The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 100: Wolfie Kenzi!

Adonis woke a little while later with Kenzi curled under him. Her soft breathing told him she wasn’t even close to waking from her blissful slumber, but he was starting to feel the pangs of hunger as his stomach began to growl. Carefully as he could he removed himself from over her and untangled their limbs. She stirred slightly but settled back down again and he took a moment to watch her. Beautiful! Her soft delicate features, her silver eyes hidden by thick luxurious eyelashes. Not strong enough! Mesmerizing! The supple flowing curves of her naked body. Still not strong enough! Flawless! The sunlight brought in from the windows touched her still pink flushed golden skin, giving her an unearthly glow. Still not strong enough! There will never be a word strong enough! His thumb grazed her cheek and even in her sleep the flush deepened, spreading to the tips of her ears. Do you smell that? Smell what? Blood….why do I smell blood? It’s fine Odin! Why is there blood? It’s nothing to worry about! Blood is nothing to worry about? Since when is the scent of blood nothing to worry about? It happens! It. Happens. It happens, it fucking happens, how does blood just fucking happen? Odin, you’re getting worked up! How can you not be? There’s blood and you’re like oh its fine, it happens….our mate is fucking bleeding! Odin….! The fuck did you do to her that theres blood! Odin….! You were supposed to deflower Lil Button, not defile her and make her bleed! ODIN….! She will never look at us the same! ODIN….! She will hate us, you made her hate us! She doesn’t hate us! She’ll never let us touch her again! Odin….! No more kissy time! Odin….! No more snuggle time! ODIN….! No more….! ODIN! WHAT? Calm the fuck down! She’s bleeding! I know, it happens sometimes, it was her first time! It does? Yes! She’s ok? Yes! Are you sure? Yes! Wake her up! No! WAKE HER UP! She’s sleeping, I’m going to let her sleep! What if she’s not ok? She’s ok! How do you know? Odin….she’s ok! What are we doing? I’m starving! She might be hungry! I’m going to let her sleep! But, but, but….! When she wakes up, we will bring her something to eat and clean her up! But….! Odin, no! Fine, but she better be ok! Adonis moved silently from the bed to the bathroom so he could shower.

“What the hell happened to you?” Adonis was in the kitchen fixing himself a snack he was starving when he caught sight of Jackson. He had a slice across his cheek, the bridge of his nose all in the process of healing and his left eye was a sickly green colour.

“Deranged torture ninja” Jackson replied, a grin breaking across his face.

“You riled Elijah up again” Adonis went back to making his snack.

“You feedin the army of demons on the lawn?” Jackson asked as he took in the food.

“I’m fucking starving” Adonis replied.

“Starvi….” Jackson caught a scent and his words stopped dead.

“What?” Adonis looked at his Beta. Jackson sniffed, then sniffed again.

“You smell different” Jackson replied,

“What?” Adonis asked,

“Hey they a army of demons on the front lawn and Kenn….the fuck you smell different?” Tyler halted in the entrance to the kitchen as he too caught the scent in the air. Carter and Marco, not prepared for his sudden stop, slammed into the back of him causing all three to crash to the floor.

“That was fuckin graceful,” Jackon replied laughing.

“You look bigger” Elijah asked as he too walked into the kitchen. He needed to know what his Alpha wanted done with the army of demons on the front lawn.

“I look bigger?” Adonis asked,

“Molto più grande! (Much bigger!)” Marco replied as he pulled himself from the floor.

“You smell like a….flamin….cookie” Jackson said, Tyler snorted and tried to look away. He couldn’t place the look on his Alpha’s face, it was somewhere between shocked and horrified, but it was funny. Marco and Carter bit back their snickers

“A….fl-flaming cookie?” Adonis asked then looked towards Elijah, who could only nod in agreement.

“The fuck you do?” Tyler asked as he took a better wiff. His eyes widened when he recognized the cookie scent. “Did you? Her say yes, you did an her say yes an her gonna stay?” Tyler didn’t want to get his hopes up but that was the only thing he could think to explain why his Alpha smelled like fire brookies.

