going to chew that thing right off, make her stop! Odin whimpered in his head. I can’t right now, with what her sister said running around her mind, she’ll think I am advancing on her!

“No?” She looked at him, her eyes wide and questioning, her bottom lip swollen and pouty.

“No. I am not that kind of man.” He moved closer to her, when he started to feel her calm down.

“Why would Teagan say that?” Kenzi asked, back to chewing on her lip, the wheels in her head were starting to turn.

“I don’t know. I don’t know why anyone would say something like that. I can’t begin to understand what would make someone do something like that. But it’s not true, that’s not me, that’s not something I would ever do” He replied, moving even closer. She wasn’t moving away, she wasn’t tensing, though she wrapped her arms around herself trying to hold herself together. She wanted to break, she wanted to fall and crack and not be ok. The more the thoughts swirled in her head, the more she wanted to. Her face scrunching as she looked at him.

“She….she….she lied to me?” She looked at him, she wanted him to tell her it wasn’t true, she wanted him to tell her he was lying, but when he nodded his head he could see her heart break. Anguish the likes of which he has not even seen crossed her face. Her tortured pain radiated from her. It was killing her that her sister had lied to her. It was killing him that he wasn’t able to help her through it, that all he could do was stand there and watch it tear through her, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake.

“Teagan doesint lie to me!” Kenzi shook her head no it wasn’t true. What he was saying, what he was implying was a lie.

“She did sweetheart” Adonis replied,

No! She didint, she didint. She ca....she she didint. Why would she do that? Why would she lie to me?” Kenzi continued to shake her head as she looked at him, her eyes begging him to tell her he was lying.

“I don’t know, but she did,” Adonis repeated. “She lied to you sweetheart. She lied to you about me. I would never coerce someone. I know you’re not ready and I would never do that to you. It is not the kind of man that I am.” Kenzi shook her head again. It can’t be true. She didn’t want it to be true.

“Tell me it’s not true, tell me Teagan didint lie to me, tell me” she begged him, pleading with him.

“I can’t. To tell you that would be a lie.” His heart was breaking as his hatred for the sister grew. His mate was in agony and it was her fault. Odin was enraged and frothing at the mouth with the brutal imagery of Teagan’s grisly death.

“She....Tea....she lied to me....” As soon as the acceptance left her mouth she crumpled. Adonis caught her before she went down the stairs. Holding her tight to his chest. Kenzi clung to him, his shirt clutched in her fists as her body shook.

“I’m so sorry sweetheart. I’m so sorry.” He whispered to her over and over again. Adonis held her strong against him as she cried. Her sobs added fuel to the raging inferno inside of him. Adding fuel to the anger Odin was unleashing in his head. The savage violent imagery of everything that was going to be done to Teagan. They would paint the woods with her blood.

When her sobs had turned to sniffles he continued to hold her to him. Running fingers through her hair. Taking deep breath after deep breath hoping to help her find her calm.

“Why would she lie to me? It scared me, it really scared me.” He was about to release her when she added “Because I want to, I really do. But I want to cause I want to not cause some-one might lose their job.” Did she just say she wants to sleep with us? I think so! He wrapped her more into his embrace, hiding her from the horrors and the deception of the world. Sheltering her as best he could. Making her invisible. When Teagan first came at her in the bathroom it was the first thing she wanted to do. She wanted to hide in his arms and make it all not be true. It wasn’t true, none of it was true. But she couldn’t understand why Teagan would lie to her.

“That’s what I want too. I want to be with you, but I only want that if it’s what you want, and only when you’re ready” He ran his hands up and down her back, and she melted more into him.

“I’m not ready!” She mumbled into his chest.

“Then I will wait. I will not push you, force you, rush you or coerce you. I will wait till you are ready.” She held tighter to him, finding peace and calm in his arms.

“Next time anyone says something like that to you, or anything to you about me, come find me. Talk to me. I don’t care if I’m busy, I don’t care if I’m in the middle of an important conversation, a business meeting or in the shower, interrupt me and talk to me. As far as I’m concerned you are more important than anything else. Alright?” She nodded her head. “Promise me!” He added,

“I promise!” She said.

“I’m sorry sweetheart, this date was a disaster, I owe you a do over” She nodded her head. Yes he does! She thought.

“Can it jus be us ness tine?” She asked, not looking up.

