The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 99: Hate The Moon Goblin!

“You boys look like shit” Jackson said, trying not to laugh. It was early the next morning and both Kane and Adonis were sitting at a table in the dining room. Kane’s head was down and Adonis was wearing his sunglasses.

“Turn down the volume Jackson” Kane grumbled,

“I think they feel like shit” Johnny added as he pulled up a chair at the table.

“Someone needs to turn down the lights,” Adonis grumbled. He had removed his sunglasses and was rubbing his eyes.

“Eli makin the drink of death. You boys ain’t the only ones hurtin this mornin. The others hurtin a lil bit as well. They had a lot of fun though” Jackson was chuckling.

“Uh….what happened?” Kane asked,

“You don’t remember” Johnny asked,

“It’s a little fuzzy,” Adonis replied.

“The fuck do you member?” Jackson asked,

“Elijah walking into a table” Kane replied,

“Kenneth taking Kenzi home” A wicked grin broke out on Jackson’s face as Johnny fought to control his laughter.

“Why does that look tell me we’re not going to like what he has to say?” Adonis asked as he glanced at Kane

“Because we’re not going to like what he has to say” Kane replied,

“You boys decide to make friends wit Jose Cuervo las night, cause J.P. wasn’t cuttin it” Jackson told him. Kane and Adonis could only stare at him, it was too early and they were too hung over for him this morning.

“You guys drank three and a half bottles of tequila.” Johnny informed them.

“That was jus between the two of you, an we not includin the three bottles of whisky an whatever else you drank las night” Jackson added. Kane looked at Adonis, no wonder they felt like shit.

“You decided to go bowling,” Johnny said.

“They gave us a lane?” Kane asked,

“No!” Jackson shook his head. Adonis looked at Kane, trying to figure out how they went bowling with no lane.

“You two created one” Johnny replied.

“We created one?” Adonis asked and both men nodded, their grins getting bigger.

“Well aren’t we inventive” Kane said.

“Did we at least hit the pins?” Adonis asked. From the sounds of it they were quite intoxicated and were lucky if they hit anything.

“You hit somein aight.” Jackson said, his shoulders were starting to shake.

“You caused a bar fight” Johnny cracked and howled with laughter.

“A bar fight?” Kane asked,

“That what happen when you launch a ball into a crowd of people. They get a lil mad.” Jackson said before he erupted into laughter.

Kane could only look at Adonis and shake his head. They drank a helluva lot, and threw bowling balls into a crowd of people and caused a bar fight. Adonis broke first, he couldn’t help it, he didn’t know what to say and started laughing. Kane was right behind him.

“Like I say, boys had a great time las night, but I don’t think we gonna be allow to go back. Not only did you cause a fight, you trash the bar.” Jackson said.

“Well at least we didn’t try to burn it down,” Adonis offered, dropping his head to his arms.

“I’m not partying like a demon again” Kane remarked as he too put his head down.

“Drink this” Elijah said as he placed a drink in front of each of them.

“That doesn’t look like what they drank the other day” Kane said looking up at it, his stomach turning the second he got a whiff of the concoction.

“Tequila require a different drink of death. Down the hatch boys” Jackson said trying not to laugh as he watched Kane turn green. Adonis raised his head and took several deep breaths before he raised the glass. His arm was heavy and at any moment it felt like it was going to drop. He did not want any of this on him, it smelled horrendous and he didn’t want to be smelling like it all day. Raising the glass to his lips, he shut his eyes and took the plunge. Kane followed suit. Both men dropped the glasses to the table and shook their heads. Death would definitely taste like that or better. Stomachs rolling they fought with themselves to keep it down and not to empty the contents.

“Tasty?” Elijah asked,

“Fuck you Eli!” Adonis grumbled putting his sunglasses back on and leaned back to let his head rest on the back of his chair while he waited for it to clear.

“Never again!” Kane declared as his head hit his arms.

“You say that now honey” Adonis murmured.

“Fuck you, sweet cheeks!” Came Kane’s grumbled reply.


Kane put his head down on the desk in Steve’s office as he released a deep sigh. He had just gotten off the phone with Edward. Word had gotten back to him, over his behaviour at the bar last night. Though he said he understood, it didn’t stop him from getting a lecture.


Kane looked up to see Johnny and Damon standing there.

“What did dad say?” Johnny asked,

“He lectured me but said he understood. We were trying to get in good with the demons to get them on our side. I told him that the demons had already joined and that wasn’t why,” Kane replied.

“What did he say to that?” Damon asked.

