Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 27

(The night before the battle)

Philo stood in front of his desk in his study after dinner. He would usually be in his room, but Cassia was supposed to come to him soon. He leaned back on the desk and wondered if he could convince Cassia to come back to his room with him. He was sure Cecilia wouldn’t mind. She seemed to be drawn to Cassia herself. Philo wouldn’t mind having both of them tonight as he had plenty of energy to spare now.

He barely slept. He didn’t need to. He was filled with power. Anything he wanted to do, he could do with ease. Everything was in his grasp. Why should he not have his wife and Cassia? He wanted both of them, and he could take whatever he wanted. There was a knock at the door. Philo smiled and looked at the door. It opened not to let in Cassia but two of the leaders of his army.

Philo stood up and saw they looked agitated. “What seems to be the problem?”

“We have detected a large source of magic just outside the city. We can’t see anything, but something is there,” said one of the soldiers.

So, Gryphon had already come. She must have a decent sized force if it could be detected with shielding and concealment charms. Philo smiled. He could get to her tomorrow and become the rightful ruler. The thought made him a little lightheaded.

“What should we do, sir?” asked one of the soldiers.

“The false queen will attack tomorrow it seems. Gather our forces and make sure every ring is covered, except the first ring. I will take only a small force with me and cover the first ring. Tell you forces to let the false queen come to me if they can. I have plans for her.”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like more soldiers with you in the first ring?” asked one of his leaders.

“No,” answered Philo. “I will not need them. Do as I say and go prepare. Tomorrow we will stamp out the false queen and all of her followers.”

The soldiers both bowed and left q as Philo leaned back on his desk. It was perfect. He wouldn’t have to wait any longer. Soon he would kill Gryphon. It would be easy, but he would need to contact Helmer. That might put a damper on his other plans tonight. He did so want Cassia and Cecelia so Philo decided he could send a message. He found some paper and wrote Helmer as short letter. He told him to go set up tonight. If he needed help, he could contact Devland.

Philo finished his letter and sent for a servant to deliver it straight away. As soon as the servant left, Cassia walked into his study looking very alluring in a low-cut dress. He smiled at her and met her in the middle of the room, grabbing her and kissing her.

“You seem in a good mood,” she purred as he pulled back.

“I am in a very good mood as it seems Gryphon will try to attack tomorrow. This time tomorrow night, I will be the true king of this kingdom.”

Cassia smiled and leaned into him. “I shall have to come to you tomorrow night as well. I’ve always wanted to be with a king. You might want your queen tomorrow though.”

“I don’t see why I can’t have you both. In fact, what do you say to going to my room now? I’m in the mood for a little something special, and I think you will find Cecelia will have no objections.”

“No, I don’t think she will,” said Cassia. “I think she will be rather enthusiastic about the idea.”

The next morning, Philo waked outside the palace and met his army who were gathered all around the first ring. He talked to his leaders to make sure they knew what to do, and they dispersed to all rings of the city. One small force stayed with Philo.

Philo walked to the temple to meet Devland on the way out. “Devland, where are you going?”

“Home, I am very tired. I have been up all-night helping Helmer, but all is ready.”

“You do not want to stay and watch the show? You could be there at the dawn of a new era.”

“No, I will only be in the way. Helmer has his son to help him. I will stay at home until it is all over,” said Devland.

“If you change your mind, feel free to come watch. I am sure it will prove entertaining.”

He walked into the temple and found Helmer standing next to a kettle with his son, Darron, close by. Many of the benches had been moved to set up a place for a large fire. Helmer had brought in a stand to hang the kettle over the fire. He was pouring things in the pot.

“Are we ready?” asked Philo.

“We are. I cannot start brewing the potion, until Gryphon is in the room, but it will not take long once she is here.”

Philo nodded. “We will not fail this time. There will be no way for anyone to save her.”

“How will you get her into the temple?” asked Helmer.

“I will see where she is headed in the first ring, and I will cut her off. I will push her to the temple or knock her out and carry her myself. It will not be hard either way,” said Philo.

Helmer nodded. “She will have her protector with her. He could cause problems.”

“Kedan?” asked Philo dismissively. “What could he do?”

“He has protector’s magic now. It is powerful and old. It can do things we can’t even imagine. You will want to watch him.”

Philo rolled his eyes. “I can do things now that you can’t imagine. Kedan will be no trouble. I will have what I want today.”

Helmer looked at Philo, and Philo could detect a hint of fear in his eyes. This pleased him; he wanted people to be afraid of him. They should be afraid of him. He could kill anybody he wanted with a slash of his hand. Philo walked from the temple and met with his small group of soldiers. He had them stay with him just inside the gate to the palace, and they all stood there and waited.

The day passed slowly. Philo wondered what was taking so long. He hoped his soldiers had not managed to kill Gryphon. He needed her to make it to the first ring alive. After what seemed an age, he was alerted by one of the guards hiding in the tower. Philo looked out a small hole in the gate to see Gryphon with Ansel, Talon, and Kedan, walking towards the palace. They turned to the right, and Philo smiled as they seemed to be walking towards the temple. This would be even easier than he thought.

Philo signaled to his soldiers, and the gate opened. They walked from the gate towards the temple. Griffa and her group turned as Philo approached, and Talon and Ansel both tried to throw curses at him. Philo deflected them easily. When he was bored of their antics, he threw up his hands and knocked them all over, and they flew in different directions.

