The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 101: Welcome to the Wild Things!

There was indeed a small celebration to welcome Kenzi, his pack wouldn’t have it any other way, it was their tradition. New members were new family and they needed to be welcomed as warmly as possible. In truth the demons knew what happened and the life of rejection they led, it was why they were welcomed the way they were. Black Shadow was a place for them to belong. They were being welcomed home.

“Demons are definitely getting right” Damon said as they walked around and heard the others laugh and joke and tell stories of their own welcome parties.

“Yup” Johnny replied, nodding.

“I thought there was supposed to be a pack run?” Damon asked.

“There is, but Luna doesn’t know what her wolf looks like and can’t shift yet” Xander replied in passing.

“What?” Johnny asked, stopping him.

“She shifted in the bedroom and from what I heard Alpha Kennedy say her wolf obliterated it. When we shift for the first time, it’s our instinct to find a reflective surface, so we can make a connection with our counterparts. But because Luna didn’t see her wolf she didn’t make the connection and doesn’t know what she looks like and can’t picture her to channel the shift.” Xander explained.

“But she’s a demon” Johnny wasn’t getting it.

“Oh right, you think we all look the same….we don’t. We have patterns in our fur that aren’t noticeable to normals. Bandit has rings on his tail like a raccoon. Um….Draco has puffs of light grey like smoke. Uh….Calon has three light grey feet and one dark grey foot. Beta Ko has a light grey stripe down his back, and Delta Bal has a dark grey one. It’s how we tell each other apart.” Xander explained.

“What about Alpha Adonis?” Damon asked, he was already a colour of black they had never seen, but he was now wondering if he had distinguishing marks.

“Odin….” Xander looked around to see if he could spot his Alpha. “Has the coolest fucking markings. He looks like he’s wearing war paint. He has a blue stripe that goes from the tip of his nose to his forehead. It branches under his eyes, down his neck and ends in the dead center of his chest. The tips of his ears and tail are blue and he has one blue toe on each foot.”

“Ok that’s pretty fucking cool, and I wish we could see that.” Damon said as he heard that.

“She destroyed the room?” Johnny asked, he was really glad he didn’t have to clean up after demons now.

“No, destroyed would have been salvageable. Her wolf obliterated it, nothing survived. It’s why we try to shift outside, but then things can still go wrong. Bandit tore apart my dad’s car cause he wouldn’t let us drive it and decided he needed to be punished” Xander told him. Damon was fighting hard to stop from breaking out laughing.

“We got a lot of firs shift stories that are pretty entertainin. They jus giant puppies when we get ’em. They fuckin know nuttin bout the world. When Bo firs shift, Cullen dug up his ol Luna’s garden cause her was buryin stuff wron an he thought her need help. Speakin of Bo he need yur help finin his pants.” Jackson said laughing as he came up behind them.

“Again! I’m gonna fucking duct tape those damn things to that boy” Xander huffed as he went in search of Bo and his pants.

“Where did you guys find Xander?” Damon asked,

“He belong to the same pack as Cage, Gage an their sister Sage. Cypress Pack” Jackson replied.

“Why does that name sound familiar?” Johnny asked, Damon could only shrug but he knew the name as well.

“Alpha Wendall,” Jackson commented. That cleared it up for them.

“Wasn’t he….”

“The Alpha Adon string up? One in the same. We was movin across Northern Ontario lookin for Adon’s mate when we caught the scent of a fresh shift. Fresh shifts keep their scent for bout a month, like a new car smell. But we was in the woods between two pack borders when we caught it an went to fine it. Cage an Gage can tell you better what happen in the clearin” Jackson said when he stopped the two.

“Our older sister Sage had newly shifted and Paulie didn’t mean to do it but she didn’t like the way our old Alpha looked at Sage and she attacked him. He tried to command her and she didn’t obey. He referred to demons as one of them and they would be executed if they couldn’t serve a purpose” Cage said.