“He asked me why then and I didn’t really have an answer. Then I was told I was The King and I can’t do things like cause fights and destroy bars. I told him it wasn’t my intention to cause a fight or destroy a bar, just have a good time, he said it didn’t matter whether that was my intention or not, I know better and I need to act accordingly. Then I said maybe I don’t want to be The King, no one asked me if that’s what I wanted. Like Adonis I was forced into my position or risk losing my mate.” Kane answered.

“What did he say to that?” Johnny asked,

“He said I was right, I was forced into it, but what would I have said if I was asked, I said I didn’t know” Kane replied.

“Except you do know….don’t look at me like that, you do know what you would have said.” Damon countered pushing him.

“Damon….” Kane warned, he was tired and still feeling a little under the weather.

“Don’t Damon me. If Fate walked up to you and said hey, do you want to be the king, what would you have said?” Damon asked, pushing him further.

“No….happy now” Kane fired at him.

“Exactly no, so Fate forced your hand, made it so you didn’t have a choice, but there might be a reason for that,” Damon replied.

“Yeah, to save my mate” Kane huffed, they knew this.

“No!” Damon shook his head.

“What? Then what other possible reason could there be?” Kane asked, confusion creasing his brow while anger laced his words.

“To save a species.” Damon answered “We were talking to Jackson last night and he said a few things that got something rolling around in my head. Remember the translation Elijah read. The demons came first, but what if they were never supposed to survive? The Moon Goddess created a species of wolf overly aggressive, highly volatile and completely unstable, then made it so fear excites them. What if the Moon Goddess despised her first creation?” Damon added. That had both Johnny and Kane sitting back in their chairs. That would be a reason.

“If that’s the case and The Goddess hates them, then she wouldn’t want them around. Maybe that’s why demon wolves don’t give birth to demon pups and they have to find them.” Kane said.

“But Fate liked them and took pity on them and did something to ensure their survival by making them a part of the kingdom. Fate gets to decide whose a demon and whose a normal.” Johnny added.

“Exactly, you became king, so they could survive. No king, no need for a kingdom, no need for demons, and their species dies off, when Alpha Adonis goes” Damon nodded.

“So the whole Fated Souls is to ensure the survival of a species that only knows a life of rejection? How does Dax fit into this then?” Johnny asked.

“Fate used my bond to Dax as an incentive to get me to become king. It’s why it took me so long to find her. By playing keep away, Fate knew I would do what it takes to be with her. She’s my reward for doing what Fate wanted” Kane replied “And Fate’s doing the samething to Alpha Adonis. Using his bond to the little pixie to get him to join the kingdom. He found her three years ago, he might have been losing hope and Fate gave him a little nudge to keep going. The little pixie is his reward.”

“But what are the demons getting out of this?” Johnny asked.

“The ultimate acceptance. With the demons in their place, the whole shifter species would have no choice but to accept them.” Damon said.

“No, yes, but no.” Kane said, his mind working slowly through the jumbled thoughts in his head, why did he have to drink so much?

“Care to clarify that” Johnny asked.

“It is the ultimate acceptance, but not from the shifter species. It would force the Moon Goddess to accept her first creation. What if Fate is at war with the Moon Goddess? Let’s face it she’s abused the power she was given, what if Fate’s pissed off? Yggdrasil!” Kane spoke, his thoughts slowly slipping into place, again he cursed himself for drinking that much.

“What? Ygg….what?” Damon asked.

“Yggdrasil, it’s one of the burns….brands….uh markings Alpha Adonis has on his arm. I remember asking him about it last night when the little pixie was there and she told me all about it. She said it was the tree of life, it sits in the centre of the world and its branches hang over all the realms with three roots deep in the ground. If the tree falls then so do the realms. Kenneth and Elijah thought the cats, the bears, and wolves were the roots, but what if the shifter species are the realms? We forget demons aren’t part of the shifter species, they’re a species unto themselves. If The Devil is the tree, then the demons are the roots holding him up. He ties the kingdom together, he holds the branches. No devil, no kingdom, no shifter species. I accepted my place as King to create the kingdom and ensure his survival. He accepted his place to ensure ours. He falls, we all go with him and the Moon Goddess loses. Fate put this whole thing together to force the Moon Goddess to accept her first creation.” Kane explained.

“So this is a you made your bed now lie in it war between Fate and The Moon Goddess with a side of you can’t have one without the other?” Damon asked,

“That’s what it sounds like,” Johnny answered, nodding. “Tell him about the other thing”

“What other thing?” Kane asked.

“He bears the pain,” Johnny answered. Kane looked at his Gamma, wondering what he had to say about that.


