Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 18

Kedan sat at the dining table eating breakfast with Max and Addi. Talon, Griffa, and Ansel had not come down yet, but after last night, Kedan was not surprised. They had drunk a bit more than the others. The one drink Kedan took was enough. It made him slightly dizzy and his head feel foggy. Even with the one drink, he still woke up with a slight headache.

He ate in silence while Addi and Max chatted politely to one another. Before long, Griffa came into the room with a vial in her hand. She sat down next to Kedan and handed it to him.

“I know you only had one drink last night, but I figured you might still need this. That drink does have some nasty consequences sometimes. If you have a headache or any queasiness, this will help.”

“Thank you.” He took the vial and opened it, smelling it before drinking it. A moment later, his head felt much clearer. He smiled at Griffa and handed her the vial.

As Griffa poured some tea, Ansel and Talon walked in together. They sat across from Griffa and Kedan, putting food on their plate.

“What are everyone’s plans today?” asked Griffa looking around the table.

“Addi and I are starting on a new batch of the cure to send out,” said Max.

“Kedan and I should run into the village and see if the guards we sent out last made it back alright,” replied Ansel pouring some tea.

“Hopefully, we get a letter from Devland today,” said Talon. “Besides that, I am at your disposal Griffa if you need anything.”

“Just your company, Talon. I’m not sure what to do with myself after the business of the last few weeks. Now that we have all of our forces set, all I can do is wait.”

“And rest.” Ansel looked at Griffa. “You should relax while you can.”

Griffa sighed and nodded, going back to her breakfast. After breakfast, Kedan and Ansel walked to the entry hall to prepare to go into town. As Kedan put on his cloak, the bell of the door was pulled. Ansel opened it to find a bird with a message. He took it and looked at Kedan.

“It’s from Devland. Griffa will want to read this now. We might want to wait and see what Devland has to say before we go into town,” said Ansel.

Kedan agreed and followed Ansel into the parlor where Griffa and Talon sat on the sofa together.

“This message just came, Griffa,” said Ansel walking over to her. “I believe it’s from Devland.”

Griffa took the message and opened it. Kedan watched as she quickly read over it. She looked up at them all with a concerned look on her face before she stood up and handed Talon the letter. Talon read over it and looked up at Griffa as she walked to the fireplace.

“You will want to go, won’t you?” asked Talon.

“I will have to go, you know I will,” said Griffa as she paced.

“Go where?” Ansel reached out for the letter.

“To Clarton.” Talon handed Ansel the letter. “Philo has started attacking villages throughout the kingdom. His soldiers are taking young dormant magic users and forcing them back to the city to take the elixir so they will join the city’s army. They are telling the young people if they don’t take it, the army will go back and destroy their village. After that, Devland mentions mind control being used on them. He says they plan to attack Clarton today by lunch.”

Kedan looked at Griffa. She was pacing and breathing hard. He walked over and grabbed her hand, stopping her from pacing. She gripped his hand and looked up at him. “You will come with me, won’t you, Kedan?”

“I will go wherever you go, but are you sure this is wise, my queen?”

“I have to see for myself what is happening. I need to help my people where I can. I cannot stay away knowing this is happening.”

Ansel looked at Talon. “If we are going to go, we need to go soon. Kedan, you will stay with Griffa at all times as soon as we leave the manor. No matter what happens, you will not leave her side.

“I will go into town directly and gather up some of the protector’s guards. I will meet you at the gates of Abscon after.”

Kedan nodded as Griffa walked over to Ansel. “Thank you.” She put her hand up to his face. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, before bringing it to his side.

“Promise me you will stay next to Kedan the whole time we are out of Abscon, Griffa. You will not send him away or run away from him.”

“I will not,” said Griffa. “I have learned my lesson. What I will need to do, will require Kedan’s presence.”

“Go tell Addi and Max, they will want to come,” said Ansel. “I will see you soon.”

Ansel bent down and quickly kissed Griffa before walking out of the parlor. Talon walked to the cellar to collect Addi and Max while Griffa ran upstairs to get her crown and staff. Soon they were all in their cloaks walking through Abscon to the gates. Kedan walked on one side of Griffa while Talon stayed close to her other side.

“Griffa, if anything happens where we are overwhelmed, promise me you will get out of the village this time,” said Talon as they walked.

“You know I won’t be able to leave any of you behind.”