“Daddy wouldn’t let the Alpha do what he wanted, so he dragged the whole family out to the field, he was gonna make us watch. Daddy started fighting back, he wasn’t gonna let it happen. The Alpha commanded him to stand down and he had no choice. He was going to force us to watch him string our older sister up. Cage tried to fight back but the Alpha backhanded him, he was only fourteen. Momma was crying and there wasn’t anything any of us could do.” Gage picked up where Cage left off.

“Next thing we know this massive pure black wolf comes out the woods and takes our Alpha down hard. Forces him to submit to him. He put himself in between our sister and the Alpha. Then he looked at us. Calon was going off in my head, I didn’t know what it was but he felt like home and I bowed before him.” Cage said.

“Me too and so did Sage, none of us understood it. Then Beta Jackson and Delta Tyler step out of the woods and explain everything to us and why the black wolf was waiting at the border for Sage. Beta Jackson told her that was Alpha Adonis and he’s waiting for her to run with him and accept her rightful place and home in his pack. She didn’t even hesitate in shifting and joined him and they took off.” Gage added.

“Then Beta Jackson starts asking questions about Gage and I, like how big we were when we were born. Daddy used to make jokes all the time saying that we fit in the palm of his hand. Then Delta Tyler asks what colour our eyes were. We were both born with black eyes.” Cage said.

“Beta Jackson said we had two choices. We could come with him now and when the time came pledge to Black Shadow, or we could stay and they would come back to collect us. Daddy said we’d go with them now. He wanted to make sure we were safe and he knew we would be if we left. Beta Jackson said our daddy and momma could come too, they wouldn’t reject them, and they wouldn’t judge them if they chose to stay. Daddy joined, momma didn’t.” Gage added.

“She didn’t want to live with a bunch of ruthless savages and chose to stay with her oldest daughter, while the father and the rest of his kids joined us. It was understandable, considering I strung her Alpha up and left him hanging there. Then threatened the son that if any more demons died on this pack’s territory I would be back to burn it to the ground and his punishment would be more severe. Eye for an eye.” Adonis said as he joined the conversation. “Any new demons were to be sent to White Stone. The son agreed.”

“Fuckin wonder why. You also toll him to leave the son bitch hangin from the tree. He wasn’t allow to cut him down an give ’em a burial, toll him if at any point you come back an that body not hangin there hell would be open. Hung it right in front of the pack house as a reminder.” Jackson said, shaking his head. “But it made sense after we fine the bodies. Alpha Wendall strung up demons an lef ’em there. That’s where we foun Tommy”

“Asshole got off easy,” Damon grumbled, as he looked towards the seeker.

“You found Tommy hanging from a tree?” Johnny asked as he looked towards the man.

“Him and two others. We los one though, we wasn’t quick enuff gettin her down an her die in Tyler’s arms,” Jackson replied.

“I asked their father why he wanted to join a pack of ruthless savages and not stay with his mate, his answer surprised me,” Adonis said.

“What’d he say?” Johnny asked,

“How savage can I be, when I just saved his baby girl. His mate clearly made her choice. Three of his children were going to be ruthless savages and she couldn’t accept them and renounced them as her kids. His family needed him more and he wouldn’t reject them. He now sits on the Demon council. He also told me that while I was there I should check the dungeons,” Adonis replied “That’s where we found Xander and his father as well as a handful of others. Xander took one look at me and asked if he could come home now, pledged right there.”

“Xander’s momma turned him into the Alpha an his daddy went nuts trying to get him out and got punished, he didn’t make it outta the dungeon” Cage said.

“Pentru cei căzuți (For the fallen)” Adonis thumped his chest twice.

“Cei căzuți (The fallen)” The others spoke in unison copying the thump.

“We need some fuckin happy stories now, Gage why don’t you tell ’em of yur firs shift” Jackson said cracking a grin.

“....Do I have to?” He stared back at his Beta wide eyed.

“Colin pissed on his car” Cage blurted then cracked up laughing.

CAGE!” His brother yelled at him.

“Wait, what?” Damon said, trying not to laugh.

“Yeah, he gets out and the first thing he does after he sees himself is piss on Gage’s car. All the ranks were present.” Cage howled with laughter.

