The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 94

Jacob dropped us off and to say I felt a little awkward was an understatement. Standing outside the club I stared at the queue to get in. It was going to be a busy night.

"Come on". Alanna looped her arm through mine pulling me to the front of the line.

I felt the bass from the music under my feet. The music blasting through my ears. Slipping her hand down my arm she grabbed my hand.

"Have fun tonight okay".


She stopped dead before turning to face me. "Promise you're not gonna be mad".

"Why would I be mad?". I followed her gaze the smile slipping from my face, my stomach tightening. I knew what she was going to say before she said it.

"Please tell me-...". My breath caught in my throat when I saw him. Sat between Jack and Carter, that stupid but sexy smirk on his face.

I couldn't control my breathing. I didn't think I would react this way but I couldn't stop. He looked different, bigger, more rugged, unshaven.

I wanted nothing more than to go to him.

" this why you wanted me to come tonight?". I pulled my hand from her grasp.

"Please don't go". She begged. "He's home, he's back for you".

"Lucky me". I whispered.

I felt embarrassed, stupid even. How could she just spring this on me without any warning.

"You tricked me-...that photo?". I asked.

"Said he would only come tonight if he knew for sure you were going to be here. I'm so sorry Leah. I didn't you hate me?".

He hadn't seen me yet but I knew he knew I was here. Him and his freaky werewolf senses. I couldn't take my eyes off him. My nerves wrecked, the butterflies swarming in my stomach.

I felt sick.


"Sorry I-..I need some air". I didn't give her time to reply. I pushed my way through the crowd of bodies until I reached outside.

I couldn't think, my head all fuzzy. I was finding it hard to catch my breath. He was actually here and yet he hadn't tried to approach me.

"Little lady are you okay?". Jimmy asked.

"I'm fine". I smiled digging around in my purse for my phone. I think calling an Uber and going home was probably the best thing to do.

My phone vibrated in my hand. A Facebook notification. Alanna had uploaded the picture she took of me.

Reading the caption I smiled. I liked her caption better than mine.

Queen with the little crown emoji.

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. I was out with my friends. I shouldn't feel like I have to go home just because he was here. Straightening my shoulders I about turned making my way back inside. I stopped at the bar first for a drink before making my way over to the booth they had.

I felt powerful walking across the dance floor. I could sense him watching, knew he was staring along with everyone else.

It dawned on me that Jake wasn't the only one that held a presence. They knew who I was, maybe the respect wasn't there right now but it would be soon. "Yes queen". Alanna yelled.

I felt confident, I looked confident. It may be a front but it was working.

"I'm so nervous". I whispered as I sat beside her. Jake was sitting at the top end engrossed in a conversation with Carter.

But I knew he was watching.

"Shh he'll be listening". She smiled.

I spotted Lana and Lacey walking back from the bar carrying a tray of drinks.

"We watched you and do you know every guy and girl in here had their eyes on you". Lacey laughed.

"Some still do". Lana smirked as she placed the tray in the middle of the table.

Shots! All different coloured shots.

"I really thought you went home". Alanna grabbed the bottle of champagne from the bucket it was in.

"Champagne?". I frowned.

Who could afford to buy that?

"It arrived as soon as we walked in. Pretty sure it was meant for you though so we waited". She filled up four glasses before handing me one. "Even came with this". She snuck her hand under the table before producing a rose.

A single red rose.


I wanted to make a sarcastic joke but I actually found it a little sweet. He was trying but I wasn't interested in roses or champagne. He knew how simple I was. A conversation, a little acknowledgment that I was here would have been enough.

I wasn't looking over, I wasn't looking over. Stealing a quick glance my heartbeat quickened when he caught me staring. Quickly looking away I took a sip of my drink.

A rosé champagne. I wanted to hate it but I couldn't it was fruity and refreshing.

"Who knew he could be cute". I rolled my eyes bringing the rose to my nose before setting it down on the table.

"I want to hate him Leah but that was sweet". Lana picked up the rose. "Pete needs to up his game".

"I want to hate him to". I sighed. My confidence was slowly slipping. I was itching to go to him. Every fibre in my body was telling me to go over there. Looking over my stomach tightened as our eyes met. This time I didn't look away.


Running my tongue along my bottom lip I could feel that sweet little feeling building in the pit of my stomach. He looked so different, hotter, sexier. His hair longer, his arms bigger.

He had completely transformed. The Alpha male had returned and I wanted nothing more than for him to take me home and have his wicked way with me. "Hey Leah?"....

I could feel my arousal, the wetness between my thighs, the tightness of my nipples against my top.

"Leah are you-...".

Blinking a few times a laugh fell from my lips. "I'm sorry I-..". Another laugh fell from my lips, cheeks flushed.

"Eye fucking my brother". She smirked.

"Well he is my mate". I shrugged picking up my glass and finishing what was in it.

