The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 29: You Peeked In My Bedroom?

Adonis had called Alpha Malone after his shower and set up a meeting with him Friday. He did seem very interested in meeting him and had someone he needed to talk to. Alpha Malone would not get into specifics over the phone about what the meeting would entail or who he wanted him to meet. When he mentioned a certain bakery, this had piqued his interest quite a bit. He was looking out his bedroom window watching her in the backyard. She was finishing in her garden, her music was in and he could see that she was fighting the urge to dance. His poor little mate, she loved to dance, but her back was standing in the way of it. Deciding on what he was going to do, he had the conversation with Odin rolling through his head. She’s scared of him, but not boogeyman scared, scared in a good way. So what kind of scared in a good way was she? She also thought he only wanted to be friends. He could see how she would be confused by that, he could be doing more to show her that he wanted more, that she was more than just a friend, she was his future. But he didn’t want to push her too fast or….boogeyman scare her. That backfired! Thank you Odin! Welcome Adonis! Maybe she was free for dinner? He needed a date tonight, she did owe him a dinner date, maybe he could call it in early? But then he wouldn’t get one next week….

Hey hey, say my name say my name

You more beautiful than everybody else in the game

A good girl with a bad attitude

All dressed up like Rihanna work-work-work in the room

Show me what you got, got

Let it roll right off your tongue, tongue

Hit me with your best, shot

Tell me off, Tell me off, Tell me off

I said Hey! So hit me where it hurts, Oh!

Say my name like it’s a Bad Word!

Say my name like it’s a Bad Word!

Hey! So hit me where it hurts, Oh!

Say my name like it’s a bad word

Say my name like it’s a bad word

(Bad Word - Panicland)

Looking out his window again, there she was singing loudly, for all to hear. Not a care in the world as the smile stayed on her face. He could see Jackson and Tyler on the deck moving along to the song she was singing, not even ashamed that they were eavesdropping on her. When she had finished they started clapping and whistling telling her to continue. Her face went red from the attention, but they didn’t stop trying to encourage her to sing more. Fuck this, I’m getting another dinner date! Bout time you put your big boy pants on! Shut up! With Odin’s laughter in his head he headed down stairs.

“There’s more and more members showing up, a third of the pack has checked in so far” Elijah said as soon as he spotted Adonis.

“We’ll throw a welcome home BBQ this weekend. They can meet their Luna. She doesn’t seem to shy away from us” he replied. He also wanted to figure out when to celebrate her birthday. Maybe one of his dinners could turn into a small party.

“No, she does not. By this weekend the majority of the pack should be in town. I also looked further into K Co and the forms Kenzi received.” Adonis arched his eyebrow and waited for him to proceed. “K Co is a shell, completely legal. K Co owns the building, the bakery and the house she lives in, as long as the company pays taxes the government doesn’t bat an eye at it. It’s used solely to protect the owner’s anonymity.” Adonis nodded his head, he knew this. “This is the interesting part. Kenzi is K Co, however Kenzi Templeton can’t sign anything away.” His eyes shot open as he looked at Elijah.

“What? How is that possible?” Adonis asked,

“Because everything is under the name K Co. She signs Kenzi Tempelton to any document and nothing happens, she would have to sign K Co. Whoever set this up, either knows Kenzi or knows someone who knows her, and knows Kenzi would tell her sister.” Elijah went on.

“Meaning they know the sister as well. And knew the sister would eventually try something and put measures in place to prevent that from happening. Kenzi doesn’t know she’s K Co, does she?” Elijah shook his head.

“So who would do something like that?” Adonis asked,

“I don’t know, but I don’t think it was Maggie and them. They could have asked someone to do it for them” Elijah answered. This gave him something to think about as he headed towards the front door. Someone other than the few select people in town was protecting her. He wanted to know who and he wanted to know why. Alpha Malone? Why? Said he had someone you needed to meet, someone connected to the baker! Who? Now that’s the question! Guess we’ll find out on Friday! Unless Tyler comes up with something first! Come on Tyler, I hate surprises! Me too!

Opening the front door he stood toe to toe with a man in a uniform, who didn’t quite meet his chest. He could hear him swallow hard as he looked up and up at him, his eyes wide.

“Tyler Monroe?” The man questioned.