“I think I can make that happen” He didn’t want to let her go, but he knew he needed to. “You should go inside now.” Though neither made a move to pull away, if anything she clung tighter to him. Five more minutes! He thought.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come in for a drink?” She asked, this time looking at him.

“I do, but this dress gives me thoughts and I’m already fighting to keep control of myself.” With her standing on the second step to her porch he didn’t have to bend so far when he brushed his lips across hers. Her mouth parted, and this time she only slightly hesitated before she took what she wanted from him. He cupped one hand behind her head cradling it so it tilted back giving better access, while he ran his thumb across her cheek bone with his other. Lost in their moment, time had stopped. They only broke apart when something screamed in the woods.

“What was that?” She asked, breathlessly after they heard another one.

“I don’t know! But you should go inside now. It’s been a long night, and you have to be up early.” Adonis replied breathing hard as he scanned the woods, he knew exactly what that was. Asmodeus found something, judging by the screaming he wasn’t going easy on it.

“Yeah, I also need a shower” She replied, nodding. Pulling her closer to him, he kissed her again before he released her. She moved up the rest of the stairs before she stopped at the top and turned back to him.

“If Teagan meanded kissing you anytine you wanded, I would be ok with that” His eyes widened and a grin broke across his face. And we say stuff?

“I don’t need Teagan’s permission to kiss you, I need yours. Do I have your permission Ms. Templeton, to kiss you whenever I want to?” He asked, hoping, praying, wishing. Her smile spread brighter across her face.

“Yes! Goodnight Mr. Bradshaw” The Devil gets his wish!

“Goodnight Ms. Templeton”

He watched her walk into her house with a last look over her shoulder and a wave, the smile still on her face, she closed the door. She didn’t stomp it down Odin! No! She said she was scared! It’s a step! A big step! The succubitch lied to her! And she knows it now! Wonder how many more lies she’s told! Jordan said she was the one responsible for telling people there was something wrong with our mate. I wonder if she’s the one that started it! They are starting to see that’s a lie! Yes they are! I like Jordan! You would, was it after the drowning comment or before! Before, the comment just made me like him more! It would! Wonder what Asmodeus found to kill! I don’t know! Whatever it was he was probably covered in it’s blood. The scent of copper flooded him as he walked back towards his house. Looking to the tree line he saw two orange glowing orbs staring back at him.

“Hello Asmodeus!” He caught the slight bow as the shadow wolf acknowledged his Alpha,

“Enjoying yourself?” A wicked smile spread across his face when he heard the maniacal laughter,

“Good to hear! Don’t stay out too late” Another bow and the shadow wolf disappeared back into the trees.

Line!” Tyler blurted the second Adonis entered the house.

“Excuse me!” Tyler looked from Adonis to Jackson, then back to his Alpha.

“Line! I don’t know if I get one, but I drawin one. I callin line. You can’t go on a homicidal rampage, startin wit us.” Tyler replied, pointing at him and Jackson. He knew Jackson couldn’t call line, he already did, the day he met Kenzi. Tyler had no idea if he got one or if that was something between Alpha and Beta, but he was taking a chance. Arching his brow, at his Delta.

“Consider it drawn, that’s your one” Adonis said as he walked further into the house.

“Yeah, I take it,” Tyler nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. Adonis saw stacks and stacks of files sitting all over the room. If this is what Tyler’s brain looks like, this is terrifying! Be nice Odin! That was nice!

“You might wanna sit down, an has a drink,” Jackson said, offering him the bottle.

“I only need a glass” Adonis replied,

“No, you gonna want the bottle” Tyler countered as he looked around the room.

“How dinner? We saw Eli an hear the screamin!” Jackson asked, taking another seat beside Adonis.

“It went” Adonis replied, he didn’t want to talk about it anymore, but knew if he didn’t they would hound him till he did.

“It went well then, judgin by whatever Asmo fine to torture to pieces in the woods,” Tyler nodded.

“The stupid bitch told Kenzi she needed to sleep with me in order to save her boyfriends job” Tyler’s jaw dropped,

“The fuck?” Jackson looked at him

“It was a shock to everyone, including the boyfriend,” Adonis replied, “He broke up with her and walked out, leaving her stranded in the restaurant.” He added before either could ask a question.

“How you fine out?” Jackson asked,

“Kenzi made a friend. He told us, after he went to see what was taking her so long in the bathroom.” Adonis answered, “He also insinuated that she may be the one that started the rumour that something is wrong with her.”

