Testing Fate (#3, The Mystic Wolves)

Testing Fate: Chapter 23

“Now where were we?” Vivien softly chuckled. “Mason and Darcy would like to say a few things before they exchange rings, even though what we just witnessed was a powerful display of just how much they love each other.” The crowd murmured in agreement.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I turned to look at Mason. It was a natural reaction to having his focus on me—his blue eyes studying me with heated concentration. Also, because his face instantly lit up with a smile the second my eyes met his.

“Would you like to go first, Darcy?” Vivien asked and I nodded. I wanted to speak now, before I broke down into happy tears.

“Mason,” I started and my voice was already cracking from thick emotion. I paused for a moment, trying to steady the slight tremor coursing through my body. The vows I’d prepared rattled around in my mind, waiting for me to share them. Suddenly their sentiments didn’t seem enough—not for the love that threatened to burst from me.

“I was recently reminded of something from my childhood, a conversation I had with my best friend. We used to lie under a certain tree and talk about our futures, what we hoped and wished for, our dreams. Being filled with romantic ideas, we’d wonder who our mates would be and if there was that “special someone” out there, just for us. We pinky promised we’d never settle for just anyone. What we wanted was that epic kind of love that swept us away, the kind that was filled with passion and an undeniable connection. We wanted to be loved by someone who knew what it meant to be loyal and protective. We wanted a love like no other. I held that hope in my heart for a long time; so long I began wondering if that man even existed.” My voice cracked again and a tear escaped, rolling down my cheek. Taking in a fortifying breath, I tilted my head and smiled. “He did exist. It was you. You’re the man I have wished and waited for, my whole life. I love you so much, Mason O’Connor. There has never been anyone else but you. I promise you today, I will stand by your side forever. I will be everything you need and more.” Mason’s thumb brushed away the tears that were now freely falling. I stood there with my heart out for all to see and I took hold of his hands, grasping them tightly.

“You are so beautiful and you are mine.” Mason’s own voice trembled from emotion. “All my life I’ve been many things—son, friend, brother, confidante, leader. Nothing has been more important, however, than who I am right now, in this moment. I am simply a man whose sole purpose is to love, cherish, and make you happy for as long as you’ll have me. I want that to be forever, Darcy, because I won’t settle for anything less. I know I say you’re mine a lot. I love the way it sounds and let’s face it, I have no problem letting others know it either.” The crowd chuckled at his comment. He definitely didn’t have an issue with people knowing we were together. “I’m also yours. Completely. You’ve owned my heart from that first moment I saw you and it beats solely for you. I’m at your bidding, Darcy. It’s you and me together, forever, always.”

I didn’t think there was a dry eye left, Vivien dabbing her own with the bottom of her sleeve. I stood there, unable to stop looking up into Mason’s face, understanding that even though we’d shared our vows, there was still so much more left unsaid. It thrilled me to know that we had the rest of our lives to express what words could never say.

“Do you have the rings?” Vivien prompted gently. Mason nodded, turning to receive them from Daniel and placing my token for him into my palm. “Then repeat after me.”

We did as we were told, our words solemn and heartfelt. We promised to love and cherish each other always, regardless of what was happening in our life, and that we would always be a source of strength and comfort for the other. We promised our fidelity, our hearts firmly entrusted with the other and that not even death would breaks our vows. As Mason slid the ring up my finger to its new home, an overwhelming sense of rightness enveloped me. When I did the same, smiling at the gold band that fit perfectly, I finally felt complete. We had done it. We’d beaten the odds. Now all that was left was . . .

“You may now kiss your bride, Mason.”

The crowd erupted into loud, joyous cheers and I didn’t wait for him to reach for me. I stepped eagerly into his arms, wrapping mine around his neck as he lifted me slightly. Our lips met, our spirits soaring, as we took our first kiss as man and wife. Everything drowned away, even the pressure of his hands at my waist. All I could feel was his mouth against mine and the swirling of euphoria inside me.

