The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter The note

POV Gianna:

I grab the note and read it:

'Lovely family, I just love how you have hidden my son from me and allowed another wolf to take my place. I will be back for what is mine Alpha Gianna!’

“We have a security breach. Flint has been spotted in near the Packhouse. I want security doubled no one in or out without being checked. My top priority is the children, if Flint is still here, I want him brought to me immediately.” I link my warriors.

I am fuming mad, as I walk back to the carnival, many pack members have already left. It is now just our top ranks and the visiting Alpha’s and their families. I approach my dad, and my future father-in-law.

“We have an issue, I spotted Flint in the woods and when I arrived there was a note left.”

“Let’s talk about this in your office” dad says.

“Alphas and families please enjoy the remainder of the night. My father and I have some business to attend to. I thank each and every one of you for coming tonight.”

“Hey baby, meet me in my office with Onyx. My dad, your dad and I are on the way” I mind link Rasheed.

We head to my office, and I am still fuming at the audacity of this man. How dare he say I was hiding Onyx from him. I had no way of finding him, I would have had no problem with him visiting Onyx. The sheer comment of me “allowing another wolf” to take care of MY SON pissed me off. I feel like a tea kettle ready to combust.

“What the hell, where did she go?” dad says.

“Where did who go?” I ask.

“What is going on I can hear you Gianna, but we cannot see you. Where are you?” Alpha Lincoln questions.

“I didn’t go anywhere I am standing right next to you. What do you mean you can’t see me? I can see you and I can see myself.”

“She has the power of invisibility dear; Gianna calm down and think about your human self.” Mom walks up and says.

I do as my mother says and I feel and a little tingly, my father and father-in-law gasp. I open my door and Rasheed and Onyx are waiting patiently for us. I head for my chair and sit down.

“Alright, I have doubled the security, and no one is allowed to come as they please anymore until we find him.”

Aaron walks in and sits down next to my mom, who is now holding Onyx. I nod to him and continue.

“Onyx is the main priority as of now, I don’t know what Flint is capable of. We are going to make sure the day care center is also doubled in security. I want nothing to happen to those sweet babies. Any news on Flint?”

We all turn our attention to Aaron, his face looks defeated, and I already don’t like what he is going to say.

“We checked all the surveillance cameras and still are not sure how he was able to get in. There were no disruptions on the borders, and his scent was masked. As of now we have no idea how he got onto the pack lands.” Aaron slumps his shoulders.

“Thank you, Aaron. If Flint is spotted mind link me right away. I will deal with him. If I am off pack land, dads’ orders stand. KILL HIM ON SIGHT! I do not want him to get to Onyx.”

“Are you out of your mind thinking you can take him on Gianna?” Dad growls.

That earns a growl from Rasheed, my mother and myself.

“You must have forgotten I am the best fighter there is.

He is a normal werewolf.”

“He is not a normal werewolf; he is part demon. Why do you think I said no to you becoming his choosing mate? Come on sweetheart, think with that brilliant brain of yours.” Dad says.

“What do you mean he is part demon? That means Onyx is werewolf, Fae, and demon?” I look at him baffled.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Dad says.

“I see. Everyone has left for the evening, and I think it is time we all head to bed as well. I will see you all in the morning. Aaron, if you could stay a little longer, I want to speak with you and Jordan.”

Everyone leaves leaving, Rasheed, Onyx, and Aaron. I hear a knock at the door and in walks Jordan.

“Thank you for coming in tonight Jordan, I know you were with you mate Alex. As you know, today we had an issue with someone sneaking onto our pack. Aaron has already looked into this matter, but I want to bring you up to speed. We are doubling security at the borders and at the day care. If anyone comes in contact with Onyx’s biological father, I am to be informed right away. If I am not on pack lands the orders are to kill on sight. We will be doing more intense training and anyone coming in or out of the pack lands will be checked. Aaron will fill you in more tomorrow, until then you all have a goodnight.”

Aaron and Jordan leave, leaving Rasheed, Onyx, and myself. I let out a sigh Rasheed is right next rubbing my back.

“Come on baby, let’s go to bed. I will put Onyx down; I have already had people install motion security cameras in his bedroom for protection. Let me take some of this stress off of you, my Queen.” Rasheed coos into my ear.

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