“At least I didn’t run off with dinner,” Gage fired at him.

“I don’t like pot roast,” Cage returned.

“Apparently neither did Calon. Cage shifted at the dinner table, and Calon’s first thought was to bury dinner so he didn’t have to eat it. Tell them who else was there” Gage shot back. “Alpha, Beta and Delta. Dad spent twenty minutes apologizing, the only thing he could say was ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.’”

“Adon broke out laughin tellin him it was ok, it wasn’t the wors introduction he’s had. He was expectin dinner an a show, he jus din’t think the show would run off wit dinner. Then he sent Tyler an I to go fine him an brin him back.” Jackson said.

“For a month straight one night a week we went without dinner cause Calon would run off with it and bury it. After that, any time dad made pot roast he had to make Cage something separate to eat so the rest of us could get dinner too.” Gage said. Johnny and Damon were howling with laughter.

“What was the worst introduction?” Damon had to know. Adonis and Jackson shared a look.

“Magnet and Kendrick was the funniest one I seen” Jackson replied,

“What happened?” Johnny asked. Cage and Gage were snickering already.

“That one was actually painful too,” Adonis had to admit.

“We was on….Raven’s Claw territory collectin demons and Kendrick hadn’t shift yet. He was close though, he smell faintly. We was goin up an down the line when midnight hit an Kendrick shift. Magnet bolt straight for Adon an bowl him right over then sat on him, pledgin right there. Adon dint even get a word out.” Johnny and Damon were choking on their laughter.

“Hold the laughter boys that not even the funny part. Magnet shift back an Kendrick was still sittin on him. Adon had to ask him if he was gonna get off” Jackson choked out laughing as Damon and Johnny erupted.

“Safe to say they get a little excited,” Adonis remarked.

“Worse part was, Magnet dint do what the others do, he dint see hisself so he an Kendrick had no connection. Tyler an I were too busy laughin an cause Adon gotta a up close view he had to describe what he look like so Kendrick could make enough of a connection to channel the shift, then Adon shove a mirror in his face to stop him from gettin jump again.” Jackson added.

“I wasn’t the only one that got jumped by an excited fresh shift” Adonis reminded.

“That true I got tackled from behind. Tyler got knocked off his feet, an Eli got slam into a lake” Jackson replied.

“Can we go back to Colin pissing on your car?” Johnny choked out.

“He was marking his territory, he said now everyone knew it was mine. I said everyone already knew it was mine and he didn’t have to piss on it. Then I had to tell him he can’t just piss on things that’s not how it works. I spent three days cleaning it off to make it not smell anymore.” Gage replied.

“He was butt ass naked yelling at his wolf in the middle of the night and Beta Jackson had to ask him if he was gonna put some clothes on,” Cage added, laughing. Damon was clutching his sides and Johnny was doubled over, they could only imagine how that looked.

“Ask Andros and Luther about sirens” Gage huffed,

“They have a thing for sirens?” Johnny asked then looked at Damon.

“How bad are Andros and Luther?” Damon asked, doing his best to ignore Johnny

“They don’t stop chasin it till they catch it. Then they destroy it,” Jackson replied. “We gotta send the shadows after ’em, evertime a siren goes off”

“Oh shit!” Damon replied.

“Titan to?” Adonis asked,

“My first shift was in the dining room at the pack house when a fire truck went by. Titan got a little excited and started chasing it. Alpha Odin was Alpha at the time and sent Kane to go get me. He tackled Titan into the mud to make him stop chasing the truck. I have slightly better control, now he just howls when he hears one” Damon said.

“He fuckin howls?” Jackson asked laughing.

“Yeah!” Damon nodded,

“Bet you pray one don’t go off when you wit Lydia,” Jackson said. “Oh shit, one did?”

“It’s happened once or twice” Damon replied, Jackson roared with laughter.

“Once or twice, it’s happened a few times” Johnny fired at him “And he doesn’t have that great of control, couple of times we’ve had to chase him down….one being recent too”

“You asshole! See any severed body parts lately?” Damon fired at him, stopping Johnny’s laughter right there.

