Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 29

Kedan watched as Griffa lay on the stone floor of the temple. Philo walked towards her with a knife in his hand as Kedan kept his hand up, trying to shield his queen. He didn’t know if it was helping, but he would not stop. He was told to keep trying to protect his queen, and he would keep trying until he knew she was no more.

Philo tried to cut Griffa’s arm, but he could not do it. He dropped the knife and grabbed his hand. Kedan tried to see what was wrong when he felt someone walk to stand beside him.

“Protector,” said Devland urgently. “Is that sword what I think it is?”

“What?” asked Kedan turning from Griffa and looking at Devland.

“Is that sword you carry the Keene sword?”

Kedan nodded, feeling confused. “It is.”

“Give it to me now,” said Devland.

“Why?” asked Kedan.

“Trust me; I need that sword to help our queen. Give me the sword, protector, now,” said Devland holding out his hand.

Kedan hesitated for one moment. He looked at Griffa as Philo hit her, and Kedan felt a wave of pain go through him as she cried out. He looked at Helmer and reached behind his back, pulling out his sword and handing it to Devland.

“Stand back protector, you must not touch me,” said Devland.

Kedan took two big steps back. He watched as Devland held the sword and looked at the shield in front of him. Devland hesitated for just a moment and then plunged the sword into the shield. Kedan stood in shock as the shield shimmered before him. The shield faded in and out, and then it vanished. Kedan moved forward as Devland fell to the floor. He lay there still with his eyes open. Kedan realized he was dead.

He looked up and saw Philo looked angry as he stood over Griffa. He raised his hand and slashed it down. Kedan tried to put a shield up around her, but it was too late. He gasped as Griffa’s body was pulled upward and then slammed down. He heard Talon scream Griffa’s name. He heard Ansel cry out, and Kedan waited. He expected to feel the pain she felt. He expected to feel her slip away from the kingdom, but instead he felt nothing but his queen’s presence. It felt like she was calm.

Kedan shook his head and grabbed his sword from the floor. He watched as Talon sent a spell at Philo. Philo smiled and blocked Talon’s spell. Kedan looked at Talon to see he was breathing, and his eyes were narrowed and hard. He seemed to shake with rage, and Kedan could sense magic pulsating off of him. Ansel joined Talon’s side, standing still and tall. He seemed calm, but there was something deadly about the look in his eyes. Kedan shivered slightly watching Ansel stare at Philo.

Philo looked at them with his hand up. He pushed out slightly and Talon and Ansel split watching the curse Philo sent fly past them. Talon pushed out his hand and a flame shot out of it. Philo held up his hand and laughed. The flame deflected around him. He continued to stand over Griffa as Kedan saw Helmer try to leave.

“Helmer, stay where you are,” ordered Philo. “I will still get her blood. We can still do this.”

Philo pushed out his hands, and Talon and Ansel were forced to roll apart from each other. Philo bent down and grabbed his knife. He knelt down next to Griffa and held the knife over her. He went to plunge it into her when Kedan held up his hand. He felt his shield cover his queen, and it joined whatever magic was left in her creating a protective boundary over her and Kedan. Philo stood there, unable to move his knife any closer to Griffa.

Philo cried out in rage. He looked at Kedan with fire in his eyes. He pushed out his hand, but Kedan easily deflected his spell. He could feel Griffa’s magic surround him. It gave him power that he had never felt before. Philo stood up screaming and pushed his hand out in anger. Kedan heard a cry behind Philo, and he looked to see Cassia Delis fall to the floor. A red stain blossomed on her chest as Philo looked down at her with wide eyes.

Marcus Quick swayed slightly and blinked his eyes. He looked all around him as though trying to take in what was happening. He looked at Griffa laying lifeless on the floor and then at his father standing over her.

“Father, what have you done?” asked Marcus angrily.

“What I had to do, but it isn’t over yet. Come help me take down these three so I can get Gryphon’s blood.”

“No,” said Marcus horrified. “You have killed her, haven’t you? You killed Griffa. How could you?”

“It was necessary, Marcus. I need her blood so I can get everything I want. I need it so I can give it all to you. You can be the king of this kingdom.”

Marcus shook his head and looked at his father with anger. “This is wrong. I will never forgive you for this. She was my friend, and I loved her. You know I did.”

“Don’t be absurd, Marcus. She could never be your friend. The Keene’s never approved of us. Now come here, and help me.”

