Testing Fate (#3, The Mystic Wolves)

Testing Fate: Chapter 22

Amber didn’t even bother responding with a snarl, shifting immediately. One minute she stood and the next she was on all fours, a grey wolf.

The change came over me easily, the fluid motion of my body giving way to my wolf was both graceful and smooth. She was chomping at the bit to fight Amber, to show her just how dominant we truly were and that we were done tolerating her. Striking against the enemy was what my wolf had been vying for since Amber first appeared on the doorstep claiming Mason. She was ready and more than eager.

There was always a sense of wonder as I patted my four paws on the ground, my nails scratching into the surface while I gathered my bearings. Becoming wolf would never get old for me. I would always delight in the way I felt and how effortless it was to step aside for the animal within me. This time I didn’t have the luxury of flexing my body, testing my muscles like I usually do whenever I go running. It all had to happen quickly. Shift, blink, act.

Amber didn’t hesitate. She, no doubt, assumed she’d have the upper hand because she’d shifted sooner than me. It was a miscalculation on her part. After this past year of dealing with Daniel’s sense of humor, his pouncing and striking while I was new to my wolf form, I had developed an overly sensitive combat readiness. Instinctively, I leapt to the side, missing her attack and with the snap of my teeth, growled low. She didn’t like losing the element of surprise. I didn’t care.

I waited for her to move again, but she opted to follow my lead. I began pacing about in a circle, watching the way her body flowed, looking to see any weakness. Both Mason and Devlin had taught me that lesson—that it was better to wait and get in a sure hit then mess around and risk being hurt. So far, Amber was keeping her plans to herself.

My wolf nudged me, wanting to come to the forefront. I still remained in the driver’s seat, even though I’d shifted; and she not so gently reminded me that this was her job now. She wanted full control. She wanted to be set free to do what she did best. With the agreement that this was a team effort, I stepped aside, the brush of fur against my spirit calming in an otherwise stressful situation.

We never once took our focus from Amber as she studied us. We ignored the comments from those witnessing the challenge. We released a dominant growl, asserting our claim that Mason belonged to us and no other.

Amber responded exactly how we’d thought. Goaded enough, she reacted impulsively and we saw her attack coming the moment it registered in her mind. We recognized the twitch that caused her fangs to flash, the way her front legs bent and her muscles tightened right before she threw herself through the air toward us. Whether she knew it or not, our simple growl had provided us all the information we needed to win.

This time, we didn’t sidestep or dodge her advances. Crouching, we sprang from our back legs and aimed for her midsection, hitting it full force with all our weight behind it. There was a slight whimper on impact and the mid-air collision stopped Amber before dropping her to the ground. The action winded her momentarily, but she was quickly back on her paws, her hate filled eyes staring at us.

We didn’t flinch—my wolf or me. We stood our ground and waited. Based on how Amber avoided moving a certain way, the impact had hurt her. It wasn’t too obvious. Any other time I would’ve overlooked it, but it was instinctual for my wolf to search for any form of weakness. She zeroed in on it and changed strategy, going from defensive to offensive in the blink of an eye.

Barreling toward Amber, we aimed for her mid-section again, and made a solid connection. There was another sound of expelling air as we avoided her claw swiping at us in anger. Whatever the initial strike had done to hurt her, there was no mistaking she was injured now as she stood. Her body language screamed that she’d gone from aggressive to desperate.

Amber didn’t disappoint. She charged, howling in anger and we didn’t back away. We snapped our powerful jaws at her and locked our teeth around her front leg. With a quick head shake, she became unbalanced and the scent of fresh blood filled the air the same time it hit our tongue. We’d drawn first blood, the air around us seemed to sizzle now with energy. We bit down harder until we heard a crack. With her leg now broken, we released her and moved away to study her more.

We’d definitely hurt Amber, weakened and infuriated her. Unable to stand completely, she hobbled to the side, saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth as she continuously flashed her fangs. Her eyes darted back and forth, frantically looking for any kind of opening she could exploit. The more she stared, the more feral she became. My wolf and I presented a united front. She’d clearly overestimated her strength and ability to defeat us. Without even killing her, we’d proven more than a match for her. Any other time, this fight would’ve forced her into submission.

My wolf was analyzing our next move to further weaken Amber, but my humanity demanded we end this. It wasn’t in my nature to prolong the inevitable. This display of dominance had not only proven to Amber who was the better wolf, but it had also sent a clear message to those watching. I was ready to end this, make the killing move, get married to my Mason and continue my life.

Cocking my head to the side, my wolf agreed. It was time. Amber was still hurt and the challenge close to over. Knowing the best way to end this was a lethal bite to the throat before ripping it free, we cautiously moved, looking for the best vantage point to strike.

Amber’s eyes never left us. She hadn’t made any attempt to attack again, choosing now to conserve her energy for the killing blow she knew was coming. Her eyes tracked our movement, the subtle shifts in her body and muscles the only indication she gave that she was still aware.

