The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 39

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 39

"Come here beautiful". Holding out his hand for me to take I hesitated. It didn't go unnoticed, he frowned. "I'm not going to hurt you". It was his eyes I trusted, the black color fading. Slipping my hand into his he pulled me to him, his arms wrapping securely around my waist. "Your hearts racing". He whispered.

After what I just witnessed I wasn't surprised it was racing. "Thank you". I whispered. He stood up for me, he was on my side. "But I could have handled them". I grinned into his chest.

As he pulled back I saw the playfulness dance in his eyes. "I don't doubt that for a second princess". Brushing his nose against mine my eyes closed a sigh falling from my lips. I shouldn't be here. I didn't want to feel like I needed him. No matter how much I wanted him I had to put a little space between us. I had a lot to think about and I couldn't do that wrapped up in his arms.

"I'm going to head home". His grip tightened. "Jake". I sighed.

"I get it princess". Loosening his grip on my waist I moved back putting some space between us. I really hoped he did get it. I was kind of being thrust into a world I didn't know existed. It was all happening way too fast.

"Maybe see you later". I smiled.

I jumped face first onto my bed. The rain had stopped and the wind had calmed down. I just hoped they would open the road back up so my gran could come home. It had been a whirlwind of a day but I felt better. My body didn't hurt as much and the desire to rip his clothes off had settled.

Turning over I threw an arm over my eyes. My mind was trying to process everything at once. I was his mate. He was a werewolf. We were destined to be together.

I burst out laughing.

You couldn't make this up.

I was still trying to figure out how this was real.

Taking my phone from my jacket pocket I pressed her number and put it on speaker.

"Hey honey".

"Storms stopped. Are you coming home?". I wasn't annoyed that she wasn't here it just didn't feel right. I didn't like being home alone.

"The roads still shut Leah. They don't think the worst of the storm has passed yet. They are taking precautious just in case. I'm sorry honey I should never have went out". She sighed. "It's okay I just miss having you here".

"I know sweetheart. Hopefully the worst is been and gone and I can come home tomorrow. What happened to staying with Alanna?". She asked.

"Her place is a little overcrowded". I lied. Jakes house was massive but I needed a little time on my own. "But I'll be fine. I'll order take-out and watch a film".

"There's money under the clock in the living room. Hopefully you can get pizza or something. Stay safe Leah I'll see you soon".

"Bye". Ending the call I grabbed my remote and turned my tv on. It was late afternoon and already dark outside. Searching through Netflix I settled on the real housewives of Beverly hills. It was a program you could have on but not really pay attention to.

I wasn't sure what to do with myself. Scrolling through Facebook I grinned when I read the start of the message he had sent.

'You going to let me come stay again tonight?'

It's not that I didn't want him here I just thought after today it would be good to have a little space from each other. A little breather. I was now in control of my feelings. Did I still want him? Yes, but the ache was light, the burning barely there. I knew seeing him today helped, his touch and comfort helped.



He would hate that reply.

'We'll see'

I grinned I loved the playfulness, the excitement of whatever it was we had. Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I typed my reply.

'Bring me dinner and I'll think about it ;)'

Getting off my bed I pulled out some fresh pjs. I planned on soaking in the bath with some good music, a little me time. Time to chill out. Connecting my phone to my speakers I shuffled a playlist on Spotify throwing my phone on my bed once I was done.

Heading towards the bathroom I pulled my T-shirt over my head throwing it into the laundry basket. It was amazing how music made me feel. There was always a song I could relate to. Music was good for the soul.

Running the water into the tub I added some bubble bath. The only thing about playing loud music was not being able to hear anything else around you.

I almost had a heart attack when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Lana! LANA". I screamed pulling her in for a hug. I didn't care that her touch burned my skin, she was here, she was actually here. Rushing towards my room I grabbed my phone turning off the music. "Remember me?". She winked. "Don't cry". She whispered her tears matching mine. "How are you even here right now?". Drying my eyes I couldn't stop smiling. My best friend was here. A little piece of home was here. Grabbing Jakes hoodie I pulled it over my head.

"I've been here for 2 damn days. Bloody road was shut so I was stuck in a hotel".

If she could get here how come my gran couldn't?

"The roads open?". I asked.

