The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 102: War and Retribution Part One!

The Death of the Sons!

They stood in the shadows watching the house. Observing the movements of the others who were completely unaware they were being watched and studied. Tracked their comings and goings. They watched rank after rank come out, scan the woods then re-enter the house. They wouldn’t see them, no one ever did. The shadows, a cloak of invincibility, welcomed them in the darkness, it was the only place they were welcome. It fed their beasts, sheltered them from the light. The shadows were solace, their refuge, in the shadows they disappeared.

Heads snapped in all directions as whispers began to float on the breeze, reaching the ears of those unfortunate enough to be standing outside their fortress. They grew in volume and number, the words becoming clear. Death was whispering to them, calling out for them, demanding to be heard as its soft, hushed voice grew louder and louder still. Fear began to spike rolling off the ill-trained warriors in small waves but amplifying with each soft word spoken. Still the men and women couldn’t find the source of the sound. They looked all over for it, but saw nothing other than woods and darkness. Those brave enough stepped forward on shaky legs, while others stepped backwards hoping to distance themselves from death’s call. Their bodies trembled as an icy chill hit the air. Blood would be spilled, The Devil would have his vengeance.

The whispers grew louder and louder, becoming more forceful. Death was coming. It would be unrelenting in its mission to wipe every last man and woman out. More and more began to retreat towards the house, they no longer wanted to be outside. They no longer wanted to come face to face with death. They didn’t want their ending to come as they banged on the doors, begging those on the inside to open and save them, spare them from what was to become of them. Pleading, grovelling, the whispers rose louder still. Swirling, circling around the souls doomed to a painful ending.



A new sound rose on the wind, growing in volume and frequency. It vibrated around the area.



Echoing and bouncing off the trees and the surfaces of the house.



The men and women on the lawn covered their ears doing what they could to block the sound.



Releasing screams and growls of their own trying their best to drown it out. But it only intensified and began to grow closer and closer to them.




Then all fell quiet. A silence fell over the territory. The warriors of Primrose raised their heads, looking at each other and then to the tree line. It was no longer a black emptiness of despair. It now held eyes. Glowing, glowering, menacing red eyes.


The call went out and the men and women standing on the lawn hit their knees. Blood poured from their eyes and nose and the call grew louder and louder. CRACK! Growing closer and closer to them as the red eyes began to emerge from the shadows. CRACK! Legion was coming for them and they were held defenceless by the war cry. SMASH! The windows shattered, wood cracked and splintered as The Devil stood on the front line, his call ringing loud through the territory. The warriors on the lawn were nothing to him, he wanted the ones hiding in the house. His call rose louder and louder, more blood poured and the heads started to pop. The army behind him snarled in appreciation as the blood of the enemy spilled to the ground and the bodies started to drop.

Take the house….Eric and Ethan are mine,” he ordered. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. They converged on the house, as the berserkers made short work of the doors, bringing the war inside.

….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. ….owooooo…. ….grRrRrRrRrRrRrRrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….owooooooo….

Growls and howls rose up, as his army enjoyed the hunt, the fear rushed from the house in tidal waves, amplifying the need for more. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... The first scream ripped from somewhere. ….owooooooo…. And the howl, from the one claiming the first kill. More screams, more howls, the fight spilled out onto the lawn. Claws slashed, teeth gnashed, as the blood flowed. Howls and growls rose to shatter the silence but the pain laced screams of the fallen were the loudest. Legion was vicious and ruthless in its destruction of Primrose Pack. They fought in pairs or groups, they hunted the house, leaving nothing unturned as they destroyed room after room, mercilessly killing anyone that got in their way. Bradshaw brother after brother was dragged from the house and thrown at the feet of The Devil.

Where is Eric?” Odin snarled.

“H-h-he l-l-left” One brother stammered in his presence. One swipe of his hand Eldon lost his head.

WHERE’S ERIC?” Odin snarled again.

“N-not here!” Another shrank to the ground. ….grrrRRRrrrRrRRRrRrrrRRRrrrr…. Ripped from Odin’s chest as he grabbed Ezra and tore him in half.

“The medical ward, he’s in the medical ward” Eliot blurted. He didn’t want to die and would tell Adonis anything he wanted to know.

Where’s Ethan?