Talon grabbed her hand and held it as they walked. “You must realize how important you are to the kingdom. Our first priority is your safety. You must take care of yourself. If it becomes too much, you will need to get out of the village as quickly as possible and back to Abscon.”

Griffa shook her head and let go of Talon’s hand. She walked quickly, moving ahead of Kedan and Talon as the gates came into view. Talon looked at Kedan.

“You will have to do whatever you can to keep her safe. Do not worry about the rest of us. You only need to focus on her. If the worst happens, grab her, and get her out of there. Do you understand me, Kedan?”

“I will keep her safe. I staked my life on it, remember?” asked Kedan as they walked through the gates. Talon and Kedan stopped just before Griffa.

“I do remember, Kedan, and I will hold you to it.” Talon stare at Kedan who nodded and walked to stand close to Griffa.

They waited quietly until Ansel showed up with a group of protector’s guards. He looked around at everyone before walking over to Griffa.

“I don’t know what we will be facing when we arrive in Clarton,” said Griffa. “We will travel just outside the third ring and make our way in. If our information is correct, we may face many Aurumist soldiers. Try not to hurt any of the villagers. Once we have cleared the village of soldiers, we will leave the village and travel back to Abscon. If you get separated from our group, go back in the forest and wait for me.”

“Our priority is our queen’s safety,” said Talon. “Her protector must not leave her side. If he is incapacitated in any way, all around will gather and protect our queen.”

“We need to go.” Griffa took Kedan’ hand and looked at him. She closed her eyes and Kedan felt himself travel.

Kedan’s feet hit the forest floor. He opened his eyes to see the village of Clarton ahead of him through the trees. Everyone else started appearing around them. Talon and Ansel moved close to Griffa as Max and Addi stood behind. The guards gathered around.

“We need to get closer and see what is going on,” said Griffa.

She started walking towards the village, and Kedan hurried to keep up with her. He walked by Griffa’s side when he suddenly felt lightheaded. He turned to Griffa to see her stumble. He grabbed Griffa before she fell over. He held her close and looked at her to see her eyes were closed, and she was breathing rapidly.

“What happened?” asked Talon walking to Kedan, looking down at Griffa.

“I don’t know. She was fine, and then I felt like I was dizzy. I looked over, and she just looked as if she was going to fall.”

“Griffa,” said Ansel at her other side. “What is it?”

Griffa reached out and grabbed Talon’s hand before she blinked open her eyes and looked up at them. “Can you not feel it? It’s as if all the magic around is almost gone. It’s as if the kingdom is dying.” Griffa pushed herself away from Kedan and stood up. She swayed and shook her head, taking deep breaths.

Kedan could feel her pain and sickness. He could feel something else as well. She was right, something was wrong. In Abscon, he could still feel magic surrounding everything, but out here in the forest by Clarton, it seemed as if all the magic in the kingdom was being siphoned away. He could only feel a small spark in the air.

“We should go back,” said Talon.

“No,” said Griffa. “I can do this. It was just a shock at first.”

“Talon is right, Griffa. We can all feel it out here. Something is wrong. We need to retreat to Abscon,” said Ansel.

Griffa shook her head. “You can’t travel back to Abscon by magic. It won’t be possible. You know that.”

Kedan heard Ansel sigh. “How can we defend the village then? Will we be able to do much of anything?”

“If you stay close to me and Kedan, you will be fine. Tell your guards to wait here, protector. I cannot shield them all.”

Kedan nodded and told his guards to disperse outside the third ring and wait for them. There were screams coming from Clarton, and Griffa turned to everyone. Her eyes were bright.

“Stay close to me or wait here. I will take care of this quickly.” She turned and walked towards Clarton at a fast pace.

Kedan walked next to her. He could feel the power coming off of her. Her magic reached out for his, and his responded. He took in a breath feeling his and her magic swirl together inside of him. It gave him a confidence and peace despite not knowing what they were going to face. He looked down at his queen and smiled.

“Protector, stay with me. I believe you know what to do,” said Griffa.

“Yes, my queen, I know exactly what to do,” said Kedan as they entered the third ring.

There was a group of Aurumist soldiers that were half circled around a group of young people. Griffa walked up to them with Kedan by her side. The soldiers looked at her for a moment, before several threw curses in her direction. Kedan held up a hand, shielding Griffa. The curses bounced away harmlessly. Griffa threw out her staff and hand, and the soldiers were flung in all directions. The young people looked at her fearfully.

“Run out into the forest, until this is over,” said Griffa to them. They all looked at her for a moment and then did as she directed.