“Who say what?” Jackson asked, looking from his Alpha to his brother.

“Lil Kenzi Cakes, her say yes, her stayin? Her stayin….right, you did an her stayin?” Tyler responded, getting more and more excited.

“Calm down Tyler” Adonis said,

“Her stayin? You mark her? Her stayin an you mark her, that why you smell like a flamin monster cookie?” Elijah too perked at this.

“Calm down all of you,” Adonis said, putting his hands up to silence the brothers. “Yes, she’s staying”

“Holy shit!” Tyler just about tackled Adonis when he hugged him, slightly excited was an understatement.

“Ok Tyler” Adonis replied, patting him on the back “Are you….are you crying?”

“No, somein in my eye” Tyler wiped at his eyes as he sniffled.

“The fuck you tell her?” Jackson asked,

“In the medical ward a couple nights ago. She chose me, it’s what she wants.” Adonis replied,

“What bout if her turn?” Jackson asked,

“Wolfie or no wolfie. Kenzi is a big believer in Fate. If she turns then she was always meant to be one and Fate is correcting the mistake. If she doesn’t then she was never meant to be one, but she still gets her life with me and the wild things. We’re supposed to be together. The Moon Goblin said so” Adonis answered. He was going to correct her on that one but decided he liked that name better.

“Moon Goblin?” Elijah asked, furrowing his brow. What the fucks a Moon Goblin? Asmodeus was equally confused.

“It’s what Kenzi calls the Goddess, I was going to correct her, but I like it better” Adonis said,

“You mark her?” Tyler asked,

“That’s private” Adonis replied, he was going to wait to eat, but they were interrupting and he was starving.

“Speakin of the Moon Goblin an Fate, wait till you hear this”

Kenzi woke a little while later, she was slightly confused, something wasn’t right, something was missing. There was no weight, no soft breathing, no tingles. Where was Adonis? She pushed herself up in the bed to discover she was completely alone. Don’t panic, he didint leafed. Don’t panic….stop panicking! She told herself that over and over, but her breath caught in her throat as she looked over the whole room and didn’t find him anywhere. She went to move her legs, but a small slice of pain tore through her when she attempted that. It was also when she felt the dull ache between her legs. Moving the sheet she saw the blood, and her panic started to set in more. Maybe….no, no, no don’t think it. He wouldint, he couldint, he didint, you didint screwed it up. She shook her head trying to rid it of the thoughts rolling through, but they were there edging closer and closer to her. Breathe Kenzi breathe, he didint leafed you, he didint, he said he wouldint! So where was he? She looked over the room again, if he didn’t leave then where was he. There has to be a re-re….reasin why he’s not here! Looking at the clock to check the time, that’s when she spotted the piece of folded up paper. Picking it up she looked at it. PHONE! (Fff-o-ne) That was it, one word was written on the piece of paper. PHONE! (Fff-o-ne) Looking at the bedside table again she saw her phone sitting there, picking it up she noticed there was a recorded note. Holding her breath, she pressed play.

“Hello sweetheart, just breathe and relax. I didn’t leave you, I would never leave you. I love you. However you did make me hungry, really really hungry. If you’re hearing this I’m in the kitchen. You have two options now, you can message me letting me know you’re awake or you can link me. In order to link me, you need to clear your mind and only think of me. That will open a connection between us. Take several deep breaths, calm your mind and relax. I’ll be waiting”

The smile broke big on her face, he didn’t leave her, he kept his promise, he didn’t leave and she didn’t screw anything up. She pressed play so she could listen to it again. Giggling at the part where he said she made him really hungry. Kenzi looked down at her phone, she could message him and let him know she was awake, but she really wanted to try the wolfie magic head thingy. They used it all the time and she wanted to as well. Listening to his message one more time she paid more attention to the instructions he gave her on how to do it. With each deep breath she brought into her lungs, she cleared her mind of everything but him. She made him her sole focus. His emerald orbs, the scar that sat above his top lip that she learned was given to him by Tyler. His deep rumbled laugh rolled through her mind, his scent, earthy and masculine.


