The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 30: Jordan!

“Are you going to put your shoes on sweetheart?” Adonis asked, they had pulled up to the restaurant and were in the process of getting out.

“Oh, yeah!” She sat back in the seat so she could slip her feet into the simple lace flats she grabbed. No one would say a thing to her if she wasn’t wearing any! Odin chuckled in his head. Another benefit of being who he was. No one would say a word. To humans he was a highly influential business man, to werewolves he was the thing of nightmares. He could only smile as he helped her out of the truck. Both of his sides were going to be highly beneficial to his little mate, and he couldn’t wait to show them all.

They weren’t the first to be seated at the restaurant, two other people were sitting there waiting for them.

“Well isn’t he an eager one?” Adonis spoke discreetly to Elijah, who just nodded beside him. Kenzi was looking around the dining room at some of the other patrons and she started to shrink back a bit.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” Adonis asked her, holding her closer to him.

“You said my dress was fine, but it’s not, I’m not dressded right,” Everyone else was dressed nicer than her. Their clothes said fancy night on the town and sparkled, while her dress said let’s go to the beach and was dull. Her dress wasn’t dull though, it was a smoke grey thin strapped flowing dress. Slightly fitted to the waist then flowed from the skirt to the bottom. Pops of rainbow colour were hidden in the folds of the skirt that only showed when she moved.

“I think you look amazing.” He whispered. No one would say anything to her if she showed up in sweatpants, as long as she was by his side she was off limits. Taking a hold of her hand, it felt so small, so delicate, and utterly soft in his. Entwining their fingers he led them towards the table.

“Mr. Bradshaw,” Jonathan said, standing up to greet him.

“Jonathan. Were you waiting long?” Adonis asked,

“No sir, we actually just got here” He replied. “This is Jordan Mulberry, my fiance.” Jordan stood as well and shook hands with Adonis.

“It’s nice to meet you Jordan. This is my associate Elijah Burns, and my….”

“Hi, I’m Kenzi” She cut him off, extending her small hand to greet him and introduce herself.

“My beautiful date Kenzi Templeton” Adonis finished what he was saying, trying not to laugh. Only to hear Elijah chuckle beside him.

“Well you are the tiniest little thing I have ever seen and adorable as a button. I like you, you can sit next to me and we’ll keep each other company while they make boring business talk.” Jordan replied, shaking her hand.

“Ok, that’s a good thing. I jus learnded twenty minutes ago that its aqu-aquisi-acquisitions and not acquestions.” Kenzi said, seeing the looks on their faces she looked back at Adonis. “That’s not what this dinner is?” She asked,

“We’re discussing investments,” Adonis replied, with a deep chuckle. He gave her hand a gentle reassuring squeeze.

“Aw nuts!” She blurted, her face turning slightly red. Not even five minutes in the door and she screwed up already.

“Love it! I really like you, what do you do Kenzi?” Jordan gushed.

“I’m a baker! I work at Sweet Talk Bakery in Blackwoods” Kenzi replied,

“Fantastic! You’re my new best friend” Jordan said, pulling her into the seat next to him.

Taking their seats with Kenzi sitting beside Jordan who was already in deep discussion with her over something and Adonis beside her. Elijah took the seat on Adonis’s right, leaving no room for anyone else to sit beside him.

“I didn’t see you at the party on Saturday Jonathan?” Adonis asked, looking at him.

“I was doing research for a client into an investment he was interested in. It doesn’t look to be a sound idea and I informed him this morning” Jonathan replied.

“I told you the owner would know you were missing,” Jordan interjected. “He said I could throw a helluva reception at our wedding to make up for all the parties he’s worked through. Let me tell you right now, it’s gonna be an event” Jordan turned his attention back to Kenzi when he said that, he heard her giggle as they continued talking. Adonis felt slightly less apprehensive about this dinner, though Kenzi never let go of his hand, she had someone to talk to and she seemed to be enjoying herself. Jordan would say something that would cause her to burst out laughing, and her smile was only getting bigger.

“Jordan seems to be quite taken with her” Elijah spoke through the link.

“As long as he gives her back at the end of the night, let him be taken” Adonis spoke back.

“There are a few scattered around the restaurant, the link is open”

“Good, they know what the sister looks like I want to know the second she gets here”

“She’s here!” Adonis shot Elijah a look.

Mark and his girlfriend walked into the dining room with James and Teagan following close behind them. Kenzi’s hand tightened around his and he saw Jordan stiffen at the sight of Mark’s girlfriend. He could hear Jonathan telling Jordan to behave himself and Jordan replying he will as long as the plastic bitch keeps her fat trap shut.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” Adonis leaned close to whisper in her ear.

“That’s the girl I spillded the drink on at the party” Kenzi whispered back, averting her eyes. Maybe she won’t recognize her. Nope, no such luck. As soon as Melani saw her, she narrowed her eyes, turning her nose up at the sight of her. She whispered something to Mark about the way she was dressed, and Mark told her to be quiet if she couldn’t be nice. Kenzi shrank back and kept her eyes looking down at the table. Giving her hand another gentle squeeze, he turned his attention to Mark and James.

“Did you two come together?” Jonathan asked,

“No, we arrived at the same time” Mark replied laughing, “When I saw James pull up I breathed a sigh of relief, I wasn’t late” Melani shot him a glare, but said nothing. Elijah cocked his head to the side when he saw Jordan flinch a little then press his lips together.

“This is going to be an interesting dinner!” He remarked,

“You’re picking up on that as well.” Adonis was trying hard to fight the laugh he felt.

Interesting dinner indeed, though his employees seemed to get along, their significant others did not. I want to know what Jordan was going to say! Adonis just smiled, Mark’s date indeed was wearing enough makeup that she could easily be confused for a clown.

“You lied to me” Jordan hissed under his breath when he saw Teagan.