It’s a pleasure to kiss you, Mrs. O’Connor. Mason’s voice whispered through our connection. And this is the first one of many more to come.

He twirled me around in a circle, my head falling back as I laughed with excitement. Mason let out his own roar of approval before settling me back on my feet.

“My wife, everyone!” he shouted, presenting me to our family and friends. Blushing, I offered a small curtsey, my gaze never leaving Mason. He looked beyond happy—exuberant. There were more cheers, some accompanied with wolf whistles, but it all drowned away when he pulled me closer, kissing me again. This time he took it deeper, not caring who was watching, as he ravished me on the spot.

“Now, let’s celebrate while the night is still young and before I say to hell with tradition and kidnap my beautiful bride!”

Sitting at the bridal table, I didn’t think I could be any happier than I was at that moment. The reception was in full swing and there was no indication there’d been any other disruptions today. Family and friends talked amongst themselves, laughing and enjoying the beautiful catered feast. Everyone was in high spirits, including Daniel, who was in the middle of telling Devlin a story from his and Mason’s childhood.

Mason’s hand rested lightly on my thigh, the pressure driving me insane. Every now and then, his thumb would rub back and forth, creating pools of heat in my stomach. All I could think about was later that night when it was just him and me—without this dress—him touching my skin.

He seemed to sense my thoughts, leaning to graze his lips over the sensitive spot on my neck, just below my ear. His warm breath teased me and his nose nudged me before he began whispering his plans for later. I could feel myself flush, my fingers gripping his under the table causing him to laugh low before murmuring something else. I was saved from further fluttering by the clinking of glass, the signal that yet another person wanted to wish us well and toast our future.

“He made it!” Mason exclaimed, suddenly sitting forward. I followed his gaze and saw a young man standing with his champagne glass held aloft, a confident smile across his face. People near him whispered to themselves, some obviously unsure who he was, but others instantly recognizing him. Mason squeezed my hand, with excitement. “You’re going to love Alex.”

The name immediately registered. This was Mason’s Irish cousin, Alexander O’Connor. From what I’d been told, the handsome man before us was next in line to becoming Alpha of his father’s pack. There was a clearly defined strength in his appearance, a definite family resemblance with Mason, from the piercing blue eyes to the tall, muscular body. The only thing that differed was Alex’s jet black hair, which he kept neatly trimmed. I preferred Mason’s longer, messier cut; but there was no denying Alex was a dominant wolf. All eyes were focused on him.

“Can I have your attention, please?” he asked, raising his voice so he could be heard over the noise. He tapped a dinner knife against his glass again, patiently waiting. “For those of you who don’t know me, I am Mason’s favorite cousin, Alex.” Mason chuckled beside me, cocking his eyebrow at the comment. “No need to deny it, Cousin. We all know the truth; but just in case, should I disclose some of the adventures we’ve shared together?” He looked around at the crowd, who were now eating out of his hand.

“No, no. We’ll save that for later,” Mason quickly answered, shifting in his seat. “We wouldn’t want to bore everyone.” It was my turn to raise an eyebrow, suddenly interested in whatever had caused this reaction. It wasn’t like Mason to shy away from a good story.

There was a devilish glint in Alex’s eyes as he nodded in submission. “Very well, another time. Maybe me and your beautiful bride can discuss it later?” This earned him a round of laughter and a “like hell” from Mason, under his breath. “I’m sorry for my late arrival. I’d hoped to be here earlier to represent Mason’s Irish family ties at the ceremony, but weather delayed me. However, it is my great honor to bring you the blessing and respect of your kin—their love and prayers for a prosperous union. A toast everyone!” Raising his glass again, Alex turned from side to side, pausing long enough to see everyone follow his lead. “May God be with and bless you. May you see your children’s children. May you be poor in misfortunes and rich in blessings. May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.” Gesturing he had finished, everyone cheered with agreement as they down their drinks.