“No….TYLER!” Adonis yelled back into the house, then walked past the man on his way to Kenzi’s. He had a question to ask her, but an idea struck him as well. Pulling his phone from his pocket he made a call. This might be a business dinner, but there was no reason his date couldn’t get her favourite dinner.

Adonis watched her for a minute as she carefully dug the hole in her yard. He saw the tree she was going to plant this time and couldn’t help but wonder how many times he would have to rescue her from the hole. He hoped none. That would cause her pain, but he had a feeling it would at least be once. Her mouth was moving along with whatever song was being played in her ears but she wasn’t singing out loud in her true fashion. Why? Odin pondered as they stood there watching her. Maybe it embarrassed her when Jackson and Tyler were trying to encourage her to sing more! He saw how red her face became. Maybe someone told her she sucks? Odin countered. Sadness coursed through him and he knew that was probably why. Someone told her she couldn’t sing anymore than she could cook or bake. But that was a lie, she could cook and she could bake. She can sing as well and he loved listening to her voice. Moving closer to her, drawn by her scent, pulled by the urge to feel her against him, he had gotten too close. The shovel came back fast, hard….THUNK! Pain, pure pain shot through him as the shovel made its connection. Adonis hit the ground, flat on his back, blood trickling from his nose as he held it. Odin howled with laughter in his head. As she turned to look at him wide eyed and very alarmed by what she had just done. He could also hear Tyler roaring with laughter, of course one of them had to witness him being smacked with a shovel.

Kenzi was in her front yard listening to music, trying to keep it down. Jackson and Tyler had tried to get her to keep going but she didn’t want to disturb them anymore than she apparently did. They were just trying to be nice to her by telling her she didn’t but she knew she did. Lost in her own world, her own thoughts, the outside world had faded into the background. She was digging the hole for the magnolia tree, making sure to keep care of her back and to not dig it so deep that if she were to fall into it she wouldn’t need rescuing from it. THUNK! The vibration moved down the handle and when she turned around Adonis was on his back holding his nose.

“Did I hit you with the shovel?” Her eyes wide as she stared at him, then the shovel then back at him as realization set in as to what she had just done. The shovel dropped to the ground as she stood there. Her hands flew to her mouth as she saw the blood trickling down from his nose.

“A little bit” He replied,

“I’m sorry, I-I-I did, I’m so sorry” She was by his side trying to help him sit up and push his hands out of the way at the same time so she could see what she did to him.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry” she repeated it over and over again.

“It’s ok, its fine” He said, trying to assure her that no harm was done, as well as ignore her under the breath whispers to herself about being stupid and not watching what she was doing.

“Come on, we should get this cleanded up” he was about to protest saying he was fine and not to worry about it, but the thought of having her fuss over him was appealing, so he agreed and let her pull him into the house.

Sitting at her kitchen table while she grabbed a clean cloth and soaked it under the tap to clean the blood from his face, she continued to utter under her breath, scolding herself for being a stupid screw up. She’s heard those words so often, they were so ingrained in her that’s what she was, and that’s what she’ll always be. Make her stop! Make her stop saying that! I can’t, until she stops believing it, until it’s proven a lie, it’s the truth she’ll see in herself! Then make her not believe it! I plan too! Looking in his direction at the blood on his face, she never grimaced at it. Never stepped back, cringed, shied away, nothing. His blood was the same dark colour as hers and she never acknowledged it. Seemed completely fine with the whole thing. Wonder what she would think if she knew the three others next door had the same blood.

“I’m really sorry. I didint mean to hit you” She said as she moved closer to him.

“It’s ok, it was an accident. I did come up behind you. Apparently I didn’t learn my lesson the first time. Should have known better to do that, when you have a shovel in your hand.” He replied,

“If I wasn’t listening to my music, I might has hearded you were there and I wouldint has hit you. Maybe I should stop listening to music. I might pay more a-att-ten….” A small frown tugged down the corners of her mouth as she gave up on the word she was trying for.

Atten-tion” He enunciated the word for her and she just nodded, gently dabbing the blood from his face, cleaning it off. He sat there silently for a bit, just letting her clean him up.

