The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 95

A laugh fell from my lips as his grip around my waist tightened. Of course he hadn't lost his protectiveness over me.

"Does it really matter?". I asked.

"Of course it matters. Out here looking like a fucking snack". He groaned.

Rolling my eyes I placed my hands against his chest. "I really have missed you".

"I missed you too". As he placed a kiss on the tip of my nose my eyes closed. It wasn't until right now that I realised just how much I missed him.

I still to this day couldn't describe how he made me feel inside. It was a feeling I never wanted to lose.

"How you getting home?". He asked.

I opened my eyes and smiled. My stomach filled with butterflies, I loved that he was home and he was here. This was the start of something new, what happened before was in the past and it was time to move


"No idea". I shrugged. "It's not late is it?".

"Still early babe. How about I take you a drive and we go get something to eat?".

"I don't want to be rude and leave the girls". It was meant to be a girls night and we had hardly seen each other.

"We'll meet up with them later. C'mon let me take you for a burger".

"And dirty fries?". I grinned.

"Yes queenie. Anything for you".

"Okay just let me text Alanna". Taking my phone from my purse I noticed she had already text me.

'We left, You need this gal! Party back at Jake's. I have his keys. See you soon.Ax'


"They already left". I frowned. "Party back at yours apparently".

"A night cap, not a party. She knows better than to throw a party".

"Morning runs?". I laughed.

"She hates them". He smirked.

"Oh I know".

"Ready to go. Cars out back".

Slipping my hand in his I let him lead me out the back door. His truck was parked at the side of the club. Coming to a stop I made a face. How could he drive if he had been drinking? "Something wrong?".

"Haven't you been drinking?". I asked.

"Nah babe haven't touched a drop. You getting in?". He opened the passenger side door for me.

Once inside I clipped my seatbelt into place. It was then that I remembered my rose was still inside. It may not be a big deal but it was the first flower he had ever given me.

"I left my flower inside". I said as he got in the drivers side.

"I'll get you another one". As he started the engine I crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't want another one. I wanted that one. "Do you fancy a walk along the beach once we eat?".

I sighed. I was overreacting, it was just a flower. Why was I getting worked up over a flower?


"Yeah I haven't been to the beach in ages". I smiled.

He stopped the car in front of the club. "You want that flower don't you?".

"Yeah". I didn't think twice about my answer. I wanted that flower because he gave it to me.

"Right". He sighed. "Give me a minute".

As he disappeared back inside I gazed over at the entrance of the club. The queue didn't look as big as before but there was still a lot of people waiting to get inside. Taking my phone from my purse I frowned at the message I had from an unknown number. I didn't have the number saved but I knew who it was.

And he shouldn't be texting me.

'Yale Miss Wilson.... Have you made your final decision yet?'

He sent that and hour ago. Didn't he have anything better to do than text one of his students on a Friday night?

I had accepted my offer but I already knew I wasn't going. How could I go when he was here?

Our relationship was already struggling. If I went I know for sure it would be over. This was our chance to finally make it work.

Deleting the message I put my phone away as I spotted him coming. As he opened the door he placed the rose on my lap before getting in. "Happy?".

"Yes". I smiled.

As he started the car and pulled onto the main road it started to spit with rain. There goes our walk along the beach.

"How's Miss Wilson doing?". He asked.

"She's good, happy. Spending the night with George she'll ho

tomorrow if you want to stop by?".

"Pretty sure I'm in her bad books right now princess".

A laugh fell from my lips. He wasn't wrong. My gran liked Jake but his behaviour recently was off putting.

"I'm sure you could charm your way into making her like you again".

"I plan to princess".

As the rain got heavier I chewed the inside of my cheek. I didn't have a jacket and I wasn't really in the mood to catch another cold.

"Should we just go back to mine?". I asked.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened. I wasn't really sure why. Did he not want to come?

"Are you sure?".

I frowned. I wasn't quite sure what was going on. "I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure. What's going on?". I sighed.

"What do you mean?".

"You know what I mean. Why are you questioning if I'm sure or not. It's raining outside and if you haven't noticed I don't have a jacket. We can't go to yours-...". I stopped talking. Maybe he didn't want to be alone with me?

"We'll just go to yours". I said.


"No it's okay". I smiled. "I need to speak with Alanna anyway". Lies, total lies. If this was months ago he wouldn't have hesitated, we'd have already been back at mine by now. "Don't think I don't want to be alone with you".

