Testing Fate (#3, The Mystic Wolves)

Testing Fate: Chapter 21

“Someone grab her.”

“Isn’t she meant to be in the Council’s dungeon?”

“What is she doing here?”

Questions swarmed around me as people stood aside and the enforcers Mason had invited swung into action. Devlin was already halfway up the aisle, his fierce look of determination enough to terrify anyone into submission.

Mason stood in front of me, trying to shield me from whatever plans Amber had. With Daniel beside him, I had to stand on tiptoes to see. Judging from everyone’s reactions, this just proved how insane Amber was, her small party of six were no match for some of the strongest fighters, defenders, and leaders in our community. Whatever she’d hoped to prove with this display would be short and very brief.

“Uh, uh, uh!” She scolded loudly, wiggling her finger back and forth. She’d made no attempt to flee, instead standing her ground in a relaxed stance that screamed arrogance. Instinct told me that disrupting the ceremony wasn’t part of her focus. Something bigger was underway. There was no denying her smug confidence. I just wanted to walk right up to her and wipe it off her face. “You don’t want to get too close. You didn’t all think I’d come here unprepared, did you?”

The guests closest to her gasped and stepped away. Devlin and his enforcers came to a complete stop, some with their arms outstretched as though they were trying to calm a wild beast. All while Amber grinned from ear to ear, tossing something up and down in her hand.

I couldn’t see what it was but I knew it was bad, judging by the soft oath Vivien muttered.

“What is it?” I asked, not wanting to take my focus away from Amber. “Why won’t anyone approach her?”

“Impossible.” Vivien sounded bewildered. “Where did she get that? Who would ever create one for her?”

“What?” I squinted, trying to see better.

“She has a spell sphere. It takes an incredible amount of magic to bring it to life and they’re highly unstable. Depending on what it’s designed for, it could cause a lot of damage if it isn’t diffused quickly.”

“Can you do it from here, Vivien?” Mason asked over his shoulder.

“I’d have to get closer to see what kind it is before I could counteract the magic.” She shifted to go forward, but I grabbed her arm.

“Wait. See what she wants first. She didn’t just come here to chat and catch up on the latest gossip. She’s after something.” Amber may act and sound crazy, but I had no doubt she had a plan.

“She’s after Mason. It’s always been her agenda,” Daniel answered, growling low under his words.

“What do you want, Amber?” Devlin asked, his voice loud and clear. “You should be on your way to Alaska and a life of imprisonment. Why are you here?”

“I thought that would be obvious.” She offered a syrupy smile as though humoring his question. “I came for what’s mine.” Lifting her arm, she pointed at Mason. “I came for my mate.”

“I thought we went through this already. I am not your mate. I’ve never been your mate. Your coming here, threatening people, has done nothing but dig yourself a deeper hole. Deactivate the sphere and honor your punishment,” Mason called out.

I watched as the sweet façade she’d been wearing crumbled as he spoke, denying any connection between them. Replacing the fake smile, a snarl surfaced and it distorted her features.

“She’s poisoned you. Don’t deny it. You would be marrying me if it wasn’t for that slut standing behind you. I see you trying to protect her, like she’s some kind of prize. Once upon a time, Mason, you would’ve done anything to keep me safe.” She tossed the ball of energy up in the air and took a step forward. “It’s not too late. Come to me now. Leave her and join me. All will be forgiven and we can leave this god forsaken place. We can be happy, Mason. I promise you.” Her voice softened and the mean glint in her eye disappeared. “We could be so good together. You just have to choose me, like you did when we were young.”

“That will never happen. Ever,” Mason answered. “Now give yourself over to Devlin. It’s over.”

“It’ll never be over between us. Do you hear me? Never! If I can’t have you, no one will!” Amber screamed and she lunged, her arm cocked and ready to throw. Nathan quickly intercepted her and whispered something, speaking soft enough that their conversation was only between them. She shook her head, anger burning across her face as she stared in our direction. He kept talking, his mouth moving frantically; and as she pulled away, she lost her manic appearance. “It seems we’re at an impasse. You won’t come to me and I refuse to let anyone live unless I have you. What to do . . . what to do?”

“She’s insane,” I uttered incredulously. “She seriously means to kill everyone.”

“We need to remove that spell sphere and take her down. It’s the one thing that’s giving her power. Vivien, what do you need from us so you can get closer?” Mason asked.

“I need her distracted.”

Mason looked at Daniel and nodded. “You ready to help? Ready to get rid of Amber once and for all?”

“I thought you’d never ask, bro.” Daniel clenched his fists, his knuckles popping. “I’ll follow your lead.”

I looked at Mason and then to Amber, who still hadn’t relinquished control of the spell sphere. I didn’t trust her. I knew somewhere in her mind she believed she loved Mason but I’d learned enough over the past month to never underestimate people. Instinct told me she’d sooner kill Mason than let anyone else have him. Nothing guaranteed that his plan would keep him safe, that her deluded affection for him would stop her from lashing out. I couldn’t let her hurt him. I couldn’t let her dictate how my evening was meant to go.

“I believe I’m the one you have the issue with, Amber. How about we settle this between the two of us?” I stepped around Daniel, out into the forefront. I ignored the pleas for me to come back. Even though Amber had repeatedly made a play for Mason, we both knew this was about me and her.

“I wondered whether you’d have the courage to speak up.” Once again, her sickly sweet tone caused my jaw to tighten.

“Let’s quit playing games. You want Mason. You’ve tried your best, but at the end of the day, it’s me that will marry him. He’s mine and no sphere of magic is going to change that.” I didn’t take my focus off her, ready to move at a moment’s notice should she react.