They ain’t nuttin wron wit that lil girl. Nuttin!” Tyler barked back. “Sorry!” He bowed in respect at the look on Adonis’s face. That was unexpected! Yes it was! What did he find? Good question!

“He kinda been like that all night. The more we fine the more growly he get,” Jackson explained.

“What did you find?” Adonis asked, before an answer could be given, Elijah walked back in soaking wet and wearing a pair of basketball shorts.

“That not somein I ever thought I see on him” Jackson stated trying not to laugh.

“Asmodeus shredded my suit” Elijah said,

“I already stabbed air holes into it, guess he figured it was already wrecked, so why not” Adonis spoke, not even hiding the humour he found in Elijah’s appearance.

“I wish that would be the case, but he would have destroyed it anyway” Elijah countered.

“Why you all wet?” Tyler asked,

“Dismembering and disembowelling a moose is bloody. He decided we needed to get cleaned up and thought jumping from some bluffs into the lake would be a great idea. Half way down he remembered he doesn’t like the water and shifted back.” Tyler was snickering, trying not to break out laughing at Elijah’s explanation but when he finished he cracked up followed by Jackson.

“He fuckin hate you” Jackson choked out.

“What is all this?” Elijah motioned to the boxes and files.

“History lesson, sit down” Elijah’s eyes widened as he took in more of the scene around him.

“This….is all hers?” He asked, shocked by what he was seeing.

“Follow the rabbit hole” Jackson replied,

“And where did it lead?” Adonis asked. Tyler and Jackson shared a look, before Tyler proceeded.

“The beginnin! The accident” Tyler replied,

“The one that took the lives of her parents?” Jackson nodded and Tyler continued.

“They was at they cabin for vacation durin winter. A storm hit an wiped the roads out an they was stuck there till they was clear. Drivin home a deer step out onto the road, dad slow down, did everthin he posed to do to get to safety. He hit a patch of black ice, roll the car an smack into a tree. Parents die on impact. They wasn’t recover for a couple hours. Police say someone call to report em missin. Sayin they was posed to check in an never did an they travellin wit a child an a baby. They sent cars to locate em an came upon the wreck.” Tyler said

“Her sister said she was sick and that’s why they were coming back” Adonis said, this made Tyler unhappy as he watched him bite back the growl Bal wanted to release.

“They took em to the hospital an check em over. Aside from a laceration on the back of Kenzi’s head, nuttin wron wit her. Her a perfectly healthy baby girl. Cute as a button too.” Jackson handed him the medical file to look over. A smile played on his lips as his eyes looked over the picture of her as a baby, she still looked sweet and innocent. Her eyes still sparkle like that! Odin purred in his head. Yes they do! He might need to keep this photo of her.

“What are these?” Adonis asked, looking at scans of her brain, he passed the file to Elijah to take a look.

“Brain scans. Her was rattle roun in the car, an they zap her brain, make sure no damage. They do one ever year. Somein about the brain not bein fully develop till 25. Her got one this Friday.” Tyler spoke.

“Guess who’s taking her?” Adonis looked at him,

“Delta protects Luna!” Came his reply.

“These are inconclusive.” Elijah spoke.

“The fuck you mean? The fuck that mean?” Tyler looked at him, he didn’t know whether to be offended or not.

“Not you Tyler, the scan itself. It is done by asking a series of controlled and uncontrolled questions. Emotional response questions. It’s why they ask for someone to go with them, they would know personal details the technicians could ask questions about. These are only done with the controlled questions. Except this one when she was ten. But they deemed it inadmissible. Note on the scan says the patient was attacked while she was being scanned and the results are inaccurate. The person with her was her sister.” Elijah explained.

“He know, Eli mated to a doctor. That thin say Tyler an Jackson you big stupid” Jackson interjected, Tyler just nodded.

“Here the real kicker. When they fine the car, they din’t know how Kenzi survive. It was -35. Sister had everthin wrap roun her while Kenzi expose to the elements. They say her a lucky lil girl” Tyler finished.

“Hang on to that, we ain’t done yet” Jackson said, when Adonis went to put the bottle down.

“At two her livin wit a family, when her got a cut on her upper lip. Teagan say Kenzi throwin glass roun an that how it happen. Foster mom got hella mad, punish Kenzi, lock her in the basement. Lil boy got brave an came forward when a social worker there, an say Kenzi got punish an lock in the basement all the time. They remove her from the home an was place elsewhere. Same lil boy told the worker that Teagan threw the glass at her that how her got the scar, Kenzi got a cookie an Teagan din’t. Lil boy say, if Teagan jus ask, Kenzi give it to her. Say her a nice lil girl an share everthin all the time.” Tyler said.