“You like your music, it’s how you shut the world off when it gets too loud. If you don’t have your music Kenzi, how are you going to do that?” He finally asked,

“I don’t know! But I’ll figure it out, it’s not important” she replied, her shoulders slumped a bit after the small shrug she did. He took the cloth from her hand and placed it on the table.

“You’re not going to stop your music, I won’t let you. I will just have to be more careful around you when you’re wielding a shovel” he replied,

“Or a pot. I hit Julio with a pot once….twice” She smiled sheepishly at him.

“I’ll keep that in mind” His eyebrows rose when she said that.

“No, I should really stop and jus learn to live with the loud world. I get too loud. I botherded Jackson and Tyler earlier with my singing. They said I didint, but I know I don’t sing well and they were jus trying to be nice….” He took her hands in his and pulled her closer to him, both the movement and contact took her by surprise as she now found herself straddling his lap facing him.

“Who told you that? Who told you, you couldn’t sing? Was it the same one that told you, you couldn’t bake or cook? Cause that’s a lie you can do both of those.” When she didn’t say anything, he knew he was right. My money’s on the succubitch! Mine as well! “If you not being able to bake or cook is a lie, then you not being able to sing is a lie as well. So who told you that?” He brushed strands of hair from her face, and saw the dirt streaks across her darkening cheeks.

“People!” Was all she replied,

“Then those people are very, very, very stupid. They are also liars and they have no taste. They are jealous. You are an extremely talented cook, an exceptional little baker, and an extraordinary singer. You have a beautiful voice Kenzi, it brings a smile to my face everytime I hear it, so again I am not going to let you stop. I will get grumpy and nobody wants that. I do question your music choice sometimes, this mouth is not made to curse” With each compliment her cheeks became pinker and pinker. Her nose crinkled, her eyes sparkled and she looked away from him trying to fight the little giggles that kept escaping.

“And that has to be the most adorable reaction to a compliment I have ever seen” Careful of her back he held her to his chest. He hoped she never got used to compliments, he planned on doing it all the time, her reaction to them was just too damn adorable not to.

“I sometines sing in the morning….do, do I bother you? I’m sorry if I do, I’ll try not to” Though she snuggled closer to him, he could feel her body was still tense. She really doesn’t like bothering people! She is not a burden! No she is not!

“No, why would you ask?” He was running his hands carefully up and down her back, trying to encourage her to relax and release some of the tension she was carrying. Leaning more into him enjoying the movement. She didn’t mean to but it felt really good. His touch, his hands, felt really good against her body. She could get lost in them, she did get lost in them that he had to stop and repeat his question.

“Why did you ask if you bother me in the morning?” Her cheeks started to darken as the memory of him in just a towel flashed before her eyes.

“I didint mean to do it! It was a ass-cident” She said, shaking her head.

“What did you do? What was an accident?” Her cheeks became darker and darker as each vivid detail of him came forth. The taut bulges of his muscles, the tattoos, the way the water drops cascaded down his body and disappeared underneath the loosely hanging towel that stopped her from seeing every inch of him.

“Um….I didint know that one of my bedroom windows looks….into your bedroom. Until I saw you standing there…..I didint mean to peek. It was an ass-cident!” She sat back and looked up at him,

“You peeked in my bedroom?” Her cheeks went redder as she continued to stare up at him

“It was a ass-cident, you were standing there in a towel, it was hard not to look. The towel might has fallen, but it didint, it didint. It didint fall. I coverded my eyes….sort of.” She liked what she saw! She really liked what she saw!

“Were you hoping for the towel to fall?” Her mouth opened, then closed it. She was trying to figure out what to say.

“Um….yes….no….no….maybe” Kenzi’s words tumbled out as she shook her head, becoming more flustered by the conversation. His gaze dropped to her mouth. He was transfixed watching her lips darken the redder her face became.

“Did you like what you saw?” Her cheeks now four shades darker, as she turned her head and averted her eyes.

“I didint look away.” She was fidgeting with her fingers as she spoke. Hooking his finger under her chin he pulled her to look at him again.

“That is not an answer Ms. Templeton. Did you like what you saw?” Adonis repeated his question.

“I didint not like it.” She stared up at him, her eyes wide. What was he going to say? What was he going to do?

“Hmmm….” Was all he said as he looked down into her silver orbs.