There’s my smart girl. How are you my beautiful sweetheart?

“So the Goblin hates us. She created us, realized the huge fucking mistake she made and never wanted us to survive. Fate decided fuck you, you brought this on yourself and if you want your golden species to survive then you have to take your fucked up abomination as well.” Adonis said as he stood there in the kitchen. He was just told everything they heard in the office.

“Put like that it soun like mommy an daddy hasing a fight” Jackson commented.

“It’s pretty much what it is, but it also explains why demons don’t birth demons. How do you get rid of a species if they can procreate?” Elijah added.

“Wouldn’t be able to.” Adonis said.

“Maybe that why we don’t get second chances either,” Tyler guessed. “What happen if a true mate gave birth?”

“All the pups in the pack came from chosen mates and none of them were born with black eyes,” Elijah said.

“So what would happen?” Adonis asked. They all looked at each other, none of them had the answer.

“Bunnies!” Marco replied, with a nod of his head. Jackson broke first, followed by Tyler. Not even Elijah could hold back.

“Well he’s not wrong. If true mates birthed demon pups they would be procreating like bunnies” Adonis choked out between fits of laughter, then it stopped as a smile crossed his face.

“The fuck?” Jackson asked when he had control of himself.

“Kenzi!” Adonis replied. His clever tiny dancer figured the link out. He was hoping that would be how she contacted him.

“You fuckin mark her” Jackson blurted,

“So much for private,” Tyler remarked, both brothers broke out laughing again. Their baby sister was staying with the pack. Marco and Carter shared a look, Dax still hadn’t figured out the link. Adonis cringed.

“The fuck?” Tyler asked,

“Don’t let Kenzi squeal through the link” Was all Adonis could say. His mate was a little excited that she could use the wolfie magic head thingy too.

“Her turn, an her a demon, her be a siren an you in a heap of trouble” Jackson said laughing. Adonis could only nod. There was a good chance that his little mate would indeed be a siren if she turned and was a demon. Still gonna love her! To the end of time!

Kenzi sat on the bed vibrating with excitement, when he replied back to her. She got it right on the first try and she was so happy. She tried not to squeal, she really did, but she couldn’t help herself, it just slipped out. He asked her how she was doing and she told him she was a little sore and he recommended that she have a bath. He would fix her something to eat and see her in a bit. When the link cut she squealed again, this made her really happy that she couldn’t suppress it. Wrapping the sheet around herself she gently slid off the bed and started across the room. Stopping about half way when a pressure started to build behind her eyes and the room began to haze over. What….what…. She couldn’t think, couldn’t focus on the words. Nothing was there, just an ever building, ever growing pressure. She didn’t know what was happening but she didn’t feel ok. She tried to use the link again and call out to Adonis but she couldn’t keep her focus as the room began to spin and tilt and she grabbed onto the couch to keep from toppling to the ground. Gripping tightly, her legs shaky, her breath came in gasps. ….grrrr…. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. ….grrrr…. Sounded around the room that was closing in on her, darkness looming growing closer and closer. ….grrrr…. The pressure grew and grew. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. Her legs buckled and Kenzi dropped to the floor. ….grrrr…. Rocking, tilting, swaying with a motion in the room until the darkness consumed her and the pressure burst. KORE!


Marco and Carter stared wide eyed at the four bodies on the ground in the kitchen.

“Tyler?” Marco called as he moved to his friends side shaking him trying to get him to open his eyes. “Vai a cercare Kenneth o Re Kane (Go find Kenneth or King Kane)” he told Carter as he continued to try and wake Tyler. Carter ran from the kitchen out onto the front lawn. His eyes widened even more, bodies were everywhere.

“We got demons down” Damon said as he moved from one to the other. Johnny was doing the same, they were checking for pulses, heart beats, anything that told them they were still alive.

Alpha Kane! Alpha Kane!” Carter broke across the yard yelling for his Alpha when he spotted him.

“What’s the matter Carter?” Kane said, catching his Delta before he bowled him over.

“In the kitchen, they’re down, they’re all down.” Carter said, pointing back towards the packhouse.