“Bounce roun after that, never stayin too long in one place. Teagan beg em to keep her wit her sister so her can take care of her, big stupids they did. When Kenzi three her land wit the Barry’s. They nice people, suck what happen to em though. They got back to us tonight, well you at dinner.” Tyler started,

“Kenzi wit em the longest, bout five months, before shit hit the fan. They adopt her an it was the day after the adoption went through. It was roun eleven in the mornin Mrs. Barry figure an Kenzi was goin to get the mail wit Teagan. Cept Teagan wasn’t posed to be the one goin wit her. Her only eight. An older boy Max, he was twelve at the time, was posed to go. Teagan hit em wit a shovel an took Kenzi to get the mail.” Jackson continued, then asked. “Her told you bout the scar up her leg?”

“Said she fell down an embankment, got tangled in some barb wire” Adonis answered. Road hill! Odin corrected.

“This the part you wanna clutch that bottle a bit tighter” Jackson informed him.

“Mrs. Barry say, Teagan walk back into the house like nuttin wron, sayin Kenzi playin in the field. Mrs. Barry got mad at Teagan, her wasn’t posed to go get the mail, it was Max’s job to take Kenzi, not hers. Teagan fire back that Kenzi her sister not Max’s, it her job to care for her. Mrs. Barry sent Teagan to her room an went bout business in the kitchen. Over an hour pass, Kenzi hadn’t come to check in yet. Kenzi wore a watch, ever hour it beep an Kenzi posed to come check in, then her can go back out, when her din’t Mrs. Barry got worried. Went out to the field look for her.” Tyler held three different files in his hands as he started telling what happened,

“Called friends, family an Mr. Barry when Mrs. Barry couldn’t fine her. They search all over for her, came up empty. It was bout four when they call the police. They look everwhere for her, Kenzi was gone. Mrs. Barry say that while they out lookin Teagan posed to be watchin the phone pickin up in case someone call.” When Tyler started to falter due to his anger, Jackson took over.

“She didn’t answer the phone, did she?” Elijah asked,

“No, hospital say they call a bunch of times, no one answer. Say a trucker brought in a lil girl, roun four in the afternoon. Pretty bang up, unconscious an bleedin. Hospital call the police, the police call social services. They nullify the adoption, an remove the kids from the home immediately. Teagan told social services that the Barry’s was cruel, Kenzi went witout food, shoes, an bathing an her was sent to get the mail by herself. Also told em the boy Max, look at her funny.” Jackson replied

“Bruises form bout 24 hrs after the injury. Doctor was doin a check up on her, saw two bruises on her back….what? We look shit up” Jackson said when he caught a look from Elijah.

“Her tell you her push?” Tyler asked, he was still fighting control with Bal, but he was stable enough to continue on.

“She said she thought she was, but Teagan told her she smacked her head and remembers it all wrong.” He replied.

“Her member right. Tell me what that look like?” Jackson said as he handed over the medical file. “Teagan right though, Lil Kenzi Cakes did smack her head. They stitch up a cut jus bove her right ear.”

“Small handprints” ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Adonis showed Elijah as he tried to reign Odin in.

“The hospital kep her a month. Her would periodically sprin a fever, an they thought it was an infection in her leg. Cept it came back clear. They test her blood, fine traces of….um….bro-bromet…. Who the fuck name this shit?.” Tyler and Jackson looked at eachother, neither one knowing what that was or how to pronounce it.

“Bromethalin….commonly used in rat poison!” Eljah told them.

“They fine small traces of that in her blood, so they test everthin. All came back clean, couldn’t figure out how her got it. Then one day Kenzi got sick again, it was jus after Teagan came to visit, they notice a drink in her room, they test it, it came back positive. Teagan say her had someone make it for her an din’t know what was in it. After that Kenzi was only allow food from the hospital an her visits had to be supervise.”

“Chief at the time try his best to help, but that family went through hell. They names got clear when the bruises came out, but the damage was done, an they move out the area.” Jackson was saying, Adonis wasn’t sure how much more he would be able to hear, and they were only three years in.