“That’s not funny” Johnny said,

“Oh it was hysterical. We opened a box of severed ears and he threw himself on the other side of the office to get away from it. The second that office door was open captain bravery over here was out” Damon explained.

“I wasn’t the only one outta the office, Marco lost his shit and was the first one out” Johnny huffed.

“That’s cause he wanted to bury them,” Damon laughed.

“You wanna air secrets….three words Damon….dead eyed dolls,” Johnny barked.

“Fuck off!” Damon barked back.

“Fuck you boys is entertainin” Jackson laughed.

“How did you meet your mate Tyler?” Kenneth asked, he was the one Kenneth was least familiar with, but Marco talked about him all the time and wanted him to get to know the little shoeless Delta.

“Ella was rogue. Exile from her pack for bein a demon. Fine her in the woods,” Tyler replied, but judging by the smirk on Elijah’s face there was more to the story.

“What are you not telling?” Kenneth asked.

“He might have been a little excited that he found her. They mated and marked each other right there in the clearing. Alpha Adonis, Jackson and I waited on the other side of the woods for him to be done. The boy has stamina.” Elijah filled him in. Kenneth started laughing.

“Her a lil excite too. Her jump me!” Tyler replied, making Kenneth laugh harder.

“I didn’t hear you telling her no” Elijah commented, Tyler had no reply for that one, he didn’t.

“You tell Kenneth how you met Kristi,” Tyler fired at him. “Her hit him wit her car”

“She hit you?” Kenneth looked at Elijah.

“Yes she did, then lectured me about standing in the middle of the road on my phone. I was standing on the sidewalk and she jumped the curb because she was distracted by her own phone.” Elijah told him.

“Her kept his ass strap to a hospital bed for almos three weeks an wouldn’t let him out till he call Adon an got him to make her. Her din’t unerstan how her could hit him an he be fine in a day” Tyler added.

“But that ain’t the kicker, when it came time for Eli to tell Krisit what he was, they a hard an fas rule an that don’t take Adon wit you. He get too impatient an bore easily. Kinda made a day of it, got Kristi comfortable aroun us an we went to the park. Jackass pose to go wit him, but he got distracted wit Drea, so Eli took Adon. Eli tryin to explain to her, but Kristi a very….what the fancy word for that….her a egg head, see it to believe it type. Adon jus shift, Kristi start screamin, Eli ask what the fuck is wron wit Adon when he shift back. He jus shrug an goes now her know an you better catch her before her hurt herself. Her threw rocks at him an try to beat him wit a stick before her fell off the dock an try to drown herself.” Tyler explained. Kenneth was laughing, as Elijah was just shaking his head.

“Her check herself into the mental ward thinkin her hasin a psychotic break. Too much stress. Jackass an I went an broke her out an sat her down an explain thins to her. Shift a couple times to get her use to the idea of bein aroun us. Bal is still the smallest at 6’4 so we thought that might be easier on her than seein Ko who still stand 6’9. It was, then we brought her back to Eli an he introduce her to Asmodeus who got a lil excited an knock her on her ass then lay on top of her. Adon had to command Asmo to give control back to Eli, cause he wasn’t gonna do it. Jackass an I jus fuckin howl. Poor Kristi fuckin trap under this 6’7 wolf who wasn’t gettin off his mate.” Tyler continued.

“What about the first rule? I heard that was because of Ella” Kenneth asked, it wasn’t hard to see why Marco found a friend in Tyler.

“Yeah….it was jus after, when I was introducin her to the others. It also how the sirens got they name.” Tyler replied, he was trying not to laugh, but everything about that day was rather funny.

“This sounds interesting,” Kenneth commented.

“Tyler and Ella finally come out of the clearing, and Tyler introduces her to Jackson. She was so happy and she kissed him. Jackson was shocked, we all were, but it was Tyler’s reaction that was more shocking. There wasn’t an ounce of jealousy like you would expect. He was just surprised, when she did the same thing to me there was still nothing. She went to kiss Alpha Adonis and he pushed her off and asked her what the fuck she was doing. She started to cry, and it got louder and louder like a wailing siren. We were all covering our ears trying our best to drown it out, then Alpha Adonis released this growl and everyone hit the ground. From what I understand that was the first time he ever did that, it was also the first time Alpha Adonis made her cry and she made our ears bleed” Elijah explained.