“I’m sorry, it was a ass-cident. I didint mean to, I won’t do it again.” She tried to look away from him, but he wouldn’t allow it, he kept her chin cupped in his hand slowly letting his thumb lazily trace her jaw. She bit her bottom lip as she waited for him to reply.

“You peeked in my bedroom, saw me in nothing but a towel, secretly hoped for it to fall, and hit me with a shovel. You’ll have to make this up to me.” Her eyes widened at what he said, that was not at all what she thought he was going to say.

“I wont undressded in front of you. I’ll keep the curtains closded and I won’t peek no more, but I’m not doing that.” She blurted, her face even redder now as her blush started spreading down her neck. Staring back at her wide eyed, not that he would be opposed if she did that, it was not what he was thinking. Is now! He could feel her whole body starting to heat up.

“That’s twice now you brought up undressing in front of me. I’m beginning to think that’s what you really want to do” He slid her bottom closer so she pressed more against him.

“I nev-ver said that….I nev-ver said that” her silver eyes wide with slivers of fear swirling in them, her heart hammered in her chest, but he could feel the ripples of excitement shooting through her as well.

“If it is, I’m not going to protest, I’ve already seen it once and would not turn away if I saw it again” her eyes widened as she tried processing what he just said. He saw her undressing?

“Y-y-you s-saw me?.....when? When did I undress in front of you? Was it when I was drunk?” Her voice barely above a whisper as her heart rate spiked and her breathing quickened. He saw her? He saw….he saw all of it….Ev-vrything! The scars, the bruises. He saw how grotesque and disfigured she was. He saw how ugly she was. Adam saw her back once after she fell off the dock and into the lake, she had her shirt off when he showed up, he called her back grotesque and told her her body was disfigured. He told her when they had sex it would be with the lights off so he never had to see it again. She was never ready after that, the thought of repulsing someone with her body, made her want to keep her clothes on and hide what she looked like. Her body started tensing again and she was beginning to shrink away from him as shame flooded around her. Holding tighter to her, he was not about to let her get away without hearing what he had to say first.

“The day I asked you to dinner and you shot me down, I was in my room unpacking. I happened to look out my window at the same time you walked in your bedroom and started removing clothes. I was a little shocked and slightly ashamed that I was peeking, but I didn’t look away.” No you weren’t! No I wasn’t! He moved her back to where she was, pressed right against him. Her cuff covered wrists resting on his shoulders, he once again started running his hands up and down her back. Keeping hold of the thought of her gross body in her mind was the only thing stopping her imagination from running wild at this moment. Leaning closer so his lips were right beside her ear.

“I liked what I saw,” he whispered. Her only reply was a sharp intake of air. He could never think she was ugly. Did they make him angry when he saw them? Yes, but her scars were not grotesque, they were her history, her story. Her challenges and her triumphs. They were what shaped her into who she was. Her beauty was radiant and breathtaking, but her soul is what set her apart from everyone else, it’s what made her extraordinary.

“I know your secret!” Keeping his lips right next to her ear his hot minty breath fanned her neck as he spoke, her skin prickled as anticipation and trepidation pulsed through her body.

“I’ve touched it,” he added when she dared to turn her head and look into his eyes, his mouth dangerously close to hers. When his lips brushed the scar on her upper lip, her breath caught in her throat and her mind went wild. Why did he do that? Did he not find her gross? How could he not find her gross? She was gross! Would he do it again? Let him do it again! Please do it again! Electricity surged through her body and the thought of him doing it again, caused her to heat up even more.

“You has?” She whispered, leaning more into him, but trying to keep focus on him and not his lips.

“Oh yes, Ms Templeton I have! You have the most touchably soft skin ever. It’s hard for me to keep my hands to myself, when it’s just begging me to touch it” Her face went redder as she tried to hide it in his chest.

“Oh sweetheart you can’t hide from me. The tips of your gorgeous ears are red,” he teased. Bowing his head, he really wanted her to hear this next part, she needed to. She needed to know what he thought, what he really thought, what he would always think. She never had to hide herself from him, she was free to be her and be seen, in all her beautiful glory.

“Shameless!” She muttered into his chest.

“You’re beautiful Kenzi Templeton. From the tips of your very red pixie ears to your little bare feet. You’re beautiful and you always will be.” He lifted her chin to look in her eyes. Gently tracing his fingers across the scars on her back over the fabric of the dress she wore.