“If you would all indulge me a little longer, I’d also like to present a simple gift to the bride and groom.” Alex looked at us both before quickly walking over and picking something up from an empty chair. He returned to his previous spot, a string instrument in his hand. “I chose my gift a little differently. It’s tradition at O’Connor weddings for the bride and groom to dance their first time to an Irish tune. Not just any song, either, but to the song that has been handed down through each generation. So Mason, if you could bring Darcy down here, allow me to play our clan’s wedding melody for you.”

This was an incredible gift; something I knew would touch Mason’s heart deeply. I’d tried not to cry as I noticed moisture forming in his eyes, his hand reaching for mine to lead me to the makeshift dance floor. Passing by Alex, I quickly patted his arm in gratitude before he stood back and lifted his fiddle to play. He winked that he understood and tapping his foot to the beat in his head, he began moving the instrument’s bow, creating the opening musical strands.

“Will you dance with me, Mrs. O’Connor?” Mason asked, bowing at the waist like he was an old fashioned gentleman.

“I will, Mr. O’Connor,” I answered, doing my second curtsy for the night.

Gathering me into his arms, a hand on my back to secure me, Mason began moving in time with the flow of the music. Each note was played expertly. Slow at first, and as the hired musicians listened, they began adding more instruments to the melody.

It wasn’t difficult following Mason’s lead; he’d always been a great dancer and I loved how our bodies moved as one, as though we were made for each other. We were.

Alex continued to play and I laid my head against Mason’s shoulder, caught up in the moment. Everything felt so overwhelming, yet it wasn’t. After everything we’d been through, nothing had stopped this from happening. We were finally wed.

“A penny for your thoughts, sweetheart,” Mason murmured, twirling me under his arm before bringing me back to his chest. I tried telling him what I was thinking, but I couldn’t find the words. He seemed to sense that, instead rubbing my lower back with his hand. “Shall I tell you what I’m thinking?”

I nodded against his shoulder. Something told me he’d be able to voice what I couldn’t.

“I was thinking about what Daniel said in his toast. That even though I’m the strength of this Pack, you are its goodness, its heart. It wasn’t just me who was blessed the day we met. Yes, I found someone to share my life with, someone who is every bit my equal and more. But the Pack also found someone who would champion them in all things. There’s no doubt in mind how truly beloved you are, Darcy; by me and our loved ones. It makes me wonder what I did to deserve a gift like you.”

His words touched me and anchored themselves into my soul. Daniel’s toast had surprised me. I’d expected him to tell a few jokes, but instead he’d spoken from the heart. Hearing Mason repeat those sentiments, and add some of his own, just reinforced what I’d been feeling all evening.

“You don’t get it, do you? I’m the lucky one,” I admitted. Tears started falling again, and I quickly wiped them away with my hand. “The lucky, weepy one. I swear I feel like I’ve done nothing today but cry. I don’t remember ever being this happy.”

“Good, because this is just the beginning. I plan on keeping you in a constant state of bliss, sweet wife of mine. I want you to always have a reason to smile and laugh. Sound good?”

“Sounds perfect to me.” I sighed at the idea. “When do you want to start?”

“Do you have something in mind already?” Mason’s hand lowered, curving the shape of my behind before dipping me back in his arms, a wicked smile on his face. “Just what are you thinking, Darcy?”

I blushed. I hadn’t been thinking about anything like what he was insinuating; but I was now. My skin flushed as images filled my mind, whether by me or through my connection with Mason. He righted me back on my feet, returning me to his embrace. Only this time it was tighter, our bodies pressed firmly against each other. Fire pulsed through my veins, leaving my mouth dry.

“Say the word and I’ll tell everyone to go home. One word and they’re gone.” There was eagerness in Mason’s voice, heat underlying his statement. Looking around me, the idea was beyond tempting.

“We can’t just expect everyone to leave.” I laughed, the sound shaky.