“Griffa, are you alright?” Ansel came up to Griffa’s side.

“Yes, I am very well,” said Griffa as she walked around the ring.

Kedan knew she was looking for the opening to the second ring. They would encounter a soldier or two here and there. Ansel or Talon throw out a curse to dispense with the soldier. They soon reached the opening to the second ring, and Griffa walked through with Kedan following her.

The streets were filled with people screaming and running. Soldiers were running down people either killing them or catching them. Griffa walked towards a group of soldiers who were cornering a large group of people. She pushed out her hand, and the soldiers turned abruptly towards Griffa. She slashed down her staff and half of the soldiers were thrown against a building close by. Ansel and Talon threw out a few curses to take out some of the soldiers.

Kedan turned and saw a group of soldiers coming towards their back. Addi and Max started throwing curses as Kedan concentrated on keeping a shield around his queen and her small group. Griffa finished with the group of soldiers in front of her by pushing out her hand and staff causing the soldiers to fall. She turned quickly and walked in front of Max and Addi. She looked at the soldiers in front of her, raising her hand and staff, and the soldiers seemed to freeze. They struggled to move as she held up her hand and staff. She threw her hand and staff down, and the soldiers seem to be thrown by some invisible force. Some slammed into area buildings, others hit the ground hard.

Griffa walked around their bodies, continuing to make her way around the ring. They finally came to the largest group of soldiers. They were circled around a large group of young people who all looked frightened. One of the soldiers and a well dressed man turned and looked at Griffa.

The man stepped forward. “You are the false queen, I believe.”

Griffa laughed. “You call me the false queen? Do you even believe what you are saying?”

“What right do you have to come into my village and disrupt our soldiers’ duty? What right do you have to slaughter them?” asked the man.

“Kedan, who is this man?” Griffa turned and looked at Kedan.

“This is Clay, the Viceroy of the Great Surrounding. He took over after Bernot was killed.”

“It seems I’m not the one with the false title, Viceroy,” said Griffa. “Your council has no authority over this kingdom. Your soldiers will let these people go and return to Aurumist, or you will all face the consequences of your actions.”

Clay smiled. “You are vastly outnumbered, false queen. We will quickly kill your companions, and you will come back with us to Aurumist.”

Griffa gave a short laugh and raised her hand. “This is your last chance. I try to show mercy when possible, but if you will not take it, then you will know only my wrath.”

Clay turned to his soldiers. “Spare the false queen if you can, kill the rest.” Clay started to walk away when Griffa pushed out her hand. Clay was thrown down onto the ground. He turned and looked at her. “Kill her now.”

Kedan held out his hands as the curses flew at them. He could see them hit all around them, stopped by the shield he put up. He looked down to see Griffa staring calmly at the soldiers in front of her. Ansel and Talon moved up close to her side with their hands raised, but Griffa held out her hand and staff and pushed them gently back.

“All of you need to stay behind me, including you protector,” said Griffa as she raised her hand and staff.

“What are you going to do?” asked Talon as Ansel grabbed Talon and moved him behind Griffa.

“I’m going to end this.”

Kedan could feel the magic in the air. Griffa’s hair was blowing all around. He heard her take a deep breath before she threw down her hand and staff. A bright light erupted from her and shot out towards the soldiers and the viceroy. It encircled them. Suddenly, it was as if something had grabbed them. They were jerked from where the stood and thrown into the buildings around them. Kedan heard their bones break and their cries of agony.

He looked down, and Griffa was kneeling before him, her hands on the ground. He knelt beside her and put his hand on her back. He could feel her exhaustion. He felt his magic go to her, helping to revive her energy. Kedan helped her up as Ansel came to her side. She leaned on Ansel as they all looked before them.

Everything was quiet except the hush whispers of the young people in front of them. Soldier bodies lay broken all around them. Ansel helped Griffa walked towards the young people who looked at her fearfully. She smiled benevolently.

“I will not hurt you. You can go home now. You will be safe. I’m about to go make sure you and your village are never hurt in this way again,” said Griffa.

The young people quickly ran in different directions as Griffa pushed off from Ansel. She turned and looked at her group.

“We will need to get back into the forest to tell the other people they can go home. After that, I will need to get the rest of you back to Abscon.” She started walking towards the third ring and the forest.

Kedan hurried to walk by her side as Talon fell in step with her.

“What do you mean get us back to Abscon, Griffa?” asked Talon.