“Ella start apologizin sayin sometime when her upset that jus happen. Her don’t mean to do it, but it the reason her kick out her pack. We brought her back to the others an they welcome her an Adon say welcome home an she went to kiss him again he toll her the cheek an that was it. Her got so excited that her start cryin again, an set off the others. At the time we had bout twenty or so pack members that we din’t know what to do wit. They weren’t fast like the shadows, or stron like the berserkers. They couldn’t track like the seekers an they whispers din’t carry like the wisps. They was all emotionally charged like Ella wit erratic mood swings….don’t tell her I say that though….” Kenneth chuckled but made the promise.

“The call rang out and everyone was covering their ears, releasing growls trying to make it stop. But again it was Alpha Adonis that quieted everyone down. Jackson asked him about it and he didn’t know, he said it felt like a burst of raw emotion and he needed to let it out so he did.” Elijah explained.

“Then Jackass tell him to keep it in nex time. We came up wit the name sirens an made it a rule to never make em cry” Tyler nodded.

“We started training them, seeing what they can and can not do, how loud they can go, unfortunately we haven’t figured that one out” Elijah told him.

“They loud enuff to break windows an we don’t want ’em goin any louder.” Tyler said.

“Adon say meet in Steve’s office in ten minutes” Jackson commented in passing. Both Elijah and Tyler just nodded.

“Hello, my tiny dancer, how are you doing?” Adonis wrapped his arms around her from behind and held her close. It was almost time to head to Primrose.

“Did you knowed Bandit has a raccoon tail?” Kenzi replied,

“Yes I did.” He replied, kissing the side of her face.

“Is it almos tine for you to go?” Kenzi asked. He held her tighter to him.

“Almost,” He replied.

“You’re gonna be safe?” She asked. Kenzi understood why this was happening, but she didn’t like it. Where’s he going? War! No, no, no the good smelling one can’t go! They did bad stuff! Is he coming back? I hope so!

“I’m coming back sweetheart. Nothing is going to keep me from getting back here to you” Adonis replied. He turned her in his arms, lifted her chin and claimed her mouth.

“I’m coming back!” He repeated when the kiss broke. Kenzi nodded but still held on tighter.

Dax had watched the small celebration from the deck. Kane had gone to retrieve her from their room. Telling her it was important that she attend and show her support and he left no room for argument. She watched as they all welcomed Kenzi warmly into the pack and overheard stories of the other’s welcome parties. She listened in on some of their first shift stories. They laughed and cheered, howled and rejoiced in the afternoon sun.

“I’m sorry Carter” Dax said to him. Carter stood with her, though he looked more interested in being a part of the party.

“It’s ok” Came his tight reply. He watched Marco and Tyler converse and laugh and joke around with the others, it was written clearly across his face that’s where he wanted to be as well.

“Hey Carter, you coming to join us?” She heard one ask, she didn’t remember his name but he came with the first few that showed up.

“That sucks!” He replied when Carter just shook his head.

“You can join them if you want” Dax turned to look at him. His jaw was set, his stance rigid, but he never looked at her, he kept his eyes on the new friends he made.

“No, I can’t!” Another tight reply. He couldn’t, he knew he couldn’t, she knew he couldn’t. His job was to protect her. Though the demons showed no interest in her, they never acknowledged her presence at the party at all. It’s like she was completely invisible to them.