“What?” Kane asked

“I don’t know, we were laughing and Alpha Adonis was talking to Ms. Templeton through the link then they all went down. Alpha Adonis is down” Carter said.

What?” Kane looked towards the house then looked at Johnny and Damon, they all took off running towards the house telling Carter to keep an eye on the ones on the lawn.

“But that’s….a lot of demons,” Carter said, running his hands through his hair as he took in the sea of bodies before him.

Hitting the kitchen entrance they saw the others on the ground. Marco and Kenneth were trying to wake Tyler and Elijah up, Steve was with Adonis and Kennedy was shaking Jackson.

“Son of a bitch!” Steve blurted then stumbled backwards shaking his hands.

“Did he burn you?” Kennedy asked as he jumped back from Jackson.

“Don’t touch them” Kane ordered, they watched their shirts disintegrate as the flames began to engulf their bodies and a mark began to etch itself across their skin.

Alpha Kane….they’re on fire….do, do I put them out?” Carter panicked from the front door.

“Santo cazzo” Marco blurted as he watched the flames swirl and dance across the skin.

“You can say that again,” Damon replied.

“Don’t say that again” Johnny said to him when Marco went to open his mouth.

“Triskele” Kenneth whispered as he watched the fire carve the etching onto the men lying on the ground.

“What?” Kane asked, looking at him.

“It means life, death and rebirth….eternal life” Kenneth replied. Though he didn’t understand why the mark wouldn’t have been etched on them in the office.

“Ow….the fuck?” Jackson groaned as he began to move slowly.

“The fuck I hit?” Tyler was moving as well trying to shake the cloudiness from his head.

“Il pavimento! (The floor!)” Marco replied, he hesitated in touching Tyler but eventually moved to help him to his feet. Kenneth was beside Elijah helping him up as Johnny and Damon were helping Jackson.

“You’re warm” Damon commented as he was getting Jackson to his feet.

“Feel like I’m on fuckin fire” Jackson replied,

“You were,” Kane replied, moving to Adonis’s side when he saw him start to move as well.

“Can we stop setting me on fire?” Adonis groaned.

“Come on sweet cheeks, let’s get you to your feet’ Kane said, helping him up.

“I’m gonna set you on fire,” he grumbled.

“Maybe later we can try that. Are you ok?” Kane asked.

“Felt like shifting for the first time” Adonis replied, when he caught the look of concern on Kane’s face.

“At least this time I din’t break the breakfas table,” Jackson commented.

“Um….Al-Alpha Adonis, there’s a lot of confused demons on the front lawn. They want to know why they’re missing their shirts and why they have a weird mark on them, like that one” Carter said from the kitchen entrance. They shared a look amongst themselves, they were just as confused.

“You all went down….hard. It was like a sea of bodies out there” Damon informed them.

“Elijah!” Adonis called for his third.

“I think I need to read the book,” he replied as he looked at the new symbol etched on their bodies.

“Triskele,” Kenneth told him.

“Eternal life” Elijah nodded, that made sense they were part of the kingdom and as soon as his Alpha accepted his place they would be granted with life. Then why didn’t this happen in the office, why did it happen now? The question running through his head was the same one running through all their heads. What was different this time?

“Kenzi!” Adonis bolted from the room, he marked her. The others were right behind him, but lost him when he hit the stairs. THUD!

Adonis hit his floor, missing half the flights in the process he had to get to his mate. Throwing the door to his room open, he paused at what he saw. It was destroyed. Destroyed….it’s obliterated! Odin blurted. Claw marks littered the walls, the floor and the roof. What the fuck? His bed was shredded, the couch was a crumbled mess, the tv gone, the mirror smashed, nothing made it. There was a small bundle of tattered fabric on the floor that slowly began to move.

“Kenzi….sweetheart” Adonis moved towards it when her head popped up. She looked around the room, her eyes wide as she took it all in. Do you see that? I do! What the fuck? I don’t know! Her injuries were healed or in the process of healing before his eyes. The deep claw marks were being erased, the bruises vanishing.