Odin was stalking Kenzi through a field. He had brought her there to chase the butterflies, but due to her injuries she wasn’t able to run after them like he could. She had sat on a rock and watched him, giggling as he chased after orange and blue ones. When he had enough of that, and heard that she was no longer giggling he wanted to see what she was doing. She was bent over collecting something and the opportunity was too good to pass up. Her back was too him, and he crept silently and slowly through the grass edging closer and closer to her. He paused his movements when she stood up and looked over the clearing. He watched as she tilted her head side to side listening in the other directions. Fascinated by her small movements as she tried to pinpoint his location. His lil button was indeed trying to track him, she was so smart. He saw a small smile play on her lips, when she looked in his general area, did she spot him? He didn’t think so but he couldn’t be certain. He was statue still and hidden in the deeper grass, there was no way she could spot him, but still. Odin waited till she turned around again and he moved stealthily like a silent whisper. Closer and closer still. Don’t do what you’re thinking! It’s right there! Don’t do it! Just a small one! Odin no! You said I could! FUCK! Adonis was cringing in the back of Odin’s mind, he didn’t know how this was going to go. Someone was going to be called a biscuit eater.


“The fuck Marco and Carter?” Jackson asked,

“Don’t know, Alpha Kane need ’em for somein, where Johnny and Damon?” Tyler replied.

“Wit Alpha Kane” Jackson and Tyler were wandering the territory and made it to the clearing Adonis had taken Kenzi to.

“The fuck he doin?” Jackson asked,

“Stalkin Kenzi” Tyler replied as they stood there and watched the pair.

“The fuck her doin?” Jackson asked as he watched Kenzi survey the area.

“Trackin him!” Tyler replied, he couldn’t help but swell with pride as he watched his baby sister get a lock on Odin’s possible location.

“Her do that?” Jackson too couldn’t help but feel proud of his sister.

“I taught her to use area to gauge a situation an the souns to pinpoint location. Her know Odin won’t hide in the woods an leave her alone in the clearin. Her also know Odin a big puppy an can’t hide in the low grass, only leave so many places he can hide. Her pick it up real quick.” Tyler said, nodding, his sister did pick it up real quick.

“No shit! Good for that lil girl” Jackson beamed with pride.

“How you think her so good at hide the cookie?” Tyler smiled.

They watched them a bit longer to see what was going to happen. She would either catch him or he would get her, but neither expected what came next. The scream went up and their eyes widened and jaws dropped.

….eeeep…. The startled scream pierced the quiet of the clearing as Kenzi stumbled to a standing position holding the cheek of her bottom.

“He jus bite her….”

“Ass, yeah.”

Bad Odin! Bad, bad Odin! You bited my bottom, you’re not pose to bite bottoms….I’m not even wearing bunnies.

“What that gotta do wit her not wearin bunnies?”

“Don’t know, but I wanna be there when he explain that one to her” The brothers broke out laughing.

Jackson, Tyler, Elijah I need to talk to you in Alpha Steve’s office

They stopped laughing as confusion crossed their faces when Kane came through the link.

“The fuck he need us for?” Jackson asked,

“Don’t know, but don’t look like he call for Adon though” Tyler replied, motioning towards Kenzi and Odin in the field.

“Aight let’s go see what the fuck he wants,” Jackson nodded.


“Odin bited my bottom” Kenzi huffed at Adonis when he emerged from the woods dressed.

“Yes he did” Adonis was trying not to grin, but her adorable little angry puppy face was making it hard for him.

“I’m not even wearing bunnies and he bited my bottom,” Kenzi huffed again.

“You’re not wearing bunnies?” Adonis asked, when was the last time they played what are you wearing?

“No I’m not and he bited it” Kenzi said, Adonis wrapped her in his arms and he let his hands travel lower and lower.

“If you’re not wearing bunnies, then what are you wearing?” He asked, he watched the blush creep up her ears and grow darker. Lifting her to his waist he continued to travel up and down her backside.

“Not bunnies!” Kenzi said then pressed her lips together. She forgot to put some on after her shower this morning.

“You’re not wearing any, and you wonder why Odin bit your bottom” His hands travelled under the hem of her shorts and he could feel nothing but her smooth satin skin.

“I forgot.” Her ears darkened even more as she pressed into him.

“With this little discovery I’m tempted to bite the other cheek.” Kenzi squeaked at the little pinch he gave her and he captured her mouth, taking the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His hands continued to massage her bottom as she pressed into him more and more. Feeling himself stir and his core heat, it was time to move kissy time somewhere a little more private.

