The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Onyx's first birthday part 2

POV Gianna:

With the adoption and the godparent’s ceremony over we can get the real party started. Rasheed took Onyx to go and get dressed and I am still deciding on what to wear. We decided on a Spiderman themed party, and we have tons of stuff planned.

“Seems like you are really focused.” Dad says.

“Yeah, I am trying to figure out something to wear for the party. I know I want some jeans and a shirt, but I don’t have anything Spiderman related.”

“Well, Rasheed actually had some shirts made for the family.” Dad says.

He pulls out a box for shoes and a shirt box. I am honestly shocked that this man pulled off a surprise.

“Thanks dad”

“No problem, now hurry up and get ready the party cannot start without both hosts.” Dad laughs.

I grab some black jeans and under garments. When I open the Nike box, I am utterly shocked. These custom Spiderman air force ones are everything I needed. I pull the shirt out of the box, and I am so giddy. It is a characteristic version of me and Onyx in Spiderman suits. The back of the shirt says, “Spider gang” and has all of the families’ names on the back. I quickly get the shirt on and head out to the backyard where the party is in full swing.

We have so many things for the kids to do, as well as the adults. I must say I outdid myself with Onyx’s party. I am standing at the top of the steps to walk into the backyard, and I am hit with my mate’s mouthwatering smell. Before I can turn, he places a hand on my back, and I hear Onyx giggle.

“Mama, Spidey Spidey” Onyx shouts out.

“Yes, my beautiful boy this is all for you! Happy

Birthday Onyx”

I look up to my mate and he is all smiles. I’ve never seen him smile so hard, and I love it.

“May I have everyone’s attention please. Today is a very special day for the Golden Moon Pack. It is the future heirs first birthday! I am honored to have each and every one of you here to celebrate this miracle event. As you all know Onyx was born prematurely, and there were a few times he almost did not make it. I am so grateful to be over those hurdles. I feel as though I am blessed by the moon goddess herself to be able to throw such a party for my beautiful boy. This is for you little man. Happy Birthday Onyx!”

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONYX!!!!” The crowd shouts.

Rasheed hands Onyx over to me and grabs a glass of Hennessy.

“I just want to say a few words. Everyone knows I am not the biological father to Onyx, but as of today I am officially his dad. Gianna gave me the biggest blessing in the world of allowing me to be Onyx’s daddy. So today we celebrate you Onyx, daddy’s big boy!” Rasheed beams.

The crowd is so excited and cheering like crazy. We walk down the stairs and Onyx is snatched out of my arms by my mom.

“There’s granny’s sweet boy! Happy Birthday Onyx!” Mom coos.

“We are going to look around and make sure everything is going okay.”

Mom nods her head, and we turn to walk around the Spiderman themed carnival. There are rides and carnival games. We even have a spiderman walking around doing some cool tricks for the kids. Overall, everything is going well. Rasheed and I play a few games and Rasheed wins Onyx, this huge stuffed Spiderman, while I won a small little wolf.

“Hey mom can you bring Onyx over to the merry-go-round?” I mind link.

“Sure, thing sweetheart” Mom links back.

She hands him over and we get on, at first it was just Rasheed, Onyx, and I on the merry-go-round. I see a little she wolf pouting.

“Come on little one we have enough room for you” I say.

All the small children load up on the merry-go-round and we are having a blast. After a few minutes the ride ends, and I invite them all over to where we will cut Onyx’s cake.

A few Omegas bring out his cake I made him along with some cupcakes and other desserts.

“Alright parents, I need all the kids to be up front to sing happy birthday and after we are done, I want them to line up youngest to oldest. After all the children have gotten some cake or sweets, the adults can grab some too.”

I am holding Onyx on my hip, and we begin to sing happy birthday.

“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Onyx. Happy Birthday to you!” We all sing.

Onyx is giggling and we bend down to blow out the candles.

An eerie feeling comes over me and I feel like I am being watched. I hand Onyx to Rasheed and turn to where I feel eyes on me. What I see shocks me. It is Flint, Onyx’s biological father.

“Take Onyx into to the house now!” I mind link Rasheed.

He follows my eyes and growls when he sees Flint smirking.

“Please you are the only one I trust to protect him.”

I walk towards the woods where Flint was hiding. He is nowhere to be seen, but I notice a note.

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