Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 28

Griffa lay on the hard stone floor of the temple. She was in so much pain. She was sure something had broken within her when Philo had slammed her to the floor. She tried to move, but her body wouldn’t respond. She wanted to turn and look at Ansel and Talon again. She wanted to see them one last time before she died, but she could not muster the strength.

Instead, she lay still and stared at Philo. He stood over her with a knife. He grabbed her arm. She braced herself for the pain, but it never came. She looked to see Philo had dropped the knife. He was grabbing his hand. She could see the large boils that were forming in his palm. He looked down at her angrily.

“What did you do, Gryphon?”

She had done nothing. She couldn’t if she tried. She was in so much pain, and whatever he had done to her made it where she couldn’t move. He couldn’t stab her with that knife because the gods would not let him.

“Nothing,” said Gryphon. “It is the gods. They will not let you do this.”

He hit her hard. It was harder than a normal man should have been able to hit. She felt her vision go dim. She could not concentrate. She might have passed out if the pain had not forced her to stay in the present. She watched again as he tried to cut her with the knife. He could not do so.

She could tell he was getting angry. She could feel the furry coming off of him. His magic was rising to the surface of his skin. She doubted he could control it much longer.

He turned to Helmer. “Can I kill her another way?”

“No,” said Helmer. “You must spill her blood in just the way it says.”

He would not be able to spill her blood. She knew this somehow. He could not take the line of rulers from the blood of Adalwen. The gods would not let him. He may kill her, but he could not take what he wanted.

“Give up, Philo. You cannot do this. You will only hurt yourself,”

Everything was going dim. Griffa wondered if she was dying. At least the pain would be gone. Her eyes felt heavy. She wanted to fight to keep them open, but she could not. She was aware something was happening around her. She could feel the shield Philo had put up start to crumble. She wanted to stay. She wanted to see Ansel and Talon. She wanted to stay with them, but something would not let her. She felt herself being pulled away, and she gave in. She closed her eyes, and it felt like she was traveling.

Griffa landed on a stone floor. She looked up and saw she was still in the temple, but it looked completely different. It looked like the room underneath the temple had risen up. The statue of the gods stood in the center, surrounded by four pillars. She looked around, and the room was bare. There were no benches. She was alone.

She walked up to the statue of the gods. She stared at them as she reached out and put her hand on the foot of the sister. She felt power and magic fill her body. She closed her eyes as it sang to her. It comforted her. It made her feel whole and safe.

“Welcome, Gryphon,” said a kind female voice. It sounded familiar.

Griffa opened her eyes and turned. Before her stood a woman in a simple shift dress. She had deep brown hair and bright blue eyes. She smiled serenely at Griffa. Griffa felt like her breath was taken away. She immediately fell to the floor on her face.

“I am not worthy to be in your presence,” said Griffa softly. She knew who the woman was. She had been bowing to her and praying to her all her life.

“Come, Gryphon, how can you not be worthy. I made you,” said the sister softly.

Griffa looked up, and the sister had her hand held out to her. She took it and the sister helped her to stand. She stared at the sister who smiled at her.

“Come out brother. You know you want to meet the queen,” said the sister.

Griffa watched as a man materialized into the room. He walked over to the sister and stood next to her. The smirk on his face reminded Griffa a little of Talon.

“Gryphon,” said the brother nodding. “I am pleased to see you. Don’t feel you have to bow for me.”

She didn’t know what to say. She just stared at the brother and sister.

“Would you like to ask us any questions, dear?” asked the sister. “I am sure you must have plenty.”

“She is scared to death. Can’t you tell?” asked King Nathin as he walked into the room. “Is it any wonder after what she just went through? Then you bring her here to face you. How did you expect her to act?”

“Oh look, sister, it’s a family reunion,” said the brother sarcastically. “Nathin, why are you here? I don’t remember summoning you.”

“I summoned him,” said the sister.

“You didn’t think to tell me?” asked the brother.

“I didn’t feel like arguing with you.” She smiled at Nathin. “Come closer, Nathin. Come and greet our Gryphon.”

Nathin walked over to Gryphon. He took her hand and bowed over it. “Hello, Gryphon. It is a pleasure to see you again.”

“Again?” asked the brother looking at the sister.

“Shush, brother, let them talk.”