Marcus shook his head and fell to the floor. He sat, crouched in a ball, crying. Philo reached out for him when a curse hit Philo arm. A large cut appeared on his upper arm and blood splattered away from him. He grabbed his arm and turned to find Talon with a menacing smile holding his hand out. Philo let go of his arm and went to send a spell, but before he could, Ansel pushed his hand out. A strong wind pushed Philo over to his knees.

Kedan ran to Griffa. He lifted her into his arms and carried her close to the temple door. He sat down on the ground, holding her, watching Talon and Ansel. Helmer tried to run for it, but Talon pushed out his hand without even looking. Helmer fell as blood erupted form his throat. He laid there jerking and dying as his blood surrounded his body. Darron cried out and looked at Talon, but Ansel pushed out his hand. Darron was flung against the wall hard. Blood splattered the wall as Darron fell down lifeless.

Philo tried to stand, but Ansel sliced his hand down. Blood flew out of Philo’s shoulder. Ansel pushed out, and Philo fell forward on his hands. Talon held both his hands up, and the atmosphere in the room seemed to change. It felt warm and damp.

“You want to kill me, don’t you?” asked Philo as he looked at Talon. Talon only stared at Philo. “It won’t matter; I’ve already killed her. Killing me won’t bring her back. Your queen is dead.” Philo started laughing.

Ansel walked over to stand next to Talon. He looked down at Philo. Kedan could see something building over Talon. It almost looked like a small cloud.

“I will kill you, Philo. I will kill you for all the pain and agony you caused her. I will kill you because you are evil. Only someone truly evil could kill someone as good as her. I wish I could torture you for eternity for what you have done, but I will have to be satisfied with killing you here. I trust the gods will see to the rest,” said Talon.

Philo tried to sit up, but Ansel threw his hands up. Philo flew off the floor. Ansel slammed his hands down, and Philo fell to the floor hard. Ansel flipped his hand, and Philo flipped over so he was on his back.

“You have taken something precious from this kingdom,” said Ansel. “You have taken the very heart of Regventus and now you will pay. May you never find rest or peace.”

Ansel looked at Talon and nodded. Talon pushed his hands down and lightning came from somewhere above him, hitting Philo. Philo’s body jerked and spasmed as the lightning moved through him. Talon held his hands out, watching him spasm. He continued to watch with narrowed eyes as Philo hung limply while lightning coursed through his body. Ansel carefully put his hand on Talon’s shoulder, and Talon dropped his hands. Philo lay still, charred and broken. Ansel kicked him and half of his body disintegrated.

Kedan looked down at Griffa. Her eyes were closed, and she was limp. He could not see or feel her breathing, but he could feel her magic within her. Somehow, she was alive; Kedan knew she was alive. He picked her up and walked with her out of the temple.

He moved slowly towards the palace. He would take her to the throne room. Her power was always strongest in the palace. He would take her home, and let her heal. He would not leave her until she woke up. He heard Talon and Ansel run to catch up with him, Talon holding Griffa’s staff. Ansel looked down at Griffa and then up at Kedan.

“Kedan, where are you going?” asked Ansel quietly.

“I’m taking her to the palace. She is strongest there. I will stay with her in the throne room until she wakes up.”

“Kedan,” said Ansel. “She is gone. You can’t help her.”

“No, she is not gone. I can still feel her magic. She is alive. I know she is.”

“Kedan, don’t do this,” said Talon shakily. “You will have to face it; we all will. Griffa is dead.”

Kedan shook his head and walked faster. He knew his queen was alive, and he would not be told differently. He came to the palace gate, and saw no one was in the tower. He wondered how he would get it open, but as soon as he stood in front of the gate, a light flowed past him. Kedan stumbled back and took a breath.

“My queen,” he whispered as the light flowed through him. He could tell it was Griffa’s magic. He looked down at Griffa to see her eyes were still closed. She lay still in his arms, but he could feel her magic flow to him.

The palace gate opened. Kedan looked up at the guard towers, but there was no one there. He heard people behind him talking, but he paid them no mind. He walked through the gates toward the palace.

“Kedan, it isn’t your fault,” said Ansel as she caught up with Kedan. “There is nothing you could have done. You will have to let her go.”

“I would know if she was dead, Ansel. You know this. I would know before anyone. She is not dead. My magic still protects her. I will stay with her until she wakes up.”

