The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 41

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 41

"Well don't you two look cute". Lana laughed. "So much for just hanging out". Rolling my eyes I put some space between Jake and I. His glare didn't go unnoticed. "Where's Pete?". I asked.

"Things got a little weird and then he tried to bite me. I'm not into love bites well not on my neck anyway". She winked. "Do you have any more beer?".

"He bit you?". Jake asked through clenched teeth.

Lana grinned. "He tried hot stuff-..."

"Shut up and answer me. Did he bite you?". He growled cutting her off.

"Jake". I hissed. He didn't need to be rude about it.

"Shut up Leah. Did he break the skin?".

Why was he making such a big deal over a love bite? Before I knew what he was doing he had pulled her jacket down exposing her neck.

"Get off me". She cried.

"Jake". I yelled.

"A bite Leah a fucking bite. If he's bit-..." He yelled running a hand down his face. "Go home both of you". Storming his way out the kitchen he left me stood with my mouth hanging open.

He went from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds.

"What the hell is his problem?".

I had no idea.

"Let's just go". I sighed.

Brushing out my hair I checked my phone for about the hundredth time since I got home. I still hadn't heard from him.

"Just text him already". Lana groaned.

After the way he spoke to me tonight. I wasn't going to do that. He lashed out over a love bite. Who does that?

"Give me your phone". She jumped up from my bed.

"Okay, okay I'll put it away". Plugging in my charger I hooked it to my phone and placed it on my drawers. "I won't check it for the rest of the night". Sitting on my window seat I glanced up at the night sky. "Is he always like that?". She asked.

"Not always". Last time I saw him bad was when he turned into his wolf. He acts like a prick at times but I could handle him. I knew I could.

"He turned into an ass over a love bite that didn't even happen. He didn't bite me Leah, not that it's any of his business".

"I know". I sighed.

"Don't you let him speak to you like that again. He's lucky I didn't sucker punch him".

That's my girl. "He's different Lana". She had to know he wasn't a bad person. He was sweet and kind. He was funny and always had me smiling. I needed for them to get along. First impressions weren't working out great. Or should I say second impressions.

"They always are". She sighed.

"He is I promise. Don't let tonight paint a bad picture of him".

"You really like him don't you".

"I do, so much so I think I'm falling for him". I know we haven't known each other for long but it all felt right. I wish I could describe how he made me feel.

"You barely know each other". She sighed. "Don't you think it's a little fast to be falling for him?".

"I can't describe it Lana. I wish I could but deep down in my gut I know it's right". Giving her a small smile I got to my feet.

"Text him, call him, just do something. I know you want to". She grinned.

I did but at the same time I didn't. I didn't like how he spoke to me tonight.

"I do I really do but I'm not going to". Taking my phone off charge my stomach dropped. He still hadn't reached out. "Still nothing?".

Shaking my head no I shrugged before giving her a smile. "Wanna eat left over pizza and drool over Damon Salvatore?". "You had me at pizza". She grinned.

Heading downstairs I turned the living room light on making my way to the kitchen. I couldn't get him out my head. Why was it annoying me that he hadn't messaged me?

Grabbing the pizza box I headed back upstairs. Jake Taylor was pissing me off and yet all I wanted was to see him.

"Your phone vibrated". She smirked already in bed with the tv on. Passing her the pizza I grabbed my phone.

'Is he with you? He threw everyone out, picked a fight with Pete and then left! Haven't heard from him and can't get a hold of him!! Wait did you two fight?!Ax' 'Sorry he's not with me and we didn't have a fight. He freaked out over a freaking love bite!! Haven't heard from him. Heading to bed speak tomorrow' "What's wrong?". She asked.

"It's Alanna she's worried about Jake. She can't get a hold of him".

"You worried?".

"I'm not worried". Opening up a new message I typed it out. I didn't know if it would work but I wanted to make sure he was safe.

'Come over doors open x'

"Need you to sleep in the spare room tonight which will soon be your room if that's okay?". I didn't want her to feel like I was kicking her out.

