The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 40

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 40

"You always overthinking what you're wearing. You look great, he won't be able to keep his hands off you". She smirked.

I had been stood staring at myself in the mirror for the last 20 minutes. "Shut up I don't care what he thinks". Soothing my hands down my jeans I grabbed my leather jacket. "Seriously Leah can we go". She groaned.

"Yes". She never was the patient one. Grabbing my bag I slung it over my shoulder. "Now remember be nice". I warned. Lana had a big mouth. She calls it like she sees it. If you're being a bitch she'll let you know.

"I'll be as good as gold". She winked. "Now come on I want to see some hotties".

"By the way".

"What?". I asked locking my front door.

"Please tell me that's your car in the drive".

"It is".

"Sweet can I drive it?".

"No now come on". Nobody was driving my car before me. As we crossed the street I could already hear the loudness of the music.

"I can't wait to get my drink and my boy on". She laughed. Walking up his drive the butterflies started in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't wait to see him. With my hand on the handle I opened the door pushing it wide.

He was throwing a party alright. There were people everywhere. People from his pack, people from school.

"Hey girl". Alanna grinned.

"The word really got out about the party didn't it”.

"Always does when Jakes throwing one. Come get a drink". Leading us towards the kitchen she opened the fridge pulling out 2 beers.

"Alanna this is Lana". Wow that was going to be confusing.

"Hey". Both girls said at the same time before bursting out laughing.

"Where's the hottie from before?". Lana smirked. "Or better yet where's his friends?". Alanna glanced at me as I rolled my eyes. I did say she had a mouth on her. "Jake dropped by earlier and now she wants-..."

"Leah I'm going for a look around". She winked cutting me off.

"You two are complete opposites". Alanna smiled. "She wears the confidence". I said bringing the beer bottle to my lips and taking a sip. "She's crazy". I laughed.

"She seems fun. I wonder if she'll find what she's looking for".

"Trust me she always does. Oh hey Lace". I smiled as Lacey joined us.

"Hi". She sighed.

"What's he done this time?". Alanna groaned.

"Don't want to talk about it". Going to the fridge she grabbed herself a beer. "Why do guys have to be dicks I mean why does he think he can tell me what to do".

And here I thought she didn't want to talk about it.

"We've been together since we were 15. You'd think he'd trust me already".

"Where is he?". Alanna asked.

"Patrolling with Jake. You know what it's like you argue about one thing and then everything else comes up. I screamed at him Alanna, you should have seen his face". She groaned.

I didn't say anything. Not that I didn't want to I just didn't know what they were fighting about.

"He'll come back with his tail between his legs. Let him calm down first".

"Not after what I said to him". Shaking her head I could see she was trying not to cry.

"This is bigger Alanna and it's not just going to fix after he calms down".

"What did you say to him?". She asked.

"I told him, no I screamed at him that I wished he wasn't my mate".

"Aw Lace". She sighed. "How did it come down to that?".

"I was trying to wear a skirt. A nice new skirt and he blew up over it and then it just went from there. I've never seen him that angry". She couldn't hold it in anymore. A lone tear slid down her cheek. "Crazy right". She laughed. "We fought over a skirt".

"It's not crazy". I said giving her a small smile. She shouldn't have to worry about what she wanted to wear. I didn't get how it was any of his business. "We said some horrible stuff to each other. Jake had to pull him away before he shifted. What I am going to do?". She cried.

"Hey". Alanna whispered grabbing a hold of her hand. "It'll all be okay. Jack loves you, adores you. He'll calm down and then he'll be back".

"I-I'm going to head home. I want to be on my own for a bit".


"I need to be on my own Alanna. I'll text you when I'm home". I felt sad for her. Fighting with your boyfriend was never fun. I remember my first fight with Tommy. Things got heated and Lana punched him, burst his nose wide open.

I grinned thinking about it.

"That's the worst I've ever seen her". Alanna's voice broke through my thoughts. "I mean they've argued before but she's never been like this".

"She seems so sad". I said.

"He'll be furious when he comes back and finds out she's not here".

"I'm team Lacey on this one". I said taking another sip of my beer. Guys don't get to decide what we can and can't wear.

"Always". She grinned. "They'll be fine. Jack will apologise, they'll have make up sex and she'll be like a little ray of sunshine by tomorrow".

She looked beat tonight. I wasn't so sure she was going to let this one slide anytime soon.

"Should we maybe go and see if we can find your friend?". She asked.

"She'll be sucking face with the hottest guy here". I laughed following Alanna into the living room. "I should have put money on it". There she was in the corner making out with one of Jakes friends, Pete I think his name was.

"Should we-.." "I'm leaving her to it". I said holding up my hands. I wasn't getting in the middle of that. She was having fun, who was I to stop her.

"You're right". She laughed.