I wanted to tell her I wished there’d been some other way. I didn’t claim to understand her obsession with Mason or what drove her to such lengths to try and steal away a man who would never love her. I did know I didn’t like taking someone’s life. As a werewolf and Mason’s mate, something told me this wouldn’t be the last time I was called to do this.

My wolf declared she was ready and I let her make the move. We leapt through the air, teeth exposed and jaw widened to make the deadly bite. Amber seemed to anticipate it; but instead choosing her last moments alive to fight back, she lay still. Too still. There was a pulse of magic that prickled over my wolf’s fur and as she began closing her jaw around Amber’s throat, I realized what was happening.

Amber was shifting back to human. She was breaking the rules. She was forcing us to kill her outside her wolf form.

The move was a stroke of brilliance. If there was one way to stop me and my wolf from killing her it was this. Rules dictated the challenge be completed as wolves. Where others wouldn’t have cared and struck her anyway, it made me pause and I somehow managed to avert my wolf from making that last snap.

Howling in frustration, I paced away; disgusted that Amber had resorted to this. Mason had said she fought dirty, but I’d assumed he meant with fighting. I’d been watching for it, but this I never would’ve guessed. It was dishonorable and I all but spat at her as I joined my wolf at the forefront of my mind. I needed to be in control for whatever happened next.

I retreated to one side of the enclosed space. I could now hear everyone’s shouts—Daniel above all of them as he ordered Amber to return to her wolf form. She lay on the floor, panting softly as she brushed her blonde hair away from her eyes. A wide grin covered her face when she finally sat up. She looked pleased with herself and I tried not to lunge when she stood.

My wolf was furious, repeatedly chanting in my mind that we finish the job. Amber had broken with protocol; she’d made the rules null and void, so she deserved to be executed. I shook my head inwardly at her, asking my wolf to wait. I needed to see what Amber was planning.

Amber didn’t waste any time with her taunts. “Bet you didn’t see this coming. I must say, you’ve definitely shown me what a big, bad wolf you are; but do you really have what it takes?” She stared at me as if waiting for me to answer, then let out a loud laugh. “How silly of me, you can’t reply. Wolf got your tongue?”

She slowly began pacing back and forth, clearly amused by her poor attempt at humor. The only movement I made was the slight motion of my head as I watched her. She was up to something. Sooner or later she’d either change back and I’d kill her or Daniel would rule the challenge forfeit and Devlin would take her back into custody. I wasn’t ashamed to admit I was hoping for the first option. I was beyond ready for this to be over.

“Come now, Darcy. Are you really going to sit there? Are you going to let me and my poor, little human body stop you from doing what you’ve been longing for ever since we met. Don’t tell me you haven’t dreamed about destroying me or what it would feel like sinking your fangs into my throat. Then you wouldn’t have to keep looking over your shoulder, always wondering where I am or what I’ll do to reclaim what’s mine. I can see it in your eyes. You want my blood.” She came to a standstill and opened her arms wide. “So come get me. I’m all yours. It wouldn’t even take much effort. Come on. I dare you.”

Her last statement rang through the air, a challenge. I snarled, snapping my teeth as my fur hackled. There was no doubt I was the more dominant wolf; and it went against the grain not to accept. I wanted to answer Amber by killing her, by putting an end to her last ditch attempt at manipulation. I rose up on all four paws, my muscles bunching as power crackled around me in the air.

“Oh, you didn’t like that, did you? I dare you, Darcy. I know you think you’re honorable. I know you believe in following the rules, but just this once, forget your humanity and fully give over to your wolf. I know she’s in there begging you to let loose. Imagine how good it will feel with my blood splashing down your throat, my flesh between your teeth and my death because of you.” Amber spoke in an almost soothing, hypnotic tone as thought she was calming a baby. She thought she could tempt me, convince me to forget the morals I valued and give in to her mind games. Again, she underestimated me.

I looked over at Daniel. He was conferring with Devlin, whispering back and forth and seemed to come to a decision. I watched Devlin gesture to others in the crowd and them beginning to push forward, their target Amber.

“I call this challenge forfeit, Amber. Even though you still breathe, I declare Darcy the winner and you will be taken back into custody where I hope you will rot in hell.” He didn’t bother to hide the scorn from his words. Amber glanced about and saw she was quickly losing control of the situation and growled when she realized none of her minions were around her.

“You didn’t think we’d let them watch, did you?” Devlin spoke, reaching for his silver cuffs to restrain her. “And your spell sphere has been diffused. Looks like you’re on your own.”

Amber let out a howl of frustration, and seeing the situation was soon to be contained, I began the process of shifting back to human. It was just as quick and effortless as earlier and I was grateful that I had no aches or pains from the fight. With this over, I let out a sigh of relief. Finally we would be able to get back to normal.

