The Alpha Bond

Chapter 17

Sorry guys, I know it's a late update but my exams are going on and my schedule is packed, so it slipped off my mind. Anyways, here's the chapter!




I’ll save them.

It was dinner time when we went back to the house. I took a deep breath. After hours of crying, shouting, and crying some more, I was finally calm and back to my senses.

I opened the door to the dining hall, and all the eyes turned towards me and Vi.

“Cyra, are you okay?” my mother asked.

I nodded. Seeing their faces brought everything rushing into my brain and tears, that I did not know I had left in me, flew down again.

“I’m sorry about what I said. I was just so..” I started crying again.

They hugged me.

“Hey, we know, and we’re sorry. We should’ve told you sooner. We’re so sorry sweetie.” My father said.

I managed to control my sobs in a few minutes and got out of my parent’s embrace. I looked up at them.

“I’m done with crying. I only have one more day with you, and we’ll make the most of it. Okay?”

They both nodded.

“So, tomorrow we’re going to our gazebo in the forest and having a picnic like we do every year, alright?”

They smiled at me, agreeing. That gazebo is very special to us. It’s where my Mom first shifted and found that my dad was a werewolf. We’ve been going to that place every year. It’s become our little tradition.

It was almost time for our picnic, and so we were just moving it a little earlier. I want our last memory together to be perfect.

After that, we ate dinner while talking about the most random things. We all laughed and talked all night, like we were a perfect little family with a perfect and simple life. Ha, I wish.

After dinner, I kissed my parents on the cheek and wished them a good night. Then I went upstairs. It was late, and I woke up early today but I still couldn’t sleep. I kept pondering if there was something I could do to save my parents. They didn’t deserve this. They are amazing alphas and have done so much for everyone. Plus, they have been through so much through the years. They finally found happiness in their lives by finding each other, and now that’s being taken away from them.

I know everyone probably did everything they could to find a solution to the problem, but it wouldn’t hurt if I tried too. But how? I barely knew anything about the curse.

I thought and thought then it suddenly clicked. The papers, but where are they?

I took a deep breath and thought. I took them with me to my parent’s room and then I ran off to the forest. Did I have the papers with me then? I think I did.

With that, I slowly got off my comfy bed and went to the window. I couldn’t go through the front door since someone would probably hear me, so this was my only choice. My room was on the first floor, but I had no problem jumping since I was a werewolf. Also, I had done it quite a few times, and I had gotten quite good at it.

So I quickly jumped out of the window as quietly as possible. When I was down, I shifted into my wolf and ran into the forest.

Okay, I know you are probably wondering why I have a wolf right now since I’m an Alpha and they shift late. Well, the answer is that since my dad is a chief, who shift earlier than other wolves, my mixed genes allowed me to shift at the same age as others.

Anyways, when I reached my spot near the river, I looked around for the papers. I quickly found them, thanks to my werewolf sight. I sat down and read through it. Even at night, the moonlight was enough for me to be able to read it.

I read through the whole document, and there was no way to save my parents from what I read. I sighed and went through it again in case I missed something. I almost gave up on it when my eyes caught something.

The condition has to be completed by the people or their blood for the curse to break.

The curse has to be completed by them or their blood; me. I can save my parents if I go instead of them. No, I have to save them. That’s it. I can do this. I will do this. I took a deep breath. Okay, then.

With a firm determination of saving my parents, I went back to bed and slept. I’ll need all the energy I can tomorrow.

~~~~The next day~~~

I woke up early, still confident of my plan. But that has time. Today, I’ll spend my whole day with my parents, because goddess knows when I’ll see them again. I quickly got ready with my favorite tank top and my ripped jeans. I put on my sneakers and wore my friendship bracelet Vi and I always wear. I also wore the ring I got for my 14th birthday from my parents. I put on lip balm and let my hair loose. I also put a scrunchie on my hand in case it gets too hot.

Then I went straight to my parent’s room and woke them up by saying,

“Rise and shine Mum n Dad! Do you know what time it is? It is the time to go to our yearly picnic, so get up and get ready for a splash of fun!” I said and laughed.

“Hey, that’s my line!” my dad said. He always woke me up by saying these exact words every year. Yes, we are crazy people ;)

After that, he got up and ran to me. I tried to run away, but he was too fast. He caught me and tickled the hell out of me.

“St….op….plea…se” I pleaded between my laughter.

“Hey, stop torturing my little baby” my Mom shouted, giggling.

“Yes ma’am!” my father immediately stopped and laughed with her.

After that, they got ready and we ate breakfast. Then after we all (me, my parents, Vi, her parents, the twins, and their parents) were ready, we drove to our picnic spot. We had lots of fun there. We stayed till sunset and then came back. It was a really good day and I’ll treasure this memory forever. We also took a lot of pictures and I pleaded silently that I can take my phone in hell. Would it work there though? Guess we’ll find out in a few hours.

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