The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Onyx's first birthday part 1

POV Gianna:

It’s been a few months since I found out I was part Fae and my parents, and the triplets moved away. They are coming back today for Onyx’s first birthday. I am so excited my beautiful boy is turning one. Today will also be the day when Rasheed officially adopts Onyx.

I have planned this day more than my Alpha ceremony; this is one of the most important milestones for my little man. Everyone is double checking with me for everything. I am a momzilla at this point.

I go outside and make sure the Spiderman bounce house is being attached and I am pulled away before I can yell that it does not look secure.

“Now now, please don’t go Alpha on the poor people trying to make your day perfect.” Rasheed snickers.

“It is not my day it is Onyx’s Day!”

“We all know he could care less; he just wants his mom and dad to love him. You just want to show off.” Rasheed says.

“So, what, he is my little boy and should have the most memorable day.”

“Mmhmm, you keep telling yourself that. I am going to make sure that the adoption ceremony is set up. Try to be nice and then go get dressed for the ceremony.” Rasheed says.

He kisses my head and walks away, maybe he is right everyone is walking around me on pins and needles. I feel bad now. I go to wake Onyx up and get him ready for the adoption ceremony first. My parents should be here soon and then we will begin.

“Good morning, my beautiful boy”

I say in a singsong tone. I reach for Onyx who is wide awake now.

“It is time to get ready, your daddy has something special for you today. Then we will have a big party to celebrate you turning one today.”

I give Onyx his bath and get him dressed in his little suit. It is emerald green with a royal blue undershirt and emerald bowtie. He is so handsome.

Storm comes in and tells me Sierra is on her way and my parents have arrived. I take a shower myself and get ready. When I come out, I have my Iridescent emerald-green, royal blue and black dress. It is beautiful. Storm helps me apply a light makeup and I pull my hair into a bun.

We head out of Onyx’s room and Rasheed comes out or bedroom. My jaw drops to the floor. He is in the exact same suit as Onyx. My boys sure do look handsome.

“I’ll take my little prince, thank you my Queen.” Rasheed pecks me on the cheek.

We head to the conference room, and everyone is waiting. We also decided that we would be choosing who will be his godparents, goddess forbid something happen to us. Sierra is in a royal blue dress similar to mine and Trigger is in an emerald-green suit. They both look nice.

“Thank you all for coming today. We have decided to hold this ceremony with just family. It has given me great pleasure to find my mate. Not only have I found my mate, but I have gained me a little prince as well. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I felt an overbearing power to protect him. I have always seen him as my boy and today we are making it official.” Rasheed says.

Tears are instantly in my eyes, and he turns to me and wipes them away.

“Today we will be completing this family and making it whole. Will you please step forward with Onyx, King Rasheed.” The councilman says.

While holding Onyx Rasheed steps forward. The councilman cuts Rasheed’s hand and then proceeds to make a little cut on Onyx’s hand. Rasheed takes Onyx’s hand and a huge gust of air flows through the room.

Onyx’s eyes shine red then turn back to their regular brown. I gasp unsure what just happened, but maybe it was just because he is now Rasheed’s son.

“I would now like to introduce you to Onyx Lucas Jones, future heir to the Golden Moon Pack!” Rasheed holds Onyx up like he is Simba.

We all cheer and Rasheed passes Onyx to Trigger. Rasheed joins me and pecks me on the lips. Now Lincoln will do the godparents ceremony.

“Trigger Kai Smith, do you promise to step up and care for Onyx when his parents cannot. Do you promise to care, protect, teach, and love him as your own in his parents’ demise?” Lincoln asks.

“You are damn right I promise” Trigger says with pride.

“Now now all that language is not needed, but greatly appreciated. Sierra Rene Johnson, do you promise to step up and care for Onyx when his parents cannot. Do you promise to care, protect, teach, and love him as your own in his parents’ demise?” Lincoln asks.

“Yes, I promise.” Sierra beams a huge smile.

Lincoln grabs and cuts Trigger, Sierra’s, and Onyx’s hand. They have pledged to be there for Onyx if anything were to happen to us. I am overjoyed, I cannot explain the happiness I feel right now. I feel like I am a big ball of emotions.

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