“We cannot travel to Abscon magically, and we do not have time to walk there. I will send all of you there except Kedan. You will go and send messages to all of our allies. Tell them the time to attack Aurumist is now. We will attack in five days. Kedan and I will make our way to Aurumist and meet you and our allies in the forest.”

You cannot think I or Ansel will leave you. Send Max and Addi back, and they can send the messages,” said Talon.

“No,” said Griffa as they entered the third ring. “I need you and Ansel to do this for me. The letters need to come from both of you. Let them all know once they travel from their villages there will be no magical travel back until we take Aurumist, and I heal the kingdom.”

“How will you heal the kingdom?” asked Ansel who was walking next to Kedan.

“I am not sure yet, but I have faith the gods will show me as I get closer to Aurumist. I know they are telling me to do something. I just have to listen to what that is.”

They walked through the third ring and into the forest. Ansel found some of the villagers and let them know they could all enter. Kedan rounded up his guards and brought them to Griffa and the others.

“This plan is madness, Griffa,” said Talon. “Why do we have to attack Aurumist now? You need to go back to Abscon and rest. We can find a way to get there.”

“If I don’t do something soon, the kingdom will be too far gone. You will have to trust me. Go back to Abscon and do as I ask you. We will all meet in the forest outside the fifth ring of the city.”

“She is right, Talon,” said Max. “The gods want her to act, and she must do as they bid, or Regventus will not survive. You can feel for yourself the state of the kingdom. If she doesn’t do something soon, I don’t know if Griffa can survive much longer.”

Talon and Ansel both looked at Griffa.

“It’s true,” confirmed Griffa. “I am connected to this kingdom and its people. I prosper and suffer as the kingdom does. If the kingdom falls, so will I. I must do something while I still have the power to do it.”

Max walked up and took Griffa’s hand. He stared at her as he gripped her hand. Griffa pulled him close and hugged him. “Thank you, Max,” she whispered before kissing him on the forehead.

Max let of Griffa’s hand and turned to Kedan. “Remember what I said to you, Kedan. Only listen to what your magic is telling you. You will know the truth no matter what it looks like. Do not abandon your queen.”

“I won’t,” said Kedan. “I will see her through this.”

Addi walked up to Griffa and hugged her with tears in her eyes.

“It will be alright, Addi,” said Griffa pulling back and holding on to Addi’s arms. “I need you to pack me a change of clothes. I trust you to know what I will need. I will see you in a few days. Have faith that all will be well.” Griffa leaned forward and kissed Addi’s cheek as Addi nodded.

Addi walked up and took Kedan’s hand as she looked up at him.

“Do not worry, Addi, I will take care of her,” said Kedan with a small smile.

“I hope you will take care of yourself as well, Kedan.” Addi leaned up and kissed his cheek. She squeezed his hand before letting it go and walking over to stand next to Max.

Talon came up to Griffa. “I don’t want to leave you, Griffa. So much could happen in five days. You will be traveling in the forest, vulnerable. Let me or Ansel stay with you.”

Griffa put her hand on Talon’s arm and looked up at him. “No, I need to do this with just my protector. I need to listen to what the gods want from me. I need you to go and prepare to take the city. Contact all our allies, and make sure they are ready. I know this is what needs to be done. Will you have some faith in me?”

Talon closed his eyes and took a breath. He then opened his eyes and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. “I have complete faith in you, my queen. I will do as you command.”

Griffa leaned back and looked up at Talon. She placed her hand on his face. “Five days, Talon. I will see you in five days. Do you wish for your favor now?”

Talon smiled down at her and took her hand. “No, I have another time in mind.” Griffa leaned up and kissed his cheek before letting him go.

Talon walked up to Kedan. “Your life, Kedan, you swore your life. I will hold you to it.”

Kedan nodded. “I know. I will keep her safe.”

Griffa turned to Ansel and took his hand. She took him away from the group. He couldn’t hear what she said, but he watched as Ansel took her into his arms and kissed her. He held her close before letting her go. They walked back together to the group, and Ansel stood by Talon.

“I will send you all back to the front of Keene Manor. Make sure all of the magical leaders know when and where to meet. I will see you all in five days.”

Kedan stood close to Griffa. He watched as she looked at Ansel and Talon and gave them both a small smile before closing her eyes. Kedan put his hand on her shoulder letting his magic flow to her. He could feel her magic build within her. A moment later, she opened her eyes and put up her hands. A bright light erupted all around them. When it was gone, Kedan and Griffa were alone in the woods.

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