Griffa nodded at King Nathin and then looked at the brother and sister. “Is this real? Am I having a dream, or some disillusions before I die?”

The sister laughed a little. “No, Gryphon, this is quite real. We have brought you here to talk of the kingdom.”

“What of it?” asked Griffa.

“It’s a mess,” said the brother. “I’m not sure it’s really worth saving. My sister disagrees, but I’m having a hard time finding a reason to save it.”

“I know of plenty,” said Griffa.

“Oh, would you like to list them for us?” asked the brother.

“Look at the people you have created. Most of them are wonderful. They are brave and good. I have seen them do amazing things. I have watched them take care of one another. You can’t tell me they aren’t worth saving?”

“And I have watched as you have been passed over as queen,” said the brother. “I have watched you be ridiculed, ignored, poisoned, stabbed, and tortured. We sent you into the kingdom to save it, and look what the kingdom has done to you.”

“Everyone goes through hard times, but the good ones make it all worth it,” said Griffa.

“Of course, you won’t listen to me,” said the brother. “You never do.”

“Now, now, brother, that is not true.”

“Isn’t it though? I sent her the perfect man to be her king, and she completely rejects him for her protector,” said the brother. “Do you want to talk about what mess that made?”

The sister scoffed. “He is far from perfect, and she did not completely reject him. She loves him. She just loves the other a little more, or maybe in a different way,” said the sister looking at Griffa. “You never did understand the subtleties of love or the people you created, brother. The protector thing turned out just fine. The line was transferred. The new protector is worthy. You can’t argue with that.”

“I could,” said the brother. “I could argue long and hard that Kedan Belles did not deserve the protector’s line, but I doubt it would do any good.”

King Nathin looked at Griffa and rolled his eyes slightly while shaking his head.

“Kedan is worthy to carry the protector’s line,” said Griffa defiantly. “He has not been perfect in his life, but whom amongst your people has? I certainly have not. Kedan learned from his mistakes. He found the correct path and he took it. That shows he is worthy.”

“Indeed, Gryphon,” said the sister. “I do want to save the kingdom, but I think I would enjoy having you around. I could use an ally against my brother.”

Gryphon looked at the sister. “What do you mean?”

“You will have to decide if you want to save the kingdom or not,” said the brother.

“Of course, I want to save the kingdom. There is no question. I will do whatever it takes,” answered Griffa.

“Wait, Gryphon,” said Nathin. “You don’t know what it will entail saving Regventus. You need to understand what you must do.”

“Tell me then,” said Griffa. “I will do whatever you ask.”

The brother looked at Griffa. His smirk faded, and he looked sad. “Come, Gryphon, you must make a decision, but I want you to have all the facts first. He held out his hand. “Take my hand and come with us.”

Griffa walked over and took the hand of the brother. He smiled at her kindly, and Griffa felt herself travel. She closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was standing on top of the tallest tower of the palace. She looked to her right to see the brother standing next to her. The sister stood on her left. King Nathin stood next to the sister. Griffa looked out over the city in the late afternoon light.

“Aurumist,” said King Nathin. “It has changed since I lived here.”

“Yes,” said the brother. “And in many ways, not for the better. It, like much of the kingdom, is rotten.”

“There is a lot that is wrong,” said the sister sadly. “Sickness, poverty, suffering, and so much violence. It is not meant to be this way.”

“It might be best to let it die,” said the brother. “I don’t want it to be so. I really don’t, but it will take so much to save it. I don’t think we can ask it of you, Gryphon.”

“What would I have to do? I will die for the kingdom if need be.”

“If only it were that simple,” said the sister. “The kingdom is very sick. Some people have strayed far from the path we set before them. They don’t understand mercy or kindness.”

“They use each other to get what they want. They make up a fake religion and follow these so-called Ancients to justify their actions. The kingdom has been suffering for a long time. To save it, would take an enormous amount of atonement,” said the brother.

“How can it be done?” asked Griffa.

“Only you can do it, Gryphon. We chose you to lead the kingdom. Only you can speak for the people. Only you can atone for all of them,” answered the sister.

“How would I do it?”

The sister sighed. “You would agree to take the blame for the wrongs of the kingdom. You would agree to say the people are at fault, and you will take the blame. By doing that you will be sent somewhere even lower than the underworld. Somewhere even beyond the people who spend eternity outside of our mercy.”