They crashed through their bedroom, barely getting the door shut before he had her sandwiched between him and it. He fought to maintain control of himself, they were both worked up and he almost took her in the woods….twice. His little mate was more than ready to give herself over to him. She was more than ready to be marked, but he still wanted her first time to be special and gentle and not harsh and rushed against a tree in the woods. ….grRrrrRrr…. She nipped his ear bringing him back to the now and what was happening. Her lips were swollen, her chest was heaving and her leg wrapped tightly around him as she pressed against him hard. Her eyes swirled with want, desire, and lust. Keeping her in place he let his hands travel her body again, taking in every inch he could feel, before he recaptured that mouth that started this all, and that delicious honeydew that begged for another bite.

His shirt gone, he worked the buttons of hers exposing the golden tantalizing bounty underneath to him and he moved them to the bed. Anticipation was high, he would get all of her, he would get to taste, touch, he would get to fully claim her. Kissing, tasting down her jaw, her neck, across her collarbone. He slipped the shirt from her shoulders and that ended up somewhere on the floor. Her hands caressed and passed over his shoulders, tracing the marks etched on his body. Leaving trails of fire as they made their way up his neck and tangled in his hair. She moaned with each kiss, he growled with each tug. He ran his tongue over the curve of one breast while he gently kneaded and stroked her other. Circling the nipple with his thumb. She’d arch and he’d rock. He needed to slow this down, draw it out. It was going too quick and not what he wanted for her. The problem was he didn’t want to, he wanted her now. He lapped, stroked, teased, sucked and tasted. Capturing the rigid peak between his lips he tortured her. She squeaked, writhed, arched and moaned. Begging him for more, to not stop. He lavished attention on her beautifully formed, flushed, tender breasts over and over till he began to move lower. Chasing the flesh of her waist to the edge of her belly button, he sucked, kissed and blazed trails to her core.

Shocks, tingles and electric currents flowed through Kenzi. She was lost in the sea ecstasy riding the highest waves. Her body was set a blaze with his torture and she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted, needed and craved more. She wanted it all, all of it, all of him. She wanted him to make her his, to claim her, mark her, mate her. She felt the tug to her shorts and she raised her hips so he could pull them down and they ended up somewhere she did really care. She was scared, but she was ready oh so very ready. His hands felt so good sliding, caressing her skin. She purred and moaned when she felt him starting to massage the pooling heat between her legs. ….mmmmm…. His finger slipped between her folds and he started to thrust, slow, rhythmic torture. Her back arched, her body vibrated, it knew what it was doing, what it wanted and she was just along for the ride. ….mmmmmmm…. His lips moved closer and closer to the golden apex between her legs.

“Fuck, you smell so good sweetheart.” She was so wet as the vibrations were getting bigger and the intensity ready to burst. ….grRrrrRrr…. Sound vanished and she was lost to the feel when she felt his tongue.

“Fuck, you smell so good sweetheart” Adonis could barely contain himself when he reached the juncture of her thighs. ….grRrrrRrr…. From the first taste of her, he was hooked. He was a junkie and she was his drug of choice. His tongue swirled and lapped at the moistness between her legs, drinking in everything he could. This was where he slowed down. He wanted to savour his first taste of her. Commit her to memory. She coated his tongue and he wanted more; he wanted it all. The first straining ache, he had his pants gone but he didn’t stop what he was doing. His arm holding her hips down his thumb circled her sensitive nub. She tried to arch, lifting her chest instead of her hips. Her hands grabbed at the bedding, the fabric caught tightly in her clutches. Her breathy cries as pure pleasure enveloped her, she was close so close to the crashing wave that would sweep her away. He moved back up blazing new trails over her shuddering body, promising himself that next time he would send her crashing over that wave. Lavishing more attention on her achingly swollen breasts, sucking each rosie tipped nipple, hearing her cry for more he moved higher still. The tip of his iron-hard pulsating arousal, positioned at the entrance of the petal soft folds of her sweet depth.

“Look at me sweetheart, open those beautiful eyes for me” Adonis spoke, his voice thick with desire. Kenzi clutched at his shoulders, her body vibrating as waves of longing continued to crash through her. One shuddered breath after another she opened her thick lashes to reveal the most beautiful glittering white orbs. They bore into the depths of his black ones.

“Yes!” She breathed her answer before he could even ask his question.

“Yes!” She breathed again as she accepted the start of his deep penetration.

“Yes!” She gasped as he embedded himself inch by intoxicatingly addictive inch, moving slowly, allowing her to adjust to his size.