“I didn’t lie to you, I just didn’t tell you who was coming” Jonathan whispered back,

“A heads up warning that the bitchy twins were going to be here would have been nice.” He grumbled,

“Please be nice!” Jonathan begged,

“Fine, I won’t tell James to tame his shrew and keep it on a leash, but you will make up for this” Jordan replied. Adonis fought back the laugh at the comment he overheard only to hear Elijah cover his with a cough. Now he was really glad Jackson and Tyler weren’t here.

“Jordan, how nice to see you,” Melani said to him, though there was a note of contempt in her voice.

“It is nice to see me. I bring the sunshine when the clouds roll in” He replied back with a smile on his face.

Melani stiffened and narrowed her eyes on him, trying to figure out something to say in return. Jonathan again pinched Jordan to stop him from making another comment. Adonis sat struggling to keep his face straight. The comments that ran through Jordan’s head were highly entertaining. What was he gonna say? He was about to tell her not to think too hard, he doesn’t enjoy having conversations with the intellectually unprepared! Do we like him?

“Excuse me Melani, as much as I would love to continue the witty banter, the little darling sitting next to me actually deserves my full attention” Jordan turned back to Kenzi, to carry on their conversation.

“Make sure she doesn’t spill a drink on you” Melani remarked, Kenzi cringed and her cheeks went darker.

“I think I’ll be fine if she does, I’m not the wicked witch, I won’t melt” He replied, not even looking at her. Melani went two shades redder.

“I’m not a witch!” She snapped,

“I never said you were. I just said I wasn’t.” Adonis wasn’t entirely certain how Jordan was managing to keep his face straight when his eyes danced with merriment. “You’re something that rhymes with it though” he added under his breath. Human’s should be studied! Odin was completely enjoying how dinner was going so far.

“I thought he was supposed to behave himself?” Even Elijah was having a hard time trying to hide his humour.

“I think this is behaving” It was getting harder and harder to control himself, he had to hide his smile behind his hand.

When Teagan saw Kenzi sitting at the table, her eyes narrowed on her, causing Kenzi to shrink back even more. Though she tried to keep the smile on her face he could see it starting to falter under her sister’s intense gaze. Placing their joined hands on the table for Teagan to see, he saw the flash of anger and her cheeks redden. When he began to trace light gentle circles on the back of Kenzi’s hand, Teagan took her eyes away. The movement was not meant to aggravate Teagan, it was meant to help his mate relax. She was tense when Melani walked in, but her stress went up when she saw her sister. Pissing the bitch off was just a happy benefit for him.

“Teagan you didn’t say your sister was dating the new owner” Melani whispered to her.

“They’re not” Teagan hissed back,

“Looks like it to me!” Melani remarked,

“She’s just his neighbour” Teagan seethed back. Though now she was questioning it, looking at their joined hands on the table once more, and the fact that she was sitting pantless in his lap on Sunday.

“Neighbours with benefits I guess” Melani mumbled, as she too looked at their hands.

When all were seated at the table and drink orders were placed, they started discussing business. Melani and Teagan lost in a hushed conversation with each other, but one or the other would look in their direction. Jordan kept Kenzi occupied and not thinking about her sister at the table.

“How did you and Jonathan meet?” Kenzi asked,

“I started off as a client” Jordan began, this pulled Adonis from his business conversation.

“You were his client?” Adonis asked arching his eyebrow,

“I was, but he refused to date me saying it was against company policy or something boring. I warned him that I can be extremely needy and demanding and I proved it. He was dating this dreadful boy that was completely wrong for him and couldn’t handle the competition” Jordan was explaining and the table had grown quiet listening to him.

“You breakded them up?” Kenzi asked,

“I did, I’m not sorry I did. Darling, he was all wrong for him, he was a boy. Jonathan needs a man, someone who can make him put the damn pen down every once in awhile” Kenzi giggled but listened intently to what Jordan was saying.

“Anyway, there was an investment that I wasn’t really interested in but it took months of research. He is very dedicated to his clients and it put us together a lot. Diners, late nights. I was very persistent, and he consistently turned me down. I got fed up, so the day I was to sign the investment….I fired him.” Kenzi’s eyes went wide as she looked at Jonathan then back to Jordan.

“You fired him?” She asked, her jaw dropped open.

“I did! Right in the middle of the office” Jordan seemed pretty pleased with himself.

“Mr. Cool and Collected over there, lost it.” Mark interjected,

“I forgot you were there. He did though.” Jordan nodded agreeing,

“The whole office was there” Mark replied,

“After he picked his jaw up off the floor he started yelling, asking me if I was insane and if I should be on medication and threw my file. Papers scattered everywhere, I wondered if he should be on medication. I said no, but now I’m not your client and you can take me on a proper date. He told me I was crazy and I should be on medication, then he kissed me, yelled some more, called me an infuriating man and stormed off. It’s been a good nine months.” Jordan finished, Kenzi couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that erupted from her.

“You still are an infuriating man” Jonathan spoke, his cheeks slightly red from embarrassment.

“Aww thank you honey, and you’re going to marry me, and I’ll be able to infuriate my favourite person for the rest of our lives” Jordan replied,

“Aww, that’s so sweet” Kenzi said, her eyes big and her smile bright. Her sister’s presence at the table was completely forgotten.

“Just for the record he is still needy and demanding” James cut in, making everyone laugh.

“Yes on a side note, James is now my advisor. I’ve always invested with Beaumont and didn’t want to take my money elsewhere” Jordan nodded.

“Now how did a gorgeous little pixie like you bag that big stud muffin?” Jordan asked, Kenzi broke out laughing with the way the question was asked.

“They’re not dating,” Teagan cut in. Kenzi snapped her eyes to her sister, the smile faded from her face briefly then came back when she felt the gentle squeeze on her hand.