“These are not ugly. They are not grotesque. They are your triumphs over the challenges you faced. Your history, and one day when you’re ready I want you to tell me the story behind them, all of them. But you don’t need to hide them, not from me, not ever.” He wanted her to look him in the eyes when he said this to her.

“Did they make me angry when I saw them? Yes they did, who could do that to someone as perfect as you? But they do not, nor will they ever disgust me and neither will any part of you.” She needed to see in his eyes that she will never not be gorgeous to him. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she wrapped her arms tighter around him. She didn’t want to cry, but that’s what was going to happen.

“Don’t hide it sweetheart, don’t push it down. Let it out, don’t be ashamed to show it or feel it. It’s not a burden or bothersome. You’re allowed!” He held her tighter when he felt the first few tears land on his shirt. Her body trembled as more joined them. He wouldn’t let her go until she was finished, until she was ready.

“Now, how are you going to make up for peeking in my window?” Adonis asked, when the tears had stopped and Kenzi was resting cuddled in his arms with her head on his shoulder.

“I….I….I….you peekded in my window first. I only finded out I can see in yours this morning.” His laugh was deep, as he looked down, her face still carried the evidence of her tears, but her silver eyes were bright and sparkling.

“That is true. You still hit me with a shovel and that my tiny dancer you do need to make up for.” He will give her that one, he did peek first and repeatedly.

“That was a ass-cident, and not really my fault….not tot-tally….you did walk behind me….and….and….at least I didint throw dirt at you this tine” she lifted her head from his shoulder, finding it hard to defend herself in that position. Though what she said was true, he was still going to use it to get a date.

“Accident or not, you still hit me and it still really hurt. I have a business dinner tonight and you’re going to be my date for it.” He arched his brow at her, waiting to see what she would say to that.

“Your date? I don’t know if that’s a good idea. What if I screw up? What if I em-brar-rass you? Teagan says I always screw up and em-brar-rass her. It’s not a good idea if this is for bus-is-ness.” He could feel a lot of emotion flooding around her. Excitement that she was asked, panic at the thought that she might embarrass him, fear that she might cause him some business and sadness.

“Do you not want to go to dinner with me?” He asked, if she said no, he might get upset. Might? Ok, he would get upset, very upset. Don’t cry! Shut up Odin!

“I do, I want to, but I don’t want to screw up, I always screw up. What if I say something? What if I tell them I saw you in a towel this morning?” She asked. Adonis thought about that for a moment. It would be fucking funny if that came out! It would be entertaining, and probably liven up a boring business dinner! Why do business dinners suck? Because they’re boring!

“Then it will make for a very interesting dinner conversation. I am a very confident man Kenzi, I don’t embarrass easily. My size gives me an advantage in that aspect, I tend to intimidate a lot of people, so even if something were to happen and something were to be said they wouldn’t dare to laugh at me.” He brushed the hair from her face. “No one’s going to laugh at you either, for I will get extremely upset if they do. Now, will you be my date tonight?” She chewed her bottom lip, she wanted to go, she really did. She never really gets invited anywhere. She would be on her best behaviour, she would sit still, be a good girl and keep her mouth shut.

“Yes!” She answered, releasing her bottom lip from between her teeth. Cupping her cheek his thumb traced her bottom lip, soft, supple, kissable. Just one taste! He thought. What harm would one small taste do? Kenzi couldn’t even control the shiver that ripped through her if she tried. Sparks and tingles danced across her bottom lip, his touch was gentle and promising. How can someone with such strong hands be so gentle?

“The restaurant is a bit upscale” he brushed his lips across hers, her breath hitching in her throat as her lips parted. Inviting him to do it again much like they did that day in the park. He knew he should let her go, but she was right there. When he saw her chewing her bottom lip as she thought about being his date, thoughts entered his head. Bad, bad thoughts. He wanted to taste her again, he wanted her mouth moving under his, not because of some game, not because he wanted her to stop saying things weren’t important, because he wanted to claim her and he did promise himself he would start here first. Sliding one hand up her back to rest behind her head so he could cradle it, he slowly slid his other down her body and wrapped it tighter around her tiny waist securing her to him. Again her heart rate picked up but then he wasn’t entirely certain it slowed down. She knew what he wanted, she wanted it as well and she was bracing for the contact.