Kedan walked on until he came to the door to the palace. He looked at Ansel who closed his eyes and took a breath. Ansel opened the door and let Kedan enter with Griffa in his arms. Kedan went straight to the throne room. He walked to the dais and climbed the few stairs there. Once he was on the dais, he kneeled down and laid Griffa in the middle of the platform. He sat down and put Griffa’s head in his lap, arranging her hair so it would not hang in her face. He stared down at his queen and watched.

Talon came up to the dais. He kneeled down next to Griffa and took her hand as he looked at her. Ansel walked to her other side and kneeled down.

“She was so beautiful,” said Talon quietly. “I think every time I saw her, she grew in beauty. Maybe it was her goodness or as she aged, but she always just seemed to be lovelier every time I saw her. She will always be the most beautiful woman I will ever see.”

“She was so young. Sometimes I forgot how young she was. She wasn’t even twenty-four. She should have lived many more years.” Ansel gently touched her face.

“She will live many more years,” said Kedan vehemently. “I am telling you; she is not dead. You both need to have some faith in her. You say you love our queen, but you give up on her so easily.”

Talon shook his head as tears fell from her eyes. “Kedan, you have to accept this. I do not hold you responsible, but she is gone.” Talon’s breath hitched. “She is gone.”

Talon leaned over Griffa and wept. Ansel put his hand to his mouth, and Kedan saw tears fall from his eyes. Talon kissed Griffa’s forehead and then her cheek as he cried.

“What will we do, Ansel?” asked Talon gasping for air as he sat up.

“We will do as she asked,” said Ansel quietly as he looked at Griffa. He picked up her hand and kissed it gently. “We will serve our king.”

“No, you will serve our queen,” said Kedan. “You both don’t understand.”

Kedan sat there with Griffa’s head in his lap. He watched for any signs of life from his queen. He would not give up. He felt his magic continue to cover her, and it mixed with hers. She was still there with them, somewhere. He knew she just needed to find her way back. He would keep a hold of her with his magic. He would help her find her way.

Ansel and Talon both sat next to her. Ansel stroked her hair and bent down. He kissed her lightly on her lips. “I am sorry I failed you, my love. I will find you in the next life.”

Talon put his hand on her forehead. He leaned down and kissed her. “Travel well, dear one,” he whispered.

Kedan made an angry noise. “You are both wrong. She is alive.”

Talon shook his head and moved to sit on the edge of the dais. Ansel took one more look at Griffa and joined Talon. Ansel sat looking straight head, rocking slightly. Talon held Griffa’s staff as he quietly cried. Every now and then they would look back at Kedan and Griffa, and Kedan would hear them whispering.

“We will have to take her from him, eventually,” whispered Talon. “She would want a proper send off.”

“Give him time,” said Ansel. “He is in shock. He will come to terms with reality soon enough.”

Kedan shook his head and looked down at his queen. He stroked her cheek lovingly. She was beautiful and young. She would grow even more in beauty as she aged. She would get the chance. Kedan knew she would. He sat there gazing at his queen, continuing to gently stroke her cheek. He would not lose faith.

“I know you are still here, Griffa. I won’t give up on you,” Kedan whispered. He bent down and kissed her forehead.

After a while, the doors to the throne room opened. Kedan looked up to see Max, Addi and Sidora walk into the room. Max walked ahead and looked at Talon and Ansel.

“Max,” said Ansel sadly. “I’m so sorry, Max.”

Kedan heard Addi gasp. She leaned forward on the dais and started to cry.

“You are our king now,” said Talon quietly through his tears as he looked at Max.

“No,” said Max. “I am not. Our queen is still alive.” Max walked up quickly to the dais, walking up the stairs. Ansel jumped up and met him.

“Max, she is gone,” said Ansel taking Max by the arms. “I am sorry, but she was killed by Philo. I saw it happen.”

Max looked over Ansel at Griffa. “No, she is not dead, Ansel. Let me pass. I have to get to her.” Ansel held on to Max. “I have to see her, Ansel. Let me pass.” Ansel sighed and let him go. Max walked and knelt by Griffa, as Ansel kneeled on her other side.

Kedan glanced at Max. “She isn’t dead, Max. I know she isn’t. I can still feel her magic. My magic still protects her. She is alive.”

“I know. She is just lost, and we need to help her find her way.”

“Wait, Maxwell,” said Sidora. She hurriedly climbed the stairs of the dais. Addi who had stood back up with tears streaming down her face, held Sidora’s hand as she made it up the stairs. She walked to Griffa and knelt down slowly by Max. “Let me help you, Maxwell. It is dangerous for you to do this alone.”