“Don’t….stop!” Deeper and deeper still, giving himself all to her, she accepted him greedily. ….ahhhhhh…. The sharp slice of pain tore through her as he broke her barrier with his thrust, burying himself deep inside of her, filling her completely. She clenched around him, her fingers gripping his shoulders, nails digging into his flesh.

She rode it out as he moved slowly inside her, their eyes never breaking focus on each other. When the first moan of pleasure escaped from her he picked up the rhythm. Dipping his head he drank from her, her taste still lingering on his tongue as he explored her mouth and tangled with hers. Her body moved with his willingly, arching with each thrust. Rocking into her in a wild unconscious rhythm. Primal urges, carnal desires. ….mmmmm…. ….grRrrrRrr…. Her moans matched his growls. Bodies moving in perfect abandonment faster and faster, her hips lifted to his thrusting body and he drove deeper into her. He kissed down her jaw to the left side of her neck. The little nook that would cradle and carry his mark. He lapped and sucked the skin making it tender. Priming it for acceptance. The intensity burning and building, as the wave rose higher and higher. Reaching her peak, his canines elongated and pierced the tenderized flesh. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... The pain tore through her and she couldn’t help the scream, but as fast as it was there and the pain laced scream silenced in the room blinding pleasure erupted from deep inside and Kenzi’s wave reached its pinnacle and crashed. She arched high, hard and clenched tightly around him.

Adonis slowed his pace, watching the ripples of her release wash over her, but he never stopped, he kept thrusting as he chased his own. She was so tight, so hot, so wet as she cloaked and coated him. She felt so good clenching around him. He began to pick up his speed, and she whimpered, her hips lifting off the mattress aching for him to make her soar just one more time. Her body begging for him to give her one more shattering release. He moved hard against her and she matched the intensity of each greedy thrust. He could feel the start of his end and he kissed the mark on her shoulder, she bucked hard under him and he drove deep into her over and over. ….grRRrrrRrrrRRrr…. The white-hot eruption ripped through him as he delivered one final thrust throwing her back over the edge as another wild wave pulsated inside of her. Adonis collapsed atop his mate, Kenzi’s arms wrapped tightly around him, clinging to him. Drawing ragged breath after ragged breath into their lungs. Adonis felt himself beginning to drift. Oblivion was calling out for him, beckoning him, welcoming him. It was warm and inviting. Enticing and captivating. It smelled like lavender and green apples, it felt like home. His arms circling around his silver eyed beauty in his bed he nuzzled into her neck his lips finding the mark one more time.

“You’re so fucking perfect, I love you” he heard himself mumble the words just before a wave of utter contentment crashed into him and he let oblivion carry him away.


“Beta Jackson?” Bo called as soon as he and Tyler walked into the office. Confusion furrowed both brows further as they looked upon the concerned faces of their pack members.

“The fuck Eli?” Jackson asked as he looked at the Gamma. Elijah could only shrug and shake his head, he didn’t know what this was about anymore than the others did.

“They don’t know what this is about” Kane replied,

“The fuck Adon?” Jackson’s guard went up. They were all summoned, their Alpha wasn’t present and none of them knew why. He positioned himself in front of the others, not knowing what was going to happen. Kane watched the Beta take the defensive stance over his pack. He also watched as the Gamma and Delta took up positions as well.

“I will be talking to him personally later” Kane remained calm and relaxed, though that seemed to do little to calm the room. The Demons made subtle movements, readying themselves for the inevitable knife to the back they all seemed to think was coming. This disheartened the others. None could deny the rapport they have created with each other, but this is something that must have happened in the past. The events of last night flooding their minds, reminding themselves this is what they were used to.

“What do you know about the….gifts Alpha Adonis has? Not much is written about him in any book including the one he has” Kane asked. Jackson stiffened.

“The fuck you know about that?” He asked,

“He told me. A pack member found his mate and to help her understand he allowed her to study you all. You voted him out of the bathroom” Kane answered.

“He toll you bout that?” Jackson asked, Tyler glanced at his brother then looked back towards Kane.

“There’s a book?” Johnny asked.

“He has the only copy, it’s a beginners guide for newly found demons, helps them understand what they are, the rest is experience.” Kane replied, never taking his eyes off the three dominant men in the room.

“The fuck this about?” Jackson asked,

“We just want to help, we might have answers to questions no one thought to ask.” Johnny responded. Jackson looked away, he was eyeing the twins and that was the first time the royals realized they were being studied closely. Luther and Andros hadn’t taken their eyes off of them. Jackson arched a brow and Luther shook his head.

“Help?” Jackson said, he relaxed slightly and the atmosphere in the room began to shift. Tensions were decreasing and the air seemed cooler.