"I walked". She huffed kicking off her shoes. "Abandoned my car at the hotel".

"You drove here?". I whispered.

"Yeah". She sighed scratching the back of her head. "I kinda packed up my stuff and just drove".

"What happened?". I frowned.

"Nothing happened I just wanted a change and I thought why not come to Texas and see my best friend".

"But you're good?". I wasn't convinced that something hadn't happened but I knew she would tell me when she was ready.

"Great". She grinned. "How's Texas treating you?".

"It's been". Making a face I laughed. "It's okay still going strong".

"I can see that". She glanced at my hand. "What the hell happened?".

"I punched a guy in the face". Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I watched her eyes widen.

"You didn't".

"I did but everything is fine".

"You broke your hand by punching a guy in the face but everything is fine". Shaking her head she fell against my bed. "How did that even happen?".

"It's a long story". I sighed. "But never mind that. I can't believe you're here. What's your mom saying about it?".

"She's to wrapped up in the new boyfriend to care". She sighed. "I'm surprised she'd even notice. I should have moved out here when you did".

"I'm glad you're here. My gran will love to see you". I smiled just as there was a knock on my front door. "I'll be back". Pulling open my front door I froze. "Dinner and dessert". He smirked.

"Jake". I smiled.

"Still wearing my clothes I see. You going to let me in princess?".

Now this was a little awkward.

"Leah can I-..Oh sorry". She grinned. "I'm Lana". She waved from the top of the stairs.

"Jake". He nodded.

I felt terrible.

"Jake I-...."

"It's okay babe we'll do this another night. Take the goodies". He winked.

"No you should keep-..."

"Have to make sure my girls eating". He whispered. "See you soon princess". Watching as he walked away I felt my stomach drop. I didn't want him to leave. "Who in the hell was that?". She smirked taking the food from me. Closing the door I followed her into the living room.

"Jake". I smiled.

"And?". She grinned shoving a piece of pizza into her mouth.

"He lives further up the street".

"And?". She laughed.

"And we've been hanging out". I said my grin matching hers.

"Does he have any brothers?". She asked causing me to shake my head. "Don't shake your head at me Leah, a girl has needs".

"No brothers but he does have friends". I smiled.

"Friends that look like him?". She smirked taking another piece of pizza.

"What are you like". I laughed taking a piece of pizza. "We're just hanging out". I shrugged.

"I didn't say anything". She smiled. "Have you heard from Tommy?".

"He sent me a few messages and I got a delivery of black roses a few days ago".

"Black roses?". She made a face. "He's not missing you as much as he makes out".

"What do you mean?". I frowned.

"You know what I mean". She sighed. "I told you what he was like before you agreed to go out with him".

"He can do what he wants". We weren't together anymore and it's not as if I was holding out for him. We were over the minute I left Florida.

"That tall drip of sexiness got anything to do with that cool, calm attitude you have?". She asked.

"Maybe". I grinned.

"Good you deserve better you always have. Now is there anything to do around here?".

"The storm hasn't passed yet so everything is shut".

"The rains stopped and the wind has calmed. These people like to take precautions don't they?".

"Exactly why my gran isn't home yet. I was meant to stay with Alanna tonight but-..." "Who's Alanna?". She asked cutting me off.

"Jakes sister".

"So he has a sister but no brothers". She groaned causing me to roll my eyes. She was always looking for a click somewhere.

"Afraid so". I smiled. "Until they give the all clear we're stuck here. I could see if Alanna is doing anything tonight".

"Yeah do that. I'm going to freshen up". She winked heading back up stairs. Following behind her I grabbed my phone from my bed. I wasn't sure if Alanna would be out patrolling. Pressing her number I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hey girl, you've left your stuff here but Jake said you have company".

"Hey yeah my best friend showed up. Crazy right". I laughed.

"You can still come over just bring her with you. Jakes throwing a party".

He was?

"What about the weather?". I asked. If the road was closed how were people getting in? His house was already crammed with his pack.

"The storms over they're opening the road back up. Everyone's headed home. Come over I think we deserve a drink seeing as you survived your first week". She laughed.

"I agree". I laughed. "See you soon".

Ending the call I couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in my stomach. I was going to see him again.

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