“Mrs. Barry’s firs question when her fine out who we was callin bout was how Kenzi? Say that lil girl was the sweetest thin ever, everone her came in contact wit love her. Her say Kenzi like breathing a breath of fresh air. Always want to help, an like buttons. Her plant them in the garden an Mr. Barry glued ’em onto flowers. They fine a tree in the garage that had buttons tie to it, when they came to remove the other children. Her also say, they was somein wron wit Teagan. Teagan would break somein an blame Kenzi. Mrs. Barry would ask her how Kenzi did it when her been outside the whole time? Teagan get mad an Kenzi end up wit unexplain bruises or other marks. They ask Kenzi how her got em, her say it a secret an her not posed to tell. They could never get her to tell.” They were wrong. The last thing he should be doing is clutching tight to a glass bottle, as they told him story after story of her past. He wanted to hunt the bitch down and crame it into her neck.

“Say a man came to visit Kenzi all the time. Can’t member his name, but if they think of it they let me know. He seem friendly an Kenzi was enamour wit him. Never stop gigglin the whole time he there. Say Kenzi call him Uno M. But her say it was odd too. It like Kenzi knew him. Sometime he brought a lil boy wit him, thought maybe his son. Her try an overhear a conversation once, but they wasn’t speakin English, din’t know what language they speakin but Kenzi seem to understand what they sayin.” Jackson went on to say, “Her member one thin he say though, call her….uh…. ‘paulo crustulum’ all the time” Jackson was trying to read it off a piece of paper. Little cookie? Odin seemed confused by that, Adonis didn’t know either.

“It’s latin for little cookie” Elijah answered,

“Course you know that,” Jackson shot back.

“He would brin her stuff, dolls, teddy bears, thins like that, but Teagan would wreck em. Blame Kenzi for em gettin wreck, but Mrs. Barry din’t buy it for a minute, Kenzi took good care of anythin her was given. One day he brought her a book. Where The Wild Thins Are….” Tyler was sayin,

“I love that book!” Jackson cut him off,

“Me too! You use to read it to me all the time. Kenzi love it too. Her tell Mrs. Barry that one day her gonna live wit the wild thins, an had her read it to her all the time. Say it the only book Kenzi wanna read, slep wit it. Mrs. Barry say it was funny, the man come visit, then Kenzi run roun like a wild thin an growl. Say it the cutest thin ever.” Tyler went on. I want to see that! Me too! She is going to live with the wild things! Yes she is! We’re the wild things! Yes we are! He held onto that image of his mate at three years old running like a wild thing and growling.

“Per quae fera habito” Elijah said,

“Whatever the fuck that mean” Jackson said,

“Live with the wild things” Elijah replied.

“What happened to the book?” Adonis asked,

“You really need to ask?” Jackson answered, and Tyler nodded. He should have known, the bitch wrecked her book.

“This before Kenzi got hurt. The marks on Kenzi start gettin worse, an the man got mad when he saw em. Mrs. Barry told the man to stop comin for a while, her scare for Kenzi. Say her was gonna adopt her an send Teagan somewhere else, then he could come back.” Tyler added,

“How come the man never talked to Teagan?” Elijah asked,

“No interest in Teagan. His interest only lie wit Kenzi.” Tyler replied.

“After the month in the hospital, was bounce roun some more, adopt a couple times but always return, sayin the lil girl that warn em was right. Somein wron wit her. When her was four her was to be adopt again by a persistent couple who din’t care if somein wron wit her they want her. The family her livin wit couldn’t fine her. Kenzi poof!” Tyler began,

“What?” Adonis sat rigid in his chair,

“That what the couple say. They said fine her an fine her now, her comin home wit ’em. Took four days” Tyler was fighting back Bal as he was trying to explain everything. His wolf wanted to run out of the house for two reasons. He wanted to make sure his Luna was fine, safe and at home and he wanted to kill the bitch responsible for the abuse that happened to her.

“They call the police, who call for the dogs an they fine her in a old storage shed in the woods. Her strap an gag to a chair.” Jackson handed over the medical file on it. “Her wrists were boun so tight that the straps cut into ’em. Her dehydrated an malnourish an if they didn’t fine her when they did her would very likely be dead. Her had bite marks from animals all over her, but they say some of ’em look human as well. Kenzi was scare of the dark after that, her din’t like to be alone. Which only made the rumour worse. They ask her how it happen, who did that to her. Kenzi say it a secret, not posed to tell. If her tell somein worse happen. Her told no one, not the police, not the doctors, not the social workers, no one.” Jackson picked up when Tyler couldn’t anymore, he was too angry now. Bal was furious, he wanted his Luna. He wanted to curl himself around her and let no one anywhere near her.