Dax turned back to the party, she watched Kane and the others interact with the demons. They spoke and laughed and joked around. The demons didn’t care that they were royals and the royals didn’t care that they were demons. They did whatever, said whatever and just enjoyed themselves. Kane didn’t once ask if they knew who he was and appeared to quite enjoy not being a King to them. She watched Adonis find the little pixie, the embrace and the moment they shared and then watched as he approached the deck. His face stone as he walked tall and proud with his head held high and his eyes fixed and focused. Alpha Adonis Bradshaw was not ashamed of who or what he was. He was not ashamed of what was going to happen. His face held no remorse for the things he would do. He wore his Devil title like a badge of honour. Dax watched him get closer and closer, the faint flicker of flame igniting in his eyes and not once did he look away. She caught the movements of Jackson, Tyler and Elijah as they too approached the deck, the smiles and merriment their faces once carried now a memory. A shift in the air took place, White Stone pack members started to disperse from the yard and head indoors leaving the demons behind. The laughter died on the breeze as exhilaration and adrenaline rose. A few had once again hugged their Luna and she was escorted inside by a small group. The time for war was upon them, and Black Shadow needed to prepare.

“Steve’s warriors say no movement been seen in the woods the las two days” Tyler said as they all stood around the desk looking at a map of the area. Don’t mean shit, chickens could be hidin!

“That true they could be,” Jackson agreed. Buk, buk, bugawk!

“How is that helping?’ Adonis asked Jackson, he could only shrug as Ko snickered in his head.

“It not not helpin” Tyler remarked trying not to laugh.

“What’s the plan?” Not a word Asmo! How come they gotta talk? Shhh! Bullshit and no fair. We should go in there and rip them limb from fucking limb….ooooo use the wood chomper thingy and spill some guts!

“Well now they’s an idea” Jackson fired at Elijah. I like it! You would!

“That is an idea, but I think we can do better,” Adonis said as a knock came to the door. “Come in”

“Emroy?” They all looked towards their Alpha when his brother walked in the room.

“Who better to help us plan than someone that knows the layout of the house and what strategies they would use.” Adonis replied, a wicked smile gracing his face.

“Strategic planning was never Eric’s strong suit. He’s also bullheaded and doesn’t listen to reason” Emroy said as he approached the desk. “Any threat of attack on the territory, Eric will pull his warriors closer to the packhouse. The weakest points to the house will be fortified and defended leaving the strongest ones untouched and unmanned”

“Ok then, let’s get to plannin,” Jackson nodded.

A dark aura passed over the house, The Devil was on the move. More fell in line behind him as his Legion grew and moved silently through the house. The second he hit the deck he motioned once and Tyler and Elijah broke off from the group running towards the woods.


Heads snapped in their direction, red eyes focused on them. One thump to Tyler’s chest he and Elijah disappeared into the woods, with close to eighty demons following them. The rest still standing on the lawn looked towards The Devil awaiting orders. The seekers, wisps and shadows were going to clear the area, then the others would follow. Another motion and Jackson moved to ready the berserkers. A third motion and twenty pack members bolted in all directions covering White Stone Packhouse. Adonis stood on the deck waiting to hear word.

“You can’t come honey.” His voice low and grave as he spoke to the man that stood behind him.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweet cheeks” he replied back.

Alpha it’s clear

“Keep Kenzi in the house.” Adonis jumped the deck and headed towards the woods.

“Enjoy playtime” Kane called after him.

“I plan on it” was the last thing Kane heard whispered in the wind when he saw Adonis disappear into the woods.


Kane watched as the rest of the demons disappeared into the woods. Yips and howls rising as their anticipation for the battle was high. Blood would be shed, destruction would be done. Primrose Pack will fall.

“Something wicked that way goes,” Damon said as he stood beside him.

“Where’s the little pixie?” Kane asked,

“Where do you think?” Damon asked,

“Torturing everyone in the kitchen” Kane replied, with a crooked smile.

“Where else would she be?” Damon asked.

“Whose with her?” Kane asked,

“Marco, Johnny and Carter, why?” Damon asked.

“The Devil entrusted us with his most valuable treasure,” Kane replied.

“We’re pixie sitting?” Damon asked,

“That’s what I took from it when he said keep the little pixie in the house” Kane nodded as well.

“You have to get in the house now, both of you” Damon and Kane were approached by two demons. Both men were wearing loose fitting basketball shorts and covered in tattoos. Damon looked at Kane.