“A dress, something that fits this time” a smile broke across her face and her nose wrinkled, pulling herself closer to him. His lips not quite touching hers but so close she could feel the sparks jumping between them, when he moved his lips hers mimicked the action. Just close your eyes and do it, be brave and kiss him. What if he doesint want me too? Doubt was starting to seep in, that maybe she was looking too much into things again and was reading everything all wrong. She would make a fool of herself and him and wreck a friendship, she should pull back before it’s too late. He tightened his hold, she wasn’t going anywhere, he wanted her to make a move, he was trying to encourage her, she was hesitant and scared and he was losing his control and was about ready to…. His world stopped and time stood still. They were so gentle, tender, so soft against his, silencing every thought in his head, and setting his body ablaze.

Though her arms were wrapped around his neck, her hands remained in fists held away from his body. She didn’t know what to do with them, when she did happen to touch him she pulled them away immediately, his sweet innocent mate. That would be lesson two! He thought. He would teach her it was ok to touch, it was part of the fun and the exploration. The thought of teaching her excited him and the kiss became demanding, he pushed her to take what she wanted, pushed her to demand it and she did. She took what she needed from him and he gave it to her. His teeth grazed her bottom lip and she parted giving him the access he was asking for. His tongue explored, gently coaxing hers to come play with him. His hand travelled up her side, and a small moan escaped her, he kissed her harder leaning more into her and repeated his action. He didn’t want to push her too far. This was more his way of promising what was to come. Oxygen….oxygen, the need to breathe rose, they fought it as long as they could but it became paramount and they broke apart. Trying each to take deep breaths while their lips continued to meet, he wasn’t done with those lips yet. Like everything else about her, they were addictive and he wanted more. His hand cupped her cheek again, his thumb lazily tracing her cheekbone, while his other hand wrapped back around her waist.

Her face was flush, her lips swollen from his kiss, but he didn’t want to stop. He was good if kissing her was what he did for the rest of the night. It would be a night well spent. He kissed her again, just as demanding as the first one. She was demanding just as much from him in return. He wanted to kiss down her jaw to her neck, but if he did that, his control would be gone. Breaking apart again, he knew he needed to leave, she needed to get ready. Resting his forehead against hers, he fought to control his breathing and force his mind to function enough to form words.

“It’s three now and dinner is at six, we need to leave at five. You need to stop tempting me, so we can both go get ready” his voice low as he spoke. Just one more taste! He thought then he’d let her go. Just one more! She is a drug and you’re addicted! So are you! I love her! So do I! When do we tell her? This weekend after the party! Good, when do we move in? One thing at a time, Odin, she’s human, let her get used to the idea first, before we spring that on her! Fallout? Maybe some! She’ll handle it! She’s stronger than she knows! Our mate!

“I has to finish planting my tree” She whispered back, not trusting her voice at normal volume.

“Then you better hurry up” She moved to get off of him only for him to pull her back and press his lips to hers again. He did not want to stop, she was a drug and he was addicted, he wanted another fix, he needed it. When he pulled her back her hand touched him to steady herself, she went to pull it away only for him to stop her. Lesson two, touching is ok and completely encouraged.

“You need to go” he said when the kiss broke, her eyes danced and a smile spread across her lips.

“I’m going” she breathed out as she pressed her lips back to his. She was just as addicted. He stood keeping her pressed to him, when this broke he would use his height and put distance between them or they were not getting out of this house tonight. That’s a problem? Not for me, Elijah might be pissed! Sounds like a him problem! He was ok with that though.

“I’ll plant the tree, you go get ready.” he kissed her one more time before he put her down.

“Ok! What kind of dress?” She looked up at him.

“One that’s not covered in dirt” He smiled as she looked down at her clothes. “It’s not too fancy, but it is nice. The blue one you wore the other day would be perfect.” She nodded her head as the excitement began to build inside of her. She was going on a date, a business dinner date, but it was still a date. She crossed the room quickly but when she got to the bottom of the stairs she turned back to look at him.

“No peeking in my window!” She said, a smile playing on her lips,

“Then no peeking in mine” He countered, her cheeks flushed.