“I beg to differ, sweetheart.” She all but spat out the term of affection. “I say, I hold all the power here. I dictate what happens and if I say he’s mine, then you’d better hand him over.”

I stepped closer. “True. But what happens once he’s by your side? You going to carry that magic with you for the rest of your life? Because you know I won’t let him go without a fight. I will be your constant shadow. I survived the refiner’s fire for that man and I won’t let anyone take him from me.” I turned around and pointed at Mason. “And you better believe he won’t stay. He’ll always be looking for a way to return to me. You can’t keep us apart. You’d be foolish to try.”

“Enough! Things change. Feelings die. I can win him back and it’ll be as though you never existed.” That panicked edge had returned to her voice.

“Our love will never die. You will never own his heart like I do. The only reason you think you stand a chance is because of what you hold in your hand.”

“Then I’ll just kill you with it.” Amber cocked her eyebrow and raised her arm. “One throw and all my problems are over.”

I didn’t flinch. I could see Devlin looking over me to Mason and the brief nod he gave. Things were beyond critical now, but I had a plan—one that I knew would work if I could just get Amber to see its validity. All this time, we’d tried reasoning with her and it hadn’t worked. I finally understood why. She was beyond logic. So, I went for the one thing I knew I could reach, her pride.

“True. Throw it. Destroy me. But would you truly have him? In the eyes of the law you’d just be a murderer. The second after you throw it, Devlin and his enforcers will restrain you and do you think anyone will show you mercy? Do you think Mason will plead your case?” I took another step closer. “What about your pride? Is this really how you want to win? By using magic? You’re a werewolf. Where’s your sense of honor? Obviously you have none.” The muscle under her left eye twitched and the brief movement told me I’d hit my mark.

After what seemed like a lifetime, Amber finally responded. “What do you suggest?”

“A wolf challenge. Let’s settle this the way our race has always settled disputes. No more magic. No more games. Just you and me.”

“So willing to die, are you?” Amber was back to being her arrogant self.

I held her gaze. “Whatever it takes to finish this once and for all.”

“Then I look forward to ripping your throat out. I accept.”

I was surrounded by a flurry of bodies as my mother and April rushed to get me out of my dress. My fingers worked quickly to remove the veil and hair clip, handing them over to my father for safe keeping.

I didn’t have to look at everyone to know what they were thinking. It was within my right to issue the challenge, but I knew they weren’t happy about it. No one had spoken a word to try and talk me out of it, for which I was grateful. If I’d learned nothing through my ordeal with the Moirai, it was that I was strong enough to face this. I held absolute conviction I would emerge from this the victor and that our problems with Amber would be finally over. Part of me wondered why I hadn’t thought of this sooner.

My eyes found Mason’s. “I’ll bet you didn’t plan this as part of the ceremony?” I didn’t like seeing the worried strain etched on his face and my attempt at humor didn’t help ease it. I reached up and tried smoothing away his concern. “This needs to happen. You know that, right? She’ll just keep coming and keep coming. I thought our mating being decreed by the Fates solved everything; but it didn’t, not with her.”

I cupped the side of his jawline and he leaned into it, placing his hand over mine. “I know. Somewhere deep inside I always wondered if it would come to this. So, I’m not going to say anything other than I love you so much and be careful. Amber’s a dirty fighter. Don’t underestimate her. Always keep your guard up. You’re the stronger wolf and she knows that.” Grasping my hand, he placed a firm kiss on my palm before holding it over his heart. “I believe in you, Darcy.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, relishing the strength our connection and love gave me. This is why I willingly challenged Amber, why I would always fight for what was mine. Mason held me in return, kissing the side of my head before letting me go. One glance between us spoke volumes; it would always be just him and me, forever.

“Oh, how touching. It almost brings a tear to my eyes. Goodbyes are always so moving to witness.” I ignored Amber’s snide remarks, noting she was already undressed and ready to shift into her wolf form. “Don’t worry, Darcy. Once this is over, I’ll make sure he’s completely satisfied and happy. He’ll have a real female, after all.”

Quickly hugging everyone, accepting their good lucks and last minute advice, I faced Amber again. People had been busy while I was preparing, moving away any hint of a wedding and leaving a large space where we’d fight. The thought gave me a slight chill which I immediately pushed aside. Win the challenge then marry Mason, I thought. That’s all I need to focus on, business then pleasure.

“Enough with the small talk,” I retorted. We approached each other in the center of the makeshift area. It had been decided that Daniel would be the officiator, announcing the rules of engagement and ensuring both parties fought fairly. I was surprised that Amber hadn’t argued over it, accepting his appointment with a carefree wave of her hand. It just showed how convinced she was that nothing would prevent her from winning.

Daniel stood between us. “Darcy Matthews, member of the Mystic Wolves pack, has challenged Amber Bracken, member of the Silver Canyon pack, to a death match. Do you both agree?” We nodded and he continued. “Do you both accept the conditions that one, you fight fairly and with the honor of your Packs; second, you retain your wolf forms until there is a winner; third, you cannot employ the help of anyone in the audience; and lastly, you both must continue to fight until one is dead.”

“We agree.” The irony wasn’t lost on me that this may be the only time Amber and I ever agreed on something.

“Then shift into your wolf forms.” Daniel gestured, stepping away. He took his place in the large crowd that encircled us, standing beside his Alpha. “Oh, and Amber?” He paused, giving her time to look his way. “It’ll be a pleasure watching Darcy kick your ass.”

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