Philo watched them all try to recover and figure out what was going on. He could have killed them all right then, but he was having fun. He needed Gryphon alive, and why not have her friends watch as he killed her. He laughed quietly as Ansel and Talon stood in front of Gryphon and Kedan. They sent many curses at Philo, but Philo sent them right back at the men. They fell hard on their backs.

Philo looked at them and laughed loudly before walking towards Gryphon. She was trying to make it to the temple door. He held up his hand, and she froze in front of the door. He flicked his other hand and sent Kedan flying. He moved his hand to the front, and Gryphon was blasted through the door.

Philo followed her in and found her laying on the ground next to the fountain, struggling to get up. He walked to her and looked down at her. He moved his hand, and she was dragged alongside him on the floor. He took her to the large room and laid her in the middle of the circle found there. He waved his hand, and her cloak ripped, flying off of her. He pushed his hand out, and she laid still, flat on her back with her arms and legs out.

“Start brewing, Helmer. She is here,” said Philo, looking at Helmer.

Philo looked over at Marcus who was standing with Cassia. His son didn’t seem to register what was going on. His eyes were half closed, and he was leaning on Cassia. It was no matter; Marcus would do what he was told soon enough. Philo heard Gryphon’s friends’ footsteps coming into the temple. He raised his hand, and a powerful shield was placed around him, Griffa, Helmer, Marcus, and Cassia.

Ansel, Talon, and Kedan hurried into the room. Talon gave some nonsense of why Philo couldn’t kill Gryphon, and Philo laughed it off. Gryphon had some inane comment. Philo was growing tired of her. He wished he could kill her this second. Being in her presence was giving him a headache. She was so weak. She could never rule the kingdom as it should be ruled.

“They are the people of this kingdom. They deserve the same respect and rights as you and me. I have seen them shown great kindness and bravery. If we don’t find a way to live together, our kingdom cannot stand. You will be the ruin of Regventus, Philo.”

Philo had enough of her. He was tired of her fake goodness. He was tired of her having the nerve to think Philo could never rule the kingdom. He kneeled down next to her, wanting to kill her so badly. He wanted to slash his hand down and silence her forever. He wanted to wrap his hands around her pale throat and choke the life out of her.

He took a deep breath to calm himself. He couldn’t kill her, not yet. Instead, he threw her into the air and slammed her down on the hard floor. He probably damaged her in some way, but she was still breathing. Her friends had just figured out they couldn’t get to Gryphon. Talon wasted his energy throwing spells at the shield. Ansel only stood there pathetically staring at Gryphon. Kedan seemed to be trying to do something, but Philo knew it would never work.

“I could kill all three of you now,” said Philo looking at Talon, Kedan, and Ansel. “It would be easy, but I think I’ll let you watch first. I’ll let you see what I do to your queen. Then when I have my right to rule, I will be done with all three of you.”

Yes, he could kill them all now, but how delicious it would be to have them watch as he killed Gryphon. They could watch as he plunged the knife into their precious queen’s heart. Then once Philo had the line, he could kill all three of them with a flick of his hands.

“The potion is ready, Philo. It is time,” said Helmer.

Philo smiled. He held his knife up and walked to Gryphon. She was staring at Ansel and Talon with her hand towards them. Philo bent down and looked at her. She turned her head towards him and looked up at him calmly.

“Are you ready to die, Gryphon?” asked Philo.

Gryphon smiled slightly. “You can’t kill me, Philo. You don’t have the right.”

“I will kill you. Watch me.” Philo grabbed Griffa’s chin roughly before throwing her head to the side and letting go.

He grabbed Gryphon’s arm and tore her sleeve, so her bare arm showed. He moved his knife towards it. His hand on the knife started feeling hot. He looked to see smoke was coming from his hand. Philo dropped the knife and looked at his palm. There were large boils forming all over it.

“What did you do, Gryphon?” asked Philo angrily.

“Nothing,” said Gryphon. “It is the gods. They will not let you do this.”

Philo drew back his hand and hit her hard. Her head turned, and she cried out. He picked up his knife and grabbed her other arm. Again, his hand started burning. He could not hang on to the knife. He turned and looked at Helmer.

“Can I kill her another way?” asked Philo.

“No,” said Helmer. “You must spill her blood in just the way it says.”

Philo picked up the knife again. He would do this. He would force himself. He could fight through the pain. He picked up the knife and moved it towards her arm. He fought through the burning pain in his hand. He went to move the knife down to her arm, but he could not do it.

“Give up, Philo, you cannot do this. You will only hurt yourself,” said Gryphon weakly.

Philo looked down at her angrily. He would just kill her and hope it would be enough. He raised the knife and was ready to plunge it into her chest when he felt the shield around him falter. He looked over to see Devland standing next to Kedan. He had a sword in his hands that was plunging through the shield. Devland shook as the shield around them vanished. He fell to the floor as Philo yelled in rage. Talon raised his hand, and Philo felt absolute anger fill his body, taking over.

He would not lose. He could not. He would kill Gryphon. He looked down at her. Her eyes were closed, and she was still. The sight of her disgusted him. Who was she to have the protection of the gods? Who was she to rule this kingdom? He couldn’t take it anymore. Philo raised his hand and slashed it down. Her body arched in the air, and she fell down, lifeless at a strange angle.

He smiled and raised his hand just as Talon’s spell reached him. He heard Talon yell out, and Ansel say his queen’s name. Philo stood and smiled. It was too late to save their queen, and soon he would be done with all of them as well.

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