“I won’t peek….I might has to close my curtains” His eyebrows shot up, and he couldn’t fight the ripple that shot through him. The things she says! Not even Odin could fight the excitement he felt at her innocent slip of words.

“Go get ready” She smiled bigger and all but ran up the stairs. Her excitement flooded the room and he couldn’t help the chuckle as he walked out of the house to plant her magnolia tree.

Walking back in his own house, hands muddy and clothes dirty. He saw boxes and files littered throughout the living room.

“What is this?” He asked as Tyler stood in the middle of it all going through files.

“Chaos” He growled, “Parker an ass!”

“What is it?” Adonis repeated,

“Follow the rabbit hole” Tyler looked up from the file he was reading,

“This is her background?” Adonis’s eyes widened. Secrets indeed!

“Twenty-one years. Jus tryin to put it in order” Tyler replied looking back at the file.

“You’re not coming for dinner, I take it?” Tyler looked around the room, huffing a defeated sigh.

“Parker a big ol ass. Nex time I see him, I’ma kick him….in the fuckin head” He growled again.

“He ain’t stayin alone. I help him” Jackson said as he walked out of the kitchen carrying two beers. Adonis nodded and headed up stairs. It would just be him, his mate and Elijah going to dinner tonight. Might not be a bad thing! That is true, Jackson and Tyler hate business dinners, they find them utterly boring! Usually cause problems too! They do try to liven it up! He was already going to have his hands full with his mate and her filterless mouth. Her addictive, adorable, innocent, filterless mouth! But it wasn’t her he was going to be keeping his eye on, let her talk and enjoy herself, if she says something then she says something. He was going to be keeping an eye on the sister. She better not say something! No, she better not! He wanted Kenzi to enjoy herself tonight and not worry about making a mistake.

He quickly grabbed yet another shower. How can something as easy as planting a tree be this dirty? He was trying not to look over at her house, he was trying to behave himself. Not trying hard enough! No he wasn’t. Several times he might have ventured a glance in that direction. In all her excitement she forgot to close the curtains and a smile played on his lips as he caught a glimpse of her getting ready. She was wrapped in a towel with her wet hair causing droplets of water to run down her. Stop peeking! He told himself, but he couldn’t help it. What would she do if she saw him looking? Blush! What would she do if he called her and told her to wear the dress she was holding up against herself right now? Blush harder! Placing the dress on her bed she moved to the mirror over the dresser. Chuckling as she made faces at herself in the mirror, and laughed. This is what our mate does when she’s happy! He shouldn’t be peeking, but seeing this side of her brought his own big smile to his face. He watched as she did her hair in a half up half down ponytail with braids. She was making this that much harder. He loved her hair up, it gave him access to kiss the silky skin of her elegant neck, but he loved her hair down as well, it allowed him to tangle his fingers in it and this was the best of both worlds.

Good luck controlling yourself! Fuck, I’ll keep control! Not when she looks like that! Odin was right, the way she was looking right now, he would have no control. He better find a thought to hold onto fast or that would be it and Elijah would be going to dinner alone. And that would be bad because? We could take her for dinner somewhere else! They could, they could have a date, date, this idea was sounding better….No Odin, business dinner date, then a real date to make up for it. Then three nights of home cooking then another date then the last three nights of home cooking! That’s a better plan! And human’s make a big deal out of dating! Human’s are stupid! One last look in his mate’s bedroom window, her hair was done, her smile was bright as she was singing into her hair brush and she was still only wearing a towel. If that towel falls….! All bets are off! His eyes blackened, as he tore himself away from the window to finish getting himself ready and cool down. Hold onto a thought, any thought! Green apples and lavender! Not of her Odin! Oh, guess that makes sense! Yeah! The succubitch! Working! The fucking ex! Not sure a homicidal thought is the way to go! The meeting with Alpha Malone! Who does he want us to meet? What does he have to do with our baker? What was in all the boxes Tyler was looking through? This was helping, his skin slightly cooler now. Though not sure how long that would last, he was sitting in the backseat with her. Checking the time they had to leave soon.

Kenzi was standing in her front yard admiring her magnolia tree when Jackson stepped out of the house.

“Well don’t you look beautiful” He commented when he saw her. Her cheeks went pink and the crinkling of her nose made him smile more. He couldn’t help it, her reaction to any compliment had him wanting to make more. He’s never met someone that reacted that way before.

