The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 96

Third coffee of the day and it wasn't even 5am. I had been up for ages. Something felt different about today, I felt different.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach wouldn't shift. I slept fine last night, was out cold as soon as my head hit the pillow. But today, right now I felt really anxious.

Was it because he was home?

Was I anxious because I wasn't sure if he would stay?

What if he up and left again?

He did it once before, what's stopping him from doing it again?

Running a hand over my face I groaned. I was thinking way too much into this. Jumping as my phone vibrated against the table the butterflies erupted in my stomach when I saw his name. 'Can't sleep?'

How did he know I was awake?

It wasn't light yet and my house was in darkness except the kitchen. Looking at my phone I could see he was typing again.

'Beach to watch the sunrise?'

I couldn't say no to that. He knew the beach was my weakness.


I took my hoodie from the washing pile and pulled it over my head. Tying my hair into a messy bun I grabbed my glasses putting them on.

Slipping my feet into my sneakers I poured the rest of my coffee down the sink before making my way outside.

He was already here. Leaning against his truck holding two coffees cups. Just looking at him made my heart feel full.

Was this the effects of our bond because we were connecting again? It was strong before but right now it felt stronger than ever. "Hi". I whispered as I reached him.

"Hey". He smiled passing me one of the coffees. "How come you're up so early?". He held the door open for me as I got in. "Couldn't sleep". I shrugged.

"You stressed?".


"Anxious?". He started the car, I put on my seatbelt.

This was weird. How did he know that?

"A little". I whispered.

"A little?".

"Okay yes I'm anxious but I don't know what's causing it. How did you even know?". I sighed.

"Hey calm down". He placed his hand on the top of my leg and instantly I started to feel better. "I felt it".

"You what?". I frowned.

"Don't look at me like that Leah. It's weird for me as well. This is the first time it's happened".

"I'm so confused right now".

"I knew something was going on with you because I can feel it in here". He tapped his chest.

"So you can feel my feelings?". I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I don't know how to explain it but yeah pretty much". He pulled away from my house driving towards the beach.

"Because that's not embarrassing". I groaned. If he could feel when I was anxious that meant he could feel when I'm upset, annoyed and let's not forget turned on. Oh god last night...

Taking a sip of my coffee I was glad it was still dark. The heat spreading across my cheeks right now could start a fire.

"It's far from embarrassing Leah. If anything it's a good thing".

"So you can feel everything?".

"I don't know babe".

"Weird". I wonder if it was because we didn't mate. "Do you think it has anything to do with our bond?".

"It might be but it's nothing for you to worry about okay?". He took the turn off to the beach. Already I could hear the morning waves crashing.

"I've never been here to watch the sunrise". I grinned. I had watched it back in Florida all the time but the beach was right on my doorstep.

"It's a first for me too". As he unclipped his seatbelt I matched

"What never?". I frowned.

movements before getting out.

"Never". He walked to the bed of his truck pulling down the tailgate. I felt the lump appear in my throat when I saw the blanket under his arm.

He had never been this cute before.

"Come here". So I did. I was completely besotted with him right now. Lifting me into his arms he sat me on top of the blanket. "I'll grab the coffees. It won't be long before the suns up".

I didn't feel as anxious as before. I felt content, happy, every time I looked at him I felt butterflies. The pull was stronger than ever.

"What you grinning at?". He passed me my coffee before jumping up and sitting beside me. I could feel the heat radiating from his body.

"You planned this didn't you?". I asked.

"". He was trying to hide his smile.

"You did". I laughed.

"I want to give you the best and I know how much you love the beach. Perfect opportunity so I took it". Wrapping his arm around my shoulder I lay my head against his chest.

This was the perfect moment, this was the moment I had been waiting for.



"I really am sorry for everything I put you through. How I acted, how I treated you. If I put as much time and focus into you as I did with everything else that was going on I wouldn't have had to leave". "It wasn't all you. I wasn't exactly easy to deal with". I grabbed his hand lacing our fingers together.

"Holy fuck babe your cast".

A laugh fell from my lips. Really, he was just noticing that now?

"Shit baby I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner". He brushed his thumb over my knuckles. "How does it feel?".

"Let's just say I won't be punching another werewolf anytime soon".

"Was pretty stupid".

"Hey". I huffed. "You deserved it".

"I'm teasing". He smirked placing a kiss against my knuckles. "Some right hook on you though".

"I know". I grinned looking out over the sea just as the sun began to rise.


It was breathtakingly beautiful. All the different colours, the glow, it was timeless. It was the perfect time to see nature at its best. The smell of the fresh sea air hitting my nose.

I couldn't picture being here with anyone else.

"Look at that". I whispered.

"It sure is beautiful". He held me tightly against him. "I can't wait to start my life with you Leah".