It all happened so quickly, an in-the-blink-of-an-eye kind of thing. One second, Amber was ready to be handcuffed and next she was shifting back into her wolf form. Shouts filled the air as I looked over to see what was happening. Warnings rang out for me to watch out—Mason’s words coming true.

She’s a dirty fighter, Darcy. Be careful.

It didn’t leave time for me to make a clear decision. I needed to act immediately, my life depended on it. I could shift back, losing precious seconds and hope that when I surfaced as my wolf, Amber wasn’t already on me with her jaws wrapped around my throat. It was a risk but being in my animal form, I could then retaliate and end her.

Staying in my human form was more of a liability even though I did have supernatural strength on my side. I was no match for the lethal prowess of Amber’s wolf but I could still buy a little time, maybe enough to quickly shift and put us both on equal footing.

In the end, those mere seconds I took to think, didn’t matter. Amber was on me at once. This is what she’d been planning all long. This was the game she’d been playing. Triumph blazed in her eyes as she threw herself at me. She was confident that she’d won.

I didn’t back away. Adrenaline burned through my veins. Wolf or human, I would die defending my right to be with Mason. Nothing and no one would take him from me. Without thinking, I acted. Raising my arm to take the brunt of her bite instead of my throat, I didn’t scream out from the agonizing pain. I didn’t break my focus as razor sharp teeth sliced through my skin like it was butter or faint as blood dripped from the gashed wound. I acted on mere strength and instinct, throwing my other good arm around Amber’s neck as though I wanted to hug her, getting her into a tight grip.

My body moved on its own. Once I had her in my grasp, one hand under her jaw and the other behind her head, I twisted my arms with everything I had. Now I screamed, not in pain but with determination as I willed her neck to snap. I drew deep on strength I knew I held. I drew on the power of my wolf. I drew heavily on the love I felt for Mason and my pack. Amber was a threat that would keep on coming unless I stopped her—right here, right now.

I didn’t doubt I could do it. When I heard the loud snap and felt Amber’s body go limp, I held her just a little longer, needing to make sure I’d succeeded. When her body shifted back, returning Amber to her human self, that’s when I knew. Staggering back ward, I stared down at her lifeless form. It was over.

“Noooooo!” The anguished cry came from behind the crowd and I looked up to see Nathan breaking free from the Enforcer who held him. He’d caught everyone by surprise, pushing past people before he threw himself beside Amber and cradled her body to him.

“You killed her! This wasn’t meant to happen. She was mine, she promised me if I helped her, she’d be mine.” Tears streamed down his cheeks before his features distorted into rage. “This is your fault!” He glared, pointing his finger at me. “You were supposed to die.”

Mason stepped forward trying to reason with his former friend, but Nathan never removed his focus from me. He stood, fists clenched by his side as his jaw ticked with fury.

“It was never about Mason. It was about power. Once she had it, she wanted me to kill your pitiful mate and together we’d rule the pack. She was training me and I would’ve given her everything she wanted. That was meant to be you, not her.” He gestured to Amber’s lifeless body and something changed inside him—broke. Nathan seemed to crumple within himself, but at the last moment came to a decision. Turning to look at Mason, he gave a knowing smile before magic filled the air. He was going to shift. “I sentence you to the same fate as me, old friend.”

Nathan’s change was swift, but not as quickly as Mason’s. The Alpha’s beautiful black sleek body didn’t wait to get undressed and instead sent fabric flying as it shredded from his body. He was magnificent and he leapt into action, guessing what Nathan’s cryptic last words had meant.

Mason didn’t give the other wolf a chance to attack me. He struck with precision and accuracy. One minute Nathan stood growling and next he lay beside his delusional lover in a bloodied mess. Mason spat out the chunk of flesh he’d ripped from Nathan’s throat and stalked around the audience, a blatant dare for anyone else to come forward if they thought they could harm his mate. Satisfied all threats were over, Mason shifted back, the powerful wolf becoming the intoxicating man.

He studied the two dead, sorrow weighing on his features. No one liked to kill, even when necessary; and it showed the greatness of his heart and character that he could show remorse. Daniel stepped forward, squeezing his friend and leader’s shoulder before handing him a robe that had somehow appeared. April touched my elbow, drawing my attention away, and I saw she had one for me as well. Quickly wrapping it around me, I hurried over to Mason and his waiting embrace.

We were safe. It was over. We’d won. That’s all I could think as relief flooded me.

“Give Darcy and me ten minutes to get cleaned up.” Mason announced before whispering something to Daniel. His second-in-charge nodded and disappeared into the crowd. “And then, Vivien, will you do me the honor of marrying me to my beautiful mate?”

Mason chuckled, raising my hand to his mouth as everyone broke out into applause. Vivien came to the front, already starting the process of returning the area to the former wedding wonderland.

“Ten minutes, Darcy. Not a second longer. I’ll be waiting.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice. Running back into the house with my mother and April in tow, nothing was going to keep me away. I’d meet him back there in five minutes.

I had vows to exchange and my happily-ever-after to claim.

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