The Alpha Bond

Chapter 31

Ik I'm late but happy 1989 TV to all my swiftie readers. Also, I just booked my ticket for the Eras tour movie (it's releasing next week in my country), and I literally jumping! Now, with that being said, let's jump back to the book...




Atta girl!

“I guess we’ll need to be more quite from now on. We are getting caught way too often.” I said.

This is not how I usually do Hades’ work. I’m much more discreet and barely ever get caught. I guess working with Cyra is really keeping me unfocused.

This girl is killing me! I haven’t been attracted to a girl since….ever. But I don’t even know what happens to me when I’m with Cyra. I have this strong urge to protect her. It killed me to see the tear in her eyes when she thought she lost her parents picture.

But whatever happens, I can’t let her see how much she affects me because we can never work out no matter how much I want it to. We are just not meant to be. She’s an alpha and has duties after she goes back. I can’t be with her. It just won’t work. We’re too different. And anyways, she deserves much better than me.

She nodded. We quietly went through the human market. People were staring at me. That feels weird, but I don’t even know what they are staring at, I rarely even encounter humans.

Cyra took my hand suddenly and led me to a small shop. I liked the feeling of her soft skin against my rough hands a little too much.

“Hi, can I have a pair of sunglasses?” she asked sweetly to the shopkeeper, who was an old lady.

“Ahh, yes. I have one pair kept in the back, give me two minutes.” She spoke and went to the back of the shop.

“Sunglasses? What in the world would you do with them in hell?” I asked her.

“They’re not for me, they are for you! Violet eyes are very rare for humans. People might get suspicious.” She replied.

Oh, so that’s why people were staring at me.

The old lady came out with ridiculous looking old glasses. The lenses were pink and they were round and flowery. They looked like they belonged to a little girl from the past.

“I’m not wearing that!” I told Cyra immediately.

“They’re perfect! We’ll take it.” Cyra said, completely ignoring me.

I glared at her. She opened them and placed them in front of my eyes, still ignoring me. She looked at me and I could see her face, which was now pink for me, stifling a laugh.

“How much for it?” she turned towards the lady.

“Earthling…” I started.

“Oh don’t bother. It’s on me. I haven’t seen such a loving couple in a while. Keep it.” she said sweetly.

“Oh we…no we are not a couple.” She said but the lady just smiled at her.

“Umm thank you. We’ll be on our way then.” She spoke and led me out of there.

“I literally have to wear these all the way?” I asked her.

“Yes,” she said giggling.

I sighed showing my obvious annoyance.

I would have broken them the second she placed them on my eyes if it was not for her sweet smiles. I made her smile.

Nope, this wasn’t the reason at all! What am I saying? I didn’t take them off because my eyes were giving me a lot of unwanted attention.

What is happening to me?

We quickly walked through the market but this territory was quite big. We might have to stay a night at a hotel before moving forward. This territory was exactly like a human town so it had all the facilities like that too. It was mainly for the people who paid off their sins or get a break.

I told the same to Cyra and she agreed. We started walking towards a nearby hotel when we were abruptly stopped by a guy. He put his hand on Cyra’s shoulder.

“Hey gorgeous, leave this weirdo and follow me. I assure you, I can show you much better things than he ever can.” He winked.

That bastard! I’m going to feed him his…

“Take your hand off me before I break it.” Cyra glared at him.

“Feisty, but darling, you and I both know you can’t do anything about it.” He stepped closer to her.

Before I could even react, I heard the sound of a loud thud. The guy was already on the ground with the kick he received after Cyra broke his wrist.

I smirked. Atta girl!

He quickly ran away holding his wrist in one hand and clutching his stomach with the other.

“We should probably leave now,” she whispered.


And our first chapter from Damon's pov. Did you like it? Do you want more chapters from his pov?

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