“I don’t….” Odin smashed his hands together crushing his head, he’s heard enough of their lies. He would find Ethan himself. More members were thrown onto the lawn to the ones waiting outside. They needed fun as well and fun they would get to have. Screams ripped through the air as bodies were torn, limbs lost to savage games being played. Tug-O-War was a favourite amongst demons.

Odin charged towards the medical ward. He should have known Eric would hide there away from his pack. He was a coward and placed himself above all else. If he was lucky Ethan would be hiding there as well and he could slaughter them both. Ko had joined him and both beasts battered the door until they broke it open. They searched the deserted ward, catching small hints of fear as they passed room after room.

Come out come out little pig” Odin goaded, the smell only grew stronger the closer they came to the source.

Or I’ll huff and I’ll puff.” The scent intensifying, magnifying giving away the location. Ko ripped the door off one of the offices and there sat a wide eyed pale faced Eric with his mate.

And blow your house in.” Natasha was ripped from his arms easily, he didn’t fight to protect her, to keep her safe. He let the demonic Beta have her. Ko held her by her throat as she begged for her life. He squeezed her eyes bulging, blood pouring from the injuries he made to her neck. Either it would snap, or the throat would be ripped out. SNAP! A small whimper escaped Ko as the lifeless body dropped to his feet. He wanted to rip the throat out. Odin motioned for him to go find someone else to do that to and he took off to have more fun.

Hello little pig” Odin grabbed Eric and dragged him from the medical ward. He wanted him to see everything he built destroyed. He wanted him to see the suffering on the faces of his pack, he wanted him to watch the fall of Primrose Pack before he died.

Eric shook on the ground as he watched it all crumble around him, half the house was destroyed and collapsed. His pack members were being ripped apart in brutal games. Their pain laced screams echoing all around him. The snarls and growls of the ones responsible for the savagery he was seeing before him. The devastation, chaos, mayhem all these words were not strong enough to describe what he was witnessing. He knew demons destroyed packs, but this was annihilation.

Retribution!” Odin corrected him “The blood spilled here today is on your hands Eric. Your pack dies and they all know it was because of you.” Eric could only close his mouth. His brother’s demon was right, this was all his fault. Not his father, not his little brothers, his. Had he not listened to his father, had he listened to Emroy, had he just given The Devil his due none of this would be happening.

Where is Ethan?” Odin asked. “Tell me and I’ll make your death easy.

“I don’t know” ….grrrRRRrrrRrRRRrRrrrRRRrrrr….

“I don’t….it’s the truth. Ethan ran a few days ago after we found out about Emroy. He ran, the coward fucking ran.” Eric told him.


“Sorry Brax” Kenzi said as another whimper was heard from the other side of the door. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. The grumpy growl sounded as they watched the beast wipe his mouth for the upteenth time. They had been whimpering and whining the whole time Kenzi was in the kitchen. They could smell what she was cooking and they wanted some.

“They’re jus hungry” Kenzi said as Johnny was fighting to control his laughter. The last thing he wanted was one of the guards thinking he was laughing at them. Though it was clear that is what he was doing.

“Maybe we should give it a rest darling, give them a break” ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Another grumpy growl though both beasts agreed with him. They needed a break from the delicious aromas wafting outside. One of them was about to crack.

“Ok, that might be a good idea. Ton might breaked the door down.” Kenzi nodded. “I’m making his favourite pie for dessert.” Another series of whimpers as they watched the other beast wipe his mouth at the mention of pie.

“How are things going in here?” Kane asked from the kitchen entrance.

“We’re taking a break,” Johnny informed him.

“Ton’s gonna breaked the door down,” Kenzi told him. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Kane looked at the two guards on the door as another grumpy growl came from that side.

“They’ve been whimpering and whining really bad for the last twenty minutes,” Carter told him. ….grrrRRRrrrr….

“I think a break sounds good, why don’t you and Marco take Kenzi to watch a movie,” Kane suggested. Marco could only nod, he was afraid to open his mouth in fear that he too would be wiping the drool. They waited for her to get cleaned up and they walked with her out of the kitchen, both beasts heaving sighs of relief.