“You will be sent somewhere with only darkness, where you will suffer with no end. Every wrong decision you made, and every doubt about yourself will haunt you forever,” said the brother.

Griffa looked at the sister and then the brother. “I will be there forever?”

“Yes,” said the sister. “Unless you can find your way back somehow.”

“It’s impossible, sister. She could never find her way from that place, not with the suffering she will endure.”

“Someone could help guide her,” said King Nathin. “She has strong ties with people in the kingdom. They could lead her back.”

“It’s still unlikely,” said the brother. He looked at Griffa. “I don’t want to give you false hope. If you choose to save the kingdom, the likely outcome is you will spend eternity alone with every doubt, fear, and mistake you have ever made.”

Griffa felt tears come to her eyes. She looked out over Aurumist and let her tears fall down her face. Could she really do this?

“You don’t have to do this, Gryphon,” said the sister quietly. “You could choose to stay here with us. You could be safe with us forever. You could see your father and mother, and other friends who have crossed over.”

“What of those who are in the kingdom now?” asked Griffa.

“They would be outside our mercy forever. Once we turn our backs on the kingdom, we cannot save any of the people in the kingdom,” said the sister.

Griffa thought of the people she had met in the kingdom. She thought of all those she healed. She remembered their pain and their gratitude. She remembered the young twin girls she read to after she healed them. She thought of all the magical villages she had visited. They had come to fight for her. She could not abandon them.

She thought of all those she loved. She imagined kind and wise Max being gone forever. She imagined sweet Addi living without hope. She thought of Kedan and his son, being sent to a place of suffering. She thought of Ansel and Talon and how much she loved them. Clever, wonderful, passionate Talon, who loved her. Ansel, Griffa could not even begin to describe who Ansel was to her. He was everything. She could not let him perish. She could not let either of the men she loved suffer forever. She had hurt them enough. She could do this for them. She could give them a future. She had to save them.

“The kingdom is worth it,” said Griffa. “It is full of people who are kind and good. I am just one woman. If I can save them all, I will. I would do it just for those I love, but I will do it for all my people. I choose to save Regventus. What happens to me, does not matter.”

The sister looked at Griffa with tears in her eyes. She walked over to her brother. They moved to the side and whispered to one another. King Nathin came and stood next to Griffa. He took her hand.

“Gryphon, I want you to remember how good you are. I want you not to listen to the lies you will hear where you are going. You cannot get lost in the void you will be sent to. People here in the kingdom will call for you. They will try to lead you back, but you must listen.”

Griffa looked up at him. He held so much kindness and concern in his eyes. She reached up and touched his cheek. He leaned into her hand.

“You are goodness itself, Gryphon,” said King Nathin. “You have to remember who you really are.”

She nodded as she took her hand away from King Nathin’s face. He raised the hand he held to his lips and kissed it. “You will not be lost forever, my dear. Listen for those you love.”

King Nathin dropped her hand as the sister and brother came over to her. The sister looked at Gryphon with tears running down her cheeks. She seemed to take a steadying breath. “ You have made a choice Gryphon Keene. We have decided to let you do what needs to be done to save the kingdom.”

“Now that you have made this choice, there is no going back,” said the brother. “I will give you the ability to save Regventus. Once your task is completed you will be immediately sent to the place of darkness.”

“I understand,” said Griffa. “I am ready.”

The sister pulled Griffa’s staff from behind her back. “Travel well, dear one,” she said sadly as she kissed Griffa’s forehead. She handed Griffa her staff.

The brother came up to her and took her free hand. “You are our chosen queen, Gryphon and you have chosen to accept the responsibility of your people. I give you the gift to save them.” The brother leaned forward and kissed her forehead. He hovered close to her for a moment. “May you find your way back, Gryphon. I know you can.”

Griffa felt a warmth envelop her as the brother backed away. She felt a power surge through her. She knew what she needed to do. She walked to the edge of the tower. She looked over Aurumist with a benevolent smile. She thought of all those she loved. She asked for strength for Max. She hoped Kedan would understand. She thought of Talon and sent him her love.

She thought of Ansel and she whispered. “Nothing can separate us forever, my love.”