“Why?” Kane asked,

“Alpha’s orders” replied the other.

“White Stone is under the protection of Black Shadow. During times of war Black Shadow is in charge. You are guests on White Stone territory, therefore under the order of Black Shadow and Alpha Adonis. You have to get in the house….now” The first one spoke again, his eyes flashed red as he moved towards the deck. They were leaving no room for argument, if they didn’t go willingly they would force them. The second man followed him. Seems the friendly manner they acted earlier was a long distant memory. They were aggressive and Kane didn’t think they would hesitate for a second putting either him or Damon down.

“We’re going” Kane said as he pushed Damon behind him and back towards the house. What the fuck? Easy Ky, they’re following orders! But seriously what the fuck? I don’t know!

“Well that’s interesting,” Damon murmured. Indeed it was interesting.

“Forgive us you highness, we should have warned you” Steve said when he and Kennedy approached Kane and Damon after they entered the house. They saw the two men that chased them inside stand guard over the door.

“What was that all about?” Kane asked.

“Black Shadow takes its protection of White Stone seriously. This territory is a refuge for demons. Because Adonis didn’t have his own territory he spilled his blood on the land here and demons are drawn to finding it. The ones that were exiled from their packs come here. This place is a safe haven for them, and we can get in touch with Adonis and let him know. He makes arrangements to bring them home.” Steve explained.

“You won’t find an entrance or exit that doesn’t have two of those big ogers at it,” Kennedy added. ….grrrRrrrr…. Sounded from the other side of the door.

“Plus the ones that are in the woods. They will circle the perimeter until it is safe” Steve said.

“So Alpha Adonis stationed warriors around the house” Kane nodded,

“They’re not just warriors, the ones on the doors, those are guards. Elephant tranquillizers won’t put them down” Kennedy remarked. “And don’t ask what the lunatics did to make that happen.” ….grrrRrrrr….

“Stop growling at me” Kennedy huffed. “They’re hearing is also quite exceptional”

“And you wonder why your mate hits you with a broom” Damon commented, shaking his head only to hear a deep rumbled laugh from the other side of the door.

“Twins?” Kane asked,

“Yes, those two are Tor and Ren. you don’t want to mess with them. Tor is a berserker and Ren is a shadow.” Kennedy replied.

“Their demon names?” Damon asked, he was pretty sure they were introduced as Chuck and Darryl during the celebration earlier.

“When they’re in beast mode they’re referred to by their demon names.” Steve answered.

“You’ll find another set of twins on the back door. Brax and Ton. one’s a wisp and the others a seeker” Kennedy filled them in. Kane just nodded, it seemed the house was heavily guarded, that was one less worry on his mind.

“What the hell?” Johnny asked when he saw two men station themselves at the back door.

“Not pose to go outside in war” Kenzi told him as she worked in the kitchen, she learned that one the last time this happened. What are we doing? Cooking, they’re going to be hungry when they get back! What are we cooking? Steaks, chickens and ribs. With garlic mashed cheesy potatoes, homemade macaroni, and lemon ginger rice. Pan fried salt and pepper carrots, roasted parmesan cauliflower, and whisky lemon broccoli! That sounds good, can we make fries? Do you like fries? I don’t know, but you like fries, so I might like them too! How do you know I like fries? I saw some of your memories….I’m sorry! It’s ok….! No, it’s not and it is important and don’t start that with me! Ok, fries too! Yay!

“Why are they on the door?” Carter asked as he too watched the men closely.

“Asstra caution” Kenzi said, Marco joined her and they continued what she was doing in the kitchen.

“Piccola ha cercato di uscire e hanno dovuto riportarla indietro e fare la guardia così non ci ha riprovato. (Piccola tried to go outside and they had to bring her back and stand guard so she didn’t try it again.)” Marco informed them trying to hold his laughter. So maybe she didn’t learn that lesson. This wasn’t Adonis’s territory, she didn’t think that rule applied here as well.

“Non lo sa-pe-vo!” She huffed, throwing her arms in the air, causing Johnny to laugh.

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