I turned to look at him. My eyes darted to his lips, my heart racing. I wanted nothing more than for him to kiss me.

"I fucked it up so many times baby".

"Shh". I pressed my finger to his lips.

He wasn't the only one at fault.

"We're starting a fresh, getting to know each other again properly. Forget about what happened Jake and focus on what's to come. I pressed my lips against his.

Fireworks exploded behind my eyes, tingles spread all over my body. It was a nice, sweet, delicate kiss. Nothing sexual about it but I felt it right down to my core.

I loved this man and I could finally see our future together.

"Damn baby". He brushed his thumb against my bottom lip. "I sure have missed that".

"Same". My heart still racing, I felt all giddy inside. This was what it was meant to feel like. I was starting to understand what being a mate felt like.

"How about I take you back to mine and we cook some breakfast?".

"I'm starving".

A laugh fell from his lips as he squeezed me tight. "There's my girl". He winked kissing my forehead. "It's nice to know you've still got your appetite". "Always". Pressing my lips against his once more I loved the feeling that erupted within me.

I wanted to do it again and again. Kissing Jake always felt good, we always had the spark, the connection but it never felt this good.

Something between us had changed for the better. It was like I was seeing everything in a whole new light.

"In order to cook breakfast you actually have to have food". I grinned.

"Smart ass". He grabbed me around the waist pulling me flush against him. Burying his head in my neck he inhaled deeply a growl falling from his lips. "You smell so fucking good".

My eyes closed my head falling back against his chest. Everything felt heightened, my emotions raw. A moan fell from my lips as I felt the roughness of his tongue.

"Fuck baby". As he kissed my neck I grabbed a hold of his hands before they could move any lower.

"We can't". I whispered.

"I know baby". He kissed the top of my head as he turned me to face him. Our eyes locked, the fire in my belly igniting.

"I want to". Sliding my hands up his chest I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Fuck Jake I want to". I was past the point of being horny.

"Fuck it". He growled his grip tightening as he lifted me onto the kitchen island. "Let me have a taste".

Oh god. My breathing spiked, the excitement twisting in my stomach. Chewing my bottom lip I gave him my permission with the nod of my head.

I wanted this, we needed this.

Standing in front of me he nudged my legs open with his knee before stepping into the space. Placing both hands on the tops of my thighs my eyes closed, my mouth parting.

He had barely touched me and already I could feel our spark, I felt it deep within my core. As he moved his hands higher I jumped as a howl broke through the air.

"What was that?". My eyes snapped open my hands gripping his shoulders.

"Night patrol is over". He sighed placing his hands on my arms. "Let's go get some breakfast yeah?".

"Yeah breakfast". I sighed causing a laugh to fall from his lips.

"I want to baby but-...".

The back door flew open, Pete and Carter entering.

"That's why we can't". He smirked.

"Bear". Carter nodded. "A little early for you is it not?".

"No". I huffed crossing my arms over my chest. I was frustrated and annoyed. Every time we try and get a little intimate someone interrupts us.

"Oh". He grinned.

"What, what the fuck are you grinning at?". I snapped.

"Wow". He held up his hands. "Calm down Leah. I-...".

"Breakfast Leah, now". Jake grabbed my upper arm pulling me towards the front door.

"Hey". I yelled pulling my arm from his grasp.

"You gotta control yourself better than that baby". He opened the passenger side door. "Get in".

"Control myself?". I glared. "We all can't be like you and just turn our feelings off". I turned my head away from him instantly regretting what I said.

"Turn my feelings off?". He snapped. "I fucking knew this would come up".

"I didn't mean-...".

"You think that's what I did, you think

I didn't think about you every fucking day that I wasn't with you?. Fuck Leah". He slammed his hand off the steering wheel. "Do you know how hard it was for me to stay away?".

The lump appeared in the back of my throat, the tears behind my eyes.

"I fucked up Leah but I told you it was going to be different this time. Ah fuck baby don't cry". He grabbed a hold of my hand placing a kiss on my knuckles.

"I'm sorry I-...".

"You're frustrated I get that, I'm frustrated too". A sigh fell from his lips.

"It's not even that, I just feel different this time. I feel like I can't control my emotions. I snapped at Carter, what if that had been your mom?".

"Hey". He whispered. "It's okay, it happens".

"I don't think I'm hungry anymore". He pulled up outside the coffee shop cutting the engine.


"I'm just not feeling myself". My emotions were all over the place. All my feelings were out on the table and he could feel every damn one.

Dammit how could I have forgot about that.


"Can you just take me home please?".

I felt stupid and embarrassed. I lost it, snapped at Carter all because I was horny.

"Not happening princess. You want to be annoyed then be annoyed. You want to be mad then so be it but you're going to be mad with me. Now let's go get you fed".

"Fine but I want cake".

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