“Adopt at five to a well off family her beg em to take the sister too an big stupids. They did. Bout a month into it shit in the house start to get broke an Kenzi was return. The rumour got bigger an bigger. Bounce roun some more, adopt few more times but always return. Then ten an the altercation wit the Mayor kid, her dub a problem child an unadoptable, ship off to the orphanage. Stop there until her sixteen when it shut down.” Jackson carried on,

“What do you mean it stops there? What happened at the orphanage?” Adonis asked. SMASH! The bottle he had a death grip on, shattered in his hands the liquid mixing with his blood spilling over him and the floor.

“Maybe we take a break now?” Jackson said, as he stared into the burning abyss of his Alpha’s eyes,

What do you mean?” Odin growled, repeating the question Adonis asked baring his teeth. He has sat there and heard several different ways his mate’s life could have been taken. It was no wonder the bottle broke. The hellbeast in his head was enraged and pushed forward. He might need to go for his own run to slaughter something.

“Exactly what I mean, no information, they kep nuttin, no records, no documents on her or any child that was there, it like they forgotten bout. There an article bout it in the paper, was a big thin. Maggie an Patrick an the others were tryin to get em investigated. But ever time a social worker show up, Kenzi not there. They kep tryin, they not the only ones, someone else got involve the last year it was operational, an some eighteen year old got arrested for attempted kidnappin.”

“They finally manage to get a surprise visit. The facility wasn’t prepare. One of the social workers los it, call the police, they tore the orphanage apart. They fine Kenzi lock in the basement, behine a heavy metal door that look like somein tried to beat it, to get into it. Chief Lou was chief, an when he open the door Kenzi fell out into his arms. They don’t know how long her been in there but her apologize, sayin her won’t do bad no more an ask if her can come out now, promise that her be a good girl. Fell unconscious after that an slip into a coma on the way to the hospital. They check her over an apparently one of the nurses threw up when they saw her back.” Jackson took a deep breath. “They try to stop countin at twenty seven fresh lash marks, but Chief Lou say he need the number. They was thirty five total. The doctors say most would heal wit minimal scarrin, because of the other scars. They document an photograph everthin. They try an count all the other scars on her back, but couldn’t, they jus too many” Jackson handed him that file as well.

“She was in a coma?” Elijah asked,

“It more like a deep sleep. Doctor say her body need to heal an shut down. Her wake off an on, but fully came out of it bout three weeks later an din’t member nuttin.” Jackson was gripping tighter to the chair he was in. “They say it her brain way of protectin her. Might be a good chance her never member what happen that day. Her be better for it if her din’t”

“Kids start comin forward an talk bout what happen there. The dungeon, that what they call the room Kenzi was in. The dungeon. Say her was always there, for somein. Her an….uh…. some other kid, but he wasn’t punish he sit outside the door an talk to her. The staff pay him no attention, the kids say it like they scare of him. He the reason the door was metal, he broke the others off to get her out, then he turn eighteen an they kick him out an Kenzi left there alone for two years.” Tyler spoke again after he felt himself calm enough to do so. “After her release from the hospital her went to live wit the sister, but we know that a lie. At seventeen her live wit Maggie an Patrick till her turn eighteen.” They all sat in silence for a bit, letting it process, trying to remain calm.


The growl echoed and resonated around the room. Deep, loud, sending shivers racing up and down their spines. As soon as the first note was heard they covered their ears and ducked their heads.



Jackson and Tyler released their own loud growls, trying to counter the one from Adonis. Adonis stayed seated in his chair as it ripped from his chest. He was close many, many times to losing her. After everything he had just heard about her past, there was no way she should still be here. It was like something was protecting her, making sure she survived everything she went through. When it was over they all looked at him, ringing in their ears they waited till all was calm before they continued.

“What are those files?” Elijah asked, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear anymore about her past, what he heard was enough. If he would have known what they were in for he would have waited to release Asmodeus. Tyler and Jackson started laughing, they didn’t know what else to do, after everything they just told them, the small stack of files sitting on the coffee table were quite funny.

“Well, that her criminal record,” Jackson replied, laughing harder.

“She has a criminal record?” Adonis looked at the files,

“Minor mischief makin” Tyler choked out.