"Sure thing". She winked. "Oh you mean now". Getting out of bed she grabbed the pizza box. "Get um". Slapping her hand off my ass cheek I couldn't help but laugh.

She was indeed crazy and I had missed her so much.

"Night Leah".

"Night". I smiled.

Turning off the light I got into bed. I hoped he got my message and I hoped he would come.

An hour had passed and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. He didn't show and I still hadn't heard from him. Turning off my TV I pulled the covers up and around my neck. Just as I was getting comfortable and about to let sleep take over I heard it.

The light tapping on the window.


And again.

Pushing the covers off I walked towards my window pulling open my patio door. "Seriously you couldn't just use the front door?". I sighed.

"Didn't think you'd let me in". He shrugged.

"So you didn't get my text then". Nodding my head I realised he was only in shorts. He didn't even have shoes on.

"Don't take it with me when I run. Can I come up?".

"Lock the door-... seriously you need to stop doing that". I sighed feeling the heat radiating from his body, he was so close. "Beats walking up the stairs". He smirked.

Rolling my eyes I made my way back to bed. Pulling the covers back over my body I watched as he closed the patio door. "Why don't you have any shoes on?". I yawned. "Or a T-shirt in fact why are you just in shorts. It's freezing outside". "Benefits of being a werewolf babe".

"If you say so". I yawned again. Was he going to get into bed or just stand there? "Babe about tonight-..." "Are you getting in?".

"Let me say this first". He sighed. I felt the bed dip where my feet lay. "I freaked out tonight because when a male werewolf finds his mate, when we imprint we-..". He stopped talking making me sit up.


"To complete the mating bond we-..I have to bite you on the neck".

"Is that why you blew up over the love bite?". I whispered my hand finding his. "Pete skipped everything and jumped straight in". He laughed but I knew he was being sarcastic.

"But he didn't bite her". I said.

"He hasn't bit her yet". He sighed.

Wait what was he saying?

"No". I gasped.

"Afraid so babe".

She was Pete's mate.

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't even sure if Lana planned on staying or if she was only here for a short visit. Falling back against my pillows I sighed. "We're not the same Lana and I. She doesn't do relationships Jake and-..." I stopped talking.

"She won't be able to resist the bond Leah".

"Like I couldn't". Patting the space beside me I grinned when he pulled the cover back and got in. "I'm just saying she's a hard nut".

"Pretty sure he'll be able to crack her". He laughed.

"Doubt that". Before I could talk myself out of it I snuggled closer to him resting my head against his chest.

"That's why I lost my shit tonight. It's a process and he could have ruined it all”.

"When do you-..when does the bite happen?". I asked.

"Don't worry about that just now. Try and get some sleep".

"Should I worry about it?". I wasn't worried about it until he said that. Would it hurt? What would it feel like?

"Your heartbeats spiked calm down". He whispered placing his hand against my hip. "All in good time. We're taking it slow remember".

There was so much I didn't know. What did it actually mean to be his mate? What would I have to do? How was I going to feel?

"Princess". He growled.

"You have to tell me Jake. I don't know anything about this. You can't just say something and then tell me not to worry. I need to know things, you can't keep me in the dark". I wasn't panicking but I could hear my own heart beating.

"And I will babe-..."

"Then tell me". I yelled cutting him off.

"We have sex, I'll bite you just as you're about to come and then you'll go into heat for at least 5 days".

Swallowing the lump in my throat I wished I hadn't pushed him to tell me. My head was spinning with questions. Squeezing my eyes shut I calmed my breathing. "I'm going to go to sleep now". He was right, all in good time. Turning onto my side I faced away from him, his arm slipping from my body.

His answer was short and sweet and I wasn't going to lie I was shitting myself for what was to come.

I thought having him here would make it easier to fall asleep but not tonight. We had been lying in bed for the last half hour not a word spoken between us. I couldn't shut my mind off.

"Come here". His voice was low, groggy. He was tired but I knew he was fighting it because I was still awake. Sighing he slipped an arm under me and pulled me to him. "You'll sleep now". He muttered burying his head in my hair.

He was right I was out in a matter of minutes.

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