“Can’t we? It’s our party. Besides, I’m ready to celebrate.” He didn’t need to elaborate. I knew exactly what he meant and if I’d misunderstood, the smolder in his eyes verified it. That, and the way he studied my mouth, licking his lips as though he was hungry.

“Do you mind if I cut in?” Mason answered Devlin’s poorly timed interruption with a soft growl before he stopped. I wanted to slap the knowing smile off his face because I knew Devlin had heard the last part of our conversation. The look of surprise at Mason’s response may have fooled others, but I knew better, he’d done it on purpose.

“By all means.” Mason chuckled, realizing it too. He reluctantly released me, allowing me to enter into Devlin’s arms. “I’m going to visit some with Alex and then I’ll be back to reclaim my wife.” He slapped Devlin’s shoulder once before leaning in to kiss me. It was such a macho move of dominance and I loved it. I also loved hearing him call me his wife, the word making me smile with pride each and every time he said it.

“Do you think that was for my benefit?” Devlin asked, looking down at me as I gave Mason one last glance.

“Of course it was,” I laughed. “He may be a good guy, but he’s also very male. And, he’s perfect.” I knew I was wearing a sappy, love sick grin, but I couldn’t help it. Devlin didn’t say anything, choosing not to make fun of me on my special day. It was a smart move on his part. I wasn’t beyond kicking him in the shins and making him limp for the rest of the night.

“I love seeing you like this.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“Happy. There’s no doubt that you and Mason are meant for each other. In fact,” Devlin pulled me closer so he could speak softly in my ear. “you give me hope there’s someone out there for me. Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll be gathered like this for my wedding.”

The thought of Devlin finding someone to love and spend his life with thrilled me. I wanted it so much for him. I didn’t like that he was alone. He needed someone who would look at him the way Mason looked at me. He needed his own happily-ever-after.

“I want that for you too, Devlin.” I beamed.

“One day” was all he said before spinning me under his arm and holding me again. “For right now, I’m content watching you enjoy marital bliss.” He lowered his voice again, like we were joint conspirators. “How about I give everyone your goodbyes and you slip back into the house?”

“I knew you’d overheard what we’d been saying.” I slapped the side of his arm. “And you know what? I’m going to take you up on your offer. I am feeling pretty tired right now.” I feigned a yawn.

“Is that what you’re calling it now?” Devlin laughed, louder when he heard my mortified groan. “Go grab your husband and I’ll create a distraction. The last thing you want is for everyone to know you’re disappearing to . . . nap.”

I didn’t bother rolling my eyes at him. Instead, I was already staring at Mason, trying to get his attention, so he would follow me. He was still talking with Alex, the two of them with their heads close together, talking about something that made them chuckle at the same time. They really did look alike, but it was Mason that held my focus. He had such a striking presence—the way he stood and interacted—he was commanding.

He must’ve felt me staring because he glanced over in my direction, a wide smile lighting up his face when we made eye contact. I drew a heart in the air with my two fingers, mouthing I love you before I looked toward the house. Mason nodded and began saying goodbye to his cousin.

Devlin took that as his cue to say goodnight, kissing my cheek softly before I hugged him.

“Thank you so much,” I whispered, squeezing him briefly before letting go. “For everything.”

“It’s my pleasure, sweetheart. Just remember, I’m always here if you need me.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Now go, before someone notices.”

I smiled and quickly made my way through the tables, careful not to meet anyone’s eyes. Something told me I wasn’t being as discrete as I thought I was, that people knew exactly what I was doing, because somehow I managed to make it to the house without being stopped.

Mason arrived at the doorway shortly after I did, his own journey unimpeded. Then it suddenly hit me. This was it. Once we went inside, once we alone in our room, the waiting would be over. Whereas before I’d had to keep myself from taking more than kisses and careful touching, now I could take it all; whatever I wanted, however I wanted it.

Kissing. Touching. Tasting. All of it and more.

Grabbing hold of his hand, it was me who led the way. I was ready and it was now my turn to claim what was mine.

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