"I'm just going to get a little air". We had been here for almost an hour and he wasn't back yet. How much time did Jack need to calm down? Shaking my head I pulled open the patio door and went outside. I shouldn't have thought that it wasn't nice. Jack was his best friend and he obviously needed him.

Taking a seat on one of the wicker chairs I looked out in the forest. The moon was shining, the sky dark, the storm calmed. The night air was cool, the breeze chilling my face. It was nice out here. I liked the quiet, the peacefulness. His back garden always amazed me. The open space, the open forest. It all made sense now.

"Shouldn't you be enjoy the party?". Snapping my head up I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.


And Jack was stark naked.

I didn't know where to look.

"Could you maybe pass me my clothes". He nodded towards the other chair. I hadn't noticed his clothes were there when I came out.

"I'll just go back inside. Sorry". I couldn't look at him. I knew my face was beetroot red, I could feel how hot it was becoming. Not giving him the chance to reply I wandered back inside.

I needed a cold drink of some sort.

Heading through the open space I grabbed the bottle of shots from the counter. I couldn't believe he was naked and I saw him naked. I knew Jake wouldn't like that.

Why was he naked?

And where was Jake?

Finding a glass I poured myself some of the red liquid. Bringing it to my nose I inhaled the cherry essence before downing it in one. Just as I was about to pour another one the hairs on the back of my neck stood, I could feel the goosebumps appearing on my arms.

He was here.

Pouring the liquid into the glass I through it back my eyes closing on there own. Do I tell him I saw Jack naked. Surely it wasn't normal to be running around naked at night. Especially with a house full of people. Anyone could have saw him.

"Deep in thought princess?".

"Huh-..what no". My eyes greedily took him in, tracing every part of his body. Finally landing on his eyes I didn't miss the smirk he was wearing.

I liked looking at him sue me.

Chewing the inside of my cheek I blinked a few times before I grinned. I didn't care that he caught me looking. He was beautiful not just sexy or hot he was breathtakingly a beautiful man.

"You drunk?". "No are you drunk?". As he made his way towards me my breathing quickened.

Grabbing the bottle of shots he screwed the lid back on and placed it in the cupboard. "I was drinking that". I frowned.

"Last time you were drunk I ended up with a sore face". He scowled.

"And I ended up with a broken hand". I shrugged. "I'm not drunk Jake I've had 2 shots".

"2 shots to many". Opening the fridge he grabbed two beers passing one to me.

"I like shots". Taking the beer from him I dropped my gaze to the floor.

"I just don't want you to get too drunk babe. Don't want a repeat of last time". He grinned taking a sip of his beer.

"If I remember correctly you deserved it". Drinking the neck of my beer I avoided his stare.

"I did". He agreed. "But that won't happen again. I can promise you that".



"Yes okay". I smiled.

"You wanna get out of here?". He asked.

"And leave one of Jake Taylor's parties?". I gasped. "We can't do...". A giggle fell from my lips as he grabbed me around the waist pulling me to him. "You're funny". He growled his breath fanning across my face. I couldn't hide my smile. The more we hung out together the more I think I was falling for him.

"Glad you think so". I winked resting my hands on the lower of his back. "But I can't leave Lana".

"Pretty sure Pete's taking care of her. She'll be fine Alanna's here remember". "I came here with her I can't just leave. I actually came over here to hang with Alanna not you". "Is that so?". He smirked his grip tightening. "Pretty sure you stayed for me though right?".

"Maybe". I whispered. I couldn't seem to stay away from. No matter where I was it would always end with us together.

"I can't seem to stay away from you". Brushing his nose against mine my heartbeat quickened. I didn't want him to stay away. I still couldn't describe how he made me feel.

He didn't need to touch me, just being in the same room was enough.

He made everything better.

"Then don't". My voice was soft, delicate. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to see what we could become.

"Babe". He sighed.

"I don't mean sex Jake". Rolling my eyes I let my hands fall to my side. I knew he thought I wasn't ready and that was okay. He only wanted to make sure I wanted this, wanted him. When he didn't respond I continued. "Let's just hang out, take it slow and see what happens?". I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan babe". Bringing his hand up he cupped my cheek. "You really have no idea how glad I am to have found you".

"I think I do". I smirked.

"No really babe. I didn't think I ever would". He was serious, my smirk dropped as he pulled back slightly.

"But you did find me". With my good hand I grabbed his lacing our fingers together. "I've never felt like this before Jake. The way my body reacts to you, how settled I feel when I'm around you, around your family. I felt it as soon as I saw you. I didn't believe it, didn't understand what it was but now I'm starting to".

"Yeah?". He whispered.

Smiling I nodded my head. What was the point in trying to hide my feelings. "But don't go all wolfy on me just yet". I laughed.

"We take it as slow as you want princess". Closing the gap between us he placed his lips against mine.


I was seeing stars!

Wrapping me up in his arms I sighed when he pulled back. This was it, I was 100% in this with him.

"It's you and me babe". He whispered brushing his nose against mine.

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