Max nodded. He grabbed Sidora’s hand and then took Griffa’s hand, bending down close to Griffa. “I am here, Griffa. I have not left you. I’m going to bring you back to us. I’m going to bring you home.”

Max gripped Griffa’s hand and closed his eyes. After a few moments Kedan felt his magic surge. It cried out in him, calling for his queen. He put his hand on Griffa’s upper chest. He felt his magic flow through her body. He could feel it heal her, fixing whatever was broken from Philo hurting her. Kedan could feel Max’s magic as well. It searched through Griffa’ looking for something.

He looked at Max and could see Max was sweating. His eyes were closed, and he looked to be in deep concentration. Kedan turned his gaze to Sidora. She held Max’s hand and stared at him as she muttered something. Griffa’s body seem to rise up slightly.

Max made a noise. “Come back to us, Griffa. Come back, please.”

Kedan could feel Griffa’s magic become stronger. It met Kedan’s magic and flowed through him. He shuddered feeling the power that was contained there. He kept his hand on Griffa as Max opened his eyes

“I can’t get to her. There is something blocking the way,” said Max shaking his head.

“I sense it, Maxwell,” said Sidora. “I don’t know if we can break through. She might be too far gone for you and I to reach her.”

“No, there has to be a way,” said Max adamantly. “You know where she is, Sidora. We cannot leave her there.”

“Where is she, Max?” asked Ansel.

“I don’t know if I should tell you, Ansel,” replied Max as Talon walked over and kneeled by Ansel.

“Are you believing this, Ansel?” asked Talon. “You saw her killed the same as me.”

“If Kedan says she is still alive, it must be true,” said Ansel. “He would know. Max would as well. Now, Max, where is she?”

“She is in a dark place with no light. She had to go somewhere beyond the gods to repent for Regventus. She is being tortured in darkness. If we don’t find a way to bring her back, she will be stuck there forever.”

“What can we do?” asked Ansel. “There must be something.”

“There is,” said Sidora as she stared at Ansel. “Someone could go get her. They could find her and break the barrier.”

“I will go,” said Ansel. “How do I get to her.”

“You don’t understand, Ansel,” said Max. “For this to be done, I think a sacrifice has to be made. If you go to her, you won’t be able to get back here. You will die.”

“But if we leave her there, she will be tortured forever,” said Ansel. “I can’t leave her there. How do I get to her?”

Max shook his head. “I can’t let you do this. Griffa wouldn’t want you to do this.”

“You will tell me how to do this, Max. I can’t leave her there. The kingdom needs her.”

Max hesitated. He looked at Griffa and then back to Ansel.

“You know this is right, Max. You know we have to bring her back. Let me do this for her, for all of you.”

“Listen to him, Maxwell,” said Sidora. “He may have given up his duty, but he is still from a long line of protectors. I believe he was meant to do this. The line of Raya was always meant to be bonded to the line of Adalwen, right to the end.”

Max looked at Sidora for a long moment before he turned back to Ansel. “Fine, but when we start this there is no going back. Ansel, this is final. You will die.”

“I understand, but I can’t leave her. You know I can’t. If she can live, I will go.”

Max held out his hand to him. Ansel took Max’s hand and nodded.

“No,” said Talon. “Let me go, Ansel. You can’t leave, Griffa. She needs you. She loves you. I don’t think she can go on without you. Let me do this for both of you.”

Ansel shook his head as he let go of Max’s hand for a moment. He turned to Talon. “I have to be the one to do this, Talon. Sidora is right. My destiny was always to keep our queen safe so the line of Adalwen can rule and go on. I think I may be the only one who can save her.

“Besides, I think Griffa needs you more than me. I know the kingdom does. She cannot lead this kingdom without you. I would have gladly been her king, but you are much more suited for the position.”

“She loves you, Ansel. I don’t know if she could get over losing you,” said Talon. “Please, Ansel, you cannot leave her; it will kill her.”

“No,” said Ansel as he looked down at Griffa. “She is strong. She will go on. She has so much love here to support her. I know you will all take care of her.”

Ansel paused and looked at Talon with a small smile. “I know she loves you, Talon. It may take some time, but she will turn to you eventually, and you will love her well. You will promise me that. You will do everything in your power to keep her safe and happy.”

Tears fell from Talon’s eyes. “I don’t want you to die, Ansel. I’m not sure I can let you do this.”

“You will, and you will get Griffa through this.”