"Well damn". Lana laughed. "Oh shit he's coming over".

He was?

Swallowing the lump in my throat I tried to stop my heart from racing.

"Give us a minute?". He asked.

The girls scrambled, running like little girls.

"Take a walk with me?". He offered his hand.

"You asking or telling". I still couldn't bring myself to look at him. I was shaking inside with nerves and yeah maybe a little excitement.

I hadn't seen him in a month. It may not seem like a long time but to me it felt like a lifetime.

"Come on baby, look at me".

So I did. Our eyes locked, my hand on its own slipping into his. Instantly I felt it, our connection. The feeling of belonging.

I missed him.

He led me through the club, through the back area stopping at a door. Punching in a code I heard a click before he pushed the door open.

I had never been in here before.

"You want something to drink?". He asked closing the door once we were both inside.

"Vodka soda". I walked further into the room taking in my surroundings. A black leather sofa was pushed up against the back wall. A small kitchen area with a sink, a coffee machine and a fridge freezer. Nothing big, nothing special but we were after all in the back of a club.



He passed me my drink which I gladly took. "You want to sit down?".

I couldn't seem to settle my nerves. I didn't know how to act around him. We weren't exactly on good terms before he left.

"No I'm okay". I took a sip of my drink making a face at how strong it was. "How much vodka did you put in there?".

A laugh fell from his lips. "To strong for you queenie?".


He had never called me that before.

"Just a bit".

"You want a beer instead?".

"What's going on Jake?". I sat my drink aside. "You up and left without a single word. Now you're back and you're acting as if nothings happened".

A sigh fell from his lips as he ran a hand through his hair. "I had to sort myself out baby. I was no good for you before".

"And now?".

"It'll be different I promise. I had some time to think, I'm not the same".

"You told me to go to Yale, told me I'd be doing you a favour. Do you not want me?".

"I was angry, pissed off. I took it out on you, I didn't mean what I said".

"And I've just to believe you?". I asked. "Do you know how many times I cried myself to sleep?".


"You left me four days before we were supposed to mate. How do you-...".

"I fucking had too". He snapped.

Ah there he was. Good old Jake and his temper.

"Dammit Leah". He growled teeth clenched. "I left for us. I couldn't be around you when I was angry all the time. I kept fucking things up, I treated you badly. I had to ground myself, sort my head out. I had to be better for you".

"A whole month Jake and nothing. Not a phone call not even a text. I thought you weren't coming back". He closed the distance between us and my weak self let him.

As he wrapped me up in his arm a sigh fell from my lips as my head fell against his chest. I didn't want to argue with him anymore, it was exhausting.

What happened happened and I couldn't change it. We had to move on and focus on now. He was back and if I'm honest it felt like a weight had been lifted, felt like I could breath again.

"I was always coming back Leah". He kissed the top of my head as his arms tightened. "You are still mine baby, you'll always be mine".

"No more games Jake, no more secrets. You tell me what's going on within the pack, you keep me in the loop. I'm not an outsider, I'm your equal. Share things with me, tell me not only the good but the bad. I'll support you with everything but you need to communicate with me".

"You know-...".

"I'm not done". I interrupted. "You need to be on my side. Your pack doesn't respect me and that's where I need you to step in. I'm your mate, their Luna. You have to show them that if they're disrespecting me then they're disrespecting you".

I hadn't been fulfilling my duty and maybe that's one of the reason they didn't respect me. No more, I've had enough of being treated like the outsider.

"They respect you". He frowned.

Lifting my head from his chest I raised my eyebrows. "They don't and the reason they don't is because their Alpha doesn't". I wasn't sure if me saying that was going to set him off. He may say he's changed but I knew that temper was still in there.

"I have always respected you Leah, I just didn't show it but that's all going to change".


"It took for me to leave and distance myself from you to actually see how I'd been acting. I wasn't a good mate, I was an even worse Alpha. I had to change, I had to see the bigger picture".

"And what's the bigger picture?".

"You". He whispered. "I need you by my side to make me better. I need you to help run our pack. I can't do it without you. You are the other half of me and I'm so sorry that I had to leave you to figure that out".

"It wasn't all your fault. My head was messed up. I wasn't fully in this but I'm willing to be. Teach me, help me. Let me stand beside you, we're stronger together than we are apart".

"Things are going to change babe, you'll see". He kissed my forehead just as the door to the room flew open.

Alanna, Lacey and Lana all fell into the room.

A laugh fell from my lips. "I thought this room was locked?". I asked.

"It was". He scowled. "But she knows the code".

"Sorry, sorry, we didn't-....are you back together?". Alanna asked.

"Out". He growled.

All three girls scrambled to their feet running back out the door they fell through.

"That was funny". I grinned.



"Why the fuck aren't you wearing a bra?".

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