The Alpha Bond

Chapter 16

Ready to find out why Hades didn't come? Well here goes nothing...




“He didn’t come….what does that mean?” I asked.

“Maybe he just wants us on edge all the time,” V answered.

“Maybe…” Dad answered.

“No, I don’t think so. I mean Hades is pretty serious about deals. He won’t break or bend it.” Aaron answered.

“So why isn’t he here?” I asked.

We all stayed silent for a while.

“Wait, the deal. It wasn’t meant for when Cyrus turned 40, it was 40 years later.” Amara spoke all of a sudden.

“What’s your point?” Elliot asked.

“So, Mom, Dad, when did you make the deal with him? I mean how many days after Cyrus was born?” she continued.

“A week maybe?” Dad answered.

“No, don’t you remember? We tried all day and night to contact Hades on the second day but he only came the next day right before sunrise.” Mom cut him off.

“Oh yes. I remember it was about 4 a.m. of the third day.” Dad said.

“So we have two more days, I guess,” I concluded.

Everyone nodded. Then we all went to our rooms and slept, or at least tried to.




“Good morning Mom and Dad! Have you seen my history book? I can’t find it anywhere,” I walked into our room, waking them up.

“Sorry, did I wake you guys up?” I continued.

“It’s okay, we had to wake up anyway. Morning!” Dad yawned.

“Did you leave it in Violet’s room when you guys were studying there?” My Mom spoke while rubbing my eyes and getting out of bed.

“Oh right, thanks, Mom! See you after school.” I wished them and walked out.

I then went to Violet’s room and knocked.

“Come in,” she yelled from inside.

“Hi!” she greeted me as I walked in.

“Hey! Have you seen my history book? I think I left it here.”

“Oh yes, it’s on the table. By the way, did you notice how weird everyone was acting yesterday?” she replied.

“Yes, first Aunty Amara, and then everyone bugging us to go to bed so early. It was like they were hiding something. Plus did you see how everyone was on alert yesterday? Like they were waiting for something to happen at any moment.” I said remembering yesterday’s events.

“I have been thinking about it all night. Do you think it has something to do with the documents we found the day before yesterday? I mean, it had things written about your father’s fortieth birthday. Was something supposed to happen yesterday?” she said.

“Maybe. I need to ask my parents about the papers today after I come home from school.” I replied and she nodded.

We then went to school. Throughout the day, this was all I could think about. Could it really be something serious? If so, why did my parents never mention it to me before?

After attending three boring sessions of history, geography, and physics, it was finally lunch break. I went inside the cafeteria, got my tray, thanked the lunch lady, and then walked over to my usual table. Violet was already seated there along with two of our closest friends; Stella and Isabelle. They both were twins and live in my dad’s former pack. That’s where we met them and we’ve been really close ever since.

“Hey, girl! What’s up?” Stella asked.

“What’s up with your mood today? You seem distracted since the morning. You didn’t even notice me in the hallway before the second period when I waved to you. Are you okay?” Isabelle said.

“Sorry, I’m fine though, just thinking about something,” I reassured them.

“Still thinking about yesterday?” Vi asked. I nodded.

“What happened yesterday?” Stella and Issy asked together.

“Nothing much, but our parents were acting really weird,” Vi answered.

“It’s probably nothing. If something’s up, they’ll tell you sooner or later.” Stella said.

“Anyways, you won’t believe what happened yesterday…….” Issy started telling us about her day and soon we were all laughing and talking and I forgot all about my worries, at least for some time.

~~~~~~~~~Three extremely boring periods later~~~~~

I waved to Issy and Stella as I climbed onto our bus with Vi.

“I’m going to ask my parents about the documents as soon as we reach home. This is making me worried and it’s all that’s going on in my mind. I can’t take it anymore.” I told her.

“Okay, well tell me everything after?” she said.

I nodded. We remained silent for the rest of the ride. As soon as we reached home, I got off the bus and went up to my room. I got the documents and then went straight to my parent’s room. I knocked and heard a ‘come in’ before walking in.

“Hey Mom, Dad, I have a question,” I said walking in.

“Yes, sweetie?” My dad answered.

I closed the door and showed them the documents.

“What are these?” I asked.

Their eyes widened and they looked at each other with a shocked expression. It took them a few seconds before they turned back to me.

“Where did you find that?” my mother asked.

“In Dad’s office…but that’s not the point. What do they mean? It’s filled with words like Hades, curse, both of your names….what do they mean?”

“Cyra, umm, we have to tell you something.” My mother started and I raised an eyebrow.

My father sighed. “So forty years ago…..”

They told me everything and I felt tears roll down my eyes. I was shocked, angry, confused, hurt, and scared all at the same time. I stayed silent for a few moments soaking it all in.

“Say something sweetie..” my mother spoke softly.

“What the hell do you want me to say? You know what? Let’s start with how you two didn’t find any time in ten years to tell me about it. How you were never going to warn me that I’ll be losing a parent. Heck, you thought that was supposed to happen yesterday and still didn’t tell me. Did you just think you’ll tell me afterward? You know what, I can’t do this right now. I need out.” I burst out of the room and then out to the forest after grabbing the papers.

I heard muffled voices calling me but I was too overpowered with emotions to hear. I ran to my secret spot on the river that no one except me and Violet knew about. I punched a tree with all my strength and then sat down and burst into tears.

I can’t believe it….

“WHY???!!” I shouted to the moon goddess.

“Why did you have to do this? What have they done? They are great leaders and everyone loves them. They don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve this. We were so perfect. Why did you have to ruin it? Or maybe I’m shouting at the wrong side. Why do you need to snatch away one of my parents from me? Why why why?” I kept shouting.

After some time, I felt Violet’s hand around my shoulder as she hugged me tightly.

“Why Vi? Why?” I whispered and burst into tears again.

She held me for hours as I just cried and cried in her embrace.


Well that was a long chapter, wasn't it? Poor Cyra, she just got such a big shock. What do you think she'll do now?

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