Kane knew exactly how the beasts at the door were feeling, he was fighting the urge to drool as well. You could smell her cooking through the whole house. He’s seen more than a few members wipe their mouths. He wasn’t sure how Steve and Kennedy’s pack was going to fair when the little pixie left. How are we gonna fair? Ky threw it out there. Since her shift she’s healed, we did win a week of her cooking in the deal we made with The Devil! Is he going to adhere to the deal since….? That was a good question. He hadn’t thought about that, would The Devil keep his end of the deal. He couldn’t really blame him if he didn’t. If roles were reversed he wasn’t sure he would.

“Have you heard anything?” Johnny asked, pulling him from his musings.

“Not yet. But they were hell bent on annihilating Primrose. I don’t expect them back anytime soon.” Kane replied.

“Where are the others?” Johnny asked.

“Damon is trying not to drool on himself, and I believe Kenneth is hiding in the library,” Kane replied.

“Yeah, how Tyler works in the kitchen with her I don’t understand, even with all the samples I still drooled on myself,” Johnny replied. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Kane fought to control his laughter when the growl sounded. The beasts on the door were being tortured that was for sure.

“We better get out of the kitchen” Johnny could only nod, before one of the guards really did break down the door.

The house was heavily guarded. Thick men stood at the house standing watch over all entrances and exits. Sentries roamed the woods close to the tree lines and who knew how many were actually in the woods. Their patterns were unpredictable and manoeuvring them was made difficult. But they had eyes on the house for now and somewhere in that house was the reason this was happening. Somewhere hiding in the walls of the seemingly impenetrable fortress was the little pathetic girl that caused this war. That caused him to lose everything he worked to build. All his effort, all his hard work gone, abolished. The loss was all on her and when he found her, he would make her pay for it. He would be the one to bring The Devil to his knees, make him beg and plead to save her pathetic little life. Make him submit to him. He would use The Devil to take the throne, then he would be seen as The King he was born to be. He amassed his own army, an army of brutal men who hated The King as much as he did. Brutal men who wanted nothing more than to see him fall.

Did he tell them they would be up against demons as well, no but this army was expendable, a means to an end. He wanted Legion, he wanted The Devil. Ethan Bradshaw stood deep in the shadows of White Stone territory. He didn’t have much time left before the sentries changed their pattern and he would risk discovery, but he made a silent vow right there as he watched the house. He would be restored to his former glory, the throne would be his, The Devil would be by his side, Legion at his beck and call, and the little bitch would pay for what she did.

“Primrose has fallen” A low snarl sounded behind him. Ethan sighed deeply, taking a moment of silence for his four dead sons. Eric showed promise when he sacrificed his Beta to save his title, but he was weak like the rest. Shaking his head he stepped deeper into the shadows.

“Then it’s time” He walked out of the woods, they had a battle plan to finish preparing.

Kenzi, Marco and Carter ended up in the games room instead. She was too fidgety to even try and watch a movie, the last war they were in never took this long. At least she didn’t think it did, it might have, but she didn’t really know. There was something that wasn’t sitting right with her about this one. It was nagging her, but she didn’t know what it was. Carter and Marco were playing pool while she sat at one of the tables building another puzzle, hoping it would take her mind off Adonis being away.

“Kenzi,” She stiffened at the sound of the voice behind her, but didn’t turn to face the white haired girl. Who’s that? Her wolf questioned, this was the first time she spoke to her since they started cooking in the kitchen. Adonis said it would be normal to not hear from her, she was observing her surroundings getting familiar with things that were going on. Adonis told her that had she been born a demon wolf she would have had her for two years prior to her first shift. It was how they learned things. He also told her Kore would go through her memories, to get more familiar with her, but Kenzi didn’t know how to answer that question. She didn’t know how to tell her wolf who the white haired girl was.

“Do you mind if I sit down?” Dax asked. Kenzi kept her eyes fixed on the table; she never spoke, never made a move. Pained filled her heart at the memory of the betrayal she felt. The reminder that she was just a stupid, gullible, naive little girl. I don’t know what any of that means, but I don’t think that’s us! Kore whimpered.

“You’re really good at those. I don’t have patience for puzzles” Dax said as she looked at the puzzle Kenzi had almost completed.

“That’s the third one. Ms. Templeton has already completed two” Carter said. He and Marco had stopped what they were doing and were watching the interaction. More so they were watching the movement out the window. Two of the guards on the house had moved closer to the room that housed their Luna. The guards were to keep her protected at all times, she wasn’t to be out of their sights or hearing range.

