Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 17

Ansel blinked his eyes open. He looked at the dim light coming in through the windows and wondered if it was early, or if the day had dawned just a gray as the ones before it. He stretched and shivered. It was cold. It was only a week until winter. He sat up slightly and looked at the fire burning in the fireplace. It was low so he raised his hand and the fire burned higher.

Ansel laid pack down and look to his side to see Griffa sleeping soundly. He smiled as he turned to her and put his arms around her, bringing her close. She had slept much better lately, and he was pleased. He hoped it meant she would be well rested and strong when they finally went to Aurumist. It would be soon, Ansel knew it.

They had received a message from Devland last week telling them Philo had plans to try to expand his army by finding new soldiers in kingdom villages. Devland suggested Philo might take people unwillingly. He was trying to learn more, and they would get another letter soon. Hopefully, it would detail what Philo’s plans actually were. If Philo was attacking villages and taking people, Griffa would want to intervene, and Ansel knew there would be no stopping her.

It seemed to be leading to the time when they would have to stop waiting and go to the city to face Philo and his army. Ansel wished for a little more time to plan and find even more people for their forces, but it seemed it was not meant to be. He held Griffa close to him. He only wanted her to be safe. Whatever happened with the kingdom, he could not imagine living in Regventus without Griffa.

Ansel moved her hair slightly to expose Griffa’s neck, kissing it gently as he held her against him. He took a breath, treasuring holding her in his arms. He would somehow see her through the battle to come. He would do anything to make sure she lived and ruled the kingdom. She had suffered too much not to get to live a full life. He leaned forward and kissed her neck again.

Griffa sighed and shifted. He kissed her again as he felt her hand on his arm. “Good morning,” he whispered into her ear before kissing just below it.

“It is a good morning when I am woken up in such a way,” said Griffa as she leaned back.

Ansel put his face close to hers and kissed her cheek. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did. I’ve actually slept through the whole night each night this past week. It is a refreshing change. It must be nice for you as well, to have a full night’s sleep again.”

“I don’t know. There are things I would rather do than sleep,” said Ansel.

Griffa grinned and turned over to face Ansel. “I am very awake now, if you had something in mind.”

Ansel smiled and kissed her. He pulled back and looked at Griffa. “Do you have any idea of how much I love you?”

“I believe I do, but if you wanted to show me again, I would be very happy.”

Sometime later, Ansel held Griffa in his arms. He looked down at her and kissed her gently.

“I wonder how many times we will have like this?” asked Griffa.

Ansel looked at her with concern. “What do you mean?”

“Things will change very soon. No matter what happens, we won’t be in Keene Manor. If we are successful, we will be in the palace in Aurumist.”

“We will be successful. I don’t care if it’s a bed in the palace, here in Keene Manor, or some small village home, as long as I get to be with you like this, it doesn’t matter.”

“I feel the same way,” said Griffa, “but I will still miss Keene Manor and Abscon.”

“We will come back and visit. It will be nice to get away from the palace sometimes. Maybell will expect you to come see her regularly, I am sure.”

“It still won’t be the same. This is my home. It’s where I grew up, and where I first got to know Max and Kedan. I have memories with Talon here as well.”

Ansel sighed. “I’m sure you do.”

“It’s where I fell in love with you.” Griffa leaned up and kissed Ansel.

“We have no set plans today. Why don’t we spend the day doing all the things you enjoy in the manor and Abscon?”

“We certainly already did one of the things I enjoy the most,” said Griffa with a sly smile.

“We can put it on the list to do later as well. What else would you like to do?”

“I’d like to take spend some time outside, if it’s not too cold, and maybe go for a ride. I’d like to have some duels on the back lawn, and end the day with a nice supper. Some games in the parlor would be a nice way to spend the evening.”

“Of course, you would want to play games,” said Ansel with a sigh. “If you would like to do all those things, we will need to get up and get dressed.”

Griffa smiled, kissed Ansel quickly and rolled out of the bed. They told everyone else their plans over breakfast.

“I’m not much of a horsewoman,” said Addi. “I may just wait at the house for you.”

