The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Rouge attack

POV Gianna:

“Come on Gia, it going to be okay. He will remember you and the kids eventually. Until then we have to stay strong and keep this pack running smoothly. I know it will be hard, but we will do it together. I meant what I said when I said that I pledged my loyalty to the crown.” Alex says.

“Thank you, Alex, you are right. No tears, just focus on everything else. He will come around eventually. Come let’s address this to the pack.”

I wipe my tears and adjust my clothes from my minor melt down. I am so very thankful for Alex; she has shown just how loyal she is to the crown.

We walk out the hospital and I can still smell Rasheed’s scent and as comforting as it is, I need to push through and be the leader I was trained to be.

“Sierra, please have everyone gather at the entrance of the pack house. I have an announcement.”

“Yes, Gianna” she mind links back.

As we reach the entrance tons of wolves have gathered, I can mind link the ones unable to attend. Alex squeezes my shoulders as I stand at the top of our pack house steps. I clear my throat silencing everyone.

“Not many of you know, but I am sure some of you have seen. Earlier today when our King left for his meeting with the council he was attacked. While we do not know any of the details as of now. The King has suffered some memory loss. For this reason, he cannot rule as the King, we are not sure when his memories will return. I will be acting as the only Alpha and Royal as of now. King Rasheed has been sent to his parents’ home and will continue to receive treatment. If you have any questions please contact me, my door is always open. Thank you all! You may continue with your day.”

After a few hours, I walk into our home and go to Onyx’s room first. I grab him and take him into the twins room. I dismiss the nannies and look at my beautiful children. Struggling to hold back my tears from my heartache. I pull Onyx into a tight hug and breath in his scent, trying my best to be strong for them.

“It’s okay mommy, daddy will come back when the curse is broken from the evil lady” Onyx says.

“What evil lady Onyx? Can you see into the future handsome man?”

Before he can answer I hear the alarms go off as an alert, an attack is upon us. The nannies are trained to report to the children and get them to the tunnels. They rush in and grab the children, racing off to get to the basement of the pack house. We have several tunnels that lead to our underground shelter just in case we are under attack. This will be my first attack since becoming Alpha.

“All non-warriors and non-medical staff to the tunnels NOW WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!”

I feel my warriors deaths and rage takes over. I rush down the stairs and instantly shift into my wolf. She has grown drastically since I became Queen. My warriors are fighting, and it looks like we are outnumbered. I see two wolves on Aaron, and I rush to him. Ripping out the throat of the wolf on his back instantly.

Alex lets out a ferocious war growl and that’s when I feel it. She has lost her mate.

I run to her, shifting back to my human from, killing several wolves on the way, I see Jordan laying in her arms. Alex is in tears and wolves are coming at us from all angles.

“Alex, I am going to put a forcefield around you and Jordan. I’m so sorry!”

“No, can you pop him to our bedroom. I need to fight; I cannot leave you alone while we are under attack” She pleads.

I touch Jordan and pop him into their bedroom. I grab Alex’s hand and we fight back-to-back as all the wolves are coming at us.

Sierra, Storm, and Aaron come running up and help clear the wolves.

“Where are all these wolves coming from? It seems like they just keep coming.” Aaron asks.

“I’m not sure do you see an Alpha? I cannot sense one.” I say.

Everyone shakes their head and continue to fight, I’ve had enough of this, I’m pissed, who dares to attack the Kingdom. Someone knew just when to attack, this was planned, and we were being watched without knowing it. I grab a wolf by his neck and sink my claws into his neck.

“Who is your leader? He dares to not show his face? What a coward”

I use my mind reading on him and try to search his brain as to who would attack us. Nothing! Nothing, this wolf has no idea who his leader is. I snap his neck and throw him to the ground.

“He didn’t know who he was fighting for. What is going on?”

“Everyone be on alert. I do not know what we are dealing with.” I mind link out to the warriors.

I am looking for the leader of this pack, and what I see makes me do a double take. Anger courses through me and all I see is red! I am ready to KILL!


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