The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Fight

POV Gianna:

“FLINT!!!!” I scream.

His eyes connect with mine and a wicked smile appears on his face. I feel like I am on fire. I am slashing through wolves left and right trying to get to this man to kill him. I want his blood, and I want it now!

Several wolves attack me, and I use my forcefield to fling them all off, wolves are flying into trees, and I feel like I am vibrating. I finally reach him, and he does a slow clap, all of his wolves stop fighting and start to retreat.

We are face to face and he tries to grab me. I push him away and kick him in his chest.

“Now, now is that any way to treat the father of your child? Or should I say your first born? You and I should have ruled this land as Alpha and Luna!” Flint spits out.

“I would have never chosen you! I would of always chose my fated mate!”

“And where is he now? Is that what a mate should do leave his QUEEN all alone to fight a battle by herself. He doesn’t seem like a good King. He doesn’t even seem to want you!” Flint smirks.

“ENOUGH!” I scream.

I know what he is doing, he is trying to play on my emotions, trying to find a weakness so I am sloppy with my attacks. It will not work! I was trained for all things to come at me in battle, and keeping calm is always where wolves slip and are killed.

“Ah ha a temper I see, Well let’s make this short and sweet shall we” Flint says.

Aaron, Sierra, Storm, and Alex are standing behind me waiting for what is about to happen.

“Hurry it up, I have plans for dinner and I don’t need any more pathetic disturbances.”

Flint smirks an evil smirk. His eyes turn red, and his skin is turning red as well. What the heck is going on.

“I Flint Hugo Martinez challenge the beautiful Gianna Antonia Jones (chuckle) for our son Onyx.” Flint shouts.

“You want to challenge me for MY son?!” I roar out.

“I accept!”

“Gianna, you cannot fight him he is a demon and werewolf.” Storm says.

“And? I am a mother fucking QUEEN! No one challenges me and walks away as the winner. Especially when it comes to my children! He is no exception.”

What they don’t know is my dad had some idea that this would happen one day, so he found some of the strongest men of all creatures and brought them to fight me in private. I have trained extensively. They were told not to hold back, and they did not. I don’t care to remember how many times I was knocked unconscious, but this is what my father trained me for.

“It will happen now; I want this done and over with. Let’s go to the outdoor arena.”

“As you wish gorgeous!” Flint winks at me and licks his lips.

I growl and he chuckles. I lead the way, feeling myself heal all my wounds. We enter the arena and I wrap my hands and Flint does the same, he has a few wolves with him, and I have Aaron, Alex, Sierra, and Storm. I crack my neck and bounce on my feet. This ends today!

Sierra walks into the ring and explains the conditions, we are not allowed to use powers or shift, we will remain in our human forms, anyone who shifts will be disqualified instantly. She walks out the ring and gives us the signal to fight.

Flint starts moving around the ring and I stand still, waiting for his attack.

“What’s wrong Princess, scared of little old me?” Flint taunts me.

I let out a chuckle and continue to study him, this seems to aggravate him, ignoring him is his weakness, he craves for attention. I smile and his eyes sparkle as if he has the upper hand.

He lunges at me, and I kick him so hard in his chest he flies into one of his minion. He gets up and I am still standing in the same position. He shakes off the kick and lunges at me again, this time I move and push him to the ground. He is sloppy and not focusing on the fight.

I laugh and step back, one of his minions grabs my leg and I turn and kick him in his face. Sierra rushes over and snaps his neck. This distraction was enough for Flint to think he had the upper hand, He grabs my arm and slams me to the ground. He pins me and cages me in with his arms. He is much larger than me, I bring my knees to my

chest and kick him right in his manhood. He falls over and now it is my turn to pin him. I bear my weight down on his back and throw punch after punch to his head, he tries to cover his face and get me off of him. I clasp my legs around his torso and continue to pummel him. I can feel his bones breaking and realize he is about to shift.

I am flung off of him and hit my head on the hard ground. I can hear Sierra say that Flint is disqualified, but I know this is not the end of it. I know he wants to kill me now.

I feel his teeth puncture my leg and I am being dragged to the middle of the ring. He releases my leg and stands over me, about to attack my neck. Since he wants to fight dirty, I will fight dirty right back. I pop away just before he can bite my neck.

I shift into my wolf and shake the leg he has bitten me in, it is healing, but not as quickly as I’d like. He charges at me, and I use my forcefield to keep him away so I can fully heal. My forcefield is broken by him and he lunges at my neck again. I am too quick and dodge out of the way.

I run at him needing to finish this, he not only is fighting dirty but using his powers being a demon.

We collide and I slash the side of his face. He grabs my front leg and flings me, I hit the ground hard again, but get up quickly. He is already charging at me when I bring my head down and toss him over my back, he grabs my tail and attacks my leg. I let out a yelp and turn. I see his neck is wide open. I go for his neck, but before I can sink my teeth in, he disappears.

I stand up looking around, I notice the minions he left behind are looking around confused as well.

“Get them and take them to the dungeons.” I command.

Warriors take them away. Aaron comes running to me and picks me up. I am losing a lot of blood and feel very dizzy. I tell him to put me down and hold the wound close. I concentrate on the wound, and it starts to heal. After several minutes I stand and look around at the chaos.

We lost several warriors and will have a proper send off for them. I see our medical staff and warriors gathering everyone. I mind link the people in the shelter it is safe to come out. I get cleaned up and find my children.

“Mommy” Onyx wraps his arms around my neck.

“Mommy is okay baby, but I need you to stay with the nannies so mommy can handle some things, okay?”

I look at the nannies and tell them to keep them in the nursery after it is swept. It’s time to meet these minions of Flint and see what they know.

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