Max smiled at Addi. “You will be fine, Addi. Griffa has a few very gentle horses. I will stay close by you.”

“I will not force you to come,” said Griffa, “but Max is excellent with horses. He grew up working in a stable, you know.”

In the end, they all agreed to go. Max found a nice older mare for Addi and helped her mount her horse. He stayed by her as Griffa rode between Ansel and Talon with Kedan close by. As they entered the fields, Griffa nudged her horse and took off, her red hair flying in the breeze. Talon looked at Ansel before riding after her.

“I wish she would take a little more care,” said Kedan watching Talon ride after Griffa.

“She’s been riding these fields since she could sit a horse, Kedan. She will be fine,” assured Ansel.

Kedan kept his eye on her for a moment before he turned to Ansel “Do you think she will be happy living in the city? I am afraid she will feel rather caged in after spending all her life in Abscon and the forest.”

Ansel watched as Talon caught up with Griffa in the distance. She slowed down her horse and circled around Talon, laughing over something. Ansel turned to Kedan.

“I always felt like she belonged in the forest. She’s always been a bit wild. As a child she regularly snuck out to the fields or the forest. She would come back covered in dirt, talking about some adventure she had. Her father would laugh and send her off for a bath.

“I once asked him why he didn’t take a firmer hand with her. He told me society and time would tame her soon enough. He would never tamper down her independence and fire. He said she would need it as she became the leader she needed to be. I thought he was talking about the Ring, but I suppose he meant something much more.

“She has grown up and matured, but I would hate for her to lose all her wildness. I would hate to see her fire stamped out. It is a part of who she is. We will have to make sure she takes breaks as much as she can. The forest isn’t far outside the city, and she can ride there regularly.”

Kedan nodded. “She is feeling very well lately. I haven’t seen her in such good moods in a while. I hope that is a good omen for things to come.”

Ansel did as well. He urged his horse forward and caught up with Griffa and Talon. Kedan waited for Max and Addi and they all spent the rest of the morning riding in the fields, looking at the stream, and telling stories of times past. By lunch, they were cold and hungry. After eating a hot, hearty stew, they rested a bit in the parlor, before going out onto the back lawn for some duels.

“I have a fun idea,” said Griffa holding her staff and looking at Ansel and Talon. “Why don’t you two duel Addi and me. If Kedan and Max don’t mind sitting this one out.”

Max laughed and said he would gladly watch. Kedan sat next to Max, very pleased to sit down and observe.

“Fine, Griffa, if that is what you want,” said Talon. “Kedan, you cannot interfere in any way. Max, you make sure he doesn’t.”

“You are questioning my honor,” said Griffa as she feigned offense. “Addi and I will need no help to best you two.”

Griffa turned and grabbed Addi’s arm. She walked away from Talon and Ansel, whispering in Addi’s ear.

“What should our strategy be, Ansel?” We cannot lose to those two. We will never hear the end of it.”

Ansel looked over at Griffa and Addi whispering to one another. He then turned to Talon. “We need to take out one of them first. Focus on one, and then the other will be alone.”

“Which one should we take out first?” asked Talon.

“Have you ever seen Addi duel?”

Talon shook his head.

“I’ve seen and dueled Griffa. She is as formidable as you can probably guess. She is sneaky and clever. Our best course is probably to take down Addi and get Griffa alone.”

“Once she’s alone, we will have to trap her in a small space. We need to be able to impede her movements,” said Talon.

“How are your reflexes, Talon? She does have a staff, and if you get too close, she won’t think twice about smacking you with it.”

Talon raised his eyebrows with a slight smile. “I think I can handle it.”

“Are you two ready, or are you going to stall all day?” called Griffa from the other side of the lawn.

“We were only giving you enough time to think this over. You can still back out,” called back Talon.

Griffa smiled and turned to Max. “Max, will you start the duel for us?”

Max nodded. He stood up and held his hand up. Griffa stood straight with her staff by her side. Addi crouched slightly next to Griffa with her hands up. Talon put one of his hands up, and Ansel stood slightly crouched and still. Seeing all were ready, Max threw his hand down.