I felt embarrassed, could already feel the heat creeping up my neck. "We're alone right now". I tried to laugh it off to save my embarrassment.


"No it's okay". I smiled. "I get it, you don't need to explain yourself". If the ground could swallow me up right now I'd jump right in.

A sigh fell from his lips but we didn't speak anymore about it. I understood what he meant. He didn't want to rush into anything and that was completely fine.

It's not as if I was offering him sex.

As we pulled up outside his house I struggled to hide my laugh. Of course Alanna had threw a party. She would take the morning runs like a champ. People were everywhere. On his lawn, in his driveway and probably in every room of his house.

"I'll fucking kill her". He growled.

"Did you really expect anything less?". I asked unclipping my seatbelt.

He was pissed alright. Hands gripping the steering wheel, knuckles white. I wouldn't like to be Alanna when morning hits.

"I should have fucking known". He sighed.

"Are we going in or are we just going to sit here?".

Unclipping his seatbelt he proceeded to take off his jacket before passing it to me. "Put this on so you don't get wet".

I couldn't take my eyes off his arms. When did they get so big? My eyes darted from his arms to his chest. His abs defined through his T-shirt.

Holy god.


His T-shirt so tight I could see every ab perfectly.


"Oh right". I grinned taking the jacket and putting it on. "Promise me something?".

"What's that?".

"You won't embarrass her in front of everyone".

"Not my style princess but it is my house". He opened his door getting out. I matched his movements.

"It's a party Jake. Not the end of the world". I slipped my hand into his lacing our fingers together. "Can you at least enjoy it a little?".

"Anything for you queenie".

He didn't touch a drop of alcohol all night. He stood in the kitchen with a face

O thunder. Don't get me

wrong Jake didn't mind a party as as he was the one that threw it.

Not that it was much of a party anymore. A few stragglers here and there but it wouldn't take long to clear them out.

Alanna had been avoiding us. A quick smile here and there but she didn't dare come near us. She knew she had fucked up the minute we walked in.

A night cap wasn't exactly her style.

I was stood on the other end of the kitchen observing while Jake was locked in a deep conversation with Jack and Carter. Every so often he would look over to make sure I was still here.

I was completely sober and completely bored. I had been nursing the same beer for over an hour and would much rather be at home in bed stuffing my face and watching Netflix. Lana and Pete had left before we even got here and Jack had dropped Lacey off after the club. I had been stood minding my own business most of the night.

Too engrossed in his conversation I slipped out the kitchen and went to look for Alanna.

I looked everywhere. Bedrooms, bathrooms, even looked outside. She was nowhere to be found. Taking my phone from my purse I texted her.

She didn't take long to reply.

'I snuck out and went home! Sorry for avoiding you but I know he's pissed. Probably already assigned me to morning runs! Sorry gal. I'll drop by tomorrow.Ax'

Rolling my eyes I put my phone away before making my way back to the kitchen. All three still stood in the exact same position.

Must be a really interesting conversation they're having.

I'd had enough. I was going home.

Pouring what was left of my beer down the sink I put the empty bottle in the bin. It was late and I couldn't wait to get my pjs on and get into bed.

"How long before you graduate?". Carter asked.

Oh I was finally being involved in their conversation.

"A few weeks why?".

"Is prom before graduation or after?".


"After our final exams but before graduation. Why?". I frowned.

"Nothing just wondering. You going?".

I glanced at Jake, he was awaiting my answer. Eager to see what I was going to say. It was prom, everyone went to prom didn't they?

Why were they suddenly so interested in prom? None of them attended school. It's not as if it was a big deal to them.

"Can you walk me home?".

"Yeah just let me get these idiots out my house first".

"We'll do it. It'll give us an excuse to throw some punches". Jack smirked.

"You're kidding right?". I frowned.

"Of course he is". Jake glared. "Come on I'll take you home".

We walked to mine in silence. Both trapped with our own thoughts. Tonight was different, he was different. Not in a bad way, he really was trying to change his ways.

As we reached my porch I turned to look as him. "Thanks for walking me home". I smiled.

"Anytime queenie".

"Why do you call me that?".

"Cause you're my Queen". He

winked. "better let you get inside. I'll call you tomorrow if that's okay?". I

wasn't used to this. Jake didn't ask,

he took. I wasn't sure I could wrap

my head around this.

But I was going with it. This was our fresh start. He had stripped it right back to the beginning.

"I'd like that". I grinned.

"See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams princess".

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