“Someone breaked the room!” She squeaked out when her eyes settled on him.

“Sweetheart!” Adonis moved faster to get to her, he had to see, make sure she was ok.

“Someone breaked the room!” She said again.

“Are you ok?” He asked as he gathered her into his arms

“I don’t know what happended. There was grrr and fur and grrr and blackness and someone breaked the room,” Kenzi told him, shaking her head. Adonis moved the fabric aside so he could see what was left of her injuries.

“There was growling?” He asked her.

“Lots of grrr’s. Grrr’s evry-where. Did a wolfie get in the room? Is that who breaked the room?” Kenzi looked at him. A wolfie got in the room all right, you smell that? Fresh demon! Kenzi looked around the room again, but this time she was looking for someone. Hi! Someone was in the room, she could hear them whispering. Hello!

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” He asked as she hid more into his arms but continued to scout the room. Say hi!

“Who’s in here?” She asked, looking all over it. You can do it, say hi!

“No one” he replied as he too checked the room. Please say hi!

“Are you sure?” She peeked over his arms. “You didint bringed no one?” Come on smart girl, you can do it, just say hi!

“There’s no one in the room with us sweetheart,” Adonis told her. Kenzi believed him she really did, but there was whispering all around her. You don’t know, oh my goodness you don’t know, I never said hi!

“Then who’s whispering? Are they in the hall? What’s that smell?” She started firing off questions as the creases in her forehead deepened, her confusion was increasing. I never introduced myself! The more questions she asked, the more excited he became. I should say hi, no hello, maybe howdy my name’s Kore! But that last question really got him. What is that most delicious smell?

“What smell?” He asked. He watched her draw deep breaths through her nose as she sniffed the air, her nose wrinkling, her cheeks pinking, she liked the smell. Smells so good, so really, really good!

“Smells like….smells like….snow….did it snow?” Kenzi looked up at him, her eyes hopeful, she loved the smell of a fresh snowfall. Snow I love snow, can we go in the snow? Please, please, please! What’s snow?

“No sweetheart it didn’t snow” He replied, the smile tugging at his lips. No snow, but, but, but….what’s snow and how come there’s none?!

“And hot chocolate with cinnamon….and….and….fire….it smells like big fire, is there a big fire? Did Kennedy make a big fire? Can we go to the big fire?” Kenzi looked to the window. Can we go to that? I wanna go to the big fire too! Kenzi wanted to go to the big fire as well. Then let’s go! What’s a big fire?

“No sweetheart, Kennedy didn’t make a big fire” He engulfed her in his arms and she gasped. He smells so good, I want him, can we keep him? He felt it then a small spark, but growing as pieces started to fall into place.

“Why do you smell? If there’s no big fire then why do you smell like big fire….and snow….and hot chocolate with cinnamon?” Kenzi asked, as she continued to smell him, burying her nose into him, taking everything she could. When she looked up at him her eyes were big. She knew the answer, he could see she knew the answer. She wanted to hear him say the answer. He’s ours. No one else gets to have him!

“Am I? Did I? Am I?” Kenzi pushed back from him looking into his eyes. Yeah are we? Did we? Are we....are we what? Sucking her bottom lip between her teeth. She had to be, it had to be why she smells those smells on him, it had to be why she was hearing the whispering, why the room got wrecked.

“Yes!” Kenzi’s smile broke big on her face. I am, I am, I am! We are, we are, we are….what are we? ….eeeerrrrr…. The noise that was released had both of them going wide eyed. Her hand flew to cover her mouth after the sound came out and she looked at him with alarmed eyes. She’s never made that noise before. What was that?

“What was that?” Kenzi asked.

“That was you and your wolf, I think she’s excited as well” Adonis was trying not to laugh, but he couldn’t help it. We’re in trouble if her wolf gets as excited as her! Yup! I want to meet her, I want to meet our mate! Soon Odin, let our tiny dancer come to terms with this first!