“Wow, that’s impressive” Dax said to her.

“Thank you” Kenzi offered her a weak smile, but never raised her head to meet her gaze. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Dax snapped her attention to the window. One of the guards was facing towards them while the other kept his watch on the woods.

“It’s ok Torian” Kenzi looked at him and offered more of a smile. He nodded his head, but never turned away.

“Torian?” Dax asked.

“It’s his name,” Kenzi replied,

“His name?” Dax stole a peek at the guard watching closely.

“His demon’s name, it means thorn. He’s a good boy.” He smiled brightly at the praise he just received.

“You know their names?” Dax asked. Kenzi nodded then motioned to the other beast.

“His name is Spade, he’s a good boy too, he likes brambleberry cookies.” The other beast looked over his shoulder and smiled. The adoration Dax saw in the eyes of the two demons was undeniable. They both highly adored their little Luna. She had taken the time to really get to know them.

“What kind of dessert does Torian like?” Dax asked,

“He doesint like dessert, he likes chicken. His favo-rite is chicken pot pie with lots of chicken, no carrots, or potatoes.” The beast snuffled his response and nodded his head. Kenzi gave a little giggle at his reply and he finally turned from the window.

“Wow, that sounds good,” Dax replied, nodding her head.

“That sounds really good,” Carter mumbled, with Marco nodding beside him. Kenzi giggled again when she heard the deep rumbled laugh from the men on the other side of the window.

“Carter doesn’t like vegetables either” Dax said,

“That’s cause he’s not a rabbit” Kenzi replied, it earned more laughter from the beasts at the window as well as Marco and Carter in the room.

“Did I say something wrong?” Kenzi asked, looking over at Marco and Carter, she didn’t understand what was so funny.

“No, you’re absolutely right Carter is not a rabbit” Dax shook her head. Marco and Carter shook their heads as well, no the little pixie most certainly did not say anything wrong.

They fell into a silence as Kenzi continued with her puzzle. Dax watched as she popped piece after piece into place. Amazed at how she knew which piece went where. She didn’t even once look at the picture on the box to see if she was right. Before she knew it the puzzle was complete and before them sat a picture of a starry night sky.

“Kenzi” Dax went to touch her hands but she pulled them back from the table. She understood the reaction, it hurt but she understood it. The little purple haired pixie didn’t trust her anymore. She didn’t know if she would ever trust her again. But Dax owed her an apology.

“Kenzi….I’m sorry” Dax watched as she shrank back further from the table. She wouldn’t raise her head, she wouldn’t meet her gaze. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Sounded from the window again. Kenzi was fighting back her emotions, she was fighting to keep control of her sadness, but it was starting to take hold. Dax watched as the beasts outside, began to shift and fidget. They were picking it up as well.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I fucked up big time and I understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore. What I did was a pretty shitty thing. I had somebody use me as well, it didn’t feel good when I found out. You can yell at me if you want, you can even say a bad word, I won’t tell Alpha Adonis.” Kenzi finally looked up, though she didn’t look at her.

“It’s ok,” she said.

“No Kenzi it’s not ok, what I did was not ok. You’re the sweetest little thing and didn’t deserve what I did. I’m so sorry” Dax didn’t expect the little purple haired pixie to forgive her, how could she? She betrayed her, lied to her and used her. All things Lacey had done to her, she did to the little pixie. When Kenzi turned towards the window, she bit her lip as she looked to the woods. Where was Adonis? Why wasn’t he back yet?

“Are you scared?” Dax asked, Kenzi’s only reply was a nod. She was scared, she was really scared, the feeling she had growing inside of her was nagging and nagging. What was taking him so long?

“Do you want to watch a movie? I’m not very good at them, but we could watch one, maybe help take your mind off what’s going on” Dax replied, Carter snorted and looked away when Dax shot him a glare.

“Ms. Templeton doesn’t watch them with the sound on,” Carter told her.

“Non guardare film horror del genere però (Don’t watch horror movies like that though)” Marco added.

“He said don’t watch horror movies like that” Carter translated “Tyler’s been teaching me,” he added when he saw Dax’s questioning look as to how he knew what Marco said without his phone.