“How many of you were rejected by your true mates?” Damon asked, almost all hands went up and Johnny’s face sunk. Jackson, Tyler, Elijah and Brina moved to the side. Three of them had their mates, and Brina has never found hers. The rest have and were rejected by them.

“I haven’t found mine” Brina said when she noticed Damon watching her.

“How many of you were in a constant state of pain after you were rejected?” Kane asked, again most hands went up. Cage and Tommy stepped off to the side.

“It was like a dark cloud hanging overhead. No hope, no light, just darkness all the time” Gage replied, while the others nodded.

“If that’s what the prick is gonna do I’d rather rip their throat out” Brina commented “What? I don’t wanna be in a constant state of pain” She added when she noticed the looks from the others.

“After your rejection how many of you felt lied to and betrayed?” Kenneth asked, with the exception of four of them all hands in the office rose.

“How many of you hate the Moon Goddess?” Kane asked, they weren’t surprised when every hand went up.

“Good luck finin a demon that don’t. We all got our reasons,” Jackson replied.

“The fuck goin on Jackass?” Tyler whispered beside him, his brother only shook his head. He was getting the same questioning looks from the others, but he had no answers.

“How did you find out, Alpha Adonis could force you to accept the rejection?” Damon asked. No one said a word but all eyes looked at Mike. Mike looked towards Jackson and he nodded.

“I was with my mate for two months, but I couldn’t go near her. She was terrified I would rip her apart and her fear fed Draco.” He began

“None of us could go near her, so that din’t help matters” Jackson added

“Some of the human mates tried to explain to her that I would never do anything to hurt her, but she wouldn’t believe them. One day she started screaming at me, saying she hated me and wished I was dead. Alpha Adonis showed up, but she rejected me and before I could do anything he threw me to the ground and demanded I accept. I did, then Alpha sent her away and I never saw her again.” Mike finished. Tommy and Xander shared a look, then they looked towards Tyler.

“What happened?” Kane asked when he saw the two seekers look towards Tyler.

“Her never made it out the woods” Tyler said,

“The fuck happen Tyler?” Jackson asked,

“Tommy, Xander an I was trainin in the woods when we caught the scent.” Tyler replied,

“The fuck you do Tyler?” Jackson asked,

“Hunted!” Tyler replied,

“It wasn’t our fault, the scent was so thick and we lost control” Tommy blurted with Xander nodding.

“When Delta Tyler regained control of Bal and saw what we did he linked Alpha right away” Xander added, this time Tommy nodded beside him.

“We din’t mean to an Adon toll us what happen wit Mike, but….”

“You still felt guilty!” Kenneth commented and the three of them just nodded.

“Tyler was only seventeen when that happened, he was still learning. The law was instituted after that.” Elijah added.

“Eli knew bout this, the fuck din’t I know?” Jackson looked at his brother.

“Eli the one that bury her an I ask Adon not to tell you” Tyler replied, looking down at his feet.

“The fuck?” Jackson said.

“Tyler idolizes you and he didn’t want to disappoint you. He thought that’s what would happen if you found out he destroyed a pack member’s mate” Elijah answered, after watching the brothers behaviour towards each other over the years he didn’t think it was ever possible for one to ever disappoint the other. They had a tight bond.

“Fuckin never! You unerstand me, never, you has never nor will you ever disappoint me.” Jackson grabbed the back of his brother’s neck pulling him to him as they touched heads. Tyler nodded. “Don’t you ever keep shit from me again” ....grrrrrrrr…. ....grrrrrrrr…. Tyler nodded again.

“That’s why you tell us to reign in our fear, it’s a warning” Damon said, they weren’t trying to be assholes, they were trying to caution others about it. They nodded.

“It happens from time to time, one of us loses control. I by far have the highest FBK count in the pack” Elijah responded.

"FBK?" Kenneth questioned.

"Fear based kill" Jackson replied.

“How many of you have lost control?” Damon asked, all hands went up.

“You won’t fine a demon that hasn’t, includin Adon” Jackson replied.

“The council member,” Johnny said and Jackson nodded.

“How long was the law instated for?” Kane asked.

“Six months. Mates were found and promptly lost” Elijah replied.

“How many of you felt better after talking to Alpha Adonis?” Johnny asked, hands went up.

“It was maybe a month after I was forced to accept the rejection. Alpha Adonis brought me into the woods. He gave me a hug and it brought back the light and I felt happy again. I was pretty sure he was gonna snap my neck” Bo replied.

“Me too!” Andros said and Luther nodded beside him.

