The Alpha Bond

Chapter 32



The honeymoon suite

We went inside the hotel and reached the reception.

“Hi, we would like two rooms please,” I told the receptionist.

“Oh hi! Right, just give me a second and I’ll be right with you.” She responded politely.

Her gaze lingered on Damon for a second before she returned to her computer. I felt a pang in my heart before I looked over and realized what she was looking at. He was still wearing those ridiculous-looking goggles. I can’t believe he actually wore them! He looked hilarious.

“I’m afraid there is only one room left. It’s sin break time so the hotel is really full. Would you like the room?” she asked.

One room? Oh shit.

“Are there any other hotels nearby?” Damon asked.

“No, the only other one is under construction.” She answered.

“We’ll take it, I guess,” I said.

“Room 809, 8th floor,” she said handing me a key card.

I took it and we made our way upstairs. We found our room in no time.

‘Honeymoon suite’ it said.

Of course, it did.

Why in the world would anyone need a honeymoon suite in hell?! I sighed and opened the door. The room was not very big. It had one king-sized bed in the center, two single sofas and a table on one side, and a cupboard and washroom on the other side.

“I’ll join the two sofas and sleep on it. You can take the bed.” Damon said before I could object.

“You sure?” I asked and he nodded.

I made my way towards the bed and laid down on it. Damon moved the sofas to make a bed from it. I watched him do it from the bed. His muscles flexed as he did so making him look hot while those ridiculous goggles made him look like a dork. I giggled.

“What?” he asked turning towards me.

“Nothing, you just look ridiculous.” I burst out laughing.

He watched me with an amused look on his face.

“Why are you staring at me?” I asked between my laughs.

“You’re basically rolling on the bed while laughing. Anyone would stare at you. Also, you get dimples when you laugh.” He said slowly, especially the last sentence.

I still heard it though and could practically feel my cheeks turning red.

We stayed in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

“Damon, I…I’m sorry,” I said.

“What for?” he turned towards me.

“I hurt the guy really bad. We weren’t supposed to attract attention…”

“Cyra, stop. He deserved what he got. I don’t give a damn about getting caught if that means killing every single guy who does that to you.” He cut me off.

I bit my lip.

“That’s the first time you actually said my name,” I said, mostly to myself.

“I guess” he whispered.

He laid down on his DIY bed. He kept twisting and turning and I could feel his uncomfort drip from the sofa.

“Damon,” I said.


“Come on the bed,” I said before I could really stop myself.

He looked at me and my own eyes turned wide. Did I just ask him to sleep with me? I guess I did.

“You mean it?” he asked.

Say no, say no….

“Course!” my wolf pushed me to say that.

He got off the sofa and climbed onto the opposite side of the bed. I scooted to give him space.

He turned to face me and smiled.

“How was your life before here?” he asked.

“It was perfect. I lived with my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We were very happy. I was training to be Alpha. My parents, though really busy, usually found time for me. Everything was fine until this curse happened.” I answered.

“Tell me something about you,” I said.

He tensed a little but answered anyway.

“Okay, so my mother was a really kind lady. I lived with her till the age of five, before I came here. I loved her and I spent some of my happiest days there. Then, I had to work for Hades.” He said.

“What about your father?” I asked and he stopped for a few seconds before answering.

“He never really cared about me. If he did, he never showed. He didn’t stay with me or mom. I was a mistake for him, someone who was never supposed to be born. I hate him. He has a wife and two children with her.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” I said reaching out for his hand and rubbing it with my thumb.

He had such a rough childhood. I wanted to ask him more questions but I reigned myself as he did not seem comfortable in answering. I did not want to push him when he was finally starting to let me in.

We talked for some more time before we fell asleep.

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