Addi threw out two spells at Talon quickly. Talon blocked them while Ansel sent a couple spells of his own at Addi. Griffa moved her staff and blocked the spells from hitting Addi, while Addi moved her hands and threw two more spells at Ansel. Ansel moved to the side while Talon threw a couple of spells at Addi. Griffa slammed her staff into the ground and a shield appeared around them. Talon’s spells bounced away.

Griffa turned to Addi and whispered something. Addi nodded and looked back at Talon and Ansel. Both Griffa and Addie threw out their hands and sent spells at the men. Talon deflected the spells while Ansel pushed his hand out hard. The spells hit Griffa’s shield, and he could see it begin to falter.

Griffa and Addi moved up a little, Addi slightly ahead of Griffa. Griffa pushed out her staff and a spell came and circled around Talon. He put out his hands to push it away, but he was slightly turned. Ansel watched as Talon shivered and then smirked at Griffa. He pushed out his hands and a spell flew at the women. Addi moved in front of Griffa and held out her hands. Even with her block she was knocked over on her back, hitting the ground hard.

Griffa looked down at Addi who stayed down on her back. She looked at Ansel and Talon and crouched down with her staff out in front. She pushed it out, and a spell came flying at them. Ansel threw up a block, but both men stumbled. Talon pushed his hands out and then thrust them at Griffa. A fierce wind came and pushed her from her back closer to Talon and Ansel.

Ansel swiftly circled around so he was behind Griffa as Talon faced her front. She threw a spell at Talon and then turned with her staff sliding it out sending a spell that wrapped around Ansel’s legs. Talon dodged his, while Ansel felt his legs tangle. He hoped around awkwardly, but kept on his feet. He looked at Talon and nodded.

Talon moved closer circling Griffa, as Ansel did the same. Griffa circled with them, throwing out spells at them, forcing them to throw up blocks or dodge. Talon got close enough to Griffa that when she tried to move her staff, he caught it in his hands. He put his hand on her shoulder and leaned in close to her face as Ansel moved up closer to her back.

“You can yield now Griffa, before I send a spell through you. I don’t want to hurt you in any way. Perhaps, I can do something like you tried to do to me earlier. That was a rather dirty move.”

“I doubt you minded it,” said Griffa with a small smile.

“Yield, Griffa,” said Talon. “We have you trapped.”

“Do you?” asked Griffa. She turned back to look at Ansel.

Ansel went to grab her when he felt his feet swept out from under him. He fell hard to the ground and looked up to see Addi standing over him. Griffa turned back to Talon seeing him distracted. She threw her hand out, causing him to fly away from her, letting her staff go. She quickly sent out two curses as he stumbled, causing him to land flat on his back. Griffa walked over to him and held her staff over his chest.

“Go ahead and yield, Talon,” taunted Griffa. “I would hate to hurt you in some way.”

“You could try that spell from earlier if you like,” said Talon smiling up at her. She frowned at him and pointed her staff closer to his chest. Talon glanced over looking at Ansel who had Addi standing over him with her hand raised. Talon sighed. “We yield, Griffa.”

Griffa smiled and took her staff away from Talon. She held out her hand, and Talon took it. She pulled him up, and he dusted himself off. Addi gave Ansel her hand, helping him to rise from the ground. Max and Kedan walked over to join their group.

“I’m not sure that was fair, Griffa,” said Talon. “We knocked Addi down, yet she got up and helped you.”

“You knocked her down, but she did not yield,” said Max smiling at Addi and Griffa. “You should have made her yield before you moved on to Griffa.”

Griffa laughe and turned to Max. “It was a part of our plan, but if they had tried to get to Addi to make her yield, I would have stopped them. We would have gone with our plan b.”

“What was your plan b?” asked Ansel.

Griffa looked at him with a wicked smile. “All you need to know is, it would have been very effective.” Ansel looked at Talon out of the side of his eyes to see he was smirking at Griffa.

“Come on, Addi,” said Griffa grabbing Addi’s arm. “We should get back and clean up for dinner.” Griffa turned and looked at the men. “I would like it if we all dressed for dinner tonight. I have asked Maybell to cook something special. Then we can all gather in the parlor for a game after. Talon, I am sure you can come up with something appropriate.”