“When I was rejected I had to move away from the pack. Alpha Adonis didn’t reject me. I chose to go. I didn’t want to hurt anybody. I lived by myself like a rogue demon for three months then one day he showed up and told me to let it all go and I did. I was so angry and he took every hit, then he got me in a hold and it felt like this weight was being lifted and I could finally breathe again. Then he told me to rejoin the rest of the pack, he told me to go home it was where I belonged” Mike said. Jackson narrowed his eyes and looked towards his brother who arched his brow. They both looked towards Elijah.

“Things make sense” Was all he said.

“He take it?” Jackson asked lowly

“Sounds like it” Elijah shrugged and shook his head, but it made sense how their pack members would be in pain and then weren’t after coming in contact with their Alpha.

“Get the fuck out” Jackson ordered. The others stood to attention, but nodded.

“We’re not in trouble?” Tommy asked,

“No, go torture the house or somein, Bo put your pants on” Jackson shook his head. He was going over those six months.

“I don’t know where they are,” Bo replied as he looked down at himself.

“Go fine your pants Bo, Xander help you” Tyler replied, he was trying not to laugh but he couldn’t help it. The man standing there in his underwear for the duration of this conversation was funny and when he heard Marco snickering he cracked.

“He fuckin do that? Take their pain like that” Tyler asked, after the last one left the office and the door closed.

“It makes sense. A lot of us were in pain, then we weren’t.” Elijah replied.

“That what that mean ain’t it? He bear the pain” Jackson asked.

“We believe it does” Kane replied.

“The fuck happen? He abolish the law wit Drea,” Jackson asked.

“When the law was in place it was open season on rejections. Normals were no longer afraid. Maybe he couldn’t bear any more and he wouldn’t be able to take away your pain.” Elijah speculated.

“How many were rejected in those six months?” Johnny asked,

“Maybe eighty” Jackson replied,

“An he prolly took it all” Tyler said,

“But not out the gate, Bo was like that for a month after he got reject, an Gage a month an a half” Jackson said.

“Maybe he didn’t know” Elijah was only guessing.

“You don’t think he knew?” Jackson asked,

“What’s the one thing Alpha Adonis puts above himself?” Elijah asked,

“His family, his pack,” Tyler replied.

“If he knew then why wouldn’t he take it immediately? Why leave them sitting in pain for that long?” Elijah asked, that gave them something to think about. Adonis wouldn’t have if he knew he could take their pain away he would have done it immediately.

“How he know? When he fine out?” Tyler asked, Elijah shrugged and shook his head. There was no telling when their Alpha found out he had that kind of power.

“Bo!” Jackson said “Sirens at the bes of times a emotional lan mine. Bo was lashin out scarin people. Adon took him into the woods that day, ever intention of killin him. But Bo walk back out guy fuckin smiley, like nuttin was ever wron wit him. Adon din’t walk out the same way he walk in. He was darker, wouldn’t answer any questions. Somein happen that day in the woods an it spook him. That quite the answer you boys figure out” Jackson dropped into one of the chairs across from the desk while Elijah took the other one.

“Damon figured it out,” Kane replied.

“You and Cage said something last night that a few things were rolling around in my head.” Damon responded to the questioning looks he was getting.

’The fuck else you figure out?” Jackson asked,

“This is speculation, but Cage said he felt lied to when he was rejected and so did everyone else that raised their hands. The Moon Goddess promised you a mate, someone to love and accept you, but your true mates reject you, what if that’s why your wolves lashed out? What if it’s not because of the rejection but because you were betrayed? You said it yourself we’d be hard pressed to find a demon that doesn’t hate the Moon Goddess for various reasons. Being betrayed by the Goddess because the true mate that was supposed to love you and accept you rejects you is a damn good reason to hate her.” Damon replied. “Couple with the fact that you don’t get second chances, but it might not be because you’re not deserving”

“The fuck the reason then?” Jackson asked, Elijah was quiet as he watched Damon. He shifted uncomfortably. There was something he wanted to say but clearly didn’t know how to say it. Elijah thought back over everything that was said to them and everything he had witnessed and knew. Everything he had translated in the book Alpha Kane had.

“Because we were never supposed to survive. The Moon Goddess hates us” Elijah said for him and when Damon exhaled the breath he was holding he knew he got it right.

“Your species came first, but you said it yourself. Demon wolves are overly aggressive, highly volatile and completely unstable and fear excites you” Johnny added.

“We a tester species an her fuck it up” Jackson surmised.

“Except Fate liked you, and took pity on you and decided you deserved to be here. Fates pissed at the Goddess for the abuse in power and found a loophole to keep you and give you the chance you’ve earned” Kane said.

