The Alpha Bond

Chapter 46

Song rec-Wildest dreams, Taylor Swift



Taste of heaven

After dinner, Hades slowly led Persephone back to her room.

“Uncle Aaron!” Cyra exclaimed after Hades and Persephone left.

“Yes, Cyra?” Uncle Aaron said.

“You both should go to Earth,” I said.

“What? Are you both sure?” he asked.

“We can’t keep you here. You have a mate and children back on Earth and Cyra has a family and an entire kingdom waiting for her. You two have to go back,” I said.

“Are you both absolutely sure about this?” he asked.

Cyra tightly held my hand and gave me a sad smile.

“Yes,” she said still looking at me.

We all knew this was the most logical arrangement. Since our bond wasn’t completed yet, we can still survive without each other. Highlighted word; ‘survive’.

“Okay then, I’ll see you both tomorrow I guess,” he said and left the room.

We both too went to Cyra’s room with our fingers still interlocked. As we reached the door, I wished Cyra a good night and turned to leave.

“Wait! Stay with me tonight,” she said holding my arm.

I turned around and gave her a look asking if she was sure.

“Positive, this might be our last night together. Plus it’s nothing we haven’t done before,” she said.

With that, we both entered her room and climbed onto her bed. She shifted closer and wrapped her arms around me.

“Cyra?” I said after a few minutes.

“Umhmm?” she asked.

“Don’t wait for me,” I said.

She pulled back and looked at me.

“What?” she asked.

“After you go back, don’t wait for me to come. I want you to live your life. Find a cute guy and fall in love again. If he doesn’t treat you right though, kick his ass and leave him. Study and train and be the queen you are meant to be. Do everything you want to. But while doing so, don’t wait for me to come back, because I’m not sure if I will be able to. Don’t stop living for me,” I said, my heart breaking a little more at the thought.

“Damon, I love you. Even if you don’t come back, I would never fall in love with anyone else. I love you and only you, always and forever,” she said with tears in her eyes.

“I love you too earthling, but you will not wait for me. Promise me that,” I said wiping her tears.

“I can’t,” she whispered and pulled into a hug again.

I didn’t push her after that. I just couldn’t bring myself to. It was so hard for me to say that and I couldn’t do any more. So, I just stayed there and fell asleep.

~Next morning~

I woke up with Cyra still in my arms.

“Good morning hellion,” she said.

“Morning earthling, how long have you been awake?” I asked.

“Not that long. So, I have to go back today,” she whispered.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“No, but I’ll manage, I think,” she replied.

“I’m going to miss you so much earthling,” I mumbled.

“Me too,” she hugged me tighter.

“Let’s go out for a walk. I want to show you something,” I said getting up.

She groaned in disapproval but got up too. I left the room and walked to mine to freshen up a bit before we went out and she did the same. I went to her room again, knowing she’d probably get lost if I waited for her at mine. To my surprise, I met her halfway.

“Hey! How did you remember the way to my room?” I asked.

“I didn’t,” she giggled and I raised a brow.

“I just followed your scent,” she smiled brightly at me.

“What’s my scent for you?” I asked amused.

“That’s for me, and only me, to know,” she said smugly.

“C’mon! You know your scent for me. That’s cheating!” I groaned.

As a reply, she just smiled brighter at me.

“So, where are you taking me?” she asked, changing the topic.

“That’s for me, and only me, to know,” I smirked.

“Okay, that’s well deserved,” she replied.

We continued to talk about random things while I took her to my favorite spot in this castle. When we were almost there, I stopped and turned to her.

“Why did we stop?” she asked.

“Close your eyes,” I said.

“Okay…” she closed her eyes and I covered them with my hands. I lead her a few steps and open the secret door by pushing the button behind a portrait. I’m sure Hades knew about this place once, but it’s forgotten. I found it years ago and now it kind of became my spot. I led Cyra inside and opened her eyes.

“Holy goddess! Damon….. this is stunning!” she gasped as she soaked the place in.

This place is truly beautiful. It’s a small garden inside the castle. It has sort of an artificial sun and hell plants. There is a swing in the center that is covered with vines.

“Can we sit on that?” she asked pointing towards the swing.

I nodded and she ran there and sat on it. I laughed as I walked towards her, and she scooted to give me some space. We both sat there.

“Do you need to pack or something?” I asked.

“Remember when I said that it hadn’t been that long since I woke up? Well, it actually had been quite some time in which I packed my bags and laid down with you again. You are apparently a heavy sleeper,” she explained.

It’s not my fault though; I never slept like that before. It’s just with her I get a little too comfortable.

I put my arm around her and pulled her close. I felt her shiver a little.

“Are you cold?” I asked.

“No…. okay maybe a little bit.” She admitted.

I took off my jacket that I had been wearing and gave it to her. She giggled and wore it. Then she snuggled close to me again.

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