“I’m not sure it will be appropriate, but I will find something amusing,” joked Talon.

“See that you do.” Griffa turned with Addi and walked into the house.

“Your queen is in an interesting mood, protector,” said Talon looking at Kedan.

Kedan glanced at Ansel. “Interesting is not what I would call it. She woke up in a very good mood this morning. I am pleased to see her so happy.”

“As am I,” said Talon as they all started walking towards the house.

Ansel walked up to Griffa’s room to be told to clean up and dress in his own room by Addi and Griffa. Ansel rolled his eyes, but was pleased to see Griffa enjoying herself. After cleaning up and dressing for dinner, he walked to the parlor to find Max, Kedan, and Talon sitting around.

“It’s strange seeing you without some sort of sigil on your tunic, Ansel,” said Talon wearing his own fox sigil stitched on his shirt. “You could have kept Raya’s sigil. Kedan could have come up with his own.”

“No, the tree was only taken up when the line of protectors was formed, and it is right it goes with Kedan. I will soon be wearing suns, so it is no matter.”

“Will you expect us to call you king?” asked Talon with a smile.

“I haven’t given it much thought,” replied Ansel. “Perhaps I’ll let the queen decide.”

Talon laughed “I think that would be good advice for most situations. Griffa does like to have her way.”

“Is that what you do when I am not around?” asked Griffa coming in the room with Addi by her side. “Do you complain about your queen when I am away?”

Ansel turned and looked at Griffa. She looked very lovely in a dark red gown and her hair pulled to the side. She wore her crown on her brow and had an amused smile on her face.

Talon walked over to Griffa. “Why does saying you like your own way sound like a complaint? You know your own mind, and you are a queen. You should expect to get your own way.”

“It still doesn’t sound very flattering. I like to think I listen to all wise council before I make decisions.”

“Indeed, you do,” said Talon. “But in the end, they are your decisions. You are our queen, and we follow your commands.”

“Then I will ask my protector to follow one now, and escort Addi to dinner,” said Griffa.

“To escort a lovely woman is a rather easy command.” Kedan held his arm out to Addi. “Come on, Addi, we must do as our queen ask.”

Addi looked at Griffa with a smile before accepting Kedan’s arm. Griffa looked at Ansel. “Soon, at events you will have to let someone else escort me into dinner, Ansel.”

“True,” said Ansel holding out his arm to Griffa. “But we are not married yet, and I am sure you won’t offend Max or Talon. Talon is probably of the highest rank of all us men, and he will have to let me have my way this once. I think the short walk on my arm to the dining room won’t shock too many people.”

Griffa smiled and took Ansel’s arm. “If you are trying to be charming and amusing, I think it might be working.”

“I’ve had to learn some new tricks, living with Talon for so long,” replied Ansel as they entered the dining room.

“I don’t know if you will ever be as charming and amusing as Talon.” Griffa walked to the head of the table with Ansel.

“No?” asked Ansel, frowning slightly.

Griffa leaned in close and whispered. “Talon is a man of many words. You are a man of action. You have many worthy attributes that I find much more enticing than any clever speeches Talon can give.”

“Would you like to list these attributes?” whispered Ansel teasingly.

“No, I will take your lead and show you later,” answered Griffa as she looked around the table.

Ansel smiled at Griffa as she nodded her head and signaled the start of dinner, by sitting down in her chair. Maybell had made a very nice dinner, and they all ate well while having good conversation. After dinner they all gathered in the parlor. Griffa walked into her study. She came out soon holding a round bottle in her hand. She smiled at Talon and placed it on a side table where some wine and glasses sat. Talon stood in front of the fireplace as Griffa sat down on the sofa next to Addi.

Talon looked at everyone in the room. “As you know, our queen has asked me to provide us with entertainment tonight. I cannot let her down, so I have chosen a game. It is quite simple. We will take turns asking each other questions. You have two choices when asked. You can answer the questions truthfully, or you can drink from this rather strong drink Griffa has provided.”

“It was my father’s. He rarely drank it, but I have tried it once. You need to be careful with it as it goes to your head rather quickly. You will need to make sure you really don’t want to answer your question.”