“Adonis, please, please spare me. I meant none of it” Eric pleaded for his life. He had listened to his pack scream and beg for mercy that was denied them over and over again. Growls, snarls, howls and sinister laughter rang through Primrose territory.

“Adonis please!” Eric begged him, on his knees, to stop, to let him go.

“I don’t think he’s listening brother” Eric’s shocked face paled at the voice that sounded behind his youngest brother’s massive body.

“Emroy!” Eric looked at him. “You said he was dead”

I lied!” Odin backhanded him across the face and smirked when he saw the blood trail from his nose.

“Why?” Eric gaped at his brother. “Why would you let him do this to us?” Emroy shook his head, he was not surprised Eric would put this on him. He never took responsibility for anything he did, even when he was younger. It was always someone else’s fault. There was always someone else to blame.

“Let him? I let him? Dear brother, I didn’t let him do anything, he doesn’t need my permission to do anything. In fact he had my blessing. This pack was miserable, pathetic, weak and volatile when Ethan ran it. You just brought it to its knees, when you didn’t give….our little brother his due. When you chose to disrespect him, his mate and his family. Try as you might to blame me and I’m not really surprised that you did, just like old times, but you and I both know….this was all you. You let him do this” Emroy replied. “Where’s Ethan?”

“The coward ran when he thought you were dead.” Eric snapped.

“Did he say anything?” Emroy asked. Odin arched a brow at Eric, focusing his sole attention on him. ….grrrRRRrrrRrRRRrRrrrRRRrrrr…. Released from Odin as he grabbed Eric by the throat and lifted him to his face. His flaming orbs burned straight to his soul.

“You already made your decision, why should I tell you anything?” Eric gasped out. “I’m good as dead anyway”

“Might save you some pain, he does have a little pent up hostility towards you,” Emroy offered. He could have denied what Eric said, but he was right. Their little brother was going to kill him, it was just on him on how painful it was going to be. Odin alternated between squeezing tighter and slightly loosening his grip. He took joy in watching Eric gasp for any breath he could take. He relished watching his eyes bulge and his face purple. Pleasure in giving him what he wanted only to rip it away from him over and over again.

“You’re going to make him pee,” Emroy stated as he watched what was going on, thanking everything at this point that it was not him his little brother was toying with.

Too late!” Odin smirked.

“Oh! How embarrassing!” Emroy could only nod as he backed up.

“Bad thought Odin,” Emroy said after a minute. Something wasn’t sitting right with him. “Ethan wouldn’t run. He’s not the type to tuck tail. He’s the type to use something like this to his advantage. He’ll go after what he wants.” Odin snapped his eyes to Eric, the fear magnified tenfold and his thoughts were coming in clearly. Odin started to shake as he felt his anger rising at what Adonis was hearing run through Eric’s head. In one swift move Eric lay in three pieces on the ground at their feet.


BACK TO WHITE STONE!” He ordered, when the eyes of his pack were on him.

Cheerio and the other Black Shadow wolves had joined them in the cinema room, curling themselves around Kenzi. Like some fierce barrier against the evils on the outside. It didn’t take much for Kenzi to drift into a light sleep. The events of the day and the excitement caught up to her, she was pretty much out before the movie even started. Dax’s shoulders sagged slightly at this, but she understood. Kenzi was at least talking to her, sort of.

“How’s it going little mouse?” Kane asked when he sat beside her.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure she’ll forgive me, and I don’t really expect her to. At least she spoke to me.” Dax replied, before he could say anything to her she launched into a guilt ridden tirad.

“She knows their names, Kane. She knows the names of their demon’s and talks to them. She knows their favourite desserts and foods. This tiny little pixie surrounded by a sea of intimidating werewolves has not shown an ounce of fear around them. She was dragged through hell by….normals, our kind and still....nothing. I get hung by my throat one fucking time and I damn near pissed myself. I watched two of them have a conversation with each other from across the yard. I thought they were linking each other. They weren’t, they were whispering to each other and it freaked me out. I stood beside a berserker and I have never felt so small in my entire life. Kenzi is around them all the time, and I can’t help but wonder if she ever feels small? The only thing I heard her say was it hurts her neck having to look up all the time. When I was first on Howler territory I had to keep reminding myself not to piss anyone off. You were all bigger than me and capable of ripping me to pieces. But look at her Kane....look at her. Cuddled with four giant wolves like it’s nothing. How? Why?” Dax didn’t understand how someone so small could be so brave. “She’s the little mouse, not me. She’s the brave one, not me. I’m a big chicken pants” Dax huffed then covered her face.