Griffa took a deep breath and threw out her hand and her staff. She felt a wave of energy release from her. A bright light erupted all around her. She watched as it moved through the city going to every land of the kingdom. For a moment she felt complete peace, and then everything started fading.

“Find your way back, Gryphon,” said King Nathin as everything went dark. “Don’t listen to the lies.”

She watched as the darkness surrounded her. She looked around and could find no light.

“Wild Gryphon Keene who will always embarrass her family,” said a voice tauntingly.

“Max should have been king. He would have been a better ruler than you. Anybody would be better than you,” said a voice.

Griffa felt something slap her face. “You gave yourself to that lowly protector, and now look at you. He has abandoned you. He never loved you,” said a voice that sounded like Philo Quick.

She tried to walk away. She covered her ears and moved forward.

“You toyed with me, Griffa,” said a voice that sounded like Talon. “You made me love you, and then you walked away from me.”

“No,” said Griffa shaking her head. “No, I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“You made me give up the duty of my family for you. You know you aren’t worth it,” said Ansel’s voice.

Griffa felt someone grab her legs. She was thrown to her side. “You are weak and pathetic. Where is mercy now, girl?”

“You are where you belong, Gryphon, a place where unwanted people go. Nobody ever wanted you. Your father hid who you were to save the kingdom. He knew you would be a disaster.”

Griffa lay down and cried. She could not do it. She would stay there forever.

“Don’t listen, dear one, please,” said a soft female voice.

“Find your way, Gryphon. You are stronger than this,” said a loud male voice.

“The ones you love will look for you, find them,” said a faraway voice that sounded like King Nathin.

Griffa concentrated. All around her voices taunted her. Something burned her skin, but she tried not to listen or feel the pain. She tried to think of those she loved, but it was so hard. She was awful; she always knew she was. The kingdom was better off without her. If only she could just lay there and die. She curled up and cried. She lay on the cold dark ground for what felt like hours.

She was all alone. It felt hopeless. Suddenly she felt warmth around her middle. She looked down and could see a faint light wrapped around her. She sat up and looked at it. It felt familiar, and it gave her hope. It made her feel as if she were not alone.

“Kedan,” she whispered.

The light wrapped around her extended past her in the darkness. It whispered very quietly to her. “My queen,” it said, “Do not leave me.”

The line of light went on and on. Griffa stood up. She started following the cord of light that tied her to her protector. She walked quickly as voices threw insults at her. She was pushed down, time and time again, but she kept getting up and following the thin cord of light. It felt like it would go on forever, but she would not give up.

The darkness seemed to stretch on and on. Griffa continued to follow the line of light. She walked until she abruptly hit something hard. She put her hands out and could feel something like glass in front of her. She could see the light going on, but she could not continue to follow it. She hit her fists against the barrier in front of her, but it would not break or move. She hit the barrier hard over and over until she had no strength left.

Griffa finally fell to the floor. She pulled her knees to her chin and cried. All around her, she could hear the taunting voices. Something scratched at her arms. There was nothing left to do. She would be trapped there forever. She heard a loud tapping noise in front of her. She ignored it, thinking it was more torture coming for her. It tapped again, this time louder. She looked up to see Ansel staring at her from behind the barrier. All around was dark, but Ansel seemed to glow in the darkness. He smiled at her.

Griffa stood up and stared at him. How was he there? Was it some cruel way to taunt her?

“Stand back, Griffa,” said Ansel.

Griffa took two big steps back. She watched as Ansel put out his hands. She raised her hands to shield herself as the barrier in front of her shattered. Ansel walked forward and took her into his arms as she wrapped hers around him. All doubts of it really being him faded away.

“How are you here?” asked Griffa against his chest. “I don’t understand.”

“I couldn’t leave you here, Griffa. You told me nothing could stop our love. Nothing could stop me from coming to get you.” Ansel leaned down and kissed her. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

He let her go of her and took her hand. He led her through the shattered barrier. They followed the glowing line, hurrying along. Eventually, Griffa could see a light in the distance. It was warm and comforting. She smiled as the light got closer and closer. They eventually arrived in a pure white room that had a single door. Ansel stopped in the middle of the room and turned to Griffa.

“You need to go through that door to get back to the kingdom,” said Ansel.

“You will come with me, won’t you?” asked Griffa looking at the door over Ansel’s shoulder.

He smiled slightly. “I can’t go through that door, Griffa. This is where I belong now.”