Kedan looked at Ansel and Talon. He could feel Griffa slipping away. “We have to do something quickly, or it will be too late. I’m sorry, but we don’t have much time.”

“I am ready,” said Ansel. “I will go fetch our queen, and I will send her back to you.”

Max held out his hand again to Ansel. “I need you to know how much you have meant to me, Ansel. I will miss you.”

“I will miss you too, Max, but we will see each other again someday.” Ansel turned to Kedan. “Serve her well, protector.”

“I will, Ansel. I will do everything to keep her safe,” said Kedan quietly.

Talon put his hand on Ansel’s shoulder. “Whatever or whoever she chooses, I will never leave her, Ansel.”

Ansel put his hand on Talon’s for a moment before he turned to Max. He nodded at Max and closed his eyes as Talon’s moved his hand off of Ansel’s shoulder. Everything was quiet as Ansel, Max, and Sidora sat silently with their eyes closed. Kedan turned his eyes to his queen. He could feel her magic getting stronger. She was coming closer to the kingdom. Tears came to his eyes, and it felt as though the wind was knocked out of him. His queen was grieving. He looked over to Ansel to see him slumped over Griffa.

“He is gone,” whispered Kedan looking at Talon.

Talon looked at Ansel and gently moved him back to lay on the dais. He put his hand on Ansel’s shoulder and whispered. “Journey well, dear one.”

More tears fell from Kedan’s eyes as Talon cried quietly next to Ansel. Kedan’s eyes snapped back to Griffa as he felt her chest rise. “Griffa. He watched as her eyes fluttered, and she made a slight noise.

Max opened his eyes and smiled slightly. “She is back, but she is weak. We need to get her to a place to rest.”

Kedan stood up, placing her head softly on the dais. He bent down and picked up Griffa gently. “I will take her to a room.” Kedan looked down at Talon.

“I will take care of Ansel for her,” said Talon looking up at Kedan. “Stay with her, and I will find you soon.”

Kedan nodded and walked out of the throne room with Griffa in his arms. He took her up the stairs to his old rooms. He laid her on the bed and sat down beside her. He put his hand on her arm and could feel how very weak she was. Her breathing was shallow and quick. He lay down and took her into his arms.

“You have to go on, Griffa. I know it is hard, but you have to come back to us fully.”

Kedan felt his magic go to her, searching through her, trying to heal her. He could feel her pain and agony. Her grief was overwhelming. He cried as he lay there with Griffa, trying to heal and comfort her. He could not lose her, not after what they had all already lost.

“Please, my queen, don’t leave us; don’t leave me,” he said desperately.

“Kedan,” she said quietly. He turned her gently so he could look at her. Her eyes opened and looked up at him as he smiled down at her.

“My queen,” he said with tears in his eyes.

“There is something I have to do,” she said as she tried to sit up. “I need your help.”

“No, you need to rest, Griffa. You are not well,” said Kedan.

“I cannot rest, until I do this,” insisted Griffa. She reached up and put her hand on Kedan’s face. Her eyes were oddly bright. “You will help me, protector.”

He looked at her, and he felt her pull. He could not disobey her. There was something she had to do, and he would help her. “Yes, my queen.” He got up out of the bed and held his hand to Griffa. She took it, and he helped her to stand.

Griffa leaned on Kedan as they walked out of the suite of rooms. He could feel his magic flow to her constantly, supporting her. He felt tied to her as never before. He felt like if he let her go, she would be lost again. They made their way down the stairs to the entry hall. Griffa paused by the door and held out her hand. Her staff flew to her from the throne room where it had been left.

She nodded to Kedan and they made their way out the doors. As they approached the palace gate, they were met by Max and Talon who must have been coming back from having seen to Ansel’s body. Talon stopped and looked in shock for a moment, before turning to walk beside Griffa. Max joined next to Talon.

“What are you doing, Griffa?” he asked as they walked. “You should be in bed. You are not well.”

She turned and looked at him. “I have something to do. I will rest after.”

“Kedan,” said Talon harshly. “How can you let her be out like this? You must see this is not good for her. She has been through too much and lost too much. Does she even know?”

Kedan closed his eyes for a moment before he opened them and looked at Talon. His queen did know what she had lost. He could feel her grief that rested deep within her, but she had a task she had to do, and she had pushed her grief aside so she could complete it.

“I must obey my queen,” said Kedan holding on to Griffa’s arm. “She will do what she needs to do.”

“Griffa, please,” said Talon grabbing Griffa’s arm that held her staff.