“Little mouse, you’re not a big chicken pants. Everyone reacts differently to any given situation. The night we completed the trials and we came back the boys all had different reactions. Johnny tried to run, Damon tried to feed Carter to me. I’m not sure what Carter was going to do but he wouldn’t come anywhere near me and Marco was going to bury me had Kenneth not caught him” Kane told her. Dax looked at both Marco and Carter.

“Sembrava morto” Marco shrugged,

“If he was gonna eat me I wasn’t about to make it easy on him.” Carter replied. “I’m not the greatest when it comes to unpredictable situations….I kinda panic. The demons went down on the lawn earlier, and Alpha Kane told me to watch them. They caught on fire and I didn’t know what to do and asked if I should put them out” Dax could only stare at him wide eyed, while Kane and Marco choked back their laughter.

“I….crazy. Ho detto al diavolo di andare a farsi fottere... due volte (I told The Devil to go fuck himself....twice)” Marco said.

“You told him that?” Carter asked wide eyed.

“Sì” Marco nodded.

“He told Alpha Adonis to go fuck himself, twice” Carter replied to the questioning looks.

“Lessons with Tyler are really paying off for you,” Kane said.

“He’s a good friend and as long as Marco speaks slowly I catch most of what he says” Carter replied,

“Sì,” Marco replied, agreeing.

“I’m not going to lie, after hearing some things about them, I was a little apprehensive about meeting them as well,” Kane confessed.

“But you all took the time to get to know them,” Dax huffe.

“We had to. If we wanted them to talk to us, then we had to get to know them, talk to them. It led to a better understanding of them.” Kane told her.

“I never did any of that until it was too late. I didn’t even take the time to really get to know Kenzi. Did you know she tried to grow a banana tree in her house,” Dax replied.

“How did she get a banana tree?” Carter asked,

“She ordered it online, it didn’t give her any bananas, it just grew really big” Dax replied. “The night you played that game, I was listening while her and Emroy were talking, that was when I realized how badly I fucked up.”

“When I first got to know Tyler I didn’t know what to expect. He kicked my ass on our first introduction, he put me down hard. It was worse than the time I went a round with Alpha Kane and Tyler wasn’t even trying….no offence” Carter didn’t mean to blurt that last part. Kane could only shake his head. “I’m sorry Luna, I haven’t been easy on you. I was angry, I didn’t understand how you could accept normals and not the demons.”

“I don’t think any of us knew what to expect when meeting them.” Kane replied.

“I got hung up on her past, it rivals mine and I barely survived it. How did she survive hers?” Dax asked as she looked over at the little pixie sleeping curled amongst the wolves.

“Speranza! (Hope!)” Marco said.

“Hope!’ Carter translated. “Alpha Adonis said Ms. Templeton is a big believer in Fate. Maybe she felt everything happens for a reason. Maybe she held onto the belief that it would always get better and used that to keep moving forward. And Ms. Templeton didn’t have crazies trying to cut her ears off”

“Thank you Carter” Kane said, shaking his head at him again.

“You need to work on your pep talks” Dax added, Carter looked at Marco.

“Ho pensato che suonasse bene (I thought it sounded good)” He said with a shrug.

“I thought so too,” Carter replied. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Before anymore could be said the low angry growl came from outside. THUMP! THUMP! Cheerio raised his head, his ear twitching. Listening, waiting, alerting the other wolves in the room to the movements. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Louder this time.THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! Sounded from the outside wall in the cinema room. Something was happening.


A partial call rang out then it was cut off. Kenzi lifted her head at Cheerio’s insistence. He would look towards the outside walls, then went back to getting Kenzi to her feet.

“What’s wrong?” Kenzi asked, her fear had spiked and the shadow wolves crowded around her. Johnny, Damon and Kenneth hit the doors for the cinema, shutting them swiftly behind them.

“White Stone is under attack!” Johnny said.

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