The Alpha Bond

Chapter 15



This doesn’t make sense…

“What? Did he…” Amara fumbled with words, unsure of what to speak.

“We don’t know. He never came. We waited and waited but still no sign of him.” Celina said.

“I guess we were wrong about the birth time thing then,” I stated.

“Well, the children are waiting for you all in the dining room. What should I do about them?” Amara asked.

“I think we should eat dinner with them. Otherwise, they’ll get suspicious. We must just finish as soon as possible and send them to bed.” Celina suggested.

“But what if he comes during that time?” Vanessa asked.

“I guess we can just hope he doesn’t. Plus, we don’t have much of a choice. I don’t think Cyra will leave without asking what’s wrong if we don’t go and that’ll just make our situation more complicated. She’s really stubborn and won’t leave without an answer.” Cyrus answered.

We nodded and went to the dining hall. Before entering, we all took a deep breath and pasted on a smile. We opened the door and entered the room.

“Surprise!” all the children shouted together.

We all gasped at the room. It was so well decorated in the theme of gold and silver, Cyrus’ favorite colors.

“I swear, if you guys weren’t in line for the positions of alpha and beta and all that, you could’ve become party planners, and successful ones, might I add,” Elliot said.

“Seriously guys, this is amazing. Now, what’s for dinner; I’m starving!” I said and we all nodded.

“Kindly take a seat and we’ll take you on a flavourful journey to tasty land and treat your empty stomach with delicious delicacies,” Violet said while the other children helped us to our seats.

“And even if the food is not as good as good as Vi has established, at least you guys can still eat it since you’re so hungry,” Celina added.

“Yes, and we assure you that it’s edible because we tried it,” Alex said.

“We think.” Aiden finished.

“It is!” Celina shouted.

We all laughed and started eating our food.

“Oh my god guys, the food is spectacular!” Cyrus exclaimed.

“Yes, it’s honestly so much better than we thought. Great job everyone.”

“Thank you” they answered.

We quickly finished our food and complimented the children a little more. They did almost all the work by themselves. All Amara did was save the food from burning because they constantly forgot to close the oven and stuff, as she told me through link.

“Guys, thank you for the amazing day. It was truly fantastic. But now I’m really tired and I’m sure you must be too. So, let’s get you all to bed now. Okay?” Cyrus said.

“Yes, Alex and Aiden, it’s bedtime. Let’s go!” Amara said.

“But mommy!” they both exclaimed.

“No buts, you both need rest. You were up super early and now you need to sleep. C’mon, let me take you guys upstairs and tuck you in.” I said.

They groaned but nodded. I nodded to Cyrus and took them upstairs and to bed. Amara followed us into the bedroom. We tucked them both in bed.

“Good night my little nuggets,” Amara said kissing both of them on their cheeks.

“Sweet dreams,” I whispered to them.

“Good night Mommy, good night Daddy,” they both wished us back.

We smiled at them and left the room. Just as we closed the door, Amara hugged me.

“I’m scared Aaron. I know we knew about this happening for a long time but now that today’s actually here, it feels….real. It becomes more real with every second passing and I am so scared of losing one of them.” She whispered.

“It’s okay Amara, you have the right to be scared. Trust me, I am too. It’s okay.” I comforted her. We stayed like that for a few more seconds before heading downstairs.

“Can’t we just stay till midnight? Then I promise we’ll go to bed.” We heard Cyra say.

“Yes, please, it’s just a few more hours and we are not tired at all.” Violet continued.

“Girls, please go to bed. You two have school tomorrow, don’t you? You’ll be exhausted if you don’t sleep now.” Vanessa said.

“But…” Cyra started

“No buts,” Celina spoke in her alpha tone, concluding that there won’t be further discussion.

Both the girls looked annoyed but nodded and headed upstairs.

When we were sure they were out of hearing range, we started talking again.

“So, we have two hours left,” Vanessa said.

We nodded and started talking about random stuff to distract ourselves.


I woke up to the sound of someone’s phone ringing. I saw all of us opening our eyes as Amara answered the phone.

“Hey Mom……what? What time is it? Shit, it’s 2 a.m.! Celina! Cyrus!”

“We’re here,” they answered together.

“Yes, um…they’re here… I…wait let me put you on speaker.” She spoke on the phone.

I rubbed my eyes and switched on my phone to see that it really was 2.34 a.m. I looked at Celina and Cyrus. This doesn’t make sense…..


So what do you think will happen now? Did Hades change his mind or is he just playing tricks? Or maybe they just left a little piece of information? Can they use this time to find out how to escape?

And that's me leaving you all with a cliffhanger that will be solved next week. See ya then, toodles!

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