“Unless my eyes are deceiving me, Teagan, they are a couple and a damn fine looking one, he has not let go of her hand since they sat down” Jordan replied,

“They’re just neighbours” Teagan’s eyes bore into Kenzi, an action that did not go unnoticed by Jordan. Adonis held onto her hand a little tighter, when he felt her start to pull it away.

“Table my first question, how do you two know each other?” Jordan asked, he was intrigued now why bitch one would be glaring at her like that.

“That is my sister” Teagan almost snapped at him, but maintained her composure.

“Oh for the love of all things turquoise….” Jordan breathed out.

“Jordan!” Jonathan cut in,

“I’ll be good” Jordan buttoned up right there what he was about to say out loud, didn’t stop him from muttering it under his breath. “How did a sweet little thing like her get stuck with a beastly bitch for a sister?” We like Jordan!

“You and Teagan don’t get along?” Kenzi asked, you could see Jonathan visibly deflate after Kenzi spoke those words. This is where I get fired! Jonathan thought.

Elijah and Adonis shared a look they were both curious as to what he had to say to that. Jordan was lost in thought as he tried to figure out the best way to tell her that he thought her sister was a horrible bitch from hell and deserved to be stuck with burning hot pokers for the rest of her life. It was a thought that mimicked Adonis’s. He would be more than happy to stab the beastly bitch from hell with hot pokers. But Jordan took one look into Kenzi’s big silver eyes and he couldn’t do it.

“We’re like peanut butter and turnip” he said instead,

“Eww, that would be gross” Kenzi turned her nose up at that.

“Exactly, we just don’t mix,” Jordan agreed.

“Thank you” Jonathan whispered quietly as he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Now back to my first question. How did you and the stud muffin meet?” Jordan asked, looking at Kenzi. Kenzi was about to answer when Adonis beat her to it.

“She peeked in my bedroom window” Her eyes shot open and her mouth dropped, trying to form words, but only a squeak came out.

“No, no, no that’s not how we met. That’s not how we met.” She finally managed to say while shaking her head, then turned to him “You peekded in my window first….he peekded in my window first” she turned back to Jordan.

“You’re not denying you peeked in his window, darling” Jordan said laughing. All eyes were on her, as grins broke out on most of the diner guests.

“That was this morning, he was wearing a towel” She blurted, Jordan’s eyes widened.

“Justifiable, I’d look too” Jordan agreed, causing Mark and James to stifle their laughter

“That’s not how we met, he came into the bakery with a uther girl” Kenzi spilled,

“Oh this is getting better. You stole him, you little minx” Jordan’s interest in their story was piqued.

“No, I didint, I didint. I didint stealded no one” She shook her head.

“Yes she did. She actually lured me into the local diner with her sexy dancing ass first, before the bakery. I wasn’t able to focus on anything after that, was I Elijah?” Adonis added,

“No, he wasn’t” Elijah, kept his head down, but his shoulders were shaking.

“Why would you say that?” She looked at him her face bright red,

“I’m helping” He defended himself,

“You’re not helping….stop helping” She scolded, shaking her head, her very bright red face scrunched at him. Even mad she’s adorable!

“Then she tells me she sometimes….” her hand flew to his mouth as she was now standing beside him muffling his voice.

“Don’t you tell them that. I am, I am!” When she caught his questioning look. “He buyded the house ness door to mine, now he’s peeking in my bedroom window. I only peekded this morning and it was a ass-cident,” she added. Jordan’s eyes were dancing as he heard all of this.

“This story has it all. Enticement, man stealing, entrapment, stalking and peeking in windows.” The table erupted into laughter, with two exceptions, Teagan and Melani. “With that kind of story you two are going to be together forever,” Jordan added. He has no idea!

“Are you going to remove your hand from my mouth?” Adonis’s muffled voice came out.

“No, no more talking for you, you’re not pose to. You’re….you’re….you’re bannded” she replied, shaking her head causing the table to erupt again.

“I have been waiting for someone’s story to rival ours. Now I’m mad at you” Jordan looked at Jonathan,

“What? Why? What did I do?” Jonathan was shocked, they could see him trying to figure out what it was he had done for Jordan to be mad at him.

“By not going to that party you kept me from my best friend.” Jordan replied,

“I’m not going to win this one am I?” Jonathan asked, Mark and James broke out laughing at his defeated look.

“No!” Jordan said, “Sit we have much more to talk about” he added turning to Kenzi. She retook her seat after shooting Adonis a look. You just had to say something! Yes I did, her sister was making her nervous! Stupid succubitch! That she is! She’s having fun now! Sister not so much! The fuck do we care, let her sit there and scowl! I don’t think Jordan is going to give her back! He’ll give her back! Even Mr. Serious is laughing! He seems to relax around her! They all do! Yes they do, she’s special Odin! Don’t say it! This is not a business dinner! We’ll get them back on track! Do we like Jordan? I’m trying not to! We like Jordan! It is hard to hate human’s when you keep finding ones you actually don’t want to kill! The succubitch! Thank you! Welcome!

He watched her converse with everyone, she would say something and everyone would laugh, her animated movements bringing life to any story she told. When someone else said something to make her laugh her whole face lit up. Mark or James would ask her questions eagerly trying to get to know her and she happily answered or she would ask them questions. While she was enjoying herself, he could see Teagan growing angrier and angrier. The red flush started in her neck, and slowly began to move its way up. He had moved his chair closer to hers and she didn’t pull away when he retook her hand. Instead she laced their fingers together. Jordan shot Teagan a fucking told you look and went back to giving her his undivided attention.

Their food was being placed down in front of them and she was a little confused.

“I didint even look at the menu.” She said, then her face lit up when they placed a medium rare steak and fries in front of her. “That’s my fav-orite, this restaurant’s good”

“Oh you’re precious, but I think your man ordered that for you. This restaurant doesn’t have fries on the menu.” Jordan leaned over and told her. Kenzi looked at Adonis, her eyes sparkling, the light pink blush hit her face when he winked at her.