“Griffa, you are our queen, so you should ask the first question.” Talon walked over and sat in a chair next to Ansel.

Griffa looked around the room and then turned to Addi. “Addi, who is the most handsome man in this room?”

Addi smiled. “That’s rather an easy question, Griffa.”

“Except for Kedan,” said Griffa smiling slightly.

Addi frowned and sighed. She looked around the room.

“You could always drink if you don’t want to answer,” said Griffa.

“No, I will answer,” said Addi sullenly. She shook her head. “I guess I would have to say Talon.”

Talon laughed. “Really, Addi, you don’t have to act like it gives you pain to admit it. I am known to be rather handsome. I’m sure many women would agree with you.”

“Oh, I know they would,” said Addi rolling her eyes. “Your looks have never been your problem, or maybe they have. They have puffed up your self-importance.”

Griffa shook her head with a smile. “You are right, Addi. Talon has long thought too much of his own looks. I wonder at you stoking the fire by declaring him the handsomest in the room.”

“She can’t lie, Griffa,” said Talon. “She had to admit the truth.”

“I can’t very well say the queen’s betrothed is the best looking here. I’m not sure that would be appropriate,” said Addi fiercely. “Max is very young still. Give him a few years and ask me the question again.”

Griffa patted Addi’s arm affectionately and laughed. “Calm down, dear, don’t let Talon get to you, not this early in the evening. He is very handsome, let him have that. It’s your turn, Addi.”

Addi huffed and looked at Talon. “You must be a man of at least a few regrets.” she narrowed her eyes at Talon.

“Everyone has regrets, Addi,” said Talon carefully.

“What is your biggest regret, Talon?” asked Addi.

Talon looked at Addi and then stared at Griffa. Ansel wondered what he was going to say as Griffa looked up at Talon with a blush and a small frown. Talon got up and walked to the side table, pouring a small glass from the round bottle. He picked up the glass and took a deep breath before tossing the drink back. He shook his head after he swallowed and walked back to his seat.

“I believe it is my turn now.” Talon turned to Ansel. “Ansel, I believe you might have an interesting history with someone in this room that not every knows about. I have heard it from a friend in the Valley, and I want to know if it is true.”

“What is your question, Talon?” asked Ansel, already knowing what he was referring to.

“What is your history with our own Miss Addi Vin?” asked Talon.

Ansel smiled slightly. He looked at Addi who had turned very red, and Griffa who looked at him with interest. “I was in the Valley for your father’s sending off, Talon. I stayed in Griffa’s home, but she spent most her time with you. I think you and she went off somewhere together before the start of the summer festival. I attended the festival in the Valley for some reason. I was hoping perhaps that you and Griffa might make an appearance.

“I spent most of the time on the edge of the room, and I ran into Addi. We shared a dislike of crowds and company. We dance a few times, probably drank a little too much, and I saw her home. It was a lovely night, and she is a pretty woman, so I kissed her. It didn’t lead to anything else.”

Ansel looked at Griffa who smiled at him. “Addi, said it was a rather sweet, chaste kiss. Thank goodness it wasn’t her first. A girl should be kissed passionately the first time.”

“You knew about this?” asked Ansel.

“What do you think us women talk of when we are alone? Addi has become one of my closest friends. Do you not think she would tell me she had kissed my betrothed?”

“I am sorry, Griffa,” said Addi quietly.

“Why?” asked Griffa. “Was the kiss that bad?”

Addi covered her face and shook her head as Griffa said to Ansel. “Go on, it’s your turn.”

Ansel looked around and his eyes landed on Max. “Max, when you first met our queen here, I think you might have had a small crush on her. What do you say to that?”

“I’d say you are of course correct,” said Max smiling at Griffa. “She is a beautiful woman who shared a horse with me for two days. She is brilliant and fun. What young man of sixteen wouldn’t be a little infatuated?”

“You were rather sweet, Max,” said Griffa. “I did tease you too much. I know I am a shameless flirt.”

“I didn’t mind, Griffa. You made me feel welcomed and comfortable coming to a strange new place.”

