Testing Fate (#3, The Mystic Wolves)

Testing Fate: Chapter 20

Now that the moment was here, I was suddenly nervous. Linking my arm with my father’s, everything seemed so surreal. Within the next twenty minutes, I would finally be married to the man of my dreams. Every challenge we’d faced, we had overcome, nothing able to come between us.

I could hear the music being cued, the sound of string instruments and I took a step toward the door leading out into the garden. I didn’t get far, my father placing his hand on my forearm to stop me.

“Darcy.” His voice was thick with emotion and urgency.

That was a sound I was used to and a sidelong glance at him brought me before him. “What’s the matter?”

He looked down at the ground, his mouth opening only to close again. He bounced a few times on his toes, licking his lips before eventually looking at me. Pride shone from his eyes. And love.

“I’m proud of you. Proud to call you mine. I know I may not be the most demonstrative man and I haven’t always said it, but I love you.” He brushed the hair tendril across my eye, causing it to curve the shape of my face again and smiled. “I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter and Mason, he is one lucky man. I know he’ll treat you right.”

“I love you too, Dad. Thank you for being here.” I lifted up on my toes and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Pausing for a few extra seconds, I rubbed my cheek against his, inhaling his scent like I used to as a child. It was our way of saying we were family and that no matter what, we would always be there for each other.

“I just can’t believe how quickly you grew up. I guess you’re not my ‘little girl’ anymore.” Tears began filling his eyes and he blinked them away. “Look at me, who would’ve thought your old man was so sentimental?” He chuckled low, trying to bury the strength of his emotions. “Now come on. Let me take you to Mason.”

I offered him a watery smile, his words touching my heart. “I’ll always be your little girl. Nothing will ever change that. Ever.” I squeezed his hand, so grateful for the strong example I’d always had from him. Regardless of how rebellious I’d been, he’d always been there, whether gruff or stern. He’d been constant.

Handing me the bouquet of white and pink flowers, my father lifted my veil and lowered it over my face. We returned to our positions at the doorway and, after taking a steadying breath, we left the house and entered the wedding area.

I couldn’t stop the gasp from escaping. Pack members had performed a miracle, transforming an already beautiful garden into a romantically decorated display of flowers, white, and lights. I didn’t know where to look first. Metal lanterns hung at intervals and coated the night air with a soft glow, creating the perfect ambience for the ceremony. Pink bowed vases, filled with white lilies, also surrounded the perimeters on makeshift tables covered with sheer fabric. There was a gentle breeze already tickling my skin and with each brush it also brought the flower’s fragrance.

People filled the space, sitting in rows and rows of chairs. I recognized so many familiar faces, beloved family, old and new pack members, and many from the surrounding supernatural community. There were a lot of leaders who’d come to pay their respects to Mason and me, many whose respect he had earned over the years.

I was surprised to find a small arrangement of live musicians. When I’d heard the classical melodies being played earlier, I’d assumed someone had set up the stereo and speakers; but Mason had actually organized for live music to be played. He’d obviously remembered the comments I’d made months ago about how I wanted to plan our ceremony. As I continued to glance about, I realized he’d made my dream a reality. Even down to the gazebo-like structure at the end of the aisle.

It had no walls, built simply enough to let shimmering material create a canopy. Flowers and stringed lights were attached, giving a pretty draped affect, making it the perfect focal point. I wanted to run down the aisle, throw myself into Mason’s arms and smother his face with kisses.

“He worked really hard to make sure it was exactly how you envisioned it. If there was ever any doubt that you are welcome here, this proves that you are. You are much beloved,” my father whispered in my ear. All I could do was nod in agreement. Seeing how much work had gone into this ceremony left me speechless.

A hush fell over everyone and the musicians stopped playing briefly before beginning the opening strands of Pachelbel’s Canon, causing goosebumps over my skin.

April came to stand by me, excitement in her eyes. “See you down there.” She smiled. I watched as everyone turned when she walked by.

Harmony was next, mouthing good luck before she also stepped out, in time to the music. Even though we’d only recently struck up a friendship, I didn’t regret asking her to be part of the procession. It had meant a lot to both of us. Seeing her reach the end and take her place beside April, I knew it was now my turn.

“Here we go, Dad.” I breathed, grasping his arm tightly before relaxing. He led me to the beginning of the aisle path and as one, everyone stood with respect. The music seemed to swell and fill every corner of the garden and suddenly small lighted orbs danced above us.

I’d made a mental note to smile at everyone as I walked down the aisle; but the second my eyes caught Mason’s, all plans went out the window. He was my entire focus, my entire world. It was as though we were the only two people there and like a magnetic beacon, I was lured toward him. I couldn’t take my gaze from him.

The mere sight of him was intoxicating, standing beside Daniel in his black tuxedo with his dark hair slicked back. Hands behind his back, he’d been saying something to his best man when my appearing had caused him to stop. His eyes widened and a slow smile crossed his features, resulting in a wider grin that captured my heart from where I was. One heated look told me everything I needed to know. He was just as bewitched with me as I was with him.

He stepped forward as if he was impatiently coming to fetch me himself. This earned a few chuckles from the crowd and a restraining grasp from Daniel. Realizing what he was doing, Mason’s brilliant smile took on a more sheepish grin; but not once did he stop looking at me. Not once did his stare stop devouring the sight of me.

I couldn’t stand still any longer, the urge to be with him compelling me to move. The twenty or so steps down the carpeted aisle were the longest I’d ever taken, painstakingly slow. I forgot all the instructions I’d received to walk according to the melody’s beat. If it hadn’t been for my father still holding my arm, I’d have run.