“Still want to tell me they’re not dating Teagan, because if they’re not, ordering for her and getting her favourite is a very bold move with a clear declaration of interest.” Jordan carried a triumphant grin on his face when the scowl on Teagan’s deepened.

“I hope she’s civilized and uses her fork and not her fingers” Melani whispered under her breath. They eventually moved the conversation back to business while they ate. Adonis kept his ear on Jordan and Kenzi while Elijah listened to Melani and Teagan.

Another round of drinks was brought to the table as the server was about to serve them she stumbled on something, spilling the whole tray, the contents landing on Kenzi. Shocked and wide eyed as the front of her dress now soaked and reeking of alcohol. The meal in front of her ruined as her fries swam in various liquors. A hush fell over the table as all eyes turned to look at her. Elijah caught the small smile that played on Teagan’s face then quickly vanished.

“I-I-I’m so sorry. P-p-please forgive me.” The server stammered as she took in the sight of Kenzi.

“It’s ok, ass-cidents happen. I wore a whole bowl of chocolate glaze today.” She replied, helping the girl clean the tray and glasses up. Adonis arched his brow at her.

“I was a bit dis-distra-distra-acteded,” she murmured when she saw the look on his face. Wonder what distracted her? What indeed?

“Didn’t have anything to do with what you saw this morning, did it?” He whispered low enough for only her to hear. When he saw the blush flush across her face, he had his answer.

“Maybe,” she replied, never looking at him. It took everything not to run his hand down her backside as she was standing close to him helping the server. The poor girl was still apologizing for the accident that happened as she escorted her to the restroom to clean up. She said she would try and find something she could change into but doubted she would be able to.

“That was no accident!” Elijah came through the link,

“What happened?” Adonis asked,

“I think the sister tripped the server” Elijah snarled,

“Reign him in!” Adonis ordered,

“I’m trying, but he’s not cooperating” Adonis could see him fighting to control Asmodeus. He kept his head down and his eyes closed. His body vibrated with anger.

Moving his hand from the table with a fork, like lightning Adonis jabbed the tines into the side of Eijah’s thigh. He bit back the growl at the pain that seared through him, but seemed to be ok after that, it would heal.

“Thank you!” Elijah finally lifted his head,

“Welcome, when dinner is done I recommend you take him on a run” It was said as more of an order, Asmodeus needed out.

“Yes, Alpha!” Elijah responded as he pulled the fork from his leg.

“This is a $500 suit” Elijah whispered, as he held a napkin to his leg to soak up the blood.

“Now it has air holes” Adonis spoke back, he could hear Odin laughing in his head.

“It is not supposed to have air holes” Elijah said,

“If it did, it would have been easier to stab you and I wouldn’t have wrecked your suit” Adonis replied,

“I don’t think they made it with people stabbing each other with forks in mind” Elijah responded,

“For $500, they should have” Adonis was trying to hide the grin on his face as he watched Elijah. Adonis looked in Teagan’s direction, with Kenzi no longer at the table, she was all smiles as she tried to draw people into a conversation, but without Kenzi at the table the conversation stalled and no one was interested in what she had to say. James, Mark and Jonathan fell back into discussing investments while Jordan just sat there looking miserable and bored, he refused to speak to either Teagan or Melani.

The manager had come over and spoke to Elijah in private, when he retook his seat Adonis arched his eyebrow at him in question.

“There is a bit of a problem” Elijah started, keeping his voice low

“Problem? Why couldn’t the manager speak to me about it?” Adonis asked,

“Your size is slightly intimidating. He apologized again for the accident, and comped our meal” Elijah said, he would rather the manager have spoken to Adonis about this, now he gets to be the one to tell him Luna’s stuck in the bathroom with no clothes on.

“Ok, what is the problem?” Adonis asked, sensing Elijah’s discomfort he sat back a bit from the others at the table.

“They can’t find something for Kenzi to change into. Her size is making it impossible. She is apparently swimming in everything they have given her. They even tried a server’s uniform on her, but the pants won’t stay up.” She’s standing in the bathroom naked? His eyes widened at that revelation. Why are we still at the table?

“She’s naked in the bathroom?” He no longer wanted to be at the table. Taking a glance in the direction of the restrooms, he caught Elijah’s slight smirk.

“Right now she is standing in the women’s bathroom drowning in a chef’s coat until they can get her dress back to her” Elijah replied. Taking a deep breath, Adonis had to force himself back into the conversation at the table, but the visions running through his head right now made it hard for him to keep his focus. We could be unwrapping her like a Christmas present! Shut up Odin!

“Try not to be miserable Jordan, I’m sure your little friend is fine.” Melani snarked at him, Jordan shot her a snide smile, but was pinched before he could reply so he kept his mouth shut. Please tell me what he’s thinking! Apparently Mark forgot his ball gag, or she chewed through it! Oh, we like Jordan!

“It’s not that big of a deal, she got a few drinks spilled on her, it’s not like she fell in the toilet and got flushed” Melani said, she was baiting him, she knew she was, everyone at the table knew she was.

“It’s a shame you can’t fall in the toilet and be flushed” Jordan clapped back. Jonathan pinched him again and shook his head.

“Hey Melani, that’s enough. Leave him alone.” Mark leaned over and whispered to her.

“He’s fine Mark, he’s a big boy and you can’t flush me down a toilet” Melani replied,

“You’re right. You’d probably melt the second the water touched you,” Jordan shot back. “And your ass is too fat.” He added quietly under his breath. Adonis almost choked on his drink when he said that, while Jonathan just hung his head.

“What was that?” She snapped,

“I didn’t say anything” Jordan replied,

“I think I’ll go check on my sister, excuse me” Teagan said as she got up from the table. Feeling the hair on the back of his neck rise, Adonis watched the sister head towards the bathroom. Why did this feel wrong to him? I have a bad feeling about this Odin! Succubitch is going to say something!