Griffa stopped and looked at Talon. She shakily took her hand off of Kedan’s arm and turned to Talon. She reached up and touched Talon’s face. “I have to do this. I will rest, and deal with everything after. Pease have faith in me.”

“She needs to do this,” said Max quietly. “You must let her, or she will have no rest.”

Talon took a deep breath, staring at Griffa. He leaned forward and put his forehead against hers as she closed her eyes.

“Yes, my queen,” he whispered. He kissed her gently on her forehead before leaning up as she took her hand away from his face. She took Kedan’s arm, and they walked towards the temple.

They walked into the temple to find some of the protector’s guards moving the bodies. Griffa watched as the guards took out Devland and Cassia. She stopped the guards as they passed with Devland’s body. She had them lay him on the ground.

Talon came up and helped her kneel besides Devland. “He helped Kedan save you, Griffa. He helped us get to Philo. Somehow, he knew Kedan’s sword could break the shield, but it killed Devland to do it.”

“He made some mistakes, but in the end, he did what is right. He will find mercy from the gods.” Griffa touched his forehead. “Journey well, dear one.”

She nodded to the protector’s guards, and they picked up Devland’s body. Talon helped her to stand as she stopped one of the other guards. “Make sure Cassia Delis’s children know where her body is taken. She made a horrible choice, but she was still their mother. They will want to know what became of her.”

“I will tell them, Griffa,” said Marcus coming up to Griffa. He looked at Griffa with a small smile. “I am glad to see you alive. I thought you were dead. I thought my father had killed you.”

“I know, but I am well, or I will be. Go to Desmona, Marcus. She will need you today. She has lost both her parents.”

Marcus picked up Griffa’s hand and kissed it gently before he looked at all of them seeming to notice a person missing from their group. He gave Talon a questioning look as Talon shook his head sadly at Marcus. Marcus gave a quick nod and left the room.

Griffa looked at the fountain with the statue of the Ancients. She shook her head at it and turned to Max and Talon.

“I will need you both to wait by the door. I won’t be long.”

Max turned and walked back to the door. Talon looked at Griffa and then walked back to the door to stand by Max. Griffa grabbed Kedan’s hand as they stood before the fountain with the statues. She raised her staff and pointed it at the fountain. The statue in front of them exploded into dust. Its particles drifted into the air and then faded away, leaving a simple round fountain.

“That’s much better,” said Griffa.

She kept a hold of Kedan’s hand, and they walked to the edge of the large room with the benches. Griffa turned to look at Kedan. “I will need you to lend me some of your power, protector. This will not be easy, but it is necessary.”

“I will do whatever you need, my queen.”

She turned to look at the room as she gripped Kedan’s hand hard. Kedan felt his magic flow to her. He felt the blood in his veins surge as he could feel Griffa’s power build. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She crouched down with her staff, still holding on to Kedan’s hand. He felt the ground beneath them begin to shake.

He watched as the benches in the room before them all turned to dust. The dust like the particles from the statue evaporated. The kettle and stand Helmer had left disappeared, and an empty room stood before Kedan. He looked up as the ceiling began to fall in. He prepared himself for the debris to hit the ground, but it never did. It disappeared as it fell. Griffa slowly rose with her staff out. She was shaking, and he could feel the power coming off of her. It almost made him step back.

Kedan held her hand tightly, trying to keep her steady. The floor before them rose. It slowly went up bringing with it four thick columns and a huge statue. The floor that was there went higher and higher until it formed the new roof. He blinked, and the room before him now held four columns with a large statue of the God’s in the center. The ceiling above was blue with suns and stars.

Kedan looked over at Griffa, and she opened her eyes and smiled. She slowly and shakily walked into the room before them and up to the statue of the gods, touching the foot of the sister and looking up.

“Thank you,” she said quietly. “I will rule with the same mercy and love you have shown me.” She took a shaky breath before he barely heard her whisper. “I will see you again, my love.”

She swayed, and Kedan caught her before she could fall. Talon, and Max walked into the room, looking around in wonder. Talon moved close to Kedan and looked down at Griffa.

“Our queen is tired,” said Kedan. “She needs to rest. We need to get her to the palace.”

Talon took Griffa from Kedan’s arms, and picked her up into his own. He bent down and kissed her forehead. She looked at him with half opened eyes and smiled before laying her head against his chest and quickly falling asleep.

Talon looked at Kedan. “Lead the way protector.”

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