Finally reaching the end, my father stopped and lifted my veil back to expose my face. Kissing both cheeks, he ceremoniously placed my hand onto Mason’s forearm before giving him a brief pat on his back. The act caused tears to fill my father’s eyes again, knowing that I was truly leaving his family to join with another. I didn’t bother wiping mine away; as I told him I loved him again.

With a quick nod, he went to sit with my mother on the front row. Seated beside her was Devlin, pride emanating from his features. I offered him a silent greeting as well. He was one of my best friends and without him; I wouldn’t have been able to get through the drama of the past few weeks. Taking one last glance, I knew that he was a blessing that I would always be grateful for. His friendship was something I cherished and valued.

Vivien’s soft cough signaled the music to cease and any remaining guests to take their seats. Mason’s hand lay gently on the small of my back, the heat from his palm warming my skin. His touch soothed me and anchored me to the moment. Together we faced our loyal friend and waited for her to speak.

“Welcome family and friends. Welcome to the most joyous of occasions!” She spread her arms wide, holding them aloft in the air. The crowd responded with heartfelt cheers and applause, some even shouting their congratulations. Waiting for the noise to die down, Vivien’s face was filled with happy anticipation. “Tonight, we’ve gathered to witness the joining of Mason and Darcy, binding them together as husband and wife, destined mates, and best friends. It fills me with great joy to be the one overseeing this ritual; not just as a leader, but also as a friend. I have watched Darcy grow from a small child to the confident, beautiful young woman she’s become and it thrills me to watch her take this next step.”

Tears were starting to form again, as I listen to her words; touched by how heartfelt they were. I couldn’t remember a time when Vivien hadn’t been there, a confidante for my mother and mentor for me. Surrounded by those who loved me, marrying Mason, it struck me once more just how lucky I was.

“I’m sure you all know that tonight’s ceremony is very similar to the one performed by humans, but when marrying two werewolves, there is a slight difference. It’s a tradition as old as time that when two people are tied together in love; they leave behind the families they are born into and start a new one, forging a new unit together. They make solemn promises of fidelity, to place the other before themselves, to always show the respect and devotion befitting someone most beloved. They strive for balance, happiness, and unity. They bring their hopes to the union, knowing their partner will endeavor to make them a reality. It is a true partnership, a meshing of two equals into a powerful whole—one that can withstand the battering and challenges of the world.

“Tonight Mason and Darcy stand before us all, wanting us to witness their dedication and willingness to honor each other and these vows. Their love is true, having been tested even by the refiner’s fire and found worthy. It is my pleasure to repeat those sacred words, blessing their union and prosperity.”

Excitement coursed through me. Hearing Vivien speak about the significance of the ritual, knowing I believed it wholeheartedly, made every struggle I’d faced worth it. I would’ve crawled through Hell itself to be standing here, right at this moment. There was no doubt.

“Because two spirits reside within Mason and Darcy, as werewolves, the mating ritual is held in two parts, the binding of their hearts followed by the sharing of blood. The first pays tribute to their humanity and second to their wolf natures. Once completed, their bond with the other becomes unbreakable, bringing them more joy and satisfaction than they can even begin to comprehend.” Vivien stopped talking and looked out at the crowd. I followed her gaze and noticed others had quietly slipped in, the chairs already full and leaving standing room only. “Shall we begin? Do you agree with me that these two have waited long enough?” The seriousness of the situation was broken by more heartfelt agreement and applause.

“Finally,” Mason added, followed by an “About time!” from Daniel. I understand the same impatience, the same need, and casting a sidelong glance at Mason, I nodded emphatically. “Yes, please.” Tears fell and I didn’t bother wiping them away.

“Then, who presents their daughter today?” The solemnity in her tone gave me shivers.

“Her mother and I do, Vivien,” my father answered promptly, helping my mother stand before bowing with respect. “With great pride, we offer our only daughter to the Mystic Wolves’ Alpha.”

“With gratitude, I accept, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews. You can trust me with her keeping.” The air seemed to swirl with energy as Mason replied, the words settling over the ceremony. “She will want for nothing as long as I live and breathe.” Satisfied with his response, my parents retook their seats and I turned back to Vivien.

Gesturing for us to face each other and join hands, I did and met Mason’s penetrating stare. He was also affected by the sentiments shared and I leaned into his touch as he couldn’t help but reach out to trace the side of my cheek with his finger. In the background, the sound of a cell phone rang.

One of Vivien’s associates handed her a length of decorative red cord and showing it to everyone, Vivien looped it around our wrists. “Just as I form this knot, tying this couple together, so do I bind their hearts. May this symbolic gesture be witnessed by all.”

Another cord was passed—a green one this time. “As I bind their lives together, I also leave a blessing that they may always have good fortune and find prosperity to enrich each day.” Vivien repeated the process and a second knot was completed. More noise from the back distracted me, tugging on my attention. Someone else had forgotten to put their phone on mute and as I turned around, I saw one or two other guests shifting in their seats.

I looked at Devlin, only to frown when I discovered he was busy reading something on his phone screen. His features immediately sharpened and there was no denying the cuss word he uttered before abruptly standing to his feet. Others were doing the same but I couldn’t take my eyes off Devlin. Something had angered him enough that pocketing his phone, he was moving toward the aisle to leave.

“What’s going . . .” I tried asking Vivien and Mason, but they were staring over me, a hard set in their eyes as well. Something had just happened.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here? A wedding? Now, why wasn’t I invited?” The over the top laugh that accompanied the sickly sweet voice was like a nails running down a chalkboard. “Thanks for standing in, Darcy, but I think I’ve got it from here. Mason is after all, mine.” Standing at the very back, flanked by Nathan and four other wolves, Amber stood with her hands on her hips, a crazed look in her eyes. “Surprise, everyone!”

There was a second of silence before the garden exploded into a riot of noise and action as all hell broke loose.

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