Kenzi had just been given back her dress, after another round of apologies. It was ok, it really was, accidents happen all the time and she told them it was no one’s fault. The server was worried she would be fired, but Kenzi told her not to worry about it. Though she was all for mixed drinks, having all the drinks mixed was a bit much, but she wasn’t mad. She still smelled like alcohol, but it wasn’t as bad as it was before, she would still need a shower when she got home to get the smell off of her though.

“You stupid, stupid little girl, what were you thinking? How could you do this to me?” Teagan snapped at her the second the bathroom door closed and blocked them from the rest of the restaurant.

“I-I-I….what did I do?” Kenzi stared at her wide eyed, she didn’t understand why Teagan was mad or what she did wrong, she was talking to people that was all.

“You wear beach clothes to a nice restaurant, order an item they don’t even serve. Fries Kenzi, fries are you serious right now? Why do you have to be such a screw up? Why can’t you for once not embarrass me?” Teagan was furious, her sister’s stupidity was wrecking everything.

“B-b-but Teagan I-I-I didin….” Again she didn’t understand, she didn’t even look at the menu, Adonis ordered for her and he said her dress was fine, he said she looked beautiful.

“Stop talking! Just the sound of your snivelling voice is getting on my nerves. They were here to discuss business, not how you threw yourself at the owner of the company like some desperate little slut” Teagan raged,

“I-I-I I di-dint do any-any-nothing, Teagan I di-dint do nothing” Kenzi was fighting back the emotion she was feeling, she was trying hard to keep it down but the more Teagan accused her the stronger she felt. The heavy weight of her emotions flooded the bathroom.

“Shut up you idiot. What the hell did I ever do to you that you must keep punishing me for? How are you not ashamed of your behaviour? I’m ashamed of you, I’m ashamed to be seen with you, to be anywhere near you. You are a terrible, selfish person. You peeked in his window. Seriously?” Teagan glared at her,

“I-I-I’m sorry Teagan. It was a a-as-ass-ss-cident, I-I-I I di-dint mean to. I-I-I I’m sorry” Kenzi was now starting to feel very ashamed of what she did, she was feeling ashamed of everything she did. She was ashamed of the thoughts that popped into her head, of the way her body reacted to him. She was ashamed that it didn’t feel wrong. She really was a stupid girl, she thought as she hung her head.

“Sorry, you’re sorry. That’s supposed to make this all better? Sorry. James is going to lose his job but it’s ok because you’re sorry.” Teagan hissed, her face red and contorted as she spoke.

“He’s going to lose his job?” Kenzi snapped her eyes to her sister, her actions were going to get James fired, guilt now bleeding into the shame she was already feeling.

“You idiot, you’re dating the owner of the company. How can you seriously be that stupid? How stupid are you?” Throwing her hands in the air, Teagan huffed.

“H-he-he’s my neighbour” Kenzi replied,

“He’s James’s boss. Now it’s your job to make sure he stays happy. You better give it up to him. You better give him whatever he wants, whenever he wants, or James will be fired” Teagan spat, then she turned to leave. Kenzi’s eyes widened, what did her sister just say?

“Wh-what does th-that mean? Teagan, wh-what does that mean?”

“Figure it out yourself you idiot” was the last thing Teagan said before she pulled the door to the restroom and stepped out.

“Teagan….Teagan, what does….Teagan” Kenzi called after her.

It was another twenty minutes after Teagan had gotten back to the table and still no sign of Kenzi. Adonis was beginning to get worried he would look towards the restrooms in hopes that she would be coming out. If she wasn’t back in five minutes, he was going looking for her. Sensing his apprehension Elijah excused himself and went to look for the manager. Where the fuck is she? I don’t know! That succubitch better not have done something to her! No, she better not have! If she’s tied to the floor I’ll rip her apart in front of all these people! If she’s tied to the floor I won’t stop you! Even Jordan was getting concerned he would look towards the restrooms as well. Not interested in waiting another minute to see if she would come out, he excused himself from the table. He was going to get his best friend, she’s so tiny she might have fallen in.

“Alpha, some guy just walked into the women’s restroom” one of his members called through the link.

“5’9, streaked blonde hair, charcoal grey suit?”

“Yeah!” Came a reply from another one,

“Leave him! He’s no threat”

Guess Jordan was done waiting! That would have been us in a few more minutes! Elijah rejoined him at the table.

“She was given the dress thirty minutes ago” Elijah whispered,

“What the hell is taking her so long?” Elijah looked at him, how was he supposed to know what took women so long in getting ready. “She didn’t fall in Elijah” What if she did? She’s tiny! Shut up Odin, she didn’t fall in!

Kenzi was pacing the bathroom floor. What did her sister mean when she said give him what he wants?

“What does he want?” She asked him, he said he wants to be friends, he wants her to be happy. Then he kissed her in her kitchen….no she kissed him, she got brave and kissed him. But he kissed her back. She knows he kissed her back, he kissed her back a couple times.

“Was that what Teagan meanded?” If he wants to kiss her let him. Her mind was racing trying to recall all the things Teagan said. It was her job to make him happy, he said her singing makes him happy, it makes him smile. He’ll get grumpy if he doesn’t hear her sing.

“What does when-ev-ver he wants mean?” Kiss him and sing when-ev-ver he wants? Is that what she meanded?

“No, that can’t be what she meanded at all. I’m missing something” Going back over the conversation again and again. Five words rang out in her head like an alarm bell. Give it up to him….she froze in place. Her eyes widened as her heart slammed into her rib cage. Is that what she meant? Is that how she was supposed to make him happy? Is that what she was supposed to give him whenever he wanted? By doing that, she was supposed to do that. A sick feeling hit her stomach, she was supposed to have sex with him so James could keep his job. Rushing into a stall she spilled the contents of her empty stomach. She wasn’t ready for that, she wanted to have sex because she wanted to, not because someone would lose their job if she didn’t. How could she be so stupid? How could she let this happen? So many thoughts swirled through her head, hammering at her, her head was pounding and her heart was racing. What was she going to do? She can’t stay in the bathroom all night. Eventually she’ll have to come out.