“What?” asked Griffa with confusion. “What do you mean you belong here?”

“I’m going on, Griffa. I don’t want to go without you, but I knew this was the only way. I had to save you.”

“You’re going on to where?”

“You know where,” Ansel took her hands and held them. “This is my send-off.”

“No,” said Griffa looking up at Ansel. “It can’t be. You shouldn’t have done this.”

“I am at peace, Griffa. This is what I wanted. You think I could live in the kingdom without you, knowing where you were? I did this freely.”

She shook her head. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see her father smiling at her. “Griffa, my darling, it will be alright. We will take care of him.”

She looked behind her father to see her mother and Ansel’s mother smiling at her. Griffa turned back to Ansel. “I will come with you as well. I will go with you, Ansel. I cannot go back to the kingdom without you.”

“You can and you must, Griffa. The kingdom needs you. There are so many people there who need you. You have to go back.”

“No, I won’t!” exclaimed Griffa. “I can’t leave you.”

Ansel bent down and kissed her. “You are not leaving me. You told me nothing could separate our love. I believe it, don’t you? There are no barriers to our love, even if I am here, and you are in the kingdom where you belong.”

Griffa shook her head.

“You know you have to go back. You can feel it. Listen, Griffa. You can hear them calling for you. You can’t leave Max to be king. It will kill him. Kedan is calling for you. He has pledged his life to you, and you can’t abandon him.” Ansel stopped for a moment and gripped her hand. “Talon needs you, Griffa. He loves you.”

She closed her eyes. She could feel Kedan’s magic surround her. She could hear Max calling for her. She could feel the memory of Talon’s kiss from earlier that morning. “But Ansel, I have never loved anyone as I love you. I want to be with you. You gave up everything to be with me, and it was for nothing.”

“Nothing? It was not nothing; it was everything. I got to experience love like no other with you. I can only do this for you because I gave up the line to Kedan. I think you might have saved Kedan’s life by allowing him to become your protector. Please, Griffa, don’t waste this. Go back to the kingdom, and be the ruler Regventus needs. I will be here waiting for you.”

She knew she had to go back to the kingdom, but it was so hard to leave Ansel. “I don’t know if I am strong enough to leave you.” Tears ran down her face.

Ansel chuckled. “You are the strongest person I have ever met. You can do this. I will be fine. You have to go back for me.”

“He’s right, Griffa,” said her father. “He is offering you a gift. You cannot set it aside. Don’t make his sacrifice meaningless. Go back to Regventus and serve the kingdom well.”

Griffa’s mother and Ansel’s mother came to each side of Griffa.

“You were meant to be queen, my love,” said her mother. “Go live your life well for Ansel and yourself.”

“Yes, my dear. You don’t know me, but I have watched you love my son,” said Ansel’s mother. “He has experienced more love with you in his short life than most have done in lives twice as long. He will be well-loved and taken care of here. Go, without guilt.”

Ansel offered his hand to Griffa. She took it, and he led her to the door. She looked at the door and then back to Ansel. He smiled at her and took her other hand.

“I do love you, Ansel. I will always love you. I would always choose you if I could.”

“I know you would, but you have no choice in this, Griffa. You have to go back to Regventus. It can only be made right by you.” Ansel took her into his arms and kissed her. He pulled back and held her to him. “There is one more thing you have to do.”

Griffa looked up at Ansel. “What is it?”

“You have to let him love you. I know you love him. You cannot feel guilty when you are ready to move on with him.”

“I don’t know, Ansel,” said Griffa.

“Yes, you do. It will take time, but you will move on. It was meant to be this way. You know it was. He will be a good king, but more importantly, he will love you completely. Do not close your heart off to him. Just promise me you will try.”

“I will try, Ansel,” said Griffa. “I can’t promise I will be able to move on, but I will try.”

“I want you to be happy. You will be happy, Griffa.”

“I will see you again, one day, Ansel. I know I will.”

“Of course. You can never get rid of me forever. Now go, live your life,” said Ansel smiling.

She threw her arms around him and hugged him. “I love you, Ansel, and I always will.”

“I love you, Griffa,” said Ansel. He kissed her one more time and walked back to stand with her father.

Griffa smiled at them as tears fell from her eyes. She turned and walked through the door.

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