“The Kingdom!” Kane nodded “Well ain’t that a howdy fuckin doody. This a you made your bed now lie in it situation between Fate an the Goddess?” Jackson asked.

“With a side of can’t have one without the other.” Kane answered “I accepted my place as king, thus creating the kingdom. Alpha Adonis accepted his place, binding it together, he falls we all fall”

“Yggdrasil!” Elijah said “Tree of life” he added when he saw the questioning looks of Jackson and Tyler.

“Si! We were wrong though. The shifter species is not the roots, but the realms” Kenneth responded.

“Begs the question,” Elijah said.

“The demoni” Kenneth answered and Elijah nodded, that made sense.

“Care to enlighten the not so well educated men in the room” Jackson drawled as both he and Tyler looked at Elijah, confusion evident on their faces.

“The tree of life sits in the centre of the world held up by three deep roots. Its branches fall over all the realms, if the tree falls the realms fall. If Alpha Adonis is the tree, and the shifter species are the realms, that makes the demons the roots holding him up. If Alpha Adonis falls, then everything falls. The Moon Goddess can’t have the shifter species without the demons,” Elijah explained.

“Huh! That begs a other question” Jackson said,

“What question?” Elijah asked. Jackson looked at Tyler and both men grinned.

“The fuck happen if Adon stay standin an they fall?” Tyler said, pointing at Kane. Jackson and Tyler looked at the faces of the others and it was clear that none of them had thought about that.

“Ain’t the smartest men in the room, not the most educated either an we don’t use all the big fancy words, but we ain’t the dumbest” Jackson said with a grin breaking across his face.

“Of course you would think of that you fucking deranged lunatics” Elijah huffed

“That was uncall for” Tyler put in.

“Calm the fuck down you sociopathic torture ninja” Jackson shot back,

“I’m not sociopathic”

“Narcissistic!” ….grrrr….

“Psychotic!” Jackson’s grin got bigger the more he set Elijah off. The brothers were bored now, fun needed to be stirred up. Elijah drew a deep breath then another and reached into his pants pocket and pulled his phone dialing a number.

“The fuck you callin….Eli….the fuck you callin….the fuck he callin?” Jackson turned to his brother then turned back to Elijah who now held his phone to his ear. A slow wicked grin spread across his face.

“Hello!” He spoke into the phone

“He is!” Jackson watched Elijah closely.

“It’s for you” Elijah said as he handed the phone to Jackson

“The fuck on the phone Eli?”

“I wouldn’t keep the other end waiting,” Elijah cautioned.

“I don’t want the phone” Jackson pushed his hand away.

“You better take the phone” Elijah told him, his smile spreading more.

“The fuck you call?” Jackson asked.

“You’re only going to make it worse the longer you keep them waiting” Jackson snatched the phone from him.

“You stupid son bit….” “Baby!” “You call my wife” “No, no I ain’t call you that….” Marco snickered at the wide eyed expression Jackson carried at hearing his wife’s voice on the other end. “I’m gonna break you in two Eli….” The laughter in the office was getting louder. “No I’m not taking that tone wit you, I don’t has a tone….” ….grrrr…. “I’m not growlin at you, I’m not, Eli….I’m not gonna break his arms off an beat him to death….” The office erupted into laughter as they listened to Jackson talk to his wife. “I’m not gonna crush him or use his head as a bowlin ball….I’m not….I’m not yellin at you….no, no baby, I’m not yellin, I’m calm” “You son bitch” Elijah sat in the chair beside Jackson with a smirk on his face. “Yes…. Yes.... Yes…. Yes, I be nice to Eli. No…. No…. No, I won’t. Love you” And Jackson hung up.

“You call my wife….again” Jackson grumbled at him. Elijah didn’t say anything, just held his hand out for his phone. Jackson looked at his hand then at the phone then back at Elijah’s outstretched hand. SNAP!

“You broke my phone”

“Shouldn’ta call my wife”

“You broke my phone”

“Now you has two….good luck callin my wife”

“I needed that phone!” Elijah snapped as he looked at his phone.

“That soun like a you problem. Go ahead, call my wife, tell her all bout it” Jackson huffed ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. Tyler broke out laughing with the first growl. ….grRrRrRrr….

“Sadistic torture ninja” ….grRrRrRrRrRrRrRrr….

“Oh shit!” Jackson bolted from the office. CRASH! Breaking the door off as Elijah took off after him.

“Jackass gonna die….Lunch?” Tyler asked the others when he calmed down.

“I could eat!” Carter blurted with Marco nodding beside him.

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