“Way to screw up big tine you stupid, stupid girl” she felt so defeated.

Standing at the sink rinsing her mouth and splashing water on her flush face Kenzi didn’t hear Jordan walk in.

“Darling, what are you doing in here?” Jordan asked. ….eeeep…. Startled, she let out the small scream, then covered her mouth.

“Jordan! What are you doing here? Why are you in the women’s bathroom?” Kenzi gasped when she saw him.

“Better question is why are you still in the women’s bathroom?” Jordan questioned back.

“Um….it’s….um….it’s ok. It’s not impor….” Kenzi looked at him then at the floor. She didn’t want to say it.

“Don’t you give me that non important nonsense. You are hiding in the bathroom, and your man is about ready to break the door down to come and get you” Her eyes went wide and she started shaking her head. “What’s wrong? You look positively scared to death, tell me” Jordan began growing concerned at the look on Kenzi’s very pale face.

“He can’t come in here! He can’t” Her heart wouldn’t stop, it was hitting so hard against her rib cage it was starting to hurt. Jordan immediately engulfed her in a hug.

“Oh darling! You’re shaking like a leaf, what is going on? I’m not leaving until you tell me” He held her close.

“James is going to lose his job unless I sleep with him.” Kenzi clutched onto Jordan and held tight as the words tumbled from her mouth. She didn’t want to say anything, but she couldn’t keep them back.

“Woah, wait, what? You have to sleep with James, or he’s going to lose his job? What are you talking about?” Jordan asked, confusion clear on his face and concern evident in his voice.

“No, Adonis. I has to sleep with Adonis or James will lose his job. That’s what Teagan said” His body stiffened and he held her tighter.

“What did Teagan say?” He could only imagine what that bitch said to her.

“I screwded up. Teagan said I screwded up by dating James’s boss, I didint know who he was, he’s my neighbour. I didint know he was James’s boss, but now it was my job to keep him happy,” Kenzi started, “I didint know what she meanded. She said I has give it up to him. I has to give him what-ev-ver he wants when-ev-ver he wants or James is going to get fired. If that means what I think that means, then I can’t do that, I’m not ready for that, I’m not ready. Jordan, I’m not ready” She continued. Jordan stepped back from her and looked at her.

“Oh my gawd! Are you a….? You are! You’re as pure as the driven snow. I’ve always wanted to meet one of you. You my darling are a rarity.” Jordan hugged her again, his innocent little best friend.

“I want to, I really do, but I want to cause I want to. Not so someone doesint get fired. That’s a lot of p-pr-pre…. I don’t think I can do it. What if I’m not very good? He won’t be happy, that’s not keeping him happy Jordan, that’s not keeping him happy at all and James will get fired.” She looked up at him, so much fear swirled in her eyes. There was no way she could go through with it, but she would feel so guilty knowing she cost James his job.

“No! No, just no! My darling, that is not how this works. Bosses don’t demand people sleep with them to keep jobs. No wonder you’re hiding in the bathroom!” Jordan shook his head,

“B-b-but Teag….”

“No!” Jordan cut her off,

“B-b-but….” She tried again, but he just wouldn’t hear it. He already heard enough.

“No! No best friend of mine is going to be forced or coerced into doing something she is not ready for. You are not going to be pimped out. I will take care of this. You stay here.” With that said Jordan exited the restroom. Pimpded out? What’s pimpded out?

Jordan had a few words to say to Teagan about what she said and something told him this will be news to everyone else as well. He knew James, James would not do this. He didn’t know Adonis very well, but after what he witnessed between them at the table the man was smitten with her, and that was the last thing a smitten man would do. By the time he reached the table he was fuming. It was utter bullshit, and no one deserved that. No beastly bitch is going to pimp out my best friend!

“I am not a violent guy and don’t normally wish harm on others, but if I saw you drowning in a lake I would either look in the opposite direction or hold you under.” I really like Jordan! Something’s wrong Odin!

“How that sweet little pixie got saddled with a vile, reprehensible beastly bitch like you for a sister I don’t understand, and the only explanation I can come up with was that she was switched at birth. No god would make that mistake and fate might be a cruel bitch, but even it’s not that cruel. Your depravity is disgusting” The table fell silent and all eyes turned to him, while he was fixed and focused on Teagan.

“Jordan!” Jonathan gaped at him,

“What are you talking about?” Teagan looked completely shocked, Jordan’s assault came out of nowhere.

“Did you seriously pimp your sister out to your boyfriend’s boss so he could keep his job?” Jordan accused narrowing his eyes on her. What the fuck did he just say? Odin was alert. Stay calm Odin! NO! It’s not going to help! I want our mate!

“This dinner is over!” Adonis barked through the link

“What?” James looked at Teagan,

“She pimped her sister out to him so you can keep your job.” Jordan looked at James and motioned towards Adonis as he made his reply,

“I did not, I would never do something like that” Her heart rate had picked up, both Adonis and Elijah could hear it hammering in her chest.

“Oh sure, lie about it, we all know that’s what you’re good at.” Jordan snapped at her,

“I’m not lying” She huffed, but her heart rate picked up even more.

“Jordan, stop it!” Jonathan snapped getting up from his seat,

“Sitting with her at this table for five minutes how many of you can say without a doubt that there is something wrong with her like Teagan claims and would have you believe. She is sweet and she is innocent and the only thing wrong with that girl is you” Jordan called her out on the biggest lie she has told to all of them. “Tell me Teagan, when did you start spreading that one? When she got too bright for you? She might be small, but she’ll always be bigger and better than you” He snapped at her.

