The Alpha Bond

Chapter 47



Goodbye hellion

After some time in the garden, we both went to eat breakfast. There, Hades informed us that we had to leave after breakfast. Amazing, isn’t it? I can’t believe I have to leave him. We just found out! This is so unfair. But I guess if we had spent more time together, it would make it harder to leave him.

It’s funny how I was longing to go back for two whole years but now that it’s finally time, I’m sad that I have to leave. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to go back to my family, but I need my mate with me.

Breakfast passed away way too quickly and now it is time for me to leave. I’m pretty sure my wolf has just blocked her feelings out to make this easier for me. I don’t want to break while I leave so I’m just trying to push all my emotions into the back of my mind.

Breathe in, breathe out. 1,2,3. You can do this!

“Everyone is waiting for you outside,” Damon said, entering my room.

A tear rolled down my cheek and he wiped it. Then, he leaned in slowly and smashed his lips against mine. I tug my hands in his hair while his wrapped around my waist. We just kissed each other desperately for some time before breaking apart.

“Are you ready earthling?” Damon asked.

“If I say no, can I stay?” I asked.

“No, you know that,” he whispered.

He took my bag from my bed and held out his hand.

“Let’s go,” he said.

I took his hand and he led me out of the castle. Hades, Persephone, and Uncle Aaron were waiting for us there.

“C’mon Cyra, it’s time to leave,” Uncle Aaron said.

I turned towards Damon and placed a small kiss on his lips.

“Goodbye hellion,” I said.

“Goodbye earthling,” he said.

I slowly backed away from him, tears falling down from my cheek but I didn’t say anything. Uncle Aaron held me by my shoulders and led me to the portal he had opened. I gave Damon one last look before I went inside the portal. He mouthed ‘I love you’ and I did the same. After that, I stepped inside before I lost the will to do so. Right as we crossed it, the portal closed.

“We are in the caves in the middle of the jungle behind our palace. My car should be parked right outside. It’ll be a short drive to the palace,” Uncle Aaron said.

I nodded and we walked to his car. I got in the passenger’s seat while he drove.

“How are you?” he asked me.

“I really don’t want to talk about it,” I replied.

Talking would just let my emotions out and I don’t want to break here. So we spent the ride quietly. We reached the palace in no time. I saw my parents waiting for me outside.

“I told you I felt her,” my mom said to my dad.

They both engulfed me in their arms as soon as I stepped out of the car. God, I missed them! I almost forgot how safe I felt in their arms.

“Hey! I’m back!” I said.

“Our baby girl has grown up so much!” my dad said.

“Cyra! You’re back!” Vi shouted from behind and joined the hug.

After that, we went inside. The castle was surprisingly quite empty.

“Where is everyone?” I asked.

“Alex and Aiden are gone on a school trip. They’ll be back tomorrow. Mom and Dad are across town for some work and Aunt Amara is probably with Uncle Aaron,” Vi answered.

“What do you want to do? Are you hungry?” my mom asked.

“Not really, can I just go to my room and freshen up maybe?” I asked and they nodded.

I went up to my room and washed my face. I changed my clothes but put Damon’s jacket on again. It wasn’t cold here but it made me feel closer to him. I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. I saw Vi and Mom sitting on my bed.

“Sweetie, is something wrong?” My mom asked after a few seconds, breaking the hug.

“Yeah, you seem upset about something,” Vi added.

I looked at them and bit my lip. Should I tell them right now? I mean, I just came back.

“Spill! If something is wrong, just tell us, don’t overthink it,” Vi said.

I hesitated but decided to tell them.

“I met my mate,” I said.

“What? How? When? Who?” they both asked.

“I met him during the mission I was doing for Hades. He was my partner for the mission. His name is Damon and,” I then finally broke down.

Tears rushed out of my eyes and sobs left my mouth. I was engulfed in a hug again. Both of them cooed and hushed me. They didn’t question anything else. The barrier between my wolf and I broke and all my pain came rushing out. I just cried like that for probably a few hours.

After I stopped crying, I got out of their arms and told them what had happened. I told them everything from the wolf upgrade to the mission to the only two people coming back.

“Oh my poor baby,” my mom said.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that!” Vi said.

“Do you feel like eating something?” my mom asked.

“I’ll get a few tubs of ice cream, snacks, and my laptop,” Vi said.

Whenever something really bad happened, we used to spend our night together, eating our way out of our feelings and watching a movie or shouting Taylor Swift songs.

“Do you love him?” my mom asked after Vi left the room.

“As early as it sounds, I think I do,” I replied.

“Then you’ll both find your way back to each other sweetie. If it’s meant to be, the moon goddess will make sure you both end up together, if not you’ll move on. In the end, it’ll all be fine,” she said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

“But what if it won’t be?” I asked her.

“Darling, when we found out that one of us had to work for Hades, it seemed like a curse. But if that never happened, you would’ve never even met your mate. Sometimes, no matter how hard or bad life seems, you have to take a deep breath and continue moving. No matter how dark the storm gets, the sun always rises again,” she said.

“Thank you,” I whispered and hugged her once more.

Vi then came in with all our gear.

“Now, I’m going to leave you two girls alone. I’ll make you pizzas for your sad-eating marathon. Tell me if you need anything else,” my mom said before she walked out.

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