“I knowed, I knowed….What does she look like? What colour are her eyes? I knowed I was pose to be one….Is she big? Or is she little? I knowed it, I knowed it, Fate wouldint do me dirty like that, I knowed. What colour is her fur? Is it soft? I bet it’s really soft like Odin’s. I’m a wolfie!” Kenzi fired at him. She was right she was always supposed to be a wolf and now she was one and she just couldn’t contain her excitement.

….rrrrreeee…. I’m a wolfie, I’m a wolfie! We’re a wolfie, we’re a wolfie! Oh my goodness, I can talk to you! You can talk to me? Oh my goodness I can hear you, can you hear me? Oh my goodness you can hear me and I can hear you! ….eeeerrrrr…. Hi, I’m Kenzi! Hi, I’m Kore and we’re gonna be best friends! Yay! Can we keep the good smelling one? Yes, we get to keep him! Yay! She was vibrating in his arms as she spoke to her wolf for the first time. Her nose wrinkled over and over as the smile never left her face.

“Ok shh sweetheart shh. You need to settle down.” Adonis told her. He tried breathing deep hoping she would copy him, but she was lost in her own world wrapped up in all the excitement.

“Her name is Kore and she wants to keep you,” Kenzi blurted. “What colour is she? How big is she? What colour are her eyes?” Adonis covered her mouth before she could fire any more questions at him.

“I don’t know sweetheart, I didn’t see her, something happened in the kitchen. But from your smell, she’s a demon” Adonis told her.

“What happended in the kitchen? Where’s your shirt?” Kenzi asked as she looked at him. Shirt? What’s a shirt? Nevermind forget the shirt, let’s keep him naked! Red streaked across Kenzi’s face with that remark.

“Are you ok?” He asked, his brow slightly arching. Her blush grew darker when she looked up at him.

“Mm hmm!” She replied pressing her lips together waiting for him to answer her question.

“I don’t know what happened in the kitchen but we all went down, I think the same time you did. What happened? What do you remember?” Adonis asked.

“I don’t know, I was gonna has a shower and then the room went crazy with the spinning and twirling and tilting and there was a presshirt then grrr’s and nothing but black. Did I breaked the room?” Kenzi looked around the room again.

“I think Kore broke the room” Adonis told her, it looked worse than what he did to his room when he first shifted. Sorry, I got stucked in the tupi box and couldn’t get out! Kore whimpered.

“Is Kennedy gonna be mad? She didint mean to” Kenzi asked. She didn’t want her wolfie to get in trouble, it wasn’t her fault.

“He’ll understand. It wasn’t done on purpose. They don’t like being confined, they like to run free, it’s why we try to shift outside. This was unforeseeable, there was only a chance you’d turn and we weren’t given any warning as to when it would happen. I think she might get as excited as you do and couldn’t wait.” Adonis assured her. We like him, he’s so pretty! “Do you think you could bring her forward? Odin wants to meet her and I would really like to see her as well”

“I can try, but I don’t know how” Kenzi bit her lip, she wasn’t a very good wolfie. We’ll get this, we’re smart!

“Shh it’s ok, you’re learning. Just focus on her, she’s going to push and you’re going to let her” Adonis instructed. He didn’t know how well this was going to work. Judging by the questions she was asking, Kenzi didn’t see what her wolf looked like, she just heard her voice. Kenzi sat there trying to focus on her wolf, but she had nothing. She didn’t know the eye colour or the fur colour, but if she was a demon, then she would have red eyes and shadow grey fur and that’s what she was picturing. Are we doing it wrong? I think so! She could feel the small pushes her wolf was making but couldn’t hold onto the feeling of them. She shook her head as she looked back up at Adonis.

“Ok, that’s ok. It’s hard to picture them when you haven’t seen them. Don’t be alarmed but I’m going to call her forward. Just relax and breathe deep when you feel her push hold onto that feeling.” Kenzi nodded and started taking deep breaths to relax herself. ….grrRRRrrr….