“I don’t think she’s all that great. There is something wrong with that girl. Who orders fries at an upscale restaurant?” Melani replied

“Of course you would. You think there’s something wrong with everyone that doesn’t look like you and your plastic boobs” Jordan turned on Melani after she raised her hand.

Jordan!!!” Jonathan barked at him, clearly angry by his disruptive behaviour.

“Don’t you Jordan me. I’ve been a good boy long enough. You can paint your face in all the make-up you want Melani, it’ll never be enough to cover the ugliness on the inside. And you’ve had lipstick on your teeth since the start of dinner so can it.” Jordan barked back. Tables around the restaurant had gone quiet over the scene Jordan had caused. He wasn’t even ashamed, the more people that saw Teagan for the monster she was the better.

“What do you mean she pimped her sister out?” Adonis asked, bringing the conversation back to the original statement, he was glaring at Teagan. He was fighting to keep control of Odin, while Elijah dug his fingers into the seat of his chair to keep himself planted.

“Do you want to tell him what you said or would you like me to enlighten the whole restaurant?....You know what I’ll do it, better chance of the truth coming out. She said Kenzi better give it up to you and give you whatever you want, whenever you want or James will be fired. It’s her job to make you happy.” He replied. Eyes widened and jaws dropped as everyone stared at her.

Why the hell would you say that?” James barked at her, his mouth open, he could barely look at her.

“That’s what I’d like to know” The anger that emanated from Adonis had the other pack members in the restaurant bowing in submission. They might be demons, but The Devil commands respect.

“If I lose my job Teagan, it’s because I did something wrong, not because your sister wouldn’t sleep with my boss. If anyone besides me is going to cost me my job….it’s you. But I can fix that right now. We’re done, and to think I was going to ask you to marry me. Kinda happy I dodged that bullet. I’m sorry Mr. Bradshaw I can’t be here anymore” Pushing himself back from the table James rose to his feet, he was done. “And before you get the idea to blame your sister for this, it’s all you, and only you. I like your sister. Jordan’s right she’s a sweet girl, and maybe you should take lessons from her”

James!” Teagan went to grab his arm, but he pulled away from her.

No!” Was all he said before he stormed out of the restaurant.

“Some people are just so touchy,” Melani remarked as she watched him leave.

“Can it Melani. You’ve been a bitch for no reason all night, pushing trying to provoke Jordan. You have till I get home to pack your shit and get the fuck out of my place” Mark commented to her, before he too got up and followed James. Melani was on her feet behind him trying to get him to stop and talk to her. He was her ride home.

“Dinner is over! Go collect Kenzi from the restroom, we’re leaving” Adonis spoke to Elijah, while he remained sitting.

“I’m sorry Jonathan, but it wasn’t right. That little girl is an absolute treasure and didn’t deserve that.” Jordan apologized, he didn’t mean to cause that much drama, but what happened to his friend was unjust, she didn’t deserve it, she was the sweetest little thing he’s ever met. He just met her, but he meant what he said when he called her his best friend. Jonathan could only nod, after he heard what Teagan said to her, he felt Jordan was justified in what he did, even if it meant losing his job.

“It’s alright Jordan, no one is losing their job. The one responsible for the night being ruined, has no tie to my company, and therefore their behaviour does not reflect poorly on it.” Adonis had not taken his eyes off Teagan as he spoke.

“Thank you Mr. Bradshaw” Jonathan said, nodding

“Go home!” His jaw was tight and his fists were clenched, the muscles across his chest had rippled a few times at his anger, and his fight to keep control of the raging hellbeast in his head. Jonathan quickly grabbed Jordan and headed towards the exit, before Adonis changed his mind about firing people. Teagan went to get up and leave as well, though she didn’t know how she was going to get home James drove them and he was gone and the city was an hour away.

Sit down!” Adonis ordered. Teagan’s ass planted back in that chair fast.

Adonis sat there silent for a few minutes. He needed to make sure before he opened his mouth, Odin wouldn’t try something. This would set him back with his mate, this would set him way back. She took a huge step forward when she kissed him in the kitchen, but with this lie that he wants sex from her in order to save someones job, he was on damage control and he was angry. If they weren’t in a restaurant with other people, if they were in the woods, he would have let Odin do everything he was envisioning in his head. He would let him tear her apart slowly piece by piece while she was still breathing. He would want her to feel every agonizingly painful rip of every body part until her heart could no longer take it and gave out.

“You are a stupid, stupid girl. That is twice now, you have spoken for me when you really should have kept your foolish mouth shut. Do I strike you as a man to be trifled with?” He asked her, he stared straight ahead, keeping his focus fixed to one spot on the table.

Answer me!” He growled,

“No” her reply was small and weak,

“Then way the fuck are you? Are you really that pathetic of a person or are you that miserable with your meager existence that you need to fuck with someone elses? Maybe it’s both” Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Elijah was escorting Kenzi from the restaurant. She was apologizing to him for screwing up, he was trying to assure her that she didn’t, but he wasn’t too sure she believed him. It was then that Adonis looked at Teagan, his top lip curling back. She had the audacity to look offended by what he said.

“I offended you? Tell me….how does it feel to be so weak that mere words hurt you?” Teagan sat quietly, her body stiff and rigid. She was trying to keep control of herself and her fear, but he could tell she was one step away from pissing herself.

“She’s just a stupid little girl. Why would you possibly care about her?” Teagan shot back. She tried to keep her voice strong, but it shook and when she looked at him, she realized it was the wrong thing to say. His jaw was clenched and the muscle was twitching. His eyes were dark, cold and hard and he narrowed them on her, icy shivers running down her back. Her audible gulp said she wanted to take it back.

