The Alpha Bond

Chapter 30



Get off!

We quickly set up a tent. We put our bags inside.

“Hellion, you can sleep first and I’ll be on guard. I’ll wake you up in a few hours.” I said and he nodded.

I took the letters and picture out of my bag and sat outside the tent. I read them once again. After that, I just sat there and reflected on my life. It’s really boring to stay on guard apparently. I looked at my watch and it had been a few hours. I’ll wake Damon up in a few minutes.

Suddenly, I heard a shuffle from a bush. I quickly stood up and looked back. I saw a figure approaching me. Suddenly, a bird-like creature flew and grasped my parent’s picture out of my hand.

“Hey! Give that back!” I shouted.

“Well, well, well. Look what we have here. A little girl, all alone, in the middle of nowhere.” He said smirking.

“Didn’t your parents teach you that it’s not safe to travel around so helpless?” he continued.

I internally smirked. He was a Cyclops. They were egoistic giants who did not have any knowledge about fighting. Of course, thinking that I was helpless, he’d be even less on guard. I’ll take advantage of that.

I made a whimpering sound to give in to his beliefs. He smirked and I knew my plan worked.

“Now hand me everything you own, and maybe I’ll let you go.” He said coming closer. I stepped back to show that I was scared and he held my wrists.

“Get off!” I shouted and attacked.

Just like I planned, he was off guard. At this time, I saw Damon coming out of the tent. I kicked his eye and he stumbled back. Just as I was about to attack again, the bird attacked me. Damon immediately came.

“I’ll take care of the bird, you fight the Cyclops.” He said and started fighting the bird.

It didn’t take me long to finish with the Cyclops. Just a few kicks and punches; all pretty basic.

“How hurt is he?” Damon asked me.

“He’s just unconscious. He’ll be fine in a day and a half, which is enough for us.” I shrugged.

“What happened to the bird?” I asked remembering that it snatched the picture from me.

“It flew away before I could do any serious harm to it,” he replied and my heart broke a little. That was my favorite picture of them.

“I’m going to the tent now,” I said turning away.

“Earthling,” he said.


“What’s wrong?”


“Don’t lie to me”

“I’m fine,” I said before walking inside the tent. I wiped a tear that had fallen from my eye. It’s okay. I’ll meet them right after I complete this mission.

I lay down and closed my eyes. I fell asleep really quickly.

I woke up automatically after a few hours. I yawned and sat up. I looked around and saw the picture of my parent right beside me. I gasped and held it. Behind it was written, ’Don’t lie to me’.

I smiled. He saved it. I re-tied my hair and went outside.

“You’re awake. We can try to sneak in if you want. It’s really early so the security should be low.” He said.

I nodded and we cleared everything away and started our journey. The territory was still a few minutes away. We just had to be careful at the borders and sneaking through the crowds would be easy. Queen Evelyn had mainly humans living, so it would be easier to merge in.

Right before we reached the border, I whispered a thank you to Damon. He said ‘You’re welcome’ and we resumed on our mission.

We silently reached the border.

“Can you smell any humans?” he asked.

“Only a faint scent. That means that they were here a little while ago but no one is around right now. We should go in quickly.” I responded.

He nodded and led the way through the trees. There was no one around but we still made sure to hide to not be spotted. Suddenly, I smelt someone close.

“Someone is nearby,” I whispered.

We increased our speed immediately. An arrow then hit my left foot and I fell. Damon heard the crash and stopped. He looked back into my eyes with a small amount of pain in his eyes before it vanished. He looked around for the source of the arrow while I carefully took it out of my leg.

“And where do you think you are going?” a man appeared from the bushes with a bow in his hand.

“Did you shoot her?” Damon asked nonchalantly.

“You’ll come with me to the queen, and then she’ll decide what to do with you. That is unless you want more of her blood on the ground,” the man replied.

Damon smirked. “We’ll see about that,” he whispered and attacked the man.

At the same time, about ten guards entered the field and started backing him up. By now, my leg had already been healed and I helped him fight them off.

The fight was quick since we were much stronger than them and then we were on our way.

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