The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Erased

POV Gianna:

Shocked is all I can say. Did this man just tell me I am disrespecting him. He is my husband! Anger courses though me, as I look at Rasheed while he turns his back to me.

“I am your wife, that’s who I am. What do mean disrespect? We are of the same level. Get in the car and we will talk about this when we get home.” I scream before I pop back to Alex.

“What the hell is going on!” I growl out.

“I’m not sure Gia, but it seems as though he has amnesia and does not remember you. I told him you were worried sick, and he looked very confused when I mentioned your name. He does not know what happened with this situation” Alex stresses.

“Thank you, Alex, you go back with him, and I will meet you all at the hospital so we can figure out what is going on.” I say right before I pop away.

POV Rasheed:

“Alex who was that crazy chick?”

“That’s your wife Rasheed, don’t you remember her. You guys have three children together. Don’t worry though, we are heading back to the pack and you’re going to the hospital to see what is going on.” Alex says.

I am shocked to know I have children and I don’t remember any of them. As gorgeous as that woman was, I do not know her. The last thing I remember is going to the Golden Paw Pack to meet with their Alpha about keeping our alliance. I diffidently need to find out what is going on. How can I have a wife and three kids when I have not even found my mate.

As we pull up to the pack, I notice it is the Golden Paw Pack grounds not our grounds. I look over at Alex and let out a growl.

“This is your pack grounds Alpha, when you married Gianna you combined packs with her, and we use their hospital because it is higher tech than our former one.” Alex says.

Baffled by all the information being thrown my way, I leave it alone and decided I really need to get checked out.

We arrive at the hospital, and I see that same gorgeous crazy lady standing next to my dad barking out orders. I get out the car and she turns to me with the most dazzling smile I have ever seen.

“Son, are you alright? What happened?” Dad asks me.

“I’m not sure that last thing I remember is you, Trigger and me on the way to meet the Alpha of the Golden Paw Pack. Do you think they did something to me?” I mind link him.

“Goddess no boy, that woman over there is your wife. She was to be the Alpha of the Golden Paw Pack; don’t you remember any of this? You do remember you have children, right? Where is your mark son?” My dad says out loud.

I shake my head no as he moves my shirt to look for a mate mark, I see tears glisten the crazy lady’s eyes. I don’t know why I feel bad, but it hurts to see her feeling bad.

“Where is Octavia, someone must inform the future Queen where I am.”

I hear a ferocious growl come out that tiny crazy woman.

“I killed her! I will kill anyone that challenges me for my mate. Now go in the goddess damn hospital and see why you don’t know me, our children and why your mark is gone.” She growls out.

“Is that the way to speak to your King? Guards take her away.”

I look around and everyone is looking at me in shock. They need to take the disrespectful beauty away for killing my future Queen.

“I Queen Gianna Antonia Jones, hereby (hiccup) command you to take the King into custody until he is looked over by a doctor. I will be removing his rank until he is fit to be (hiccup) King and my mate.” The crazy lady commands out.

A ferocious growl leaves me as I feel drained of my power. What has she done; she has no right to do this to me. I am the future King. I look over to my dad and see the pity in his eyes.

“I’m sorry son, but she needed to do what was best not only for her pack, but as the leader of the Werewolves. She has every right and I back her in the decision.” My dad says.

I am pissed off to say the least. How can this woman who I have never met tell me she is the Queen and take my rank.

“I King Rasheed Michael Jones chall”


I bare my neck in fear and turn to my father. He is angry, very angry!

He pushes me into the hospital where the doctors are waiting for me. I see Trigger walk up and talk to the crazy lady outside, he walks to me we a sad expression on his face.

“We need to get you checked out, I am convinced you lost your mind, trying to challenge your mate and the Queen. She would have killed you if she didn’t love you so much.” Trigger says.

After a few hours and nothing coming up wrong with me, the doctors say I can be discharged. I see my mother and she has a sad smile on her face. She approaches me and smacks me right in the face. I growl but do nothing else.

“How dare you treat Gianna this way, that woman is stressed out enough and you go and play amnesia on her? You two have two newborns at home, what is going on with you?” She yells out.

“I do not know that woman, maybe she cast a spell on all of you, I can tell she is not all werewolf. Maybe she is a witch and she put a spell on everyone to gain a title.”

My mother stomps away from me and Trigger and Alex enter the room.

“After I am released, we are going back to our Kingdom to get things figured out.”

“I’m sorry Rasheed, but we do not respond to you, your rank has been removed and we cannot follow you.” Alex says.

“It’s quite alright if you want to go Alex and Trigger, I know you are his dearest friends. He will need you until we figure out what happened.” The “Queen” says.

“I respect your decision Gianna, but I am staying with you! You are my Queen, and I pledged my loyalty to the Kingdom not to my friend.” Alex says.

She nods her head and looks at Trigger.

“Please stay with him, he will need someone there for him. If he needs anything don’t hesitate to mind link me.” Gianna says.

She turns to me, and tears are in her eyes.

“While you were out for testing, I used my healing abilities on you, nothing is wrong with you physically, so it did not work. I also used my powers to see if you were lying to me. You were not. Onyx has told me something bad will happen to his daddy, but he did not know how to explain it to me. Until you have regained your memories, I do believe it is necessary to be away from the children. I will do everything in my power to fight for you and make everything okay again. I love you mind, body and soul” Gianna says.

A tear falls down her eye and all I want to do is wipe it away. I am not sure what is going on with me, but I get up and walk to the door. Trigger and I walk away without looking back. I hear a whimper as the door closes.

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