“Thank you Jackson, where you off to?” She asked, turning to face him.

“Goin to get Tyler an I some dinner. Not sure whether that be pizza or burgers” He replied.

“You’re….you’re not coming to dinner?” She asked, confused.

“No, Tyler an I don’t do well wit business dinners. Not our scene” He replied nodding his head. That didn’t seem right to her. They needed more dinner than just pizza or burgers.

“Come with me” and she headed back towards her house,

“What?” Jackson stood there confused,

“Come with me. You’re not hasing pizza or burgers.” She stopped walking and looked at him.

“It aight….” he stopped talking when he saw her walk across the lawn. Grabbing his hand she pulled him towards her house.

“What do you want?” She asked, opening her fridge. His eyes widened at the food in it.

“I think our fridge has beer” was about the only thing he could say.

“Well that’s important too” she said and started pulling containers out. “Teriyaki chicken, cajun pork chops, beef and broccoli….what?” She looked at him as he looked back at her.

“What’s going on here?” Adonis asked when he walked in the house. Jackson had nothing, as he stood there staring back at him looking like a deer caught in the headlights. He was resolved to eating pizza or burgers.

“I din’t ask, I swear. Her pull me cross the yard” Jackson said,

“They can’t has pizza and burgers, when I has a fridge full of food” Kenzi said as she looked at him.

“It’s time to go sweetheart.” Adonis said, trying not to laugh at the look on Jackson’s face. She dumped a bunch of containers into his arms and walked away telling him to help himself to whatever he found in the fridge. That did make Adonis laugh.

“I fuckin love that girl” Jackson looked at all the food in his arms. His dinner choices just magnified before him.

When Adonis walked into Kenzi’s house, the first thing he saw was the last thing he expected. Jackson was standing in front of her fridge trying not to drool as she was listing off food in containers for him. He should have known that she wouldn’t let them go another night with pizza or burgers, when she found out they weren’t coming to dinner. It was her first action when she fed them dinner the other day, and when she made breakfast for everyone the day after they went to the bar. She takes care of people, it’s her nature, whereas his is to protect them. He will do great and terrible things for the people he cares about. When she stepped out from behind the fridge door after dumping food in Jackson’s arms, a smile played on his lips. That was not the dress he saw her holding up. This one was a little more form fitting on her, the material lightly kissing the curves of her body, while slightly leaving things to the imagination and oh how his imagination was running. Alpha Malone! Yup! Laughing at the look on Jackson’s face they walked out of her house, only for her to have to run back inside quickly and grab shoes. Though the restaurant wouldn’t say anything to her if she walked in without them.

Elijah was waiting for them by the truck when they walked out of her house. He had to fight back the laugh when Adonis had to pick her up to put her in the back seat.

“You don’t want to sit upfront with Elijah?” She asked when he settled into the backseat with her.

“I’d rather sit back here with you” he replied,

“I thought Jackson was going to get dinner?” Elijah asked,

“He is raiding Kenzi’s fridge right now, he didn’t ask though she apparently just pulled him across the yard” Adonis answered,

“Can’t keep eating burgers and pizza” she said as she watched the forest pass by through the closed window. Adonis and Elijah shared a look in the rearview mirror.

“Her nature is to take care of people” Elijah spoke through the link,

“Like a true Luna” Was the reply Adonis made.

“Are you sure I’m dressded ok?” He had told her several times she looked beautiful. But she couldn’t help but be concerned, especially after she saw Elijah in a suit.

“You look beautiful,” He said, looking at her.

“Am I dressded right? Elijah’s wearing a suit” She looked down at her dress and started biting her bottom lip.

“Elijah likes wearing suits. You’re not underdressed, your dress is perfect.” He leaned in closer to her, pulling her bottom lip from her teeth, letting his thumb trace the outline of it.

“If you keep chewing that lip, it is going to invite me to do the same.” His voice was deep, low and husky when he spoke. The thought of his teeth grazing her anywhere let alone her lips sent her mind overboard. He watched the blush spread across her cheeks, and her lips turn up into a smile. They spoke the rest of the ride to the restaurant, she would ask questions and either Elijah or Adonis would answer them. She was trying to understand more about investments and acquisitions, and the first step was her not calling them acquestions.

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