“Hello Kore!” He spoke when he looked into the white eyes that held dancing blue and black flames. She looked at his features, studying them, memorizing them. She went to touch his face then got sidetracked by her fingers, she wiggled them, then wiggled them again. The right side of her mouth lifted as she repeated the action. Adonis had to chuckle, she was a puppy and this was all new to her. The sound caught her attention and she tilted her head to the side to question what it was she just heard. She had a lot to learn about the world she was about to enter, but the first thing she needed to know was that there were others like her. Odin pushed to come forward, he wanted to see his mate and he wanted her to see him. Kore’s eyes widened when she saw the burning flames staring back at her.

Mate!” Odin grazed her cheek, watching the flush spread over the bridge of her nose. The good smelling one!

My mate! Mine!” Odin dipped his head, hesitating only slightly before he claimed her mouth. She moved seamlessly with him. She knew that’s who she belonged with. He was hers and she was his. Following instinct they let nature take its course.

“The fuck the book say?” Jackson asked when he and Tyler joined the others in Steve’s office.

“Kenzi caused this,” Elijah replied.

“How’d the little pixie cause this?” Damon asked.

“He created a kingdom, Alpha Adonis joined, she accepted him and his world. We were granted eternal life and your kingdom just got a power source. I translated a passage earlier that spoke of a ray of light. The purest form of tranquillity that can calm the most savage of beasts. They will crave it, but it’s only when the light shines at its brightest, can it instil peace and calm. Without it, your kingdom will fall into darkness and be destroyed.” Elijah replied.

“The little pixie!” Kane said and Elijah nodded.

“She is the only one that I have ever heard of that can calm a werewolf, demon or normal better than their mate. You want to hear her laugh and giggle, you crave the calm she exudes when she does. When she’s not….” Elijah left it there

“Shit get broke,” Jackson said.

“An thins die horribly,” Tyler added.

“Tyler was right, she is making him stronger. Her love powers The Devil.” Elijah said.

“Gamma Elijah, it Andros” Luther burst into the office clearly upset.

“What’s wrong with Andros?” Elijah asked,

“He smell….broken” Luther replied,

“He smells broken?” Elijah asked,

“Yes, no, yes he smell broken….broken” Luther tried again. “Nu miroase la fel, e rupt! (He doesn’t smell the same, its broken)”

“His smell is broken” Jackson asked, looking at his brother then towards Elijah. He got up from his chair then paused at the door and smelled Luther.

“Your smell is broken” Elijah stated then smelled him again.

“I broken?” Luther sniffed himself,

“No, I fine….you broken,” the wisp replied after he sniffed Elijah.

“The fuck Jackass, smell Eli” Tyler huffed when Jackson smelled him. Jackson then smelled himself, he smelt fine but Tyler didn’t.

“Beta Jackson its Gage, he don’t smell right” Cage ran into the office with Gage right behind him.

“Cage don’t smell right” Gage fired back, pushing his brother he smelled fine. Cage pushed him back and that started a fight in the office.

“Relax boys” Jackson said as he and Tyler broke them up “Eli the fuck going on now?”

“The fuck don’t we smell right?” Tyler asked after he smelled Cage

“You don’t smell right?” Kenneth asked as he watched the demons in the room. It wasn’t until now that they all realized how much the demons liked the way they smell.

“We smell like fire without the smoke” Elijah told him “To me I smell fine but the others don’t”

“You smell that” Tyler asked, interrupting any further explanation. They watched as he lifted his nose to the air, Bal flashed in his eyes and he drew the scent deeper. The others paused as they too sniffed the air around them. It was charged, the scent of thick flames danced around them, strong and powerful.

“Fresh shift” Jackson said, bringing the scent deeper into him.

“Mine!’ Tyler blurted, then bolted from the office, the others were right behind him.

“What the fuck just happened?” Kane asked.

“Freshly shifted demons smell stronger than older ones,” Carter told him. “I asked Tyler,” he added when the others turned to look at him. Marco stood beside him nodding. The house thundered as demons from all over joined the hunt to find the newcomer. They all wanted to be the first to call it.

“I kinda want to see this” Johnny said and they all looked at each other and ran out of the room as well.

They searched the house top to bottom looking for the fresh demon. Until the hunt led them to the backyard where they saw Adonis and Kenzi standing in the middle. His smile widened.