“You are a flirt though, Griffa.” Talon smiled at her. “You will have to watch that as queen.”

“You’re one to talk, and I think I can use it as an advantage as queen,” said Griffa. She turned to Max. “It is your turn, Max.”

Max smiled at Griffa. “What was your plan b today in the duels? What did you and Addi plan to do?”

Griffa looked at Addi with a huge smile as Addi turned very red. Griffa leaned in and whispered something to Addi and then stood up. She walked over to the side table and took a drink. She shivered and walked back to the sofa.

Talon looked at Ansel out of the corner of his eyes. “I think I would have liked to have seen plan b,” he muttered out of the side of his mouth.

Ansel silently agreed.

They played a few more turns. Griffa had drunk once more when asked by Talon what her favorite memory of him was. At some point Talon passed out wine to all. He sat next to Griffa drinking his wine. Ansel noticed Griffa was looking very relaxed leaning on Talon.

“Talon,” said Ansel when it was his turn. “Before we left on our trip together you told me that Griffa owed you a favor. What is that favor?”

Talon looked at Griffa who looked up at him with a half-smile. Talon sighed and stood up. He walked to the side table and poured a drink from the round bottle, drinking it quickly. He stumbled slightly as he walked back the sofa and sat down hard next to Griffa.

Griffa took a sip of wine. “Go on, Talon, ask someone a question.”

“Kedan, I remember some of my conversations after Ansel and I were rescued from that small village. I asked you a question and you never answered. Do you remember?”

Kedan nodded and looked at Talon.

“So, do you? Do you find our queen desirable? I want none of your protector talk. Answer truthfully.”

Kedan looked at Talon and then at Griffa. He slowly got up and went over to the side table, pouring himself a drink. He looked at the glass and then drank it.

Griffa sat up slightly and looked at Kedan. “Kedan, do you mind if I take your turn?”

“Not at all,” said Kedan.

“Thank you. I have a question for Ansel and Talon.”

“You can’t do that, Griffa,” said Talon shaking his head. “You have to pick one of us.”

“I am the queen, and I can do as I like. I am asking both of you. Now, when you two were a little indisposed after your adventure, you were whispering together on our walk back from Abscon. I know it was about me. Then later in your room, Talon, after Ansel pulled me into the bed, you said something like I told you so, Ansel. What did all that mean?”

Ansel looked at Talon. Ansel had a fuzzy recollection of that day. He remembered Talon whispering something to him about Griffa. He suddenly had a sinking feeling in his stomach. He remembered quite well, what they had been talking of. It had been a continuation of a talk they had in that inn they were kept in. Talon looked at Ansel with wide eyes and shook his head. They both got up and walked to the side table. Each poured a drink and drank it.

Griffa looked between them both with a questioning look as they sat next to each other in two chairs.

“Are you really not going to tell me?” asked Griffa.

“That’s not how the game works, Griffa,” said Talon slurring slightly. “You may be the queen, but you have to follow at least some of the rules.”

Griffa crossed her arms and looked angry. Talon got up carefully and walked over to Griffa. He sat down next to her and put his arm around her.

“I have a private question for you, Griffa,” said Talon.

Talon leaded down in Griffa’s ear. She glanced sideways at Ansel for a second and then looked at Talon. Talon leaned up and looked at Griffa. “Well?” he asked. She looked at Talon and shrugged slightly. He smiled at her and leaned down to whisper something else. Ansel watched her blush as she smiled slightly. Griffa stood up quickly.

“It is getting late, and I think I will go to bed. Ansel, are you ready to join me?” asked Griffa.

Ansel glanced at Talon who had his familiar wicked smile turned on Griffa. He looked back at Griffa.

“Yes, I am ready,” replied Ansel. He walked over and took Griffa’s hand as she said goodnight to everyone.

Griffa leaned on Ansel as they made their way to the stairs.

“What did Talon ask you just now?” asked Ansel as they slowly climbed the stairs.

Griffa stumbled as she looked at Ansel. “I don’t even want to say. Besides, I am pretty sure you already know.”

Ansel shook his head and walked with Griffa to their bedroom.

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