The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Funerals

POV Gianna:

We’ve interrogated the “minions” for days and all of them are saying the same thing. They were on their packs grounds, guarding their borders and the next thing they knew they were waking up on our pack grounds. I used my truth inducement on them, and they are all telling the truth.

“Do you think we can get in touch with a harem and see if they have had a spell cast on them?”

“I don’t see why not, we can reach out to the Enchantment harem, they have only white witches.” Aaron says.

He goes and gets in contact with them, while I get ready for the funerals for our falling warriors. We will have Jordan’s funeral tomorrow. He gets a separate funeral due to his high ranking and being mated to our Gamma.

“Hey Alex, how are you holding up?”

“I’m okay, I guess. I know he died fighting for our pack, but it still hurts to know I will not be able to have babies with my mate. What I would give to be in his arms again.” Alex says.

Sadness is prominent in her eyes, and I grab her into a tight hug.

“I’m sorry Gianna, here I am blabbering about losing my mate and in some ways, you have lost yours too.” Alex stammers out.

“Alex, look at me. There is no need to apologize. You can grieve, it is for us to express our emotions. Besides we are not the same, you lost a mate. My mate just lost his damn mind.” I chuckle.

“Thank you, Gianna, I hear they are coming to the funeral.” Alex looks at me quizzically.

“Yes, I told Trigger it was okay for Rasheed to attend Jordan’s funeral only. Trigger is welcome at the one today, but my mom will take the kids to the Fae Kingdom tonight so I can get some work done and figure out where we go from here. Don’t you worry about anything though. You take as much time as you need before you come back.”

“Girl, I don’t know how you do it. It’s like nothing affects you. You take in the situation, evaluate and the give out the orders.” Alex says.

“That’s how I was raised, to be strong in front of everyone, to never show emotions. It shows weakness, but you know my secret. We’ve cried together, you know I drink and cry every single night hoping my mate comes back to me.” I confess.

We talk a little more and I can sense Aaron come into the room.

“Gia, I spoke with the witches, and they said they will send a few tomorrow.” Aaron says.

“Thanks Aaron, alright everyone let’s get ready to send our warriors a proper send off.”

POV Trigger:

“Rasheed, she said we can come to Jordan’s funeral, but not the others. She is sending the kids away for a few days. I think you two should sit down and talk. I mean come on man it has been days and YOUR wife just had a rouge attack where her sons father tried to kill her. Don’t you remember anything. At first, I thought it was just an act to get some breathing room, but it seems like what ever happened to you is real.”

“She’s not going to let me see my kids? What kind of mother is she, keeping their father away from them. I see it is a trend” Rasheed shouts.

“Watch your mouth, that’s our Queen and she’s a friend. You may not remember but Gianna has been through hell and has handled it with grace like a true Queen. She has every right to keep the kids away from you, you don’t even remember them.”

“Maybe I would remember them if I see them.” He rolls his eyes.

I walk away because this conversation is going nowhere. I need to find a nice outfit for Jordan’s funeral, I don’t want Rasheed to stay here if I go to the other warriors funeral’s today, he is too hot headed and might end up doing something stupid. I head to my old room to get some sleep; tomorrow is going to be a long day.

POV Alex:

Today is going to be one of hardest days of my life. I bury my mate, the man I was destined to be with. The only thing that I am looking forward to is seeing Trigger and Rasheed.

Gianna has really surprised me; we have become closer over the last few days. I can see why Rasheed loves her so much, or should I say loved.

“Hey Alex, you ready? Everyone is ready and waiting for you to give us the okay to start the service.” Gianna pops her head in my bedroom door.

“I am, but I am not. I am ready for the service, but not ready to say goodbye to my mate.”

“I understand, come on. I will be beside you majority of the day. Just let me know If I am hovering too much. With the kids gone I need someone to mother.” She chuckles.

I let out a laugh, something I have not done in a few days. We head out to the cemetery and my stomach is in knots. My wolf is going crazy and wants to be let loose. I am fighting for control and have to stop.

Gianna looks at me with worried eyes, but I shake my head and we continue to walk.

“Sorry my wolf is just trying to fight for control.”

“Don’t worry if we need to stop or take things slower let me know. Today is for making you the most comfortable. People can wait, some have lost mates and understand what you are going through. They are all okay with how today goes.” Gianna says while rubbing circles on my back.

We finally make it where Jordan is in his casket. I don’t see Rasheed or Trigger and it makes me irritated. How can they not come and support me when I am struggling. I thought we were friends.

Gianna starts the ceremony, and everyone sends well wishes to me and shares stories of Jordan. I must say I do feel a little better hearing how he was loved and how much they respected him.

The ceremony is over and we all head inside to eat a meal together. Gianna asked me a few days ago what were some of our favorite foods and at that time I did not understand why. Now, I get why, she ordered all of our favorites. She is a phenomenal Queen, Alpha, but most importantly friend.

I am at the buffet line when I am hit with this intoxicating scent, it smells like a recently fired gun. I turn to find the source and I see Rasheed and Trigger.

Trigger and I lock eyes and I feel a pulling sensation towards him. He is in front of me in seconds. He pulls me into his strong arms, and I hear the words I never thought I hear again.


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