“Minor mischief making?” Elijah asked.

“That what Chief Lou call it” Jackson replied.

Tyler picked up one of the files read it quickly,

“This probably the worse one, her was sixteen an they don’t know exactly when it happen, could have been before Teagan kick her out or after. But her broke into the pet store an stole all the puppies an kitties. Her had a room at Maggie an Patricks an brought em all back there. They surprise when they walk in an see em all in her room. Say they din’t belong in cages an her take care of em. That one got her in trouble a bit, but the store din’t charge her or nuttin. They even say her could keep one. Kenzi pick a one eyed three legged dog. Ol boy was sixteen an knockin on death’s door, but he live another two years at Kenzi side. Call him Stat. We talk to Patrick he say that damn dog act like a puppy an ate his pants all the damn time. No idea how he got em, but he ate em. He died a couple years ago, one day he din’t come for supper wit Kenzi an her fine him lyin in his bed. Her sat down beside him an call him a good boy, he went to sleep an din’t wake up. Kenzi say it ok, he had a rough start to life, but his last two years were good.” Tyler explained.

“How many puppies and kitties did she steal?” Adonis asked, trying not to laugh,

“Eight puppies an fourteen kitties.” Tyler replied. “Stat the one that alert Patrick an Maggie to where Kenzi was. Her got sick at the cabin an Stat went to fine help. He grab hold of Patrick’s pants an start pullin. They follow him an fine Kenzi, got her to the hospital. Stat stay wit her the whole time.”

“Maggie say Kenzi was probably the happiest at seventeen, Teagan din’t come roun as much. Patrick say Stat din’t like Teagan, he try bite her all the time an they had to lock him in the bathroom, but he get out. Patrick got tired of replacin the doors after Stat ate them three times to get out, so they dint allow Teagan to come to the house nomore. Kenzi say her understand.” Jackson added, with Tyler nodding

“Smart dog,” Adonis remarked.

“Farmer call in to lodge a report, say his cow on the roof of his tractor an he need help gettin it down. Chief Lou ask how the cow got up there an the farmer say ask Kenzi. He did. Kenzi say her not tellin, it a secret. Chief Lou ask why her did it an her say to see if her could. To this day no one know how her got the cow on the roof of the tractor” Tyler said, putting the file down as Jackson grabbed another one.

“This one still talk bout today on the account they still finin peach pits in the water supply.” Jackson was already laughing.

“Peach pits?” Elijah questioned arching his eyebrow.

“Yeah! They pull 782 peaches out the water supply, after the town start smellin peachy. People turn on the water an smell peaches. They ate peach flavoured everthin an they was peachy smellin people for a week. Barbara kinda took the blame for that one, though her din’t do nuttin, still say kinda her fault. Her taught Kenzi a bit bout readin an writin an told her science everwhere. An if you wanna know somein do an experiment.” Jackson was trying not to laugh anymore as he explained the peaches, he was finding it hard with Tyler howling beside him.

“That bit her ass. Chief Lou ask Kenzi why her did it an her say science, her wanna know what would happen. He ask her how her got all the peaches an her ask a farmer for em an he gave em to her. They ask the farmer why he gave em to her, he say cause her ask nicely.” Jackson broke and started howling with laughter.

“Why was Barbara teaching her to read and write?”Adonis asked, “Why wasn’t she in school?”

“Eli ask me to look into that so I did. Her deny. Say her too much a interruption an would hurt the other kids. Eli know that already, but this what I fine out. After her deny an education through the school, the orphanage was posed to educate her. That was what they were told to do, clearly they din’t. The seven members of the council try to get the rulin on Kenzi’s education overturn, but it was a majority vote, not a un-unanna-muss….”

“Unanimous!” Elijah helped him and Tyler snapped and pointed at him.

“Decision was brought in by the Mayor” Tyler added as he handed Jackson another file.

“Her dress the town founder statue in town square up like Santa Claus, cause he need to look more jolly. That how her fell from the ladder an dislocate her shoulder” Jackson said, putting the file down.

“My mate the criminal” Adonis broke out laughing,

“A true devious mastermind” Elijah agreed, trying not to laugh. They took a break for a bit to fully calm down, the next things they were going to be told were more about Teagan and Kenzi. Mostly Teagan and it might cause some upset. On top of that Adonis wanted to clean the blood and alcohol off of him and Elijah wanted out of the basketball shorts.

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