“Look at everything she has accomplished with no education to speak of and every disadvantage thrown her way, including having you as a sister. Now look at what you have done and tell me again who the stupid one is. In one night you have alienated yourself, ended a relationship of two years and you have made a very powerful enemy. A simple flick of my wrist and I can wipe you from existence. I am going to take great pleasure in ripping apart every lie you have ever told her, until your world lies in a rotten heap at your feet. When I looked into James I looked into you as well and everything you built will crumble. But I am not going to stop there, I will see to it that everything you try fails, everything you touch turns to poison. I’m going to make your life hell. Again I ask who’s the stupid one?” His eyes bore into hers.

“Why are you trying to be her hero?” Teagan asked, fear poured from her clinging to the air like a putrid stench. The others in the restaurant started getting restless. Their excitement grew at the fear the vile little wretch was emitting. Their demons were feeding off of it, they wanted it, it made the hunt that much more enjoyable.

CLEAR OUT!” Adonis boomed through the link, it wouldn’t take much more for one of them to snap and go after her. The succubitch is ours!

“I am not the hero she wants, but the monster she needs. If you fuck with her again, I will show you just how big of a monster I can be” Odin had to make himself known when the last part came out with a growl. Teagan’s eyes widened, she flinched back in her chair and couldn’t take her eyes from him, he seemed to double in size as he sat there.

“I would be afraid, Teagan, very afraid. Karma’s coming for you and you owe one fuck of a debt.” He stood from the table and walked out leaving her sitting there shaking in her seat. With the whispers of the other patrons swirling around her.

When he stepped out of the restaurant he contemplated telling Elijah to take Kenzi home he needed the run. His body was vibrating with the anger he was feeling. Odin was raging in his head, he wanted to go back in there and take her head. But he needed his mate, he needed to make sure she was ok. His mate, his innocent little mate, the thoughts that must be running through her head right now. The man she must think he is. How was he going to prove to her he is not that man? Moving quickly towards the vehicle he saw her sitting in the front seat and Elijah was standing beside the back passenger door. Her head was down and he didn’t need to be in the vehicle to know she was clenching her fists reciting those words to herself. It upset him, but he understood why she would do that. That stupid, stupid fucking succubitch. I’ma rip her fucking head from her miserable fucking body! Maybe he should run home, sitting in the backseat while she sits in the front away from him is going to kill him.

“She asked if she could sit in the front,” Elijah spoke, before he could say anything.

“I wish I could say I’m surprised.” Adonis replied as he studied his little mate. She would shake her head, but she never looked up, she was fighting to keep control. Her hair hung down blocking his view of her angelic face and his heart ached.

“She apologized multiple times for screwing up the dinner, saying she knew she would do this. She always screws up. Said she tried to be good. I did the best I could to assure her she did nothing wrong, but those words are ingrained deep in her. Then she asked me if you were someone important, I said she would have to ask you” Rolling his shoulders he just nodded. It was one of the things he liked about her, she had no idea who he was. He was her neighbour. Not Adonis Bradshaw, second richest man in the world, and his wallet can crush people. He was just Adonis, her friend, his wallet didn’t intimidate her, in fact none of him seemed to intimidate her. The smallest, tiniest little thing he has ever seen, and aside from her initial meeting with Odin, she wasn’t afraid of him. He was a monster of a man compared to her and he didn’t intimidate her in the slightest. And now all of that was hanging by a thread, she was his everything, and now he wasn’t even sure if she would still look at him as a friend.

“Let’s go home” He finally said. Elijah opened the passenger door for him. She didn’t lift her head when he got in, but he heard the audible gulp of air she took. She’s scared now! Odin whimpered. That bitch made her think I’m a sex crazed monster, using my employees to solicit sex! You are a sex crazed monster! Thank you Odin, not helping! I’ve seen the things that run through your head! Thank you Odin. You’re a fine one to talk, you want to bite her ass! Yeah! I still do! Don’t! Wasn’t going to do it now! Don’t do it period!

The drive back to town was heavy with silence, no one spoke a word for the whole hour. It was the longest car ride of his life. So many emotions swirled around her. Now more than ever he wished he could peek in her head, see what she was thinking, hear her thoughts. He tried, he tried several times. He tried to steady himself, calm himself, open his mind to her but nothing he couldn’t hear them. Her head rested against the seat, her eyes fixed out the window at the woods. What was supposed to be a good fun night, became a disaster. The second she had an ounce of fun, her sister crushed it. He watched her through the side mirror intently, he would see the big intakes of air she would take, her bottom lip was swollen with how savagely she bit at it. His heart hurt, Odin whimpered, the world must feel like it’s screaming at her right now, and without her music she had no way to make it be quiet. Elijah had tried the radio, but unless her headphones were in to drown out the outside sounds it didn’t work, she couldn’t get lost.

As soon as the truck had parked in his drive, Adonis was out of the back seat, opening her door. Her body tensed when he touched her to help her from the vehicle. The slices of panic he felt rip through her saddened him even more. Instead of keeping her in his arms like he wanted to, he dropped them to his sides when she was on solid ground.

“I’m going to walk Kenzi home, go” Adonis ordered. To Kenzi it sounded like Elijah was being dismissed, but to Elijah it was his Alpha telling him to let his beast out. Nodding his reply, he said goodnight to Kenzi and headed towards the house.

“How dinner?” Tyler asked as Elijah walked into the house and headed towards the back.

“Fine” Came his tight reply as he passed though the living room.

“Not fine” Jackson said watching him slip out the backdoor and into the night. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Asmo out!” Jackson added as they both looked in the direction of the back door after the growl they heard.

“Somein gonna die!” Tyler replied,

“Painfully!” Jackson nodded in agreement. It wasn’t just going to die, it was going to be tortured in the most brutal way possible, and that’s if Asmodeus didn’t rip it to pieces it first.

“The fuck happen at dinner?” Tyler asked,

“Guess we fine out,” Jackson replied, with Tyler nodding, dividing their attention between the back and front doors.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.