“GOT ONE!” He raised his hand. Eyes widened and jaws dropped as she stood there with the biggest smile on her face. Her excitement was bursting from her. Adonis explained to her what was going to happen next and she was as prepared as she could get. She would be accepted by the pack, and things might get a little iffy.

The Royals all stood on the deck watching as over 200 demons approached the little pixie. They watched as Adonis stepped back and let his pack approach her. She vibrated as her excitement radiated around the territory. They took turns sniffing her familiarizing themselves with her scent. She was hugged and kissed and jostled. Her reception was warm and welcoming.

“Wow, our pack members get a handshake and a welcome to the Howlers” Damon said,

“Demoni is a very interesting species. Their traditions are nothing like ours, stand to reason their welcoming ceremony would be different as well. Normally the whole pack would welcome a new member, but the whole pack is not here. When they go back to Black Shadow territory this will happen again” Kenneth informed them.

“Wonder how they celebrate Christmas?” Johnny asked.

“Take part in a pack hunt, then everyone brings a dish enough to feed over 750 members” Kenneth replied “It really is one big family unit. They succeed as a pack or they fail as a pack, nobody is singled out. Triumphs are to be celebrated and failures are to be learned from”

Then they all shifted and it started all over again. The wolves sniffed her….everywhere. Her eyes widened several times as they got themselves familiar with her scent. Some were a little more enthusiastic than others and she ended up getting knocked to the ground.

Adonis stiffened slightly a few times but he never interfered in what was happening. When they all stepped back, Kenzi lay curled in a ball on the ground. She knew to expect it, but still the ground met her hard. When she was able to stand back up she had to fix her clothes, but the smile never left her face. The crowd parted and they waited for their Alpha to approach. It was then they saw the ornate dagger.

“Is he gonna make her Luna?” Johnny asked.

“No, this is her acceptance into the pack. He will ask his ranks if they accept her, then he will ask the rest of his pack if anyone objects” Kenneth replied. “The Luna ceremony won’t be held until later, when they are all together. Demoni like to party!”

“Is there going to be a party?” Carter asked,

“Expect a small celebration,” Kenneth replied.

“Well at least they won’t be at the bar with bowling balls” Damon commented, Johnny beside him fought back his laughter as he heard Kane grumbling beside him.

“Beta Ko, îl accepți pe acest lup drept partener de haită? (Beta Ko, do you accept this wolf as your pack mate?)” Ko stepped forward and pawed at the ground before her.

“Gamma Asmodeus, îl accepți pe acest lup drept partener de haită? (Gamma Asmodeus, do you accept this wolf as your pack mate?)” Asmodeus too pawed the ground before her, Bal was already pawing the ground. He accepted her the day she asked them to be her brother.

“Delta Bal, îl accepți pe acest lup drept partener de haită? (Delta Bal, do you accept this wolf as your pack mate?)” Adonis asked him anyway, then slightly shook his head at him.

“Vede cineva un motiv pentru care acest lup nu ar trebui să fie admis în haită, vorbește acum. (Does anyone see reason as to why this wolf should not be admitted into the pack, speak now)” Not one sound was breathed as they waited.

“Un lup ca nimeni altul. Născut din acest pământ, ești unul dintre noi, până te vei întoarce pe acest pământ. (A wolf like no other. Born of this earth, you are one of us until you return to this earth.)” Adonis cut his palm drawing a line across her forehead and down her nose in his blood he stood behind her and held his palm to her lips.

“Eu, Kenzi Templeton îmi accept locul și îmi jur viața haitei mele, Black Shadow și Alpha Adonis Bradshaw (I, Kenzi Templeton accept my place and pledge my life to my pack Black Shadow and to my Alpha Adonis Bradshaw)” She spoke the words accepting her place then drank from his palm. He held her tight to him as her legs buckled, when the link snapped into place.

“Welcome to the wild things sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear.

….owooooooooooo…. ….owooooo….

….owooooo…. ….owooooooo…. ….owooooo….

….owooooo…. ….owooooooooooo….

The howls rose up as Black Shadow welcomed its newest member.

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